A War for Independence (Semi-open, ATTN Lord Sumguy)
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 00:02
OOC: Please telegram me if you wish to participate.
Sumatripte Province
1524 hours LST
It had started off innocuous enough - a couple hundred Sumgese men and women assembling in front of the Sumatripte Proconsular Office, protesting the expansion into Lord Sumguy's territory. But, as with all things colonial, it never remained quite so simple. The police had been called in - only to have it spilt into two different factions, one supporting the Londinian reign, and the rest supporting the protestors. Still, though, violence had yet to ferment in Sumatripte. Until one of the rioters took out a pistol and shot three marines guarding the Proconsular Office in the head. Loyalist police forces started shooting into the crowds, to have other factions in the constabulary fire their weapons right back at them. Ordinary citizens were taking to the streets, fighting other ordinary citizens. Soon enough cries for reunification with the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy were heard echoing through the streets. It had reached the point of becoming a war for independence.
Rebellion in BL colony
Rioters in protest of Londinian expansion of the Sumatripte colony took to the streets yesterday, calling for independence and attacking the Londinian authorities.
The escalation of the violence began with a schism within the colony's police forces. Soon, two rival factions, one calling for reunification, and other for continued Londinian rule, began fighting wildly in the streets. Military forces in the area have re-imposed martial law on the colony, and armoured tank divisions currently prowl the streets.
However, this alone will not quell the violence, especially as dozens of Sumgese nationals illegally cross the security fence to aid their independence-seeking brethren.
The Consul himself did not speak directly to the press, but a government spokesman said that "British Londinium would not tolerate any challenge to their authority within the colony". The Ministry of Defence is expected to be dispatching additional military units within the week.
Story from LBG NEWS:
http: //news.lbg.co.rsp/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/lord_sumguy/5154504.stm
Published: 16:02:34 LST
22-07-2007, 00:30
OOC: wondering if it is at all possible to join this, as you mention Semi-open, I would like to try and aid the nationals in seeking independence, with aid of supplies and some guerrillas from my country. If that's all right with you I will make an IC post starting it, but I'd like to know if it's okay before i do anything.
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 01:52
OOC: wondering if it is at all possible to join this, as you mention Semi-open, I would like to try and aid the nationals in seeking independence, with aid of supplies and some guerrillas from my country. If that's all right with you I will make an IC post starting it, but I'd like to know if it's okay before i do anything.
OOC: Sure.
Lord Sumguy
22-07-2007, 02:03
A church in Sumguaia:
The Reverend John Baker, Archbishop of Sumguaia and current head of the Abrahamic League (Lord Sumguy was the first, but resigned a short time ago) looked around the table at the assembled christian, jewish, and muslim clerics. He cleared his throat and began to speak:
"It has come to my attention that violence has erupted in the Londinian colony of Sumatripte, and I wish to know if any of you were involved in any way."
There was a general shaking of heads, inciting riots and attacking civilians was entirely against the organization's rules.
"Good, then we wont have to imprison anyone. I propose that we support the nationalists with every resource at our disposal. What is the council's opinion?"
"Aye" was the general response.
"Alright, then on to how we go about it. We must train these nationalists, and teach them how to fight a guerrilla war effectively and ethically. The first thing we must do is stop all of this street violence and rioting, civilian suffering must be minimized in this struggle. Second, we must equip and organize them into a force that is able to stand up to the Londinian military presence. Third, we must begin a recruitment drive, especially among the Sumguaian military, and alert all of our old brethren from the first war of independance. When we become directly involved, our only target will be the Londinian military. Anyone who we support must follow our rules. We have done this once before, we can do it again."
The council agreed, and the meeting ended.
Sumguaia Daily Times
Mass "retirement" among Empire's military.
Over the past week, nearly half of the infantry within the Sumguaian military went on temporary retirement, and were permitted to do so by Lord Sumguy. This strange phenomenon was especially present among the Royal Guard, with over 80% leaving the ranks, including the force's leader, Captain Wall. Several top generals have also retired, all veterans of the Sumguaian War of Independance.
It is as of now unclear as to what the cause of this is, but many suspect it may have something to do with the re-creation of the Abrahamic League, the organization of Islamic, Christian, and Jewish clerics founded by Lord Sumguy that led the revolution eleven years ago. We can't be sure exactly what is going on, but this reporter is certain that whatever it is, it won't be small.
OOC: i will participate in this RP if, and only if, the Londinian government doesn't use this war as an excuse to invade the Holy Empire again.
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 02:28
Sumatriptan Proconsular Office
Sumqayit, Sumatripte
Proconsul Callixtus Terzi anxiously sat in his office, oblivious to the disorderly piles of papers and documents leaning on his desk like unstable skyscrapers, nor was the proconsul cognizant of the half-empty mugs containing stagnant, cold tea littered on the stainless steel service. No, the Proconsul couldn't indulge the Londinian fondness for order and precision today - there was a war to conduct. Callixtus heard, though, the machine gun nests outside the Proconsular Office chatter "die motherfuckers die" as they unleashed a hellish hail of lead. Callixtus heard the city of Sumqayit burn, and saw the gleaming bronze statue of Sir Alistair Davidson in the city centre slam onto the concrete below as the insurgents toppled it. A ragged-looking lieutenant handed Proconsul Terzi a piece of paper - still warm from the printers. It read:
>>>auth code 152SMQY*£Æ
>>>decrypt key VXCTWQ*912
>>>transmission commences below
>>TO: Sumatriptan Proconsular Office
>>FROM: Ministry of Defence
>>Reinforcements in route - 22nd Peacekeeping and Stabilization Division ought to be arriving within several hours. Execute extermination protocols with extreme prejudice. Continue with the imposition with martial law. Under no circumstances should the Proconsular Office yield in the least.
>>Victoria aut mors!
>>>doc serial #5102 - verify with records
>>>transmission ceases
For the first time since the riots began, Proconsul Callixtus Terzi let himself smile. "With pleasure, sir," he muttered with a hint of sadistic glee.
Defence Minister Elliot Crompton did not lie. The 22nd Division quickly unloaded their equipment and personnel at the docks, one of the few places not yet overrun by the rebels. It was at least somewhat comforting to the soldiers that they only had one hundred and seventy five square kilometres of land to cover, and their enemy was poorly trained and ill-equipped to handle the sheer brute force of the Londinian Armed Forces.
OOC: Lord Sumguy, would you care to RP the rebels? I think it might be a tad more equal-handed then. And no, I'm going to ICly assume that you've covered up the link between you and the assistance you're giving to the rebels.
Lord Sumguy
22-07-2007, 03:03
One of the rebel leaders noticed the ships coming into port, and rallied about one hundred nearby fighters to him to go see what was coming in. When they arrived, they saw the troops disembarking and opened fire, scattering to cover as they did so.
Meanwhile, a group of rebels were in the building surrounding the Proconsul's office and were taking shots out of windows at the machinegunners. Rifles were scarce, but there were nearly 250 rebels, and about 15 had rifles. The rebels with lss accurate weapons would fire at the machinegunners as the men with rifles would take aim and fire. Several molotov coktails and grenades were thrown at the nests below. As this was happening, an armored truck that had belonged to a nearby bank but now held a group of rebels sped toward the Proconul's office, intending to ram through the door.
Border to Sumatripte, Sumguaian border patrol unit 324:
The border patrol agent stared as he watched about 8,000 heavily armed men wearing the insignia of the Abrahamic League and a group of hijacked Sumguaian tanks that were repainted with the AL insignia and colors cut through the fence and cross the border into Sumatripte. He quickly turned and became very interested in a pebble on the ground. Several minutes later, the men were out of sight, and he breathed a sigh of releif. He saw another cloud of dust in the distance, and saw through his binoculars that it was yet more men coming to cross the border. He ran to his jeep, got in, and sped away from the area.
22-07-2007, 03:45
The following letter is sent to the sumatripte rebels:
К друзьям жизни и свободы
Greetings brothers and Komrades. We have heard of your plight and struggle for independence against the vile traitors to the cause of the true revolutionary. We ourselves have struggled against those who oppressed our country,and regardless of how you wish to govern yourselves, we will help you achieve your independence and liberate yourselves.
Many in our country have volunteered to help you, and we will give you the means to fight for yourselves. we will teach you how to fight a proper guerrilla war, if your oppressors cannot be beaten with ease, we will bleed them dry, we will oputlast them. Let us make your country the afghanistan of British Londonium.
Let the worker reign free! And may you know success in your campaign!
~Sergei Vasseily
Lord Sumguy
22-07-2007, 04:11
The following letter is sent to the sumatripte rebels:
К друзьям жизни и свободы
Greetings brothers and Komrades. We have heard of your plight and struggle for independence against the vile traitors to the cause of the true revolutionary. We ourselves have struggled against those who oppressed our country,and regardless of how you wish to govern yourselves, we will help you achieve your independence and liberate yourselves.
Many in our country have volunteered to help you, and we will give you the means to fight for yourselves. we will teach you how to fight a proper guerrilla war, if your oppressors cannot be beaten with ease, we will bleed them dry, we will oputlast them. Let us make your country the afghanistan of British Londonium.
Let the worker reign free! And may you know success in your campaign!
~Sergei Vasseily
The following reply was sent:
Greetings friend, we accept your offer of aid. Our only request is that any fighters you send follow the Abrahamic League rules of engagement. Rather let us make our nation alike to the American Colonies and the British Empire, not like Afghanistan and the Soviet Union.
-The Reverend John Baker, Archbishop of Sumguaia
Code to Insurgent command
greetings. i am General James Lantersmith, commander of division 7-A1B- also known as the G.H.O.S.Ts. we are a top secret orginization deep within the goverment. we have been called upon by a secret agency to aid you in your struggle for freedom. we will send 4 G.H.O.S.T teams to help train insurgents and topple the occupiers. remember-we have nothing to do to with the goverment of any country whatsoever. do not reveal us.
Tramsmission End
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 12:40
OOC: Cazelia, this is a semi-open thread, which means you have to get my approval to participate.
OOC: Can I give aid to these Rebels? Weapons, Tanks etc etc?
22-07-2007, 13:09
Interesting...let's face some action.
OOC: British Londinium, can i be that bad nation that wants to exploit your nation when this fabulous opportunity has arrived?
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 16:09
OOC: When I say "TG me if you want to participate", I literally mean to telegram me so the thread is not cluttered.
Vetaka: maybe - the rebels have far too much support as of now. Wait for it to balance out a bit.
Haivania: Er...what? If you explain what you plan on doing, I'll consider it.
Lord Sumguy: You assume the rebels are that close to the port. And, please, if you don't want this thread to 'be an excuse for me to invade you', make it less obvious.
Proconsular Office
"Holy shit!" screamed one of the machine gunners as a Molotov shattered on his body, embroiling him in flames.
"Take out that fucking armoured car," ordered an officer. Rocket launchers screamed in unison as several armour-piercing projectiles streaked towards the motorized battering ram.
OOC: Cazelia, this is a semi-open thread, which means you have to get my approval to participate.
OOC-may i?
British Londinium
22-07-2007, 17:25
OOC-may i?
OOC: No way in hell.
Nova Pictavia
23-07-2007, 00:06
Nova Picti - Official Network News
Violence Escalates in Sumatripte
Conflict between Sumgese nationalists and the forces of British Londinium continues today as the battle for Sumatripte reaches a new height. Reinforcements for both sides have been pouring in all day, with armoured vehicles donning the insignia of the Sumgese Abrahamic League occupying the provinces capitol. The fate of Sumqayit remains uncertain.
Comm. Slaam Rousse Dispatches Third Fleet
"In the interests of protecting the civilian population and limiting nationalist sympathisers access to the region, the Green Army of the NPAF has been sent to oversee the war in the name of liberty and peace"
High Commander Rousse today announced that the Third Fleet Carrier Battlegroup is now moving from International waters into recognized Sumatripte territory. This move comes as a surprising landslide vote from parliament to seize control of key areas of the province for observation, following Sumgese inability to contain nationalists from crossing the border.
The move has come under extreme criticism from many within the government itself, and has been hailed as Galan Mckay's most bold move in international politics yet, although no statement was issued from the First minister himself.
Criticism in the most extreme form has dubbed Galan Mckay's action as nothing short of the first movements of the Green Party to 'Liberate' war torn provinces abroad.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 01:19
Sumatripte Colony
Lieutenant Adad Vartanian clutched his HK416 assault rifle has he hid behind a pile of rubble in the formerly sumptuous city centre. He had been separated from his squad by a surprise rocket attack by the Sumgese extremists. Alone, cut off from his comrades, Adad had every reason to be clutching that assault rifle - especially as five nationalist militants armed with crude AK-47 assault rifles steadily approached him.
