NationStates Jolt Archive

The Night of Much Thunder [Semi-Open]

15-07-2007, 20:07
Khartoum - Council Chambers 9:35 PM

"Councilman Harrison! This is absolutely outrageous! The Grandor Corporation is offering higher wages, health benefits, and lower retail prices on all industrial products... and they are a domestic business to begin with! Why in the hell is this..," Commissar Davis flipped through a packet of papers, "640 Million Dollar Contract going to the Al Sahan Company out of... the fucking UAS?" Davis stood up, anger running through his veins. "Explain yourself immidiately! This nation has the potential for greatness, yet it is held back by... ill advised decisions on the behalf of this Council."

Councilman Steven Harrison of Industrial Management stood, a large smile on his face stood to his feet. A massive man, standing at 6'4, weighing some 280lbs (though most of it being made of fat rather than muscle) he was a rather imposing figure. His gray and black beard covering his face, giving him the look of an 18th Century Capitalist rather than a 'Public Servant'. "I will not stand for these outrageous accusations Commissar Davis! The Al Sahan Company of the UAS is a reputable organization with a history of efficiency and productivity. I believe that the extra funds we will be awarding them will be well spent, as this... Grandor Corporation clearly will not be up to the requirements set before them. And one more thing! The next time I am accused of corruption, conspiracy or any other such charge, I will personally call for a vote of no confidence on you Mr. Hector Davis, regardless of your so called popular support!", Harrison, face red, spitting as he spoke sat down, leaving the thirteen of the fifteen council members clapping.

Davis, shaking his head slowly looked up, a smile of disgust on his face. "I never said anything about you being corrupt Councilman Harrison... but if there something you must confess... please, do continue." And with that Harrison stood, shouting out a string of inaudible curses and blasphemies, and stormed out of the large chamber. "Well now, Councilman Feder perhaps-", Feder stood up and promptly walked out of the room. Councilman Hampton then stood up, addressing Davis. "I believe you have made your point Commissar, but there is one thing you need to understand. The Council rules this nation, this Order, and the men and women in this room rule the Council. You made comprimises and deals to win your wars, to put yourself in the position you now stand... and those same comprimises that made you, now put us where we stand. You are only so strong because of the men that we answer to, and those that we answer to, are the ones that you in turn must answer to... or you shall face this nation being torn apart from within.", Hampton straightened his tie and smiled. "I expect this to be the last time you attempt to embarass any of the esteemed members of this Council Commissar Davis... or the next time I address you, I may be leaving out the title." With that Hampton walked to the exit of the room, followed by three other Council members... until they were suddenly stopped by a booming voice.

"I am the Commissar of the Human Order. And as the Commissar I am the only one permitted to dismiss Council Members from an official council delegation. You will take your seats!", Davis shouted, staring at the four members about to leave... pausing briefly, they promptly left the room.

Commissar's Mansion - 2:21 AM

The lightning illuminated the dark, mysterious study of Commissar Davis, every strike casting light upon the strange animal heads he had mounted upon his wall. The only constant source of light came from the ember at the end of his fine Cuban Cigar, one which let off a thick Caribbean smoke into the crisp North African air. The door creaked open, however the hallway seemed to simply be overcome by the darkness, as opposed to the light pushing back the blackness of the study. "Ssss-sir, Marshal Velspar is arrived, he claims you called for him.", studdered Davis' personal aid before moving his hand to turn on the lights in the room, however he was promptly cut off. "Please, do not touch the switch Smith, I am thinking... show Velspar in.", Smith nodded and turned to leave. "One more thing... wake up Colonel Stevenson, tell him it is urgent."

