NationStates Jolt Archive

The Human Order [Factbook]

15-07-2007, 20:00
The Imperial Coalition of Kroando

Population. 5.562 billion
94% Kroandon. The Kroandon People hail from the Island of Haztolp, now called 'Kroando Former', the submerged island chain somewhere in the pacific. A series of volcanic eruptions literally obliterated the islands, forcing the Kroandon people to flee the islands. The massive armada of refugees arrived in Antartika, and colonized the island thereafter. They are above normal in height and weight (slightly), and are charactarized by their moderate skin tone, dark black hair and sharp facial features.
2% European. The various European intellectuals who flocked to the call of the Human Order to create a 'single race'. So far however they have made no ethnic impact upon Kroando, nor does it look like they ever will. They vary in looks and ethnicities.
1% Undermonite. The native peoples of Undermon, loyal to Kroando due to the drastic economic input Kroando has pumped in, as well as the fact that they are now a minority in their homeland, due to massive Kroandon emmigration to the warm colony. They are white skinned with black hair and normal features. They represent Kroandon's to everyone but Kroandon's.
1% Scotz. The native Scotz of West Scotzdom. They are quite loyal to Kroando due to the massive Kroandon Army stationed in their homeland. Usually rather stocky, they are quite hairy and have almost exclusively, red hair.
1% Native Antartikan. The indiginous peoples of Antartika, mostly killed off by the Kroandon colonizers. Now they mainly live as a part of Kroandon society in the Mega-Cities, or remain as roaming nomads. They are relatively short, and resemble American Indians.
1% Mixed. So thuroughly mixed between so many different ethnicities and nationalities, it is immpossible to distinguish them from one another.

Capital. Virticon City - Population 900,000,000

Territories. Antartika (, New Grevestok, ( West Scotzdom, ( Hexon (, Mokastanan Juventud, ( Undermon (

Tariff. 26.5% of product retail value. Unless a foriegn nation has higher rate, in which case Tariff is raised to match that nations.

Internal Tax. 5-45% based on income/profit margin

Geography and Economy

Kroando is a vast nation, encompassing a land similar to that of Antartica... simply twice as large. This land is horridly cold, the record high being a meager 38 degrees fariegnheit during the summer. The average temperature is around -20 degrees, in the north it is even worse, where it bottoms off around -70 during the winter. Snow falls daily, and massive blizzards hit the country once or twice a year. These massive snow storms are devestating to the nation, as blocks of ice are tossed by the merciless winds across the region. More deadly however are the shards that splinter off in these storms, any man caught outside... is sure to die. The ground is near frozen solid year round, making it damn near immpossible to grow any sort of food in the nation.

The nation is remarkably flat, with the occasional sets of rolling hills and river valleys, the only noticeable features would be that of the Mountain Range in the West. The Sarvec Ocean, which surrounds the island state, is in a state of permanant glaciality. For over 70 kilometers on all sides of the land boundry ice stretched out, over thirty meters deep, no ship can traverse it. The only navagable entrance is a three mile wide stretch of water, the temperature of which is negative twenty F. It is kept from freezing by hourly bombarments from coastal railguns and artillery emplacements. The ice shatters, and slowly begins refreezing, and will refreeze if not kept smashed.

The question arises, if the entire country has an average temperature of zero degrees farienheight, if nothing can live, nor grow in the soil, if it is such a wasteland, how is it that over 5.3 billion people live in Kroando? The Mega-Cities. There are eight mega-cities in Kroando, each hosting 400Million-900Million lives. These cities are simply massive, stretching miles upon miles upon miles in all directions. And when we say all directions, we mean all directions. East, West, North, South, Up and Down. The cities are comprised of massive sky scrapers for business offices, enormous apartment complexes, huge industrial complexes and factories, and production plants of all kinds. The city goes underground a good mile or so, and the tallest buildings are hundreds of feet higher than those in most nations. These cities are however, remarkably warmer than the outside wastes. One may ask why. The cities are powered by a large number of high-powered, sub surface Nuclear Reactors, which on their own, produce large amounts of heat, heat which is trapped in the 'soil' of the city. [The cities are made of concrete and asphault] Another reason is due to the industrial facilities of the cities, facilities which melt steel, grind iron and build all sorts of equipment. The heat of these radiates off, raising temperatures considerably. However the main reason is doubtlessly the heating coils and heating stations throughout the city. The roads are lined with heating coils, to prevent ice from forming upon them. Heating stations are positioned every couple hundred yards, the exhaust from automobiles and other such vehicles keeps the temperature in the city up to a usual 30-40 degrees. Food is another issue. Massive synthetic food plants work round the clock creating 'nutri-bars', which though edible, are not particularly healthy. Additionally sub-surface farming yields produce for the factories, and farms are used to suppliment the nation's stomach. The cattle raised are genetically pumped with growth hormones and steroids, and grinded into various meal packages. Every last part of the cow is used.

