NationStates Jolt Archive

Solace in Each Other (State of Emergency declared)

The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 03:01
This is a Northern Baltic Channel 15 news emergency report: "Last night, the new Harry Potter book became a best seller in The Northern Baltic. Millions of copies were sold, but during the night, the books sale caused something terrifying. The Senate and most of the downtown section of the Northern Baltic capitol were seized by mobs of mostly children. These mobs of children ( claimed Harry Potter sent them on a mission to exterminate the 'muggels'. Scattered reports claim the Senate was in session at the time it was overrun. We have no reports on what happened to the members attending the Senate meeting, but rumors exist that they were killed, yet these reports are not confirmed at this time.

We are now receiving information that several checkpoints set up around the area have been overrun. An order of evacuation has gone out and all citizens in the Capitol are ordered to flee their homes. The government can only provide enough transportation for about 1/10th of the population so most will be forced to flee...."

The broadcast was then cut off as the hydroelectric plant was overrun and destroyed by the Cult of Harry Potter. The guards of the power plant put up a brave fight in order to give the scientists enough time to escape by boat, but they ran out of ammo and quickly were killed.

Outside the city the army put up a hasty defense and were so far able to keep the mobs suppressed with machine gun fire. However, the mobs could outflank and overwhelm the Northern Baltic Army guarding the main roads out of the Capitol as reinforcements would take awhile to arrive.
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 03:10
OOC: Amazing, NB. I salute you.
22-07-2007, 05:43
Leocardia tags.
22-07-2007, 05:48
Official message from the IDC and the WPF

if needed, a group of ships could be sent to your nation to help keep the peace

President Alexander Hasley
22-07-2007, 06:10
The Leocardian Mobile Naval Fleet was deployed to head to the USSNB, but ordered to stay 20 miles away from the allied nation's mainland. The fleet was to act as a naval base/stronghold to aid its civilians in need, and provide any emergency aid when needed from the Leocardian Army and Naval Airforce. Serval carriers had numerous utility, as well as attack helicopters, stationed on its platforms.
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 15:17
Official message from the IDC and the WPF

if needed, a group of ships could be sent to your nation to help keep the peace

President Alexander Hasley

While we appreciate the gesture, it is ground support we need. The Cult of Harry Potter has not demolished our buildings nor do we wish to. The sea coast is secure. If the Cult attempts to take to sea, the mighty Fortress of Asgard will send them to the sea bottom.

Government in Exile
Department of Foreign Relations
Pan-Arab Barronia
22-07-2007, 15:34

We would be pleased to send a force of peacekeepers to help maintain stability in your nation. We know all too well the risk to the psychologically undeveloped individuals that the "Harry Potter" series can be, and maintained military police at all stores releasing the book (in appropriate dress, of course).

Our peacekeepers are well-versed in dealing with children, especially those fighting a guerilla war, owing to the Tunisiana Uprising, where several million children supported a communist uprising. We're still spanking them over 3 months later, though most have been processed and sent back to their families.

Our best wishes go out to you during this time.

Barronian International Affairs

OOC: Nicely done.
22-07-2007, 16:45
Carrier Group "Red Dragon" Flagship VDFNS Red Dragon, 60 Miles from Northen Baltic Waters:

The Red Dragon had until very recently been deployed to Pacifica on Peacekeeping Operations however now that the mission had ended the Red Dragon Carrier Group had been ordered to return home to Vetaka as a result they slowly made their way home in High Spirits they sailed on however upon coming close to Northen Baltic a key Vetakan Ally from the Zanski Affair the Ships not needing to stop off for R&R did however take advantage of sampling some Northen Baltic TV and Media as a result they where somewhat surprised when they viewed a rather odd News Report.

Carrier Group Commondore Pete Mosland lay on his bed listerning to Mozart when his Phone Rang answering he was extremely annoyed at his XO asking him to come down to the Command Room. Raising from his bed he made his way down to the Command Room entering he sighed and began:

"Report? Come on whats the big situation?"

