Unknown Battleship (ATTN: Nova Nippon Closed RP)
Imperial isa
21-07-2007, 09:52
somewhere in space far from Imperial Isans space ,what was left of a Black Imperial Isan Navy Emperor Apocalypse class battleship which was bigger then the stand one,drops into known space after it drive gives out and then blows up sending out a energy wave
who ever find the ship from picking it up from that wave in their space would only see on the out a ship with no marking, still on fire in some parts, full of large holes and with boarding ships still attach to it's side
inside the ship it self was a mess full of bodies from heavy fighting, wire and pipes hanging out all over the place and power was out all but to one partly damage console on the bridge and seal off partly damage room somewhere inside the ship, inside the partly damage room were three people one clone crew member ,one clone army soldier ,sixteen year old girl and a female Shadow Wolf pup all out cold and wound and would give off low life form reading when the ship was scan
Nova Nippon
22-07-2007, 06:10
The discrete chime of incoming information roused the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai, immediately from the light nap she had been hiding behind. It wasn't cowardice, but pure avoidance.
She wanted nothing to do with either of the latest suitors her esteemed, but unloved, father had sent out for her perusal. She didn't wish to be mated at all, much less to either of those aboard now. Though one could not fault the potential benefits of such imperial unions. Save that she did.
The vuescreen of her comm she left inactivated as she spoke, her rich voice low, but carrying easily, a voice accustomed to command "Hai?"
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai listened intently to the report of an energy wave following the 'footprint' that designated the arrival of a starcraft back into Reality. It was clear over on the other side of the star system that the Black Wind had currently stopped in to take a few days to run some simulations. And to incidentally see if any of the pirates they were currently hunting might stop there as well.
It was a system seemingly purpose made to be a pirate haven, but so far they had turned up nothing, save even more uninteresting rocks many of which their fighter compliment had spent time turning into so much more space dust..
"We should have remote sensor reports shortly, but I think we're going to find some one with damaged drives and lots of casualties over there, Lady" Commander Lord Harkano Sendari, her executive officer and old friend finished. She could hear the shrug in his voice.
Looking over what data they had the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai, nodded and gave a series of orders. General Quarters sounded.
In minutes a double hand of K'Tann fighters swept forth and the massive Battle Cruiser's experienced crew settled into there battle stations as she followed her outriders more sedately, but with all safe speed from the asteroid belt they had been lurking in.
In due time, quickly but without hurry the veiled form of the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai strode confidently into the bridge. Given that there were non Novan's upon the ship Lady Tetsuko had chosen to follow custom, and hid all but her eyes behind a Novans warrior's traditional garb. Under it however she wore the latest, state-of-the-art armor exported by the Tanaran Empire. I had been a birthday gift for her friend, the Tanaran Empires Current Empress Kaylinde Moore. It was billions of nanomatrix crystals, that fit her like an invisible, unfeelable second skin, thinner than air almost, but inpeneratrable to nearly every thing
The drone arrives before any and begins transmitting a stead stream of data, then the K'Tann fighters arrive and add a more personal touch to the incoming data. They have all seen combat and can give impressions and information that no sensor reading could.
"Not sure how anything’s alive in that hulk, but yes I do verify life signs."
"Roger that, Rescue teams heading in now."
Nova Nippon Information (http://www.atddm.com/novan1.jpg)
Nova Nippon Ships (http://www.atddm.com/nnships.jpg)
All that can be seen of the onner person of the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai (http://www.atddm.com/Tet11)
Imperial isa
22-07-2007, 07:09
as the Rescue teams Transport nears the ship they would find one landing bay was safe to land in with out crashing into debris from the battle
bay it self still had fighters in it as if crew had run out of time to launch them to join the battle
Nova Nippon
23-07-2007, 03:17
"Bridge this looks like the best we're going to find. Messy but not going to damange the drop shuttle" The pilot advised. There was very little that could damage a drop shuttle. That which could generally ended up destroying said shuttle.
The landing bay was a mess. Whom every had attacked the behemoth of a ship had obviously done so from ambush or with such overwhelming force so as to keep a response from being launched. Half destroyed fighers lay scattered about like miniatures from a careless giant's hand.
Minites later Jannissaries were pouring forth under the command of their officers, the Samurai, and heading in loose, effecient groupings thoughout the ship. A second shuttle brought technicians, eager to get therir hands on the unknown ships technology.
"It looks rather retro, not up to our standards at all" the Black Winds Exec commented.
"No and it's no style I've ever encountered even in Janes, which lists some pretty small and litle heard of otherwise navies" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai nodded in agreement. "Though there is a certain elegance to it. Very Baroque, with Gothic elements."
Like all high status Novan's The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai was very well educated and enjoyed Terran culture.
"This is Subaltern Khamsin" A voice and visual came over the vuescreen. "We've found the location that contains the life signs. We're rigging a breaching unit now."
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai nodded and replied, her voice warm with praise "Ecxellent work Subaltern Khamsin. Please leave your vid on so the bridge can record as well as commnucations." She was unusual in her kindness to her subordinates, and the prasie she openly gave when earned. Most officers would have nodded curly and merely ordered the job done,
Howerver The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai was unusual for her normally stoic and often dour people. She believed that praise should be given publicly, chastisement privately and courtesy extened up and down the ranks .
Imperial isa
23-07-2007, 07:43
the Group rigging a breaching unit to the would find it would take the right kind of explosive to blast through the ships Darkmatter armour (C4 with bit of Naqahdah mix in it)
the Group thats at the Bridge would find it was more modern looking then the ship but one would have a hard time seeing that due the damage and find the only working console near the front with a dead crew member laying on top
Nova Nippon
25-07-2007, 02:54
*Lady whom ever did this left a real profecient mess of a good ship. Despite looking odder than all get out, the base design is sound and she's got Dark Matter armor, well, the remnants of it. *
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai nodded, *So I see in the extrapolation of the schemeatics. Normal breaching charges should handle that armor. We will put a locator beacon on her when we are done, so a salvage goup can retrieve her. I don't want us tractored to the hulk if their attackers come to finish the job*
*Fire in the hole!* The cry was ancient tradition and as used now as it was when the dinosaur of all exposives, Dynamite, was first used.
Modern charges though were much safer and much more effective, even again Dark Mattter armor. The Door vanished in a sphere of light and eye blink brief heat, and the collar sealed around the opening letting no possible debris and atmosphere out. A microseconds check with a probe and it was reported that the atmosphere within was safe and that there were four souls - again another archaic term - within. *Lady three human, and one lupine. Medics crating them for transport now.*
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai odrered that the survivors be aported rather than brought back by drop shuttle *I want them tended to as quickly and as carefully as possible. Every consideration, please.*
*Lady, we are recovering some data from the computer core but it is fragmentary.* The group that had been directed to the bridge advised. They had had a harder time than many of the rescue groups. The bridge had taken heavy damage and was a hard to maneuver though shambles.
*Copy what you can even the fragmented files. We can try for a reconstruction here. Once that's done then blow what remains of the core. I don't want anything of value left in there, available for some one else to take.* The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai requested.
While that was being done the survivors were being aported, instantaneous travel, to the Black Wind's main medical center, where some of the Empire of Nova Nippon's most highly trained physicians and healers set to work saving their lives. "Two are clones, by the readings of their DNA, but the girl is not. We are proceeding slowly Lady so as not to trigger any built in suicide responses" The Chief Medical Officer advised and was rewarded with the crinkle of the The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai eyes that most had come to know meant that she was smiling.
The ships sole vetrinarian, a Werebear by the name Simon, went to work on the Lupine. "I wish I had some info on this species. I've never come across them before, but they scan out as variation on standard Lupine, so I'm going to treat her as one, but I'll be cautious, and you keep a close eye on her " He ordered the slave boy that had been tasked to assisst him sternly.
Imperial isa
25-07-2007, 08:38
File One Voice
commun@##@@ out so @#@@#@ing this mess@#$@#@@ log
this sh@# is the Imp#@#@an Nav@#@# Crims@#@ Sk#@ the pirate Fleet came out of no wh@#@ that we di@# time to lau@#@ more fighters
we all so have on bor@#@ ENDS
File Two
Name: Joy
Title: adop@#@ daugh@#@ of Emper@#@@#@#@ Imperial prin@#@
Gender: Female
Age: 16
We@#@ 42.1kg
@#@ight: 158cm
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Other Intresting Info
Joy was adopted @@#@#@after her parents her only Family was muder in front of her by thugs who then raped her on a space station she was living on
Joy has a pet Female Shadow Wolf Puppy called Echo which was given to her By Wolf after she ask if she could have one as a pet
Joy is trained all Imperial Isan Weapons and in hand to hand and can fly the Imperial Isan Air Force Jackal Fighter ,Knows Mandalorian and WereWolf teached to her by@#@#@#########@#@#@#@#@#@#@
Nova Nippon
28-07-2007, 09:04
The rescue crews were relplaced by salvage crews as the oders went out to recover all the bodies and personal effects possible. Weapons and technology that could be recovered, or stripped out with reasonable swiftness was alsot to be taken. A double hand of K'Tann fighters was sent out to provide a sensor locus with in the loose shell of sensor drones that had been set up when the Black Wind first settled into wait for potential prey.
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai felt they had some small hand of time and set out to make the best use of it. The personal effects of a crew told much about the culture and society of the nation that sent the ship and it's crew forth. It was also Novan tradition to make sure all fallen warriors were honored, and that meant preserving their effects, to someday return to family or display in a 'honor shrine' in the vast Gardens of the Honoured.
"Who are you Joy, adopted daughter of an Imperial scion.? Where is your nation, and how did mere pirates overcome your ship?" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai asked softly as she looked at the image of the unconscious teen...child really, for no sixteen year old had the experience to be an adult, or really a warrior. Not unless she had been born and bred to be one, raised and trained since birth to be a warrior.
"Wake me in five hours." The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai ordered, "or if she wakes"
Her exec nodded then bowed as she left the bridge in the lift that would take her directly to her private quarters.
Imperial isa
28-07-2007, 14:28
six hours past and Joy was still sleeping till she has the only nightmare that ever made her wake screaming and looking for one of her adopted Mothers or her adopted Dad to hug her and say it's all right
"AAAAARRRRR MUMM DADDD NOOO NO LEAVE ME ALONE AAAAR" Joy yelled at sametime sitting up and looking around for sameone with tears in her eyes
Imperial Isans space
"no sign of the ship sir and now reports on planet under attack by a Pirate Fleet "
"who near to help"
"just us sir"
"head out"
OOC here something you find in whats left of the armoury has one million rounds of 9.62mm HVAP in the ammo box and they not set up
Nova Nippon
29-07-2007, 21:38
The rather low tech area denial system was scoope dup along with every thing else that could be removed without further compromising the integrity of the hukl.
When the teenager woke up screaming from a nightmare, a nurse came over quickly, hoping to soothe the frightenedn girl. As she hurried over she keyed in a notice to the senior physician assigned to the young survivor.
"Now Now, young Lady, you're safe here." Tome spoke soothingly in her musical voice, as she gently sought to push the youngster back down into the the bed. When she saw the tears she handed the girl some tissues from one of the many pockets that covered the nursing jacket she wore. "Here Lady dry your eyes, blow your nose, it's not good news, but I know you will be fine."
She wasn't being cruel, Novan culture placed a great emphasis on taking bad news with a calm face and demeanor. Though for children the standard was considerably more relaxed.
