Queen Basi calls for War against The New Prussian Empire.
The Steppe Empire
22-07-2007, 17:31
OOC: call this pay back.
To all Nations around The world
I, Queen Basi of The Steppe Empire, calls on all Nations who belivie in Freedom to declare war on The Alliance known as the New Prussian Empire. They have done wrong to all Peoples in the world for their Nazist way of life, Killed and Murdered people in lands that refused to bow to their Empire of Evil.
We demand that The Leaders of Wanderjar and it's allies be bought up to trial on War crimes.
The Black Agents
22-07-2007, 17:34
encrypted message...
Ha...Ha. I for see a quick death for the maker of this message.
Grandmaster of the Rogutis Agentie
Imperial isa
22-07-2007, 17:39
what Nazist way of life
what War crimes it's only been around for a year and never been to war
Official Londim Communication
We consider the nation of Wanderjar our friend and at times an ally so pray tell us why we should support your claims or become an enemy of many nations.
Klallam of The Abnaki Tribe
Minqua of The Huchnom Tribe
Sts'Ailes of The Chowanoc Tribe
Wappo of The Kitkatla Tribe
22-07-2007, 17:45
Official Government Communique
Although not a member of the New Prussian Empire, the Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea condemns this action of Queen Basi. The Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea hereby declares a state of War between us and the Nomadic Peoples of The Steppe Empire.
David Mondol
Premier Marshal of Neo-Erusea
Red Tide2
22-07-2007, 17:51
Official Statement from TSRT Government
"Although we are a bit busy with internal issues at the moment, we find this 'Queens' claims really laughable. Especially the part about warcrimes, of which there is no such thing."
End Message
OOC: Still harboring OOC hatred, eh Hat?
Teraq Prime
22-07-2007, 18:03
From: Jack Grey
To: The so-called Queen Basi
First, to make this perfectly clear- freedom does not exist. It is a myth perpetuated by the leaders of certain countries as a tool to control the masses. As I firmly hold this belief, it would seem that the message was not addressed to me. Nevertheless, I wish to address the message, or rather, some parts of it. One is forced to wonder if you randomly wandered through the message after typing it up, chose several words on some strange and arcane basis, and capitalized them. I wish you a long reign so that you may continue to amuse me.
22-07-2007, 18:40
The Wanderjarian Government is deeply offended by the accusations by the Hatarian remnant. We have long since been known as a bastion of freedom and humanitarianism, as well as using force for good. If you can name any such war crimes that we have committed, then we shall answer for them. Otherwise, retract your declaration of war and go about your lives. You do not wish to incur the wrath of the Wanderjarians again.
~The Foreign Ministry of the New Prussian Empire
The Steppe Empire
22-07-2007, 18:48
The Wanderjarian Government is deeply offended by the accusations by the Hatarian remnant. We have long since been known as a bastion of freedom and humanitarianism, as well as using force for good. If you can name any such war crimes that we have committed, then we shall answer for them. Otherwise, retract your declaration of war and go about your lives. You do not wish to incur the wrath of the Wanderjarians again.
~The Foreign Ministry of the New Prussian Empire
OOC: No you don't have a list of war crimes or no you won't retract the declaration of war?
The Steppe Empire
22-07-2007, 18:59
OOC: No you don't have a list of war crimes or no you won't retract the declaration of war?
OOC: I won't retract the declaration of war, as I only called on Nations to Declare war on The NPE, not declared war, yet.
The Crystal Mountains
22-07-2007, 19:34
TO: Her Most Exquisite Majesty Queen Basil of The Steppe Empire
FROM: Prime Minister Richard James of the Commonwealth of the Crystal Mountains
RE: Declaration of Hostilities Against the NPE
Dear Lady,
I represent a neutral nation and am non-aligned with any empire, alliance or hegemony. I am part of the Emerald Isles region and have no quarrel with anyone.
Our agenda is purely humanitarian and pro-human rights and our foreign policy is described as "the Good Neighbor" policy. Our Commonwealth is very active in humanitarian, peacekeeping and mediation activities.
We have dealt with some members of the New Prussian Empire in the past and have cordial relations with many of them.
We would consider it a unique honor to our Commonwealth if our diplomats could be of service to your Crown and act as a mediator in this dispute. We consider it much more desirable to exchange words than missiles. Considering the price of missiles these days, it is much cheaper in terms of treasure, and more importantly, life.
If you are unwilling to negotiate at this time, our offices will continue to be available to you.
May your wisdom bring your realm peace and prosperity.
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Richard James,
Prime Minister Richard James
Commonwealth of the Crystal Mountains
22-07-2007, 19:51
OOC: Still harboring OOC hatred, eh Hat?
STFU. There's no OOC hatred in his post.