The XO remained silent and nodded to a Naval Intelligence Officer whom pointed a remote at a HD TV which flickered into life showing the News Report they all watched the Commondors mouth slowly dropped his expression changing from annoyance to horror, once the report had finished the Intel Officer muted the TV and began:

"It was aired about 20 minutes ago and its going all through the Northen Baltic News Channels. We contacted Theeb and Command is most horror stricken. Foreign Affairs is trying to get hold of the NB Ambassador but its a Sunday so everything is taking twice as long. VSIS has begun investigations into the affair."

The XO began after:

"Admiralty orders us to come about contact whoever is in charge of NB and provide any and all Aid. We are also to Evac the Vetakan Ambassador should the need arise"

The Commondore rather annoyed that he wouldnt be back home as quick as he thought simply nodded and spoke:

"Make it happen"

"Yes Sir" came a number of replies




Carrier Group "Red Dragon":

1 Nimitz Class Supercarrier (VDFNS Red Dragon)
1 Sword Beach Class Helicopter Assualt Carrier (VDFNS Sword Alpha 4)
3 Wasp class amphibious Assault Ships
8 Chieftain Class Pocket Battleships
4 Ticonderoga Class Missile Cruisers
5 Daring Class Air Defense Destroyers
5 Arleigh Burke Class Missile Destroyers
6 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
1 ASDS Advanced SEAL Delivery System
2 Safeguard Class Rescue and Salvage Ships
2 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships
25 SH-60 Seahawk Helicopters (Blackhawk naval variant)
16 AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters
38 F/A 401 Birds of Prey
40 F-37C Eurafighters
2 E-2C Hawkeyes
22-07-2007, 16:53
While we appreciate the gesture, it is ground support we need. The Cult of Harry Potter has not demolished our buildings nor do we wish to. The sea coast is secure. If the Cult attempts to take to sea, the mighty Fortress of Asgard will send them to the sea bottom.

Government in Exile
Department of Foreign Relations

Official IDC statement

the fleet contains 4 divisions of infantry and 2 tank companies
Vanek Drury Brieres
22-07-2007, 17:33
Excellent. This is crazy! lol. :p:p:p:p:p :) :) :) :) :)
22-07-2007, 17:51
OOC: Amazing. :D

Ministry of Defense

By order of his excellency, the Praetor of Vetalia, the First Vetalian Expeditionary Force has been authorized to suppress the disturbance and to impose law and order on the country when and where it is needed. We cannot afford any kind of civil unrest to spill out of control, especially considering the impetus for this action lies in a book distributed around the world.

We will transport these forces using the battle group SEACOM 15. Naval forces will remain out of the conflict as previously stated, and the following land forces will deploy as soon as possible:

2 infantry divisions totaling 40,000 men

2,000 Nakil Main Battle Tanks
2,000 M-415 Mongoose Infantry Fighting Vehicles
1,000 M939 5 Ton Trucks
300 M-409 Punisher Self-Propelled Howitzers
150 M31 GMLRS
200 M-412 Mammoth MML Multifunction Missile Launchers
20 M1 Grizzly “Breachers”
20 M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles

1,000 M-418 Brutus Armored Patrol Vehicles
1,000 M-411 Terrier Infantry Fighting Vehicles
100 M-417 Recluse Infantry Fighting Vehicles
2,000 HMMVW's
200 M-420 Thug Self-Propelled Howitzers
200 M-412 Mammoth MML Multifunction Missile Launchers
200 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
100 AH-64 Apache Longbow Helicopters

It is time for law and order to be imposed and these rebels crushed once and for all. Lieutenant General Anastas Vaskov will command these forces.

The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 18:11
A message to the governments of Cazelia, Vetaka, Pan-Arab Barronia, and Leocardia was sent:

The Capitol is lost. We do require immediate assistance, but landing on the beaches in the Capitol is suicide. The two smaller forts guarding the harbor have fell, but the island fortress of Asgard stands strong. We managed to use several mothballed vessels to evacuate as many refugees as possible and have been able to keep the base supplied. We suggest you land in the suburbs as a defense has been set up there to stop the onslaught. The Harry Potter Cult is estimated at between 3 million and 5 million strong.