Imperial isa
29-07-2007, 21:57
The rather low tech area denial system was scoope dup along with every thing else that could be removed without further compromising the integrity of the hukl.
When the teenager woke up screaming from a nightmare, a nurse came over quickly, hoping to soothe the frightenedn girl. As she hurried over she keyed in a notice to the senior physician assigned to the young survivor.
"Now Now, young Lady, you're safe here." Tome spoke soothingly in her musical voice, as she gently sought to push the youngster back down into the the bed. When she saw the tears she handed the girl some tissues from one of the many pockets that covered the nursing jacket she wore. "Here Lady dry your eyes, blow your nose, it's not good news, but I know you will be fine."
She wasn't being cruel, Novan culture placed a great emphasis on taking bad news with a calm face and demeanor. Though for children the standard was considerably more relaxed.
"who are you, you not one of my mothers"said Joy with fear still in her voice then she looks around the room
"this is not the Crimson Skies where am i"Joy asked
Nova Nippon
29-07-2007, 22:15
"You are in the central medical facility of the Battle Cruiser Black Wind, KuroKaze Kami, Warstarcraft of the Celestial Empire of Nova Nippon. And I have the honor to be your nurse, I am Imperial citizen Tam Luck, of the house of Luck, practioners of the medical arts for thirty seven generatons." The sturdy, gey haired, jolly faced woman answered earnestly. "But unfortuantely I do not have the honor of being one of your esteemed mothers" Her accent was a litlting sing song that was pleasant on the ears, and her attitude that of some one who mothers all who come around her.
She looked over as a tall, slender man of her general age, but who's hair was still jet back, and his face less lined. His garb like hers was modified kimonos under white, many pocketed but sleeveless medical jackets. "He stopped a step or two from the bed and gave a oddly formal half bow. "I am pleased to see that you have awakened. I am Doctor Henrico Noborro, the senior physician assigned by the Captain The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha" One got the feeling that he was being formal for some reason of his own, that normally he did not refer to the Black Winds Captain with quite so full a mouthfull of names. "To attend you."
Imperial isa
29-07-2007, 22:31
"they are my adopted mothers but care for me as they'er own blood and i'am Joy"said Joy then looks at the Doctor
"nice to meet you both,what happen to the ship i was on"said Joy
Nova Nippon
31-07-2007, 04:59
The doctor began to reply when with near soundless steps a pair of the Captain's guardians the Wraiths (http://www.atddm.com/novan1.jpg) entered, each going to one knee, their keen senses missing nothing.
The nurse and the doctor both began to back away, and as The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai entered both gave and held deep bows. The The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and kinsai returned it with a much briefer boww of her own, and waved a hand indicating they could recover from the deep bows of respect.
She had changed into fresh robes, and was still garbed in the traditional manner of her caste (http://www.atddm.com/novan2a) even to gloves. All that could be seen of her person were her eyes (http://www.atddm.com/Tet11). Her garb was in the deepest crimson of hue. All was liquidly flowing, almost indestructable starsilk and thin, unbelieveably supple verrleather of the highest quality and workmanship. It didn't appear anywhere near as classically Japanese as what the doctor and nurse wore, and was, despite its appearance, highly protective armor. but also under it she wore the finest armor the Tanran Empire made, the formidible nano-Matrix armor called Paladin Armor, one layer of nanites thick, but aqble to absorb and dispell the shock of even hyper drifles at range. It was invisible, transparent, and covered her from head to toes, even across her eyes.
She gave Joy a long considering look, and a gracious nod of her head. "I am glad you have awakened. But the news I bear is not comfortable. Only you and three others survived the attack on your ship. Two clones and a Lupine besides yourself" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai spoke bluntly but with no intent of cruelity. She was blunt spoken and not inclined to pamper any one, at least not at first. "Your name is Joy? Yes?"
Imperial isa
31-07-2007, 05:23
"yes it's Joy and now i recall the battle i was on my way back from shcool as it summer time holidays and where is my barra kal'daka, er Shadow Wolf"said Joy just looking at her eye's
Nova Nippon
31-07-2007, 05:51
Good, she is not wailing and whining as many of her youth would be, though her grammar is attrocious. Though maybe that is the residual of the shock she must be suffering. The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai thought as she studied the girl closely without making it obvious. She was Heir to the Shogun, and Kami Born, she had senses and powers beyond the normal run of humanity, and the nanites that filled even the cells of her body enhanced those abilities even more.
"The Lupine, the ...Barra Kal'daka" She savored the new words, faithfully reproducing the sound exactly as Joy had pronounced them. "Is in good hands, her wounds have been treated and she sleeps under light sedation so they do not pain her. Later you may go see her but only after the honored physician Noborro says it is safe for you to be up and about. Now if you can tell me of your home world I will have my navigators attempt to locate it so we can return you and your honored dead safely home."
Imperial isa
31-07-2007, 06:13
"i must see her if she well i can send her to get help ,if not then i'am stuck here with no way back to Ra"said Joy as she try to get up out of bed
Nova Nippon
01-08-2007, 22:07
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai tilted her head slightly as she took in Joys statement.
"You can send the Lupine? You do realise that we are in deep space, do you not" She asked as she admired the girls stanima as she attempted to get out of the bed. A nod from The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai had one of the Wraiths moving silently to the bed to scoop the girl up easily inhis arms.
"They are my protectors" Joy was advised "They will not harm you, but let him carry you to go see your Lupine"
Imperial isa
01-08-2007, 22:14
"Ma-am you must not meet a Shadow Wolf before they not of this relam and can travel between they'er relam and our own "said Joy letting them help her
Nova Nippon
03-08-2007, 06:43
Her eyes tilted up at the corners, a small thing but a sure sign that The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai was smiling, and her voice was warm, almost conversational.
"No I must admit I have never met a Shadow Wolf, but I am Kami born and know of the travel between Realms" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own and Kinsai replied as the Wraith carried Joy easily, pacing half a step behind his mistress.
The Shadow Wolf and the two clones were all three bring treated near by, also as honored guests.
The slave boy backed quickly away from the thick soft pallet that the barra kal'daka had been placed on. He covered his face with his hands and tried to make himself unseen. It was in no way a slaves place to even be thinking to gaze upon a free person. The vetrinarian had been alerted and entered close on the groups heels.
"She sleep for now, but should awake soon" He proclaimed stoutly. He was had been very careful in his treatment of the magnificant animal.
Imperial isa
03-08-2007, 06:55
"they sacred and mystic to us and thank you for taking care of her"said Joy as she run a hand over Echo
"my Mothers and Dad showed me how to look after the Tigers and Wolves teat they'er wounds by the ways of healing" Joy said still checking
"no i fear she can't go get help"said Joy sadden by what she found
Nova Nippon
04-08-2007, 06:37
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai frowned behind her veil. Those about her cringed at that faintly visible indication of displeasure
"She has injuries we have left untreated?" She querried, internally aghast at the thought that a guest's injury had gone unrecognised. No guest in her demense had ever gone wanting, and to have it be otherwise as an insult that would be hard to bear.
Imperial isa
04-08-2007, 07:30
"she has no Chi and it's something we can't heal it's must build back up by her resting,now i must wait and see if the Clone's can think of way to call home"said Joy
Isan Space
a badly damage Battle Fleet now move to find a lost ship after having found from a enemy ship that the Fleet they destroyed had attack the Batteship Crimson Skies and the ship it self got away
"emperor sir we are at the spot and scan show it where it jumped but with damage it has take by weckage picked up on the scan it may be somewhere in our space or somewhere we don't know of"said the Captain
"we will look all over our space for the ship and her with what ships we can spare for the task" said Wolf
"yes sir i'll have the order sent out now"said the Captain
Nova Nippon
04-08-2007, 23:37
"Ah that is indeed a problem that only rest and time can heal" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai let the tension drain out of her. "However..
Gracefully she went to one knee byt Echo's sleeping form and she began to pull off one glove. That brought an indrawn his of astonishment from the Vertinarian, and the slave boy scrabbled to exit the room. A shwichss soudn of a monocrystal katana leaving the blade barely proceeded the sight od the blade baring the Lady's hand from touching the Shadow Wolf.
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsa eyes flared angrily as she looked up at the Wraith who barred her way. "You dare greatly"
The Wraith did not answer
and she continued "A guest lies weary. I AM not only my father's daughter and heir, I AM Kami born. Bar not my way."
With a subtle bow of the head, acknowledging her rightness to risk as she chose the katana slipped home into the sheath across the Wraith's back.
Looking back to the Shadow Wolf The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsa put her bare hand upon Echo's head. She was partly of the spirit world, being Kami born and energies flowed between her and the Shadow Wolf. The pups Ki would need much less healing now. "That should help her" The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsa informed Joy as she got to her feet.
"And if you wish to check in on your other two we can take you to them now, but then you must rest some more."
Imperial isa
05-08-2007, 00:17
"if they are fine i will rest and wait till they are up,then work on how to call home"said Joy starting to feel weak all over
"dam go my head bite off to find her"said Wolf to the Captain
"well they do love her as they own"said the Captain
"indeed they do as do i"said Wolf looking out the front window of the ships bridge
"with luck she and other survivors are in safe hands"said the Captain
Nova Nippon
05-08-2007, 02:01
"They are still in healing sleep, Lady Joy" Nurse luck informed her as the Wraith scooped Joy up gently.
The Wraith was faceless behind the close fitting helmet and visor that covered his features, but he voice was concerned. His suit contained may sensors and some of those were medical "She is weakening, Mistress, let me take her bafck to her bed." He requested.
"No take her to a guest suite, put her in the one next to my quarters, where you and my other guardians can keep her under your protections as well. And have the pup moved in with her as well. They are to be treated as if she were my own sister."
That had anny number of eyes going rougn with shock but The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai didn't bother to notice. She was heir to the Shogunate and none had ever refused her anything. To do so was to court death. First at the hands of a doting father then as she grew in to her skills as a warrior, and a Kinsai, at her own slender strong and immensely skilled hands. She was not the premier swordsweilder, a fully fledged, hard earned title and rank- that of Kinsai, for nothing.
Imperial isa
05-08-2007, 02:24
"thank you"said Joy softly as she closed her eyes and fall a sleep
Echo grunts in her sleep as if she was up to something in her dreams as she roll over
mean While the Clone's show signs they be awaking in a hour or if not a bite longer
Nova Nippon
06-08-2007, 07:13
Carefully the Wraith carried Joy to the designated suite (http://www.atddm.com/joysuite), where the maid assigned to the suite saw to her being tucked carefully into the queen sized bed. The suite was immense for accomodations found on a warship, but the Imperia did nothing by halves and her suite had three lavish rooms, and ample storage space all built in and hidden. Nor did the elegantly appointed rooms look at all like one might expect rooms on a warship to look like..no nothing by halves.
A thick round matress was found to place at the foot of the bed for Echo, with a soft coverlett tucked over it.
The Wraith settled into guard The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai's guest.
The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai went about her various duties, after first checking in on the statust of a possible trace back on the flight of the Crimson Skies. She nodded thoughtfully as she was told that her navigators were still confering with the engineers about the capabilities of the alien warships capabilites. "Yes I understnd the difficulties, but please, make every effort." She was always polite in her orders, it was expected of one of her exalted birth.
