Homeland Liberation Front (ATTN UFAN, New Nicsyllvania)
Khorsah, Southern Mhoudia
The Insurgents met inside the Masjid-Al-Deen in Khorsah. The mosque had been home to many terrorist organisational meetings, but this was by far the most important ever.
Abdullah Al-Majid was the leader of this one.
He stood on the pdestal and looked at the 20,000 people gathered in front of him.
"As-Salaam Aleikum Brothers. Today will be a great day for us. We will fight against the Zansk puppet regime that overshadows us, invades us whenever we make a step towards freedom. When you fight for me, you fight for freedom.
Today we act on the glimmer of hope that the Imperial Socialist Armies of New Nicksyllvania gave to us when he invaded the Northern part of Mhoudia, which is now occupied by the Communist forces of UFAN. When we win, I shall change the constitution so that we are known as the Imperial Socialist Free Republic of Mhoudia.
We also shall act on the Occupation and immoral annexation of what was known as the Jayirian Republic of Mhoudia, now the Jayirian autonomous region of Zanski. We recognise the inhabitation of Northern Mhoudia by people that might be descended from French Colonialists and the French language in those parts, but they do not appreciate the Racist restrictions put upon them by Zanski. The governer of the JAR has to be Zanski-born. I do not have to say any more on that matter.
As for the Zaynites, we recognise their background in the region, and once we have reclaimed it from the UFANi Commies, we will give them self rule within our country.
We will Cut off the head of President Ahmad Janab* and give freedom to these opressed peoples! The Rocket raids on Mhoud** will commence after midday prayers today. May Allah have mercy on you, but none on our enemies. Allahu Ackbar."
The men all nodded, and stood up. They went back out into the Mosque courtyard and talked, none of them condemning it at all.
The raids on Mhoud began four hours later. Many grenades were being fired from artillery, and machine gun fire was brought upon the city.
Leader's palace, Mhoud
Ahmad Janab twiddled his fingers. He could hear the explosions and guns rattling in the distance. His Messenger was waiting.
"Well, sir, should we engage our military?" Asked the messenger.
"Yes. Inform the president of Zanski and UFAN immediately."
"Yes, Sir."
The messenger ran downstairs to the secretary, who called Zanski's president, Veran Atanah, Imediately.
OOC: Erm Im confused I thought we had already withdrawn?:confused:
11-07-2007, 23:00
OOC: yeah vetaka same here...
11-07-2007, 23:07
OOC: I'm lost here. Whats going on?
OOC: IIRC I might still be in, but yeah I'm not sure either. Supposedly, the Mhoudian Arabs are rebelling against the settlement that ended the Circum-Zansk War, keeping Mhoudia in Zanski and preventing a genocide against the Zaynite minority in Mhoudia, and calling on Nicksyllvania to help them out. Regardless, we'll need to see first what our situation is before anything ICly happens; I'll check my posts on this later as dinner calls right now.
The Mhoudian Republic
12-07-2007, 16:34
ooc: You wee going to, but you seemed to change your mind at the last minute. The mandate was never met. No one voted on the independence. Karazistan and Zaynah are still occupied by you... Well at least a few thousad soldiers as I remember. No more OOC.
OOC: IIRC I might still be in, but yeah I'm not sure either. Supposedly, the Mhoudian Arabs are rebelling against the settlement that ended the Circum-Zansk War, keeping Mhoudia in Zanski and preventing a genocide against the Zaynite minority in Mhoudia, and calling on Nicksyllvania to help them out. Regardless, we'll need to see first what our situation is before anything ICly happens; I'll check my posts on this later as dinner calls right now.
Mhoudia is not in Zanski, but is run by a puppet dictatorship. By "occupation nd annexation of..." we mean Jayir state, which was annexed quite some time before the Circum-Zansk war.
President Veran Atanah looket at the papers from Ahmad Janab. His eyebrows curled into a frown as he read the letter:
My old friend Veran Atanah.
It is with sorrow that I reveal to you that the government building has been hit by six missiles now and I and my servants are now in an underground bunker beneath the actual building now.
These insurgents call themselves the Homeland Liberational Front Imperial Socialist Army. This makes me think that New Nicksyllvania is funding them or supplying them. It seems that the enemy state of Nick influenced them while they occupied Zanski and they liked the Imperial Socialist ideology.
I think that this is an attempt at a coup, MR.Atanah, and I beg of you intervene before Mhoud falls.
From Ahmad Janab
Veran Atanah knew he couldn't invade without UFAN to protect his reputation. He called his secretary.
"Alfred, could you ask UFAN for a little bit of haste in intervening, please?"
"Yes, sir."
USSW 7th Army Group HQ; Mrahed, Zaynah, United Federal Republic of Zanski
Colonel John Peters, commanding officer of VII Airborne Corps and its twenty-five subordinate Ranger Battalions, could only marvel in amazement at the instability of this region. He couldn't help whispering to himself about it, in the most flabbergasted of tones; the politics here seemed that crazy and extreme at times, even if indisputably better than when the Nicks had been involved. "Well," he corrected himself, "the first time they were involved anyway; if the intel whiz-kids in G2 are actually on the ball for once. What tells me they've been drinking too much of the local hooch and listening to too much of the local rumor mill, eh?" Still, be that as it might in the abstract, practically there was no benefit in acting as such should the rumors prove true in this case.
The orders had come down, straight from Field Marshal Baldrin's desk itself...
From: FM Regina Baldrin; CO, USSW 7th Army Group/UFAN Forces Zaynah
To: Col. John Peters; CO, VII Airborne Corps, USSW Seventh Army
You are to assist the forces of President Veran Atanah's government, through all means both honorable and possible, in restoring the Moxim Road Declaration's authority in Mhoudia at once. You are to cooperate with any Task Force or Battle Group commander within Seventh Army who wishes to appropriate a Ranger Battalion from your Corps; although, naturally, you have administrative control and also command authority over all Battalions not detailed to other formations. Reinforcement is uncertain, although being discussed. Proceed immediately to operate in Zaynah and act by initiative at all times.
Finally stuffing his thoughts back inside where they arguably belonged, Colonel Peters began drafting orders to move his Rangers out by air after first coordinating with the Air Force Colonel heading VII Transport Wing under Seventh Air Force, the major subordinate HQ often called "Seventh Army Group's Better Half," so as to arrange the necessary paradrop flights. According to doctrine, the Rangers would drop and, rather than seeking to gather for any massed assaults, would only link up to the squad level or so and then operate as roving scouts across a larger area patrolled by their Company, while remaining in radio contact with Company HQ when able.
Assessing the state of enemy infiltration across Mhoudia, the 15,000 Rangers of VII Airborne Corps would then proceed to hunt down insurgent elements at their own game while also setting up light firebases for 122mm battalion howitzers; and, most importantly of all, alerting Zansk forces to which towns were least-subverted by the Homeland Liberation Front so that a safe and swift occupation of them by local-security elements could be achieved. Any political cells the Rangers came across, perhaps incredibly to one not schooled in the ways of counterinsurgency, were actually higher priority targets for capture or killing than enemy guerilla cells or main force units; because without civilian subversion the guerrilla arm of the insurgency couldn't sustain itself without foreign help, a far easier thing to deter than local dissent and collaboration.
The first drops would probably begin around Mhoud itself within the next six hours, word from the Colonels commanding the other various Corps of Seventh Army indicating that the 'conventional' forces at hand were already moving out to ward against possible Nicksyllvanian intervention; moving to monitor the border of their old cession in Zanski with fully five-thousand MBT-30 tanks, fifteen-thousand mechanized infantry in fifteen-hundred BKCh-1 APCs, and many artillery pieces aside from those possibly deployed later into Mhoudia itself, just-in-case the Nicks should get the wrong idea here. All this, naturally, also under the cover of Seventh Air Force and its new FA-15D Cardinal or FA-16B Priest advanced fighters; to prevent aerial infiltration and also provide close-air-support where requested; although against insurgents that was often overkill and resulted in alienating locals nearby, creating more guerrillas and (worst of all) political agitators for the rebellion.
Naturally, Colonel Peters was going to do all he could to prevent that sort of metastasis for the situation here. In guerrilla war, one had to act quickly or not at all. "Too bad I'm no McGuffin..." he said, referring to his predecessor Colonel Rose McGuffin, 'The Pacifier of North Calaveras' after she convinced an entire guerrilla force of one-thousand to surrender to her without a shot fired, and who'd all-but-demanded a transfer to another Army entirely when she learned of the situation back home in Lazarus involving Vetaka; supposedly heading back to assist in the defense of that White Phoenix tribe she so admired. This didn't even touch the fact that Seventh Army Group's original commander, FM Eileen Millenhaus, had been tapped to lead Wagdian forces deploying for defense of the Generic Empire just some months earlier; still worse a leadership shakeup in this long-deployed force of Wagdog's. "But I'll get the job done." Professionalism demanded no less of any soldier, especially not one in the hallowed "Seventh 'Seven Against Strator' Regiment of Rangers" that was VII Airborne Corps' parade name, and such would be delivered once the campaign began...
Aurum Domus
13-07-2007, 15:57
To: Zanski Central Command
From: Lieutenant General Jeff Scoff
In our base we have a full division of Marines, 15,000 men, for your use. We also have a squadron of fighters and bombers that could assist aswell. Just tell us where you need us and we'll get there.
New Nicksyllvania
13-07-2007, 20:30
The Nicksyllvanian Government, while supporting our ideological comrades, will not directly intervene into these matters as is outlined by the treaty. We will provide economic aid to assist in developing the Mhoudia infrastructure. Such aid will come in the form of monetary support, machinery, and trained specialists in medical science and engineering. We deny any claim of Nicksyllvanian involvement in the creation of the Homeland Liberation Front. Any attack or unwarranted seizure of any Nicksyllvanian vessel or personage will be considered an attack against the Empire itself.
Statement from Nagasumi von Brussenwerfer, Lord Administrator of Nicksyllvanian Zanski.
Numerous large vessels were sent to Mhoudia, carrying the "aid", consisting of thousands of firearms and light artillery, as well as 5000 trained and experienced soldiers to assist in the training of the HLF. Previous shipments of weapons and NESP agents could only be sent a few times a year, usually sent under the guise of a foreign ship or by submarine as to not attract attention, although a miniscule amount it had been enough to land 370 Special Police International Infiltration Agents into Mhoudia, as well as enough weapons to arm a few thousand militants.
Khorsah, Southern Mhoudia
"What is taking so long, the coup should be finished by now. We cannot afford to allow the UFAN to deploy troops to defend Ahmad Janab and the Mhoudian government. We must eliminate them immediately. The Nicksyllvanian Empire can not deman itself by supporting a terrorist organization, we can not intervene until you have sufficient grounds to prove you are a independant state." said Hobert Heinzmann, Head Commissariat and Chief Nicksyllvanian Military Advisor to the Homeland Liberation Front, in a monotone voice, completely devoid of the anger he was feeling. His aide translated the words in an equally uncompassionate way.
Before the other HLF leaders could speak, he raised his hand and continued, "Nevermind, I could only expect as much from untrained militia. This operation is likely to attract the attention of the UFAN, we must open another center of rebellion, one that appears much more dangerous. Here in Kahnag is a main stockpile area and the local citizens are among the most loyal to the Imperial Socialist cause. Send in some more of your militia and start a full out rebellion and procede to attack and liberate nearby states. The UFAN will be forced to move in and crush it, while we take Mhoudia and install a proper government, one that will allow the Empire to intervene in full. Any objections or questions to this plan gentlemen?"
The Mhoudian Republic
14-07-2007, 11:19
Statement from Nagasumi von Brussenwerfer, Lord Administrator of Nicksyllvanian Zanski.
Numerous large vessels were sent to Mhoudia, carrying the "aid", consisting of thousands of firearms and light artillery, as well as 5000 trained and experienced soldiers to assist in the training of the HLF. Previous shipments of weapons and NESP agents could only be sent a few times a year, usually sent under the guise of a foreign ship or by submarine as to not attract attention, although a miniscule amount it had been enough to land 370 Special Police International Infiltration Agents into Mhoudia, as well as enough weapons to arm a few thousand militants.
Khorsah, Southern Mhoudia
"What is taking so long, the coup should be finished by now. We cannot afford to allow the UFAN to deploy troops to defend Ahmad Janab and the Mhoudian government. We must eliminate them immediately. The Nicksyllvanian Empire can not deman itself by supporting a terrorist organization, we can not intervene until you have sufficient grounds to prove you are a independant state." said Hobert Heinzmann, Head Commissariat and Chief Nicksyllvanian Military Advisor to the Homeland Liberation Front, in a monotone voice, completely devoid of the anger he was feeling. His aide translated the words in an equally uncompassionate way.
Before the other HLF leaders could speak, he raised his hand and continued, "Nevermind, I could only expect as much from untrained militia. This operation is likely to attract the attention of the UFAN, we must open another center of rebellion, one that appears much more dangerous. Here in Kahnag is a main stockpile area and the local citizens are among the most loyal to the Imperial Socialist cause. Send in some more of your militia and start a full out rebellion and procede to attack and liberate nearby states. The UFAN will be forced to move in and crush it, while we take Mhoudia and install a proper government, one that will allow the Empire to intervene in full. Any objections or questions to this plan gentlemen?"
1:30 AM, Kahnag, 0.2 miles east of Zansk border
the 300 HLFISA soldiers moved quietly through the rocky open space just before the "Welcome to Kahnag" sign and the town gate. this was a small town, with around 1200 citizens residing in its homes.
At the gates, a citizen greeted them and unlocked the gate.
Some people began to hoist up the HLFISA flag.
The soldiers kicked open the council building. An armed guard opened fire and one of the militiamen fell to the floor with a bullet in his head. But a spray of Uzi fire silenced the armed guard. The mayor came out with his hands up. the militiamen circled him and tied him up. one of them began taunting him, but another slapped him.
"Stop, Hafis. be respectful. He has not done anything bad, just unknowingly been the puppet of Zanski." The man was Omar Assur, the leader of this brigade. He had a scar across his face from when a Wagdoggie soldier slashed him across the face with a knife when Omar was strangling him. He had been a volunteer for the NMTA in the Circum-Zansk war.
He turned to the ex-mayor.
"Now, according to Shari'ah law, we will keep you clothed and fed until you are payed for or taken by whatever soldiers take you.
We will video you, and you will tell the world the truth, that we are treating you good, feeding you, clothing you, ect. Beg them to make Ahmad Janab step down so that we can establish a free state. Tell them about the puppet dictatorship that opresses us day and night. Tell them about it."
The video dialoge went something like this:
"I am Basheer Abu Bakr, ex governor of Kahnag province. I am in the hands of the Homeland Liberation Front Imperial Socialist Army of Mhoudia.