Official Statement from the Free Havenic Republic of Kahanistan
Ministry of Defence
While we are tied down in a war of Questarian aggression and imperialism - the very things the Questarians claim to despise about the Neherenia regime - against our homeland assets and therefore unable to provide significant military assistance to the Steppe Empire in its effort to reclaim its stolen lands from the coalition of forces that invaded Hataria after it was attacked in a cowardly surprise attack that left us unable to respond, we will support Hataria with $500 billion USD and a 50% discount from our arms industries for the duration of the conflict.
General Abdullah Hassan al-Ghazi,
Supreme General of the Republic
The Imperial Kingdom of Ezaltia, a member of the New Prussian Empire, shall stand by its comrades against this feeble attempt by the pathetic remnants of the Hatarian Empire. Stand down, or face the full retaliation of the NPE and the IK.
The 2nd Surface Fleet and 1st Carrier Strike Group are being mobilized for immediate defense of the NPE and likely retaliation against the Steppes.
--[Begin Encrypted Message]--
To: The Steppe Empire
From: Siriusa
--[End Encrypted Message]--
Official Siriusan Communiqué
To: The New Prussian Empire
From: Siriusa
Ordinarily, we would give aid to you in times of war, but after reviewing the odds, we don't think you desperately need it. If it takes a turn for the worse, we will look into aid for your empire.
STFU. There's no OOC hatred in his post.
OOC: no OOC hatered you say?
OOC: call this pay back.
OOC well since all threads relating to your old nation were closed, that means your nation was retconed. So any "warcrimes" commited by the NPE to your old nation are also retconned. get over it. its a game, nothing more nothing less.
To All NPE member nations:
The 14th Carrier Battle/Strike Group is being readied, along with the 12th, 13th, and the 15th Infantry Brigade, for a possible war with the Steppe Emipre.
OOC; don't bother. This is just going to end with it gettting locked. Just like before.
Amazonian Beasts
22-07-2007, 21:12
OOC: I need a better laughing smiley.
Official Communication by the Amazonian Dominion
Should the laughable remnant of the Hatarian Empire attempt any sort of attack on the New Prussian Empire or any of its allies, the Dominion will respond with the full force of its military assets, even though not technically aligned with the NPE.
-Dominion War Department
22-07-2007, 21:26
OOC; don't bother. This is just going to end with it gettting locked. Just like before.
OOC: Yeah, you're better off sending forces to fight in the Corporate Alliance Theater than this one. I don't care enough about Hataria's opinion of me.
Hahaha the glorious king Demetry Rommonov of Verx laughs at your pathetic empty threts to the New Prussian Empire we will support the New Prussian empire against any 'threats'
Aurum Domus
23-07-2007, 02:08
OOC: Really Hat, this is pathetic. You are a pathetic waste of space on this forum. Your old nation was banned for the exact same things your doing now. If war happens my men will gladly chop off every single head of yuor people.
Oh and btw, my nation has controlled the islands off your coast since the war ended, so don't try anything.
Oh and btw, my nation has controlled the islands off your coast since the war ended, so don't try anything.
OOC: no you don't. once a nation is deleted, everything that has to do with him is retconed. that means all his territory disapears.
Napoleonic Republic IV
23-07-2007, 02:36
the Emperor of Napoleonic Republic IV will grant any aid needed in the war against Prussians wherever they may be.
Aurum Domus
23-07-2007, 03:36
OOC: Then logically his nation has no connection to Hataria since that land no longer exists.
23-07-2007, 04:00
"In other news, the steppes completely vanished from the map as resurgent lava flows continued to stir fires in the fields of lands so distant that we beg to ask, why bother? The Imperial Ministry of Cartography had no extra comments to justify removing the land mass from the maps, asking in turn, 'What land mass? There never was and never will be a land mass there.' We'd bring you updates, but news officials are concerned that this issue won't last long enough to matter.
"Back home, a cat survives an 80 story fall, miraculously landing on its feet. This follows recent experiments proving that cats do not always land on their feet when falling..."
23-07-2007, 06:58
"In other news, the steppes completely vanished from the map as resurgent lava flows continued to stir fires in the fields of lands so distant that we beg to ask, why bother? The Imperial Ministry of Cartography had no extra comments to justify removing the land mass from the maps, asking in turn, 'What land mass? There never was and never will be a land mass there.' We'd bring you updates, but news officials are concerned that this issue won't last long enough to matter.
"Back home, a cat survives an 80 story fall, miraculously landing on its feet. This follows recent experiments proving that cats do not always land on their feet when falling..."