Imperial isa
06-08-2007, 08:14
OOC nice
the first Clone to wake was the Soldier and was full Alert when he got up
"who are you and where is the Imperial Princesses "said the man as he moved into Defensive Stance as he eye's those around him as he did not like the look of them as far as he know he could be on a slave ship heading to market to be sold
in the room Joy sleeps soundly cruled up in the Soft warm bed dreaming of home and not knowing what was going in on to the medical bay
Echo laying next to Joys bed was running in her sleep as she dreams of chasing flying bones
Nova Nippon
09-08-2007, 03:50
Tam put her hands on her hips and gave him a nursely glare. "You shouldn't be up, no one has any intent to hurt you and Lady Joy is sleeping in one of the guest suites. NOW GET BACK IN THAT BED" She yelled without raising her voice at all.
"The physician will be along shortly, and in the mean time are you hungry? Lunch is about to be served, and it's prawns in garlic butter with spicy noodles and stir fried vegtables."
Imperial isa
09-08-2007, 04:06
the soldier does some fast thinking then sits back down as the woman in front of him had a tone of mother werewolf to her voice ,what one knows not to cross
"yes food would be nice"he said as he thinks on what he was about to say to her next
"the lady is well after that fight we had that is good ,she did well in it and would make mothers and father happy that she keep up her training" the soldier said as he looks around the unknown room of a ship from a race they never meet before
"and him how is he" the soldier asked as he looks at the clone crew member on the other bed
Nova Nippon
11-08-2007, 05:27
Tam looked over at the still unconscious crewman and informed the soldier "He's more battered than you were, he'll probably come around shortly though. The Imperia's medical knowledge and technology is very good. And our cooking is better"
She bustled over to the robotic cart that rolled in to the recovery suite where the two clones were. The food smelled good, and when she brought him a tray it was nicely presented as well. Jumbo shrimp had been butterflied, grilled, then glazed with a rich garlic suce and laid over a bed of narrow flat noodles that had bits of peppers and other spices in amongst the noodles. A bowl heaped with lightly cooked, still crunchy vegtables sat next to the heaping plate of noodles and prawns. there was also a small plate of whole and sliced fresh fruit, oranges, peaches, blackberries, strawberries, mango, mellon and other fruits unrecognizeable.
"Here eat, enjoy and I'll let the doctor know you're awake" Tam sat the tray before him.
Imperial isa
11-08-2007, 07:48
the soldier looked at the food in front of he it was more then the stand Rations eaten by the troops and imperial family when on board ship
mm looks ok and better then our rations on ship he though as he takes out his own knife ,fork and spoon from a pocket to eat with
came to think of it , it dose look and taste like some of the food i had on the planet Ming when i was station there he thinks as he eats the food but still keeping a watchful eye on whats going one
Nova Nippon
12-08-2007, 01:18
After Tam had notified the doctor of the clone soldiers awakening, she went and checked on the crewman, making a record of his biometrics, and patting him gently on the shoulder. Then she crossed to a small wall nitche and bowed slightly before the shrine therein. Once she had said her brief prayers, she took her own lunch tray and dug in eating heartily.
"Well what do you think of the food?" She asked as she dexterously used her personal chopsticks to bring a bite of the prawns to her lips.
Imperial isa
12-08-2007, 01:46
"it not bad it more then the rations we eat when on ship and much like some food i had on Ming "said the solider as he eyes her from where he sits
"so how you find and not the Imperial Isan Navy"he asked as he eats what was left in front of him which was not much as it nearly was all gone
yes why did the navy not find us are we in our own space or have this lot enter it the soldier thinks as he waits to be answered
Nova Nippon
12-08-2007, 02:31
"Well we are outside Imperia space, but not by much." Tam took afew more bites , the noticed his was almost completely gone. "If you're still hingry there are more trays, just grab another." She nodded to the cart.
"The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsa" Tam said formally then explained "She's the Shogun's heir and of the Divine One's line as well, the Winds of Space uplift the Dragon forever" It had the sound of a ritual blessing. "The Ladfy Captain wanted to go pirate hunting, they've become a bit of a nuisance to the merchants" There was more than a bit of distain in her tone when she mentioned merchats, as if they were a necessary evil, or something rather looked down upon.
"You ship is rather a mess, you and your friend and the Lady Joy were the only survivors. And if the vine is correct yuour ship isn't one in our data banks. Though you're speaking Fraca well enough."
"Yes he is. Greeetings I am Doctor Hathan." This doctor, as she bustled in quickly was young and blonde with bright blue eyes. "It's good to see you a wake and hungry. You didn't need but an hour in a trauma tube. And I'm about to do all sorts of doctorly things to you so don't mind me." She proceeded to do just that. Testing reflexes, having him follow a finger with his eyes, listening to him breathe etc.
Nova Nippon
15-08-2007, 07:13
Once the doctor was finished she patted the soldier on the shoulder "You are pretty much good to go. I'll inform the Lady Captain." That said she went over and ran her medical scanners over the still unconscious crewman. "yes he is much better too." She said juducuously as she exited.
"That Doctor Hathan, always moving at light speeed" Tan chuckled as she finished her lunch. "So would you like more now that the doc's not pokuing and prodding you?"
Imperial isa
15-08-2007, 07:27
the soldier now free to talk does
"docs are all the same they like pokuing and prodding people"he said as he got up and walks over to the crewman
"as for you fast you get up i'll be happy"he said to the man before turning to Tan so he could talking to her eye to eye
"do you think the Princesses up i'am after all signed to look after her"he asked Tan with a tone in his voice that he don't want to fail his duty
Nova Nippon
20-08-2007, 04:37
"She has the incredible priviledge of one of the Imperi Wraiths guarding her. But Let me check and see if something can be worked out..oh! " She bowed deeply to the tall slender man who strode in with an air of brisk confidence.
"Commander Lord Harkano Sendari, we are most honored."
With a hal wave and a kind smile he dismissed her and Tan scurried from the room with another bow. His face was stern though as he turned back to the clone soldier. " I am the Black Winds executive officer, and I am of the House of Sendari, inservice to the Imperia for a hundred and twenty generation. The information I bear is not easily recieved. You, the clone in that bed and the Lady Joy are the only survivors, and the ship, the Crimosn Skies? Yes? is irrepearably damaged." His sterness eased as he gave the soldier a compassionate look. "And even worse, my good soldier, we do not recognise you ships design nor is it in our registery of known navies. You all cam out of the warp far from your home."
He gestured to one of the computer consoles. "I know the average soldier isn't given operational secrets, and I wouldn't ask you for them, but maybe you know of cultures, nations that we too know of. If you would look though our data base, and see if any listed are known to you it would help us get you home."
Imperial isa
20-08-2007, 08:12
the clone works about a hour before he got only one hit
"oh they do get ever where those pain in the ass orks"he said on seeing the name Ork on the screen then he turn around
"you only have one race in there that we both meet and no point asking them for help as we kicked them out of our space more times then i can recall" he say to the Commander
then the clone point's to other clone on the bed
"if we to get home we got to wait for him to wake which better be in a hour or i'll wake him myself"
Nova Nippon
22-08-2007, 03:28
Commander the honorable Lord Sendari, frowned and sighed inwardly as the soldier spoke of Orks. "You are quite correct, they are no more than nuisance vermin. How they managed to get into space I'll never understand. Thank you for your efforts, you tried dilligently and honorably. If you need anything you have but to ask." The Commander stood and nodded at the soldier on genial fashion before leaving.
Nurse Luck sighed in relief after he had gone. "Things are going well, for if Lord Sendai is kindly that means the Black Wind's crew is performing well, and The Lady is happy. He is her XO and the barometer of her moods. It is said that when she takes the Shogun's Sword, he will be her chief advisor. He gave up the chance to have a ship of his own to be on the Black Wind. Loyality is every thing to us!" She said fiercely "Oh! I asked. When you companion there" She nodded towreds the still unconscious crewman "wakes you can go to the Lady Joy. It has been deemed proper that she should have her own guardian with her as well as the Imperia Wraith. Be careful of the Wraith, they do not think like humans do. They take their Duties very Seriously"
Novan's took Duty with Life and Death seriousness and for one of them to say some one took Duty Seriously was the highest compliment possible.
Imperial isa
23-08-2007, 22:16
"we have a CO like that on the Thunder Child which is the Emperor Flagship"said the Soldier as he walks over to his gear at the side of the room
"good my harmonica ok and so are my weapons"he said going over them then turns sits on the floor and looks at Nurse Luck
"may i ask how was the imperial princesses when she had awaken"he asked her as he moves into a meditation
Joy had awaken to use the bathroom was now back in bed looking at the locket on her necklace with Echo sitting next as she had waken when she heard Joy
"just look how beautiful the Rainbow crystal is girl"said Joy to Echo looking at the crystal made up of red, yellow, green, blue , violet , orange and indigo like a Rainbow
Joy pushed on a button that was on the other side locket to the crystal and out pops a hologram Photo of Joy, Wolf ,Six Woman and four young kids
Joy was sitting in the middle of two Identical woman with two kids each on their laps and two other woman sitting next to them
Wolf was at the back standing by himself
"it was not for them i be locked up in a padded cell somewhere for what happen to me"said Joy to Echo
Nova Nippon
25-08-2007, 06:13
"Concerned for her puppy, and still tired." Tam answered the soldier, as she bustled about tidying the recovery suite. "If you'd like I can show you what our people are seeing over on your ship as they finish recovering whaqt they can. All your dead have been put in staiss to they can be returned final rites. We don't make many clones within the Imperia. But those that we do make have full rights. We believe that it not good karma to make and depend on clones, that it weakens the power of One, the individual." Tam went over to the vue screen and keyed in the channel shoing the live vidcam feed from the senior noncoms overseeing the final stripping of the hulk.
The Wraith had not shifted a micron from the passive guard position he had set himself after depositing Joy in the plush bed. THough he wa aware of every thing about him, and the vidcam in his cham suit recored everything as well.
The young maid assigned to the suite, entered, her footfalls nearly silent in the soft padded soled shoes. She bowed deeply and asked in a soft strongly accent voice, alsmot a singsong "Would the honourable Lady care for something to eat? It is late lunch and there are many tasty dishes available, or the chef can prepare you something of your asking"
Imperial isa
25-08-2007, 22:13
"Echo very lucky her and her twin brothers and she would be tried ,an we clones are Bioroids clones made not of one person DNA but made up from 79 different DNAs to make one DNA ,26 Werewolves 26 Vampires,26 Humans and one Key DNA"he said to her as he picks up his Rifle and Handgun and pulls them apart
"oh good there some 9.62mm, .45 ACP ,Frag and 40mm ammo boxs left and in one piece ,an theres two carrying case for a pair of sentry guns " he said as he watched as he cleans his weapon
"vel'klar l' uoi'nota i'am lu' vel'uss zotreth uns'aa"
"in a unkown race ship sick bay and i hit you"said the Soldier
Joy looks at her with red eyes from crying over what happen to her in the past
"plase bring what you see fit for me to eat"Joy said as she closed the locket and turns to Echo
"an do you want food"she asked her
Joy turns back to the maid
"plase bring her something to eat too"she asked
"why in hell did you do that for"asked the other clone looking back at the other one
"your the only one here who can send a message if we were not picked up by another Navy ship as the case turned out and i could let stray in what was left of the ship bridge could i"
"mm that is fare,wait where in the imperial princesses and her shadow pup"
"safe and asleep in a room of her own"
Nova Nippon
15-09-2007, 00:51
The ship's A.I. listened to the unknown language eagerly- recording every word spoken so that it could learn the language and provide translatory services until the lab could produce a translator and learning nanobot. One it was translated and the nanos would take only a day to produce, and maybe another ten hours after that to allow the user to fully integrate the new knowledge.
