The Mediterranican Union
The Mediterranican Union
To provide Liberty, Power, and Prosperity to the states of Mediterranica.
IDENTIFYING the intergovernmental Mediterranican Union as a co-existence platform for all member states, their people and as a barrier against aggression, poverty and natural or man made situations that can only be overcome with the union's existence.
DRAWING INSPIRATION from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Mediterranica, in which the universal values of the inviolable and inalienable rights of the human person, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law have flourished.
BELIEVING that Mediterranica intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a region open to culture, learning, social and economic progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice, solidarity and identity throughout the world.
CONVINCED that, while remaining proud of their own national identities and history, the peoples of Mediterranica are determined to transcend their former divisions and, united ever more closely, to forge a common destiny,
DO ordain the Treaty of the Mediterranican Union.
Mediterranican Union Membership
Membership Criteria
Membership Criteria are the rules that define whether a country is eligible to join the Mediterranican Union. The criteria require that each member state has the ability to remain stable and non-aggressive, that the member state must have in place the institutions to preserve governance, a functioning market economy that will remain compatible with all member states and that the member state accepts all obligations, laws and articles of the Mediterranican Union.
Geographic Criteria
In order to be eligible to join the Mediterranican Union, the applying nation must be located within the Mediterranican region. Colonies, overseas territories and dependencies outside the boundaries of the geographic criteria of the Mediterranican Union are not effected by articles of the Mediterranican Union, thus, the member state which holds sovereignty may rule without the obligations, laws and articles of the Mediterranican Union.
Mediterranican Union Council
All member states will hold a seat in the Mediterranican Union Council. This council will be responsible for all article building, political decision-making and Union military activity.
Host Nation
Each member nation will host the Mediterranican Union on a circular rotation. The Host Nation will handle new articles and voting, host meetings and represent the Mediterranican Union during their term as Host Nation.
Mediterranican Union Co-Existence Policy
Member States Co-Existence
All member states must co-exist in a peaceful and politically allied state. Aggression, xenophobia or any action that threatens co-existence between member states will be punished according to the decisions of those member states that have not committed the said actions.
Member States Safety
The safety of other member nations sovereign territory, peoples and possessions should be considered by other member states to be of as high importance as their own sovereign territory, peoples and possessions. In order to ensure the safety of each and every member state, no member state will act in any way that will pose an environmental or health threat to any other member state's sovereign territory, peoples and possessions.
Member States Sovereignty
All member states will remain the keepers of their own sovereignty. All member states must respect other Member States Sovereignty. The Mediterranican Union is not a unified nation, all member states must represent themselves but the collective region and the Mediterranican Union is to be represented by the current Host Nation.
In the event of revolution within a member nation, all other member nations are encouraged to remain neutral but on-standby until the Mediterranican Union Council decides upon the most appropriate course of action in regards to the interests of the nation undergoing revolution.
Mediterranican Union Economic Policy
Open Trade
All member states must be committed to open trade, trade of goods without taxes, tariffs or other trade barriers like quotas on imports. Trade in services without taxes or other trade barriers. Free movement of goods, service and capital as well as the abolition of trusts and cartels. Member states have the right to restrict movement of labour
Mediterranican Finance
The Union council will be responsible for the monetary policy covering the member states of the Mediterranican Union. All member states must invest a yearly standard sum of money into the Mediterranican Central Bank, which will be guarded and distributed as necessary by the council exclusively for the purposes of continuing the existence of the Mediterranican Union, providing aid to member states during disasters or emergencies or for assisting member nations during a time of war.
Mediterranican Union Community
Immigration Policy
Foreign immigrants that come into the geographic area of the Mediterranican Union are subjects of the member state that they are situated upon.
Flag of the Mediterranican Union
The MU flag is not an official flag of any member state, it represents the Mediterranican Union and nothing more.
Should a member face revolution, drought, depression, or any situation needing aid, fellow member states must give aid, monetary or military, no matter how large or small. In the event that the situation has resulted in widespread devastation of the effected nation causing shortages of liveable housing, Union members are expected to take on as many refugees as they can support for the duration of the crisis. They will also be required to participate in all efforts to repair the damages and if necessary provide refugees transport from and back to their homeland. No nation is required to allow any refugees to remain within their nation once the crisis has ended.
Mediterranican Union Security Policy
Mutual Defence Agreement
Should a member be invaded, all member states shall be prepared to provide any form of intervention that the military engaged member asks of them. In the case of a member state already militarily engaged, it may ask the Mediterranican Union Council to be pardoned from committing aid.
All nuclear capable states are to defend non-nuclear capable states in the event of a threat from weapons of mass destruction.
In case of possible attack on member state territory with weapons of mass destruction, all member states strategic defences will act against the threat together.