"Hey, hey, hey!" one of them goaded. "Fucking Londinians - can't handle the bloody heat. Cowards, all of 'em."
"Oi, not all of the swine are cowards," said another jovially, also trying to lure out the lieutenant. "This one lady, some government official, very courageous. Right up until we raped the bitch."
"Was she good?" laughed the third.
"Oh, definitely," replied the second. "Finest piece of ass I've had in a while. Pity about her family - had to throw 'em out of their apartment. Dead on impact, except her little girl, man. Just broke her spine. For a cripple, though, she wasn't half bad either - fucking in the middle of the street was a bit weird, but hey!"
Adad couldn't hear their laughter. The militants were trying to goad him out, and, unfortunately, his rage got the better of him. He slowly crawled to the top of the massive pile of debris, making sure to remain stealthy. Whilst he couldn't see the enemy directly, the camera mounted on his gun, which relayed the image to the eyepiece in his helmet, could.
Thank you, Land Warrior, he thought. Now let's kick some ass.
Setting the assault rifle to five-round bursts, he quickly dispatched the three lures, perforating their vapid skulls with hot lead. The other two, in a panic, started firing wildly in his general direction - they, too, were killed quickly.
Whilst Adad's private battle was over, the 22nd Peacekeeping and Stabilization Division found themselves embroiled in a much larger conflict. Aside from the major ports along the coast, and a few select strongholds in the city proper, including the Proconsular Office, the Sumgese nationalists had done a fine job in seizing the areas of Sumatripte adjacent to the Lord Sumguy-border. Tanks rolled steadily down the streets, with the blue-helmeted "peacekeepers" (read: stormtroopers) marching in precise, mechanical, clockwork-like unison not far behind.
The 22nd Peacekeeping and Stabilization Division had always had a long and bloody history. It was the 22nd that lead the brutal occupation of Caze City, and it was the 22nd that 'pacified' Hataria Londii. It was the 22nd that, under the reign of James Swanner, put down rebellions all across the island, and subjugated Kensington with a brutality rivaling that of the Atopians. This was no holiday - they meant business, and if their previous experience had taught them anything, it was to control through mind-numbing fear, not love.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 02:16
Sumatripte border town,eight hours after first crossing by AL forces:
The first Abrahamic League troops to have crossed the border moved into the first town, the other forces would move on to Sumaqayit and try to restore order there. The town was already in flames. They headed straght to the town center, where a group of rebels were looting the local Londinian government building. A group of twenty AL troops stormed into the building, subduing and handcuffing looters, and shooting any that fought them. The leader of the squad, a former army lieuteneant name John Stevens, grabbed a nearby rebel and put his gun to the man's head. "I'm with the AL, where are the Londinian officials?"
The man looked puzzled for a moment, he couldn't comprehend why a fellow revolutionary had a gun to his head. "They're in that room over there, we was just getting ready to shoot 'em, all exept for he woman of course." He said, laughing. John stared at im in disgust, and hit the man with the butt of his gun, knocking him unconsious. He kicked the door down to the room, to see a group of people bound and gagged in the corner with rebels taunting them. He walked to the nearest rebel, and shot him in the head. "Get out, or the AL will ensure your deaths." he said to the remaining men. After they had left, he began to untie the Londinians. "I am terribly sorry about all this, some people don't know how too fight a war without being a disgrace to their nation... If you do not resist or attempt to fight us, the AL will keep you safe and you may live in relative comfort until we can get you safe passage to British Londinium. Unlike most revolutionaries, we dont beleive that the ends justify the means. Are there any other places within the town where this is going on?"
Meanwhile, at the border, nearly 10,000 Sumguaian troops poured into the area in front of the border fence, and sealed off all entrances and exits to the colony of Sumatripte. The AL would be able to do no more large scale movements. Unfortunately for the Londinians, most of the current available AL forces had already crossed the border, and the Sumguaian military was powerless to take action to stop them.
OOC: i might want to put this RP on hold for a bit, not sure i really want to go through with it. Also, perhaps the AL and some other rebels should have an inner conflict over treatment of prisoners and conduct of fighters.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 02:35
OOC: That's fine, really. But I give you my assurances that if you keep the borders sealed and such, my government would have no reason to declare really. Bitch at you for not doing so earlier, maybe. But not go to war.
"And betray the métropole?" said one of the officials sadly as the others fled towards safety. "Even if it is not my homeland, I can not do so. As one non-Londinian to another, I beg you, run while you still can. You can't win. These Londinians - compromise isn't part of their vocabulary. Victoria aut mors - Victory or death. They won't stop until every...single...resistance...member has died. Unwavering loyalty is all they'll accept." The man smiled ruefully at the Abrahamic League member. "And the country has given me too much to turn my back on them. But thank you regardless."
Nova Pictavia
23-07-2007, 14:08
Pride of Hiigara, 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recognized Waters
Commander Kadesh stood up straight and gazed out of the main display window of the Glacier Class Trimaran Aircraft Carrier' The Pride of Hiigara.
"Lieutenant, I want two groups of three wraith aircraft to strafe the coastal town, relay information on enemy positions ASAP. They have permission to fire at will, we're not taking any chances here"
"Yes, Sir!"
"Captain Rider, prep your marines, you've got four hours to take that town, use everything you have"
"Thank you, Sir!"
"Lieutenant Commander, have the LIONFISH hit anything within the town that looks remotely threatening, wait for the Wraith's details. In the meantime get on the radio to the CMAMPLAINs, order them to open fire upon any military or coastguard vessels spotted, then target shore defenses, i want that harbour, Lieutenant..."
Less than five minutes later the sound of the wraith attack aircraft drowned out the logistical chatter as the groups roared overhead towards the orange glow of the war-torn town. A series of crackles which sounded suspiciously like flak filled the air, however in a few seconds nothing could be heard over the 8-inch ET cannons of the CHAMPLAINs. As the Wraith could be seen returning, the LIONFISH opened fire, filling the air with missile-trails and the taste of smoke.
This is what I live for thought Commander Kadesh. Soon the town will be ours.
OOC: Lord Sumguy, if your still in this would you like to RP the rebels who own the town? Since theres little BL defense this far away from Sumqayit, I presumed the town would be under heavy AL defense. I'll edit the post if you don't like anything about it though
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 18:38
Proconsular Office
Sumatripte Colony
People's Sovereign Republic
"Nova Pictavians?" bellowed Proconsul Callixtus Terzi as one of his staff informed him of the strafing attack. "Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Those milquetoasts are trying to take us on? Jupiter help them, because once the Ninth Legion gets here, only he'll be able to do it." Terzi smiled slightly, because he knew that the Ninth would arrive in only a few hours, and they would pulverize anyone who stood in their way.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 19:24
Abrahamic League field command, Sumatripte:
The retired General Alexander Mcalpin, commander of all AL forces within Sumatripte, looked puzzled for a moment as he heard the report, then laughed. "That little nation attacked us?"
"Yes sir, they bombed a coastal town, killing 83 of our men and about 200 civilians."
"I hope they don't intend to invade, as they will have both us and the Londinians against them if they do. How many planes do we have?"
"We just received a shipment of 30 F-22 Raptors from an international arms dealer, we have about 400 F-16's, and another 100 or so Hornet fighter-bombers. We also have about 20 A-10's, but I don't think we should use those yet, wouldn't want our enemies to realize just how powerful we are."
"Hmmm, any anti-shipping missles?"
"472 Rufous missles stolen from the Sumguaian Air Force, sir."
"If the Nova Pictavians try to invade that town, destroy their fleet thorugh any means neccesary. Aside from that, just refortify it and double the garrison. Also, the Londinian troops will be arriving soon. The AL hasn't actually engaged any Londinian soldiers yet, but i fear they will try and destroy us nonetheless. Fortify all of the nearest towns and cities that we hold, and aim all of the artillery we have at whatever port they are coming into. Send a negotiator there as well to speak with them."
"Yes sir."
"And betray the métropole?" said one of the officials sadly as the others fled towards safety. "Even if it is not my homeland, I can not do so. As one non-Londinian to another, I beg you, run while you still can. You can't win. These Londinians - compromise isn't part of their vocabulary. Victoria aut mors - Victory or death. They won't stop until every...single...resistance...member has died. Unwavering loyalty is all they'll accept." The man smiled ruefully at the Abrahamic League member. "And the country has given me too much to turn my back on them. But thank you regardless."
"Alright then, you will have to remain here under guard until further notice. You will be provided with beds, three meals a day, and medical care should you need it. If you wish anything else, just ask me." The lieuteneant stood up and began to walk out of the room. He paused at the doorway and turned back for a moment. "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. There are many worse fates than to die fighting for what you beleive in."
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 19:32
OOC: Don't you think B-2 bombers and F-22 stealth fighters, especially in those numbers, are extremely excessive for what amounts to little more than revolutionary army?
23-07-2007, 19:37
Open Declaration
The Autocratic Federated Empire has decided to enter this conflict on the side of the Londinians. We are dispatching the 9th Marine Platoon and the associated fleet.
Heading in are:
1 Chupacabra-class Super Dreadnaught
3 Nimitz-class Supercarriers
3 Invincible-class Light Carriers
10 Alfa-class SSNs
6 Type 212 Multipurpose Subs
12 Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Destroyers
15 CG(X)-class Guided Missile Cruisers
10 Perry-class Frigates
15 K130 Corvettes
and some 5000 Marines.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 19:39
OOC: Don't you think B-2 bombers and F-22 stealth fighters, especially in those numbers, are extremely excessive for what amounts to little more than revolutionary army?
OOC: Not for one that at one point included over three-quarters of the Sumguaian military, as well as most of the governement. These people aren't exactly impoverished or untrained. When the military restrictions on my nation were put into place, most of the excess equipment was sold to the AL, and a lot of the soldiers that were fired also joined the AL. The bombers might be a bit much though...
One World Alliance
23-07-2007, 19:42
ooc: British Londinium, may I join?
Nova Pictavia
23-07-2007, 19:46
I agree with BL, you do seem quite excessively armed and supplied, I mean 800 F16's!? Also we'll issue a official statement as soon as I can, however we are only attacking AL forces at this moment, as we believe they are mostly to blame for the loss of life here. And its Nova Pictavians Sumguy, come on now, I had to remember Sumatripte so you've got it easy.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 19:47
I agree with BL, you do seem quite excessively armed and supplied, I mean 800 F16's!? Also we'll issue a official statement as soon as I can, however we are only attacking AL forces at this moment, as we believe they are mostly to blame for the loss of life here. And its Nova Pictavians Sumguy, come on now, I had to remember Sumatripte so you've got it easy.
OOC: my apologies on the name. F-16's are now obsolete with the introduction of the F-22, so i don't think that they would be that hard to aquire. My post above explains how they got said planes.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 19:53
Twelve Eurofighter Typhoons, belonging to the People's Londinian Air Force, flew over the Abrahamic League positions in Sumatripte.
"This is Vitriol Leader to base," signaled the lead aircraft. "Enemy found, preparing to engage."
As the fighters veered away and headed back to the Londinian carrier offshore, twenty-four Storm Shadow cruise missiles hurtled at Mach 0.8 towards the airbases, barracks, and locations of the enemy soldiers.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 19:54
ooc: British Londinium, may I join?
OOC: No. It's quite full already, I needn't an RPer who can't follow basic instructions such as "TG me if you wish to join".
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 20:03
A radar technician at one of the hidden airbases within Sumatripte looked at the screen and spilled coffee all down his front. He turned to the officer in charge."Sir, this radar doesn't have any bugs does it?"
"No, why?"
"Because we have objects that appear to be missles heading straight for us."
"Well darn, they found us. get fire crews ready and get all of the men out of the barracks. And try to save as many planes as possible."
"Yes sir."
2 minutes later the missles hit the base, destroying 23 f-16 figters and killing nearly 50 men. Similar incidents occured in four other locatons in the colony. Fortunately for the ground forces, most were on the move and only about 220 soldiers were killed in the attacks, although several hundred civilians were killed when one of the missles hit an apartment complex. The Londinian forces had attacked first, and so any landing parties they sent would be attacked on sight. The rest of the AL forces moved away from the coast, as they had no naval forces with which to fight. The nearly 300 peices of artillery (katushas, howitsers, and the like.) aimed at the suspected Londinian landing locations would now fire as soon as any Londinian's neared the harbors.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 20:06
Open Declaration
The Autocratic Federated Empire has decided to enter this conflict on the side of the Londinians. We are dispatching the 9th Marine Platoon and the associated fleet.