That is an interesting way of making a clone" Nurse Luck conceeded "And it sounds aas if each would nearly be their own Individual. You see we are a people torn between the One and the Many. It is a powerful motivator and makes us strive ever for Balanace." She smiled aand apologised "You will have to forgive me. My father's brother keshue-sendai...and uncle in honor...uncle by choice might be a better term, is the senoir monk at the Azure Mountain Monastary and we spend much time discussing such deep thoughts.
"And I'll let the doctor know that you are awake now. She'll want to do 'doctor things' as she likes to put it, and check to make sure that you have recovered. Are you hungry? I'll have somthing sent up from the kitchen" Tam asked the crewman then turmed to do that. When she was done she looked at the soldier. "THe hnotes say the Joy has awakened, and they are bringing her lunch. I've asked for some one to escort you to her. Once you two know the lay out of the ship you won't need excorts. You will be allowed to move about freely, as long as you give your word not to venture into restricted access areas."
The young maid hurried to Joy's side drawing out a handfkerchief as she did so. She handed it to Joy so that she could dry her eyes and blow her nose. "Oh please Lady Joy, do not be sad. We will get you home, the Lady has said so." The young made spoke of her captain with the warm faliliarity of one allowed such freedoms. "And yes food for the two most honored guests, immediately."
The maid scurried off to fetch a tempting meal for Joy and the Shadow Wolf.
"She is most forward, but absolutely correct" The Wraith said in a low voice, deep and richly masculune "The Heir to the Sword has spoken, and thus it will be so."
Joy had no idea how completely unusual it was for an Imperia Wraith to speak to some one not of the innermost circles of the three courts. But then again the Wraiths were a law unto themselves, and even those that held the Lightning, the Sword, and the Word feared them- if any of the three ever spoke about such with honesty.
Imperial isa
15-09-2007, 20:43
"we are Individual in way we act but are one in battle and we all look the same with out our masks on " he said back to her as he hand a note pad to the other clone
"sandwich and tea would do me fine as i work" he said as he looks over a list that in note pad that was given to him by the soldier
"mm of course i have not idea if that a fully charged ZPM or not or if the other things i be using are ok till i looked at them" he added as he hand the note pad back
"of course and i'll wait till she finish eating"said the soldier taking it back and placing it back in a pocket
"i know she right i guess been away from home for a year and not seeing the family , working really hard at school and the battle it all got to me"said Joy as she drys her eyes
"woof woof"said Echo
Joy look at Echo
"hey you had you twin brothers living with us at school and could go off to shadow realm so you had it easy to me "said Joy
"woof woof woof"said Echo
"yur three did help make it bit easy"said Joy as she pat Echo as she lay her head in Joys lap
Joy looks at the Wraith
"dad teach me how to under stand what they are saying by tones of the barks"
Nova Nippon
18-09-2007, 04:04
The Wraith simply nodded, then his head turned ever so slightly towards the door. "Your dinner comes honoured Lady" He said softly, though neither Joy or Echo could discerne anyones approach. A moment later and after a gentle tap on the door it opened to reveal the maid and two slave servants carrying large trays. The maid gestured for the two slaves to set the heavy trays they carried down and for them to be away.
She then brought a tray laden with all sorts of tgempting dishes and set it ceremoniously before Joy. Once Joy had begun eating the maid turned to the second tray with held a large haunch of something apparently freshly killed, with hide, blood and bone still there. "The Lady Captain's Aurifelis likes his meat fresh."
The same doctor that had arrived to check out the soldier came in as a lunch tray was being brought in for the crewman. "Please go ahead and eat. " She said as she began running her scanners over the crewman. The thick roasted meat and cheese sandwich was accompanied by a bowl of hearty if unfamiliar soup and a variety of fresh fruits.
Imperial isa
20-09-2007, 05:54
"i once watch one of the six tigers that belong to one of my six mothers hunt down a deer " said Joy as she eat
"if you see one you see their length is 6.6 meters and half a meter tall ,they are beautiful,so are the normal wolves who are 3.3 meters long and same height"
Joy eats a bit then goes on
"now the adult shadow wolf now they are 9.9 meters long and meter tall"said Joy as she look at her pup
"i was scared when i first saw Dads four but got over it when i knew i be safe"said Joy then just keep eating with out saying a word
as the doctor check out the Tech out ,he was busy drawing and make notes in the soldier note pad after he ask for it back
"thmmhf ftymum " he said after take a mouth full from the sandwich
"eat up then talk"asid Soldier as he roll his eye's as he puts back on all his gear
" this is yum"said the Tech
"yur food not bad ,now how are your plans caming"said the Soldier
"made up ,now to make it"said the Tech then digs into the food
"mm take you time in doing so ,seeing we got limited resources"said the Soldier
Nova Nippon
20-09-2007, 19:37
"Oh my that must have been something to see." The maid said "and an animal over thirty two feet long and only just over three foot tall. They must have an unusual spine to be so long, even if it included the tail. That is how meters translates out isn't it? One meter is just over three foot imperia."
Tetuko's voice was short and sharp, but not truly unkind as she repremandeed the maid for her excess voluability. "Enough chatter, you may go" She then switched to Novan and continued with another sentence or tw, this time addressed to the Wraith whi bowed deeply to first her then to Joy before leaving the room.
"He has not gone far, I promise you, Lady Joy. Now you mentioned a tiger species that was over nine meters?" Though Joy could still not see the Lady's face, for she still wore the veil, she could have easily heard the interest, and tinge of disbelief in her voice. "On Manhome, Earth, the largest Siberian Tiger ever recored was around four hundred centimeters, or about one hundred and fifty inches head to tail, and they definitely stand over a meter at the shoulder. That would be roughly twelve and a half feet. I sincerely doubt that a tiger would manage to grow to three times that size. Perhaps our meters are different from yours though." Sher dismissed the subject. It wasn't polite to accuse a guess of exageration much less lieing.
"I wished to advise you that your ship's crewman has awoken and appears to be sound. How ever after some study your Empire's sphere of influence must be at some distance from the Imperia Nova Nippon. We are working on backtracking the jump that brought the Crimson Skies here. If you wish to go visit with your crewman, you are most welcome to. If there is anything you need you have but to ask. You are my honored guest."
Imperial isa
21-09-2007, 04:13
"well Ra not this Earth or Tappee "said Joy before looking away upset wth what was said
"Empire not in known space"she mutters as she runs a hand through Echo fur then she keeps muttering in Tappeen about how unfare people can be and think they know all only because she was only sixteen and other thing for about another hour or so before looking up
"yes i want to see them now"she said as she got up
Battleship Thunder Child orbiting the planet Thoth
"sir repairs are 90% done"said a Tech
"thank you, you can go "said Wolf as he looks at Thoth out a small window
the Tech leaves the room leaving Wolf to this thoughs
"so the Z'mos and their Korr raiders have a new ally and Joy, our sweet adopted daughter is still missing outside the Void in known space somewhere" he said as he turns and face a wall
"dam it all"said Wolf hitting the wall with a fist putting a dent into it and hurting his hand at same time
Nova Nippon
21-09-2007, 04:39
"yes i want to see them now
When Joy finally have looked up she would have found only the Wraith had returned and was waiting paitently as ever. The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right, and Kinsai had left as silently as she had come.
"I will gladly escort you Lady Joy." The Wraith said as he saw her come out of her upset.
"Excuse me" said the ship's A.I. to the crewman and the soldier - though he is not yet fluent in their language "Can help I be? What limits? What is being made?"
Imperial isa
21-09-2007, 07:00
"thank you very much" Joy said to The Wraith as she and Echo fall in behind him
"well A.I limits mean you only have small number of things to work with and what i be makeing is transmitter that can send a message from this area of known space to area inside the Void where the planet Thoth is and with hope get picked up there"said the Tech as he picked up his drink
"you can help by telling me if there is a free workbanch to spare that i can use to make it and all so tell me where the things taken off what left of the ship been kept" he added before putting the cup to his mouth
Nova Nippon
22-09-2007, 22:35
"You are my captain's honored guests. There are no limits save if we do not have what you need, and can not manufacture it for you.' The AI replied.
Nurse Luck returned with clean ship suit for the crew man such as she had earlier brought for the soldier. Here you go, to replace that hospital gown, and much more suitable now that you are up and about."
Minutes later a very elderly, Very senior Chief arrived, looking for the crewmen. "Ah, yes, good to see you have recovered. I am Chief of the 'Craft Ariyawa. I have been requested to assisst you in your efforts and offer you every thing necessary to complete the transmitter. Please come with me and I will show you our repair and supply facilities." He said to the crewman. "We'll go in just a minute. I was also advised that your young mistress wished to see you."
The Wraith led the Lady Joy to the main medical section then on to the recovery room where the soldier and the crewman were. "I will wait here " He said softly as he stopped outside the door. "You have but to call me and I will be with you"
Imperial isa
23-09-2007, 03:45
"AI most of the things i be using are only made by us or only find where we are from but think you for asking"said the Tech who then turn to Nurse Luck and the Chief
"thank you both"he said then goes and change and waits for Joy
"thank you "said Joy then walks in
"Lady Joy i'am happy to see you"said the Soldier
"Ice please just Joy"said Joy to him
"yes sorry keep forgetting you don't feel you have right to your title as you not of his blood"said Ice
Nova Nippon
26-09-2007, 00:06
The Senior Chief waited patiently untill Joys and her surviving personells's reunion was done then escorted the clone crewman to the Kuro Kaze's very well equiped electronis and communicaions repair facility. "We carry much more in the ways of spares and such, as Battle Cruisers operate very independantly and far from supply bases. However our fabricators can make nearly anything needed. Please feel free to aks for any and all help. The Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, has ordered all pieces of your communication equipment that were salvageable have been brought to the storage bay adjacent to this repair shop"
"Lady Joy, would you care to return to your room, or perhaps take a stroll though the ships gardens?" The maid that had been assigned to her had sought her out; and after Joy's meeting with her people offered the honoured guest a choice of further rest or some amusement. "Or perhaps you would be interested in seeing hte bridge?"
Imperial isa
27-09-2007, 05:31
the Tech goes to work on making the transmitter with the odd swearing in Imperial when spacks hit him as he welds away at a frame to house the parts
before he starts to put it together
"seen one ships bridge you seen them all and i need to clean my weapons and restock my ammo"said Joy to her as Ice takes up a spot behind her
"wait why would a warship need gardens" added Joy a min after with a puzzled look on her face as well as one on Ice's face under his mask
"indeed why"said Ice as he shoulders his Rifle
Nova Nippon
27-09-2007, 07:53
The maid blinks astonished for complertely differenet reasons"To not have gardens? To not have a bit of the homeworld with you, no place of honor for ones natal stone and the groves of the gods?" She paled at such an insutle to the Divine. "Oh surely you must come see them. Though it is but a poor space, nothing like what would be if the Lady had accepted the ship prepared for her"
The Wraith gave a barely heard growl. The maid when white and stopped speaking in mid word. She then bowed deeply to the Wraith and said in a barely audibile voice, for she knew well she had far over stepped the bounds of what she should have said "My deepest aprdons I have offenhded, excuse me." Then turned and fled as decorously as possible.
The Senior chief assissted where ever possible, and observed the crewmans work with an observant eye.