Several minutes later a man a black military suite entered the room, walking through the blackness to the table Davis sat at, and saluted. "Good evening sir.", spoke the middle aged veteran, a silent lighning flash displaying a long scar adorning his face. "Please, Rich, take a seat, can I offer you something to drink?", the Commissar asked, pouring two glasses of the finest whiskey in all Sudan. "Thank you Hector... if you do not mind my asking, why did you ask we meet so late?", questioned the Marshal, picking up the glass that was just poured for him. For several seconds Davis just stared at him in silence. "Rich, how long have we known each other? Six? Seven years?", the Commissar posed, tapping the ash off of his cigar. "Well... ever since we met at the Academy before the war so... id say closer to eight.", responded the officer. Hector laughed nodding in agreement. "We've seen some shit eh?" The two men laughed and conversed over past times for several minutes before continuing. "Richard... you know as well as I do that the Council is a filthy as the sewers of Khartoum. There are perhaps two decent men among them, the rest... corporate stooges, foriegn puppets and straight incompetant fools. They will ruin this nation if we do not act. They will be the end of the Order if they are left unchecked." Velspar nodded, "I am well aware of their corruption Hector... but... they are the law, they are untouchable." Hector slammed his fist down on the oaken table. "No one is untouchable. The people know of this corruption, they will support my efforts to cleanse the nation of them. They will support the plan I am about to set in action." Velspar gave a look of dumbfoundedness before responding. "And what plan is that?" The Commissar smiled... "The Inquisition... and I want you to lead it."

The Plan

Marshal Richard Velspar, a known hero of the Human Order during the Time of Strife was a champion of many, especially in the military. He had many friends, and was himself a friend of Commissar Davis. Davis was now to cash in on that friendship. He had systematically planned for the execution... assassination of the entire Council, the legislative and judicial body of the Human Order. However it did not stop there. Any appointment made by those Council Members, and aid, worker or associate of those Council Members... they were all to laid low by the hand of the Commissar's latest weapon. The Inquisition.

The next day Hector would go on national television airing a passionate speech about the corruption of the Council, the bribery, putridicity and backstabbing. He would display endless volumes of evidence condemning them of treason, crimes against the state and conspiracy. He would paint a portrait as an artist would, and when his masterpiece was finished, the people of the Order would be up in arms, ready to hand them himself. He would announce his plan to create an 'Inquisition', purging the filth from the nation. In effect, he would create an organization which would become one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world. When this speech was finished, the Commissar knew what moves the Council would make. They would call their sources in the military, their paid off, corrupt, filthy, stooges, and have the military deployed throughout the nation. They would have companies to their individual mansions for their personal protection, they would have armies to supress the protests and riots. And they would have the Special Operations and Elites to execute the Commissar and his followers.

But Davis was not about to let this happen. Before ever airing his speech, he would cut off the 'sources' in the military. Using every available intelligence source, he found the vast majority of those loyal to the Council, and even those he suspected of being loyal, and he had them removed. Not all were killed, just most. Hundreds of military officers were arrested or assassinated an hour before the speech was aired, hundreds more put on foriegn duty, and even more on training exercises. So that when they were called by their employers, their corrupt Council Employers, they would already be out of the picture, leaving them helpless to what came next.

Death followed. Carbombs, sniper shots, stabbings and knifings. The Inquisition had begun. What follows are accounts of the last minutes of several Councilmens lives. It takes place two hours after Commissar Davis' speech on National Television.

Khartoum - En Route to Al San Airfield

"Though our enemies are many... we shall not falter, for the future of the race depends upon us..."
~Commissar Hector V. Davis

"What!?! What do you mean hes gone! I demand to speak with Colonel Burns immidiately!", Councilman Harrison shouted into his cell phone as the limo sped down the dirt road, kicking up rocks and bits of gravel. "He was taken away?! By who!? WHAT?! Conspiracy charges?! I am the law, he is most certainly not guilty of any sort of conspiracy! I demand to know where he has been taken!", spit was flying out of his fat mouth as the secretary attempted to explain the situation. "Commissar Davis' men?! I over rule his authority! This is an outrage! I-", he was cut off by a large explosion that blew away the black humvee leading his convoy. The limo screeched to a stop as gunfire filled the air, bullets slamming into the side of his armored limozine. The windows blown out, his personal body guards began returning fire with submachine guns and pistols, however they were promptly turned into mutilated carcasses. As Harrison looked up, he saw black ski-masked men swarming the area, gunning down his guards, hurling explosives into the vehicles behind and infront of him. Seconds later the door of the limo was blown open, the fat Councilman grabbed and finally dragged out into the desert sun. "No! Stop! I am a Councilman of the Human Order! I order you to stop!", he was shot in the knee to stop his struggling and was pulled further from the limo, which was being doused in kerosene. One man walked up, a patch covering his eye, but unlike the others, no mask. Captain Barstein, now a Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition pulled up a photograph of Harrison, compared it to the oaf lying before him and nodded. Turning to walk away, two submachine guns were unloaded upon the Councilmans body.