They will only free me if you demolish the rule of Ahmad Janab, who works as a puppet of Zanski, limiting our freedom and preventing self rule. If you do this, I will be set free. However, If you don't, you will have to come and get me in less than a day or I will be executed, which is allowed under the Maliki school of Shari'ah.
But for now, I have water whenever I want it, delicious local food like baklavas, houmous and lamb stew, a working toilet and clothes. But I will not escape, as I am under constant guard. Goodbye."
Mhoud, Mhoudian Republic
The Halfisa army had reached the road leading to the government building. 120 guards fired at the 17,000 soldiers left, and were promptly crushed. at the door, one of them took out a megaphone and began taling directly to the president.
"Ahmad Janab, if you come out now we will behead you. Come out later and we will skin your arms and legs while poking your wounds with red hot iron so you stay alive, then we will boil you, under the orders of Abdullah al-Majid."
The door stayed closed, but after a while four guards came out with their hands in the air. some soldiers grabbed them and took them hostage. but then Janab came out, quivering. the crowd of soldiers began to throw stones at him, as he was taken into an amoured van, to be executed in Korsah.
--four hours later--
Abdullah Al-Majid stood on the top of the battered government palace.
"People of Mhoudia, this is the greatest day since we were granted so-called independance from Zanski. Today I declare the Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia. Tomorrow, we capture Zaynah and Karazistan! ALLAHU ACCKBAR!"
The crowd cheered and began chanting the countrys name again and again.
UFAN Flight 707, 50 Miles from Wagdog Base of Operations, Mhoudia:
Due to increased tensions within Mhoudia regarding the ever present Zanski Crisis whilst Vetaka wanted to deploy further forces with tensions developing between Vetaka and Mes Des Ennuis tensions that could further develop no forces could be spared to aid the UFAN Cause in Mhoudia however Vetaka could not abandon its obligations as a result Vetakan Special Forces would be deployed as a result after hours of endless flight and 1 refuelling at Flanders Military Base in Honako UFAN Flight 707 had finally arrived at the Wagdog Base of Operations which would serve as the GHQ (General Headquarters) for the Vetakan Deployment to this theatre of Operations committed to this operation was the following units:
Battalion A of 202rd Commando Strike Regiment:- 250 Personnel
Battalion B of 707th Special Operations Marine Regiment:- 250 Personnel
Battalion D of 435th Long Range Mobility Special Operations Regiment:- 500 Personnel
112th Special Operations Tactical Air Support Group:- 200 Personnel
Elements of the Supreme Command Staff (Commanders)
Elements of Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service)
Total:- 1210 Personnel
Under the Command of Brigadier James Hart of the Supreme Command Staff attached to the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) which directed all of Vetakan Defence Force Special Forces. Hart was somewhat of a legend in the Spec Ops World of Vetaka he was 32 and had entered the Marines at the age of 18 as a Private and had worked his way up to the top. His orders where simple support UFAN Operations by any means necessary. As they approached the Wagdog Base the lead Pilot aboard one of the C-5's radioed ahead requesting permission to land:
"Wagdog Control Copy? This is UFAN Flight 707 Requesting permission to land?"
435th Long Range Mobility Special Operations Regiment
- Similar to the Long Range Desert Group of the British Army during World War II only with modern tactics and NS Tech
112th Special Operations Tactical Air Support Group
- Similar to 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (United States) providing Air Support via Helicopter and Fighters, Insertion Forces etc etc
OOC: V, TG waiting when you next see this. Thanks.:)
Border of Nicksyllvanian Zanski
To say that the Seventh Army was caught unawares was an understatement like few others. All things considered, what with Wagdog and Vetaka under imminent threat of Ennuisian invasion or worse, this was considered a backwater theater. The declaration of the Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia changed all that however. Colonel Gerandah Nene wondered just what made her deployments always the crazy ones; "As if the Universe is playing some sort of joke, and doesn't particularly care if the punchline is literally killer either." Still, scarce for it; she soon got on the horn to Army GHQ in Mrahed and had permission for all of her armor but for a few battalions, as well as the rest of the army, to strike into Mhoudia and deal with the threat to both Zansk and UFAN interests. Thousands of tanks, APCs &c rolled off to try and seize the initiative this time, rather than get caught like this again.
However, when word of the Vetakan arrival came, finally things at Seventh Army HQ could become sane again. Their request came like lightning, passed through the local air bases. This whilst 250 each of FA-15D Cardinal and FA-16B Priest fighters wasted no time in making KMGU cluster bomb runs against HALFSIA infantry columns or else KAB-1500S-E 1500kg satellite-guided bomb runs on the more-fortified enemy positions, and while the 15,000 rangers dispersed thoughout Mhoudia largely went to ground to call these strikes in. While the redoubtable Colonel Peters wondered to himself just who among the REMF in Mrahed had so royally messed up the situation here, the message the Vetakan flight should've received at the same time ran like so...
"UFAN 707 this is Wagdian Seventh Army Air Force control; permission to land at main airbase in Mhoudia granted, and clearance to begin operations is given from GHQ as soon as ready. Sorry for the unusual add-on, but things just hit the fan here and we can't waste time. Over?" Now there was only to keep the base secure and wait for the Army's counterattack alongside what they hoped would be prompt Zansk action soon. Of course, therein lay the problem as always...
Central Prestonia
21-07-2007, 16:59
OOC: I don't really know what's going on here but I'm willing to fight. Somebody TG me background info please so I know what I'm up against.
UFAN Flight 707, 50 Miles from Wagdog Base of Operations, Mhoudia:
The Pilot smiled behind him Hart also smiled and it was Hart whom replied to the Wagdog Controller:
"Roger Guys, its good to be here finally, Request Situation Update on the ground? We will need a few hours to get set up but we should be able to get the Scouts on the ground within the hour. Plan is to get the Scouts behind enemy lines cause total havoc, generally fuck things up and crush them any objections?
As the C-5's Came into land they taxied towards their designated areas and a massive carefully planned operation swung into operation. Troops exited from the C-5 and began to empty the C-5 of its Contents. Walking into his Designated Command Building Hart smiled as all around him Troops were bringing in Tables, Laptops, Maps, Chairs, wires and a whole range of other equipment. On the Tarmac 4 men in Tribal Robes where checking their equipment these men where the Famous Scouts these where the guys whom would penertrate enemy lines and generally cause havoc. Once the checks had complete one of them Scout Leader Daniels radioed to Brigadier Hart:
"Brigadier Hart Sir, Ready to deploy where are out Wagdog Hosts?"
"Unsure Daniels, We will be ready to give you some support in 2-3 hours. You know what you have to do, Ill contact you in 2 hours with an update on things here. Get the Wagdogians to give you a tour of the front and do your stuff?" replied Hart.
"Sir" replied Daniels
With that the 4 Scouts moved out locating the most senior Wagdog Office they could find Daniels saluted respectfully and began:
"Scout Leader Daniels reporting for duty, Request Situation Update and a Tour of the Front? As custom demands here you are and this is for your men."
Daniels handed the Officer a flask of fine Vetakan Vodka 2 of the Scouts handed the nearby Wagdog Troops a crate of fine Vetakan Produced Whisky whispering the Scout in a relaxed tone spoke:
"Have Fun Boys"
UFAN Flight 707, 50 Miles from Wagdog Base of Operations, Mhoudia:
The Pilot smiled behind him Hart also smiled and it was Hart whom replied to the Wagdog Controller:
"Roger Guys, its good to be here finally, Request Situation Update on the ground? We will need a few hours to get set up but we should be able to get the Scouts on the ground within the hour. Plan is to get the Scouts behind enemy lines cause total havoc, generally fuck things up and crush them any objections?
As the C-5's Came into land they taxied towards their designated areas and a massive carefully planned operation swung into operation. Troops exited from the C-5 and began to empty the C-5 of its Contents. Walking into his Designated Command Building Hart smiled as all around him Troops were bringing in Tables, Laptops, Maps, Chairs, wires and a whole range of other equipment. On the Tarmac 4 men in Tribal Robes where checking their equipment these men where the Famous Scouts these where the guys whom would penertrate enemy lines and generally cause havoc. Once the checks had complete one of them Scout Leader Daniels radioed to Brigadier Hart:
"Brigadier Hart Sir, Ready to deploy where are out Wagdog Hosts?"
"Unsure Daniels, We will be ready to give you some support in 2-3 hours. You know what you have to do, Ill contact you in 2 hours with an update on things here. Get the Wagdogians to give you a tour of the front and do your stuff?" replied Hart.
"Sir" replied Daniels
With that the 4 Scouts moved out locating the most senior Wagdog Office they could find Daniels saluted respectfully and began:
"Scout Leader Daniels reporting for duty, Request Situation Update and a Tour of the Front? As custom demands here you are and this is for your men."
Daniels handed the Officer a flask of fine Vetakan Vodka 2 of the Scouts handed the nearby Wagdog Troops a crate of fine Vetakan Produced Whisky whispering the Scout in a relaxed tone spoke:
"Have Fun Boys"
OOC: CP, check TGs for the info. Thanks;)
Colonel Peters could scarcely believe it. Not for the politics of the Vetakan deployment, since those were peachy as always in this and other such cases; nor for the plausibility of it at all. Rather, simply for the convenience of it; surely the all-powerful Marshal Murphy just never allowed support like this to arrive so soon? Still, no sense in being rude. "Thanks guys," he said while lolling away an informal salute appropriate to the atmosphere, "I'm Col. Peters; CO for VII Airborne Corps, USSW Seventh Army. Me and the 11 other Rangers under me in my immediate squad..." he motioned to the operators hiding in the Zansk terrain along with him, "... along with the other 15,000 of their own under me, were supposed to drop around Mhoud and stop these 'HLFISA' guys in their tracks. Only as usual, somebody in HQ decided to throw some FUBAR our way as always and let 'em waltz on in to behead the governor and take control without so much as an 'engage' our way! Now my boys are just laying low and providing designation for airstrikes; whatever good those'll do, of course..." His skepticism was appropriate, what with support for the Imperial Socialist rebellion in these parts seemingly growing by the minute.
Still, no use in defeatism. "So, you guys have any ideas on how we might get back on the offensive here? The rest of Seventh Army, but for a small screening force on the border with Nicksyllvanian Zanski, is moving out to take these HLFISA guys down before they're too entrenched. However, we've got to keep them from getting there; for which Yours Truly proposes we find some HLF political-cell types and repay them in kind for what they did to the governor, but if that's a bit too hardcore for you guys I'd understand. Is it?"
Col. Peters knew such 'targeted assassinations' weren't exactly PC; but then again, neither were most counterinsurgency methods. Well, most of the effective ones anyway. And so long as it was confined to those definitively-identifiable by sympathetic locals as HLF political operatives, erring on the side of innocence for both charity and practicality's sakes, it was still more humane than the COIN techniques he'd heard of some other powers using often-enough. Speaking of which 'other powers', even if the country in question wasn't known for any questionable counterinsurgency actions according to Wagdog's knowledge at least...
Central Prestonia
21-07-2007, 18:00
OOC: Thanks for the background info WD.
Wrigley AFB, 1500 hours
The troops were all amassed on the tarmac, awaiting their deployment once again to a foreign nation. As they waited, many a comment was made about the President being a warmonger, and to be sure, some of it was legit. After all, there was the short-lived action in Mer des Ennius, the long and bloody Tatom Civil War, and now this deployment to Mhoudia, all within five years. Suddenly the commander appeared, and the talking stopped. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he said, clearing his throat. "You will be deploying to Mhoudia to assist our allies in The Federation. Right now, we're just building up. The war isn't here yet, but when it comes we need to be ready. Once landing in the FOB set up by Wagdog, you will set up an FOB of your own. Ideally, this should be done in two weeks. No slacking off here, guys. The enemy's got battlefield experience, but you've got superior equipment. Keep it clean and in good maintenance. One last thing, the codename for this op is Operation Black Dawn. That's all for now people, move out!" With that, the entire 100,000 troops of 1st Army gave a loud "hooah!," the battle cry of the Army, and loaded up on the C-5 transports waiting for them on the tarmac. Tanks and heavy equipment had already been loaded on earlier, so several of the C-5s were filled up in the center, with only the benches open.
Daniels rubbed his hands together and smiled:
"I suggest we attack them on all fronts. We Scouts will go after the Leaders of this Rebellion, generally cause havoc and send Intel back to you guys. At the same time Wagdog 7th, supported by VDF Special Ops and whatever else the Politicians decide to send begin to advance and crush the rebellion. Peters is their any chance we can get some Aid in you know start a Hearts and Minds Battle?"
Green Hawk
22-07-2007, 11:45
"So what can we give our UFAN allies in The Mhoudian Republic?" President Thomas Glower asked his Secretary of Defense, Steven Grey.
"Well sir," Grey looked at a file in his hand before answering, "how about a fleet?"
"Okay, but why would they need a fleet and how big of a fleet we talk-en?" Thomas asked.
"Well sir, can provide air support, navel support and landing craft can help with logistics. The fleet would be small," again Grey looked to the file, "about twelve-to-fifteen ships in total sir."
"Okay, but ask first if they want a fleet or if they want ground support and if they really need it, maybe both." Thomas got up followed by Grey. They gave each other a firm handshake and left to do other duties. I'm starting to get tired of these small conflicts. They both sighed to themselves at the same time. It really has been a bad year. There were talks of a possible rebellion within Green Hawk. Hopefully they would stay rumors, but those type of things usually turn out to be more.
Steven Grey later that same day had a message sent to the command post in Mhoudian of the UFAN forces.
Central Prestonia
22-07-2007, 20:33
Wagdog Base of Operations, 0300 Hours
After a grueling twelve hour flight, 80,000 forces attached to First Army landed in Mhoudia. The troops were tired, most not having slept since they left Wrigley. There were something on the order of 50 C-5s landing round-the clock, carrying troops, equipment, and in some cases, aircraft that couldn't make the trip under their own power. The aircraft that could make the trip however were making their presence known, F-99 Wolverines and the Prestonian-built F-85 Hellraisers circling around the base, showing off with barrel rolls and standard Air Force bravado. Spotting the Wagdian commander, Vice General Montague walked over to report in. "Vice General Louis Montague reporting in," he said with a crisp salute. "Can my boys stay here for the night, they're mostly running on adrenaline and I can't ask them to build me a base when most of 'em haven't had any more than six hours of sleep." Looking back to the now parked line of C-5s, the general started shouting orders to the cranes attempting to get boxes containing tanks out of the plane. It had been an easy flight, but that was likely to be the last easy thing in the theater for awhile.