Imperial isa
27-09-2007, 16:14
"we don't have a home world as we are clones and i don't think the Tua,Mandalorian or the Nord have gradens on their ships, i know the Dwarfs set up something of home where ever they get station
"said Ice then looks at Joy
"ok short history test "said Ice to her
"the Tua join ISA after we help one of they'er ships and some talks with them,Dwarfs join after came across them and start trading with them"said Joy
"go on lest see what you recall"said Ice
"ok well Mandalorians join because of two things, Imperial joining their war when the race they were figthing attack and destroyed a passenger ship and the Mandalore Identical twin daughters Sky and Snow who fell in loved and married Dad, they later on asked him to marry Mira they'er step cousin "
Joy stops and think for a bit
"oh the Nord who's Empress Natasha Night given her body and soul to dad only for aid in weapons and medicine in they'er war with the Redguard and traitor Nord warlords, but later join in full after the attack at PaX Pacis my late home" Joy said with a sadden look on her face
"it ok joy"said Ice placing a hand on her shoulder
Joy looks up and specks again
"and not to forget them dads last two wifes Sara Macbeth Luck or just Lady Luck and Princess Arya Nightoad were saved by him as they'er world were destroyed"
"when they got your report card they were over the moon at your hard work"said Ice
"they really do love me"said Joy
"oh they do love and care for, now let see this graden then you can rest some more as i clean your weapons"said Ice as he thinks to himself
he be out there right now looking for you Joy as to him you are one of his own blood no matter he adopted you the min after he found out what happen to you
"you don't have too, i'll clean them then rest "said Joy as she pats Echo
"as you wish "said Ice
Nova Nippon
28-09-2007, 19:57
The Wraith listened quietly as Lady Joy and Ice spoke. As he led the way to the Black Wind's gardens he wondered if her father was a Nietzschean.
He didn't ask but that was the only race they'd learned of so far where one man had so many wives with no co husbands - and then the Novan's only knew of the Nietzscheans because of Perigryne Omega, Speaker for the Dead. She was, to the best of general knowledge, the only Nietzschean in this universe. However, if there were natively arrising Nietzscheans, she and many others needed to know and as quickly as possible.
It wasn't a long walk though the corridors of the Black Wind and soom the sound of splash of falling water, cricket drone and bird song could be heard. The door that slid aside as they approached might have had innards of battle steel and blast fittings, but outwardly it was hand carved wood and gold inlay.
The door opened on to a curving balcony that had a half flight of stairs going down from either end. The ceiling was fully forty feet above and they could see other balconies, obviously leading to other levels with in the ship.
"The garden covers two hectares, and though the holograms give the illusion of sun and sky the ceiling is fully thirty meters above. Please feel free to wander as you wish. There is a stream with a waterfall and pond with Koi, a herb garden and much more" The Wraith said in his customary near whisper. It was a voice ment for the dark of night when any sound carries better, as if the night air carries sound better, or perhaps ears are simply more alert. "There is no one here at the moment and the other doors are sealed. You are safe within."
It was a oriental style garden, and over head a holographic sun shown warmly and clouds floated in an azure sky. There was a deep sense of tranquility here as a scent laden breeze fluttered the leaves of the various trees, some having grown to nearly twenty meters in height. The path ways that led from the bottom of the stairs wound in and out giving an illusion of much greater space. Birds flitted from branch to branch and the croak of a frog was heard.
Imperial isa
30-09-2007, 18:37
Ice stand guard watching Joy and Echo play and take in the things in the graden till he see Joy fall to the floor and runs over to her
"Joy are you ok" he asked nearing her only to find she was out cold
"shit" Ice said as he kneel next to check her out
"Tech how long till you finish"said Ice as he pick up Joy
*three days*
"we don't have that long Tech, Joy showing signs of the Progenitor Virus "said Ice
*shit i'll cut back on the coding *
"do what you need to,i'll take her to med bay"said Ice
*ok and Ice the old Z'mos droid we picked up*
"that what i'am thinking seeing she was not Vaccine at birth she not immune to it" said Ice now at the top of the stairs
Nova Nippon
30-09-2007, 23:28
The Wraith stood barring Ice's way, as the sound of blast doors closing could be clearly heard. Now the voice carried clearly, and was colder than the depths of space "How contagious is it?" He challenged, not allowing the clone past.
His duty was to far greater than Joy and if she had brought an infection aboard the results could be dire indeed.
Imperial isa
01-10-2007, 15:16
"to you not at all ,to her i don't know how deadly it is to her* , but to Imperial Isans and the others you heard her speck of it's deadly now move or i will kill"said Ice with tone that came from the hell it self
*Ice i can push my work into a hour if i leave out IMC*
"do what you need too"said Ice still eyeing the Wraith
Void Space Near Thoth
the Battleship Thunder Child ,four Frigates,three Destroyers and one Tau Hero class Cruiser move to engage a Z'mos Fleet of 200 ships heading towards Thoth
this is Wolf to Fleet ETA of 5th Tua Fleet and 18th Imperial Fleet is four hours we must hold till then
Wolf stand waiting as the two side move closer when he is hand a note
long ranger scanner picked up a Z'mos Hell class
"the first Imperial Thunder Child class verse a Z'mos Hell class now this be a sight to see"said Wolf
"sir Z'mos Despoiler just fired Torpedos"said a Tech
"so it so it begins"said Wolf
OOC* to joy it like Malaria and lest deadly to her, but we only find out when she board one of my ships
Nova Nippon
01-10-2007, 22:58
The Wraith was unmoving, and completely unmoved by Ice's tone - deadlier than Ice had tried similar tones on Wraiths before...and lost.
Nothing can kill me, do NOT mistake me for human, clone" The Wraith's voice was cooly adamant, but not unkind. "However if humans can get it, so can those aboard this vvessel, though my mistres, being of the Kami will, in all likely hood prove imune." He made a small gesture. "I share your concern for Ladfy Joy, but before we can take her though the corridors we must sheild others from her. And the quickest way is..." The Wraith suited actions to words and suddenly ICe found the Wraith gone but a golden shimmer swirled about him, encasing him in a forcefield that while it let in air, so he could breath, would let nothing out. A faint voice sounded in his ears *Medical has been notified, they will meet you, and will have isolation facilities for you and her. The Imperia's medical skill is not so weak as you may think*
And the doors to the gardens were opening
Down below the repair bay too was sealed off. A sealed air system would sustain the crewman and the senior chief until a vaccine and cure for the disease could be affected.
Imperial isa
03-10-2007, 07:12
"Nothing can kill me a lot of people have said that and end up dead,just do what ever fast"said Ice as he place a wet cloth on Joys forehead
"sh Echo"said Ice
in the repair bay the Tech was programming transmitter
"one more min and a half" he said to himself as he works away at the keyboard
Void Space Near Thoth
three hours 1min 28 sec is how long the battle has been going on and Imperials have lose one Frigate and a Destroyers to three Z'mos Frigates, two Destroyers and a Cruiser
disobeying Wolf ,Joys mothers had taken Command of a Mandalorian Thorax cruiser and were setting about having it get under way for they'er trip to the Planet Sobek
"Ma-ams we be under way in a hour"said the Captain
"good"said Snow as she wait for the others to join her on the ships bridge
"Sir"said a Tech as he hand the Captain a message
Battle at Thoth, Imperial ships out numbered and out gun ,Emperor Wolf called for reinforcements ,5th Tua Fleet and 18th Imperial fleet be there in three hours 1min 28 sec
the Captain writes a message and hand it back to the Tech
keep it from the Imperials Mates as they are sick with worry about Joy as is we don't want to add to it
"sir"said Tech then goes off to passs on the order
"the pups are playing in the state room"said Sky to her sister Snow
"ok the Tigers keeping watch"said Snow
"yes"said Sky
Nova Nippon
03-10-2007, 19:30
Ice had been met half way to the medical center by a team and the golden glow had expanded to include all of them as Joy's limp form was transfered to a grav gurney. Once they had reached the isolation unit, the doors sealed behind the team, and the golden glow vanished. The Wraith's form returned but it sank to one knee, one hand splayed out of the floor to balance itself, head drooping for a long moment gbefore it slowly stood and took up it's usual post besides the door. The Kami was far from his realm and it had been a stretch after so long away, but the need had been met and that was what was important.
The team included Nurse Luck, two medical technicians and Doctor Hathan. They took biometric readings, drew samples - well acquired samples, they weren't primitive enough to need to resort to using needles and evac tubes - One of the technicians was a psion and simply teleported minute quanities from various organs into sealed laboratory test tubes. There was no possibility of contamination or release into the atmosphere. Which was independently supplied and vented in to space after being prescrubbed.
Ten minutes later Doctor Hathan looked at the results and growled. "No wonder we didn't find this on our first screens, dragon-damned little mosaic virus. But she's not shedding it much, at least not yet. Ice, tell me every thing you know please" The doctor requested.
On the bridge - which certainly didn't look like most other bridges - The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai was furious. While she knew that there were alwasy diseases out there that the Celestial Imperia had not met and conquered, it offended her that one she had spread her mantle over had fallen to an illness that by her man's own word would be fatal. "How manny points of convergence have we back tracked?" she snapped to her senior navigations officer.
The man went pale as he realized what she was asking "Five, Lady" He bowed deeply to hide how pale his face had gone.
From the heirs of a race gone long before man had ever left his natal planet, the Novans had aquired a travelling technology that only the barest handfull of them could use. Star Dance. Only those Kami born even had the possibility of using the Star Dance, and then only thee, perhaps a scant handfull, a generation could let go the bonds of the flesh enough to Transcend. The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai, was one of only three in her generation.
A blinkling light on his console screen caught hiis eye as fresh data was added. Now Lady we now have seven." He knew that that was not enough reference points, even for the generous multi D requirements, and gave an inward sigh of relief. However to his dismay the Captain was stripping off her clothes, the cylinder of of force that would contain, channel and protect her already beginning to form.
"I want shields up, weapons hot and all K'Tann's ready for immediate launch. I don't know what we are going to find." She ordered as she entered the zone of zero g.
She floated, revelling in the sensation, then turned her mind to the necessary mantras for releasing the bonds of her physical form. It was not easy, she loved being with in the molds of flesh, and was, as always, finding the entry into the spirit realm an uneasy one as all limitations were left behind. She knew that it actually getting easier each time, and that it was but her hard honed discipline that was protesting. With the ruthlessness of one absolutely certain of complete obedience - even from her own unrully and disobedient self - she quelled that uneasiness.
Below in the Medical Isolation Station the Wraith spoke softly, though his voice carried easily to Joy's unconscious, but hopefully still hearing, ears. "Lady Joy, reach out for the one you call father, reach out for Wolf"
Stretching out for the place where the Elemets reside in their purest form, Rai - all earthly names having fallen away- she born of the lightning, gathered her energies about herself and flung herself, and the lives she carried beneath her mantle, and Danced between the stars, following a faint silvery trail. Following that trail on the strength of her will and the love of a young girl for her father.