For A Tour of Kroando, Look Here! (

Kroandon Kapitalizm

Kroandon Kapitalizm is in the most general of terms, a capitalistic economy in which the government does not merely abide by a laissez-faire ideology, they take a hands on approach to back business. The only two areas completely funded and controlled by the Koalitionist Government are that of the military, and the Law and Order sector. [Actually incorrect, prisons are privitized]. There exist very few written laws regarding issues such as minimum wage, labor practices and organized labor unions. However there are certain incentives and competing intrests which push big business to pay adequate prices, the first being the fact that certain industries are controlled by the same 'Korporations' [Kroandon Word for large Coporations that dominate economies]. If the owner of the factory also owns the apartment complex that the worker lives in, he will not pay the worker so little that he cannot extract the rent from him.

Additionally, unlike in most countries, there is no large unemployed labor market from which companies may go to should they wish to lower their wages. The unemployed are sucked up by the government, and thrown into either the army, or forced labor. Furthermore Kroandon companies cannot outsource labor in mass quantities. The reason is simple. It is extremely expensive to ship goods from foriegn nations to Kroando [due to the 5,000 miles of separation and artic conditions to name a few], thus, the money saved in production would be spent ten fold in transportation.

However this is getting to specific. In general, the Korporations in Kroando are so powerful and their human resources so limited, it is actually in their intrest that the people be well enough off so that they may continue working at an maximum level. The Kroandon people work hard, and they are compensated for this work. It is however important to note that there are several non-Korporation controlled industries, which are moderately protected by the government. Small scale distributors, businesses and retailers exist merely because it would not be worth the economic output needed to harness them, and therefor, they constitute a small percentage of overall business. Additionally there are scores of medical and legal professionals who operate outside the control of the Korporations.

Raw Resources - Colonies and Developing Countries

Kroando is for the most part, situated on the island of Antartika in South Atlantic. Antartika initially had large coal, uranium and iron ore deposits. The coal and iron was quickly depleted, due to the vast requirements of the growing country in the construction of the eight MegaCities. The uranium however was not only underexploited, it was by far the most vast of the various resources. And it would turn out to be to the Kroandon's benefit, as nuclear power generates the entire country, with minimal exceptions for geothermal energy.

However needless to say, this leaves a massive need for foriegn materials. Not merely obvious goods such as lumber and coal, but simply material which they could use. Trash, garbage, shattered concrete, old tar, things which most the world takes for granted, actually holds value in Kroando. Korporations such as Junkers Korp. rake in billions every year simply by using their vast transportation fleets to pick up shit from around the world, and selling it to other companies inside Kroando.

Developing countries and Kroandon colonies are therefor extremely exploited for the good of the Antartikan MegaCities. Some economists call Kroandon Kapitalizm, 'Pirate Economics', for their policies of 'stealing' from foriegners for their own benefit. In a world where the ends always justify the means, Korporations rarely hesitate to install dictators into 3rd World Countries in order to procure mining rights and political slaves from which to harvest the resources. Forests are leveled, mass quantities of raw goods are purchased with promises of protection, and it is even said that cities are leveled simply so that the material it was made from can be taken to Kroando and remade.