[By Semi-Open I mean if you want to join, in depth, please TG me with your intentions. If you simply want to drop off a 'Official Message', go right ahead.]
15-07-2007, 22:19
Hampton Manor - Western Sudanese Oasis

"And we will wipe clean the face of this nation... with the sword, the pen, and human will... we will wipe it clean."
~Commissar Hector V. Davis

"Yes, hello, this is Councilman Edward Hampton, please put me through to General Hollinsworth immidiately.", Hampton spoke in his coy English Accent as he descended the ancient Byzantine stairs into the courtyard of his mansion, passing an armed guard every few meters. "What do you mean you cannot find him? Page him immidiately or I will have you serving in the middle of the desert in twenty four hours!", he continued walking, pacing rather around the lush artificial garden he had installed, walking across a marble bridge over the clear stream below. "Hes what? How- dead! My God... was the perpatrator caught? Alright... thank you, please, call me at this number the moment you hear anything." Hampton shouted before handing the phone to his aid. "What is wrong sir?", questioned the young lady as she began dialing another number. "Ill tell you what is bloody wrong! Hollinsworth is currently having three bullets dug out of the back of his head! Now call General Al`Sadin, we are in a serious situation Ms. Lee.", the young Asian handed him the phone as he finished his sentence. "Yes, General Al`Sadin please.", the smile was promptly wiped off his face by the news. "How?", Hampton listened in pain as he was informed that General Al`Sadin had been killed in a helicopter crash that morning. As Hampton turned the corner he was bumped into be a suited guard, nearly knocking him over. "You insolent welp! Come back here! Im talking to you fool!", the Councilman looked around, noticing that his aid, Ms. Lee was gone. "What in the... Kim! Where the-", he noticed the man was running off into the desert, but was distracted by a high pitched beep. As he turned, it stopped... and what followed was four kilo's of C4 High Explosive blowing the Councilman to hell. The explosion was massive, tearing the skin clean off his body before the fire reached his tender skin.
15-07-2007, 22:53
Council Woman Denise Reinheart's Appartment - Rome

"The thunder is loud throughout the lands of the Order... though you can see no lighting, be content knowing that your enemies can."
~Commissar Hector V. Davis

"Cindy, please take this infernal animal for a walk, it is simply too wound up to remain inside this building.", the ancient English woman spoke in a tone of some sort of grand royalty. "Mrs. Reinheart, Jenkins has called from Khartoum, apperantly there is-", Cindy, the Councilwoman's aid was cut off by the sound of Reinheart's voice. "Cindy, I will not hear another word of politics until ive had my massage and a good bath... if we're lucky, ill be done by dinner. Now please, take Mr. Bigglesworth for his walk, and get him some bottled water, he looks simply famished." The aid nodded, yes Mrs. Reinheart, my apologies."

As the aid left, the old English woman made her way into the sauna of the hotel, followed by several body guards. She took her time undressing and making her way to the masuse's table, laying down and waiting for the massage to begin. "Would someone be so kind as to turn on the tele... thank you.", as she was about to ask the channel be changed, she stopped, watching the images on the television... the horrifying news from the Sudan. The newswoman relaying the situation with deadly accuracy...

...Councilman Hampton was killed mere hours ago in an explosion at Hampton Manor, reportedly by Orderist Extremists incited by Commissar Davis' Speech made hours ago... Footage of Hector Davis at a large stone podium were shown, the man waving his arms violently before the audio clicked in. "This corruption is intolerable! The dollars of foriegn businessmen are now dictating your lives! Your children are robbed of education so that Councilman Evans may bathe in a tub of gold! Your sons die due to lack of health care so that Councilman Foundasi's Asian Mistresses and Whores may have their breasts enlarged! Your parents die at retirement because Councilwoman Reinheart must have the wrinkles ironed out of her foriegn face!" The picture faded out, followed by the words as the Councilwoman touched her worn skin in shock.