Imperial isa
03-10-2007, 22:15
in those ten mins Ice had trun his hands into a bloody mess inside their gloves by smash his fists into the wall at his Failuring and was still hitting the wall when the doctor specks to him
"it liquify a person from the inside out that what it dose now let me be i've Failured my duty at not for seeing this"said Ice as blood drips through the gloves on to the floor
Joy did hear and starts to think of him
in her mind she standing there looking a picture of him right in front of her
http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/RE420Leon.jpg (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/RE420Leon.jpg)
then scene change and now a Soldier behind a barricade in a Battle somewhere was near her
"where is this and whats going"said Joy as she stands there watching the Soldier who by the looks of him was fighting for the dear lifes of wounded Soldiers, who Joy can see falling back through a blast door
Joy could hear Just Stop by Disturbed in the back ground of the battle but when she listen harder she find it was really caming from the Helmet of the Soldier who was near her
"sir fall back with us"yelled another Soldier to the one at the barricade
the Soldier at the barricade keeps firing but turns head so now Joy can see it was Wolf who she never seen in battle before
"Dad over here "said Joy to Wolf but he could not hear her
"Dad can you hear me and can you see me i'am right near you, Dad speck to me"said Joy but Wolf couldn't hear or see her or did he specks to her, he only specks to other soldier who yelled at him
"just fall back i'll keep covering you till i have word you made it to the lifeboats and you left the ship" Wolf yelled to him
"what if you don't make it off before Thunder Child hits" the Soldier yells back
"my order of the free ships we have to spare keep looking for Joy Sta"
Wolf had to stop as a new wave of Z'mos showed up
the Soldier nods his head as the blast door closed sealing him and the others off from Wolf
Joy try to specks to Wolf again but no sound came from her mouth all she could do was watch him fight till she see a explosion take him then her mind goes Blank
as tears form at her eyes ,Joys heart beat changes as she stress out for her dad
Thunder Child
what Joy did not see was Wolf now badly wounded getting up and keep fighting till word came from the troops he was covering they were safe
"right my turn to leave if there a dropship in one piece left in the bay"
Mandalorian Thorax cruiser
the ship was now under way heading for the Planet Sobek when the Captain gets hand a note
lose of ships too great, Emperor orders Tau Cruiser and only Frigate and Destroyer to fall back to Thoth only Adrastos Fortress and it's Defence platorms line and orders the Techs to program Thunder Child to crash into the Hell Class ship and then orders weaning troops and crew to leave the ship and head for Thoth in the life boats
"shu"said the Captain
"what is it Captain" asked one of Joys mothers
"nothing Ma-am just a paper cut"said the Captain
Nova Nippon
04-10-2007, 01:34
"Men" Doctor Hathan just shook her head and rached for a hyposprayer, and with no forewarning slammed it home on Ice's neck. What ever she injected him with was cold and fast acting. Before Ice could do more than throw a punch - which did hit and knocked the good doctor off her feet - he was dropping unconscious to the floor. I hate seeing good work go to waste. Tam, get him in a bed and fix those hands" Doctor Hathan rubbed her aching jaw as she gingerly got to her feet. ""I can stop that bug cold with just a few more hours of work. She's not going to die today!"
"Doc, we have trouble though" THe psion tech was watching Joys heart beat go erratic. "She's crumbling on us for no reason that our instruments can detect."
"Going in to take over autnonmic functions " The tech yelled as his body dropped to the floor unconscious. All his mental abilities were being used to control Joy's body for her.
Within the forcefield Rai danced, her body involuntarily responding wo what she wasw doing in the Elemental Realm, as she parted the veils of the Universe and slid though them like a koi finning it's way through the depths of a pond. It wasn't wasy, the Universe didn't like being treated so cavalierly and every Veil lifted and passed through tore at her, wearilying her, draining her. Then she could see the one known asw Wolf and she arrowed towards him with one last effort.
Time stuttered, and the Black Wind slid back into Reality, close to where the Thunder Child drove relentlessly towards the Hell Ship. The twenty five K'Tann's spit forth as soion as the slight disorientation passed.
On the bridge The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai collapsed as the forcefield dropped, profoundly unconscious and with greatly depressed vital signs.
However Commander Lord Harkano Sendari knew he had more urgent problems, they had emerged in an active battle field and only the fact that they had come out shields up and weapons hot saved them from enemy fire. He was not the mast that the Captain was but he was still very good and both offensive and defensive weapons answered back in less than a minute. The twenty five K'Tann fighters spit forth from the Black Wind a minute after that.
"We have two disctinct types Commander:" the Tactical officer stated pointing to various icons "And these here are very similar to the Crimson Sky. Those are the Lady Joy's people I am certain."
The XO nodded as a pair of Wraiths picked up The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai, and did thier own crash translation to the Kuro Kaze's Medical Center. Broadcast me in the clear and I want to see Hell rained down on those others."
"The is Commander Lord Harkano Sendari of the Celestial Imperia Nova Nippon. Lady Joy is safe with us, and we will assisst you in defeating the your enemies, by my Captain's Oath" He had broadcast in the clear, and put punctuation to his words by having his Grazers latch on to the nearest enemy ship and turn into so much scrap. Grazers werer light speed weapons though had had all the limitations inherent in such. They were for knife fights so to speak, and the vast distances of space most ship captains learned not to let an enemy ship get that close. However the Novan Battle Cruisers were the fastest Capitol ship[ in the Novan fleet. They were very good at getting in close. And they were not fangless in the mid and distance departments either. Missiles leapt from their launchers, heading toward their targets in a lethal sleet, at gravities no gbiological organism could survive. And some jumped, micro jumps that would leave their intended targe guessing as to where they would reappear.
Imperial isa
04-10-2007, 15:04
Commander Lord Harkano Sendari would find he would not get a answer right away as the Black Wind scanners and sensors would pick alot was going on both in space and on the planet
the main thing the Black Wind systems was about to pick up was Capital class Battleship Thunder Child at the Length of 7454 meters long and a Beam of 120 meters keeping it's heading toward the Z'mos Hell class of the same size no matter how much fire they pour into it till it hits causing
mass damage and firestorms which move fast through out both of them, causing both ships to rip apart in a mass explosion taking out a number of ships near by
the lost of the Capital ship and the number of others ships to the Z'mos did not stop them pushing home the attack and the lost of the Thunder Child made the Imperial Clones and Tau fight back harder making the Z'mos pay hard in Blood both in space and on the plant to take it
#this is the commander of the 501st at the spaceport we about to be over run but the last transport is away,keep those fighters off them fly boys#
# Dog wing here well do and may you take many with you#
a 244 meter long transport leaves the planets atmosphere with it's small number of defence guns firing at a number of Z'mos Black Star Fights that are hot on their tail
When seven Imperial Jackals Fighters head toward the Black Stars guns blazing which let the ship make it escape with the hand full of holes it had gotten
at last a one way video message from a Fire warrior commander on board the Tau Cruiser was sent back to the Black Wind
you here to return her safe and sound then you will jump to Planet Sobek where we sent the planets civilians to, the location is code in this message now go as more Z'mos ships are entering the area and are moving towards Thoth
Black Stars
transport ship
Nova Nippon
04-10-2007, 18:25
Commander Lord Harkano Sendari just grinned like a shark when he heard that message. Like every Imperia Samurai he lived for battle, and this was the sort of battle that the Imperial Officers excelled at, battle against greater odds. Besides it could easily be viewed that his Capatin intended to return Joy to her father.
And The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai would not have brought them here if the Lady Joy's father was not here.
And besides, uneven combat was disgraceful so said the Novan mindset. Yes they went happily into combat against overwhelmingly numerically superior forces, but to them it was supposed to be even numbers where skill, cunning and courage would show superiority.
The Novan ship-killer missiles devestated many of their targets, leaving them to roll away as little more than hulks, their oxygen stores burning. The K'Tann fighters wisely did not at this time try and integrate with the Imperial Jackal's their fighting style too dissimilar - though that dissimilarity proved excellent tactics against the Blackstars. The first fight against ahn enemy is always a learning expereince, as the K'Tanns, as fast and agile as they were took damage themselves, though not as much as they visited upon the enemy fighters.
Imperial isa
04-10-2007, 20:20
Fire warrior commander shakes his head when told the ship with Joy on had not left but join in the fight as he watched the 3D map showing 10 new Z'mos making their way towards the Battle
"ETA on the reinforcements "he asked
"60 minutes and 4 seconds sir"
"well time flys in battle and sometimes it don't" he said before given out orders
well the cat was out of the bag and Joys mothers knew now and was busy handing out orders left and right
"report now of the battle"said one
"bring it up now"said a Tech
on screen the report now show
Lose: 1 Thunder Child Capital Class ship ,3 Frigates ,2 Destroyers
all Defence platforms and unknown number of troops and small craft
Left: 1 Tau Hero class Cruiser ,1 Frigate, 1 Destroyer, 1 Adrastos Fortress and unknown number of troops and small craft
Lose: 33 ships and unknown number of troops and small craft
left: 168 ships and unknown number of troops and small craft and 10 new ship heading for the Battle bring the total to 178 of ships
Unknown ship
kills: 7 and unknown number of small craft
ETA of reinforcements
60 minutes and 4 seconds
"no"said all six on seeing the lose of the Thunder Child but they could still feel Wolf was alive
"Captain set course for Thoth "said one of them
"yes Ma-am"said Captain
"and how did this ship enter the Void dimension"asked one as the Captian give out orders
OOC as you can see i had to redo my numbers but the two fleets is the same still
and feel free RPing the reinforcements showing up
Heavy Capital Battleship:
Length:8454 meters long
Beam: 144 meters
Capital Battleship:
Length: 8000 meters long
Beam: 140 meters
Class:Thunder Child
Heavy Battleship:
Length: 7454 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Class: Emperor Apocalypse
Length: 6104 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Length: 5227 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Light Cruiser
Length: 3052 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Length: 2526 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Length: 2000 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Armed Drone cargo ships
Length: 1600 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Armed Troop Ships
Length:1900 meters long
Beam: 120 meters
Nova Nippon
05-10-2007, 00:50
Battle Cruisers were the first class of ships after the ponderous leviathans known as Ships of the Wall. Those were built to form into the shield of destruction known as a Wall of Battle and pound it out with other such behemoths.
No, Battle Cruisers were fast and agile, as well as lethally effective. And the Commander used that speed and heavy armanment to the best ends, while transmitting a call to the nearest Novan Fleet. And the intellegence about what he faced would have them there before even all their Jannissarie compliments were completely out of cyrosleep. A battle was never a thing to miss, just becasue some of the ground pounders weren't all awake!
Three more ships died in the hell boil of multiple bomb pumped lazers as missiles detonated nearly at point blank into the enemy ships, those closest to the planet.
And while he was in a completely uncharted region of space, they had the Black Wind's signal to latch in on and while they'd have to use the slower 'normal' FTL drive rather than the DeSitter or Multi drives, they could still be here within an hour or so.
Elsewhere aboard the Black Wind, Rai became aware of a great distress, and more than just most of her wished to turn away from it, let some one else deal with it for once. But she was not whom she was by merest chance, and wearily she reached forthe to soothe the upset.
Child what troubles you? She asked of Joy mind to mind.
Imperial isa
05-10-2007, 19:14
Black Wind's signal never left the area for the fact it was in whole different dimension where jumping and sending signals in and out of it means special transmission gear and Drive
three Repulsive class grand cruiser target the Black Wind with broadside fire when one is hit by a MAC round as the Mandalorian Thorax cruiser opens fire with it ten 200mm MAC Guns as it enter the space around Thoth ,along with the 18th Imperial Fleet and 5th Tua Fleet with every ship opening fire with every Weapons Batteries ,Lances ,Torpedoes,Nova Cannons and Rail Guns as they enter the battle
behind the fleets enter Troop transports which launched a mix wave of Pelican
and Albatross Dropships carrying troops from three Battalions from the 501st legion
the Smart Z'oms commanders seeing the Battle was over left but still a small number stand to keep fighting but it would not take long to finish them
what was troubling Joy was she was worrying for her Dad, she want to say thank you for every thing he has done for you, but she was all so reliving the scene of eight thugs killing her real Dad and Mother right in front of her eyes and she was all so reliving them raping her after the killings
Nova Nippon
05-10-2007, 19:57
Commander Lord Harkano Sendari nodded sharply to acknowledge the message from his communications officer that their communications simply weren't leawving the area.