Mhoud, Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia
in the Square of the snake, the main square in Mhoud, a scaffolding was being erected. the flag of the Halfisa was being hoistered up. Two million sweaty, Mhoudians filled the square, and the surrounding houses were charging people to stand on their roofs or balconies. It was only 10 degrees celsius but the sheer tightness of the crowd made the people sweat. This was a special day for them, as the puppet of Zanski, Ahmad Janab was in the center of the Scaffold.
His mouth quivered, and the executioner held his microphone to his mouth.
He was saying the islamic declaration of Monotheism:
"La ilaha ilallah, muhammad ur rasullullah, la ilaha ilallah, muhammad ur rasulllullah...
And then, saying 'forgive me" in arabic:
Rabighfir Li! Rabighfir Li!
The crowd jeered and someone said: "you corrupt this country, starve us of our hard-earned wealth and then you ask Allah for mercy and forgiveness! Allah knows best, but I hope he punishes you."
The crowd cheered and a rock was thrown at his head.
Janab fell over and covered his face. Suddenly Abdullah Al-Majid, the new President stepped up and picked up the rock. He pulled Janab off the floor, and Janab flinched, his lip wobbling.
"Who did this?" Asked Al-Majid. "Be proud of your actions, come on!"
A man stood up, and Al-Majid beckoned to him.
"Why?" asked Majid.
"Because, he ruin our country. He liar, he thief." Said the man.
Al-Majid walked over to the executioner and whispered something in his ear.
The Executioner grabbed the rock-thrower's neck, pushed him into a kneeling position and proceeded to cut the man's head off, as blood sprayed everywhere. The crowd went silent.
Al-Majid said:
" In Mhoudia we have never disrespected a prisoner, not by order of the government anyway. This man, Janab, might reach the second highest level of heaven, nobody knows, only Allah almighty. We might have done something terrible by killing him. But we shall be judged on judgement day. in any case, we shall proceed to cut off Janabs head. It shall be painful, but we all know he deserves it."
The crowd went wild as Al-Majid thumbed up to the executioner and left the Scaffold, as the Executioner took Janab by the neck, Janab fought back and jumped off the scaffold, the crowd grabbed him and pushed him back up, and the executioner once again took his neck, held the microphone to Janab's mouth and cut off his head from the throat, spraying the arena with more blood:
"No...MMMM...arrr... Rabighfir Lee! Allahu Ackbar! aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!MMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...aaa..mm.."
The crowd cheered, for he was dead and they had won for now.
5KM south of Ufani-occupied Zaynah
Mahmoud and Yasin looked across the hills. It was an unusually clear day. Just in the distance, about 20 miles away was a group of black hills, with a patch of white-grey, with UFAN planes flying overhead.
"See that?" Said Mahmoud.
"Yep." Said Yasin.
"Thats Mrahed, where I got my finger blown off by an Aurum Domus grenade. I saw many people die there.That will be ours soon."
Yasin looked at the rows of Artillery lined on the spacers either side of him.
"Woah, man. Have they given us the go-ahead yet?" Asked Yasin, a keen Mhoudian 17-year old Soldier.
"Yup, but said preferably not a first strike." Answered Mahmoud.
"Preferably..." echoed Yasin as he aimed for what looked like a huge slum, and fired. The other side hadn't prepared for a first strike, as it went off with a pop and a huge cloud of smoke erupted from the city.
Mahmoud turned to his transmitter. "This is Mahmoud Khan here, war has commenced at 13:24, We have made first strike with Artillery on Mrahed, Over and out"
The thousand-odd people behind him picked up their AK-47's, RPG's, Grenades, Knives, Rations, Flare, Handguns, Compass and mounted their Jeeps which had a machine gun turret, and drove down the previously closed Mrahed-Mhoud highway towards the border, while most of them just picked up their equiptment and crept into the forests below the mountains, towards the Border. Meanwhile, about sixty artillery shells were being fired at and around Mrahed.
Green Hawk
23-07-2007, 20:07
The military port owned by Green Hawk was filled with activity as sailors, cargo handlers and anyone else who had a job were running around trying to get the 1st Carrier Strike Group ready to move out to support UFAN allies. The fleet was made up of fifteen ships in total; one Blue Ridge-Class Command Ship, one Nimitz-Class Supercarrier, two Ticonderoga-Class Missile Cruisers, two Arleigh Burke-Class Guided Missile Destroyers, two Oliver Hazard Perry-Class Frigates, one Virginia-Class Submarine, two Sacramento-Class Fast Combat Support Ships and four San Antonio-Class Amphibious Transport Docks. On the command ship Admiral Anne Sliver sat in her private room with all the Captains of the fleet.
"Okay, is anyone's boat not ready for combat?" She asked the Captains. The Captain of the ASS Crafter, a Sacramento-Class ship, raised his hand.
"My crew needs time to load the final supplies for the trip, but everything is else will be ready in time," Anne looked to the rest of the Captains. No one else raised their hands nor spoke up.
"Good. Remember, we are to move out soon. Not later. Stay focused," she knew that she was asking to much of her staff, but she had to. Command had just told them awhile ago to get ready to move and most of the ship's crew were out on break. So all of them had to report to duty and it even took longer for them to get ready to get the ships ready. The weather didn't help either, but they would make it in time. If things went along correctly. She dismissed the officers and walked over to her bed. It was a standard Navy bed for an officer. A small normal bed that was all grey and the blankets were worthless, but it was better then the hammocks the rest of the crew got. Laying down she picked up a phone off from a cabinet next to her. Aftering dialing a few numbers and after a few rings someone answered.
"Hello? This Steve Sliver," a male voice answered her call. She smiled.
"Hi, it's me. Anne. Is everything okay?"
"Yes it is! Karin is a little upset 'bout you leaving though," the voice sighed, "I keep telling her that you'll be back, but you she is stubborn." The voice chuckled.
"She got that from your side of the family. Not mine," she chuckled too, but her chuckle was short lived, "Can you put her on?" Anne asked her husband, married fifteen years.
"Yup, hold on." There was some rustling and after a minute or two someone picked up the phone.
"Mom?" A girl's voice replaced the man's voice and was blanketed with worry.
"Hey, how are you?" Anne asked her daughter.
"Okay... Why do you have to go? You got a call on your cell and you just left home. Why?"
"Mom got a job to do," there was a knock on her door, "I have to go. Bye and behave when I'm gone. Okay?"
"Yeah," the young voice sighed an answer, "bye." The line went dead. Damn.
New Nicksyllvania
24-07-2007, 00:29
Heinzmann looked upon the exection of the former president, slightly shocked that someone in the audience was executed as well for Lord knows what. His translator soon explained to him that the civilian disrespected the prisoner by throwing a stone. Heinzmann couldn't withhold a snort, prisoners had no dignity, anyone who allowed himself to be captured and humiliated in such a manner was subhuman, having respect for such trash was laughable. Soon after the bloody finale of the true criminal, Heinzmann looked for Al-Mujid and the other ringleaders of the coup.
"Now that the former government has proven incapable of holding power, the Imperial Socialist Republic will now be considered a legitimate government by our Empire. Full military support are already on the way, 3 full infantry corps with various brigade attachments are enroute immediately, with a further 20 corps planned to be sent in the future. We will provide weapons, ammunition, food, supplies, and other essentials for liberation, we merely ask in exchange to provide us the manpower, support, and loyalty as our esteemed allies and ideological comrades. We just need a formal, public declaration, president."
Nicksyllvanian Zanski - Frontier Fortress B-E01
"Good morning Ladies! Time to get your lazy asses moving unless you don't feel like having breakfast! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!"
Soldiers in the 7th platoon groggily rose from their beds and rushed to put on their uniforms before running out of the barrack to form squads. The unfortunate private who rushed out last had a rifle butt plunged into his stomach by the Master Sergeant.
"Private Inoue, why did it take you 1 minute and 17 fucken seconds to be ready for combat!?"
"Sir, because my beds at the rear of the Barracks, Master Sergeant Sir!"
The Sergeant kicked him in the Kidney with his steeltoed boots
"Wrong, Private Inoue, it is because you are a lazy whining shit. You will run laps around the camp until lunchtime is over, or I tell you when you are finished, whichever takes longer."
"Sir, yes sir!"
The Sergeant brought down his rifle butt on the Privates face.
"You will only speak when asked to Private Inoue! Let's also hear some more enthusiasm in your confirmation of a superior's order!"
"Satisfactory, the rest of you maggots, line up in squads and prepare for morning roll call, breakfast will be 15 minutes, after which we will skip normal routine as direct order from HQ has demanded that this base be fortified and prepared for future enemy assaults. You lucky bastards will be digging dirt for the next 18 hours rather then go through routine excerise."
"Artillery Fire, Sounds rather Rusted"
Daniels spoke whilst raising his hand for silence he listerned intently for a few minutes before carrying on:
"Sounds like 10 Guns maybe more"
Daniels pressed his hand on his OBSAT Headset and began speaking:
"Hart is the Spec Ops Tactical Air Support Group Ready to deploy?"
"Negitive, Ive got 1 Blackhawk and 1 Gunship. Commando, Marine and Mobility Spec Ops are still unloading, If your going after those Guns I can get you their are cover your Insertion but I haven't got the Air Power to fuck up those Guns. Nearest Thor Platform is 1 hour before its adjusted its Orbit, nearest Shadowcaster is still 45 Minutes Off. Do the Wagdogians have anything to fuck em up?" replied Brigiadier Hart from the Command Room.
"Fucksake replied Hart, the VDF is to fucking slow" replied Daniels
Heart just chuckled before making his reply:
"Gunship and Blackhawk are readying, ETA less than 1 Minute. OBSAT is showing a shitload of Enemy Units heading our way. Sending Pictures to your PDA's standby"
Sure enough within a few seconds Daniels and Peters OBSAT PDA's buzzed, activating them revealed Live OBSAT Satellite Footage showing the enemy units regrouping and moving towards them. Daniels smiled as he looked up at Peters:
"You got any Bombers or do we have to do this the Old Fashioned way?"
Aurum Domus
24-07-2007, 04:21
OOC: Dan your back, I trust everythings fine?
Central Zanski Military Base
The base and all other Aurum Doman bases in the country were on high alert. What had been expected as a small war was going to turn big now that the Nicks were helping out.
To: VDF High Command in Zanski
From: AD CENTCOM in Zanski
A little birdie told us you require some bombers to take out some nasty artillery positions. May I offer you 2 squadrons of SuF Phoenixes? That oughta do the trick. We need to weaken the rebels before NN steps and SHTF.
OOC: Dan your back, I trust everythings fine?
Central Zanski Military Base
The base and all other Aurum Doman bases in the country were on high alert. What had been expected as a small war was going to turn big now that the Nicks were helping out.
To: VDF High Command in Zanski
From: AD CENTCOM in Zanski
A little birdie told us you require some bombers to take out some nasty artillery positions. May I offer you 2 squadrons of SuF Phoenixes? That oughta do the trick. We need to weaken the rebels before NN steps and SHTF.
that would be most satisfactory.
I will RP it later.
Heinzmann looked upon the exection of the former president, slightly shocked that someone in the audience was executed as well for Lord knows what. His translator soon explained to him that the civilian disrespected the prisoner by throwing a stone. Heinzmann couldn't withhold a snort, prisoners had no dignity, anyone who allowed himself to be captured and humiliated in such a manner was subhuman, having respect for such trash was laughable. Soon after the bloody finale of the true criminal, Heinzmann looked for Al-Mujid and the other ringleaders of the coup.
"Now that the former government has proven incapable of holding power, the Imperial Socialist Republic will now be considered a legitimate government by our Empire. Full military support are already on the way, 3 full infantry corps with various brigade attachments are enroute immediately, with a further 20 corps planned to be sent in the future. We will provide weapons, ammunition, food, supplies, and other essentials for liberation, we merely ask in exchange to provide us the manpower, support, and loyalty as our esteemed allies and ideological comrades. We just need a formal, public declaration, president."
Nicksyllvanian Zanski - Frontier Fortress B-E01
"Good morning Ladies! Time to get your lazy asses moving unless you don't feel like having breakfast! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!"
Soldiers in the 7th platoon groggily rose from their beds and rushed to put on their uniforms before running out of the barrack to form squads. The unfortunate private who rushed out last had a rifle butt plunged into his stomach by the Master Sergeant.
"Private Inoue, why did it take you 1 minute and 17 fucken seconds to be ready for combat!?"
"Sir, because my beds at the rear of the Barracks, Master Sergeant Sir!"
The Sergeant kicked him in the Kidney with his steeltoed boots
"Wrong, Private Inoue, it is because you are a lazy whining shit. You will run laps around the camp until lunchtime is over, or I tell you when you are finished, whichever takes longer."
"Sir, yes sir!"
The Sergeant brought down his rifle butt on the Privates face.
"You will only speak when asked to Private Inoue! Let's also hear some more enthusiasm in your confirmation of a superior's order!"
"Satisfactory, the rest of you maggots, line up in squads and prepare for morning roll call, breakfast will be 15 minutes, after which we will skip normal routine as direct order from HQ has demanded that this base be fortified and prepared for future enemy assaults. You lucky bastards will be digging dirt for the next 18 hours rather then go through routine excerise."
SIC:BTW, the execution of the public was to strike fear into the heart of those who oppose the HLFISA, and that Al-majid will kill his own people if needs be.
Square of The Snake, Mhoud, Mhoudia
The crowd was is the square, beating drums, blowing horns, chanting and jumping with a pulse.
"Mhoudia, Mhoudia, Mhoudia!" they shouted.
And their subject finally came onto the pedestal. Abdullah Al-Majid.
"Brothers of Mhoudia!" He shouted. "I am making a law today that you must not refuse a Nickysllvania help. If you are fishing, give him fish. If you are at home, give him refuge. If you are in Karazistan, liberating our occupied brothers, you give him half of your ammunition. We do not ask you to give up your guns. If you are walking your dog, and a Nicksyllvanian is hungry, give him your dog to eat. Treat them like a fellow Mhoudian, for they are the key to our liberation. This is a declaration of brotherhood, for as long as we call ourselves an Imperial Socialist Republic, we shall assist New Nicksyllvania and its puppets in conflict and kinship.
What was called The UFAN occupied territories, you shall call Central Jayir. This is a law. What was called the Zansk Jayirian Autonomous region you shall now call Jayir Major, Major Jayir, North Jayir or Great Jayir. This is a law. Anyone who says these terms is acknowledging our enemies superiority over those regions, and is a declaration of Defeatism. Mhoudia shall never be defeated. If we are occupied we will become an insurgency. If we are defeated we shall not sign a peace treaty or step down. If there is a coup by foreign hands or by commies we shall coup again back to Imperial Socialism. But we will only need to do this if we are defeated, which we won't.
May Allah be with you, and remember these words. goodbye."
The crowd cheered as he went back inside the presidential building.