WMD Declaration Act
In the interests of determining which member states can provide weapons of mass destruction capabilities to non-weapons of mass destruction capable states and to ascertain the danger posed to the Union and the Mediterranican region should revolution, invasion or terrorism threaten to overturn a member nations weapons of mass destruction into non-allied hands, all WMD capable states must announce the size and type of their arsenal to the Mediterranican Union Council.
This information will not be revealed to any other party or used for any purposes other than those stated in this article.
Offensive Interest Agreement
In the case that a member state chooses to engage in offensive military activity of any kind against a non-Union nation, providing aid of any kind to said nation will be entirely optional, unless a majority consensus from the Mediterranican Union Council should deem providing aid to be necessary and beneficial to the goals of the entire Union, in which case Union states should (if at all possible) render assistance. This consensus should be validated throughout the duration of the conflict by the support of no less than half of the Mediterranican Union Council, otherwise it is becomes immediately null and void.
In the case that a member state chooses to engage in offensive military activity against another Union nation, no action shall be taken by any non-engaged member of the Union until the Mediterranican Union Council has decided upon a course of action (which should be as soon as possible from the onset of hostilities).
Cooperative Anti-crime and Terrorism
All member states fully and actively cooperate in the fight against crime, especially terrorism. All member states agree to actively pursue capturing persons on their territories that are being wanted in other member states for criminal activities. If member states arrest such a person then the criminal should be transferred back to the state where the crimes were committed.
All member states law enforcement organizations will be members of Mediterranica Anti-Criminal Cooperation Unit. MACC’s only purpose is the effective sharing of information between member states to improve crime-fighting ability and it will not enforce any laws on its own.
Mediterranican Union Force Initiative
Mediterranican Expeditionary Forces
Forces deployed together will be required to fight together to ensure the best possible results, acting under the direction of the Mediterranican Union Council. The forces will plan together and elect an overall commander from amongst the present nations commanders.
Captured Territory
All territory taken by the forces under command of the Mediterranican Union Council is to utilised for the purposes of the Mediterranican region or to be divided up amongst the member states who contributed forces to the action.
Resolution #1
Supreme Territorial Authority
Nations of the Mediterranican Region,
IN BELIEVING it is the unalienable right of every nation to have complete authority over their jurisdictions and geographical area, the question of unclaimed regional territory administered by no one becomes questionable leading to wars and other discord throughout the region.
ERGO it is of vital importance to establish the ownership of the territory of this most august of regions and also of its care and management.
Section I
HEREBY declares The Mediterranican Union (MU) as having first-right of territorial sovereignty over the region and over all regional territory in both MU and non-MU nations alike
ALSO STATES that all unclaimed territory in the Mediterranica region as under the administration of the MU, until such a time when the territories are either settled by a new nation or colonized
ESTABLISHES the Mediterranican Intraterritorial Administrative Committee (MIAC) for the purpose of administering the unclaimed non-sovereign areas of the region
Section II
AFFIRMS that no extra-regional entity shall be allowed to establish itself or any colonies or bases within the region without the approval of:
a)The MIAC if the claim concerns currently unoccupied land OR
b)The Union Council should the matter concern the establishment of a base within a regional nation
ANNUNCIATES that any sovereign nation, state, or political organization violating the territorial integrity of the region without the appropriate approval are hereby subject to destruction without any given warning or questions asked.
West Ponente
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 13:33
The People's Sovereign Republic seeks admittance to the MU.
23-07-2007, 22:08
The Federal Republican Union of Corbournne would like to request acceptance into this Union.
24-07-2007, 19:33
The Sovereign Xenophobic Kingdom of Aschenhyrst seeks to join (yet again) the Mediterranican Union. If admitted (yet again), information to the type and size of our WMD capabilities will be revealed to the MU council.
All accepted. And now that the issues that were raised regarding the articles have been fixed this is the last time everyone will have to join!
25-07-2007, 17:28
Yallak, you forgot Kopparbergs
Olmedreca;12907184']Yallak, you forgot Kopparbergs
OOC: That I did... thanks. Added.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 13:24
could i erm... join
You'd have to join our region - and read the stickies about RP. But if you did that, then you'd be allowed in.
26-07-2007, 23:08
Upon ratification of MU charter and admission of members, the Kingdom will notify members of our capabilites. Notification will be provided on request via telegram. "Deo Vindice". Sir John Luttrell, Minister of Defense-Sovereign Xenophobic Kingdom of Aschenhyrst.
