23-07-2007, 17:40
Kampfers Stadt, Kampfers
Kampferian High Command
Fuhrer Richtoff looked over at his most trusted military advisors nervously. "So you are all sure that this will work?"
General Klischten rolled his eyes. "Look, friend, we have been over this a hundred times. The plan is failsafe. Besides, what can those puny little things do to us? We are truely the King of the Jungle."
"OK, I believe you" Richtoff said, turning to his political advisor. "What is the estimated political fallout?"
"Well, sir, the nations of the world won't take kindly to our actions, but none are likely to say so outright. They truely fear us." The advisor looked around, afraid of what the military advisors would do after his next statement. "However, the execution of this plan could isolate us, leave us with very few friends."
Everyone paused, waiting for the Fuhrer's response. After a few akward moments, Richtoff laughed. "My friend, we have all the allies we need in this world. What is wrong with scaring a few of the little bastards?"
The political advisor stumbled over his words, causin more laughter from Richtoff. Richtoff turned back to the military advisors. "Begin your work."
Indian Ocean
KS Reagan
July 31, 2007
Admiral Einsturm wandered around his bridge. He had fallen in love with this ship. He had been on numerous tours with it, and it had become his personal flagship. Now, he and the naval task force that always accompanied a carrier were moseying about in the Indian Ocean. Suddenly, a midshipman came running. "Sir, we just recieved a message from High Command." he handed him a slip of paper. On it, a message from High Command was neatly printed.
The Admiral looked up with a glint in his eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen action. The fact that instructions did not accompany the first message told him that it was likely to be a special operation, but even then he was proud to be a part, however small it might be. He walked into his XO's quarters. "Tell the men to plot a course for Diego Garcia, and to hold 400 nm off of it. I'm off to rouse the other boys in the fleet." He saluted sharply, then turned and briskly exited. He walked into the Communications room and got on the public address system. "Hey boys, we're on the move! Batten down the hatches, because it's full steam ahead!" The loud cry could be heard across the fleet. Cheers, whoops, and crys of joy could be heard form the sailors. They all then set out to get to their posts for the morning inspection.
Atlantic Ocean
KS Nimitz
Admiral Getzlaf stood tall on the flight deck of his ship. After years of working his way up, he finally had himself a carrier. Not just any carrier too, but the Nimitz herself. She was his pride and joy, and she was beautiful. They had set out from the mainland a week ago, and had conducted numerous training excercises. However, the air about him had changed. He knew that something major was about to happen. It came in the form of a simple tap on the shoulder. He turned to find a sailor handing him the portable radio. He placed it to his ear and began listening to the secure uplink with High Command.
"Yes... Ok, so take the baby and her mates to Ascension Island... Alright... Heh, you bet sir." He handed the sailor back the radio. "Dismissed!" The sailor turned around sharply and walked back to the bridge.
Getzlaf rubbed his hands in excitement. His first true test as an Admiral. Truely not one of the hardest things he'd ever done, yet importand nonetheless. He turned, and after a breif walk, was back in the Navigation room. "Set us a heading for Ascension Island, me laddies." He snickered at his own joke, and then walked out. Time to let the fireworks begin!
Pacific Ocean
KS Bush
Admiral Hornby had also recieved his marching orders. He had his crew fly up the giant Kampferian flag nice and high, and marched on up to his office. He scribbled something nearly illegible in his diary, and then headed off to the Navigational room. Closer examination of the diary would reveal that he had written his last wishes, should something go terribly wrong on his mission. He walked into the nav room with an air of confidence that aroused the tired men manning the controls. "Wake up, friends, for tonight we sail for Panama! Hold the Bush and the rest of the fleet out of their waters, but make sure to be imposing."
Pacific Ocean
KS Eisenhower
Eisenhower was one of the greatest generals of the era. As such, commanding the ship named after him was one of the highest honors in Kampfers. Previously, Admiral James Christian had commanded the Eisenhower, but he had left to command the KS Ford after its christening. The new Admiral was Admiral Gearing, and he had done a superb job so far. Now, it was his time. For many years he had stood under Christian as an apprentice being groomed for the fight, like steel being refined in the fire. Now it was time for him to do what he had been born to do.
He stood tall in the combination communication/navigation room. An incoming message ticked across his eardrums. Thats odd, he thought. Why morse code? One of the sailors deciphered the message quickly and scrawled it out on a sheet of paper. He tore the paper from the pad and handed it to the Admiral.
Move your fleet to Guam. Stop.
Annex them. Stop.
If refusal is given, trash the place. Full stop.
Gearing rubbed his hands together in approval. Oh yeah, it's most definetely on. He told the navigators to plot a course for Guam and to set sail as soon as possible. He walked out of the room, a smile radiating warmth off of him. His XO passed him in the hall. "Good day sir?"
Gearing smiled. "Oh yes. Very good."