Central Prestonia
24-07-2007, 16:07
"Hey sir, listen in on this OBSAT, seems our allies have a minor artillery problem," a young radio operator said to a pilot. "Corporal Sanders, ask them for coordinates, and then give me that thing," the pilot responded. "General DuPont, we have confirmation of enemy arty in the area, permission to launch a strike?," the pilot asked his wing commander over the radio. "Granted, although I'd have to say good luck getting the Vetakans and Green Hawks to give you coordinates, glory's in short supply in this war, and everybody wants some," was the response. "Well, even if we don't get coordinates, it's still about time to run another sweep," the pilot said to himself before yelling to his wingmen to suit up and get up in the sky. Within minutes, the sky was full of A-10s, escorted by the fierce-looking F-99s that had become a mainstay of the Prestonian Air Force.
OOC:I will be away for two weeks, so Mhoudia will be away for two weeks, then we can resume this conflict.However, Mhoudia has a post waiting to be accepted(the mods put some kind of lock on it)
OOC: Works for me, since I'll be off until August 7th or so myself as well.:cool: This was something of an ambush anyway, but points for that since it's how RL crises go.
Al-majid stood at his pedestal in the Square of the snake.
"Today the Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia has announced the founding of the Mhoudian National Protectors,or MNP, a death squad to battle against Antigovernment groups in the south. We will also give members of Islamist Extremist, Communist, Liberal, Pro Zaynite, Pro-Zanski, or Pro Jayirie* parties three days to escape to Zanski, UFAN or whatever before we send in the MNP. We will, once we have conquered all the area we claim, exile the Jayirie population that live in Zanski-occupied Jayir, aind their proclaimed capital, Ville De Jayir, will be renamed its traditional name of Manaj. The Francophone version of this, Manache, will be illegal and all who say this will be executed.
We will attack the Christian communities that lie directly on the southernmost borders with Zanski.
Today I am Proclaiming a celebration of the Mhoudian tradition of Practicing Islam as a culture rather than a religion, by taking out Sharia from our constitution. Always remember, we are arabs though. That is our identity. Islam is not going to be illegal though. practise it as you wish."
On The Mhoudian border, things were getting fiercer. spikes had been laid on the Mhoud-Mrahed highway facing Zaynah so that trucks could only go towards Zaynah, preventing both invaders and retreaters.
In the forests below, the Karazi volunteers had taken advantage of their traditional tree-climbing exopertise and had climbed the tall pine trees with snipers and were aiming for anyone without a red circle with a blue-X through it on their shoulder, for this was the insignia of the HLFISA armed wing.
The furthest trucks were less than a kilometre from the border between UFAN-occupied and the semi-recognised HLFISA ruled area. Most of them had gone towards Mrahed so they could let out their rage they had been saving up since the Circum-Zansk War. They were under Secret orders to kill or drive out all the Zaynites. But the Zaynite Liberation Front had not ignored their offensive, and Zanski-donated GPS guided artillery missiles had blown up 11 trucks and killed about 20 people.
In the day since war had begun, 446 missiles had hit Mrahed. And this number was set to intensify. In another day, the Second Battle of Mrahed would begin.
USSW Seventh Army Group HQ, Mrahed; Zaynah, United Federal Republic of Zanski
"Great Castro's ghost..." Field Marshal Baldrin stroked his goatee style white beard and put hands to hips, looking out the window of his office at the ambulance convoys having to dodge HALFISA artillery rockets or shells just to get the wounded to the rear safely. "GHQ in that bunker back in the capital had better be proud of itself! No reinforcements available, nor effective naval support; because of the damn Ennuisians going all mental on Vetaka for some insane reason of their own. And what's worse, the Nicks are right across the border in Mhoudia just sneering at us to come on in and start their war for them. Just peachy for us, really..."
His words were not mere frustration speaking. Truth be told, to say that things were not going well for UFAN in Zaynah, and thus Zanski more broadly, was far from mere understatement; it was delusional. HLFISA artillery was making supplies irregular, even if not stopping them as such or inflicting more than nuisance casualties among the Wagdian troops. Of course, even pinpricks can kill if left to grow infected long enough; and at any rate the civilian losses were starting to take more than enough a toll on both the locals' and the troops' morale to make up for the lack of physical damage. All those Zaynite Death Chants were starting to become depressing, after close to a day's constant of them.
Still, what Col. Peters' recon had reported of enemy movements, while calling in airstrikes which remained aloft and effective in dropping guided bombs and mines on priority HLFISA targets, was interesting. So far, the Nicks seemed to be holding in Mhoudia rather than advancing farther; and herein might lie a weakness to be exploited. Baldrin thought, If we can let enough of the enemy get across the Mhoudia/Zansk border, we can then unleash our SRBMs on their rear while our armored reserves strike whatever recon reveals to be their weakest formation; then defeat them in detail and eliminate or scatter them. Ideally, he didn't plan this for immediate use, since the defense of Mrahed was more important, we can eliminate the HLFISA as a military force proper while the Vetakans and Col Peters rip their political heart out within the Mhoudians' own land. That done, we should embarrass those Nicks enough to realize Mhoudia's a losing investment and should be dumped before Zanski and us get too pushy about why all those Nicksyllvanian soldiers are in Mhoudia where they don't belong, heh.
As for the defense, which had to come first since circumstances of enemy vulnerability to attack always changed rapidly, the orders had already been dispatched down the chain of command. The FA-15D Cardinals, minus one squadron of ten in for days of repair after nearly being lost to a rocket barrage, were to remain aloft at about ten airframes per hour either taking off or landing; maintaining a small but important air superiority and heavy strike presence which could be bolstered for particular threats at short notice. Likewise, the equally-numerous FA-16B Priests took to the more-immediate strike runs, providing a continuous close-air-support reserve as one hour's squadron landed after its munitions were expended and another's took off to replace it.
On the ground, the fifteen-thousand mechanized troops of VII Infantry Corps were disembarking from their BKCh-APCs and deploying by companies of one-hundred and twenty into block strongpoints at the edges of the city; both supporting evacuation of any civilians rearwards where they could be cared for and fortifying Mrahed against the assault to come. Combined with their fifteen BKCh-SU 122mm assault guns for each battalion of six-hundred, and an equal number of antitank missile teams which the guns carried in their small personnel compartments in the hull, these company strongpoints as-reinforced were to form semi-independent 'hedgehog' fortified areas for each of Seventh Army's twenty-five mechanized infantry battalions. Rather than stop the enemy outright, each hedgehog was designed to funnel the HLFISA assault into pre-plotted 'killing zones' where the artillery duels had already mostly devastated local infrastructure; quite literally, to turn the enemy's deeds against them. Already, fire from some seven-hundred plus 2S7A 152mm SP howitzers and four-hundred plus BM-30 300mm MLRS was inbound on the Mhoudian artillery and troop movements; aiming to suppress and/or scatter them into discovery by the twenty-five motorized cavalry squadrons of VII Cavalry Corps in their BKCh-T armored cars, also setting up antitank traps plus the only 'line' one would find in this defensive pattern, one meant to signal the enemy's intentions when they were revealed by action.
That done, the thirty-five hundred MBT-30 battle tanks and fifteen-hundred T-17B scout tankettes of VII Armored Corps would strike out from their massed and camouflaged positions deep in the rear of the Wagdian occupation zone; moving out as stealthily as possible (which is hardly at all for tanks, of course) and swooping down upon the weakest HLFISA unit identified. That done, the motor cavalry would stall the HLFISA while the infantry counterattacked and scattered the semi-regulars back across into Mhoudia; hopefully to the aghast eyes of their Nicksyllvanian masters upon seeing so proud a force scattered to the winds. For now though, the armor force simply waited; under cover of engineer-preprared positions and with the tankettes forward of the MBTs, ready to fire automatic grenade launchers or even ATGMs at any enemy infiltrators this far, although use of the latter was not seriously expected given scarce reports of any Mhoudian armor at all and none known of any operating this far ahead of their advance.
All told, Wagdog was slowly gathering itself again after reeling from the surprise Mhoudian uprising. If the battle could remain as orchestrated, on Wagdian and UFAN terms rather than Mhoudian or Nicksyllvanian, then it would naturally go in the allies' favor.
Of course, that could only score operational victory at most. True victory, strategic victory, lay in the hands of Colonel Peters and the Vetakan Scouts deployed to this theater. If the HLF political wing could be ripped apart, now almost surely by assassinations alas rather than the initially hoped-for civil control missions on the part of a Zansk Army that hadn't shown so far. As was, after the execution of President Ahmad Janab in so grisly a fashion, the propaganda pendulum was so far swinging the Mhoudians' way; that had to be overturned. Hence, as Marshal Baldrin returned to his desk, asking G2 Intelligence Section over the phone to "Step on the damn countersubversion program in Mhoudia, now! Those Vetakans are the best at what they do, and Col. Peters is the best we've got now that Col. McGuffin is gone." That last irked Baldrin to no end; but refusing a war hero like her, who'd been adamant that she had to fight beside the White Phoenix tribe if the Ennuisian situation ever went hot, was assured career suicide. Hence, nothing for it now. "I know they've got the skills, Major General; but do we have the time is the question. Thank you; Baldrin out."
Hanging up, Baldrin listened to the artillery as it pounded away, and the aircraft as they took station preparing for their runs against the HLFISA. For once, he might just have been feeling a bit better about the sitation after all.
New Nicksyllvania
06-09-2007, 02:17
Nicksyllvanian transports swarmed into Mhoudias ports as the Military Aid Convey reached their destination. 179,000 NAR-III Rifles and 35cm bayonets, along with several billion cartridges of 8mm ammunition found their way into the hands of local armouries, and the occasional Mhoudian. Furthermore 3,300 /122mm recoilless rifles, 2,200 /90mm Mortars, 510 /160mm Howitzers, 320 /140mm AT cannons, 440 T-II AT Missile launchers, and 8,900 NGPMG-I Machineguns. 72,000 drab uniforms and steel helmets were also part of the package, with "Colonial Militia of Mo Quia" and such ensignia crudely removed and replaced with shoddy Mhoudian ensignia. Also coming out among the ruckus was the 69th "Zanski Guard" Infantry Corps, despite its high casualties in the previous war, they were largely and quickly replaced thanks to widespread glorification by the media, and a blockbuster movie revolving around the heroic unit in the Zanski war. Following the war, minor organizational effects took place to make the corps more flexable, but nevertheless the unit was still motorized and lacked a large armour contingent.
The Convey was escorted by a fleet of 4 carriers and 6 Battleships, along with a dozen cruisers and numerous destroyers. Aircraft Sorties were made over frequently along the borders of Mhoudia, occasionally slipping over the border as if to dare the enemy to fire upon them and create a cassus belli for outright Nicksyllvanian Intervention. Otherwhise the flights were nonhostile and only served to gain minor recconnaissance reports.
In Nicksyllvanian Zanski, 2 Garrison Divisions and an Infantry division vastly fortified the local borders, concrete bunkers were set up in regular intervals and AT and AP mines sown about, along with barbed wire, the frontal trench was lightly manned, but had a high porportion of heavy weapons, the defences followed the century old strategy of defence in depth, with the front causing maximum casualties to break up the enemy and render them insufficient to breach the secondary defences, with which a counter attack to reclaim the front would be made.
The bordr guards were observing the Nicksyllvanian soldiers as they made zigzags over the border lines-the border was open de facto, but de jure it was closed and anyone who made a step over the border- usually insurgents or stupid tribesmen- would usually be killed. but, as the Zansk economy had fallen nealy below debt since the Economic genius president Jarak Arma was assassinated and the first civil war began, the snipers knew that to fire at them would be certain death to their nation except in the form of a government-in-exile supported by UFAN or an insurgency.
--Secret except to UFAN--
However, they rang up their base, whose general in turn rang up President Veran Atanah, who began planning a declaration of war to be issued in two days time, for he saw the slight infiltration as a provocation. Anyway, the border between Zanski and Nicksyllvanian Zanski was dotted with minefields and bases and bunkers, snipers and Anti-air guns, plus around thirty artillery-all pointing towards New Nicksyllvanian Zanski. Atanah knew that he could well be on his own when the day came, as UFAN was already monitering at least two other conflicts or conflicts to be, so he began preparing for Total war-- the Anti Air turrets, of which the capital Xanka, and cities Shuza, Ghollomo, Farrach, Paramus, Ville de Jayir and Tumad (see map) already had at least 500 of were mobillised, and the air raid chemical bomb shelters that were practically on every street corner in those cities were opened. 3000 tonnes of rations was being forcefully taken from all the supermarkets, and Everyone aged 12-45 would for the next week take self defence lessons.
10-09-2007, 23:03
Fuhrer Richtoff stood in his office, looking out the window onto the street beneath it. Yet another peaceful day in Kampfers, but, aas always, the world stirred with angst. Just recently he had read the disturbing telegram sent to him by the people of Zanski. Kampfers was not one to abandon its allies, no matter how small or unimportant they were. This was one of those times in the Fuhrer's eye, yet Kampfers would muster a show of strength nonetheless. Turning to General Klischten, he resolved to end this quickly, with as little a mess as possible. "Send the XII ArmeeKorps to aid Zanski. Also muster the Fourth SEACOM, along with the Fourth Flottenluftdienst. Send the Third Numbered Air Force in the Kampferian Luftwaffe as well. That should put a quick and resolute end to this conflict."
General Klischten saluted sharply, and replied "It will be done." He turned, and left the room, leaving the Fuhrer to mull over the issues of the day.
XII ArmeeKorps
Commanded by General von Reichenau
-15th Panzer Division
-26 Panzer Division
-24th Panzer Division
-Panzer Division "Norwegen"
-130 Panzer "Lehr" Division
-171 Panzer Division
-33 Infanterie (Attached Artillery Brigade)
-34 Infanterie (attached Artillery Brigade)
-36th Infanterie (attached Artillery Brigade)
Haven't come up with the orbats for the other 2 yet, but they shall be along in my next post, or I'll edit them in here...
"Dragon Alpha 1 ETA to Battlefield less than 10 minutes" spoke a very educated voice across the airways.