27-07-2007, 18:05
In accordance with the Mediterranican Union Charter, pertaning to the Economic Policy section, the Sovereign Xenophobic Kingdom of Aschenhyrst would like input from Corbourne, Gataway and Yallak about an International Highway/Transportation Corridor. We propose the construction of this corridor from Southern Gataway (the former area of Ruckina) through Corbourne and Yallak to the four corners region (Aschenhyrst,Corbourne,Ogemexetralia and Yallak) of Northern Aschenhyrst (the former region of Gallia). Over 7,000 miles separate aschenhyrst and Gataway by sea but there is only 2,500 miles of land between the two nations. Benefits of this project besides greater access to regional trade include an opportunity for rapid mobilization of military aid between these four MU nations. If all parties are interested in this project, Aschenhyrst agrees to pay for 1/4 of construction costs for the section crossing the Courbourne/Yallak frontier. If three parties are interested, we agree to pay for 1/3 of the costs across the territory of either Courborne or Yallak to link with Gataway. Please review this proposal and contact our govenment with your decision. Respectfully Yours, HRH Mark II. Respectfully Yours, Sir Elihu De Armitage- Foreign Affairs Minister
27-07-2007, 18:31
Hey guys.
I am fairly interested in joining a region, and this looks like a fairly suitable candidate. However, I'm concerned with some aspects:
Is there a regional forum?
How are things organised?
How active is the region?
How do you join? RP a request or immediately join the forum?
To answer some of your questions..
1. Yes there is a Regional forum offsite
what do you mean by organized...don't know really how to answer that one be more specific please..we usually discuss matters on the offsite forum if thats what you're asking
We have a few active members...some more than others...we all live in different times zones..and in some instances different countries...
to Join you RP a request to join..then the current members of the MU talk and see if we want to accept you or not...we might ask some questions like how active you'll be etc etc...
Imperial Response to Aschenhyrst
The Imperial government is intrigued by this proposal and believes that it could in fact be quite such we will issue messages to the other member states to get a general feeling on how the other respected member states feel about your suggested proposal. After conducting these discussions we will confirm our pledge of funds and resources towards the project or confirm its cancellation.
Gatawan Foreign Ministry
27-07-2007, 18:44
Hey guys.
I am fairly interested in joining a region, and this looks like a fairly suitable candidate. However, I'm concerned with some aspects:
Is there a regional forum?
How are things organised?
How active is the region?
How do you join? RP a request or immediately join the forum?
ooc: I find it quite funny that you start asking those questions without even checking regional page. It is obvious that you did not look at it because otherwise you would know that there is a forum.
27-07-2007, 18:58
Olmedreca;12913478']ooc: I find it quite funny that you start asking those questions without even checking regional page. It is obvious that you did not look at it because otherwise you would know that there is a forum.
It is usually far easier, quicker and more accurate if you actually ask on forum. Also, due to the fact I had more to ask than "do you have a forum?", I posted anyway - not all answers would have been on the regional page. How the hell do you expect a regional page to describe how active the region is?
You need to learn some manners and how to approach people. If I was a newbie, I would be scared away merely by that response - your a danger to the game.
God this place has gone to crap since my last nation - I wont be joining here....
27-07-2007, 19:01
Gataway, a TG awaits you in your main nations account. Pull a few strings and it would work, not to mention that it would clear us some headaches.
27-07-2007, 19:12
ame to you. As not to spam this thread I will delete this later.
British Londinium
27-07-2007, 19:13
Here's an idea:
Who would be for building a massive rail network in between MU members? Where there's ocean or water, we could just make it like the Chunnel.
27-07-2007, 19:19
ooc: Well, usually then I am interested about some region I check their regional page first. Usually stuff like regional forums, region map etc. can be found there. Also if region is inactive then it is oftenly demonstrated by low activity in regional messageboard. But if you think that im "danger to game", well that is your opinion, I will not bother to argue about it and it is not correct thread for such argument anyway. about we discuss this on offsite as not to clog up this thread...
27-07-2007, 19:39
OOC:I`ll agree with Gataway, we should keep these major ideas in forum. Proposals could be brought up here, but lets not clog the thread. IC: Response to Gataway- We are pleased others see the benifits of such a project, let`s work to get more nations on board this project.
07-08-2007, 20:28
To: All states of Mediterranican Union
Nuclear attack on one MU nation affects all MU nations. Probably most nations of MU have some kind strategic defences to defend themselves against WMD attack. But we all know that defences can be oftenly overpowered by large mass of ICBM’s. Best solution for strenghtening shield above Mediterranica is combining our defences then we are attacked. As we are all geographically close to each other it should not be a problem. So Olmedreca would like to purpose that to MU constitution Mutual Defence Agreement paragraph would be added next sentence:
In case of possible attack on member state territory with weapons of mass destruction, all member states strategic defences will act against the threat together.
We believe that this would be best solution for defending MU against unstable pariah’s which oftenly can be quite trigger-happy. We wish to hear all your opinions and suggestions.
Lembit Tuleplaneet, Foreign Minister of Olmedreca
British Londinium
07-08-2007, 20:30
Official Communiqué
Open Declaration:
I concur with my Olmedrecan colleagues - measures must be taken to ensure regional security. The People's Sovereign Republic votes in favour of this amendment.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
The Imperial Government fully supports and endorses the proposal suggested by Olmedreca
Urcea votes in favor of this amendment.
