Opportunities For Trade. (FT Semi-Open)
16-07-2007, 00:19
The blue supergiant, Deneb, boasted the home system of a civilization so downtrodden from Terran supremacy, it was enough to make their mouths bitter. The name of the sixth planet in Deneb's orbit was Sezifilar and the center of a small theocracy that spanned several systems, and once before their humiliating defeat by the Terrans an empire that spanned much larger.
But now all they had was their religion that was deemed "pagan" by the Terrans, whatever the word meant, and their few reduced stellar colonies and planetary resources. They were a skeleton of their former power. Now on Sezifilar, the elected Patriarch of Zultir sat in his court considering the next trade negotiations his people would need to survive in the interstellar market.
There were so many more powerful nations asking for outrageous prices in exchange for their goods. It was insulting to the Sezifilari to a degrading level. Other nations knew they could extort these prices from his people, and grudgingly they paid them in the past when a most urgent need was upon them. The Patriarch frowned at the electronic forms his pocket dossier shuffled through.
Oh... if there was only a people out there that could show Sezifilar a bit more respect. Just for once....
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
16-07-2007, 01:01
CNS Merlin
Get money get money get money get money, oh hi! I was listening to the smooth sounds of Wu-Tang, rest in peace ODB. Well see the Commonwealth just loves trade, I mean, that's how it gets its money. It never goes to war so it can't get all that plunder, but we can still whip some head so don't get any ideas.
I mean for serious dawg.
Oh by the way the ship is an Air Hippo class battlecruiser, so um, yah. Moving on. The Admiral of this particular ship was an Admiral Signor Nig. Straight from downtown Cassiopeia, the 619. Word. He was white, blue eyed, red haired, and very smooth. Sounded like Barry White you know. You might call him... Rick Astley's evil twin? Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you go, never gonna... okay fine I won't rick roll the thread. Yet. Anyway, as the ship was flying through space and all that, sensors beeped and all that jazz, or at least that's what happens in Star Trek. If not Star Trek is a lie!
"Admiral." A random officier said. "Life sir. I'm getting some random radio waves from a planet."
Nig spoke in that smooth soft and silky voice of his. "Do we know who they are?" Sexy.
"Nope." He paused. "Orders?"
"Warp speed." Signor replied. Gosh that voice is sexy.
And thus the battlecruiser flew through space and time, and maybe Los Angeles, and there it was over the Sezifilari planet. Well you can't really go into detail about going really fast can you? Except maybe the stars look like lines, and there's cool sounds effects...
The ship thus, slowly, approached the planet and a message was sent.
To: The Sentient Lifeforms of the Neighbourhood
From: Admiral Signor Nig
We don't know if anybody will receive this so, I'd like to say hello. I am
an Admiral for the Cassiopeian Star Navy. We come in peace, we'd like to
talk to peace with you. If there is nobody here, we'll go. Good bye.
Signor Nig
Admiral, CNS Merlin
The Island States
16-07-2007, 01:58
It was another boring, thankless night for The Orion Spur Survey Group of the Imperial University of Ashertonopolis. Their discovery of Elysium, while important, never netted them anything more than a token of appreciation from their government. Still, it was the science that mattered, and tonight the team was beginning their exploration of Deneb.
"We're 440 AUs from the star and we're reading Sol-like brightness!" One of the graduate students noted as he viewed the information coming in from the probe. "Solar panels are having no problem collecting starlight."
"Sensors indicating that the star's peak wavelength is in the ultraviolet range," another graduate student noted as she ate a hot pocket that she had just cooked up.
"I'm picking up radio communications traffic!" An officer cadet communications major called out. "Its definately not natural and its not like anything in the guidebook."
"That rules out anyone we know of," the graduate student in charge noted. "Pass the information to Imperial Fleet Command and hyperspace the probe clear."
"No problem..."
"Wait! Gravitic sensors are detecting a Terrestrial Planetary Mass Object at the source of the communications chatter!" Another graduate student called out.
"Let Imperial Fleet Command handle it, our top priority is recovering the probe!"
"Engaging hyperspace..."
16-07-2007, 02:27
A vorlus-class patrol vessel orbited Sezifilar, monitoring the communications of the local group of stars. It had been that time to conduct interstellar trade with other peoples of the cosmos, and the Patriarch of Zultir was already viewing through prospective choices in the Grand Temple. The crew was bored with their job, claw-like hands tapping through the various control panels to detect potential incoming signals.
Suddenly a sensor picked up a small probe on the fringe of Sezifilar's orbit. Scanners began to analyze it when suddenly it departed to the limits of their solar system. A small show of concern grew among the crew.
"Doubt it's hostile," regarded the captain. "Probably just interested in our signal of trade like everyone else."
Not long after, the signal from the ship representing the Cassiopeia Commonwealth, the CNS Merlin, was received. Quickly the communications officers sent out a response to the Merlin.
To: Admiral Signor Nig of the CNS Merlin
From: The HSSZ Shavar
This is the patrol ship Shavar and we read you loud and clear. We presume you are interested in the call for trade agreements with Sezifilar. If so, you are welcome to discuss your terms through our communications channels.