22-07-2007, 05:51
Demographics, Economics, and Geography Basics
Total Population: 165,478,927
Total Area: 2,282,849 km²
Population Density: 72.5 people/sq. km
Gross Domestic Product: $1.64 trillion
GDP Per Capita: $9,9106
Monetary Unit: peseta (60 peseta = $1 USD)
Unemployment 7.2%
Government Basics
Government Type: Constitutional Republic
President (Leader of Government) Eusebio Celestino
Prime Minister (Head of State): Horacio António
Division of Powers: Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Capital: Madrid
National Anthem: La Marcha Real
Military Basics
Division of Military: Iberian Empire Army (IEA), Iberian Empire Navy (IEN), Iberian Empire Air Force (IEAF).
People Basics:
Ethnicity:Literally hundreds
Official Language/s: Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Amharic (De Facto in Ethiopia)
Literacy Rate: 97.4% For Men. 98.0% for Women.
Demographics, Economics, and Geography Basics
Total Population: 165,478,927
Total Area: 2,282,849 km²
Population Density: 72.5 people/sq. km
Gross Domestic Product: $1.64 trillion
GDP Per Capita: $9,9106
Monetary Unit: peseta (60 peseta = $1 USD)
Unemployment 7.2%
Government Basics
Government Type: Constitutional Republic
President (Leader of Government) Eusebio Celestino
Prime Minister (Head of State): Horacio António
Division of Powers: Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Capital: Madrid
National Anthem: La Marcha Real
Military Basics
Division of Military: Iberian Empire Army (IEA), Iberian Empire Navy (IEN), Iberian Empire Air Force (IEAF).
People Basics:
Ethnicity:Literally hundreds
Official Language/s: Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Amharic (De Facto in Ethiopia)
Literacy Rate: 97.4% For Men. 98.0% for Women.