To: Lembit Tuleplaneet, Foreign Minister of Olmedreca
From: The High Council of Arrandin
The Imperial Government concurs with your proposal on defence against WMD.
13-08-2007, 22:50
Aschenhyrst supports the WMD Proposal. Acting under the authority of HRH Mark II; Elihu De Armitage, Foreign Affairs Minister
22-08-2007, 14:46
A question to you all.
If I joined, could I place a puppet in the region instead of my main nation?
As long as the puppet is active I wouldn't have a problem with it
22-08-2007, 15:02
As long as the puppet is active I wouldn't have a problem with it
What do you mean by "active"?
participates in regional/MU things...doesn't just sit there and take up a place on the regional map from someone else who would possibly want it
22-08-2007, 15:08
participates in regional/MU things...doesn't just sit there and take up a place on the regional map from someone else who would possibly want it
Then, yeah, it'd be active.
then I have no probs...Ill post on regional board and you should know in a day or 2 if your in or not
yea we decided no puppets...sorry for late response...been quite busy...with rl things
08-09-2007, 13:31
Hi there, just wondering, where the hell did my Med colony vanish???
See Gataway's post above. We eliminated all the nations/colonies on the map who weren't actively participating in the region. Since then we basically have said no to all colonies (people can either join the region or not, we don't want anyone who just wants some extra land they can claim and then dissappears from the regions activities/RP's).
08-09-2007, 14:12
See Gataway's post above. We eliminated all the nations/colonies on the map who weren't actively participating in the region. Since then we basically have said no to all colonies (people can either join the region or not, we don't want anyone who just wants some extra land they can claim and then dissappears from the regions activities/RP's).
I see, it's cool, I was kinda hoping for an IC reason behind my colonies dissapearance but I'm ok with a retcon, really.
If you want an IC reason behind the colonies colapse then feel free to come up with one or TG whoever now occupies that land and work one out with them.
08-09-2007, 15:44
Toopoxia, your colony became incorperated into my homeland some time back. feel free to Tg me and we can come up w/ a IC reason. When the area became open, i asked for it because my population per square mile/km was entirely too dense. I`ve looked upon it as one power pulled out and another occupied it and later annexed it.
08-09-2007, 15:53
Toopoxia, your colony became incorperated into my homeland some time back. feel free to Tg me and we can come up w/ a IC reason. When the area became open, i asked for it because my population per square mile/km was entirely too dense. I`ve looked upon it as one power pulled out and another occupied it and later annexed it.
The main question is whether we want this to evolve into a war or not? I mean Toopoxia wouldn't likely see its colony just fold, especially with the Consul who's a native of the land and the former governor, this is why I said it'd be fine to have it just retconned, but I dunno, i'm up for a war if you are.
08-09-2007, 17:59
The main question is whether we want this to evolve into a war or not? I mean Toopoxia wouldn't likely see its colony just fold, especially with the Consul who's a native of the land and the former governor, this is why I said it'd be fine to have it just retconned, but I dunno, i'm up for a war if you are.
Explain Retconned? I`m unfamiliar with that term.
British Londinium
08-09-2007, 18:00
Retconning is, IMO, erasing something so it never happened.
thats basically what it is...reasing things so they never happened
We made posts etc etc on the region forums..and talked about in the region one ever said anything...and we got tired of having colony states that don't do anything regional related or weren't used on II....I find it very amusing that now everyone seems to want their colonies back when they did nothing with them originally except take up space..
08-09-2007, 18:11
thats basically what it is...reasing things so they never happened
We made posts etc etc on the region forums..and talked about in the region one ever said anything...and we got tired of having colony states that don't do anything regional related or weren't used on II....I find it very amusing that now everyone seems to want their colonies back when they did nothing with them originally except take up space..
I used my colony, it was the starting point of the Toopoxican Civil War, the home of my nations leader and was due to be used early in the CA-NPE war when I realised it was missing and had to change it to a new colony called Saan Gali.
I used my colony, it was the starting point of the Toopoxican Civil War, the home of my nations leader and was due to be used early in the CA-NPE war when I realised it was missing and had to change it to a new colony called Saan Gali.
the last part wasn't directed at you specifically...some other colonie states have complained about how their colonies disappeared..when they weren't used regionally or in II...yours pretty much got whipped off because if we let one person have a colony we'd have to let them all...and that sort of basically because of a few others you had to "suffer"
08-09-2007, 18:22
the last part wasn't directed at you specifically...some other colonie states have complained about how their colonies disappeared..when they weren't used regionally or in II...yours pretty much got whipped off because if we let one person have a colony we'd have to let them all...and that sort of basically because of a few others you had to "suffer"
gah, not the first time i've been afflicted by that rule :P
yea it sucks when others ruin things for apologies though..
08-09-2007, 18:30
yea it sucks when others ruin things for apologies though..
Would I be able to have a colony in the MU if I fought for it? Just wondering, I mean would it be immediatly removed again due to the rule or would I be able to hold it?