"Roger that Dragon Alpha 1. 2 Gunships and Blackhawk Inbound Daniels" replied Hart
Sure enough 45 seconds or so past before 2 Gunships and Blackhawk Helicopter appeared the thunder of their rotors threw up dirt from the tarmac they came into land in front of the Scouts all whom ran towards it and jumped into the blackhawk. The three choppers rose up into the sky and sped off towards the guns of the enemy artillery. Back in the Command Room Hart began to hammer at a laptop before gazing at a HD Viewing Screen that had been quickly erected within the small make shift command room. He sighed before crying:
"Stupid Technology come on. Techno Rogers get that piece of shit online"
Hart kicked out striking a small makeshift router that controlled the viewing screen the small machine buzzed before the screen flicked into life showing all Assets and Detected Enemy. Hart chuckled before speaking:
"Excellent. Hart to Daniels we are online and ready to go. Do your worst"
The Three Choppers roared towards the firing guns the LZ was hot coming into land the two Apache Gunships veered off and proceeded to fire its missiles and machine guns upon the advancing enemy forces. The now landed Blackhawk opened fire with its duel M240 Machine Guns. The Advancing Enemy Retaliated opening fire with their guns. The Scouts under their initial covering fire dived out of the helicopter and instinctively dived into cover without thought or question the scouts opened fire upon the advancing enemy the Nicks had seen the Scouts fire before many had died from the Scouts accurate fire in all the Scouts Fired 20 bullets each one of them impacting within heads and hearts of the advancing enemy they would be dead before they hit the floor. With this deadly barrage over 2 Scouts jumped to their feet and sped off down the newly created line on both sides of the original group of scouts the individual scouts came to a halt and took out OBSAT Target Markers throwing the small devices to the ground they activated and one now be showing up on the Screens of the advancing Shadowcaster Bombers. Making their way back to their fellow Scouts one of the Scouts was suddenly dived upon by and young enemy trooper. Scouts grabbed the enemies combat knife and his other hand rolling over the Scout headbutted the enemy before jumping to his feet the enemy trooper attempted to the same but alas the Scout was much to quicker and had already drawn his Sword bring the massive Sword speeding down the blade easily cut threw the mans clothing and impacted the skin the man would probably survive but would bleed to death within a matter of minutes. Replacing the sword the Scout again without grief, question or sorrow sprinted back to the Scout Group regrouping they proceeded to fall back covering each other as they went. Two of them would open fire sending deadly accurate fire roaring into the enemy forces. After 6 minutes of this the OBSAT Headsets buzzed into life:
"All Allied Assets this is VADF Dragon Alpha 1 OBSAT Markers located beginning bombing run in 45 Seconds. All Allied Units evac or take cover and pray"
With this the three choppers of the 112th Special Operations Tactical Air Support Group suddenly descended the 2 Apaches turned and roared firing everything they had towards the advancing enemy the Blackhawk landed roughly and the Scouts dived into it with them all in the Blackhawks rotors thundered as it shot upwards turning away the Apaches sped away and then it occurred the huge B-74 Shadowcasters (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12197703&postcount=99) had arrived high up in the skies their bomb bay doors opened and their destructive loads fell away their where 5 Shadowcasters each bomber proceeded to blanket the area with thousands of lb's of bombs they area was now a scene of total devastation explosions and fire engulfed the enemy and their artillery guns. However it wasn't over a few seconds of silence fell before it was broken by the whistling of 5 massive Falling Hammer (http://doc-evilonavich.deviantart.com/art/Falling-Hammer-44045924?q=by%3Adoc-evilonavich&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps)devices falling they they eventually impacted and the scene of total devastation was repeated the explosions would be heard for miles and miles around and hopefully the advance of the enemy would be halted so that the United Federation of Allied Nations could gather its forces together ready to launch the Counter-Offensive.
General Khatam sat in his Office with President Veran Atanah.
Atanah started speaking.
"So what plan have you came up with?"
Khatam thought, then replied.
"Well, we have the suspected bases located on GPS via our sattellite, however, as our sattelite is old and not clear, I sent up some Christian Mhoudian spies, who, I'm sure you know are the only ones loyal to us now, and they confirmed the co-ordinates. We will begin with an artillery strike of huge scales, in which 90% of the Artilleries will be deployed, with around 10,000 rockets firing an hour not only at the fortifications but at the border villages, especially that Kahnag, the notorious stronghold.
Nicksyllvanian Zanski will be targeted too.
As this is happening, one million standard infantry will be ready to pour into Nicksyllvanian Zanski, and as the foolish Nicksyllvanian vehicles and troops get trapped in the minefields, we will escort, by air and sea, seventy thousand of our troops onto the territory claimed by Nicksyllvania.The rest will stay to opperate snipers, and chain guns but also be ready to take one last stand if the defeat should occur.
Also around the same time Two million standard infantry and five hundred tanks will run across into Mhoudia, capturing Kahnag first, then working upwards until we get to Mhoud.
As this is happening, We will set up huge bases in the population centers of north, central and sothern Zanski-Ghollomo, Shuza and Tumada respectively. One Million in Ghollomo, Two million in Shuza and half a million in Tumada. Total War, redefined, sir"
Veran Atanah nodded.
"Sure is.We have numbers, but as the world has seen six billion times quality beats quantity.I am sure God is with us, and Zanski will survive. Thank you, Khatam. may God save you."
A minute later, the promised rain of shells started, and the troops zoomed down the Kosshmara-Mhoud highway.
However, in theNicksyllvania-Zanski borderland, the troops trembled as they prepared to take on the beast they had known they were to fight soon since Nicksyllvania gained a border with Zanski. Most were coming by destroyer, but about 20,000 had to be taken by plane. If they won, this was to be the greatest Zansk victory ever, but if they lost, they would all be under the rule of an Imperial Socialist Tyrant.
I am willing to help crush the rebellion. I'd be siding with communists, I think, whichI'm not crazy about, but I'd rather the legitimate government stays in power. All a rebellion does is kill people and create unrest. Proper IC coming later.
The new leader of Honako, General Claes, was an unpleasant man and strong Socialist. He was not fond of the UFAN in comparison to the former leader, Mrs Parkins, who had lost her life in what the public assumed was some kind of "tragic accident" - an accident that had happened to play so well with the General, who, after the equally terrible and consequential bombings and killings of most of Mrs Parkins high up supporters, had swiftly taken power and began changing the country.
Now Honako was back to the backwards non-Capitalist nation it had been before Parkins took power, and the new state owned papers and television channels did not broadcast the pacifist and isolationist views of their former leader, but instead programmed the nation to be hungry for war, and to assist there allies in the conflicts they took part in, despite the fact that Claes was untrustworthy of the UFAN in many ways, and saw them as too "nice".
Zanski was an ally that Honako knew only through the UFAN, that binded the two nations together to assist each other in times of dire need. From the plea that the government of Zanski had made earlier that day, it seemed this was one time of urgency. And so, 450,000 troops of the highest trained and equipped men of the Red Socialist Army of Honako were prepared to fight and defend this nation. However, the General was not fully briefed on all events, and so as he prepared his troops for war, and began the process of sending them via numerous Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships and transport planes, he sent a brief message from the Military Command to the UFAN forces in Zanski asking them, in the most basic terms, - where do you want me?
TO: Zanski & UFAN Forces
FROM: Honakon Military Command Centre, Liche
The General is unsure as to how he may assist, however, Honako will assist. We can send a Naval Task Force (see naval packages (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12134731&postcount=10)) to bombard shores or to blockade, or can land an initial equipped 200,000 troops to either join the battle or maintain peace within the country. We desire to be informed where will be useful to land and help in the conflict, and have our orders or a some further information on the conflict.
To: The Legitimate Government of Mhoudia
From: The Antigran Government
The Antigran Intelligence services and Department of Defence have been keeping a close eye on these happenings, just like in every other major conflict around the world.
As such, we know of all that has happened and have decided to intervene, primarily not to help any side, but for the sake of the civilians.
This will require us to align with someone, which we will gladly do, again for the civilian's sake.
We have therefore decided to join the legitimate government in their struggle to stop these extremists from destroying their nation and killing the civilians.
We want these extremists to know that we are intervening not because of anything to do with them, but rather the danger they are putting the neutral civilians of this nation in.
We also do not agree with a few the government's decisions and rulings, however when we fight alongside you we hope these will be forgotten. We are going to fight alongside the UFAN to help them defend this poor nation, if the legitimate government, or what's left of it, will agree to these terms...
We will send;
III ARMY CORPS - General (Four-Star) Marcus Delaroy. (Point of Interest: There is an Antigran Battleship class and battleship of the same name, Delaroy)
3 Army Airborne Divisions, 11th, 15th, 4th
6 Armoured Divisions, 1st, 3rd, 20th, 52nd, 53rd, 105th
1 Infantry Armoured Division, 302nd
1 Air Cavalry Division, 18th
3 Infantry Divisions, 7th, 40th, 81st
2 Artillery/Fire-Support Divisions, 55th, 203rd, attached to Infantry and Armoured Infantry
Air Force and Army Air Corps Support
We must have: Airfield near too the action for frequent use with a piece of flat, easily-defendable land within a mile, connected by track or road, must be named and information provided
Background information as well as enemy and friendly forces information, accompanied by a detailed list of Allies and Enemies, their position, and forces.
We would like: Permission for a temporary base which we can use as an airfield too, on said land.
If you agree to these fully-negotiable terms, deployment will begin right away.
President Johnathan Pierce IX
New Nicksyllvania
12-09-2007, 03:14
The current situation looked grim at the heavy handed response by numerous UFAN members, as well as Zanski itself. It was clear the enemy was fully mobilized and prepared for an assault, as well as having a significant advantage in numbers at the moment, with only 3 Nicksyllvanian Infantry Corps in Mhoudia, 5 in Nicksyllvanian Zanski, as well as the assorted Mhoudian forces, which could be barely considered as a ragtag group of militia according my Nicksyllvanian High Command. The Planned number of a total 23 corps serving in Mhoudia clearly wouldn't be enough at the current escalation. Within the Supreme Council running the nation, there was a split between whether Mhoudia would be worth such an investment. But in the end, the decision was clear, the Nicksyllvanian Empire does not have any strong allies, it's colonies require a large military presence to maintain. As powerful as its military was and as numerous and economically powerful it was, it simply couldn't compete against an alliance of numerous lesser nations. No longer could the Empire sit alone content within its sphere of influence, if it cannot gain allies loyal to it, it will not be able to expand, and if the empire cannot expand, it will inevitably collapse. Mhoudia and Zanski must be brought under the Banner of Imperial Socialism. With that, it was decided that the entire Nicksyllvanian Military will be thrown in, no expense will be spared for ultimate victory, this was no longer an issue of pride, it was an issue of national survival.
However optimistic the Navy were of their ability to transport troops to Mhoudia, it was highly unlikely that they would be able to ship 20 corps within 6 months, by which the Enemy may have already won. 5,000 Drill instructors had reached Mhoudia, their goal was to create an actual army that would be effective (at least to Nicksyllvanian standards), already 72,000 uniforms had been shipped, but it was planned that at the time 800,000 Mhoudians will have to be called up and trained within the month. Posters calling for Mhoudians to join the "Imperial Army of Mhoudia" were posted on the walls, trucks laden with megaphones and soldiers roamed villages calling for volunteers to hop on immediately for the country and for Allah. It was hoped that the populace would be volunteering in the nessecery amounts before conscription would be imposed.
The Mhoudian defence line was poor and new. Consisting of makeshift foxholes, trenches, and the occasional sandbagged house, built mostly by the locals. The Nicksyllvanian Corps stationed immediately set upon building more defensible positions as was the army doctrine, although forgoing the more elaborate defences for a quicker one as there simply wasn't enough time until an expected enemy assault.
The Defences in Nicksyllvanian Zanski however were prominent, after years of building fortifications, underground communications tunnels allowed soldiers to move to the forward trenches in safety, with explosive charges set at regular intervals to prevent their capture and usage by the enemy. The Barracks themselves were build 50m deep in concrete reinforced dugouts, as well as the massive minefields and barbed wire entaglements. On top of the regular artillery a division is equipped, numerous large calibre guns were emplaced, 23 20 inch Cannons common on Nicksyllvanian Battleships were in steel turrets and built upon defenceable hills in steel reinforced concrete bunkers, ready to fire 3,200 lb shells at any who dare enter their 42km radius. Along with 5 corps, numbering approximately 420,000 soldiers the defences were indeed prominent, with Nicksyllvanian command estimating in cases of a sustained attack, the position can survive upwards of 6 months.
As the decision was planned, the Grand Imperial fleet was organized and sent to Mhoudia, a full 70% of the entire Nicksyllvanian fleet, hopefully the enemy may recognize the scale of importance the Nicksyllvanians have in Zanski as no sane nation will risk his entire naval capacity on a small matter.
Grand Imperial Fleet:
4 Super-Dreadnoughts
57 Dreadnoughts
178 Battleships
234 Heavy Carriers
197 Light Carriers
445 Heavy Cruisers
461 Light Cruisers
2,472 Destroyers
268 Submarines
68 Minelayer ships
129 Minesweeper ships
19,580 MR Carrier fighters
4,140 ASW Helicoptors
Given the massive Nicksyllvanian preparations being observed by both OBSAT and non-OBSAT birds in Wagdog's possession, as well as the actions by Zanski and others, several things began to happen at once to transform what had been a defensive and counterinsurgency effort into a full-blown war yet again. Each would address part of either compensating for the Zansk Army's vulnerabilities and buying time for reinforcements to arrive and hold the rear, or else of preparing to disrupt Nicksyllvanian efforts in this theater even before they could be brought to bear.
First, the Wagdian Seventh Army Air Force roared to life, hundreds of Cardinals and Priests and so on leaping forward into Mhoudia and tearing into whatever Nicksyllvanian assets were present. The two-hundred and fifty Cardinals available would engage any enemy air resistance present, while the same number of Priests would back them up and also handle air-defense suppression. AH-35 War Bird attack helicopters began to rain Brimstone and Hellfire missiles down upon what Nicksyllvanian armor they could find after popping up from below the ridgelines they skirted for protection; or else to strafe Mhoudian "Imperial Army" columns with rocket and cannon fire.
To cap this, while plans were made to tentatively bring fully nine more numbered armies and air forces in under the same number of Army Group HQ's from Prestonia, fully one-hundred B-22 Zeus bombers currently in-theater took off and began their actions; hardly even having to more than take off before firing due to the ranges involved, though a small flight away from enemy territory before turning to fire and then making for landing was done in any case. One squadron of ten was used to fire fully 250 CC-25h hypersonic cruise missiles at those 20" fortress gun sites in Nicksyllvanian Zanski. Five missiles would pound upon each turret proper, with fully ten more individual missiles hitting possible decoy sites as a 'just in case' measure; while the second half of the bombardment took the same approach towards the suspected command positions for each cannon emplacement. No sense in letting the Zansk Army get chewed up by those guns, after all...
The other ninety bombers took to more-conventional, but no less important duties; notably unleashing a hail of some 2,700 mixed Kh-555 cruise missiles, the usual approach being used to fire one-third submunition-dispensers to scatter a rain of antipersonnel and antiarmor mines across the advancing enemy columns which the coming ground advance would avoid entirely to maximize maneuvering room, while another third used penetrator warheads to destroy suspected command bunkers and the last third used blast warheads to pound on satellite or Ranger/VDF Scout-spotted artillery positions. In short, the party was getting started with a very definite 'bang' this time; even if this action by Zanski struck the local UFAN command under Marshal Baldrin as being a bit hasty even if perhaps justifiable all the same.
