Oil Reserves
16-07-2007, 13:58
The People's Republic of Mixolidian would like to invite international oil companies to purchase drilling rights in our oil fields. There is an esitmated production of 40 billion barrels of oil a year. The oil fields have yet to peak.
Imperial isa
16-07-2007, 14:07
OOC nice knowing you *waits for BC to show up*
16-07-2007, 14:43
To: The leadership of the Nation of Mixolidian
From: Secretary of External Affairs, Alexander Doona
My government wishes to reaffirm the views of Imperial isa; that you are now the target of aggressive, capitalist nations. We offer you a solution.
We propose that Googlewooper oil companies buy ALL of the rights to oil in your country which are available and that the Googlewooper Defence Force protects any drilling, refining and storage installations owned by these companies.
This will ensure that the might of our military can deter invasion from nations wishing to plunder your oil while still allowing you to sell drilling rights and create much needed capital to be spent on the growth of your new nation
I emphasise that this is in no way an attempt to encroach on your sovereignty. Googlewooper troops would under no circumstances seek to claim Mixolidian territory. I propose that our company’s assets have the same diplomatic properties that an embassy does, acting as neutral or Googlewooper soil.
This memo is obviously an opening communication. The processes of further discussion and treaties will of course need to be followed and depend entirely upon the view of your government on this issue.
I look forward to hearing from your government promptly.
Alexander Doona
Secretary for External Affairs
The Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop
16-07-2007, 14:53
TO: Alexander Doona
Secretary for External Affairs
The Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop
Your offer is very much appreciated, we are aware that nations might want to take these oil fileds by force. I would gladly accept your offer but not for 100% of the oil reserves, Mixolidian needs to keep 25% of this oil field for our needs.
Michael Flynn
Secretary of trade and industry
16-07-2007, 15:02
To: Michael Flynn Secretary of trade and industry
From: Alexander Doona, Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
Dear Sir,
I anticipated that your nation would require oil for its own use. Hence the statement “rights to oil in your country which are available”.
My government is overwhelmed to hear that you have accepted our offer. I propose a summit between our two governments and representatives from interested oil companies to discuss a possible treaty, clarifying the situation.
The President is currently on state business in Solid B Snake, one of our allies, but has asked me to inform you that he is eager to contact the leaders of your government and personally congratulate them.
Alexander Doona
16-07-2007, 15:10
TO:Alexander Doona, Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
I hope that this treaty can be settled quickly so both our nations can benefit. A representitvie from Mixolidian Oil and our Home Secretary will be sent to draw up a treaty. Many thanks to your nation.
From: President Lee Morgan
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 15:17
The Black Agency Corporation wishes to buy the drilling rights for the amount of 10 million barrels. This will as you may know help in the effort to negate offensive actions by certian nations.
Please name a price
16-07-2007, 15:19
To: President Lee Morgan
From: Jon Hayes, President, GDG
Mr. Morgan
I both personally congratulate you on the decision to open diplomatic ties with Googlewoop and convey my approval of the manner in which your envoy conducted himself in early negotiations.
The Department for External Affairs, Department for Defence and the Department for Industry, Trade and the Environment are keen to begin negotiations for a treaty to finalise the conditions of our agreement. The Secretary for External Affairs will contact you with names and profiles of several mining companies interested in opening branches in your nation when his department has finalised communication with the industry.
I would also like to offer an exchange of embassies between our two nations to hasten this process and allow rapid communication in the future. I feel that an embassy in Googleopolis will allow Googlewoop to offer your nation many more benefits as our ties strengthen.
Once again congratulation on your success
Jon Hayes
16-07-2007, 15:22
The Black Agency Corporation wishes to buy the drilling rights for the amount of 10 million barrels. This will as you may know help in the effort to negate offensive actions by certian nations.
Please name a price
You are granted drilling rights, for a price of $18 million USD
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 15:27
We thank you for your business. I hope we can remain in business together for a long time to come.
16-07-2007, 15:30
To: Representatives of Mixolidian Oil and Home Secretary
From: Alexander Doona, Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
Dear Sirs,
I present for your review the names of five Googlewooper companies that have expressed interest in oil assets in your nation. After a meeting with the board presidents, myself and several other government secretaries it has been agreed that the remaining offered drilling rights shall be shared equally between each company based on expected output. Funds shall be forwarded to my government and transferred from their to yours.
Googlewoop Primary Industries
Slazenger Petroleum
Tio Rinto Mining
Norcett’s Oil and Holdings
SlazCar Automotive
All are publicly owned companies which are leaders in the local stock market. All have clean sheets as far as corruption or illegal dealings go.
Should you approve of these candidates, I ask that you detail exactly how many barrels per year are for sale and what percentage of your total production this is. I will immediately begin drawing up the required treaty and submit it for your review.
Alexander Doona
16-07-2007, 15:41
TO: Alexander Doona, Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
The oil companies that you named are all granted drilling rights. The esitmated production is 40 billion barrels of oil a year. 75% of this is for sale.
Nicholas Sanderson, Home Secetary
Brian Barwick, Chief Excecutive of Mixolidain Oil
16-07-2007, 16:06
Message to Mixolidian:
The government of firehelper objects to the fact that these oilfields have quickly become a semi-monopoly. The imperialistic nation of Googlewoop has obtained all of the available oil fields and will be one of the few nations given that chance to use this natural recourse.
While we would have offered a hefty sum to obtain drilling rights it now seems impossible with the cornering of the market by said nation. However, if it is possible to obtain drilling rights we will offer up to 500 million Universal standard dollars (USD) to obtain said rights.