I'd have to consult with my region mates on that one...since I can't really speak for all of them
If the land was seized in an actual RP then I wouldn't mind so much. We would still expect some activity from the 'colony' in regional events and the forums though. Our main concern is simply that we don't want any nations or colonies on the map that just sit there and do not interact with the region or its happenings.
09-09-2007, 02:42
If the land was seized in an actual RP then I wouldn't mind so much. We would still expect some activity from the 'colony' in regional events and the forums though. Our main concern is simply that we don't want any nations or colonies on the map that just sit there and do not interact with the region or its happenings.
The reason i didn't join in regional events was because I never joined the MU, it didn't seem within Toopoxia's best interest, and every event had the tag (MU) and so I didn't respond, thinking that they were for MU members only, but iffen ye don't mind, when and if I reclaim the land (Aschenhyrst and me have decided to do so at a later point) then I promise, I will RP in regional events, that is if you havn't completely excommunicated me by that point :P
09-09-2007, 12:39
Well, I guess if you ICly capture territory from some nation in Mediterranica, we could allow you to get it get. Although I personally think that in such cases puppet nation should be moved into region and kept alive.
The reason i didn't join in regional events was because I never joined the MU, it didn't seem within Toopoxia's best interest, and every event had the tag (MU) and so I didn't respond, thinking that they were for MU members only, but iffen ye don't mind, when and if I reclaim the land (Aschenhyrst and me have decided to do so at a later point) then I promise, I will RP in regional events, that is if you havn't completely excommunicated me by that point :P
Fair enough. While several were only important for members of the Union there is usually something happening in the regional forums at least which any regional member can get in on if there is nothing in II. Not so much lately but thats because of many more important II event happening - to name a few British Londinium (BL), BL, BL and something else to do with BL, lol.
09-09-2007, 13:25
Fair enough. While several were only important for members of the Union there is usually something happening in the regional forums at least which any regional member can get in on if there is nothing in II. Not so much lately but thats because of many more important II event happening - to name a few British Londinium (BL), BL, BL and something else to do with BL, lol.
lol, that BL :rolleyes: always getting himself into trouble :P
10-09-2007, 02:15
The reason i didn't join in regional events was because I never joined the MU, it didn't seem within Toopoxia's best interest, and every event had the tag (MU) and so I didn't respond, thinking that they were for MU members only, but iffen ye don't mind, when and if I reclaim the land (Aschenhyrst and me have decided to do so at a later point) then I promise, I will RP in regional events, that is if you havn't completely excommunicated me by that point :P
When and If are correct.
16-10-2007, 20:38
Are you guys still accepting members into Mediterranica and the MU?
16-10-2007, 20:57
Yes, although we have been little lazy for advertising it recently, you would like to join?
16-10-2007, 21:21
yes, please. but i would like to use and rp with another of my nations if thats okay
17-10-2007, 15:50
That sounds a bit problematical, as we generally allow only main nations in, not puppets and stuff.
17-10-2007, 15:52
The Most Sumpreme Empire of Theoroshia wishes to seek admittance.
17-10-2007, 16:50
Theoroshia, membership is pretty much restricted to residents of Mediterranica as we`ve adopted a "No Foreign Colonies" policy. So if you are interested in MU membership, you need to consider moving there. I tell you this not to discourage you but rather to encourage you, we do accept new members in the region and the union. Regional membership will require a commitment to the growth and sucess of Mediterranica. If you are still interested, visit our region and off-site forum and we, Mediterranicans, can discuss membership with you
17-10-2007, 17:49
OOC: I joined the offsite forums and in the process of applying for membership in the region.
17-10-2007, 23:14
Olmedreca;13142550']That sounds a bit problematical, as we generally allow only main nations in, not puppets and stuff.
Well im not going to bring it in and then let it stagnate in the region, i want to rp and be a regional member, just under a different guise. It will be a completly independent nation as well, not a Cookeslanic colony or anything
Well im not going to bring it in and then let it stagnate in the region, i want to rp and be a regional member, just under a different guise. It will be a completly independent nation as well, not a Cookeslanic colony or anything
Well, so long as its an active participant in the region and not a colony I guess we can give it a go.
18-10-2007, 21:50
Well, so long as its an active participant in the region and not a colony I guess we can give it a go.
Thanks, if someone gets a chance could they please TG me the password?
18-10-2007, 21:56
Cookesland, please go to the off-site forum and we`ll contact you there.
West Ponente
11-11-2007, 06:23
The Theocracy of West Ponente seeks admittance to the MU
12-11-2007, 20:49
The Theocracy of West Ponente seeks admittance to the MU
ooc: Contact Yallak via tg about this, he`s been in and out a lot as of late.
The Theocracy of West Ponente's application has been reviewed by the Union Council and consequently accepted. Welcome to the Mediterranican Union.
OOC: Member list updated.