Our government's main leaders have been killed. In accordance with emergency procedure, the Northern Baltic Domestic Operations (NBDO) has taken control of the government, however it is necessary to host a reelection after a week of the NBDO controlling the country. We have lost control of several more city blocks, but our Army and Police are putting up a valiant fight. We are attempting to mobilize our emergency reserves, however their weapon depots are mainly in the Capitol. Any assistance you can provide us with will be greatly appreciated.

The Northern Baltic Government in Exile
Department of Foreign Relations
22-07-2007, 18:25
Ministry of Defence

Effective immediately, an additional 5 infantry divisions, 2 mechanized divisions and another armored division are being dispatched for deployment in the country. All we need is approval from the TNB military command and we will begin deploying forces. The net total will be 140,000 soldiers backed up by around 12,000 military vehicles of different classes and forms.

However, we need intelligence: maps of suspected enemy positions, the terrain, everything. Our forces cannot fight blind. In addition, other weapons are ready in the event that conventional force fails. We hesitate to use them, but if necessary we can deploy tactical weapons of mass destruction in critical areas.

Simply give the word and we will begin immediate deployment.
22-07-2007, 18:38
Carrier Group "Red Dragon" Flagship VDFNS Red Dragon, 50 Miles from Northen Baltic Waters:

Reading the message the Commondore relished this feeling. Turning to face his Command Staff on the bridge his expression turned to one of Excitement:

"Bring us about, Red Alert Battlestations"

With this the Bridge Darkened slightly as the Bridge was now bathed in the glow of Red Lights. Across the ship and across the Fleet Klaxons began to sound as the Fleet went to a Battle Ready State. Aboard the Sword Class Helicopter Assualt Ship VDFNS Sword Alpha 4 in a Command Room filled with finely pressed Military Uniforms. The Marine Assualt Regiment was the Vetakan Equivalent of the British Royal Marines. In this case their Commanding Officer was Brigadier Roberton Fenton he paced the room thinking looking at a massive wall mounted HD Screen showing live OBSAT Pictures of Northen Baltic and a map of the Nation with areas that had fallen and areas that remained in Allied Control Fenton pounded the table:


"None at the moment Sir" replied his Second in Command which was Colonel Edmund Manchester.

"Ok get into contact with NB Military we need a picture of the situation on the ground as well as a list of objectives. Ideally we need a main FOB (Forward Operating Base) from which to pave the way for the Allied Forces find out if their is a Port or an International Airport that we can use. In the meantime have the Air Force run sweeps" ordered Fenton

"Yes Sir" replied Manchester



The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 18:57
The following is the current situation on the ground:
Red circles are the main centers of resistance
Red circle with the red dot in the middle is believed to be the main center of resistance
Blue dots are main concentrations of Army and Police forces
Blue arrows are lines of retreat for the Army and Police forces
Cyan circles are suggested landing spots for your forces

Letters (Points of interest):
A. The Senate
B. Fort A
C. Fort B
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 19:14
Ministry of Defence

Effective immediately, an additional 5 infantry divisions, 2 mechanized divisions and another armored division are being dispatched for deployment in the country. All we need is approval from the TNB military command and we will begin deploying forces. The net total will be 140,000 soldiers backed up by around 12,000 military vehicles of different classes and forms.

However, we need intelligence: maps of suspected enemy positions, the terrain, everything. Our forces cannot fight blind. In addition, other weapons are ready in the event that conventional force fails. We hesitate to use them, but if necessary we can deploy tactical weapons of mass destruction in critical areas.

Simply give the word and we will begin immediate deployment.

We will welcome any assistance you can provide.
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 19:23
To the government of Vetaka:
Lethal force is accepted. A squad of performing police attempted to get the Cult to stop in its tracks by performing such magic tricks as pulling bunnies out of hats, but they were quickly killed after they ran out of tricks. A combination of patriotism and years of Socialist teaching has caused there to be little or no looting or police corruption, but this could change. At the moment, however, our Police and Army remain under our full control.