OOC: Pure brilliance. *Thumbs up*
The Divine Deity
23-07-2007, 10:15
The Theocracy of Divine Deity humbly but very earnestly pleas that the Steppe Empire reconsider its decision to go to war with the New Prussian Empire in acknowledgement that problems and differences could only be solved satisfactorily to both parties through dialogue and not through violence. As a catholic nation, this theocracy firmly believes in the divine law, meaning that the Lord approves only of peaceful actions instead of violence.
We very humbly offer our grandest cathedral, St. Mary's Basilica, as a neutral location to negotiate under the roof of God and His sense of justice.
May the Lord be with you both.
Very Sincerely
The Steppe Empire
23-07-2007, 17:33
OOC: Really Hat, this is pathetic. You are a pathetic waste of space on this forum. Your old nation was banned for the exact same things your doing now. If war happens my men will gladly chop off every single head of yuor people.
Oh and btw, my nation has controlled the islands off your coast since the war ended, so don't try anything.
OOC: Not for long.
23-07-2007, 17:51
While we are currently fighting our own war, the Imperium wishesthe best of luck towards the New Prussian Empire and notes they can feel free to use Questarian designed arms or vessels if they so wish.
[OOC: Um, no binary, thats not the case. Deleted nations can be retconned but aren't always. Why don't you go ask all those countries that have, say, Hogsweat in their history?]
23-07-2007, 18:19
While we are currently fighting our own war, the Imperium wishesthe best of luck towards the Greater Prussian Empire and notes they can feel free to use Questarian designed arms or vessels if they so wish.
[OOC: Um, no binary, thats not the case. Deleted nations can be retconned but aren't always. Why don't you go ask all those countries that have, say, Hogsweat in their history?]
OOC: My man, its the New Prussian Empire he's talking about. Me ;)
The Greater Prussian Empire is a different, albeit allied, alliance. :D
23-07-2007, 18:21
Oh yeah. Whups <.< *edits*
West Corinthia
23-07-2007, 18:34
Official Corinthian Communique
As the New Prussian Empire is an enemy of the Corporate Alliance, and as we have a favorable view of several of its member nations, the Imperial Republic of West Corinthia hereby declares support for the NPE and condemns any and all defaming statements made against them by "The Steppe Empire."
Czar Valerius Ptolemy
[OOC: Um, no binary, thats not the case. Deleted nations can be retconned but aren't always. Why don't you go ask all those countries that have, say, Hogsweat in their history?]
OOC: ahm but this case is different. Hogsweet was unjustly deletled, while Hat was deleted for a fairly good reason(trying to sue the people who host his message is like using TV, to stop people from watching TV.)
The Steppe Empire
23-07-2007, 19:05
The Steppe Empire demand that if The NPE wants to keep war for starting, It must hand back ALL of The Hatarian Homeland and give $2 trillion to The Hatarian People.
The Steppe Empire demand that if The NPE wants to keep war for starting, It must hand back ALL of The Hatarian Homeland and give $2 trillion to The Hatarian People.
OOC: that land disapeared when your old nation was deleted. and we aren't going to RP with you.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 19:09
Official Communiqué
Open Declaration:
Oh, those silly Steppe nomads. If I was the leader of the NPE, I'd be quivering at the threat of war - after all, I hear that the Steppe Empire has some very sharp spears that they could lob at your armoured tank divisions. I laugh at this 'Queen Basi', and I, for one, will stand by the New Prussian Empire in any conflict.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
The Steppe Empire demand that if The NPE wants to keep war for starting, It must hand back ALL of The Hatarian Homeland and give $2 trillion to The Hatarian People.
Official Siriusan Communiqué
Two trillion dollars? Have you lost your mind? These demands are ridiculous, much less when they are coming from such a small nation with such little influence. We advise that the government of the Steppe Empire reconsider their demands. It appears that many of Hataria's old enemies view the people of this new empire in the same light, which may lead to the Steppe Empire's extermination much like Hataria's.
23-07-2007, 19:40
Official Declaration of the Wulfen Empire:
No. Go away lest you be destroyed... again.
A. Frank, Paw of the God-Wolf.
Pax Lupum!
23-07-2007, 21:17
23-07-2007, 22:54
It must hand back ALL of The Hatarian Homeland and give $2 trillion to The Hatarian People.
The Hatarian Homeland is gone, as if it never existed.
The Hatarian People are gone, as if they never existed.
This decision was handed down some time ago following your incessant attempts to get back into the same IC / OOC flamewars that got Hataria deleted. This thread, like all the others claiming ex-Hatarian territory; whether started by The Steppe Empire or any other player/nation, is now closed.
The Steppe Empire / Hataria, if you don't quit this crusade to bring back the dead, we'll end up deleting your new nations too. You've been warned and warned and warned again, and our tolerance for this idiocy is long since past. Start fresh or walk away. No other choices exist for you.