Waldenburg 2
18-11-2007, 16:34
Message To: Mediterranean Admissions Council
From: His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
Upon review and deliberation with the Council of Bishops, His Imminence the Cenobiarch of the Holy Waldenburger Church, and the Triumphant Convocation of nobles The Most Divine and Illustrious Empire of Waldenburgers wishes to request admittance into the Union. We swear to uphold the noble charter, comply with it's stipulations and obey the whims of the duly elected officials of the MU.
Confidential Encoded....
*The Imperial Waldenburger Arsenal currently contains no nuclear devices, missile borne or otherwise. Inside however there are nearly 800,000 Kilograms of biological and chemical weapons in a variety of deployment systems. Similarly the Waldenburg Empire does not maintain, or actively strive for a system of Space Delivered weapons of any variety, in any caliber or style.
* In concordance with the stipulation of a Alliance monetary fund the Waldenburg Empire would like to invest 650 Billion R§ (Reichmarks) in this fund, which is pegged on the value of silver, and the benefaction of the Church. We also offer our bonds, and benefactions for sale as well for those of foreign ancestry who wish to purchase them.
On all other things we agree and do request admission into this alliance, our geographical neighbors. In the spirit of the union we assume our church shall be granted the rights to expand into all nations as preach it's scripture, provided of course the law is maintained?
His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
His Imminence George the Cardinal Patrin Canoarch of the Holy Church
His Grace Archduke Ambassador(MU) Reginald Morkum
Reply To: His Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
The Union Council has accepted your application of admission and is pleased to welcome Waldenburg into the membership of the Meditteranican Union.
Key among the principles of the Union is co-operation, prosperity and increased relations between member states, however, independence is also a foremost practice of the Union and so the proliferation of your church into member states is in no way governed, supported or opposed by the union, and remains solely up to the judgement of those nations.
The Nation of Faurea would like to become a member of the MU.
Official Imperial Transmission
To: The Government of Faurea
From: The Mediterranican Union Council
The MU Council shall review your application and notify you of its outcome within three business days.
Lord Icaelus Meridius
Yallakan Representative to the MU
Official Imperial Transmission
To: The Government of Faurea
From: The Mediterranican Union Council
This is to confirm that your Mediterranican Union application, Service Request ID: 590374, has now been review and approved.
Before your membership can be fully implemented you must complete the following steps:
1. Use the following link to register to the Union Communications Service:
2. Inform the Union Council of your nations representatives to its esteemed ranks.
No Further Steps
Should you have any further enquiries please contact the Union Support Centre and quote the Service Request number.
Lord Morvaan Braedin
Assistant to the Yallakian MU Office
West Ponente
28-04-2008, 23:25
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: The Armed Republic of Faurea
From: The Office of the MU Secretariat, MUIZ
On behalf of the Mediterranican Union, I congratulate you and your nation on your ascession into our august body and welcome you into our ranks. I am positive Faurea's entry will help both the nation and help the MU soar to greater heights. We will work hard to help you in your quest to reunify your nation, that I promise. Good Luck, and God Bless.
Secretary-General Maran Gherud
Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
The Mediterranican Union Council
I, John Gutted, Head Premier of the Premier Cabinet and Prime Minister of the Republic of Alogorthia, pledge the Imperial Republic of Greston's allegience unto the members of the formidable MU to better our relations. Greston has been pulled through by Mediterranicans backing Her and it is time we give back. In order to I wish once again give my honour to another and request admittance into this Union.
Head Premier John Gutted
Official Imperial Transmission
To: John Gutted, Head Premier of the Premier Cabinet, Greston
From: The Mediterranican Union Council
Your application to the Mediterranican Union shall be reviewed by the Union council and notification of its outcome will be supplied to you by mail within three business days.
Lord Icaelus Meridius
Yallakan Representative to the MU
08-05-2008, 21:19
I the humble Republic Of Alogorthia seek Admission to the MU.I Pledge to follow rules and be a supporter of democracy and the MU.
West Ponente
09-05-2008, 20:39
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
To: John Gutted, Head Premier of Greston
From: The Office of the MU Secretariat, MUIZ
It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that you application to join the ranks of the Mediterranican Union has been denied. We would like you to first demonstrate that your nation is heading away from it's dark past and towards a promising future, and while we do feel that the recent changes in government are a step in the right direction, the Imperial Republic still has some ways to go. When you feel these events have come to be, feel free to re-apply.
Secretary-General Maran Gherud
Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
26-05-2008, 22:12
Amtsekanntmachung von die Piccische Staatenbund
To the Council of the Mediterranican Union,
With approval of the Federal Triumivirate, and full support of the tricameral Piccavian parliament, the Federal Commonwealth would like to submit its application for MU membership to the Council. Piccavia readily accepts the jurisdiction of the Union over the Federal Commonwealth and is more than willing to place its small, though elite, military forces at the disposal of the Mediterranican Ministry for Regional Defence.