Heading in are:
1 Chupacabra-class Super Dreadnaught
3 Nimitz-class Supercarriers
3 Invincible-class Light Carriers
10 Alfa-class SSNs
6 Type 212 Multipurpose Subs
12 Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Destroyers
15 CG(X)-class Guided Missile Cruisers
10 Perry-class Frigates
15 K130 Corvettes
and some 5000 Marines.
~Dr. Jules Hodz
OOC: you need to ask BL for permission, unless you already have, of course.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 20:31
Sumatripte Colony
Army soldiers rarely afforded the Air Force respect. "Pansies," they'd mutter as the gleaming Eurofighter Typhoons and BAE Harrier II jets fly overhead. "Bleedin' flyboy queens." After all, to the Army corporal going face to face to the enemy, sitting in a cockpit several thousand feet above the action seemed like a damn good deal. Tonight, though, was different, because the People's Londinian Air Force actually helped the Army out - the PLAF had made it so that, instead of sweeping out every block, one by one, the Army could go straight to the nationalist 'secret' airbases. The 22nd Peacekeeping and Stabilization Division's commanders, whilst wanting to wait for the Ninth Legion, were confident that they could take on the rebel scum. They had the most advanced weaponry, in addition to sophisticated and urbane tactics and strategies, not to mention some of the most powerful rocket artillery systems one could procure. Proconsul Callixtus Terzi grinned as he saw nearly twenty five thousand blue-helmeted soldiers march steadily for the AL encampments.
Sergeant Jake Saturninius, of Legion IX, wished he could join the 22nd in their march on the nationalists. But, unfortunately, he, and the tens of thousands of other Londinian soldiers, were under attack by several hundred Sumgese artillery emplacements. His unit's own M270 rocket artillery systems were firing rocket after rocket back at the Sumgese. Between the artillery and the WAH-64 Apache helicopters unleashing thousands of anti-personnel and anti-tank rounds on the enemy, the area had become a veritable meat grinder, with the smell of blood and dirt wafting into the sergeant's nose. Like the rest of the legion, Jake found the scent arousing, for it was the scent of death. Legion IX had been trained to love that scent, to embrace Death and take her as its collective paramour. None of these "Abrahamic League" fucks could even begin to fathom the sheer lengths these soldiers would go to in order to find victory. Brutality was their native tongue, and cold, savage, sadistic precision and efficiency was their nature. Sumatripte would never, ever, be the same after Legion IX.
23-07-2007, 20:41
OOC: you need to ask BL for permission, unless you already have, of course.
OOC: I did.
One World Alliance
23-07-2007, 21:01
ooc: i've received permission
Public Announcement from the National Information Agency:
Begin transmission:
The Republic of One World Alliance has once again assembled the Army of the Republic in another Peacekeeping mission.
The Senate has confirmed the formation of a Peacekeeping Force of 40,000 soldiers to participate in the British Londinium struggle. The Republic Peacekeepers are to remain neutral in this conflict, and their main priority is to bring aid and protection to the innocent citizens trapped in the middle of this war.
Chancellor Nicolae Augustus called the move an "unprecedented affirmation of the Republic's unwavering pursuit of peace and security to all afflicted citizens of the international community."
(Cut to the Chancellor speaking at a news conference)
"The Senate has approved my request to send military and economic aid to the region of Sumatripte, in a widespread effort to stabilize the region and minimize any citizen casualties that may be inherited in this war. The Peacekeeping Forces of the Army of the Republic will establish a refugee camp well outside of the combat zones, where all citizens, regardless of their nationalities or loyalties will be allowed to seek shelter and aid. The Peacekeepers will establish a secure route of transportation in and out of the region in order to provide continued support from forces outside of the region. We will also provide military transports to relocate the citizens to safer areas. We will not falter, we will not pull out, we shall prevail."
The Peacekeeping forces will arrive in Sumatripte within the next few hours, where they will set up the refugee camp and will begin the exodus of any citizens who wish to flee to safer nations.
End Transmission.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 21:04
AL Field Command (hidden location):
A technician ran up to Gen Mcalpin, out of breath.
"Sir, we have reports from scouts that Londinian infantry are advancing towrds our airbases, and our artillery placements near the coast are under attack by helicopter gunships."
"They found the exact location of all of our airbases? Darn. Evacuate all the towns in their way, we dont want them slaughtering the very people we are fighting to free. Get some guerrilla units and snipers to attack the Londinian ground troops on their way through to the bases, and have a few A-10's do a couple carpet bombings and strafing runs on them. Scramble all other planes and have them fly out to the pre-planned positions we outlined in the first battle plans. Booby trap the bases and evacuate them. Once the Londinians arrive at each base and the traps have been sprung, have the Templars attack them while they are in disarray. As for the artillery, get some anti-aircraft vehicles and infantry to reinforce them. I don't care how much firepower those helicopters have, they cant take a direct hit from a stinger missle." He went back to the radar screen he was watching. "So much for negotiating peacefully."
Minor road through forest area, leading to hidden AL airbase:
Major Jack Martin of the 5th sniper platoon smiled from under the camo netting covering him as he saw the Londinian infantry in the distance. He turned on his radio. "Is everyone in position?"
"Yes sir, all 47 of us." was the response.
"Good. When they get within range, open fire. Aim for the officers, technicians, and whoever may be guiding them. If you are spotted, make sure you dont give away anyone else's locations. We dont have to kill them all, just disrupt and demoralize them. I dont think we have enough ammo anyway..." This got a laugh from the rest, and they waited for the Londinians to approach. They knew this land, and intended to milk the home-feild advantage for all it was worth.
OOC: Templar is the codeword used for the ex-royal guardsmen in the AL, numbering at about 2,000 total.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 21:20
OOC: Erm, a quick little question - what? Let me just clarify here - you have nearly 20,000 soldiers who are just ex-royal guardsmen alone, on top of the rest of the AL, on top of the hundreds and hundreds of extremely sophisticated aircraft that you could barely afford even with your country's standard 75 billion dollar defence budget?
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 21:20
OOC: Erm, a quick little question - what? Let me just clarify here - you have nearly 20,000 soldiers who are just ex-royal guardsmen alone, on top of the rest of the AL, on top of the hundreds and hundreds of extremely sophisticated aircraft that you could barely afford even with your country's standard 75 billion dollar defence budget?
OOC: sorry, typo. Anyway, the planes are mostly excess that was sold to the AL at about 1/3 normal price after the huge military cuts made when the restrictions were put in place. The AL has had nearly eleven years to build up it's forces, they didn't just buy everything yesterday.
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 21:36
OOC: Better...
Official Communiqué
To Lord Sumguy:
It has not escaped my attention that members of the Abrahamic League, an organization that I believe you head, are currently in Sumatripte aiding the nationalistic cause. It has also not escaped my attention that they seem to be receiving assistance from your government - how else would such an organization come to be in possession of such advanced equipment? I do not wish to send troops into your nation, but if you do not order the immediate recall of all Abrahamic League personnel who serve in your armed forces, I'm afraid that you will leave me with little choice.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
Death loomed ominously over Sumatripte, and both the 22nd Division and Legion IX relished it, taking in as much of her as possible. Eighty thousand women and men, armed to the teeth, marched to battle, silently chanting, "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." Five divisions marching in unison towards victory, towards the defeat of the AL. The Sumgese thought they were clever by dispatching A-10 bombers - too bad the Typhoons had launched scores of anti-air missiles as soon as the enemy appeared on radar. Rocket artillery fired almost non-stop, creating a line of death in front of the advancing Londinian infantry. No building was spared, no civilian was left untouched, and no kindness was shown. And the La-Fayette class guided missile frigates couldn't resist joining in the fray - scores of Storm Shadow missiles launched from sea began to pound the Sumgese artillery emplacements.
Lord Sumguy
23-07-2007, 22:00
To:The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
From: Lord Sumguy
I am afraid you are mistaken, sir. While i did found the Abrahamic League, I resigned as a member and as the leader about a year ago. I am afraid that the reason they posess such equipment, is because a few years ago I found that my military suddenly had way more equipment than it was "allowed" to have. Naturally, I sold it to the Al, as at that time I was still the leader of it and still in control of it's actions. Many former members of my armed forces are AL members, this is true, but they are all no longer within my military, and no longer under my control. I am afraid that the most i can do is cut off their pensions, as Sumguaian forces are not permitted to enter Sumatripte. I assure you that the government has sent the AL no aid whatsoever since the beginning of this conflict. Speaking of aid, if you should have need of areas for refugee camps or any humanitarian aid, i would be more than willing to supply both. I strongly urge you to negotiate with the AL, as their leaders are sensible people, and if it is anything like the AL i led, the organization does not want to fight a war, and is only doing so because it feels it must.
-Lord Sumguy
Sumatripte, town in process of beng evacuated:
"Get them in the vehicles now!" Screamed Lieutenant Stevens, as the troops escorted civilians into trucks, vans, and the few APC's the AL had in it's possesion. "The Londinians are right behind us, and they are killing everything in their path!" He suddenly remembered the town officials that were being held in a nearby building, and rushed inside it. "Get up, you are leaving. The Londinian troops are approaching, and they are destroying everything in their path." He turned to the man he had spoken to before. "Been too good to you for you to leave, eh? There are vehicles outside waiting for you. We will stay behind and try to slow them down as much as we can. Wonderful people, these Londinians, such a firm sense of morality..." Outside, the first of the vehicles began driving off, only the tanks and AL troops would stay behind.
OOC: this is the same Lieutenant, town, and officials as spoke earlier in the thread.
I love taking the moral high ground :D
One World Alliance
23-07-2007, 22:07
The Peacekeeping Forces have arrived in Sumatripte. The enormous refugee camp, Camp Unity, has been established. Staffed with medical and security personnel, it is a well guarded base.
Camp Unity can support up to roughly 20 million refugees at one time, in accordance to barracks space, medical and nutritional supplies.
213 Warren-Class Transporters are awaiting the relocation of the civilians into nations willing to care for the refugees.
The Republic is willing to take them in, but considering the sheer number of refugees estimated, we are in desperate need of other volunteer nations.
Please reply if you wish to aid in this effort. All we simply need is your permission to bring refugees into your nation, my Peacekeeping Forces will take care of everthing.
-His Excellency, Chancellor Nicolae Augustus of the Republic of One World Alliance
British Londinium
23-07-2007, 23:34
Official Communiqué
To One World Alliance:
As the colony of Sumatripte is a Londinian possession, I feel as if the burden to support such innocent civilians lies in my hands. I ask that refugees be transported to New Londinia, a colony of ours in Mediterranica, forthwith.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
"Halt!" shouted officers throughout the advancing Londinian force. "Maintain position! Begin implementing defensive posture Alpha-November-India, now!"
Soldiers quickly began implementing the posture, blasting trenches into the ground, digging foxholes, hastily building machine gun nests and fighting holes for the tanks.
They were, at most, a kilometre away from the first of the rebel positions - but it was not there that the artillery opened fire at. It was a suburb of the city of Sumqayit. Still populated, still pacified, the sleepy residents wouldn't know what them. It was light fire, only a dozen or so missiles per minute.
A force of seven hundred soldiers ran towards the suburb, making sure that the AL militants saw them and knew their destination.
Nova Pictavia
24-07-2007, 01:55
OOC: Sorry for my absence, I see a lot has happened! Sumguy, I'm with you on the equipment thing now, cheers for clarifying.
Town of Sumasra, Northern Sumatripte
"Sir, targets hit, what are our orders?"
"Provide covering fire to the marines, but stay at a safe distance. Implement Rolling Thunder. And get the goddamned report from the spotter Wraiths!" Ordered Kadesh, speaking louder by the syllable,
"Sir, report says there is enemy movement at the harbor, unknown actions."
"Mobilize eight jets to level anything suspicious on the harbor, between the bombs and the missiles falling on top of the town, they're screwed. And get Rider on the radio as soon as he's hit solid ground"
Things were about to get very interesting...
Captain Rider could barely hear his radio over the apocalypse which was unfolding outside. The Black Hawks were flying extremely low to avoid any of the missiles from the continuing bombardment of the town, mere meters above the executer ships which were ready to land armor support and more troops at the harbor. It was his company's objective to secure it first, or at least land on it in one peace...
A group of Wraith ESTOVL attack aircraft tore overhead, igniting the harbor in a fierce red glow.
"Jesus Christ that's loud!" He screamed, barely audible above the chaos
"Ten Seconds out, Marines, prep for contact! Repeat, enemy contact!
As the hawks dropped at an alarming rate towards the ground, smoke and very, very hot lead filled the air from every angle. This is not a good place to be... Thought Rider.
The Commonwealth of Nova Pictavia
Official Communiqué
To The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson,
You are no-doubt currently aware of our campaign in northern Sumatripte, However you may be reassured that our actions are honorable. We believe the easiest way to liberate the citizens from the extremists is through the current strike. And, by god, the sooner this area is liberated, the faster humanitarian aid can be dropped without fear of re-supplying the insurgents.