Various Industries and their Korporate Controllers

HydroKorp. HydroKorp began as the sole provider of water in the country, making it one of the most powerful Korporations in the nation. They run over 1,475 'Ice Harvesting Plants' throughout Antartika, positioned in the areas of the country with the heaviest snowfall. That snowfall is harvested through massive tractors, torching facilities, men with shovels and various other means. The snow is melted en masse, millions of gallons an hour, and transported via subsurface-heated pipe to the cities. Additionally they pump millions of gallons directly out of the ocean, and push it through desalinization plants faster than any could believe. HydroKorp owns considerable housing, which they lease to their workers, whom only work 4 months a year, yet are housed for 12, and paid for 8. HydroKorp also controls the agricultural sub-terranean farming industry, which in effect, feeds 60% of the nation. [Employs roughly 20% of the workforce]

Helicon Korporation. One of the most high tech and influential Korporations in the nation, it controls all military technology and scientific research. Its cutting edge hardware and military software keeps it as one of the most vital in the Kroandon 'Empire', which requires ever developing military weaponry. It is also heavily involved in civilian computer and communications technology, being the private owner of most Kroandon Satellites, [military and civilian], as well as the producer of computer games, software, spyware, virus programs and anti-virus programs, and many more related fields. [Employs roughly 3% of nation]

The Junkers Konglomerate. The Junkers Korporation absorbed many other smaller rival companies, and now controls the importation of all foriegn goods. As most nations are simply too afraid to attempt shipping goods into Kroando, the Junkers Korp. not only harvests junk and garbage for sale at Kroandon markets, but it also acts as a middle man between Kroando and the rest of the world. It, for all intents and purposes, controls the importing of all goods. [Employs roughly 7% of workforce]

Honvorg Iron&Arms. Honvorg controls the production of steel, iron, tin, copper and all other sorts of processed metals. Conviniently they also contol the production of metal goods, including industrial machinery, automobiles, and all heavy weapons in the Kroandon Military. They are the largest purchasers of Junkers products, as they take in mass amounts of raw material and grind it up into something new. They also control the massive cement industry of Kroando, as well as various other 'heavy industry goods'. They also own a massive proportion of medium and low income housing, which are rented almost exclusively to their own workers. [Employs 45% of workforce

KEK / Kroandon Energy Konglomerate. KEK, as it has come to be called, controls the massive nuclear power plants below every city, as well as the geothermal energy plants scattered throughout the nation. While this is their main source of income, with the various Korporations, and even the government paying through the nose to keep KEK on it's feet, they also employ million in their recycling business, on which they have a government sponsered monopoly. The massive amount of recycled goods are made into burnable energy, which is sold and distributed throughout the nation. [5% of Workforce]

Labor Resources

As was stated earlier, it is financially unwise for any of the major Korporations to outsource labor to foriegn markets, simply because the transportation costs of moving the product back to Kroando would exceed the costs saved in labor. Additionally each of the companies is so influential in the nation, their outsourcing of labor would impact the nation so fiercely so as to inhibit the consumers ability to purchase these goods in the first place. Finally, it is very unlikely that the government would allow any significant amount of labor to be taken out of the country.

There is a mandatory labor law within Kroando, thus anyone not employed, it effectively a criminal. The Korporations have a government obligation to employ to their maximum capability, and should they not do so, will suffer reprocussions in the form of fines, penalities and executions. The government additionally employs millions more, providing small, but laborous jobs to civilians in exchange for housing and food. Those that are left [tens of millions], are thrown into forced labor camps, camps which harvet rock and ice, among other things. There is also considerable slave labor in Kroandon Colonial assets.

Another issue is that of child labor. It is infact somewhat common place, with the poorer elements of society often sending their children into the workforce. However where is becomes peculiar is in the realm of education. The government sets aside exactly two cents a year for education, simply so that the Lord Protector can legitimately say he donates funds. The educational sector is run by private schools. The most elite private institutions host about 10% of the nation's children. The sons and daughters of the Capitalists, the Stock Holders, the Lawyers, the Doctors, the Upper-Koalition Member's children... those who run the country go to such insitutions as UVike, Morgon University, and Kharne Univ. However 55% of the nation's child population [18 and under] is enrolled in school. These 45% are those whom are hand picked by other 'Intermediate' schooling institutions. These children are given admission to school, and allowed to learn, free of charge. But who pays for it? The parents usually would not be able to afford such education, the government gives nothing, and charities only educate a small religious minority. The Korporations fund these schools. They are well aware that without another generation of skilled workers, the future is doomed. So while the majority of children work, 45% go to school. And those 45% are the best the country has to offer.