Imperial and Royal Diplomatic Communique
To: The Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
From: The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
On behalf of the people of Uraartu and my fellow leaders of Uraartu, I request membership into your prestigious supranational organization. I can guarantee you and all other members of the Union that Uraartu will be more than ready to aid any member in time of economic troubles or military threat. Furthermore, I pledge that no member of the Uraartu government will engage in propoganda or any other a fellow member's breach of sovereignty.
Joltu Fonga ar-Ekuno, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
ooc: Your request to join has been noted and will be reviewed ASAP
Official Imperial Response
From:Imperial Council and Emperor Tharo Sinakus of Gataway
To:The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
Your application for acceptance into the MU has been received and will be reviewed by the council secretary-general as well as other members of the council.
We ask that you wait patiently for the results of the afore mentioned reviews
Tharo Sinakus
Emperor and Supreme Authority of the Imperial Kingdom of Gataway
Imperial & Royal Diplomatic Communique
To: The Government of the Imperial Kingdom of Gataway
From: The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
Sir Tharo Sinakus,
I appreciate your reply and will be happy to wait as our application is reviewed. It saddens me that our Emperor did not live long enough to see us join as he has recently passed on. But I am sure that the next Emperor, when he is elected and crowned, will do everything in his power to further the ideals of the Mediterranican Union.
Joltu Fonga ar-Ekuno, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
West Ponente
29-05-2008, 20:58
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
To: The Federal Commonwealth of Piccavia
From: The Office of the MU Secretariat, MUIZ
The Mediterranican Union has reviewed your application and has further more unanimously voted for the Federal Commonwealth to join it's ranks congratulations!
Secretary-General Maran Gherud
Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
Imperial and Royal Diplomatic Communique
To: The Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
From: The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
On behalf of the people of Uraartu and my fellow leaders of Uraartu, I request membership into your prestigious supranational organization. I can guarantee you and all other members of the Union that Uraartu will be more than ready to aid any member in time of economic troubles or military threat. Furthermore, I pledge that no member of the Uraartu government will engage in propoganda or any other a fellow member's breach of sovereignty.
Joltu Fonga ar-Ekuno, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
To: The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
From: The Office of the MU Secretariat, MUIZ
My apologies, but unfortunately I cannot allow the Commonewealth to apply for membership in our prestigious organization as it does not meet our geographic criteria.
Secretary-General Maran Gherud
Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
To: The Government of the Commonwealth of Uraartu
From: The Office of the MU Secretariat, MUIZ
My apologies, but unfortunately I cannot allow the Commonewealth to apply for membership in our prestigious organization as it does not meet our geographic criteria.
Secretary-General Maran Gherud
Secretary-General of the Mediterranican Union
(OOC: is this because I'm not a member of the Mediterranica region, because I would like to relocate)
West Ponente
29-05-2008, 21:40
(OOC: is this because I'm not a member of the Mediterranica region, because I would like to relocate)
OOC: Yes, but first could I see some links to RPing that you've done
02-08-2008, 04:52
Official Piccavian Communiqué
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bureau of Official Telegraphic Correspondence
04 Regierungstaße
Helvetia, Piccavia A113 HV0
To the Council of the Mediterranican Union:
Piccavia looked to Mediterranica as an area of tranquility and peace, a region that lived up to its creed. Piccavia believed that "Mediterranica intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a region open to culture, learning, social and economic progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice, solidarity and identity throughout the world." Piccavia believed that "the peoples of Mediterranica are determined to transcend their former divisions and, united ever more closely, to forge a common destiny."
But unfortunately, the Union has failed not only Piccavia, but the entire region of Mediterranica. The Union stands idly by as Greston, a nation which has done the region no direct harm, is invaded by a malevolent warmonger who speaks of rape and pillage. The Union hardly bats an eye as the same warmonger declares war on Piccavia, for the simple reason that the Commonwealth voiced its objection to the assault on a Grestonian colony. Piccavia finds this intolerable. It finds it sickening, disgusting - a gross miscarriage of justice. The Union has ample resources to put an end to Gatawan imperialism and belligerency - yet it fails to lift a single, solitary finger to do so.
The Federal Piccavian Commonwealth hereby tenders its resignation from the Union, effective immediately, as well as its wholesale withdrawal from the region.
With utmost contempt,
The Rt. Hon. Richard L. Adenauer
Chancellor of the Federal Piccavian Commonwealth
Pan-Arab Barronia
02-08-2008, 15:02
Office of Telegraphics
52nd Floor
Diplomitas Building
New Misenae, Brytan
To the nations of Mediterranica, and more specifically, the Mediterranican Union Council
The recent actions of nations within the Mediterranican region and Union have caused us grave concern, and, following the duly- and rightfully-set precendent by the Piccavians, we are, with immediate effect, announcing our secession from the Mediterranican Union.