We believe in a Sumatripte you were trying to create, a Sumatripte with more autonomy than previously seen, a colony with more independance. We believe that due to the mixed populations present, that this is the only peaceful solution, and that integration with Lord Sumguy would not serve anyone. Least of all at the hands of the war-mongering AL, who seek to take advantage of the riots to implement their own nationalistic ideologies.
We hope we can work together in peace to achieve this goal.
~Galan Mckay
First Minister, New Pictish Parliament, Inverness.
24-07-2007, 03:12
The Akimonadite fleet had arrived off the coast. There they sat, waiting for something to happen. In the bridge of the Super Dreadnaught Guardian, the crew grew impatient.
"Captain, what are we waiting for?" asked an irked officer.
"Orders from the Londinians." the Captain retorted.
We are now in position off Sumatripte and are assuming a defensive position. Our marines are prepared, and we would like to know where you wish them deployed. Once we receive this info, they will take up station at their destinations within three hours.
~Michael Postlethwaite,
Captain, Ninth Marine Fleet
Lord Sumguy
24-07-2007, 04:02
Official Communiqué
To One World Alliance:
As the colony of Sumatripte is a Londinian possession, I feel as if the burden to support such innocent civilians lies in my hands. I ask that refugees be transported to New Londinia, a colony of ours in Mediterranica, forthwith.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
"Halt!" shouted officers throughout the advancing Londinian force. "Maintain position! Begin implementing defensive posture Alpha-November-India, now!"
Soldiers quickly began implementing the posture, blasting trenches into the ground, digging foxholes, hastily building machine gun nests and fighting holes for the tanks.
They were, at most, a kilometre away from the first of the rebel positions - but it was not there that the artillery opened fire at. It was a suburb of the city of Sumqayit. Still populated, still pacified, the sleepy residents wouldn't know what them. It was light fire, only a dozen or so missiles per minute.
A force of seven hundred soldiers ran towards the suburb, making sure that the AL militants saw them and knew their destination.
"So they want to draw us into that suburb, eh? That's a bit low of them, resorting to war crimes just to get at us." The AL commander said, watching the Londinian troops advance. "If im right, then the moment we enter they'll bomb the whole place in an effort to destroy us."
An officer beside him coughed. "So, what do we do, sir?"
"Why, we take the bait, of course. Get soem men over there ASAP. Ignore the Londinian troops and fire only if fired at, focus on evacuating the civilians."
"Sir? We aren't likely to defeat them as it is.."
"You've been a member of the AL for awhile boy, you should know by now. It's not about winning, it never was. But even so, equipment and numbers are no match for valour and tactics. Now where are those sniper squads?"
"They've just arrived, sir."
"Good, have them hide in buildings, and i don't want them to stop firing once the Londinian trooops get in range. Do we have all of the major roads barricaded?"
"Yes sir, and soldiers in buildings all over the city."
"Good, make them pay for every inch they move forward. Trip wire explosives, booby trapped buildings, ambush forces hidden in rubble, every trick you can think of. I want five dead Londinians for every foot they advance. They will win the battle, that is almost certain, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory if i have any say in it."
He turned to the Sumguaian Broadcasting Corp. cameraman behind him. "Are you getting the rocket attacks on that neighborhood?"
The response was a thumbs up. The reporter was having the time of his life, this story would make his career.
"Good. If the people in this colony are anything like they were ten years ago, then the Londinian's brutality won't intimidate the populous, it will infuriate them. Let's do our best to help that along. Does the SBC air in any other nations? No? Well then i suggest you sell the video."
500 AL fighters ran towards the suburb, none of them expected to leave alive.
24-07-2007, 15:39
Akimonad Ninth Marine Fleet
"Alright, I'm bored." the Captain muttered. "Start shelling the towns we know are in Sumguese possession."
Some thirty naval guns turned towards Sumqayit and fired volley after volley.
British Londinium
24-07-2007, 23:25
"Aw," muttered Field Marshal Alebrandi, commander of the Londinian advance. "Didn't take the bait very well, now did they? At any rate, less troops directly in our way."
The restless horde of Londinian soldiers remained steadfast, awaiting further instructions, as the artillery and naval vessels continued to rain fire upon the Sumgese positions. The marines in the suburbs fiercely attacked the Sumgese militants as they futilely attempted to rescue the civilians there.
Lord Sumguy
24-07-2007, 23:35
The 500 men were now 250 as they tried desperately to hold off the Londinians. All of the men not at the front of the fighting or rescuing civilians were setting up explosives traps all throughout the suburb. When they had finished, the call was made to retreat. They reteated slowly, still firing, and another 50 were killed by the time they made it out, Londinians right behind them. Meanwhile, the rest of the AL forces were also setting up traps and ambushes in every way that they could think of, ignoring the shells raining down around them. By the time the retreating troops reached the city, it was quiet, and not a single AL fighter was to be seen anywhere on the streets.
Nova Pictavia
25-07-2007, 01:01
OOC: Lord Sumguy, you still RPing the insurgents to the north? (Sumasra) =P
British Londinium
25-07-2007, 01:03
OOC: So what is Sumqayit - Sumadad? Or would it be Baghayit?:p
Field Marshal Virginia Alebrandi sat calmly on top of the turret of a M1A1 Abrams tank, and her only real concern was the fact that her long, black hair was sticking to her face, and the fact that such actions by her hair did not suit her features very well. But, hey - somebody once told me that it was sexy in a way like this, she thought. Ah, well. Not once did her thoughts turn to battle - simply because there was none. Legion IX and the 22nd Division continued to perch placidly behind their defences.
"What are those Sumgese morons thinking?" she asked aloud to one of her subordinates. "All those years at the Aiacciu Military Academy - those weren't spent partying, let me tell you that." The subordinate merely nodded his head in affirmation. "And then all my campaigns. Cazelia, the first Lord Sumguy conflict, etc, etc, etc. And they think they're going to lure us into their little deathtrap. No way in fucking hell. They don't have a whark's chance in a supernova once the nationalists see what I've got up my sleeve." Directing her attention to the artillery commanders, she ordered, "All units, I want every single building in that city ahead of us leveled. Do not discriminate in the least. It doesn't matter if it's a church or an armoury - I want it gone. Capishe?"
The artillery began carrying out those orders promptly.
Nova Pictavia
25-07-2007, 01:22
Hey, we've got religious extremists, a coalition, some sand... All we need is a crackpot ex-dictator hiding in a hole and we've got ourselves a happy meal :rolleyes:
25-07-2007, 02:03
"Well, now, let's kick it up a notch!" the Captain said.
At that command, cruise missiles shot out of the ships, looking to demolish the buildings that stood defiantly.
Meanwhile, marines crowded into Blackhawk helicopters as M1A2s were loaded onto hovercraft.
About 300 marines were prepared for insertion, as well as fifty tanks.
The relentless salvos of shells and missiles continued.
Lord Sumguy
25-07-2007, 20:33
"Well, now, let's kick it up a notch!" the Captain said.
At that command, cruise missiles shot out of the ships, looking to demolish the buildings that stood defiantly.
Meanwhile, marines crowded into Blackhawk helicopters as M1A2s were loaded onto hovercraft.
About 300 marines were prepared for insertion, as well as fifty tanks.
The relentless salvos of shells and missiles continued.
OOC: i dislike one-sided RP's, would it be too much to ask for Akimonad to pull out?
and as for the Baghdad reference, The AL is far better trained, organized, equipped, and funded than any insurgents in RL. Also, the Londinians are commiting all of the atrocities.
IC: The shells began to rain down, slowly destroying the colony's capital city. Gen. Mcalpin whistled. "They'll destroy their own colony in order to keep it, kinda self defeating if you ask me. By the time they finish burning a path through the countryside chasing us, there will be nothing left worth fighting for." He turned to some other officers standing next to him. "Alright, let's get ready to retreat out of the city. Make sure they don't notice, wouldn't want to stop this bombardment. We'll leave a small force of Templars behind to harrass them and set off the traps." He looked at the Londinians again through binoculars. "Not as stupid as I'd hoped, but not as smart as I'd feared either." he said, laughing. "They are far enough away that they won't notice our movement, heck they probably wouldn't notice if they were 50 yards away."
The AL troops silently packed up their equipment and began to retreat out of the city.
British Londinium
25-07-2007, 20:37
OOC: As I said, you can invite people - if you tell me who they are and can show me a post of theirs. And, it really isn't too lopsided considering that Akimonad's only using about three hundred marines, and you've got huge amounts of air forces and the like.
Ministry of Intelligence HQ
Kensington, British Londinium
"Aight, Minister, I've got the surveillance satellites over Sumqayit," said one of the various personnel working in the Ministry. "We've got enemy movement, it seems."
"Excellent," said Intel Minister Ginevra Vauxhall sinisterly. "Send this over to the grunts in Sumatripte, now."
"Hold your fire!" shouted Field Marshal Alebrandi to her artillery commanders as she viewed a live video feed from the orbiting satellites. "The nationalists are on the run. What the hope to achieve, I've got no idea. Ladies and gents, let's fucking beat these people down."
The Londinians quickly mobilized, infantry troops hoisting their equipment and running towards the countryside to rout the Abrahamic League, whilst tanks and artillery rapidly charged past them.
This was their moment of victory.
25-07-2007, 21:08
OOC: i dislike one-sided RP's, would it be too much to ask for Akimonad to pull out?
OOC: You do realize I'm going rather easy on you, as BL mentioned? So far I've only shelled your town. That's pretty typical. Where are your allies? I hope you have some.
Lord Sumguy
25-07-2007, 21:12
OOC: As I said, you can invite people - if you tell me who they are and can show me a post of theirs. And, it really isn't too lopsided considering that Akimonad's only using about three hundred marines, and you've got huge amounts of air forces and the like.
Ministry of Intelligence HQ
Kensington, British Londinium
"Aight, Minister, I've got the surveillance satellites over Sumqayit," said one of the various personnel working in the Ministry. "We've got enemy movement, it seems."
"Excellent," said Intel Minister Ginerva Vauxhall sinisterly. "Send this over to the grunts in Sumatripte, now."
"Hold your fire!" shouted Field Marshal Alebrandi to her artillery commanders as she viewed a live video feed from the orbiting satellites. "The nationalists are on the run. What the hope to achieve, I've got no idea. Ladies and gents, let's fucking beat these people down."
The Londinians quickly mobilized, infantry troops hoisting their equipment and running towards the countryside to rout the Abrahamic League, whilst tanks and artillery rapidly charged past them.
This was their moment of victory.
OOC: you do relize that the Londinian forces have thwarted every single move the AL has made so far, dont you? It would be nice to have something to work with. By the way, they retreated through the city, and are on the other side of it. Your forces have to either go through the city and the traps throughout it or go around it for a couple miles, which would probably allow the AL forces to escape.
IC: Gen. Mcalpin heard nothing, the shells had stopped falling. He turned on his radio. "Double time, they fgured out what we are doing. I want us moving at 70 mph minimum. (OOC: they are in technicals and civilian vehicles: cars, trucks, and the like.) And get me some air support, as many F-16's as can be spared, as well as those new Raptor stealth fighters." He laughed again. "The only way they can catch us on the ground now is to go through the city, and even then, their tanks won't be able to go fast enough."
British Londinium
25-07-2007, 21:29
OOC: A lot of the AL's moves are sort of painstakingly obvious. And you'd have to expect that my military would anticipate booby-trapping a city. But I never said my army was teh winner of teh nationstatez warz.
By time the massive, overwhelming Londinian force managed to reach the countryside opposite Sumqayit, the AL had vanished without a trace. The only military units to reach them in time to attack were some armoured Land Warrior Wolfs with mounted heavy machine guns.
"Fuck it," muttered Field Marshal Alebrandi. "God damn fucking Sumgese nationalists. Ruin my day."
Meanwhile, the Londinians surrounded the city of Sumqayit, preparing for the inevitable plunge.
Lord Sumguy
25-07-2007, 21:41
The 800 AL fighters that had stayed behind waited at their positions. Sgt. Buckley looked out of the window of the apartment building he was in, wielding a heavy machinegun. "How long do you think it will take them to find us?" he asked the man beside him, who was cleaning his sniper rifle.
"Dunno, probably not until we each get a few kills in. Even then, it may take up to a week to kill us all, this is a big city and we are scattered all over it. They might be able to finish us off in about a day if they just swarm through, but they would suffer a proportionaly huge casualty rate if they did that. Add the traps we set up, and we may just be able to hold out longer, as they wont be eager to keep advancing inward once the first ones go off. Heck, they could carpet bomb the city and still probably only kill half of us. I bet you I get to the 15 kill mark first."