Healthcare and Insurance is obviously not the concern of the government. It is however, the concern of the company. As has been made clear, it is in the best interest of the Korporations to maintain their workforce, to keep it healthy and operating. Thus, medical expenses are taken aboard by the Korporations, with many Korporate Medical Practices and Doctors throughout the nation. However the majority of health professionals are private operators. The Korporations simply cannot afford to have their workers sick, dying or not working properly. They are assets, yes, but they are well treated assets.

Brief Background

10,000 B.C. - The people of Kroando lived upon the Island of Haztolp, known for many years as 'Haztolps'. They are a great many warring tribes which do nothing but fight among themselves, realigning alliances to benefit themselves. No tribe ever becomes dominant, for as soon as they do, the others ally against them and tear them down.

5,000 B.C. - 400 A.D. - The Arvon Empire is founded, with a great Warlord, Valdor Arvon unifying the tribes.

401 A.D - 506 A.D. - The Arvon Empire crumbles under foriegn invasion, barbarian tribes infuse themselves into the island of Haztolp [Haztolp resembles Britain]. The barbarians divide Haztolp into many warring kingdoms, which fight amongst themselves for many years. These nations evolve, with distinct differences remaining between the 'Haztolps' and their barbarian overlords. The races rarely mix.

1864 - 1917 A.D. Voldon Armistice Kroando, simply known now as 'Kroando' emerges as a Nationalist Revolutionary, creating an army of thousands in one of the smaller still Barbarian-Controlled States. His revolution grows for years, as the 'Great Revolution' drags on, costing millions of lives. Over time the people no longer identify themselves as Haztolps, for Haztolp is controlled by barbarians, but as Kroandons. Kroando emerges victorious after over fourty years of war, and purges the nation of all barbarian peoples, as well as mixed peoples. Over sixty million die, usually by being loaded onto boats, tied to weights, and thrown in the ocean. This symbollic genocide was performed mainly due to Kroando's promise to 'Drive the Barbarians back into the ocean from wence they came'. However after only three months of rule, Kroando was killed by an assassin working for one of the deposed barbarians, and all hell came upon the world. His one and only son Radamir vanished days after being crowned Emporer.

1918 A.D. The Island of Halzkop was sunk under a series of catostrophic earth quakes and volcanic erruptions. The island was literally submerged, as over 35,000,000 Kroandons fled the island, searching for a new home.

1919 - 1990 A.D. Antartika is found, Scolar is built. Over the next several decades more cities are founded and constructed. Despite their conditions, the population expands without comparison. The Kroandon Dynasty ends as Radamir is not found. The people create a monarch like system under the 'Lord Protector'. In 1990, after the near completion of all eight Mega Cities, the most recent and arguably greatest Lord Protector Malthus vanishes after promising to find the heir to Kroando. His expedition into the wastes of Antartika seems disasterous, as he does not return. The Senate appoints his advisor, General Oron Heroma 'President'.

1992 - 2007 A.D. After months of tyrannical, inefficient rule by Heroma, the Human Order under the lead of Hector V. Davis takes control in a strong armed revolutionary coup. Fighting lasts mere months as the people flock to the Human Order's causes. Imperial Union of Terra is founded with the intention to unify Kroando with a massive global superstate.

2008 A.D. Lord Protector Malthus returns from his search for the heir to the throne, without any sucess. The people immidiately reposition him into his former office, with Davis, a European by ethnicity, grudgingly stepping down to the position of Commissar, which serves a mainly legislative role.

The Ideology

Kroandons are an angry, jealous, grudge filled people. They hate most nations due to the lands they possess. They feel cursed, bewitched, tricked and oppressed. They are cold. Literally and metaphorically. They legitimize their unfounded hatred of most the world through their deep, often violent and irrational faith in God. The vast Catholic Majority however, is not easily separated from the Athiestic Minority... for all are equally bitter and condemning. Additionally, those Athiests that do exist, hide under an outer appearance of religious faith.