North Atlanic Ocean
KS Ford
Never had Admiral Christian commanded anything bigger, anything more spectacular than the Ford. She was the largest carrier ever constructed by Kampfers, and she was a beauty indeed. It had been nearly a year since she had been christened, and the next ship in her class, the KS Freiheit, was bound to come out within the next few months. As he stood there, he was reminded of a letter given to him by Richtoff himself the last time he was in harbor. It had been dated and he had specific instructions not to open it until that date. That date was today. He walked into his room. Pulling the letter out of his nightstand, he read the envelope one more time.
Eyes Only: Admiral Christian - 7/31/07
He sighed, the anticipation mounting inside of him. He withdrew his shark tooth shaped letter opener and opened the envelope. He shook the envelope upside down, and a letter fell out among a few pictures. He opened the letter and began to read.
Dear Admiral Christian,
Today you will begin one of the most important missions ever. The safety of Kampfers rests on having early warning from ICBM attacks. As such, Greenland is integral. It allows a place to house our early detection systems for both missiles and other forms of enemies. Today, I will be adressing the public telling them that Greenland rightly belongs to Kampfers. It is your job to blow the Thule Base to smithereens. With Thule gone, Greenland has no defense. Should they continue to resist, wipe Nuuk from the map. With those gone, Greenland will have to submit to us. Enclosed are satellite photos of Thule. Begin moving your fleet there at once.
Fuhrer Richtoff
Christian dropped the letter. This could break out into a huge war! Nevertheless, Kampfers and the New Pacific Order will prevail. Best not to doubt the Fuhrer. He walked out of his quarters and headed straight for the state of the art Navagation room. "Set sail for Thule Air base in Greenland. Maintain all stealth. Hold when our F-35's are in striking range.
The Ford, like the Bush, had a full complement of F-35's, unlike most of the other carriers which simply had a squadron or two. They would definetely come in handy in the future events.
Indian Ocean
KS Virginia
August 4, 2007
The submarine slowly eased to a stop with the rest of the fleet. However, the Virginia soon had new orders.
Ever so stealthily the Virginia crept up on the atoll. A ways out, the SEAL team deployed. The came in slowly, and put in on Simpson point. The five man team quickly scoped the settings.
((OOC: Just set the scene for me with your post. Map: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/CIA-DG-BIOT.jpg))
((OOC: If you didn't notice the drop in quality at the end, i got tired of writing this post ;). Another post will come later with me yelling at Guam and Ascencion Island.))
Kampferian High Command
Fuhrer Richtoff looked over at his most trusted military advisors nervously. "So you are all sure that this will work?"
General Klischten rolled his eyes. "Look, friend, we have been over this a hundred times. The plan is failsafe. Besides, what can those puny little things do to us? We are truely the King of the Jungle."
"OK, I believe you" Richtoff said, turning to his political advisor. "What is the estimated political fallout?"
"Well, sir, the nations of the world won't take kindly to our actions, but none are likely to say so outright. They truely fear us." The advisor looked around, afraid of what the military advisors would do after his next statement. "However, the execution of this plan could isolate us, leave us with very few friends."
Everyone paused, waiting for the Fuhrer's response. After a few akward moments, Richtoff laughed. "My friend, we have all the allies we need in this world. What is wrong with scaring a few of the little bastards?"
The political advisor stumbled over his words, causin more laughter from Richtoff. Richtoff turned back to the military advisors. "Begin your work."
Indian Ocean
KS Reagan
July 31, 2007
Admiral Einsturm wandered around his bridge. He had fallen in love with this ship. He had been on numerous tours with it, and it had become his personal flagship. Now, he and the naval task force that always accompanied a carrier were moseying about in the Indian Ocean. Suddenly, a midshipman came running. "Sir, we just recieved a message from High Command." he handed him a slip of paper. On it, a message from High Command was neatly printed.
The Admiral looked up with a glint in his eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen action. The fact that instructions did not accompany the first message told him that it was likely to be a special operation, but even then he was proud to be a part, however small it might be. He walked into his XO's quarters. "Tell the men to plot a course for Diego Garcia, and to hold 400 nm off of it. I'm off to rouse the other boys in the fleet." He saluted sharply, then turned and briskly exited. He walked into the Communications room and got on the public address system. "Hey boys, we're on the move! Batten down the hatches, because it's full steam ahead!" The loud cry could be heard across the fleet. Cheers, whoops, and crys of joy could be heard form the sailors. They all then set out to get to their posts for the morning inspection.
Atlantic Ocean
KS Nimitz
Admiral Getzlaf stood tall on the flight deck of his ship. After years of working his way up, he finally had himself a carrier. Not just any carrier too, but the Nimitz herself. She was his pride and joy, and she was beautiful. They had set out from the mainland a week ago, and had conducted numerous training excercises. However, the air about him had changed. He knew that something major was about to happen. It came in the form of a simple tap on the shoulder. He turned to find a sailor handing him the portable radio. He placed it to his ear and began listening to the secure uplink with High Command.