To his end, while reinforcement was being arranged, what could be spared of the Seventh Army on the ground was rushing forth behind the Zansk troops and around the hopefully-pinned Mhoudians completely; to catch the Nicks off guard while those five Corps still present were all there was to bash upon. The massed mechanized force, fully five-thousand assorted tanks plus far more in support, knew that waiting around for complete reinforcement only played into the enemy's hands; hence, best to cross the LD immediately with what forces were to hand and take the initiative, as Master Sun himself had advised millenia ago in the Art of War itself. Enough defending had been done, time to attack; but to ensure the rear's integrity anyway, the following replies were addressed to the offers of allied help... all essentially affirmative. That is, to all offers adressed Marshal Baldrin's way at least; those addressed to the Zansk government would naturally have to be answered by them, the Mhoudian state having been fully taken over by the rebels by now.
FROM: Marshal Reginald Baldrin, CO USSW 7th Army Group
TO: Fuehrer Richtoff, CINC Kampferian High Command; General Von Reichenau, CO Kampferian XII Corps
Commonwealth Security Office
The OSC was the organization that commands the Commonwealth forces. The OSC was preparing a operation to support the UFAN forces in a current conflict. Three VDV regiments from the Yassian People's Defence Force were combined to form the 1st Yassian Airborne Brigade. A Air Assault Division from Brydog was send to support conventional forces.
Falkenburn AFB
Falkenburn was located 5mi from Port Stanford, It stationed the 567th Airlift Wing, 3 Air Defense squadrons, and the 555th Special Operational Squadron. The Air Assault units were to be transported by their aircraft to the area. The 555th was to transport the 1st Airborne Brigade. The roar of aircraft sound as the units deployed to the conflict.
Port Stanford Naval Station
The 4th Fleet left their base at Port Stanford to the area. The commander, Adm. Thorpson was a carrer officer and a great commander by training but this was his first actually combat tour and he on the bridge of the Interpid was about to taste battle.
Still waiting for a reply.
Newly-appointed foreign minister Trey Athura looked at the letters on hs desk. After negotiating with President Veran Atanah, he came up with the following responses:
The new leader of Honako, General Claes, was an unpleasant man and strong Socialist. He was not fond of the UFAN in comparison to the former leader, Mrs Parkins, who had lost her life in what the public assumed was some kind of "tragic accident" - an accident that had happened to play so well with the General, who, after the equally terrible and consequential bombings and killings of most of Mrs Parkins high up supporters, had swiftly taken power and began changing the country.
Now Honako was back to the backwards non-Capitalist nation it had been before Parkins took power, and the new state owned papers and television channels did not broadcast the pacifist and isolationist views of their former leader, but instead programmed the nation to be hungry for war, and to assist there allies in the conflicts they took part in, despite the fact that Claes was untrustworthy of the UFAN in many ways, and saw them as too "nice".
Zanski was an ally that Honako knew only through the UFAN, that binded the two nations together to assist each other in times of dire need. From the plea that the government of Zanski had made earlier that day, it seemed this was one time of urgency. And so, 450,000 troops of the highest trained and equipped men of the Red Socialist Army of Honako were prepared to fight and defend this nation. However, the General was not fully briefed on all events, and so as he prepared his troops for war, and began the process of sending them via numerous Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships and transport planes, he sent a brief message from the Military Command to the UFAN forces in Zanski asking them, in the most basic terms, - where do you want me?
Well, in Mhoudia, the coast is guarded by HLFISA snipers and the Karazi tribe. However, if you land at Ville de Jayir, in the Jayirian Autonomous Region of Zanski, you will be welcomed by the locals, who, though ethnicly they are a hybrid of Mhoudian and French, we call them Jayirie. They feel more Jayirie than Mhoudian so you can feel free to land there. once there, by Jeep it is one day to Zaynah and Karazistan(The UFAN occupied zone), by tank two days.
We would like you to push the front south and destroy as many HLFISA artillery as possible and destroy any forest to take cover away. Thank you.
To: The Legitimate Government of Mhoudia
From: The Antigran Government
The Antigran Intelligence services and Department of Defence have been keeping a close eye on these happenings, just like in every other major conflict around the world.
As such, we know of all that has happened and have decided to intervene, primarily not to help any side, but for the sake of the civilians.
This will require us to align with someone, which we will gladly do, again for the civilian's sake.
We have therefore decided to join the legitimate government in their struggle to stop these extremists from destroying their nation and killing the civilians.
We want these extremists to know that we are intervening not because of anything to do with them, but rather the danger they are putting the neutral civilians of this nation in.
We also do not agree with a few the government's decisions and rulings, however when we fight alongside you we hope these will be forgotten. We are going to fight alongside the UFAN to help them defend this poor nation, if the legitimate government, or what's left of it, will agree to these terms...
We will send;
III ARMY CORPS - General (Four-Star) Marcus Delaroy. (Point of Interest: There is an Antigran Battleship class and battleship of the same name, Delaroy)
3 Army Airborne Divisions, 11th, 15th, 4th
6 Armoured Divisions, 1st, 3rd, 20th, 52nd, 53rd, 105th
1 Infantry Armoured Division, 302nd
1 Air Cavalry Division, 18th
3 Infantry Divisions, 7th, 40th, 81st
2 Artillery/Fire-Support Divisions, 55th, 203rd, attached to Infantry and Armoured Infantry
Air Force and Army Air Corps Support
We must have: Airfield near too the action for frequent use with a piece of flat, easily-defendable land within a mile, connected by track or road, must be named and information provided
Background information as well as enemy and friendly forces information, accompanied by a detailed list of Allies and Enemies, their position, and forces.
We would like: Permission for a temporary base which we can use as an airfield too, on said land.
If you agree to these fully-negotiable terms, deployment will begin right away.
President Johnathan Pierce IX
Flat land... Flat land... The only safe flat land around Mhoudia is in the Karfai desert, but to get from Mhoudia from there you would risk flying over 5 million HLFISA soldiers on Mhoudias eastern frontier, where most of the fighting is happening.
But safe bits of flat land are found in the Nothernmost parts of the Mhoudian peninsula, in the Jayirie plain. flying over the HLFISA artillery on the Northern Frontier would be no big danger, as they are not made to fire at moving targets.
But you choose, is it timew or safety you're more worried about.
The current situation looked grim at the heavy handed response by numerous UFAN members, as well as Zanski itself. It was clear the enemy was fully mobilized and prepared for an assault, as well as having a significant advantage in numbers at the moment, with only 3 Nicksyllvanian Infantry Corps in Mhoudia, 5 in Nicksyllvanian Zanski, as well as the assorted Mhoudian forces, which could be barely considered as a ragtag group of militia according my Nicksyllvanian High Command. The Planned number of a total 23 corps serving in Mhoudia clearly wouldn't be enough at the current escalation. Within the Supreme Council running the nation, there was a split between whether Mhoudia would be worth such an investment. But in the end, the decision was clear, the Nicksyllvanian Empire does not have any strong allies, it's colonies require a large military presence to maintain. As powerful as its military was and as numerous and economically powerful it was, it simply couldn't compete against an alliance of numerous lesser nations. No longer could the Empire sit alone content within its sphere of influence, if it cannot gain allies loyal to it, it will not be able to expand, and if the empire cannot expand, it will inevitably collapse. Mhoudia and Zanski must be brought under the Banner of Imperial Socialism. With that, it was decided that the entire Nicksyllvanian Military will be thrown in, no expense will be spared for ultimate victory, this was no longer an issue of pride, it was an issue of national survival.
However optimistic the Navy were of their ability to transport troops to Mhoudia, it was highly unlikely that they would be able to ship 20 corps within 6 months, by which the Enemy may have already won. 5,000 Drill instructors had reached Mhoudia, their goal was to create an actual army that would be effective (at least to Nicksyllvanian standards), already 72,000 uniforms had been shipped, but it was planned that at the time 800,000 Mhoudians will have to be called up and trained within the month. Posters calling for Mhoudians to join the "Imperial Army of Mhoudia" were posted on the walls, trucks laden with megaphones and soldiers roamed villages calling for volunteers to hop on immediately for the country and for Allah. It was hoped that the populace would be volunteering in the nessecery amounts before conscription would be imposed.
The Mhoudian defence line was poor and new. Consisting of makeshift foxholes, trenches, and the occasional sandbagged house, built mostly by the locals. The Nicksyllvanian Corps stationed immediately set upon building more defensible positions as was the army doctrine, although forgoing the more elaborate defences for a quicker one as there simply wasn't enough time until an expected enemy assault.
The Defences in Nicksyllvanian Zanski however were prominent, after years of building fortifications, underground communications tunnels allowed soldiers to move to the forward trenches in safety, with explosive charges set at regular intervals to prevent their capture and usage by the enemy. The Barracks themselves were build 50m deep in concrete reinforced dugouts, as well as the massive minefields and barbed wire entaglements. On top of the regular artillery a division is equipped, numerous large calibre guns were emplaced, 23 20 inch Cannons common on Nicksyllvanian Battleships were in steel turrets and built upon defenceable hills in steel reinforced concrete bunkers, ready to fire 3,200 lb shells at any who dare enter their 42km radius. Along with 5 corps, numbering approximately 420,000 soldiers the defences were indeed prominent, with Nicksyllvanian command estimating in cases of a sustained attack, the position can survive upwards of 6 months.
As the decision was planned, the Grand Imperial fleet was organized and sent to Mhoudia, a full 70% of the entire Nicksyllvanian fleet, hopefully the enemy may recognize the scale of importance the Nicksyllvanians have in Zanski as no sane nation will risk his entire naval capacity on a small matter.
Grand Imperial Fleet:
4 Super-Dreadnoughts
57 Dreadnoughts
178 Battleships
234 Heavy Carriers
197 Light Carriers
445 Heavy Cruisers
461 Light Cruisers
2,472 Destroyers
268 Submarines
68 Minelayer ships
129 Minesweeper ships
19,580 MR Carrier fighters
4,140 ASW Helicoptors
SIC: assuming that your reinforcements have arrived
Private Paul Kanari sat in his bunker. The blast proof wall had been blasted to smithereens, showing the lack of defense fortifications ON the border, howevr, in the three miles of hills that surrounded the frontier, bunkers with turrets, artillery and barracks, trenches, sniper positions, and minefields surrounded the line. But on the horizon, a blue-grey mass was slowly getting larger. Kanari zoomed in with his binoculars to find a mass of ships, bigger than anything he would have nightmared about. As he informed the nearest barracks via phone, he found that there were no reinforcements, and the whole Zansk navy was poorly constructed of battleships and destroyers. However, His hope and patriocy told him over and over again that he would triumph.
Shuza, Gharrakland road, Army march
Veran Atanah had decided that he would arrange army marches in all the main defence posts; Tumad, Shuza, Xanka, Ghollomo, and Ville de Jayir. After all, sitting round all day would get boring for the soldiers. So, the biggest of them was fittingly placed in Zanski's population center, Shuza, on the main street, Gharrakland road. This was named after the kingdom that existed before the army led by General Merech Zanski from Terezanski (a former island nation that sank after a tsunami) conquered it. The natives, known as Gharrakans, still held a quarter right on this road.
Just fifty meters south of this road was the start of the territory held by the gang known as the Shuza Mercenaries, SM, or the Merkers; Funded by the Gharrakan National Front based in Tumad, this gang had simple objectives: To take over shops, Clubs, Bars, Slums and Businesses in the Shuza area. They had an armistice with the police recently, agreeing that the police wouldn't cross into SM territory if SM didn't do the same. However, multiple vans carrying weapons and drugs into Merker territory had been busted since then. But a week ago, the leader of the East Merkers, known as Colonel Blue, was sighted with a member of the Imperial Socialist party, leading to a light blockade of SM territory.
The Soldiers were dressed heavily, with the higher ranking soldiers wearing feathers on their caps. The rest were dressed in full uniform, with a beret. About a million troops were on march this day, and there would be a fencing fight at the end. But there was a group of about 20 men shouting Merker slogans. As soon as a guard approached them, The Merkers took out radios and pressed the buttons on them. about five explosions ripped through the crowd. The Merkers were sprayed with bullets, and an hour later the area was cleared of bodies. But about three hundred people died, and the army prepared for a crackdown on SM territory.
Zanski expects this to end soon, and expects no help.
(OOC: Thanks. I'll assume for now that there is an airfield there. One thing I urgently need is a map. Thanks again. One more thing - Delaroy is being replaced by General Sandrez, head of foreign army operations and our best General ever. Delaroy will be joining him but will be under his operational command)
Lieutenant Paul Conway waited anxiously in the DR300 transport plane, along with the rest of his Airborne paratroopers. He got up and made his way to the cockpit with the assistance of some handrails. He slid the door open and tutrned to the co-pilot.
"How long?"
"Eleven minutes"
"Where are we?"
"Somewhere over the northern peninsula-"
The Lieutenant ducked as the Pilot, Captain Riles, pulled the plane into a steep climb, while the Co-Pilot pushed the four McCraw 7400 engines to full power. No more fire came, so they resumed course after a few minutes. Later, they were to find it a lone AA gun amidst a field of artillery. It would not hit them, however - thanks to the speed and height of the plane and the fact that, by the time they saw it, it would already have passed by the time they fired.
The drops would go according to plan, however...One thousand 'troopers dropping around the airfield and securing the immediate area, followed by huge amounts of transport planes. They would start to build the temporary base immediately, first the runway. Which woul allow more planes to fly in, bringing supplies and re-inforcements. The climate, according to scraps of information from UFAN messages, would be harsh. Only the soldiers from the South-East of Antigr knew how to cope with deserts. At least the heat wouldn't be a problem. General Sandrez hoped that the UFAN would tell them where to find food, and more of the information they'd asked for. They should be able to rely on food brought in on the planes, but...well, Logistics something to be reckoned with. As for now...the Antigrans were highly vunerable and would remain so for at least 18 hours. Hopefully, the UFAN would realise their operational alliance and help keep enemy forces away from Antigran forces while they set themeselves up - without the base, they have nothing.
Here is my map everyone:
Karani Bar, East Sq. of the Snake road
A man with a turban sat at the bar, silently sipping some whisky. In his hand was a suitcase full of money... 800 million USD of it.