More importantly the Kroandon people do not believe in equality as most think of it. They believe that all people are born with an equal chance, however those whom persevere and make something of themselves are greater than those who fail, or do not try. The sucessful are seen as superior, mentally, physically and spiritually. Voting is therefor limited to those whom can pass a standardized test, covering basic reading and writing skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the political system and the issues being discussed. Roughly 60% of the population bothers to take this test, less than half of those end up passing, yielding a total of 27% population voter base. 'Demokratic' ideals are rarely discussed, as Kroando is 'Demokratic'. If you complain about not being able to vote, this would indicate that you were unable to pass the test, and are promptly labeled as a retard, failure, complainer, heathen and sloth. The masses are viewed as ignorant... yet very few consider themselves 'of the masses'. Those whom are in the mass, and are quite unintelligent, will hide this fact by claiming they passed the test and voted for their local representatives.

Religious Doctrine.

The religious beliefs of Kroando focus around Catholic Doctrine, which promises heavenly bliss upon the return of Christ. Catholic Teaching promises an end to the hell that is everyday life in Kroando. It promises victory. It promises greatness. It promises an end to everything that Kroando is. The people await this end with a religious fanatacism seen in few countries, giving most the nation an eriee immunity to the idea of death. [Lower classes specifically]


The Government Operates on two levels. The National Government, and the Local Governments. The former is rather isolated from public opinion, controlled by the Grand Marshall's and the Lord Protector. They control practically anything it is they want, however usually limit themselves to international and economic issues. The Lord Protector is a life time position with no clear definition. He is simply to 'Preserve the Coalition untill the time that Kroando returns', and is given 'all necessary powers' to do so. The Grand Marshalls are the ultra-powerful governor generals which control territory, vast military forces and much support.

The Local Governments are elected by the voter base [27% of population], and control various city affairs. Positions such as Mayor [actually major position due to cities being size of nations], City Council, District Council, and City Representatives. The House of Delegates is popularly elected, and has marginal legislative power. The position of Commissar is one elected from the people, the Commissar however, having powers similar to that of a Prime Minister... simply... reduced.

Important Figures in Kroando

Lord Protector. Bladen Malthus
Commissar. Hector V. Davis.
Grand Marshall. Enver Velspar
Grand Marshall. Har Kon Exion
Grand Marshall. Nikolon Arkan
Grand Marshall. Hektor Klague
Grand Marshall. Grendon Kharn

Director of Kroandon Armed Response Organization [KARO]. Joron Meviok
Director of Kroandon Reconnisaince and Intelligence Assosiation [KRIA]. Medus Korodok
Director of KroKore Organization. Hektor Mevchek
-Director Secretary of the Navy. Vordus Albiok
-Director Secretary of the Army. Denelion Hurn
-Director Secretary of the Air Force. Kezler Kon Kekler
-Director Secretary of Orbital and Ballistic Warfare. Fendrek Kon Burv
-Director Secretary of Military Research. Enver Harkon
Director of Justice. Glin Survier
-Director Secretary of Law. Longet Jiveston
-Director Secretary of Order. Purnek Olviot
Director of Colonial Territories. Harov Uldon

CEO of Helicon Korporation. Richard Helicon
CEO of Junkers Incorperated. Moris Junks
Complete Owner of Honvorg Iron&Arms. Gorgok Honvorg
CEO of HydroKorp. Bladen Lorek
Chairman of KEK. Kornelius Kon Mekus
19-07-2007, 22:24
KroKore - Military Overview

Overall Kroandon Defenses - Antartika

Kroando's first line of defense is the land it lies on. Antartika is a horridly cold place, a place with temperatures of around -20 degrees F, which can drop to as low as -70 F during a blizzard. This advantage is clear in of itself. Kroando exists only in the eight MegaCities, and in order to move from one to the other, one must travel across hundreds of miles of subarctic temperatures, with intense snow fall, deadly winds and 'arctik bullets'. Arctik Bullets were what the Kroandon Army came to call the chunks of razor sharp ice that were thrown around in the 70mph winds, chunks of ice sometimes as large as men, other times no bigger than a dime. But either way, they were known to often times cut right through a man without him ever knowing. He would simply black out some time later, and die of blood loss.