Northern Baltic Government in Exile
Department of Foreign Relations
22-07-2007, 19:27
Though we are a small nation, we will provide our help in the form of squad Alpha 22. This squad is comprised of teenagers from natioanl service in our country, who have experience in pacifying children. Just give the word, and we will begin insertion into a place of your designation.
22-07-2007, 19:40
To: The Government of the Northern Baltic
From: Akimonad

We wish to assist in peacekeeping and riot suppression operations. The Second Marine Platoon will be sent with both lethal and nonlethal weapons. The platoon in 3000 strong, and will be arriving with the First Naval Marine Fleet.

The First Naval Marine Fleet consists of:
1 Chupacabra-class Super Dreadnaught
2 Nimitz-class Supercarriers
2 Invincible-class Light Carriers
10 Alfa-class Attack Submarines
10 Type 212 Multipurpose Submarines
5 Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Destroyers
7 CG(X) class Guided Missile Cruisers
9 Perry-class Frigates
12 K130-class Corvettes

~Dr. Jules Hodz
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 19:50
The Northern Baltic will accept any aid you provide. We do not wish for our Capital to be bombed. If the need arises to bomb our Capital, we will do it ourselves. We wish you to tell us what forces you are deploying, but after doing so, you can move your forces into the area around our Capital.

Northern Baltic government in exile
Department of Foreign Relations
22-07-2007, 20:43
A message to the governments of Cazelia, Vetaka, Pan-Arab Barronia, and Leocardia was sent:

The Capitol is lost. We do require immediate assistance, but landing on the beaches in the Capitol is suicide. The two smaller forts guarding the harbor have fell, but the island fortress of Asgard stands strong. We managed to use several mothballed vessels to evacuate as many refugees as possible and have been able to keep the base supplied. We suggest you land in the suburbs as a defense has been set up there to stop the onslaught. The Harry Potter Cult is estimated at between 3 million and 5 million strong.

Our government's main leaders have been killed. In accordance with emergency procedure, the Northern Baltic Domestic Operations (NBDO) has taken control of the government, however it is necessary to host a reelection after a week of the NBDO controlling the country. We have lost control of several more city blocks, but our Army and Police are putting up a valiant fight. We are attempting to mobilize our emergency reserves, however their weapon depots are mainly in the Capitol. Any assistance you can provide us with will be greatly appreciated.

The Northern Baltic Government in Exile
Department of Foreign Relations

"Hell with it." The Admirial mumbled in his private room after hearing the echo messages from the front room of his. "5 million strong ain't nothing compared to our guns. Sieg Leocardia."

Just in, 15 Apache helicopters, as well as 25 transport helicopters took off from the platforms of the Ocean Base, nicknamed 'L24HQ'. The Apache helicopters were equipped with extra ammunition to gun down the Harry Potter freaks if they were sighted. By the shores, the soldiers in the transport helicopters would emerge out, and vehicles would travel toward the capital of the USSNB. Eventually, the Apache helicopters would still provide air cover for the Leocardian humvees.
22-07-2007, 20:59
VEF Headquarters

Our forces will make a landing at the Harbour near the center of resistance closest to your retreating forces. Chances are, the enemy will be pursuing your forces allowing us to make a crucial wedge between them and attack the rear of the pursuing forces. Once they have been destroyed or forced to retreat, we will establish a defensive perimeter between the points marked 4 and 6 and bring in further reinforcements.

The attack will involve three prongs. The southernmost will contain the majority of our infantry units while the northern two will be primarily armored and mechanized infantry. The SEACOM group will provide helicopter and VTOL air support when and where necessary.


The harbor was calm, deathly silent even as the transports made their way towards the shore. Further out, the naval fleet waited, its guns ready to unload covering fire if and when it was necessary. Preliminary recon suggested the area was deserted and that most of the forces were a significant distance away. The first wave, consisting entirely of infantry and Vetalian Marines, approached the coast. The 20,000 men would secure an initial perimeter to allow the rest of the forces and their vehicles to unload and deploy.