He was descended from the sultan Farraka of 300 years ago, whose family resorted to gold dealing, and then moved onto a more sustainable way of living- namely Opium, Cannabis and Cocaine farming- after Farraka was killed in a coup and his successors demanded seven hundred Havrah ($700,000) in return for their lives. After their debts were paid, they carried on farming and the Farrakas became a well-respected family in Mhoud. Under the Zanski- backed coup in what was then Jayirie-doinated state of Basenjiland (which included the Jayirian A.R in Zanski), they were forced to train an army, which eventually was seen to be better equipped than the national Basenjiland army and the Farrakas have been above the law ever since.
Anyway, he sat at the bar. He was wrinkly, had a wide nose and a beard that just made him look like the Arab he was. The bar had been closed just for him and his client-to-be, who was dresses in a kaffiyeh and a robe.
"very wise to dress this way, mister Hagan. They couldn't tell that you are an infidel, I trust." Said Farraka.
Hagan was a secret supporter of the Imperial Socialists, and had been let into Mhoudia by order of Farraka.
"No, Sir. Do you have the money?" Asked Hagan.
"Do you have the proof?" Reinquisited Farraka.
Hagan handed him a letter. Farraka studdied it.
"So you got all their names down. Good." Said Farraka, and handed him the briefcase.
Hagan shook hands with him, and got into his car, to get back into his army uniform
In that case wasn't drugs money. It was money to arm for a revolution. A revolution that, hopefully for Hagan, would bring about the existence of an Imperial Socialist republic in Zanski.
The Antigrans landed without incident, as the planes landed and taxied well clear of the runway.
Sandrez was on the ground within ten minutes of the first plane touching down.
First thing to do, set up defences around the airport, so that they had some sort of defence.
When the troops had done a bit of unpacking, he would send out recce units to scour the area and secure land for the base.
Then, they would build the base.
It would be based around defence highly, and would have anti-tank weapons and machine-gun posts as a first-ditch defence.
Then, a few tanks and artillery. Scouts would be placed on the nearest hilly terrain, while back at the base, the final defences would be put in - the tanks, antitank guns, and Ground-to-Air rockets. The road between the airport and base would have defences set up along it, as well as a patrol every two minutes. That was the plan. Hopefully, it would go ahead unhindered.
Seas Approaching Zanski from North and South
Fleet Admiral Jennifer Opalclaw stood with a grim mask of determination aboard her flagship, the carrier UWS Nicolae Ceaucescu. She knew that it was out from one crisis, and into another; though at least here there was more control over the matter than there would've been under Allanean and Generian command fighting Doomani forces as had been expected not long ago.
Four whole Fleet Groups of the Wagdian Red Banner Navy were about to come crashing down from the north upon the expected route of the Nicksyllvanian Grand Fleet, aiming once again to achieve through maneuver and surprise what sheer might could not. Above, the OBSAT targeting and armed birds were already gathering in the proper orbits, and soon quite the ambush would be unleashed upon Wagdog's largest current enemy as part of the plan to decide this sideshow in Zanski before matters against Mer des Ennuis went critical.
Hence, part of the surprise that was brewing from the south. Submerged as deep as they would go, the largest single independent wolfpack Wagdog had ever assembled would lurk until within missile range of the Nicksyllvanian fleet. Consisting of converted Konstantin class SSBNs refitted for the SSGN role, they would form the second, smaller, but arguably deadlier part of the vice aiming to pinch the Nicksyllvanian fleet out of existence. The enemy was far closer now than would've been preferred, but leaving Prestonia had been delayed due to that mysterious rash of terrorism against its oilfields. Hence, one had to simply hope that Nicksyllvanian Zanski could fall before that fleet brought too much to bear.
In the meantime, the four combined fleets' fighters continued to patrol; assisted by their AWACS and ASW choppers in maintaining a steady BARCAP thousands-strong around the fleet perimeter. The fleet's own independent subs also kept point along with the cruiser-destroyer teams; in short, until a known threat axis to deploy into the more normal formations was found it was best to keep some reserves for all possible directions. After all, maneuver warfare was a game many could play if they chose; and the numbers in general were against the UFAN side at the moment.
UFAN Zanski Theater GHQ, Mrahed, Zaynah; and Airfields across UFAN-aligned Zanski
Although far from the ideal point-of-engagement, this place was also far from the enemy's fleet air power for the moment; and under existing air cover at any rate. This was naturally important, when one was landing ten army groups and their associated equipment in a hostile theater.
Days would be required, but then again that would happen anyway since the fleet was still some distance off. Hence, Field Marshal Eileen Mecklenhaus contented herself with going through her equal-yet-subordinate Baldrin's papers regarding Seventh Army Group's progress here. Frankly, she wasn't pleased; not least since before she'd been tapped to lead Wagdog's part in the abortive anti-Doomani campaign that had been her outfit in Zanski, and she couldn't help but think the timing of this Mhoudian uprising was scarce coincidence at all.
"No reports from the Mhoudian Front, and the Nicksyllvanians are already approaching in force on the other side of Zanski! DAMN!" Millenhaus kicked the rolling chair Baldrin had used in his makeshift office here, not particularly caring if the constant roar of landing or taking-off transports bearing the troops and equipment disguised the sound. "I was running things smoothly here, but then I get called off to kick some slaver rear yet again supposedly and WHAT happens? This whole place goes straight to Hell?"
Pacing, she parsed what needed doing. For now, just getting these troops into place would have to do; then they could be sent where needed. Who knows? Her mind was getting to fun thoughts at least, though the logistics of getting here had to take priority of course; hence her meeting with the Command Sergeant Major for her HQ in five minutes. Maybe that will be in Nicksyllvania proper soon rather than in Nicksyllvanian Zanski... that is, if the Squids hold up their end of things well-enough. And being an Army girl born-and-bred, she wasn't going to bet her life on that alone until she saw it happen personally.
Until then, she would handle things her way. And once all her assets were in place, that could be quite powerful in itself besides; perhaps enough to kick the Nicks out of this place hard enough to convince them, at long last, that their sense in national investments needed serious adjustment. Since right now, she had all the intention of making it a losing sense that her superiors whole regions away in Tailville DR did; even if she held them as responsible as she did Baldrin (and herself) for this mess too. As said, nothing for it now but to see to the task at hand: winning this little bush war, and winning it for good this time...
OOC: OK, somewhat less detailed than I originally wanted due to posting difficulties, but still fair I should think. Anyway, multiply the below Army Group TO&E by ten, and the Fleet Group TO&E by four, and one may get an idea of what I'm pouring into Zanski. The army groups are in the process of arriving from Prestonia under organic air power escort, while the fleet groups are some days away to the north. Also closing from the south is the Submarine Group that I've assembled for this purpose, originally intended to fight in the Sawney Islands but withdrawn when that crisis blew over.
USSW Army Group Brief TO&E
Field Army
195,000 Personnel
3500 Nakíl 1A1GU MBTs, 1000 Ashurbanipal Light Tanks, 1000 Fernántes AVLBs
5000 Shalmaneser APCs, 1000 G11/G Tank Destroyers
1000 Dejíard Assault Guns, 450 Corbulo Motorized Guns
400 Gertantel SP Guns, 300 Asnít MLRS, 450 RK-55/555 SS-C-4 Slingshot GLCMs, 300 Regisnár SRBMs
2250 Praetorian II SAMs, 1000 SPAA-1 SPAA
12000 Ural 4320 Medium and 5250 MAZ-543 Heavy Trucks.
Air Force
150,000 Personnel
250 FA-16B Priest Air Superiority Fighters
250 FA-15D Cardinal Multirole Fighters
100 B-22 Zeus Strategic Bombers
100 An-72 Coaler
Light, 50 Il-76 Candid Medium Medum, 50 An-124 Condor Heavy, 50 An-225 Cossack Superheavy Cargo Aircraft
50 AH-35 War Bird Attack, 150 Ki-1T Utility, 50 Mi-26 Halo Cargo Helicopters
1250 Ki-1TVK Assault Helicopters
100 A-50 Mainstay AWACS
100 Il-78 Midas Tankers
100 Il-76PP Jammers
375 BKCh-1 APCs
7500 Ural 4320 Medium and 750 MAZ-543 Heavy Trucks
Total: 345,000 Personnel with Assets Indicated.
Standard USSW Fleet Group Brief TO&E
Numbered Fleet
~175,000 Personnel
5 Tri Svyatitelya Supercarriers (CVBN) (Each 500 FA-15E Cardinal Air Superiority Fighters, 100 FA-16A Priest VTOL Fighters, 60 NH-45 Sea Lord AEW/ASW helos, 30 UH-45 Sky Lord utility helos)
5 Peter the Great Heavy Battleships (BBBN) (Each 1 NH-45 Sea Lord AEW/ASW helo)
25 Yekaterina Large Cruisers (CBN) (Each 1 NH-45 Sea Lord AEW/ASW helo)
60 Danechka-Mod Destroyers (DDN) (Each 1 NH-45 Sea Lord AEW/ASW helo)
25 Vladimir Submarines (SSN)
5 Bear Assault Ships (LHAN) (Each 200 Ki-1TVK Assault, 30 SH-35 Sea Hawk Attack helicopters; 1,200 Marines)
5 The People's Class UNREP Ships (AOEN)
5 Vol'nitsa Hospital Ships (AHN)
5 The People's Class AU1 RO-RO Transport Ships (ARKN)
Marine Division (Garrison-Reinforced)
48,000 Personnel
700 Nakíl 1A1GU MBTs, 200 G11/G Tank Destroyers, 200 Fernántes AVLBs
1200 Shalmaneser APCs, 200 Ashurbanipal Light Tanks
300 Dejíard Assault Guns, 225 Corbulo Motorized Guns
120 Gertantel SP Guns, 60 Asnít MLRS, 60 Regisnár SRBMs
450 Praetorian II SAMs, 200 SPAA-1 SPAA
2700 DOZOR-B Light, 600 Ural-4320 Medium and 600 MAZ-543 Heavy Trucks
Marine Air Wing (Reinforced)
~43,000 Personnel
500 FA-16A Priest Air Superiority Fighters
2500 FA-15E Cardinal Multirole Fighters
450 U/SH45 Sky/Sea Lord Helicopters, 1000 Ki-1TVK Assault Helicopters, 150 AH-35 War Bird Attack Helicopters
50 B-22 Zeus Strategic Bombers
50 An-72 Coaler Light, 50 Il-76 Candid Medium Medium, 50 An-124 Condor Heavy Transports
50 A-50 Mainstay AWACS
50 Il-78 Midas Tankers
50 Il-76PP Jammers
40 Shalmaneser APCs
1500 Ural 4320 Medium and 150 MAZ-543 Heavy Trucks
Total: ~266,000 Personnel with Assets Indicated.
TF-6-1 Independent Submarine Wolfpack
50 Konstantin-II SSGN
the battle against the Shuza Mercenaries has been won but Colonel Blue is dead. In the battle against the Merkers, who blew up a bomb on Gharrakland Road and killed 300 people, 1000 Merkers are dead and 40 captured.
Ville de Jayir, Jayirian Autonomous Region, Zanski
On the main street in VDJ, known as Rue de Pierre or Stone Street, the busy people pushed and shoved their way through the crowd or yelled prices at the top of their voices. Yermi Findle, a Zansk journalist, and Yusef Mont-Noir, his Jayirie translator, however, sat down by the river of bodies to have a cup of Carrot Beer, a local delicacy.
Their waiter came to serve them.
"Sir, you speak arabic?" the waiter asked Findle after taking Mont-Noir's order in Arabic.
"Non, mais, je parle français tres bien." he said, and took his order in french.
The waiter took the menus, and gave Findle a curious look, then spoke.
"Sir, pardon me for my curiosity, but why are you here?"
Findle looked at him. "To report on the offendsive by the Imperial Socialists."
The waiter nodded.
"Well, assuming you win, tell Mr.Atanah we do not like him. We are our own culture- Not Zansk- Not Mhoudian either. We are Jayirie. It is good what he is doing for now, but give a report for me in your magazine that we want freedom."
"O-okay, I'll try to get it published." Said Findle.
"Very well. Wish you the best and Bon Appetit."
Suddenly an explosion cut through the air and gunfire was heard. As the crowd parted, Findle and Yusef ran inside the Cafe and took out his camera. It seemed that some men were having a firefight with some Zansk soldiers.
On closer inspection they were wairing badges with a blue X on it- the sign of the Jayirian Inependence group known as Blue Cross, formerly the Jayirian Independence Front. there were at least three hundred of them, and from the stable market emerged a hundred more. As they walked forward, they suddemly got onto their knees and firing at something- and that something was returning fire. Findle rushed up to the balcony and saw some army jeeps with soldiers hiding behind them, firing at the Blue Cross group. an RPG hit a jeep and they all blew up. Over the low slums that was
Central VDJ, Findle could hear distant gunfire and see explosions. The Blue Cross had obviously taken this chance to rebel in a time where the Zansk army had bigger problems.
But Findle worked out a grave situation- The Blue Cross were not funded by anyone and relied on siezures from Zansk Army Weapons shipments to arm itself- therefore, a Blue Cross government could easily lead to weakness and--ultimately, a Mhoudian invasion. As a frown spread across his face, a bullet went through his forehead and he fell off the balcony onto a car below.
I haven't really been told where to go yet (I wish to operate under the Mhoudian commanders) so no IC post as of yet. Also, pulling out General Sandrez to help with another war.
Khorsah, Southern Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia
Muhmad Anat was the self-proclaimed dictator of the Jayirie Republic which had now spread across the capital and was raging in the administrative section of the city, the last of the Zanski-control zone in the city. Opposite him was Abdullah Al-Majid. They had come to sign the document that would begin a new nation- the Imperial Socialist union of Mhoudia. Secret talks had concluded that the two ethnic groups- Jayirie and Mhoudian- both spoke arabic, in whole or not, and were both part of many past nations that defined both groups. However, Zaynah and Karazistan took up most of the time of the conference, and many solutions came out- Ceding maybe just Mrahed was a possibility, but both sides preferred complete annexation along with a ceasefire. A UFAN-governed province of Mhoudia-plan came up, but UFAN was just not wanted in the area. Then they came up with this plan:
Offers (in chronological order)
*1:Complete Annexation of Zaynah and Karazistan along with Recognition
*2:Annexation of Outer Zaynah (Zaynah excluding Mrahed) and Karazistan along with Recognition
*3:Refusing of Dialogue, followed by Invasion and total war
UFAN had to accept one.
Meanwhile, Ville De Jayir
Rue De Paix (Government Sector)
The Administrative building was under siege. Inside were the 12 people that constituted the Council of Jayir. Hundreds of people wearing Blue Crosses had been shouting messages such as "Peace is an option. Come out." and "You have one hour to come out." via megaphone, but no-one came out. The Blue Cross-wearers began to fire guns in the air and eventually the council came out, shivering. They were put aboard a plane full of defectors and sent towards Wagdog.