The values of the Union have been destroyed by the actions of certain nations, the desire for peace annihalated. Undue blame heaped upon a single nation by those simply desiring land and space. Such infighting is not befitting a region of Mediterranica's heritage, and Barronia cannot and will not stand for it.
It is with great regret that we find our hopes for regional peace and stability dashed by a nation who's idea of invasion is of pillage and rape. Where, we ask, has the honour gone? The days when warfare was committed with dignity seem to have passed us by, and no more so when the malevolent forces of this region decided upon a barbaric assault against one of our comrades.
With this in mind, we must follow the Piccavian example and announce our withdrawal from Mediterranica. We had hoped that such a day would never come, but a lack of action from the powers that be in Mediterranica have forced our hand.
Amelie Carpentier-St Claire
Foreign and Colonial Office
05-08-2008, 03:53
From the Desk of President Talbert Orbath of The Republic of Alogorthia
Dear Mediterranican Union International Zone Staff,
The Mediterranica was always a comfortable and welcoming home; a home that secluded us from the outside raging politicis and terror. The Mediterranican Union was a greeting side to it, an alliance that was more than welcoming to our fellow Alogorthians. But on this date I found out they were not so much to our dearest allies in the glorious Imperial Republic of Greston. The disgusting warmongering views of the government who had taken us in under their wing and took care of us showed their true colours when they broke the peace and tranquility that is the bond of friendship inside our region.
I can no long stand here as our dearest friends a ravagely murdered and battered because of a misconception. I dare not say how much I am disgusted by the Gatawayan- not even limitted to just them- Mediterranican Politics. I trusted you and I do not think I can still say that without being held by gunpoint.
If you nitwitted failures cannot comprehend this message it is simple, we are resigned from the Union and furthermore the region. The Honourable Minister James Garner and staff is to immediately evacuate the MUIZ and to report back to our capital. All papers and documents of Alogorthian authority are to be handed from the MUIZ to our custody, post haste. The Grand Roman Republic of Alogorthia no longer recongizes the MU as a legitimate alliance and no longer aligns it self to such filth.
Mediterranica is a womb; the Union it's fetus, and that fetus was faced with a decision- to put up with the non-aligned members or to brashfully kick them out. It seems you chose the latter choice, the wrong choice.
Federal Alogorthian Communications
Authorized by the Federal Government
17-08-2008, 19:48
Solenial would like to join the MU.
While the Empire of Xeraph does not itself exist within the traditional boundaries of the MedSea Region, we do have a very old outpost on the island of Cyprus, populated by 1,233 members of the Knights Templar, Xeraphian Chapter*. The outpost is approximately 3.6 square miles in size and includes an Imperial AirWing, a naval Battle Group, and a squadron of MBTs.
We would consider it an honor to be inducted into The Mediterranean Union and exchange embassies with all members.
Vlad, Prince of the Empire, in the Name of the Emperor
*OOC: this was in pre-Jolt days
OOC: Solenial GTFO, Xeraph, re-read the title & GTFO
TO: The MU
Uiri is in the region of Mediterranica and wishes to apply for membership once overseas possessions are no longer under attack by East Congarian forces. That is all.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
Waldenburg 2
17-08-2008, 23:14
Uiri does not of course speak for all of us in the OOC everything will be taken into review, although I must say things are very hectic at the moment. As soon as we can get a vote up and get the members back from there various activities we will let you know. Once put to vote it's incredibly likely you'll get in though. Only one person didn't make it and that was on abstains.
OOC: Solenial GTFO, Xeraph, re-read the title & GTFO
TO: The MU
Uiri is in the region of Mediterranica and wishes to apply for membership once overseas possessions are no longer under attack by East Congarian forces. That is all.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
ooc: if your'e referring to the 'geographic location' portion, it is commonly held that colonies, embassies, etc, on foreign soil or distant territories are legally that nation's land. Therefore, that portion of Cyprus is legally Xeraph. Besides, we've had a presence in the MedSea region for a long time due to our ties with ViZion, who has colonies in North Africa.
OOC: Like I said, re-read the title. clearly you haven't or you'd notice the fact that it says Mediterranican not Mediterranean.
18-08-2008, 00:42
This is for the in-game region of Mediterranica.
OOC: Like I said, re-read the title. clearly you haven't or you'd notice the fact that it says Mediterranican not Mediterranean.
LOL....I thought it was simply misspelled.....sorry....
Waldenburg 2
18-08-2008, 01:31
LOL....I thought it was simply misspelled.....sorry....
There is another way you can get in, it isn't official if you don't want to move, but it has most of the perks and really little down side, except of course you'll only have official observer status when it comes to votes. If interested we can set that one up too.
18-08-2008, 09:57
I have re-read the title and would still like to join The Mediterranican Union
New Greston
19-08-2008, 02:38
Join the region then!
19-08-2008, 10:28
I have
19-08-2008, 13:21
We have members involved with different projects right now, please be patient and I`ll contact the off-site forum administrator about your request.