----Firehelper Government and the Firehelper Oil Trust
16-07-2007, 16:12
My government resents that comment. Our treaty is purely in the interests of good business and the safety of Mixolidian. I remind you that we are paying a fair price for this oil and that this is not the only supply of oil in the worls. We would be happy to resell you the drilling rights you have sought for an identical price after the initial sale has been made if you so wish.
Alexander Doona
Secretary for External Affairs
The Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop
16-07-2007, 16:22
Let it be known that on this day, This treaty (‘the treaty’) was signed by the governments of the Nations of Mixolidian and Googlewoop on behalf of Googlewoop Primary Industries, Slazenger Petroleum, Tio Rinto Mining, Norcett’s Oil and Holdings and SlazCar Automotive (‘the corporate parties).
The Mixolidian and Googlewooper Oil Rights and Defence Treaty
Due to recently discovered oil reserves in the Nation of Mixolidian, the threat of attack from aggressive corporate states has become great beyond the scope of Mixolidians capability to defend itself and its assets at the time of the signing of the treaty.
As such an agreement between the Nations of Mixolidian and Googlewoop was decided upon to profit both nations and decrease this threat. The details of this agreement are as follows.
Chapter I: Sale and Distribution of Drilling Rights
Article I
Of all the naturally occurring oil within the borders of the Nation of Mixolidian at the time of the signing of the treaty, as best can be reasonably determined, 75% will be hereby sold by Mixolidian Oil through the Government of Mixolidian and Bought by the corporate parties through the Government of Googlewoop.
Article II
These drilling rights are to be distributed evenly between the five members of the corporate parties based on, as can be reasonably determined, volume of oil produced per year in barrels.
Article III
The corporate parties shall be permitted to construct equipment for extraction, refining, storage and transport of oil, as is reasonable, on property deemed to be suitable and designated by the Government of Mixolidian at the sites of that company’s allocation only.
Chapter II: Classification of Allocated Land
Article IV
Property deemed to be suitable and designated by the Government of Mixolidian at the sites of allocated oil reserves shall be considered an embassy of, but not territory of, Googlewoop and be subject to Googlewooper Law and the diplomatic implications that this implies.
Chapter III: Defence of Assets by the Googlewooper Defence Force
Article V
In order to ensure the protection of Googlewooper assets, the sovereignty of Mixolidian and the security of Mixolidian oil, the Department of Defence of the Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop shall garrison property deemed to be suitable and designated by the Government of Mixolidian at the sites of allocated oil reserves, as is reasonable, with military assets.
Article VI
The staff or equipment of these garrisons are not leave the property deemed to be suitable and designated by the Government of Mixolidian at the sites of allocated oil reserves on duty, in uniform or in any other way under the flag of Googlewoop unless under the rules of Article VII of the treaty. Staff may only otherwise encroach on Mixolidian soil when off duty and/or on leave and at the discretion of the Government of Mixolidian.
Article VII
Any attack on Googlewooper assets in Mixolidian will be considered an act of war against Googlewoop and be met with the full might of the Googlewooper Defence Force.
Any attack on Mixolidian soil or assets can be determined as a threat to Googlewooper assets in Mixolidian and be met with the full might of the Googlewooper Defence Force.
Agreement and Signatures
We, the signatories of this treaty hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement laid out in the treaty. We hereby commit to upholding these terms and conditions to the best of our abilities at the risk of rendering the treaty broken.
Secretary of Trade and Industries, Mixolidian
CEO Mixolidian Oil
Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
Secretary for Defence, GDG
Secretary for Industry, Trade and Environment, GDG
CEO Googlewoop Primary Industries
CEO Slazenger Petroleum
CEOTio Rinto Mining
CEONorcett’s Oil and Holdings
CEOSlazCar Automotive
From: Prince Emilian Davout, Foreign Minister of The Principality of Damirez.
To: Alexander Doona - Secretary for External Affairs.
Subject: Petrol interests.
In good faith to our relationships in the FWA, The Principality will not interfere in the sale process regarding the drilling rights, however, several companies from Damirez have expressed interest in the Mixolidian oil. The result of that interest is a desire for cooperation with the Googlewoop companies or, in case this is not possible, the acquisition of drilling rights from your nation.
Best Regards,
Prince Emilian Davout.
16-07-2007, 16:39
To: Prince Emilian Davout, Foreign Minister of The Principality of Damirez.
From: Alexander Doona, Secretary for External AffairsGDG
Your support is noted and met with gratitude. It is difficult to negotiate your companies actively drilling in Mixolidian due to the treaty. However, both Googlewoop Primary Industries and SlazCar Automotive are willing to sell you half of the oil they produce from Mixolidian wells (7.5% of 15% each, totalling 15% of total Mixolidian oil) for 10 years in exchange for a 5% share each in as many companies as will agree.
Alexander Doona
British Londinium
16-07-2007, 17:27
Official Communiqué
To Mixolidian:
Considering the fact that we have nearly three trillion barrels of petroleum lying underneath our territorial waters, in addition to another trillion barrels of natural gas, we have no interest in purchasing drilling rights. Thank you, though.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
From: Prince Emilian Davout, Foreign Minister of The Principality of Damirez.
To: Alexander Doona - Secretary for External Affairs.
Subject: Alternative offered.
After several consultations between the government and high ranking executives from interested companies we see ourselves forced to politely decline you offer. However, one of the companies interested has offered an alternative: The creation of a company with joint ownership that will refine & distribute the oil. They are willing to provide the capital if your companies are willing to provide the oil. Ownership will be debated after you have provided us with a reply to this proposal.
Best regards,
Prince Emilian Davout.
Blackhelm Confederacy
16-07-2007, 17:40
Since we are allies, I will not invade you. What is the price per million barrels?
16-07-2007, 23:31
We agree to the treaty that the GDG has drawn up.
A million barrels of oil will cost the Blackhelm Confedracy $44450000