He had other things of greater importance. Three of the foe's greater ships had targeted the Black Wind. They were fast and pwoerful he had to give them that. His point defense was beign stressed to the limit. Here and there weapons fire had gotten through. Here and there damage control crews fought to extricate the wounded from debris, extinguish minor fires that overloads had set ablaze, and to repair damage. There were many wounded, some seriously, but not deaths yet aboard the Black Wind.
Then one of the foe's perished and the Tactical Officer reported the arrival of additional friendly forces. The Commander's orders cracked out and the two remaining ships found themselves under the full attention of the Novan Battle Cruiser. Missiles sleeted forth in a deadly hair, as did the entire concentrated LOS weapons fire. The two Repulsive Class ships simply were blown to scrap.
The K'Tann fighters had lost three, and had three more returning to the Battle Cruiser, too damanged to fight further, but every Black Star they had encountered had been turned into so much stardust. The Commander recalled them all with words of praise.
Rai knew that she was not real enough in Joy's mind, that they had not known one another long enough to make a true connection, not with her so tired and Joy ill. Turning away from the vile memory images, she sought out among the other spirits about the one that was known, in this reality, as Wolf.
It ws not easy, and she was exhausted to the point to where she could only snag the spirit and show him Joy's memories Go save your daughter She managed before she was too weak to remain adrift from her body and fell back into it with a painfull tremmor.
Imperial isa
05-10-2007, 23:03
Wolf who badly wounded had been fighting by himself all this time from the minute he crashed the dropship in the main road of a small town
Go save your daughter
Wolf looks up at the sky as it start to rain for in his heat out of his three daughters he knew it be Joy
"bam and me with out radio" Wolf said as both his Helmet and the dropship radio was smashed
"hold Joy i'll be there as fast as i can" he said as he slowly gets up and head towards the sound of battle
hour later he run into Patrol and was now heading off Thoth
"sir we must get you to a MASH ship"said the medic
"no family before me now pilot open communications with the Thorax cruiser ,then to this Commander Lord Harkano Sendari "said Wolf
"Wolf you ok"
"no Sky i badly wounded and not happy with you lot but i'll talk to you lot about it later just get med bay on stand for Joy and don't ask why i don't know why just a feeling"
"ok Kal'daka"said Sky as she cuts out
Commander Lord Harkano Sendari I'am Emperor Wolf of the Imperial Isan Empire i've been told you have my daughter and two clones on board and all so someone from that ship say i'am need
Nova Nippon
06-10-2007, 03:07
Commander Lord Harkano Sendari looked sharply at the injured man in the hologram before him and shook his head. The battered form did match that they managed to get from the partial data base of the Crimsom Sky.
"Greetings Emperor Wolf" The Commander Lord Harkano Sendair bowed deeply to the hologram. "On behalf of The Lady Captain, the Lady Tetsuko, blessed of the Kami and Kami born, Ruling Lady of Ryu Kinshasha in her own right and Kinsai I invite you aboard. Though I can not say whom you have been in contact with" He frowned, then his eyes widened. "Your Imperial Majesty, if I may ask how did you recieve this communication?"
He looked at the bloody, muddy figure and he thought You are her father? You look like you could use a Doctor as much as she does. But you are a worthy man, yes, to care for a daughter first, worthy indeed.' But he kept his face carefully neutral, revealing none of the thoughts behind it.
He added, so the Emperor would have some idea of what he was facing "Doctor Hathan states that the Lady Joy's guardian, Ice, spoke of a Progenitor Virus. It is not something we have encountered, but Doctor Hathan, one of our finest young doctors, has a what she called a 'polymorphic antiviral' being cloned at this time."
Doctor Hathan would have it in ready in eight to ten hours, it had been a dificult little virus to extact and devise a defense against. Some one had definitely designed it to be as nasty and elusive as possible - but Doctor Haqthan had trained with the Xa'Cz'inni, and this medical center had the ancient and highly advanced race's best medical tech installed. The Captain had paid for it herself - beggaring herself twice over - when a normally generous sire inexplicably refused to. But the Shogun had been growing distant from his heir for sime time, though it was never spoken aloud, though the Commander was certain he knew why. Just as none of the crew knew, other than he, that the Captain was paying their salaries out of her own funds. Her Sire, the Shogun, had truly been furious when she had turned down the over done, and unwanted ship he had tried to gift her with.
Nurse Luck had peeled away Ice's gloved and set about fixing the damange he'd done to himself. All the while she scolded him under her breath "You silly man, killing yourself doe not redeem your so called failure. Redemtion is for the living. And hurting yourself is not redemtpion either, that is merely guilt.
Imperial isa
06-10-2007, 19:30
with Thousand-yard stare in his eyes Wolf looks at the hologram and slowly nodded his head to Commander Lord Harkano Sendari when he bowed and listen to what was said to him by the Commander
"ETA 2 sir"said the pilot in the back ground
"we lost a lot of poeple and l lost a friend and his wife to Progenitor Virus and if we lose her well"
Wolf stops and coughs into his left hand before going on
" my mates and pups be deverstated as for me"
Wolf stopped at what he was about to say and move on in the talk
" i heard on the spiritual wind that i was needed "
Wolf then Salutes then end the communication and looks into his left hand to stare at the blood
get her back to her mothers then i'll rest and if i pass it be a day for my lifeforce to reform Wolf thinks to himself as he moves to rear of the dropship
Nova Nippon
07-10-2007, 06:10
A pair of K'Tann's had been bounced back out to escort the drop ship into the proper bay. Docking tractor and pressor beams guided the ship into a smooth landing and the enviroshield reformed behind them Flight control advised the pilots that environmental integrity had been reestablished even as the ship settled into place. All three of the Lady's Wraits waited for Wolf, to escort him down to the Medical Center.
"When our Lady spoke with you she alerted us that you might come in this Realm rather than within the elements " The lead one said as Wolf exited. "She would wish you to have a proper guard."
All three looked at him and knew that he'd have to have a kami's own luck to get out of the room where Joy was. Nurse Luck was in there.
Imperial isa
07-10-2007, 16:55
Wolf did not say a thing all he did was rip off his shoulder patch and wirtes on the back
http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/501stpatch.jpg (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/501stpatch.jpg)
I Wolf am sorry to say i can not see the Lady of this ship right now as my Duty is not over ,but she has permission to travel to the Mandalorian Thorax cruiser and meet Joys mothers
"here"said Wolf handing it to one of the Lady's Wraits before walking over to Joy
"v'dre nin lotha uss i'tlun ghil nin lu'ji ph'dosst mums lu'l' pups" he said as he picks her up in his arms
"i'am taking her back to the Thorax cruiser, the clones and gear can go back by dropship"said Wolf to all in the room
"here Echo" said Wolf before he step into a porthole that had open up in the room
after Wolf left with Joy and Echo the porthole closed just leaving behind those left in the room
in the medbay of the Thorax cruiser Wolf carefully places Joy on the bed and left the Mandalorian Doctors in full hazmat take over
"she in your hands now look after her"said Wolf to them before ordering the ships bridge to beam him back to Thoth
Nova Nippon
08-10-2007, 22:22
It would take almost a day for all the salvage, and bodies, from the Crimson sky, as well as the two clones, to be removed from the Black Wind after the Imperial reinforcements arrived and the last of the Z'oms were destroyed or fled.
However the minute the cure that Doctor Hathan had 'grown' was available, Commander Lord Sendari contacted the Thorax cruiser were Joy had been taken. "Honored Ladies, my Captain is still unavailable, however Doctor Hathan has completed the antiviral she was creating. We would like to deliver it. Is this permissible?"
Imperial isa
09-10-2007, 01:56
"greetings Sir we are sending a Pelican to pick the Doctor up but the Doctor be sharing it with troops"said the Tech
*Pelican 353 change path to the Black Wind and pick up one Doctor*
*right'o heading there now*
Black Wind Imperial Peilcan dropship 353 our ETA is two
Nova Nippon
09-10-2007, 02:47
Doctor Hathan was waiting, the vials of antiviral serum in a heavily armored carrying case at her feet, her best medical kimono spotless, and her gloden blonde hair brushed back into a tidy braid that trailed half way down her back.
Nurse Luck stood by giving the young doctor and earful to pass along to 'that wolf person' "I have half a mind to commandeer a fighter and go give it to him myself taking Joy away when he was so injured like that. Men just don't think to take care of themselves. And the antiviral was finished right when it was supposed to."
"Tamn, stop fretting! If I should see Emperor Wolf I will let him know you were concerned for him" Doctor Hathan chuckled as she picked up the case and headed for the Pelican which had just setted down on the deck.
Imperial isa
09-10-2007, 03:09
as the rear ramp lowers standing at attention were 13 Clone troops all had the same Patch on their shoulders which Wolf had rip off his and hand over
"Ma-am"said one of them who was near the ramp on seeing the Doctor
Nova Nippon
09-10-2007, 18:19
Doctor Hathan Nods, though she blushes faintly upon seeing the troopers standing at attention. "Thank you, but no need to be formal just for me" She murmured as she strode briskly up the ramp. "So where do I sit?' She asked as she looked about the interior of the Pelican.
She took the seat indicated and the Black Wind cleared the Pelican for departure.
Imperial isa
09-10-2007, 20:24
"ETA 4"
"Ma-am best take hold of your seat it be a hard landing "said the Soldier seating on the other side of Doctor
the Pelican came in fast and hit the deck hard of bay of the Thorax cruiser
"welcame to the Mandalorian Thorax cruiser "said the Soldier who had got up as the ramp lowers
"your guides are the Imperial Mates"said the same Soldier as he points them out
"High Priestess Sky and Snow Wolf" at two identical twins
"High Priestess Mira Wolf"
"Priestess Princess Arya Wolf "
"Priestess Empress Natasha Wolf"
"Priestess Sara Macbeth Luck Wolf"
all of them were wearing the same gray formal dress uniform with same patch and blood red insignia pips
High Priestess Sky and Snow Wolf (all so is Tasha pic too)
High Priestess Mira
Priestess Princess Arya Wolf
Priestess Empress Natasha Wolf
Priestess Sara Macbeth Luck Wolf (in traditional wedding dress in MT and FT)
formal dress uniform with short skirt and short heels
http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/Isandress.jpg (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/Isandress.jpg)
Nova Nippon
09-10-2007, 21:59
Doctor Hathan did as suggested, gasping a little at the near crsh landing "My goodness, are we under fire, or dod they just like crash landing?" But as the others stood for departure so did she, the armored case firmly in her hands.
"Thank you " She said the the soldier who pointed out the Great Ladies to her. Calmly she strode down the ramp to stand before the group and bowed deeply "I am Imperial Physician Arabella Hathan, of House Kadeena, fourteen generations in service to the Shogun's Court, Imperia Nova Nippon." She introduced herself formally.