"Why I never... someone call Cindy immidiately! Why did she not notify me of this most sinister-", her bitching was silenced by a seven inch knife which broke her spine in two right below the neck, leaving her lifeless body to bleed from the mouth as the news report detailed her corruption in scandals regarding the emezlement of billions of dollars over the past months...
15-07-2007, 23:27
Private Yacht of Councilman Feder - Red Sea

"Throught the death of our enemies will come the birth of a New Order... an Order of the future."
~Commissar Hector V. Davis

The large white yacht, which looked more like a small cruise liner cut through the salty waves of the Red Sea, leaving in its wake crumbling white caps which marked the ocean like the Councilman had the country. Councilman Feder was formerly the Vice President of the German Hozol Corporation, and Army Conglomerate which had supplied the Human Order with tens of thousands of small arms, tanks, armored vehicles and endless supplies of ammunition. When these supplies were delivered, they came gift wrapped as presents, a sign of goodwill towards Davis and his movement, a motion of support. Supposedly those whome ran Hozol were sympathetic to the Revolution, to the cause.

This was not the case. At the end of the war, Hozol expected a place on the ruling committe of the nation, and thus Feder was named the Councilman of Industrial Management. He singlehandedly dropped the minimum wage off the table, creating in many regions of the country a slave-like state of affairs. The Hozol Corporation was given exclusive arms-production rights, and was granted huge tracts of resource-rich land for pennies. He, like so many other Council members, was loyal to the employer first, the country tenth. He was stained with corruption from head to toe.

However now the Night of Thunder had come. Ironically there was a terrible storm over the Red Sea, rain pouring overhead, thunder deafening even the tremendous roars of the waves. Lightening illuminating the dark night sky every now and again. Feder sat in his private study, reading Mein Kampf, a personal favorite of the Anti-Semetic Neo-Nazi. The door of the room creaked open, sending a terrifying shiver down his spine. He knew of what was happening, thus the reason for his attempted escape of the country. His aid entered, "Sir... Captain Ardesh recommends we turn back to port... the storm is too rough to ford he says." The look of fear turned to one of anger. "Turn back? Turn back he says!? Do you know what is waiting for us back there James? Ill tell you!", Feder stood, picking up and throwing down the front page of the Khartoum Gazette in one motion. Displaying a picture of Commissar Davis in the midst of a firey and passionate speech. "He is waiting for us with an army of angry zealots! Davis is waiting for us with an axe and a chopping block. He will kill us...", Feder sat down. "Thats right... us. He has been eliminating everyone associated with the Council... that means me, Captain Ardesh, my mistresses...", Feder looked up from his book. "You." The aid stood awe struck. "Yes sir... ill inform the Captain."

As the aid made his way up the stairwell, turning a corner to the control room, a flash of light caught his eye out of a starport port hole. Squinting through the blinding rain he could see nothing... and then the explosion. A massive blast shook the entire vessel as a High-Explosive Anti-Tank Missile slammed into the side of the ship, crippling her instantly. Then came the shreak of 30mm Gatling Guns tearing into the deck. James Derekson, an
'apprentice' of sorts to the Councilman, withdrew his 9mm side arm, stepped outside and began firing at the helicopter, joining several other men already on the decks firing various small arms into the night sky. Then came rockets, high explosive rockets which blew chunks of the ship into oblivion as the waves continued to shake the flaming vessel, sweeping the would be defenders into the great blue. One explosion after another, until a 30mm round caught him right above the thigh, tearing his torso clean in two. As his screams were about to ring out, a massive wave hit the ship, pulling him into the water. Within twenty minutes the ship had sunk, and any survivor gunned down.
16-07-2007, 01:07
The Human Order Takes on a New Face

Every last member of the Council lie dead, along with many, many others. Hundreds... nay... thousands with scant relations to the Council Members were now missing, either burried six feet under, dumped in the desert or simply a pile of ash. The military had taken a blow, with thousands of Officers of various ranks being 'Dishonerably Discharged', and exiled on charges of conspiracy to overthrow the Human Order. In reality, they were now sold on international slave markets... or if they were lucky, dead. The numbers continued to rise as the death toll passed ten thousands a mere 24 hours after Commissar Davis had delivered his speech. The most unique part of the situation was that the people seemed to be so swept up in it's ideals they never once thought of opposing this 'Irradication of Corruption'. And did they ever see the effects. Food was distributed to the poor, pay raises to government workers, and aid packages to workers nation wide. Where did this money come from some may ask? Well, before the supporters, aids and advisors of the Council Members died, they provided the service of realocating millions in bribes, kick backs and pay offs. Stashes were uncovered, houses sold at auction, treasures sent off. The wealth of those that now died was being systematically confiscated by the seemingly religiously devout members of the Human Order... the Inquisition.

