The Human Order
A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 174
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
...We must examine one of the key... arguably the key reason that our species is so intent on fighting itself. That reason is simple. The human race does not, in a subconscious manner, recognize members of foriegn races as completely human. We should not fret and blame ourselves for this inherint evil, we should not condemn humanity and seek its anihilation for this truth. We should only seek to correct it. While there are scientists that insist the human brain can be altered so that we will no longer feel this natural segregation, I do not believe it practical that this be accepted as a solution, for both the risk, and the cost is far too high, and is again, a non-permanent fix to this permanent problem. No, there are only two ways that we as a race can stop this inter-racial and inter-ethnic fighting. And that is by destroying the races, destroying the ethnicities. Now I am not the first to offer such a solution, Adolf Hitler proposed such a plan, however his solution involved irradicating all but one race. My solution involves mixing them together. In two hundred years the races will be so thuroughly mixed, and all distinctions so completely irradicated, that there will be no future confrontations among the races...
Legislation has been passed by the newly appointed Order Council implementing tax deductions and aid packages for inter-racial marriages, and the products of such marriages. Any interracial couple producing children shall recieve a $10,000 aid package/tax deduction from the Federal Government per child bore. Furthermore, those same-race marriages producing same race children shall be subject to additional taxation in order to discourage such action. In order to ensure the future of our species, we must ensure that any internal fighting be destroyed immidiately, and for this reason, we strongly discourage internal dissent from this act, and those publically opposing such a measure shall be subject to additional taxation.
The Facilities
Davis simply did not think that economic direction was quick enough to solve this problem which, in his mind, was the first which needed to be solved. He provided funding, some 31 billion to open facilities in which poor, homeless and unemployed peoples may enlist, provided they are physically fit for child bearing and production. The purpose of these facilities is to have the maximum number of women empregnated by men of different ethnicities and races. Due to this fact there are fewer men enrolled, and those men are of the minority races. Each facility, hosting 18,000 women and 1,000 men are in non-stop progress, birthing, raising and creating children, whom are placed in foster care, the military or orphanages at birth. Most however remain with their mothers as they concieve and carry new children. Though this may seem repulsing, the mothers are coming from starving conditions, and are in comparison, treated like queens.
Though the majority of the nation, being of Human Order ideology from across the globe agree with the mandate, there are those that oppose. Thousands take to the streets, Islamic Conservatives especially in protest against these organizings. They have been peaceful for the majority, however in those rare cases in which violence does arise, the police immidiately snuff out any problems. The Inquisition also has compiled a detailed list of dissenters, in rank of most influential and violent to least. Those at the top of the lists have been dissapearing as of late.
A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 141
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
...Humanity can be a vile beast if it so desires, a beast which will act out of sheer instinct as opposed to logic and reason if given the opportunity, or placed in the right circumstances. Reason, logic more so, is the one... gift some may call it, that seperates us from the beasts of nature. We have this one gift and we are endowed by our own existance to use it in all our doings and actions. We need no other authority than the simple fact that we are the ultimate, the epitome of life in this thing we call the universe, and we are only so because of our capacity for reason. If man were to one day wake up, and find that he could not think as he did the day before, our society, our civilization as a species, will collapse within days, and we will be tossed into conflict with one another over resources which are plentily available to all. Not only with one another, but with the wild, the beasts and the animals. We will be reduced to senseless barbarism, raiding and pillaging the primative packs and tribes we would form. It is a strange irony indeed, the similarities that distopia holds to our own way of things... why... because we have not often used our reason to control our primative instincts...
...We can now expect that there will be war in the future. Not a war for resources or land, although those will be factored issues, but a war for total unification and unrelenting partnership. We will fight for unity, or we will fight till destruction. A united planet is what we must achieve in order for those plans which have been set in motion to be completely beneficial. And let it be known that if we do not advance together, we shall not advance at all...
...It is in the children. The children are the cause, solution and mediation to all problems, all futures and all paths. Happiness, it is the life blood of children, they instill it and they preserve it. Sadness, all of it finds it's roots in their existance. War, they are all fought in their honor. Crime, it exists due to our failure to nourish the children. A good child means a sucess for humanity. A failed child is the product of a failed society, and means that humanity will be covered with one more blemish as it moves through impassable time. It means one more thug, one more heathen, one more resistor. I swear they shall make or break our world...