Imperial isa
09-10-2007, 23:44
"crash landing no Ma-am a crash landing is when the landing wheels are up and you hit the wall at the end of the bay, all that was is standed hard landing"said a Soldier as he got in line and stands at attention
"you may go Alpha Squad of the 501st"said Sky as she Salutes them
"Ma-an what you Sir"asked one
"apart when all six of us gang up on him to take care of his wounds, like he does when all of his children are sick Wolf has not left her side from when he got back from the last Battle"said Snow
"thank you Ma-am" said the Soldier then leave with the others
"well Doctor just came this "said Mia
all six lead Arabella Hathan to the State Room where when they got there six Tigers , four Shadow Wolves , one Fire Wolf were sitting in the main room
"grrrr" came from all eleven
"sh you lot"said Arya
"Joy Room the one with Rex the Fire Wolf sitting in front of next to the pups room"said Natasha
"you find her ,Wolf ,Echo and her twin brothers Apollo and Odin" Natasha added
OOC Fire Wolf
Nova Nippon
10-10-2007, 21:06
When the wolves and tigers growled Doctor Hathan just gave them a 'look' and a most credibile growl back. She'd grown up as one of Tetsuko's closest companions and was well used to the presence of large carnivores. "Carefull or you won't get your ears scritched. Echo didn't growl at me, so you don't get to either."
She turned back to Wolf's Mates "Good thing Nurse Luck isn't with me. She'd be tossing your Mate out on his ear. I am just sorry that it took so long for the cure to incubate. But that is one evil little virus. I hope someone made sure Ice understood that it was not only hidden but dormant. Even our scanners didn't pick it up until it went active." She didn't want the clone blaming himself for what even very high level technology had missed.
"However let me go in and give Joy the antiviral, so it can begin working on restoring her to health." Doctor Hathan headed into the room where Joy was.
Imperial isa
11-10-2007, 01:08
"they just reminding us as our guardian they will do what is need to stop
Sky ,Snow and I from entering Joys Room and getting sick"said Mira as the Doctor enters Joys room
"what did he do now "ask Natasha
"ask when she back"said Sky in the kitchen part of the main room
"need a hand"ask Lady Luck heading over
"thanks Luck"said Sky
in the Room Wolf was putting a wet cold cloth on to Joys forehead as she was sweating as she sleeps
" mm"said Wolf on seeing Doctor Hathan enter
Nova Nippon
11-10-2007, 18:46
Arabella paused in her way to the door and frowned.
"You have not been vaccinated against the disease? Ice mentioned something about being vaccinated at birth? Does the vaccine you have available only work if vaccinated immediately after birth? I can use the antiviral to vaccinate you after I give Joy the preliminary dose. Please assemble all those who need it. I ran a full batch."
She then strode at her usual high speed into the room where Joy was.
Once the door closed behind her she stopped for a second and took in the scene of the Emperor tending to his daughter. Doctor Hathan bowed " Your Imperial Majesty, I am Imperial Physician Arabella Hathan, of House Kadeena, fourteen generations in service to the Shogun's Court, Imperia Nova Nippon. I have created and tested the anti viral. Not only will it kill the virus in her system now, and she will not be a carrier of the disease, and will pass the immunity on to her children."
Setting the armored case down she undid the latches, the case unfolding and becoming a small table. She took out one vial and gave it the traditional triple check, then slotted it into the hypo sprayer unit. "I took the slower route, but it will be one hundred percent effective. In seventy-two hours she will be completely free of the virus. Her fever and other outward symptoms will be gone in less than five hours."
With the hypospray in hand she approached the bed where Joy lay and prepared to give the teen the spray in her left arm.
Imperial isa
12-10-2007, 09:55
Echo laying on top of Joys bed at the foot of it,lifts her head and looks at Doctor Hathan
then down at the shadow at the bottom of the bed and growls before laying her head back down
"Progenitor Virus only been around for four and a half years after the pups were born ,but Joy was not born here or from here so she shows the signs of it but it acting differently within side of her"said Wolf as he points at a photo of a fifteen year old Joy playing with four young kids ,two girl and two boys all of the same age
"taken a month and week after i adopted her after what happen to her"
Wolf then walks over to a old star map that was on the wall stands in front of it and starts to sing a song * as Doctor Hathan did her thing and only stopping when she had finish
Nova Nippon
15-10-2007, 00:03
Doctor Hathan finished the hyposprays quickly, then runs her medical scanners over Joy carefully There the antiviral is already taking hold." She said, satifaction evident in her voice. Then it changed
"You said the virus has only been around for about ten years? This isn't a naturally occuring virus, you know. Someone made it, and turned it loose." Her eys were intense and angry. Doctor Hathan might be a healer but she was Samurai.
Imperial isa
15-10-2007, 17:34
" four and a half years and you just wasted your time telling me something we know and lost troops taking care of"said Wolf as he walks over to Joys bed as she was making a sound
"heres Jazz"said Wolf as he picks up a teddy bear that had fallen on the floor and place it back in her arms and covers her up,then watchs as she hugs one of a hand full of things left from her past
"Wolf do you or Doctor want a drink or something to eat as we make lunch"
Wolf turns to the monitor on the desk to look at Sky who was on it
"ham snadwich and glass of Firewhiskey"said Wolf then turns to the Doctor
"drinks we have are Water,Milk ,Juice, Soft drinks ,Soda With Cherry Syrup ,Glass of Tea ,Butterbeer ,Firewhiskey ,Cyrodilic Brandy and Imperial Flin whiskey "
Nova Nippon
15-10-2007, 23:48
Doctor Hathan flushed red with embarrasement at her misunderstanding of what he had said and bowed deeply "I am so sorry that I misunderstood. My deepest apologies your Imperial Majesty. Forgive, please, forgive my error. And thank you for your immense kindness, but thank you no I am not hungry." She retreated into Novan formality, she knew not what else to do to mitigae the enormity of her offense.
She bowed again, still mortified at her mistake. "Please excuse me, I said that I would vaccinate any others who had need. Please, that I must do before I go On." She removed the empty vial from the from the hypospray, and packed it back in the armored case, her eyes still downcast.
She had no way, her,e for applying the traditional Novan appology for an offense of such magnitude. It would have to wait until she returned to the Black Wind.
Imperial isa
16-10-2007, 12:27
"don't worry it's not like Joys mums or i are going to chase you around the ship with a kitchen knife like the Twins mother did to me, now go take care of my army majors"said Wolf as he open the door for her
as he stand holding the door Wolfs thinks on the days he spent a hour running around the Twins house with their mother on his tail with a kitchen knife in hand,Naked as he was about to have a shower when Twins came in and told him they'er mother had found out what the three been up too and best run for it as she was going to stad him in the leg
"your drink and sandwich is at your end of the table Wolf "said Sky seeing him holding the door
"thank you"said Wolf
at one end of a large table was a plate with four sandwichs and a glass Firewhiskey place loving there for him
"Bonta-Kuns be back with the pups in a hour"said Snow
"where are they"asked Wolf
"playing ball at the ball court"said Lady Luck
http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/Firewhiskey.jpg (http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t69/zxc_047/Imperial%20MT%20rifle/Firewhiskey.jpg)
just something to help
Nova Nippon
19-10-2007, 23:07
Doctor Hathan bowed once again and hurried out into the outer room, her eyes downcast. "Please, if whomever needs the vaccine is ready?' She asked as she set the case down and pulled out her communicator. "One of our shuttles can be here in a short time to pick me up."
Novan's had transporter technology, but a cultural dislike for using it for non essential travel. And as they had all manner of shuttles out and about it would be far easier to simply retask one to pick up the doctor.
Imperial isa
20-10-2007, 06:22
"we are teleporting you back as ship in lock down for jumping the dropship you where on was the last one to enter"said Wolf as he finish his food as the main Door open and the four kids ran in
"all here start what is need Doctor Hathan "said Wolf as he wirtes on a note pad
"sit still"said Sky holding her two like Snow so Doctor Hathan can give them their shots
"wolf to ships bridge send the Coordinates of Ra to the Black Wind and that we are teleporting the Doctor back and send word to Ra of Black Wind be showing up "
Nova Nippon
26-10-2007, 02:01
Doctor Hathan quietly set about vaccinating the children and any one else who needed it. The hypos sprayer made the vaccination nearly painless- just a spot of cold feeling on the arm. Once she was done she advised them that she was ready to be teleported back to the Black Wind.
"I will be glad to order more vaccine to be made up if it is needed."
Imperial isa
26-10-2007, 09:40
"thank you Doctor Hathan and please make some so we can hand it to our doctors to make more"said Mia as she walks over to a table with coms on it
"bridge you can send the Doctor back now" she said into it
*yes Ma-am beaming her back now*
mins after Doctor Hathan was beamed back to the Black Wind the Cruiser left Thoth for Ra
Imperial isa
01-11-2007, 08:01
after jumping to Ra the Mandalorian Thorax cruiser had Docked with one of twenty Adrastos Fortress that was around Ra that had space left as two Shinigami Wolf Packs where docked with most of the other Adrastos Fortress
"when it gets here have it dock at the space between Armed Drone cargo ships and Armed Troop Ship"said Wolf before carrying Joy to a Dropship for home
Post with pic link of Armed Drone cargo ships (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13168572&postcount=351)
Wolf Pack infor (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13179762&postcount=360)
Nova Nippon
03-11-2007, 05:19
The Black Wind arrived just a handfull of minutes later and docked where space was provided, though no other communications other than those necessary for docking had been exchanged. Nor had the docking bays unsealed.
Imperial isa
03-11-2007, 09:07
no one on the Adrastos Fortress payed much Attention to the Black Wind as they were busy going about they'er job
the only ones who were paying attention were the ten soldiers of Wolfs legion wearing full combat gear of CH252 Helmet and M52B Body Armor with Goggles and Face Mask , backpack , Sword Bayonet,Hellsing ARM .454 Casull Auto side arm ,Frags and in hand Hell Fire Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher standing at the airlock and the crew at the command room monitoring the shield they just put around the Black Wind to ward off the decaying effects of the Void on Known space objects
ooc updated infor in the link in 95 post
Nova Nippon
06-11-2007, 19:55
For three more days there was no activity from the Black Wind, then on the evening (local time) of the third day, two Wraiths stepped from the open docking door. They presented a small package to the nearest of the guards and informed them that "Inform your emperor that the apology has been completed. We depart now. We will not return and it is advised that your peoples not interact with ours in the foreseeable future."
They returned within and the Black Wind began preparing to undock, informing the Adrastos Fortress in bruskly polite terms of their intentions.
Imperial isa
06-11-2007, 22:44
message was sent back
#others let you into the Void from Known Space not you own dives and now they are gone, it is us who have to let you out, and the ship that can do that is in dock getting repaired and not be fisinsh till another four#
OOC if you have forgotten posts back you see the woman asking how did you got here and that i said your in another dimension and you would need special transmission gear and Drive
Nova Nippon
06-11-2007, 22:55
OOC: Nope Tetsuko got them there, and she can get them back. They were waiting for her to rest up/ return to consciousness. She is Kami born and can stardance. All places are a like to her, and she can get them home on her own thank you very much.
Message returned "Our drives are just fine thank you and the Captain will take us back. We do not need or wish your assistance." With that and all undocking proceedures finished the Black Wind moved away from the fortress.
Within, Tetsuko- still coldly furious over the loss of a long time friend, prepared to enter the agrav tube. Once within and protected she took the Black Wind home, emerging back close to where they had left. Once there the XO would be able to take them into Nova Nippon proper. It was time.
And I'm outta this thread.
Imperial isa
06-11-2007, 23:18
now can we finish the other now