"You're on." said his companion, watching the street below them.
Meanwhile, the AL forces that had fled the city scattered into the countryside. To any observer, it would seem random and as though they were indeed fleeing in panic from the Londinians. In reality, it was planned and organized, and any further advances by the Londinians would be subject to ambushes, raids, and sniper attacks constantly.
British Londinium
25-07-2007, 23:14
Interim Command Centre, Sumatripte Front
"They're afraid," said one of Field Marshal Alebrandi's advisors. "They can't have more than a thousand - maybe fifteen hundred, tops. The insurgents know that there's only two ways out of that city - in a body bag or on top of a mountain of dead Londinians - and they can't take out this many troops."
"I concur," commented another. "That, and the fact that fresh water and decent food supplies have to be at a premium, considering the heavy artillery bombardment and nigh-impenetrable siege around Sumqayit."
"Yes, yes," replied Virginia, waving her hand at them. "I could have deduced that in coma, gentlemen. The real question is how to handle the situation. I feel that taking back the city block by block is the best answer to the AL. Controlled, measured, disciplined. We need, though, to lure them away from the outer parts of the city, towards the interior..."
Kensington Palace
Kensington, British Londinium
2200 hours
Two men, clad in their traditional Tyrian purple suits, strolled through the grounds of the Palace, following a meandering cobblestone path around the structure, occasionally being illuminated by the yellowish light emanating from the lampposts.
"Tell me, James, why do you feel we should be bothering with Sumatripte?" asked the first, Consul Sir Alistair Davidson.
"Well, Consul -" started James Azzopardi, the deputy consul.
"Please, James, call me Alistair - I think you've earned that right."
"Yes, my apologies, Con...Alistair," said James. "Well, I think that this war is very important, not only because of its value as a port and shipping hub, but mainly because of the disastrous effects losing one of our colonial possessions would have on national morale. The loss of Cabelle still remains sore to the people."
"Very good, James," replied the Consul, smiling - a rare occurrence for Alistair. "You're turning out to be everything one could hope for in a protégé."
Three WAH-64 helicopters and nine Sikorsky S-92 transport helicopters flew over the city, their rotors noisily rotating. In perfect formation, the military helicopters flew towards the city centre and the Proconsular Office. One might have, for instance, thought that the helicopters were part of rescue - but the Proconsular Office had long been abandoned except for a small skeleton defence force, with Callixtus Terzi and his staff 'safely' back ing Kensington for 'evaluation'. In fact, the helicopters carried nothing more than Special Forces commandoes and supplies (ammunition, fresh water, food, etc). The S-92s settled down in the wide courtyard in the middle of the Proconsular Office, and the women quickly unloaded the supplies and readied their weaponry.
Meanwhile, the WAH-64s began what would be a long and, hopefully, effective psychological war campaign, detonating specially designed 'firecrackers' and random points throughout the entirety of Sumqayit, which were designed to simulate massive explosions.
Lord Sumguy
25-07-2007, 23:44
Building near Proconsular's office:
Two snipers stationed in a building eight floors up spotted the helicopters flying above them, and one picked up the rocket-propelled grenade launcher that was beside him. "Well that was predictable. Head straight to the main government buildng, no one will expect you there. Let's see them land after this." He said to himself, aiming at one of the helicopters and firing. They sprinted across the building to avoid return fire, as a trail could be seen to where the rpg was fired from. "So it's special forces against ex-special forces, eh?" the man said, picking up his rifle again. He turned on his radio.
"What looks like a Londinian strike team is landing near the Proconsular's office, recommend survailance and light reinforcments in this sector. We will continue to observe their actions for now." His partner looked nervous. "Sarge, we aren't gonna make it outta here alive."
The sgt. looked at him as if he were insane. "Well of course we aren't, we were dead men the moment we volunteered to stay behind. What difference does that make now?"
"None, I guess."
"You guess correctly, now when you see 'em, fire your weapon, it aint just for decoration." How someone like him ever learned to be such a good marksman, ill never know...
All across the city, AL fighters heard the "firecrackers" going off. Many thought these were the demo traps they had set, others hungered to fight and were happy to hear any noise of conflict at all. Whatever their reasons, a cheer was risen throughout the city. The "explosions" were having the opposite of the desired effect.
British Londinium
25-07-2007, 23:49
OOC: The courtyard would have been precisely in the centre, surrounded by a very tall building all around. Very difficult to hit. And, sadly, there aren't any skyscrapers, considering that the colony isn't all that old and isn't that densely populated that it would require massive high-rises.
Lord Sumguy
25-07-2007, 23:57
OOC: The courtyard would have been precisely in the centre, surrounded by a very tall building all around. Very difficult to hit. And, sadly, there aren't any skyscrapers, considering that the colony isn't all that old and isn't that densely populated that it would require massive high-rises.
OOC: edited.
26-07-2007, 00:31
Two hundred marines clamored into several Blackhawk helicopters. Five ARH-70s and ten AH-1Zs were being readied. The helicopters swooped of the decks of the carriers and floated over the sea to the beaches of Sumatripte, where the damage the shelling had done was apparent. The Blackhawks landed, while the attack helicopters formed a defensive position around the unloading troops, ready to mow down any resistance. While the marines were unloading, five hovercraft cruised over the sea and landed on the beach, each unloading their cargo of two Bradley IFVs each. Several marines crowded into the IFVs, with others remaining on foot as they advanced towards the ruined city and as the Blackhawks and hovercraft retreated. The attack helicopters spread out above the convoy and used their infrared to scan for resistance.
The lead pilot of the helicopters radioed to the field commander on the ground. "It's pretty light, no one's picking up anything on their FLIR."
"Well, find the Londinians for us."
"Firecat 3 sees several people. We're sending three helicopters to check it out." Two ARH-70s and one AH-1Z flew over towards the Londinian base.
Upon reaching the base, the pilot of the AH-1Z attempted to raise the Londinians on the radio.
"This is Akimonad Ninth Marine Strike Force, inquiring if this is the Londinian base. We've got two hundred grunts sitting on the sand, looking for you. Over."
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 00:35
OOC: Thank you.
Rockets flew after the Londinian helicopters, which quickly descended and nestled in the cocoon of the courtyard. One of the woman experienced a concussion for the first time, and others received various cuts and bruises - but no fatalities. Their radios began to crackle with the sound of the Akimonan (sp?) transmission, to which they replied. "This is the Londinian Proconsular Office - we've got a hundred or so commandoes entrenched in here, preparing to drop the hammer, over."
0034 hours
Several F-22 fighter jets flew at low-altitude over Sumqayit. By constantly crossing the sound barrier and decelerating, hundreds of sonic booms resonated over the city. Not far behind, AC-130 gunships followed, strafing buildings suspected to hold insurgents whilst dropping thousands of pamplets, which read:
Attention Sumgese nationalist forces! You are in a losing battle. You have no hope of victory. Your families, your friends, your comrades - you sacrifice all of them by continuing to fight a futile conflict. Right now, thousands of innocent civilians who reside in Sumatripte currently sit in a refugee camp - all they want is to return to their homes. But your continued resistance prevents that. We no longer wish for further fighting - lay down your arms and turn yourself over to Londinian forces forthwith. The reward for compliance will be a simple deportation back to the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy. The penalty for disobedience will be death.
26-07-2007, 01:07
Akimonan (sp?)
"Akimonadite" is the one I've come up with.
"This is the Londinian Proconsular Office - we've got a hundred or so commandoes entrenched in here, preparing to drop the hammer, over."
"Roger, we'll send in our task force."
The marines began moving towards the Proconsular Office. It took them about fifteen minutes to traverse the distance, often stopping to move rubble. The helicopters continued to fly over them, scanning the area for enemy combatants. They arrived and the field commander greeted Field Marshal Alebrandi.
"Good evening. I'm Field Commander Matthew Ryan. It's good to see some other life here in this ghost town. Now... what's the plan?"
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 01:17
One of the fighters saw pamphlets being dropped around an unnoccupied building half a block away, and laughed as he pointed at them and showed the other fighters in the building. "Not very accurate drops, are they?" They walked over to investigate. "Oh, so they care about the refugees now, after they slaughtered whole towns and bombarded inhabited suburbs? Free passage eh? Well they have certainly given us plenty of reasons to trust their word. What a load of garbage." They walked bck inside, laughing. The Major in charge made a call on his cell phone:
"General? This is Major Smith with the men that stayed behind, i have a favor to ask of you."
Three hours later, an F-22 travelling at top speed passed over the Londnian army, dropping leaflets as it did so. Each leaflet had only one sentence on it: Today is a good day to die.
OOC: hehehe...
26-07-2007, 01:19
OOC: How did they get past the AL troops?
Uh, there were troops there? And wouldn't the Londinians have managed them already, considering they're in the same place?
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 01:19
"The plan?" asked the Field Marshal. "Why, it's Psych Ops, Mr Ryan - disheartening the enemy. We've got fighters constantly going to supersonic speeds during the nights - if anything, they'll cave due to sheer exhaustion. I've got another ten thousand soldiers preparing to attack Sumqayit in a day or two, and fifty thousand more securing the province."
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 01:22
Uh, there were troops there? And wouldn't the Londinians have managed them already, considering they're in the same place?
OOC: The Proconsulars office is in the very center of the city, completely surrounded by AL forces. You'd have to halfway through the city to reach 'em.
26-07-2007, 01:23
"The plan?" asked the Field Marshal. "Why, it's Psych Ops, Mr Ryan - disheartening the enemy. We've got fighters constantly going to supersonic speeds during the nights - if anything, they'll cave due to sheer exhaustion. I've got another ten thousand soldiers preparing to attack Sumqayit in a day or two, and fifty thousand more securing the province."
"Sounds good." A pamphlet fluttered by the commander's head and he caught it and read it aloud.
"Today is a good day to die. Rather ominous-sounding, isn't it? I fear they're up to something. If I were to guess, I'd say nukes. I think I'll have the ships put drones in the air. We'll find out what they're up to."
On the decks of the carriers, thirty MQ-9s took off, flying over various places in Sumatripte, looking for a lead.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 01:24
OOC: The Proconsulars office is in the very center of the city, completely surrounded by AL forces. You'd have to halfway through the city to reach 'em.
OOC: Which isn't that far. Mind you, this entire colony isn't even 200 sq kilometres, and its mostly coastal.
26-07-2007, 01:25
OOC: The Proconsulars office is in the very center of the city, completely surrounded by AL forces. You'd have to halfway through the city to reach 'em.
Er, it's a tad late now. And I didn't know of the location. Is there a map?
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 01:25
"Sounds good." A pamphlet fluttered by the commander's head and he caught it and read it aloud.
"Today is a good day to die. Rather ominous-sounding, isn't it? I fear they're up to something. If I were to guess, I'd say nukes. I think I'll have the ships put drones in the air. We'll find out what they're up to."
On the decks of the carriers, thirty MQ-9s took off, flying over various places in Lord Sumguy, looking for a lead.
OOC:Sumquyit isn't in my nation, it's in the colony of Sumatripte that was taken by BL awhile ago.
26-07-2007, 01:27
OOC:Sumquyit isn't in my nation, it's in the colony of Sumatripte that was taken by BL awhile ago.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 01:38
Er, it's a tad late now. And I didn't know of the location. Is there a map?
OOC: Not really, sorry. :( The city, though, is around 150 sq km total. I know that isn't too useful, but it wouldn't be too much of a distance from the port (still under my control) to the Proconsular Office.
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 01:41
OOC: Not really, sorry. :( The city, though, is around 150 sq km total. I know that isn't too useful, but it wouldn't be too much of a distance from the port (still under my control) to the Proconsular Office.
OOC: far enough that he would have to RP past AL troops.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 01:43
OOC: Let it drop, LS. He made a slight error, and you still outnumber us.
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 01:50
OOC: Let it drop, LS. He made a slight error, and you still outnumber us.
not by much, 2 to 1 and i'm spread out. You also have tens of thousands of troops outside, i don't want to have to deal with a attack from the outside AND inside. I will let it go though.
Grand Admiral Hyzy stood on the bridge of the Charger, as his fleet sailed on its first strategic deployment. And an impressive force it was. With six carriers, 32 AA defenders, 16 submarines, and 20 battleships, he was prowd to be its commander. Leading the fleet was the Imperial Flagship, the I.D.S. Challenger.
"Admiral," said the Captain of the Charger, "We have sighted the Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet. Shall I make contact?"
Hyzy turned to the captain. "No," he said. "I will make contact. Maintain our current course. And send the 1st Scouting Group ahead to recon the area."