The transports approached the docks, deployed their landing equipment, and the waves of soldiers spilled out and ran towards the nearest buildings to secure them. Within a half hour, the entire landing force had been successfully disembarked and word was being relayed to begin bringing in the heavier equipment and additional troops.
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 21:17
OOC: Aww I was going to post them taking over the island fortress of Asgard. I guess I can still do that though...

IC: Night fell on the Northern Baltic. Aside from the bonfires burning, it was incredibly silent and dark. Several groups of Harry Potter cultists wandered around the area where Vetalia forces landed, but did not detect the Vetalians as they were busy re-re-reading their new Harry Potter books. No one detected a large number of small boats closing in on the island fortress of Asgard. ( Most of the guards were busy caring for the large number of refugees still in the Castle-like fortress. Most of Asgard's weapons and ammunition had been pressed into service on the mainland and most of the weapons still there, such as the four 800mm railguns and the three dozen Moskit batteries, were useless against the small boats. The 800mm railguns could inflict damage on the group of small boats, except they were made so they could not turn around. The guards that spotted the large group of boats when they were a few hundred feet from the Castle began to open fire with what weapons they had and quickly ran out of ammunition. The surge of Harry Potter Cultists fell on the castle with swords and some type of simple explosive firework. The guards put up a hell of a fight, but the Cultists overran them with sheer numbers. Asgard fell that night. There was no escape.
22-07-2007, 22:02
Defence Department Report Just In
Squad Alpha 22 reported back to us this evening, and have located the rebel leader and their headquarters. They have taken up position in the central stadium, and have aquired 12 crates of OICW all-purpose assault rifles.
Their leader goes by the name of "Ron". He has ginger hair, a heavily freckled face and is of about 16 years old. He is accompanied at all times by a 10-strong unit of body guards yelding the forementioned stolen weapons.

The unit has infiltrated the command post, and are ready to ttack at any moment.

Requesting your permission, over.
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 22:16
To the government of Alfegos:
Hidden microphones have picked up conversations between the Harry Potter cultists. We believe Ron is simply a pawn in this whole affair. We are actually looking for someone they call Harry Potter, but we believe Harry Potter is taking orders from someone else (Got a good plot twist). Eliminating Ron will probably not be useful and instead, will probably endanger your squad.
22-07-2007, 22:22
Should we order a strategic strike on the stadium headquarters?
22-07-2007, 22:23
Due to the propagation of bonfires, we request permission to spray the area with flame retardant, such as the type used on forest fires. It may also stun the cult.

Awaiting your permission.

OOC: You might want to give us some more leash that way we don't have to ask permission to do everything.
The Northern Baltic
22-07-2007, 22:33
To the governments of Alfegos and Akimonad:
There will be no destroying of the buildings in the Capitol. We want the city intact. Anything you do that does not result in the destruction of the Capitol is up to you, but the buildings must remain intact.
22-07-2007, 22:39
Urgent Report just in
Our squad managed to capture a manifest detailing where the arms were shipped from. It appears that they are using an offshore company called "KRONOS" to route their weapons. Whatever happens, we must strike quickly now, as they are planned to receive 5 Minutemen I missiles from the same firm. We are requesting artillery support from naval fleets in the vicinity to sheel the airport, where it has been confirmed that the missiles will be deliverd by stealth transport.

Meanwhile, we are moving troops from the republic to attempt to re-enforce the beach head: 5000 men from the 1st fighting company.


The captain raised his silenced TMP, and signalled to the rest of the squad. The one they called Ron was in sight now. A mobile phone rang. Ron picked it up, then signalled for his bodyguards to exit the room.
At that moment, he ran across the room, keeping to the shadows, and grapped the red file marked KRONOS. He whipped around as he heard the door open, and a bodyguard walked back in. But they were unable to see him return to the opened vent.
Before leaving the headquarters, he placed a large package marked C4 against the wall of the building, and set the radio transmitter to active.
22-07-2007, 22:58
Over the horizon of the capitol city, five dots appeared gradually they became distinguishable as C-130 aerial firefighting planes. On the ground, several bonfires were visible.

"This is Firecat Leader. Split up and tackle the fires individually."