A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 321
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
... Let it not be said that I am a warmonger, a death seeker or an advocate for destruction, for I am not. I am simply a realist. This world is occupied and lead by power hungry leaders, and not just any leaders. These men and women whom have, by their own manipulation and skill, advanced to the top of their specified governments are skilled, greedy, ambitious people with more intellectual power than most of the worlds think tanks can assemble. They are masters of chess, and the world is their board, the other nations their opponents. And one thing that simply must be accepted, is that none of them, not a single one will awknowledge the fact that they may lose, that they could lose. They are blind to the reality that their exists a greater good above themselves and their nations, a good which must be obtained. This forces us to accept the notion that only through political pressure, international subversion and unrelenting war will we be able to achieve this greater good...
... I think that the one thing I would love to know in inalterable history would be the outcome of the world should the Axis have emerged victorious in World War Two. Certainly a great mass of the earth would have perished under great purges launched by the Nazi Ranks, but what then? Once the one master race took root, once the feelings of inferiority and jealousy, the ideas of anger and rage woar off, what would have become of the world? Not just in regards to the governmental operation, but the future of the race as a whole? This is a question which will never be answered... but I believe we will stumble upon whatever path we left uncovered in the years to come...
... Many have asked me what religion I hold as the true one, the ultimate end, the supreme reality. However they grow tired of my answers that this is unimportant, and still they demand an answer. So I will now give one. I do not recognize the potential of any human being to know for certain the origin of the race, the will of a God, or the intention of a deity. I am called an atheist, however this is a gross innacuracy of the truth. I simply deny my own ability, or anyones ability for that matter, to say with the utmost certainty that that religion is true, and that one is false. We only come into our own beliefs because of the beliefs of our culture or family, and not because of any divine inspiration, which all claim to possess. No reasonable God would spread his message to some, and deny it to others, so I do deny these claims I now hear. However I will not deny the existance of some supreme power, a God perhaps of this human race. I know only one thing about this 'God'. If he made us, he made us with these urges to dominate, expand and conquer. If he did not make us... he is our enemy.
A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 287
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
...Theorists have claimed for centuries that if religion were false or non-existant, if there was no greater power, if life had no true meaning, than the human race would destroy itself out of simple and plane insanity. These men and women claim that if humanity does not believe that there will be some final justice at the end of their days, some afterlife or bitter sweet retribution, that humanity as a whole would collapse into firey anarchy and bring about it's own destruction. They reason that humans are only content with their places in life because they believe that at the end waits something greater, that if the people no longer had a hell to fear or a heaven to await, they would pillage, burn and steal to content themselves here and now. I cannot deny that this may very well occur. It is possible, for the human species is a bizzare combination of logic and instinct, and we derive that logic from our instinct. We are the only species capable of forcasting our own deaths decades before they occur, which places us in an unusual insanity not expirienced by any other race. The logic is simple, and is shared by the majority of simple minded humans. When I die, the end has come and there will be no reward, nor a punishment. So why then should I sit still on this earth, content to live as the middle class? Why should I not seek the riches?...
...Although I cannot certainly say that humanity will react with this aggressive madness, for those under Soviet Atheist rule did not, I can say that should it come, it can be quelled. The solution is simple. For those who would loot, raid, steal and revolt, we would make a hell of earth. For those who were good in nature, kind, helpful and loyal, we would make a heaven of this planet. New methods of torture and pain distribution will have to be discovered, to show all potential dissenters that although there is no after life, there is a here and now. And should you disrupt human progress, we will make that here and now more painful and undesirable that all of the hells of old...
...There is however, in my belief, life after death. This immortality is not the fairy tale pearly gates high above the clouds, where the angels run naked in heavenly bliss. There are no winged servants, no reincarnation or nor virgins to await your arrival. No, there is not even a state of conciousness once we slip into the darkness. We live on as immortals through the preservation of our cause. If we are linked to something greater, we are forever a part of it even after death. Is every soldier remembered in the winning of a war? Is every worker remembered after the completion of a project? Certainly not. But if that war made a mark on the earth, if that building still plays a role in humanity, then those soldier, those workers, still live through it. But what of me? What of my immortality? If you in any way benefit humanity, the species, the race... you will live through the Human Order...
British Londinium
16-07-2007, 02:09
Official Communiqué
To Kroando:
The 'Human Order' is a very interesting policy proposal that we may consider implementing in the future. We would appreciate it, though, if you could briefly answer the following question:
How do you ensure that people of different races breed? Are economic incentives enough?