Message to Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recognized Waters:
From: Gnd Adm Hyzy, CnC Grand Fleet, onboard the battleship I.D.S. Charger (http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h52/nx9100/Challenger-classTypeCBattleship.jpg)
This is Grand Admiral Hyzy of the Imperial Delkorian Grand Fleet (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528624). We are responding to your nation's request for aid. My forces are now entering the area, and will deploy along side your fleet. Please send me a SitRep via coded channel, including recommended offenseive/defenseive actions.
(OOC: I have already contacted BL via TeleGram, and was allowed in to support my ally.)
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 19:18
Grand Admiral Hyzy stood on the bridge of the Charger, as his fleet sailed on its first strategic deployment. And an impressive force it was. With six carriers, 32 AA defenders, 16 submarines, and 20 battleships, he was prowd to be its commander. Leading the fleet was the Imperial Flagship, the I.D.S. Challenger.
"Admiral," said the Captain of the Charger, "We have sighted the Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet. Shall I make contact?"
Hyzy turned to the captain. "No," he said. "I will make contact. Maintain our current course. And send the 1st Scouting Group ahead to recon the area."
Message to Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recognized Waters:
From: Gnd Adm Hyzy, CnC Grand Fleet, onboard the battleship I.D.S. Charger (http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h52/nx9100/Challenger-classTypeCBattleship.jpg)
This is Grand Admiral Hyzy of the Imperial Delkorian Grand Fleet (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528624). We are responding to your nation's request for aid. My forces are now entering the area, and will deploy along side your fleet. Please send me a SitRep via coded channel, including recommended offenseive/defenseive actions.
OOC: did you get BL's permission?
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 19:51
OOC: Yes, he did.
Nova Pictavia
26-07-2007, 21:21
OOC: Lord Sumguy, since you never RP'd your forces in the north to my attack, am I just to presume there was no resistance and a beach-head was established? Because that's what I'm going to go with unless there's some form of IC or OOC reply...
Grand Admiral Hyzy stood on the bridge of the Charger, as his fleet sailed on its first strategic deployment. And an impressive force it was. With six carriers, 32 AA defenders, 16 submarines, and 20 battleships, he was prowd to be its commander. Leading the fleet was the Imperial Flagship, the I.D.S. Challenger.
"Admiral," said the Captain of the Charger, "We have sighted the Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet. Shall I make contact?"
Hyzy turned to the captain. "No," he said. "I will make contact. Maintain our current course. And send the 1st Scouting Group ahead to recon the area."
Message to Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recognized Waters:
From: Gnd Adm Hyzy, CnC Grand Fleet, onboard the battleship I.D.S. Charger (http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h52/nx9100/Challenger-classTypeCBattleship.jpg)
This is Grand Admiral Hyzy of the Imperial Delkorian Grand Fleet (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528624). We are responding to your nation's request for aid. My forces are now entering the area, and will deploy along side your fleet. Please send me a SitRep via coded channel, including recommended offenseive/defenseive actions.
Northern Sumatripte, Warzone of Sumasra
>>SUB. >"I thank you kindly for your swift response"
We are currently establishing a Beachhead in Sumasra, from which point we will continue our advance southwards in an attempt to 'Liberate' Sumatripte.
An unknown quantity of Abrahamic League fighters are dug in Sumarsra and in the surrounding area. There is also an increasing influx of refugees pouring in from Sumqayit.
We ask you maintain defensive positions near our fleet, or, alternitavely, attempt to spread AL forces thin by establishing a second beachhead away from the port.
Once the AL is in full retreat, we must put a stop to the Londinian advancement northwards, in order to safeguard the civilian population and provide them with the liberty and freedom they deserve. I ask that once we hit solid ground, we should convene on a battleplan for this war.
Delkor are, and will always be, one of our most respected allies.>///
OOC: Sorry I could not provide a better response, but I have no idea what is happening on Lord Sumguy's part...
To the NPAF 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recongized Waters
Support is en-route and shall be arriving shortly. Troop ships escorted by the Second and Third battlefleets are carrying the 2nd Hiigaran Division, along with the requested medical and emergancy aid. The First and Fifth battlefleets are to remain home during this conflict, while the sixth fleet is maintaining it's position in international waters.
High Commander Rousse will be overseeing the entire operation, while because of the Third fleets leading role in the war, you will maintain basic command over all Fleet ground Forces.
Bring it, Commander. Fucking Bring it.
NPAF Centre for Defense
Final OOC: Details of the ships listed in a BattleFleet or Fleet Task Force are listed in my factbook (sig). The 2nd Hiigaran Division consits of approx. 20,000 men.
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 23:02
OOC: thats a safe assumption, the AL has no navy, so they are't keen to attack a naval landing operation. Sorry about the lack of response.
IC: Sumatripte:
Major Smith listened as General Mcalpin summarized what was happening in the rest of Sumatripte. "A Delkor fleet is coming here? They may represent a serious threat to both us and the Londinians. What should we do? Alright, I will see to it personally."
Minutes later, a single pickup truck drove out of the city towards the surrounding Londinian forces. It stopped out of range of gunfire. Major Smith stepped out and walked toward the Londinians, throwing his arms up to show that he was unarmed and wished to negotiate.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 23:19
"Halt!" shouted various soldiers as they leveled their weapons. "Identify yourself, now! State your purpose!"
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 23:21
"I am Major Smith of the Abrahamic League, and I am here to speak with your commander. I am unarmed." the Major said. My, they are a bit jumpy.
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 23:26
"I'll one up you - I'll give you the Consul!" said one of the soldiers. "Follow me." Major Smith was led to a spartan room in the port facilities. There was a large wooden table in the centre, with only a glass of water sitting on it. One black chair sat facing the wall, on which hung a large video screen, displaying a real-time image of Consul Sir Alistair Davidson, who sat comfortably in Kensington.
"I see you've come to your senses, Major. Please, sit down."
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 23:36
"I'm not here to surrender if that's what you think." The man responded, sitting down. "There is nothing i would like more than to defend Sumqayit to the death and take as many Londinians as possible with me, but im afraid that there are bigger fish to fry. The AL has become aware that Delkor is sending a fleet to aid the Nova Pictavians in taking Sumatripte for themselves. Now, we are enemies, and i don't see that status changing in the near future, but neither of us want to see Sumatripte in their hands. Therefore the AL proposes a temporary cease-fire and a joint attack upon the Nova Pictavians and Delkorians. Our only terms for this are that the Londinian forces stop slaughtering civilians by the thousands, an action I am not sure you are aware of, but one that has been going on since their arrival. If it were not for AL evacuations, All of the Sumatripte citizens in the nearby towns would have been massacred. But i digress, What say you to our offer?"
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 23:49
"Major, Major," laughed the Consul's image. "I am really that foolish to you? Cooperating with the AL only leaves us more vulnerable. You, Major Smith, are interfering with a plan far beyond your comprehension. In fact, the AL is responsible for setting back Sumatripte's establishment as an independent state. I need not ask for you to surrender - I simply demand a mutual and permanent ceasefire. Then, and only then, will I consider any action against the Nova Pictavians."
Lord Sumguy
26-07-2007, 23:55
"You insult me consul. If your government had any decent information on the AL, you would know that we hold honor above nearly everything else, and we have never betrayed our word. Nonetheless, a permanent ceasefire might be welcome, as we are only in this conflict because we feel we must be. What terms do you propose for this ceasefire? We certainly aren't going to agree to no terms at all, not after those massacres."
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 23:58
"We were, sadly enough, planning on granting Sumatripte its independency by the end of the month. In return for a truly permanent ceasefire, we will provide five hundred thousand denarii to each of the families of the slain Abrahamic League soldiers, and continue with a plan to grant the colony independence."
Lord Sumguy
27-07-2007, 00:05
"We accept. No money is neccesary, give it all to the Sumatripte citizens who lost homes or family members. By the way, we only entered the colony to restore order at first. Our intentions towards the Londinians only became hostile when you fired cruise missles at our bases. I would also like an explanation for the slaughter of civilians, if possible. Are we done now? If so, I have traps to dismantle."
British Londinium
27-07-2007, 00:08
"Yes, we are done here. Feel free to dismantle the booby traps you erected at once."
The screen went black.
Nova Pictavia
27-07-2007, 00:36
Sumasra, Northern Sumatripte - Where word of the cease-fire and Sumatripte's proposed independance had not reached...
Rider's Black Hawk jerked suddenly to the left as an RPG fizzled past, nearly knocking him right out of the side.
"Holy fuck! Rider managed before another jolt signalled the landing of the Hawk,
"GO, GO, GO!", swiftly fourteen soldiers leapt from the belly of the Hawk, which was to them as good as a coffin in a landing like this.
"Keep it tight, squad, COVERING FIRE!!"
Rider was broken off by a squaddies scream to his left- "RPG!"
With a gut-wrenching whoosh and dull explosion, their Hawk which had barely cleared the port suddenly pitched hard to its right as the soldiers looked on in terror. As it hurtled towards the concrete a machine gunner jumped out, his entire body covered in flames, screaming like nothing half the marines had ever heard before. The Hawk crumpled into the harbor wall before another two marines could clear from underneath it.
"YOU BASTARDS!" Screamed the squaddie as he unslung the LAW from his soldier and lit the pierhouse up in an undistinguishable mix of flame, dust and rubble.
"Men, FOCUS! We need this harbor clear before the landing craft reach it. Start moving up! GO!" as rider took to his feet a couple of rounds whizzed past him, sending him straight back down. He struggled to his feet a second time, raised his L85A2 and riddled four enemies with seemingly well placed holes. He could tell his orders weren't getting through in all the chaos, and instead waved his hand frantically to get Charlie-Squad to move up and set up an LMG position.
Out of nowhere, two explosions tore a section of the harbor wall next to him apart, along with a marine. Rider kneeled where he fell, looking up with an expression of emptyness on his face as his comrades dragged the shredded marine from the rubble still kicking. His ears rung louder than he'd ever expirienced before. As he wiped the dirt from his eyes with a shaking hand, a Wraith tore through the sky, silencing the enemy artillery with a deafening boom. Rider unsteadily took to his feet once more, picked up his rifle, and ran. He'd never sprinted this fast in his life, hopping over two unrecognizeable corpses, he continued to run to Charlie-squads postion until he did a half-assed front flip over their cover.
"What the HELL....? Sir?"
Rider began to fiddle with attaching his bayonet...
"Soldier, my radio's down, on my signal, I want every man outside this squad to charge the enemy full on. Get mortars set up and provide covering fire"
"You, and You, you're with me!" Rider screamed, pointing to two soldiers. Without any warning leapt over the remains of a wall and hurtled towards the enemy line. Maybe they couldn't see him through all the dust and ashes, or maybe they just didn't see him coming at all. within seconds he vaulted the three foot barricade the AL soldiers were sheltering behind and smacked one right in the face with the butt of his rifle. As another soldier turned Rider opened fire, leaving two holes in his chest. A third enemy screamed and swung his rifle at the newcomers, but before it could make contact he was mown down by the two dumfounded men who had been stupid enough to actually follow Rider's orders. With all the chaos, barely anybody had noticed, but this was short-lived. The heads of what was left of a platoon after the bombing turned, and looked at the three enemy NPAF soldiers standing there. It was quiet for nearly a second.
"NOW!" Rider screamed through the radio, as mortars began raining down on their position. The marine to his left was cut to pieces by enemy fire, however they were soon distracted by the battle cries of fifty soldiers sprinting towrads them, firing randomly as they ran. The mortars continued to hail down, cutting the Nationalist's ranks. In the confusion, half turned and ran for the safety of the shoreline buildings while the remaining defenders, veterans most likely, fired continuously at the quickly approaching marines, taking one down every five feet...
A shell from one of the frigates whooshed down, tearing there shore building wide-open, and spraying the retreating soldiers with shrapnel, killing most of them in their tracks. The remaining nationalists were thinning out, with maybe only ten or fifteen left. One man hefted an RPG onto his soldier and before anyone could give out a warning, ripped the leg off one marine and bore holes into the chests of two others. The charging marines finally reached the line, several more falling under gunfire in the last few yards. Rider pulled the surviving recruit to his feet and threw himself into the meelay, cutting one soldier open with his bayonet before spilling the guts of another over the rubble below. Within seconds it was clear that the fighting had stopped.....
Despite the continuing whooses of shells and the sound of nearby exlosions, an eery silence took over, save for a few stray shots.
Rider fell back, put his head in his hands, and breathed heavily.
Nova Pictavia
27-07-2007, 00:47
OOC: Now, before we all start bashing Nova Pictavians, an official message was sent to BL in post #43 of this thread I think, stating that we were working towards liberating Sumatripte from the nationalists and aiding BL's work for an autonomous state. However, as we received no reply, we did not know this was Davidsons' intention.