Moving an army from one city to the other would be an immpossible task. As the mere conditions men would need to move through were but the tip of the ice berg. Freezing water and food supplies, frost bite, random blizzards and snow storms that could bury cities, were but the tip of the ice berg... no pun intended. If an invading army could simply not freeze, they would still contend with much more. Aerial forces were not to be used with impunity, as weather systems often hit with winds that would tear buildings apart, not to mention the thickness of these clouds, as they were filled with ice. Cloud systems also commonly obscure cities, so as to impede orbital or high altitude bombing.

Yet another natural obstacle one must take into consideration is the 70km's of ice shelf which extends in all directions. Over thirty meters thick, it is not to be simply plowed through by any ship, and should be considered a serious obstacle to any naval landing. The Kroandon Defensive Network, long fearful of naval landing, have placed nuclear bombs every 50-100 miles along this ice shelf, which are remote controlled, and may be remote detonated at a moments notice. Knowledge of these bombs does not go beyond the Grand Marshalls. Should anyone land on the ice shelf and attempt to walk across... problems would arise. Furthermore, there are scattered naval mines surrounding Antartika, each of a nuclear persuasion [Hiroshima Yield]. The only 'safe way' in is through a designated shipping lane. Adding to the effect of the mines come the ice bergs, which though made of water, cannot be underestimated.

The defenses continue, with thousands of Anti-Aircraft Subsurface Missile Batteries being positioned along the coast line. [84km's inland, including 70km's of ice shelf] These missile batteries consist of over 75 LACI Launcher Systems Each, as well as 50 SDCI Systems. Additionally, there are twenty five retractable 30mm CIWS Guns, RADAR/LADAR Stations, and Anti-Shipping Missile Launchers. The best part? Their invisibility, as these are positioned well underground. The RADAR they work off of initially is positioned five miles away, the secondary RADAR/LADAR system to be switched on should the first be destroyed. Additionally there are gun emplacements every fifty miles or so... five guns... each 930mm Rail Guns.

KODS - Kroandon Orbital Defense System

There are multiple lines of defense that Kroandon Military Doctrine employs against nuclear warfare, particularly in the ballistic missile sense of things. Due to the massive threat such sort of war poses to any nation, especially one in which 99% of the population lives in 8 cities, KroKore Doctrine insists that the 'shield' be, impenetrable.

1. First Line - Orbit-to-Air Nuclear Interceptor Missiles. Of the 480 Kroandon Satellites in space, 320 were designated, at least partially, as Anti-Ballistic Missile Satellites. Each of these 320 were armed with four LACI Nuclear Interceptor Missiles, with a range of roughly 650 miles. The LACI Nuclear Variant contained a 200kiloton warhead, and was designed especially for the role it was filling. When Kroandon infared, RADAR, LADAR, and visual imagery picked up the launch of enemy ballistic missiles, this information was immediately transfered, via the Helicon Battle Control System, to the missiles. Target range, detonation sequences, firing trajectory was all taken into account, and when the enemy missiles reached a point near their peak, the LACI's would be detonating directly next to them. So in a wave of 200 missiles, a single 200kiloton nuclear LACI may knock out 150, if not all of them. Not merely with it's explosive power, but also with the massive EMP's and shock waves emitted. Between the 320 satellites, there were an estimated 1,400 Nuclear LACI's in orbit at any one time.

2. Second Line - Brilliant Pebbles. Whatever ICBMs made it through the nuclear shield provided by the LACI's, now had to deal with thousands upon thousands of watermelon sized kinetic penetrator missiles with the latest in targeting technology. Between the 320 satellites, there were roughly 3,000 pebbles which could be deployed at any one time. Additionally, there were at any one time, another 1,000 simply in their own, dormant orbit, to be activated at a moments notice. These brilliant pebbles are capable of knocking out swaths of missiles... especially capable of knocking out stray missiles that make it through the nuclear shield created by the LACI's.