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
Wire to British Londinium
The Human Order is more than a policy, it is an International Conglomerate of Nations ruled by the various Commissars of the Human Order, whom have been completely endoctrinated and approved by the Order Tribunal as 'worthy' of Commissarship.
As to your inquiry, we do not yet know if the present messures will suffice, only time will tell.
Commissar Hector V. Davis of the Human Order
[I forgot to put up a -DO NOT POST UNTIL IM DONE- sticker, so I will continue to post snips of A Treatise on the Human Race below, and then paste them into the above posts for unanimity.]
[i]A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 287
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
...Theorists have claimed for centuries that if religion were false or non-existant, if there was no greater power, if life had no true meaning, than the human race would destroy itself out of simple and plane insanity. These men and women claim that if humanity does not believe that there will be some final justice at the end of their days, some afterlife or bitter sweet retribution, that humanity as a whole would collapse into firey anarchy and bring about it's own destruction. They reason that humans are only content with their places in life because they believe that at the end waits something greater, that if the people no longer had a hell to fear or a heaven to await, they would pillage, burn and steal to content themselves here and now. I cannot deny that this may very well occur. It is possible, for the human species is a bizzare combination of logic and instinct, and we derive that logic from our instinct. We are the only species capable of forcasting our own deaths decades before they occur, which places us in an unusual insanity not expirienced by any other race. The logic is simple, and is shared by the majority of simple minded humans. When I die, the end has come and there will be no reward, nor a punishment. So why then should I sit still on this earth, content to live as the middle class? Why should I not seek the riches?...
...Although I cannot certainly say that humanity will react with this aggressive madness, for those under Soviet Atheist rule did not, I can say that should it come, it can be quelled. The solution is simple. For those who would loot, raid, steal and revolt, we would make a hell of earth. For those who were good in nature, kind, helpful and loyal, we would make a heaven of this planet. New methods of torture and pain distribution will have to be discovered, to show all potential dissenters that although there is no after life, there is a here and now. And should you disrupt human progress, we will make that here and now more painful and undesirable that all of the hells of old...
...There is however, in my belief, life after death. This immortality is not the fairy tale pearly gates high above the clouds, where the angels run naked in heavenly bliss. There are no winged servants, no reincarnation or nor virgins to await your arrival. No, there is not even a state of conciousness once we slip into the darkness. We live on as immortals through the preservation of our cause. If we are linked to something greater, we are forever a part of it even after death. Is every soldier remembered in the winning of a war? Is every worker remembered after the completion of a project? Certainly not. But if that war made a mark on the earth, if that building still plays a role in humanity, then those soldier, those workers, still live through it. But what of me? What of my immortality? If you in any way benefit humanity, the species, the race... you will live through the Human Order...
A Treatise on the Human Race, Pg. 113
By Commissar Hector V. Davis
...I do not, like the hypocrites and communists claim that all people should be, or are equal. I do not say that we are endowed by our creator equality, nor do I say that we should instill upon ourselves a sense of equality. I will not lie like the supporters of total democracy, whom have convinced themselves that every beggar possesses the talents of every genius. For clearly, we have not been created equally. I know a... I employ a retarded man, affected by several different ailments, of which I will not go into detail right now. I also employ a man whose IQ and intellectual capability may very well surpass any other on earth. Who would say that these two are equal? Who would say that any god... any creator made these two with equal power, with equal opportunity? I think it is painfully obvious that they are not equal, and there is no reason for us to blind ourselves with a mask that claims they are...
...A man is made a man not by his body or physical appearance, but by his mind. He is judged by what he can control, which is his intellectual power and logical reasoning, not by the color of his skin, or the nature of his body. And because of such, some people are greater than others. An elderly beggar dying of aids, with no more than an hour to live is most certainly not equal to a young genius with the capability of finding a cure to aids. Why do we continue to attempt to say that we are equal? The imperial powers do this to sway to their sides the lesser people. Those whom are fools, those whom are wretches believe that all are equal... the people of the Human Order do not...
...Now what does this mean that we are not all equal? Does this mean that some will be killed or oppressed due to their inferiority? Not at all. All people of the Human Race, though not equal to one another in stature, are all still human, and because of this, they are endowed with the blessings of humanity. Housing, job security, health care, education and opportunity are the blessings that all people shall be endowed with once the plan has been completed. Those with greater skills simply have greater opportunity. We must all accept this and move on, being greatful that we still have our human blessings...