27-07-2007, 01:00
The Field Commander stood, watching the exchange between the Consul and the Major.
"So, wait, there's a third party now? Well, yeah," he said to the major, "you guys are going to need some help. I'm sure we can work out reparations later, but right now, this nation needs to be secured."
Vice-Admiral Hannadon stood on the bridge of his flagship. The I.D.S. Bastion (http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h52/nx9100/TypeBBattleship.jpg)was the lead battleship in the 2nd Battle Squadron, of which he commanded. He was Grd Admiral Hyzy's second-in-command, and, as he was next in line for CnC, he wanted to make an impression on King Tirus. Suddenly, his thoughts were interupted by footsteps.
"Admiral. We are in position to begin the blockade."
Admiral Hannadon turned to face his ship's captain. The young, yet tallented officer had been Hannadon's apprentice for many years, and the older man had yet to regret his choice of captain for his flagship.
"Very well," Hannadon replied. "Contact the Charger, and request orders from Admiral Hyzy."
"Yes, sir." The young captain turned and headed for the radio room, as Hannadon faced the window once more...
Onboard the I.D.S. Charger, Grand Admiral Hyzy read the message from the Bastion. Word of the cease-fire had yet to reach the Grand Fleet. "The 2nd Squadron is in position," he said into a microphone.
"Good," was the reply. "Once SPF's 8 and 10 are ready, we'll begin the opperation. Hold you position until then. And contact the N.P. fleet. Advise them of the situation."
Message from I.D.S. Charger to the NPAF 3rd Fleet:
This is Grnd Admiral Hyzy. We are moving into postion to begin a blockade of the coastal ports. If you have any special requests for targets, etc, please relay them now.
Lord Sumguy
27-07-2007, 08:06
The Field Commander stood, watching the exchange between the Consul and the Major.
"So, wait, there's a third party now? Well, yeah," he said to the major, "you guys are going to need some help. I'm sure we can work out reparations later, but right now, this nation needs to be secured."
"Agreed. I think the best course of action would be for my forces to lay an ambush for whatever troops they land. Once we have caused confusion and disruption among the ranks, the Londiian and Akimonadian forces should attack. This will have both the demoralizing effect and advantage of catching the enemy unaware that comes with a guerrilla attack, as well as the overwhelming force that your troops can supply. I will inform you of the details when it is fully planned."
Nova Pictavia
27-07-2007, 13:20
Sumasra Harbor - Outskirts, Northern Sumatripte (before Sumatripte's independence is given)
The battle was far from over.
Rider tried to memorize the men from his Platoon he'd lost today, but the noise was too much. Another group of Wraith tore overhead, Igniting the Abrahamic position in flames. A young marine jumped out from his fox-hole and ran towards Rider. Mortars were still screaming down on their position, and the soldier ran forward with one hand on his helmet, dancing through a sea of shrapnel until he threw himself into Rider's hole.
"Sir, DAB from the Pride of Hiigara: 'Forces have landed, we are to push out from the perimeter. Begin the invasion'"
"Alright then, get me a group of PACHIS up here, we're taking point-" Rider was cut short by the roar of Challenger- II tanks which had just began the advance through the industrial sector.
"Soldier, PACHIS, NOW!"
Soon, the PACHIS IFV's pulled up after what felt like an eternity under the continued shelling.
"Alright, Mount up!" Rider shouted "Soldier, relay my orders, get the 1st Pathfinders dropped ahead of our position in the industrial sector, I want marksmen and snipers in key locations to watch our advance. Order the armored column to skirt their forward position westwards and hit the town where they're dug in. Get them to laser designate targets for the Delkorian fleet. Meanwhile, I want fourth and fifth platoons flanking the the town round the industrial sector from the east. Have them dig in and try and draw the enemy out. With any luck, we should separate their main forces in town and cut right through them in the advance. MOVE OUT!"
The advance was spearheaded by Rider's platoon's IFV's, although there was little resistance in the industrial sector. Besides small troop movements most of the Abrahamic soldiers had pulled back when the shelling got too much. Rider could hear explosions and gunfire in the distance ahead, the armor must have already reached the line.
"Sir, communication from the Pride of Hiigara, they want you on the PACHIS' radio" Rider stood and worked his way to the front of the IFV where videophone link was ready. Commander Kadesh stood strong aboard the bridge of the carrier.
"We have new circumstances, British Londinium is granting Sumatripte it's independence, and we are authorized by the Sumatripte First minister to deliver aid and reconstruction. Problem is, I don't think the Abrahamic soldiers are going to give up this town without a fight. Continue the advance, get them in a vice. Then they will be forced to negotiate the cease-fire. I don't want to pull out to our aid-ships until I'm confident this place is secure."
"Yes Sir!"
The IFV's slowed to a halt as they cleared the war-torn industrial sector and harbor, finally reaching the Abrahamic line.
"All troops, Dismount! Set up a perimeter, I want hell raining down on that AL position!" Rider moved back up to his comms officer, " I want our request for an immediate cease-fire broadcast on all frequencies, just get it to the enemy! if there's no reply in ten minutes, order in the Delkorian bombardment."
Rider jumped out of the IFV and joined up with his men. Hell had started all over again, and he scrambled to the rubble Alpha Squad were huddling behind.
"Men, point your weapons and shoot! This could all be over in ten minutes and I want as many of my men alive as possible, and that means killing the Sumgese!" Hot lead fizzled past everywhere Rider turned, the hot smoke filling his lungs and causing him to lose concentration. His face was cut, bloody, and caked in the dirt of the rubble. He hoped the enemy wanted peace as much as he did.
Message to the Delkorian Fleet, NPAF Armor position, West Sumasra
"Attention allied fleet, targets have been laser designated, coordinates relayed. DO NOT FIRE, REPEAT DO NOT FIRE! We are awaiting terms of a cease-fire. If we are still at war in ten minutes, give them hell, fleet!"
27-07-2007, 16:04
"Those UCAVs are still flying around." the commander said, looking at a laptop one of his privates had set up.
"Look at this." He motioned for the field marshal and the major to look at the live feed coming from one of the drones.
On the screen was the image of a fleet that seemed to be attempting a blockade.
"They won't blockade that easily. We've still got our ships in position," he paused, switching the image to a map of Sumatripte, "here." he said, pointing to the southwest coast.
"I can have more ships here in a day. And we've got 4,700 marines still available. And those UCAVs are armed with Chimera missiles, which we affectionately call 'Mini-Khans'."
The commander sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.
"Well, I'm at least going to order more troops. And we must have air superiority."
"Admiral! Radio message from the Challenger!"
Grand Admiral Hyzy reached down and picked up the microphone. "This is Hyzy," he said.
"Hyzy, we have recieved a communication from the NPAF troops near Sumasra Harbor. They have laser-tagged multiple targets and want us to open fire on their command," came the voice from the speaker.
"Understood," replied Hyzy. "I will order all ships to prepare to fire, on your command."
"Good," replied the voice. "Have all the Air Defenders make ready as well. We may need them to protect the capital ships in case the enemy tries to counter-attack our ships."
"I understand."
"This could be a great day for us. Our first major military action. Don't dissapoint me." Then the radio went silent...
(OOC: NP, I'll wait to fire on your signal. I don't want to get ahead of anybody.)
30-07-2007, 00:35
Leocardia watches closely in this issue.
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 02:04
"Hold this position until Londinian or Akimonadian reinforcements arrive!" The AL officer in charge yelled at his troops as the enemy marines advanced. A hail of machinegun fire met the intruders as they attemted to breach the defences and the 500 men within them. The officer that had been yelling smiled bitterly as the enemy advanced onto the street in font of them. "Try this on for size.." he muttered, activating a remote detonator. Cobblestones had been replaced by blocks of C4 all throughout the street, and it literally dissapeared in a series of explosions that ripped the street apart. "Hehehe..." said the officer as he looked at the scene, now obscured by a cloud of dust and debris. "Your average IED maker ain't got nothin' on us..." One of the buildings contained a vulcan cannon from a damaged A-10 that had been attached to a makeshift turret. The barrel began to rotate, and moments later explosive shells spewed forth at such a rate as the individual shots could not be heard. Shell cases rained onto the ground below, minorly injuring a man foolish enough to stand too close.
From: Lord Sumguy
To: Sir Alistar Davidson
My dear Consul, I have become aware of the presence of foriegn invaders within Sumatripte. This causes me much concern, as I don't want them to succeed any more than you do. Therefore, I offer my armed forces for use in expelling this foriegn threat. My troops are at your disposal.
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 02:09
OOC: Er, none. They want their independence. Which, conveniently, they received.
North Calaveras
30-07-2007, 02:10
OCC: what kind of NEW goverment are the rebels preaching?
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 02:15
OCC: what kind of NEW goverment are the rebels preaching?
OOC: was goin to set up a capitalist democratic government, and reunite with the Empire, but all that ismoot now that indipendance has been willingly granted by the Londinians.
30-07-2007, 02:55
The fleet made ready to land the additional 4700 troops. Marines piled into hovercrafts and landing boats.
The ships targeted invading forces and launched cruise missiles and fired shells.
Nova Pictavia
30-07-2007, 21:28
OOC:Akimonad, how exactly did your ships magically get this far north and within firing range of sumasra when: A. The Delkorian fleet has blockaded the towns waters, and B. You never RP'd moving your fleet so that we could detect it and respond. Poor RPing.
Sumasra Town Centre, Northen Sumatripte
A deafening explosion knocked Rider to the ground, just before he saw Easy squad evaporated right before his eyes. Through the smoke he saw a private from Bravo squad walking about in the chaos, holding his arm. It wasn't attached to his body anymore. Shells were landing all around the front line, and soon the wounded private disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"FUCKING HELL!" screamed Rider, grabbing a shaken marine "YOU! TAKE OUT THAT BLOODY GUN!" An IFV targeted the building with its cannon but before it could fire the PACHIS exploded in a rain of fire. The marine paused for a moment, "NOW!" Spurred back to life the terrified soldier hoisted his MBT-LAW onto his shoulder and fired, spewing smoke and rubble onto the street below.
Rider turned his attention to his radio, although he wasn't sure if he could be heard over the chaos.
Official Communiqué
To the Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, Antonius Key
At this moment in time, we are under attack from both the Abrahamic League, who have rejected a cease-fire to allow our aid into Sumatripte. Akimonadese Forces have also opened fire on our fleet, although we are not sure why....
But we want revenge.
We entered this conflict against our common enemy, the AL, sharing your hopes for self-determination in Sumatripte. Upon independence, we have offered peace to the Nationalists in order to allow aid through to rebuild this fledgling nation, and to withdraw our fleet. However now we are in a state of total war.
We want no land, no power, and have no imperialistic ideals, all we are fighting for is the wellbeing of the Sumgese and Londinian citizens of Sumatripte, and their right to choice.
Will the great nation of British Londinium stand alongside us in our defense of Sumatripte?
~Galan Mckay
First Minister of Nova Pictavia
To the Akimonadese fleet, stand down immediately. Your aggression will not be tolerated and we will return fire. Any further aggression will be interpreted as an act of war.
You have no place in this conflict. The AL was fought by British Londinium and Nova Pictavia, its independence endorsed by both nations. We are fighting to allow desperately needed aid into Sumasra, which is devoid of its sovereignty by the presence of AL troops, who rejected our offer of a cease-fire.
Withdraw, Immediately.
[End Transmission]
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 21:31
Official Communiqué
To Nova Pictavia:
I speak for both myself and my Sumatriptii equal in saying that we would like nothing better than to see the Abrahamic League be crushed. Feel free to do as you wish to them. We refuse, though, to fight against Akimonad.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 21:36
OOC:Akimonad, how exactly did your ships magically get this far north and within firing range of sumasra when: A. The Delkorian fleet has blockaded the towns waters, and B. You never RP'd moving your fleet so that we could detect it and respond. Poor RPing.
Sumasra Town Centre, Northen Sumatripte
A deafening explosion knocked Rider to the ground, just before he saw Easy squad evaporated right before his eyes. Through the smoke he saw a private from Bravo squad walking about in the chaos, holding his arm. It wasn't attached to his body anymore. Shells were landing all around the front line, and soon the wounded private disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"FUCKING HELL!" screamed Rider, grabbing a shaken marine "YOU! TAKE OUT THAT BLOODY GUN!" An IFV targeted the building with its cannon but before it could fire the PACHIS exploded in a rain of fire. The marine paused for a moment, "NOW!" Spurred back to life the terrified soldier hoisted his MBT-LAW onto his shoulder and fired, spewing smoke and rubble onto the street below.