The five planes spaced out a little more and flew closer to the capitol, where the pilots could see numerous orange specks.

"Twenty kilometers until release. Open doors."

The C-130s opened their cargo bay doors.

"Ten kilometers. Five. Launch."

From the five planes, thick red dust cascaded out and onto the capitol, extinguishing many fires.

"Firecat Leader, this is Firecat Three. Report heavy civilian incapacitation."

"Don't worry, Firecat Three. They'll be all right when the dust dissipates."

The planes flew off.





British Londinium
22-07-2007, 23:16

The Londinian Secret Intelligence Service had, for generations, inspired awe in the people of British Londinium - an organ of the government completely hidden from the prying eyes of the media, and instrument of capable of maintaining constant vigilance in nearly every nation relevant to the People's Sovereign Republic. And the Northern Baltic, as a former GUSN ally, happened to be one of those relevant nations. As soon as news of the Harry Potter-fan insurrection in the capital reached the ears of the Londinian open source intelligence agency, LBG Monitoring, twenty SIS agents found themselves flying on a Virgin Victoria flight to the Baltic capital city. Thankfully, the airline had cooperated with the agents to ensure that their weaponry, including Walther P99 pistols and HK416 assault rifles, were concealed and securely transported into the Northern Baltic - a perk of government "kickbacks".

But, unlike many, these SIS agents were deployed to prevent other nations from destabilizing the country in this time of internal crisis. Too bad the armed forces of Alfrego had decided to do so, because as soon as the SIS agents caught an Alfregan squad planting a bomb in a building somewhere in the capital, it wasn't long before the Secret Intelligence Service disarmed the bomb and began sweeping the city for their presence.
22-07-2007, 23:19
Aboard the AS Apocalypse, Admiral Jones could only watch in horror as the 3 remaining missiles turned and headed towards the carrier.

"Close all bulkhead doors, lock the emergancy bulk-heads and SCRAM the reactor!" He yelled. "All hands brace for impact!"

On board a B4 Wyvern, Harry Potter smiled as he watched the remains of the once noble carrier disappear below the waterline. As the plane neared, he watched as the crew who had survived and were in the water or on lifeboats were gunned down by the 3 Vulcan Minuguns mounted in the nose.
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 23:27
Alfegos Ministry of War
The supposed "bomb" found placed in the capital was not done so under the Alfegosians' knowledge.
The firing of those missiles at the capital was a despicable act, and we hope that you are brought to justice for dealing with these fanatics, and for destroying most of the North Baltic capital.

OOC: There goes my godmode alarm! It's up to NB to decide damage, and, incidentally, he is within his rights to ignore the attack upright considering he explicitly said that people wishing to RP in this thread could not destroy the capital.
22-07-2007, 23:37
As the SIS closed in upon the squad, the leader signalled for them to spread out in the building. The leader of the group raised his sub-machine gun and prepared to fire upon the approaching figures. Suddenly, gunfire erupted from the back of the room as the SIS agents let rip. How had they got there? Then the leader released that one of his squad members was missing. A cry of "traitor!" was his last before he fell to the ground, riddled with bullets.

On board the B4 Wyvern, Harry Potter smiled again as he thought again how he had tricked that supposed "crack squad". The stealth plane turned around as it prepared to land at the airport, where he would meet KRONOS
The Northern Baltic
23-07-2007, 00:22
OOC: Only I am rping the resistance (and my forces). The only way Harry Potter would get anti-shipping missiles is if he discovered and was able to hack the anti-shipping missile defense system. In that case, every ship in the area would be screwed. He has not discovered the bunker and I don't plan on him discovering it. Therefore I request that you delete the posts you made before where you godmodded, Alfegos.

