16-07-2007, 06:47
Well i was thinking about creating a program which will enhance soldiers to super soldiers. I am also thinking about recruiting as many as my nation can withstand . i am also thinking about making a space station so other nations can come. i am also thinking of asteroid program so we can stop them before hitting our planet.
Emporer Pudu
16-07-2007, 06:52
i am also thinking about making a space station so other nations can come. i am also thinking of asteroid program so we can stop them before hitting our planet.
How noble of you. Tell me how that goes...
(Welcome to NS, at least you didn't try to take something over...)
16-07-2007, 07:02
well i need support from other nation to build the space station and the asteroid laser. Well my nation will cover 12 billion dollars i need a total of 50 billion.
The Horned Rat
16-07-2007, 07:05
To: The Government of Mike1488420
From: The Under-Empire
Want some timeshares in the beautiful nation of the Under-Empire?
Flying Spoonz
16-07-2007, 07:08
How would you do this? Cybernetic implants? Bodys tolerance to weakness, fatigue and pain reduced? Please explain.
16-07-2007, 07:12
I will use Cybernetic implants so they will have super strength. super intelligence.
Flying Spoonz
16-07-2007, 07:14
Wouldn't there be risk of implants going haywire? Also couldn't a EMP take out the implants?
That and the basic issues of a power source for the things, given the energy density of your average high-end battery these days, and the minimum size of, say, a diesel engine.
...That and cybernetic improvements to intelligence don't really make sense...
Gens Romae
16-07-2007, 07:53
OOC: Would anyone be pissed off if I invaded him?
16-07-2007, 07:56
What about genetics???
16-07-2007, 07:58
Now that would be suicide
There's a limit of what the human body can accomplish, even with steroid injections and selective breeding, which is pretty much all genetic alteration is when you get down to it. That, and unless you start the mods before conception, your soldiers are going to be on immunosupressants their entire lives just to keep their bodies from devouring themselves, which will in turn make them rather easy to kill with something as simple as a common cold...
And if you DO go down the whole "army of genetically engineered clones" thing, there's the horrifyingly high rate of failure with cloning (both pre- and post-birth), followed by the absolutely massive maturation time, at least sixteen years.
The Horned Rat
16-07-2007, 16:00
OOC: Would anyone be pissed off if I invaded him?
OOC: Only if I can help :p
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 16:09
The human body can do a lot more then one would think. The boost of adrenal hormones can make people lift cars. The down side to this adrenal effect is the bone breakage. But if one where to enhance their soldiers ( like me) with metallic bones that have a much higher breakage limit then normal bones then the use of Super Adernal hormones would be completely feasable. But thats me. And being powerful is not useful if it is given to untrained soldiers. Training has a lot to do with it.
The human body can do a lot more then one would think. The boost of adrenal hormones can make people lift cars.
[ source plz ]
Nova Pictavia
16-07-2007, 16:28
OOC: Would anyone be pissed off if I invaded him?
As long as your offering...
Abolished Land
16-07-2007, 16:29
The thing about making soldiers like that is the unintended consequences. At least, the horror stories about them taking over are extensive. Khan, the Sauron supermen, the guys in the Postman novel, the Neo-Sapiens of Exo-Squad.
I admire the Robotech Masters their ability to keep the Zentraedi in line for millions of years.
16-07-2007, 16:37
[ source plz ]
I don't have a source but I've heard of people accomplishing feats that they normally couldn't when they or their family was in immediate and grave danger.
Flying Spoonz
16-07-2007, 16:39
The Black Agents, how do you plan on creating such 'metallic bones' and implanting them without possibly damaging the subject?
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 16:42
Why would you need a source. Its a simple matter to believe. Adrenaline is a hormone that is release into the bloodstream during time of extreme measures. But here you go.
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 16:43
Implanting metallic bones would the same process as replacing a hip and knee. It is due able but the risk is high for damage.
Flying Spoonz
16-07-2007, 16:48
Ah I see but the overuse of adrenaline would wear your heart and other organs out until failure.
The Black Agents
16-07-2007, 17:00
Thats why each soldier would have to be outfited with a pace maker to regulate the heart beat. without it the oversue of the adrenaline would indeed wearout the heart. The system is not without it pit falls. The soldier would be great.. for a short peroid of time.
Even WITH a pacemaker, you'd still die. It's not so much that your heart simply stops beating as it tears itself apart into nice gooey chunks. Adrenaline doesn't let you do anything that you couldn't already do. It merely gives you the energy you need to actually do something, by way of increasing heart rate, dilating blood vessels, and burning sugars and fat.
Of course, it's also rather toxic, and easy to overdose on. It would also serve to make your soldiers severe diabetics, as adrenaline prevents insulin from binding to it's receptors.
Implanting metallic bones would the same process as replacing a hip and knee. It is due able but the risk is high for damage.
How exactly would you do this while managing to keep the poor bastard's immune system intact, or his circulatory system for that matter? You're removing all the tissue in the body that produces blood cells, and without blood cells... Well, you're pretty much fucked.