3. Third Line - High Altitude Bombers. At any one time, there are five high altitude bombers patroling the skies high, high above Kroando [75,000ft]. These bombers are laden with over 400kilotons of nuclear ordanance each. Their purpose? To commit suicide. Should a ballistic missile complete it's peak and turn down towards earth, they will inevitably have to fly within one of the 'kill radius' of these bombers. As the nukes fall, they will be wiped out in a massive blast, or disabled via EMP, or simply blown away in the shockwave. The explosions will be far enough away from Antartika so as to avoid damage to the cities.

4. Fourth Line - Surface-to-Air Missile Batteries. Across Kroando, there are hundreds upon hundreds of SAM Missile Batteries, each possessing over sixty five ready to fire missiles. Be they SDCI's [Medium Range 50miles or so] or LACI's [Long Range over 450miles], these weapons can be fired en masse into the air at the nuclear weapons falling at them in the sky above. Though it is unlikely they will actually be able to hit and disable the ballisitc missiles, there are many of these that are nuclear tipped, thus even getting close to the enemy missiles will be enough to knock them out of the sky. There are over 25,000 missiles ready to fire across the continent at any one time.

5. Fifth Line - Scrambeling Halcon Fighters. Armed with LACI Nuclear Interceptors [a warhead of some 25 kilotons], Halcon's typically patrol the air, at any one time, there are over 25 in the air. When the missiles are coming down, attempting to impact with the earth, they will be fired on by dozens of these LACI missiles. [Each Halcon carrying two - 50 in all without reinforcement aircraft]. Though it is near immpossible to knock out a missile moving at such speeds, it is not immpossible to approximate and calculate it's rough position. The LACI would thus be fired into a general area, and detonated, its 25 kiloton warhead being enough to obliterate any missile within miles.

6. Sixth Line - Ground Based Chemical Lasers. In each city there are roughly twenty five massive chemical lasers, positioned in subsurface protection facilities. When any nuclear launch is detected, the lasers are hoisted to the surface, and directed at the sky. Though requiring massive amounts of power to be effective, this is not very difficult. The vast majority of the city is promptly shut down, and the hundreds of nuclear generators, formerly powering a city the size of Pennsylvania, now power twenty five lasers. They are estimated to be able to shoot down roughly 35 missiles, should they be called into action.

7. Seventh Line - EMP. There exist in each MegaCity, four massive EMP weapons. They are powered by the city's nuclear generators, and are a last resort weapon. Should a missile come within range of the EMP blast, the weapon is triggered, disabeling the missile before it is fired. Additionally, the weapon is linked to the nuclear generator control grid... which shuts down all electronics in the city before it is deployed, saving most of the electronics in the nation from destruction. Additionally, there are massive power breakers throughout the city, as well as on each building, home and most electronic appliances, meant to take the brunt of the electronic surge. This however is a last resort.

8. Eighth Line - Subsurface Nuclear Bunkers. Though not dubbed 'nuclear bunkers', the cities extend under ground for thousands of feet, in some parts, as deep as a mile. Simply going down into these subsurface farms, apartments, tunnels, bunkers and warehouses will save massive amounts of life should a nuclear weapon detonate on the surface.


KroKorezmen 18,400,000
The Dolmot [Reserve Forces] 168,000,000 [Reserves]
KroKore Auxiliary [Police Forces - Double as Domestic Protection] 84,000,000
KroKore Logistical Personel 360,000,000 [Reserves/Active]
The Order Guard 1,250,000 [Elites]
Anti-Tank Weaponry - FGM-148 Javelin 380,000
Anti-Tank Weaponry - RPG-29 800,000
Anti-Tank Weaponry - Panzerschrek V ( 50,000
Anti-Air Weaponry - Stinger Missile 1,765,000
MBT - Kraken II 185,000
MBT - T-55H 75,000 [Not Active]
MBT - ID-57 Decimator 280,000
Artillery Support - 155mm Towed Guns 95,000
Artillery Support - 120mm Towed Guns 90,000
Artillery Support - 105mm Towed Guns 90,000
Artillery Support - N-LOS Mobile Artillery Support 40,000
Artillery Support - C-24 Big Gun 65,000
Artillery Support - VL-7 Demolisher 45,000
Artillery Support - LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System ( 85,000
Light Artillery - 88mm Mortars 1,120,000
Light Artillery - 122mm Mortars 500,000
AA Artillery - Bofors 40 mm gun L/70 75,000
AA Artillery - ZSU-23-4 40,000
AA Artillery - AD-4 Watchman ( 5,000
Towed AA Weaponry - ZU-23-2 185,000
Mobile RADAR-LADAR Units 15,400
Mobile Missile Strike Unit - G-24 Striker 300,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - HMMWV 450,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - Large Supply/Transport Truck 1,910,000
Infantry Support - Puma IFV 80,000
Infantry Support - The Monteluci-VLTC M6: Military 4x4 ( 100,000
Amphibious Assault - Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle 30,000
Anti-Shipping Land Based Missile Battery Systems 48,000
Amphibious Assault - MHAV-24 Horn 120,000