The Inquisition was quickly becoming more than a simple action, and turning into a massive organization. Employing over 14,000 Agents, Analysts, Accountants, Administrators, Strategists, Technicians, Spies, and Engineers, it promptly absorbed the offices and duties of the old Secret Police Organization, the GLA. Those abducted by the Inquisition, and judged as guilty in an Inquisitional Court, were usually not killed. Only those whom were deemed High Risks were killed, these being formed Agents, Police Officers and Military Officers. The majority were taken to the camps now being filled with convicts and prisoners. Five massive camps were errected around the nation, with capacities exceeding 750,000 peoples each... and all sorts of criminals were now filling them. From thieves to murderers to Enemies of the Order, all were being thrown into the mines and pits to harvest natural resources for the state.

Medical facilities hosting hundreds of phyciatrists and phychologists from across the world were opened in major cities throughout the country. Their patients were those who could not accept the Doctrine of the Human Order... and they were endoctrinated. Several months in the facilities was usually enough to change the thinking of any dissident, however those who did not change were taken to the camps, where they worked until the end of their days.

A new day was rising, and only the sun would show what damage the thunder had caused.

Newly Appointed Council

Councilman of Economic Affairs. Slabodan Helsivek
Tricky, shrewd, manipulative Serbian loyal to the cause of the Human Order. Has the blood of many rivals on his hands, but is rather close to the Commissar.

Councilman of the Treasurey. Devin Alspot
A relatively lax politician, he is content to take orders from Davis, and relay them to his subordinates.

Councilwoman of Health Affairs. Victoria Cornat
Her friends call her 'full of life'. Her enemies, 'a ruthless amazonian bitch'. Either way, it cannot be denied that if you get in her way, you may be facing some problems in the near future.

Councilman of Military Affairs. Jefferson Alexander
One of the original men not on a pay roll other than the one the government holds. Though not particularly devout to the Human Order, he is a superb military tactician, whom thinks about nothing but battle, war and warfare.

Councilman of Urban Development. Vladimir Melzkopf
One of the original supporters of Davis from the slums of Moscow. He was in Khartoum at the Academy with the original founders during the Time of Strife, and although he is not particularly knowledgeable about his field, he is more than willing to take the advice of his advisors, who are at the top of their fields.

Councilman of Enviromental Affairs. Fredrico Salzo
A realistic Italian Businessman who is all too ready to level a rainforest to build condos.

Councilman of Civil Liberties. Oscar Malop
Original member of the Human Order, extremely loyal to Davis.

Councilman of Hedonistic Containment. Gregory Smith
Original member of the Human Order, extremely loyal to Davis.

Councilman of Foriegn Affairs. Marshal Alexander Garnos
In addition to being the Commissar's right hand, a Marshal in the Military and a ranking member in the Inquisition, he is the Councilman of Foriegn Affairs. The most devoutly loyal member of the Human Order, he was with Davis as he began writing the Treatise, and he views religion as inherintly evil and opposes any nation which officially holds one.

Councilman of Social Affairs. Achmed Rev`Allah
A Muslim man whom took to Davis' teachings while at the Academy in Khartoum. It is largely due to his connections with oil in the Sudan that Davis was able to take control from the Communists during the TOS.

Councilman of Industrial Management. Hanz Endeldorff
An efficient, determined German Industrialist, he was in Khartoum under contract from the Heroma Government to aid in reforming the Industrial Sector when the TOS began, and was captured by Communist Forces at the end of the fighting. Once the Human Order defeated the Communist Coalition, Endeldorff took to the Order's teachings and offered up his services.

Councilman of the Press. Doner Balstock
A manipulative man, he knows better than anyone else how to manipulate the masses... and thus far, he has done so perfectly. Charismatic and deceptive... blend those two words together and you have Blastock.

Councilman of Justice. Nicholas De`Marque
A French professor at the Academy in Khartoum with Davis, he was one of the original supporters after he left France, and his position as Attorney General.