Rider turned his attention to his radio, although he wasn't sure if he could be heard over the chaos.
Official Communiqué
To the Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, Antonius Key
At this moment in time, we are under attack from both the Abrahamic League, who have rejected a cease-fire to allow our aid into Sumatripte. Akimonadese Forces have also opened fire on our fleet, although we are not sure why....
But we want revenge.
We entered this conflict against our common enemy, the AL, sharing your hopes for self-determination in Sumatripte. Upon independence, we have offered peace to the Nationalists in order to allow aid through to rebuild this fledgling nation, and to withdraw our fleet. However now we are in a state of total war.
We want no land, no power, and have no imperialistic ideals, all we are fighting for is the wellbeing of the Sumgese and Londinian citizens of Sumatripte, and their right to choice.
Will the great nation of British Londinium stand alongside us in our defense of Sumatripte?
~Galan Mckay
First Minister of Nova Pictavia
To the Akimonadese fleet, stand down immediately. Your aggression will not be tolerated and we will return fire. Any further aggression will be interpreted as an act of war.
You have no place in this conflict. The AL was fought by British Londinium and Nova Pictavia, its independence endorsed by both nations. We are fighting to allow desperately needed aid into Sumasra, which is devoid of its sovereignty by the presence of AL troops, who rejected our offer of a cease-fire.
Withdraw, Immediately.
[End Transmission]
OOC: no message was ever sent for a cease-fire that i know of, the AL has yet to attack NP forces, they are only defending a town...
30-07-2007, 21:37
OOC:Akimonad, how exactly did your ships magically get this far north and within firing range of sumasra when: A. The Delkorian fleet has blockaded the towns waters, and B. You never RP'd moving your fleet so that we could detect it and respond. Poor RPing.
OOC: They needn't move to fire cruise missiles. Ignore the shells, if you like.
To the Akimonadese fleet, stand down immediately. Your aggression will not be tolerated and we will return fire. Any further aggression will be interpreted as an act of war.
You have no place in this conflict. The AL was fought by British Londinium and Nova Pictavia, its independence endorsed by both nations. We are fighting to allow desperately needed aid into Sumasra, which is devoid of its sovereignty by the presence of AL troops, who rejected our offer of a cease-fire.
Withdraw, Immediately.
[End Transmission]
We shall not withdraw, as we have every right to assist the Londinians, but we will cease firing. Perhaps you'd like to stop killing the AL, too, as the intentions of both sides are obscured at this point. What is it that you seek, independence, which Sumatripte has, or imperialism?
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 21:37
OOC: I am now terribly confused. Lord Sumguy, so is the AL just sort of hanging around in Sumatripte now?
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 21:39
OOC: They remain in AL controlled towns to keep order, and are waiting for Londinian troops to take over.
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 21:41
OOC: Okay, then. And I assume once the Londinians arrive, they'll retreat?
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 21:41
OOC: yup.
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 21:43
OOC: Okay, then. Excuse me for the shit post, but...
Legion IX marched swiftly to take control over the remainder of Sumatripte.
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 21:48
OOC: Okay, then. Excuse me for the shit post, but...
Legion IX marched swiftly to take control over the remainder of Sumatripte.
A loud cheer rang out from the defenders as Londinian forces entered the town currently under attack. The officer in charge informed the londinian commander of the situation:
"Those Pictavians just attacked us outta the blue, no warning, demands or anything else. I have no idea why they did it, as the colony has already received independance, but we've been doing our best to fight 'em off. Now that you are here I think it's time we made our exit."
The AL fighters stopped firing and retreated out of the town, heading for the Sumatripte-Sumguaian border.
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 22:00
Now I'm confused. Let me get this straight.
The AL demanded Sumatripte independence and got it. Now BL and AL are cooperating. Right?
So what are the Pictavians here for?
OOC: I have no idea. All i know is that they are attacking the AL.
30-07-2007, 22:01
Now I'm confused. Let me get this straight.
The AL demanded Sumatripte independence and got it. Now BL and AL are cooperating. Right?
So what are the Pictavians here for?
30-07-2007, 22:08
OOC: I have no idea. All i know is that they are attacking the AL.
But the AL is in some kind of agreement with Sumatripte, right?
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 22:13
But the AL is in some kind of agreement with Sumatripte, right?
OOC: Yes, they are going to withdraw from the colony.
30-07-2007, 22:41
OOC: was goin to set up a capitalist democratic government, and reunite with the Empire, but all that ismoot now that indipendance has been willingly granted by the Londinians.
That pretty much establishes the situation.
Loads of Leocardian troops stationed in Lord Sumguy from the previous treaty. It was quiet, and the Leocardian embassy that was next door to the military base, had not even given orders to aid the Sumguy forces in this situation. News reached the base, and rumors had already flew all over the campus grounds. It was that the Leocardian forces in Lord Sumguy to take action.
"Close proximity, we here to stand to defend the innocent lives around us."
The Leocardian base's motto's words stand. The General walked to the speaker. "Soldiers, mobilization in 10 hours. We will head to battle."
British Londinium
30-07-2007, 22:46
OOC: I distinctly recall that this thread is closed unless you have my permission, Leocardia...and, incidentally, there's very little more to have happen.
Lord Sumguy
30-07-2007, 22:58
That pretty much establishes the situation.
Loads of Leocardian troops stationed in Lord Sumguy from the previous treaty. It was quiet, and the Leocardian embassy that was next door to the military base, had not even given orders to aid the Sumguy forces in this situation. News reached the base, and rumors had already flew all over the campus grounds. It was that the Leocardian forces in Lord Sumguy to take action.
"Close proximity, we here to stand to defend the innocent lives around us."
The Leocardian base's motto's words stand. The General walked to the speaker. "Soldiers, mobilization in 10 hours. We will head to battle."
OOC: independance has already been granted, and the Empire was never officially involved.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:07
OOC: Now, if you'd read post 98, you'd know what was going on. Heres a recap.
1.AL and BL atarted fighting, Nova Pictavia arrived to fight the AL as we do not believe Sumatripte should be united with Sumguy.
2. During the war, Sumasra was the centre of the Pictish attack. Landings began before official independence was granted (sorry it was done so late, but LS never RP'd back a previous attack)
3. There was no word of peace from the AL still in Sumasra to my troops. Hence the assault continued. In post 93, as soon as word of the peace reached the north the following was posted ICly:
"Sir, communication from the Pride of Hiigara, they want you on the PACHIS' radio" Rider stood and worked his way to the front of the IFV where videophone link was ready. Commander Kadesh stood strong aboard the bridge of the carrier.
"We have new circumstances, British Londinium is granting Sumatripte it's independence, and we are authorized by the Sumatripte First minister to deliver aid and reconstruction. Problem is, I don't think the Abrahamic soldiers are going to give up this town without a fight. Continue the advance, get them in a vice. Then they will be forced to negotiate the cease-fire. I don't want to pull out to our aid-ships until I'm confident this place is secure."
"Yes Sir!"
The IFV's slowed to a halt as they cleared the war-torn industrial sector and harbor, finally reaching the Abrahamic line.
"All troops, Dismount! Set up a perimeter, I want hell raining down on that AL position!" Rider moved back up to his comms officer, " I want our request for an immediate cease-fire broadcast on all frequencies, just get it to the enemy! if there's no reply in ten minutes, order in the Delkorian bombardment."
4. You replied with an attack, which generally means there is not going to be a cease-fire. Now, Akimonad it didn't look like Sumatripte was independant because the enemy troops seeking unification were still dug in. See where I'm coming from here?
31-07-2007, 00:11
Now, Akimonad it didn't look like Sumatripte was independant because the enemy troops seeking unification were still dug in. See where I'm coming from here?
Not really. This thread is pretty much done, then, since Sumatripte is completely independent and the AL is leaving.
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 00:17
OOC: you never RP'ed the actual message...but ah well. I agree, there isn't much point in continuing the thread.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:18
Yes, i suppose it is done.
Akimonad, if Sumatripte was really independent why the hell would there still be armies that wanted unification still inhabiting the towns? I know this has been explained now, but before it was unclear. So, not 'Not Really'.
Also I left big blue highlighted bits at the start of my posts saying 'before independence' or 'word of independence had reached'. I knew OOCly, but ICly it didn't look that way until the official messages from BL. My generals had no idea about the peace talks in Sumqayit. I also left time for word to reach the front line.
31-07-2007, 00:21
Akimonad, if Sumatripte was really independent why the hell would there still be armies that wanted unification still inhabiting the towns? I know this has been explained now, but before it was unclear. So, not 'Not Really'.
I'm not the person to ask about this.
But whatever, don't worry about it. It's done now.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:27
if its done then why can none of us resist posting? :p
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 00:27
OOC: because we have nothing better to do. :D
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:32
This is going to sound really sad, but I told my girlfriend she couldn't stay over because I wanted to check this thread. I don't think the hunnies are into the whole RPing thing so obviously I had a cover story...
...you know once I had a life, and this was genuinely more fun after a few years...
31-07-2007, 00:32
OOC: because we have nothing better to do. :D
NP has a point.
*slaps self* That'll teach me to post useless things.
I suppose we could shoot each other up some more. It would stave off boredom.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:34
We could but for starters you're fucking huge. Feel free to drop into the big terrorist orgie that is the 'Liberation in Nova Pictavia' thread though...
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 00:35
This is going to sound really sad, but I told my girlfriend she couldn't stay over because I wanted to check this thread. I don't think the hunnies are into the whole RPing thing so obviously I had a cover story...
...you know once I had a life, and this was genuinely more fun after a few years...
OOC: wow...I think you may be a bit obsessed...
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:38
Lord Sumguy, didn't you RPly marry someone or did I misread the UnitedKingdom husband thread? :p
This just gives me a reason to flex the old writing muscle, and I really cant be bothered doing it the old sit down with pen and paper and think way...
31-07-2007, 00:39
We could but for starters you're fucking huge.
Oh, my apologies. It can't be helped.
(I had an '04 nation, but it actually has less population than Akimonad because it died.)
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 00:41
OOC: Meh, its mostly a political thing, and there were too many diplomats trying to seduce the character. I never said i didn't RP a lot, but it's my hobby, not my life.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 00:46
I try to keep to threads now that may involve a lot of story writing, usually sticking to one character. And since I study English, Politics and other social sciences, it really can't be helped that I use NS to come up with fresh ideas etc.
Besides I'm very rarely in the mood to actually go for a thread, usually i try and just post out of etiquette when I really can't be bothered with the whole thing...
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 00:48
OOC:I see.
31-07-2007, 01:02
We really ought to play out the misunderstanding. NP can have his commander meet mine and BL's at someplace.
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 01:05
can you really be bothered?
Lord Sumguy
31-07-2007, 01:06
OOC: But i need the AL, it is the precious...
31-07-2007, 01:10
can you really be bothered?
Nova Pictavia
31-07-2007, 01:13
yeah, 'cause I'm not sure if I can. Give me a TG if you want a shoot up sometime though :)
31-07-2007, 01:14
yeah, 'cause I'm not sure if I can. Give me a TG if you want a shoot up sometime though :)
You're too busy? I'm pretty much incapable of typing right now, thanks to my hands being tingly.
OOC: man forget to check my subscribed threads for a day and look what happens... Anyway, I just want to point out that I only entered this thread at the request of my ally, NP. Now, I do have a question: should I RP my fleet leaving the area due to a cease-fire, or should I go ahead and open fire as the NP troops called for?
Lord Sumguy
01-08-2007, 01:58
OOC: i think it would be best if you left...
British Londinium
01-08-2007, 02:00
OOC: I think it'd be best if we let this drop, really.
OOC: i think it would be best if you left...
ooc: such harsh words...
Nova Pictavia
01-08-2007, 23:12
OOC: Come now, Sumguy, no need for that, we're all friends here :) Yeah I do think its best if we leave this thread here, sorta like a cliffhanger, init? ;)
And thanks very much to Delkor for bein an aces ally :D
Lord Sumguy
01-08-2007, 23:45
OOC: I was talking about his forces leaving, it wasnt anything personal...
-Lord Sumguy, don't worry, no hard feelings.
-Nova Pictavia, thanks. I always support my friends, in both NS and RL. Anyway, I suggest that we take our leave now...
Here's my official 'I'm outta here' post...
Message to Nova Pictavia 3rd Fleet, Northern Sumatripte Recognized Waters:
From: Gnd Adm Hyzy, CnC Grand Fleet, onboard the battleship I.D.S. Charger
Call off your forces! We have intercepted messages that lead me to believe a cease-fire is being called. In the interest of continnued peace for this area, I suggest that we head back to International waters. I'm ordering my fleet to prepare to withdraw. King Tirus sends his regards.