"Yes... Ok, so take the baby and her mates to Ascension Island... Alright... Heh, you bet sir." He handed the sailor back the radio. "Dismissed!" The sailor turned around sharply and walked back to the bridge.
Getzlaf rubbed his hands in excitement. His first true test as an Admiral. Truely not one of the hardest things he'd ever done, yet importand nonetheless. He turned, and after a breif walk, was back in the Navigation room. "Set us a heading for Ascension Island, me laddies." He snickered at his own joke, and then walked out. Time to let the fireworks begin!
Pacific Ocean
KS Bush
Admiral Hornby had also recieved his marching orders. He had his crew fly up the giant Kampferian flag nice and high, and marched on up to his office. He scribbled something nearly illegible in his diary, and then headed off to the Navigational room. Closer examination of the diary would reveal that he had written his last wishes, should something go terribly wrong on his mission. He walked into the nav room with an air of confidence that aroused the tired men manning the controls. "Wake up, friends, for tonight we sail for Panama! Hold the Bush and the rest of the fleet out of their waters, but make sure to be imposing."
Pacific Ocean
KS Eisenhower
Eisenhower was one of the greatest generals of the era. As such, commanding the ship named after him was one of the highest honors in Kampfers. Previously, Admiral James Christian had commanded the Eisenhower, but he had left to command the KS Ford after its christening. The new Admiral was Admiral Gearing, and he had done a superb job so far. Now, it was his time. For many years he had stood under Christian as an apprentice being groomed for the fight, like steel being refined in the fire. Now it was time for him to do what he had been born to do.
He stood tall in the combination communication/navigation room. An incoming message ticked across his eardrums. Thats odd, he thought. Why morse code? One of the sailors deciphered the message quickly and scrawled it out on a sheet of paper. He tore the paper from the pad and handed it to the Admiral.
Move your fleet to Guam. Stop.
Annex them. Stop.
If refusal is given, trash the place. Full stop.
Gearing rubbed his hands together in approval. Oh yeah, it's most definetely on. He told the navigators to plot a course for Guam and to set sail as soon as possible. He walked out of the room, a smile radiating warmth off of him. His XO passed him in the hall. "Good day sir?"
Gearing smiled. "Oh yes. Very good."
North Atlanic Ocean
KS Ford
Never had Admiral Christian commanded anything bigger, anything more spectacular than the Ford. She was the largest carrier ever constructed by Kampfers, and she was a beauty indeed. It had been nearly a year since she had been christened, and the next ship in her class, the KS Freiheit, was bound to come out within the next few months. As he stood there, he was reminded of a letter given to him by Richtoff himself the last time he was in harbor. It had been dated and he had specific instructions not to open it until that date. That date was today. He walked into his room. Pulling the letter out of his nightstand, he read the envelope one more time.
Eyes Only: Admiral Christian - 7/31/07
He sighed, the anticipation mounting inside of him. He withdrew his shark tooth shaped letter opener and opened the envelope. He shook the envelope upside down, and a letter fell out among a few pictures. He opened the letter and began to read.
Dear Admiral Christian,
Today you will begin one of the most important missions ever. The safety of Kampfers rests on having early warning from ICBM attacks. As such, Greenland is integral. It allows a place to house our early detection systems for both missiles and other forms of enemies. Today, I will be adressing the public telling them that Greenland rightly belongs to Kampfers. It is your job to blow the Thule Base to smithereens. With Thule gone, Greenland has no defense. Should they continue to resist, wipe Nuuk from the map. With those gone, Greenland will have to submit to us. Enclosed are satellite photos of Thule. Begin moving your fleet there at once.
Fuhrer Richtoff
Christian dropped the letter. This could break out into a huge war! Nevertheless, Kampfers and the New Pacific Order will prevail. Best not to doubt the Fuhrer. He walked out of his quarters and headed straight for the state of the art Navagation room. "Set sail for Thule Air base in Greenland. Maintain all stealth. Hold when our F-35's are in striking range.
The Ford, like the Bush, had a full complement of F-35's, unlike most of the other carriers which simply had a squadron or two. They would definetely come in handy in the future events.
Indian Ocean
KS Virginia
August 4, 2007
The submarine slowly eased to a stop with the rest of the fleet. However, the Virginia soon had new orders.
Ever so stealthily the Virginia crept up on the atoll. A ways out, the SEAL team deployed. The came in slowly, and put in on Simpson point. The five man team quickly scoped the settings.
((OOC: Just set the scene for me with your post. Map: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/CIA-DG-BIOT.jpg))
((OOC: If you didn't notice the drop in quality at the end, i got tired of writing this post ;). Another post will come later with me yelling at Guam and Ascencion Island.))