Naval Forces - Visari Class Destroyer 3,200
Naval Forces - Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer 900
Naval Forces - Visby class corvette 550
Naval Forces - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier 77
Naval Forces - Negotiator Class Cruiser 655
Naval Forces - Montana Class Battle Ships 5
Naval Forces - RADAR/SONAR/LADAR Detection Ships 70
Naval Forces - Tenerife SSBN 288
Naval Forces - Cadiz SSN's 190
Naval Forces - Fire Support Ships 220
Naval Forces - Large Invasionary Transports 500
Naval Forces - Wasp class amphibious assault ship 500
Naval Forces - SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught ( 20
Naval Forces - Tanker Class Missile Carrier55
Naval Forces - Supply/Logistical Ships 2,700


Aerial Forces - Halcon Stealth Fighter 7,700
Aerial Forces - F/A-18 2,000
Aerial Forces - A-10 Warthog 1,400
Aerial Forces - UH-60 Blackhawk 10,400
Aerial Forces - B2 Stealth Bomber 320
Aerial Forces - Apache Assault Helicopter 1,100
Aerial Forces - C-1 Galaxy 3,200


Strategic Weapons - Military Spy Satellites - 424 All put up under the guise of foriegn news corporations in complete secrecy. The satellites are not all in action, some simply rotate around the globe... unmarked, silent. In the world of NS, in which there were thousands upon thousands of satellites, how can one differentiate one unmarked satellite from another? Especially if those satellites bounce their transmissions off of other satellites? What if those satellites don't even do anything?
Strategic Weapons - Sarin Gas 120,000 tonnes
Strategic Weapons - Nuclear Arms 16,000 Nuclear Warheads
Strategic Weapons - X2 Spider Mines 740,000,000
An Ungodly Number of AvK-2 SteelFire Missiles, Tomahawks, AA Missiles and various other missiles.

[i]Under Construction...
24-08-2007, 01:51
OOC Questions:

1. What nuclear arsenal, if any, does the Human Order possess?
2. Do civilians in the Order own guns, and if yes, how many of them do?
3. Where is the capital of the Order and how big is it’s population?
4. Does the Order rely on mass-transit or private cars for transportation?
24-08-2007, 01:58
[1. The Terran State of Kroando [new name], under the control of the Human Order, possess a nuclear arsenal of some 4,000 Ballistic Missiles, mostly carried onboard various submarines throughout the world. However there are nuclear bombs in their possession which can be dropped via B2.

2. Civilians are permitted to own guns. Roughly 20% do so, however this largely depends on the region, as those previously scarred by civil war may have gun ownership as high as 75%.

3. Khartoum is the Capital, the population is roughly 140,000,000. (RL Sudan)

4. In major cities mass transit is popular, however there is a considerable percentage of car owners. In the suburbs and rural areas, car ownership is very high.

Side note. If you plan on invading me, please say so and I'll finish up my military factbook.]
24-08-2007, 04:27
I am considering it, dependin, in fact, on what I will learn about your nation. I want to chill out and observe some more beofre I make the decision.
24-08-2007, 04:36
Well, again, I'm throwing stuff on there all of the time... but if you tell me a war is coming, I'll rush it.