IC: The Harry Potter cultists sat on the rooftop. A Northern Baltic Mi-2 Police Helicopter slowly passed over them. They began to open fire with a type of highly explosive firework. The first few fireworks exploded near the helicopter and damaged it, but it kept flying. It was the next couple shots that sent the helicopter down. One of the crew members survived the crash. However his legs had been paralyzed from the jump from the helicopter. He was dragged down the street by the Harry Potter cultists and brought into a chamber. He was dragged through that chamber and brought into a room where a hat sat on a stool. The Cultists bowed in the presence of the hat and four figures dressed in black and dark green robs ( carried the man onto the stool and forced the hat on him. He blacked out and ended up shackled to a post.
23-07-2007, 15:03
On the decks of the Akimonadite aircraft carriers, helicopters were being readied. The marines had heard of a police helicopter going down and they wanted to see if the could rescue anybody. Several ARH-60s were being loaded with munitions and marines were climbing into some Blackhawks. Five Cobra Zulus were already up in the air, and on one aircraft carrier six S-72s were being readied if they were need.

The ARH-60s and Blackhawks took off, flying at full speed towards the crash site. The Cobra Zulus were already there, cleansing the crash site for the marines. The ARH-60s took up defensive positions, while the Blackhawks manuevered around the downed helicopter. Marines rappelled down off the helicopters and secured the area. Five medics searched the helicopter, checking the victims. The main medic radioed to the carrier group.

"Thunderbird Command, this is Medic Leader. We've got several KIAs here. Request medevac support immediately."

"Roger, Medic Leader. Medevac squad en route. Sanitize a drop point."

Near the crash site was a large open area, where about two helicopters could land at a time. The marines and ARH-60s proceeded to that area, eliminating every rebel in sight.

"Medevac Squad, drop point sanitzed. Marked with red flare."

One of the Marines took a flare out and ignited it, dropping it on the ground where it glowed a bright red.

The S-72s landed and the deceased crew were loaded onto them. The Marine Platoon commander walked over to the lead pilot.

"We've salvaged a few standard-issue police pistols. We're also trying to see if we can salvage anything else, but there's not much that still works."

The S-72s took off and flew back to the carriers, the deceased crew being placed in a makeshift morgue until a hospital ship arrived.

The Marines climbed back into the Blackhawks and the whole wing of helicopters left, leaving the wreckage of the helicopter silent.
The Northern Baltic
25-07-2007, 20:28
Ten fully reinforced Reserve Divisions as well as five Regular Infantry Divisions, three Mechanized Divisions, five artillery battalions, and two anti-air battalions were able not only to repel a large attack made by the enemy, but counter-attack and retake several blocks of the city. This marked the first offensive movement against the enemy by Northern Baltic forces. Support from several fighter wings put the Northern Baltic units in sight of the Capitol building.
The Northern Baltic
25-07-2007, 20:35
Forty more Reserve Infantry divisions arrived just in time to push back a large enemy attack and the only casualty occurred when a solider ran to take cover in a building and was strangled by a large wizard hat ( Several dozen more regular army divisions were on their way and when they were here, they would began another attack on the enemy.
The Northern Baltic
27-07-2007, 03:52
The several Northern Baltic Army groups repelled a tough enemy attack and now prepared to counter-attack. This counter-attack drove the enemy back. Recaptured the Senate and all the other major government offices. The Island Fortress of Asgard was captured by the Northern Baltic Special Forces Division. The remains of the Harry Potter cult fled into the Northern Baltic underground and the Army did not decide to root them out as they would have to deal with many other criminal gangs and organizations.

Elections were held the day the Capitol was taken back. The moderate-Liberals achieved a majority in the Senate and also were able to control several key committees, such as the War Committee. Mrs. Gulsar, who had worked in the government for over twenty years, became head Chairwoman. She became the third woman to serve as Chairwoman.
30-07-2007, 00:41
"Radio 1 HQ, we're under attack!" A message from the Expeditionary Force 5 rang out. This was the first report of being attacked since Leocardia's presence in the USSNB. The Ocean Base immediately reported to the Commander.

"E-Force 5 is under attack. We tried to ask for extra info, but we've lost contact with them. I suppose they are busy fighting with the Potter freaks."

"Potter freaks? Hell, I'm a Potter freak myself, its a damn good read. Notify the USSNB about this, and send in 2 A-10s in to their perimeter. Deploy those Apache's in also..."