Guns rattled as the Mhoudian flag was hoisted up and Jayir became part of the nation.
New Map:http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l147/Terezanski/zanski-1.jpg
VDF High Command, Operational Command Room, New Theeb, Vetaka:
"Fuck it, WE CANNOT allow this whole Zanski affair to get out of hand" roared Pearce whilst thumping the large Oak table before him,
"Mer Des Ennuis is at our door and I will not have these fuckers, prick me about. Stone Options?" roared Pearce
"The Generian Expeditionary Force is returning to Vetaka via the Atlantic we could deploy the entire force and launch a massive Tank Force to simply crush them. We could hopefully win the war within 7 days." replied Supreme Operational Commander Stone
"Make it happen" replied Pearce
Generian Expeditionary Force, Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship Champion, Atlantic Ocean:
The Generian Expeditionary Force was formed and deployed to Generia in defence of the nation from unwanted Doomingsland Aggression with situation cooling and the Allies of the Sofia Conference cracking Vetaka and Wagdog decided to withdraw their forces. As a result the massive force was now returning home yet alas before it returned to its bases within the Vetakan Dominion the massive guns of the fleets battleships would fire one last time in anger.
With the fleet recieving its new orders it slowly took an arc west and headed at full steam to deploy to Zanski to crush this hotbed of trouble before it ignited into a fire of death and destruction.
Personnel: 1 Million
4000 Nakil 1A1s Main Battle Tanks
7000 Challenger II Main Battle Tanks
5000 M-418 Brutus Armored Patrol Vehicles
5000 M-417 Recluse Infantry Fighting Vehicles
5000 M-415 Mongoose Infantry Fighting Vehicles
5000 M230 Desolator Artillery Launchers
5000 M-409 Punisher Dual Barrel Self-Propelled Howitzers
5000 M-420 Thug Self-Propelled Howitzers
2000 M-412 Mammoth MML Multifunction Missile Launchers
200 M1 Grizzly Breachers
20 M104 Wolverine Heavy Assault Bridge Layers
5000 M-939 5-Ton Trucks
2000 M88A2 Heavy Recovery Vehicles
500 M4 Command and Control Vehicles
500 M93A1 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicles
1000 Armored Medical Treatment Vehicle
Air Force:
Personnel: 250,000
500 FA-16B Priest Air Superiority Fighters
500 FA-15D Cardinal Multirole Fighters
400 B-22 Zeus Strategic Bombers
200 E-4 Nightwatchers (AWAC)
200 KC-135 Stratotankers (Refueler)
300 C-130 Hercules (Transporter)
200 C-17 Globemaster III’s (Transporter)
200 C-5 Galaxies (Transporter)
2000 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters (Utility Helicopter)
2000 AH-64 Apache Longbow Helicopters (Attack Helicopter)
2000 CH-57 Chinook Helicopters (Transport Helicopter)
Naval Force:
20 Champion Class Supercarriers
60 Agamemnon Class Battleships
60 Chieftain Class Pocket Battleships
100 White Phoenix Class Battleships
40 Arsenal Class Stealth Missile Cruiser
60 Zumwalt Class Stealth Missile Destroyers
80 Daring Class Air Defense Destroyers
60 Brandenburg Class Stealth ASW Frigates
60 Sachsen Class Stealth Air Defense Frigates
20 Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
80 Allegro Class Attack Submarines
10 ASDS Advanced SEAL Delivery Systems
20 Safeguard Class Damage Control Ships
20 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships
40 Peoples Class Supply Ships
50 AU1 Peoples Class Assualt Ships
20 Wasp Class Assualt Ships
20 San Antonio Class Amphibious Assault Ships
15 Osprey Class Mine Hunters
400 SH-60 Seahawk Helicopters (Blackhawk naval variant)
350 AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters
200 CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopters
150 CH-53 Super Stallion Helicopters
1200 F/A 401 Birds of Prey
1600 F-36 Gladius
800 Eurafighter F-37C's
40 E-2C Hawkeyes
Generian Expeditionary Force, Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship Champion, Zanski Waters:
The Generian Expeditionary Force had switched course and had sailed with all haste to the Zanski Region its Admirals and Generals briefed whilst the Fleet sailed forth via OBSAT encrypted communication lines. Dedicated B-22 Zeus Bombing Wings (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=530912) located in Strategic Bases within the Vetakan Dominion, Honako and Kampfers stood ready and waiting to be deployed to Zanski to support landing and general military operations within the Zanski region.
Thounsands of kilometers away deep within the Vetakan Dominion 150 massive Dartian built B-74 Shadowcaster Bombers (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12197703&postcount=99) where being brought out of massive defence bunkers located hundreds of meters beneath the earth. In addition to these 50 Kriegzimmer Type 1000 Strategic Bombers (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11984684&postcount=1673)where also being prepared and loaded. Carrying the massive ZMI designed "Falling Hammer" (http://doc-evilonavich.deviantart.com/art/Falling-Hammer-44045924?q=by%3Adoc-evilonavich&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps) devices it would be their job to destroy what bases and defences the enemy had in order to allow the Expeditionary Forces Tank and Mechanized Infantry Divsions to quickly advance and crush this Evil dictatorship before it had a chance to develop.
As the Fleet sailed on towards its target of the beaches of the UFAN Occupied Zone it spilt off into two smaller fleets one of them would advance on towards the beaches of the UFAN Zone whilst the other headed south to land outside of Mhoud from their they would take the city and review the global situation from their. Whilst the Vetakan Naval Defence Forces did not expect any Enemy Submarines on this operation however they refused to take the risk. As a result the fleets ASW Ships such as the Brandenburg Class Stealth Frigates were keeping a watchful eye on the mirky waters for any Submarines that might try to cause problems.
Imperial Socialist Union of Mhoudia Telegram
From: Abdullah al-Majid
Why do you insist on taking Zaynah and Karazistan, land that was never yours? You cannot win; If you do, There will be an insurgency and you will be forced to leave eventually. As the world has seen many times before, in the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, and even in the Circum-Zansk War of new, you cannot use an army to stop ideas and ideologies.
the people of this nation will not appreciate commies in their land and will fight against you. When you do leave, the revolution will begin all over again. So we say to you, for the sake of your poor soldiers, turn back. Even in Tumada in Zanski, the Gharrakan National Army has negotiated with us and supports Imperial Socialists. In Zanski, to avoid getting you commies all worked up, they have arrested over 100,000 imperial socialist supporters and closed down 10 Imperial socialist campaigner's organisations.
This is not how it should be. We beg of you, for your own sakes, just go home and let the revolution take its course before this turns into a humanitarian crisis.
Pull out of Karazistan but stay in Zaynah and sign a peace deal. This is the peace deal I am offering you.
Antigr is to withdraw due to reasons not disclosed. The Generals and war cabinet's only comment was 'our position in this affair isn't good'
All equipment will be withdrawn within a week.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-09-2007, 04:55
Airborne Command Control Aircraft 0013
She was a huge bird, one of the larger one's in TPFian service, and she needed to be. After all she was a Watcher, an airborne command center that oversaw that massive military operations that TPF sometimes overtook. It was a marvel of engineering, a full eight-jet engines propelled the bird, and hundreds of men and women sat at their consoles, reading and analyzing data. There were separate sections for flag officers, intelligence, and liaisons.
This particular bird was a very important one. On board was Militant-General Guderian, recently appointed as overseer of Operation: Black Dawn, the deployment of military forces to Zanski under the UFAN banner. As always, Guderian's uniform was spotless, his boots and numerous medals perfectly shined. The Golden Eagle was perched on his cap, glistening in the LED light with a gold-blue tint. Guderian stared at the holographic display impeccably, his eyes moving rapidly to read and process the information. Next to him was Major General Patterson, the air force commander for the mission. Perhaps Guderian was out of his element, and truthfully, he was. This was the largest airborne assault in Tpfian history.
A few hours later, the Atlas VTOL transports were nearing their landing zones. Satellite imagery had picked up suitable landing spots in UFAN-controlled territory. Over 200,000 fully-equipped combat infantry would soon arrive. These forces would engage enemy troops while the main force arrived via sea. Within the hour, the first Atlas transports would touch down. Star of Fate fighters, augmented by Reserve Air Guard Arrows, would make sure that no enemy interceptors would try to disrupt the landings.
Across the Zanski Region:
A Battle such as this where thoughts and ideologies fought openly such as this was not one by Tanks and Artillery but via Hearts and Minds. Every member of the Vetakan Defence Force was aware of this it was one of the first things taught within Basic Training of the VDF. No matter whom you are or where you live every person would much rather be free and able to believe what they wanted and do what they wanted. Rather than be dictated to by a person, group or ideology as a result besides deploying a substantial force the Vetakan Defence Force had already launched a Massive Humanitarian Hearts and Minds Operation. First of all some 100 Strategic Heavy Lift Transport Planes watched over by FA-15 Cardinals and FA-16 Priests dropped huge amounts of Food and Water to the people of Zanski written across them in every language imagine able was details of what the UFAN Forces wanted to accomplish these paragraphs read as follows:
"People of the Karazistan & Zaynah Region, Come together in Freedom, Rule yourselves do not allow Self-Proclaimed Dictators to rule for you. The United Federation is working for you we seek not to occupy or conquer you. We seek a United Nation of Peoples within the Region to rule its people in
freedom and Peace. Help Us achieve this aim. We make it clear as soon as elections are held and peace, security and safety is returned to the area all
UFAN Forces will withdraw."
UFAN Occupied Zone Waters, Unsecured Beaches, Zanski Region:
The Fleet out to sea slowly came to halt taking up defensive positions their job was now one of support to the Ground Forces whom where preparing for the operations. From the Helicopter Assault Carriers 30 CH-57 Chinook Helicopters, 60 AH-64 Apache Longbow Gunships and 10 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters rose forming into three groups watched over by the Fleets massive Air Wing Complement the Helicopters approached two beachheads and a small coastal village with a small harbour like facility.
Reaching the Beachheads The Blackhawks 2 each for beaches deployed fast roping marines sped to the floor taking up immediate defensive positions they secured the immediate beach for mines and snipers signalling to the Chinook it came in low and again the marines fast roped to the floor and moved to take up positions with the already deployed Marines with the first landing successful the Marines would now hold these beachheads so that the real landings could get underway. At the small Village Apache Gunships hovered overhead keeping a sharp eye out for Snipers and anybody stupid enough to launch a RPG Grenade. The Blackhawks and the Chinooks now deployed together causing a Surge of Marines whom took up defensive positions throughout the small settlement with all marines now deployed the Transport Helicopters moved off and the Apaches ascended the Marines began to shout to the Village Occupants:
"This is the Marines of the VDF 78th Marine Regiment under the Command of the Joint UFAN Command Authority. We come in Peace and do not seek to harm you. Please we bring Food, Water and whatever Materials you desire."
A few minutes past before a women appeared from one of the houses keeping Rifles trained she brought with her a small child whom seemed to have sustained a Gunshot wound some hours before a lone maggot had appeared within the wound the Marine Captain ordered his medic to tend to the child whilst the Captain radioed for a Medievac. Sure enough within less than 3 minutes a White UH-60 Blackhawk appeared across its body was a Red Cross hoovering it deployed a stretcher and a winch the child was strapped to the stretcher and her mother the winch once in the Medical Chopper it roared away. The Child would be treated and her mother given the
materials and knowledge to care for her when they would be returned home within 6 hours of this event.
Back within the Village with the permission and supervision of the people the Marines began to search the settlement. They where searching for weapons mainly. Although weapons where legal in Zanski under the provisional UFAN Law it was illegal to store more than 5 Assault Rifle and 5 Pistols furthermore weapons such as Heavy Squad Machine Guns, C-4 and other high explosives, RPG Launchers and Snipers where illegal however civilians found with these more often than not had no means to dispose of them as a result the Marines would simply confiscate them. This was all part of the greater security operation by seizing specific amounts and specific weapons it would be easier to secure the region as a whole. In co-operation with the Hearts and Minds the VDF was now attacking the problem on multiple fronts and its root problems. As the operation went on the Vetakan Forces would carry out other security operations such as Road Blocks, Stop and Searches, General Patrols and Military Operations against the many factions and self proclaimed dictatorships whom abused the people. The UFAN Special Forces on the intelligence of the various Allied Agencies would begin to either arrest or neutralise identified Enemy Leaders. Now beaches and a small harbour had been secured the VDF would rapidly deploy Mechanized Infantry Divisions, Tank Divisions, Artillery Divisions, Engineering Divisions and General MPT Divisions.
On the International Scene the Vetakan Government was working across the board and behind closed doors to secure a total "No Sale Embargo" on weaponry from the worlds Military Industries. The Vetakan Government in co-operation with UFAN announced that any person, group, organization or nation whom was approached by anybody whom was seeking weapons for the region of Zanski should contact the Vetakan Government whom would buy up such weapons that where headed to Zanski but would also pay additional money as a reward. Furthermore UFAN now sought investment for Zanski so that the people would have jobs, the Zanski Economy as a whole would be kick started by Public Work Schemes as this would also see the Zanski People constructing their own infrastructure supported all the
time by VDF Engineer Regiments as well as all this UFAN would make strategic Infusions of Money Aid. Everything UFAN was now doing was aimed at securing Zanski and most importantly securing the Hearts and Minds of the people.
Official Free Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: <Office of the Vetakan President & VDF High Command>
Subject: Zanski Crisis
The Vetakan Dominion on behalf of the United Federation of Allied Nations will not accept anything less than full Freedom and Democracy for the people of Zanski. A Democracy where all Political ideologies and beliefs are tolerated in an open dialogue such as a Parliament or Senate. The United Federation has never and will never negotiate with those whom abuse the basic human rights of the Civilian. As such the United Federation refuses to enter into dialogue with the self proclaimed Dictator of Abdullah al-Majid. If
Abdullah al-Majid comes to the table and announces himself as a candidate for provisional elections of a Government the United Federation will provide support in anyway it can. The United Federation makes it clear that UFAN Operations within the Region are not aimed at occupying, conquering or abusing the people of the region UFAN operations are being carried out to secure the nation, kick start the economy, and facilitate the nation for a full democratic election.
Abdullah al-Majid preaches that UFAN is some sort of Communists Monster hell bent on killing and raping Zanski nothing could be further from the truth the United Federation is made up of nations from across the Political Spectrum all bound by their desire to help the civilian. UFAN has no intent to crush the thoughts and ideologies of the People we only wish to ensure those Thoughts and Ideologies are not being abused by men such as Abdullah al-Majid. The United Federation has begun a massive operation to be known as
Operation: Zanski Freedom. This operation has the overall aim of ensuring that the Zanski Crisis will not occur again once UFAN has withdrew. This operation will be fought on multiple fronts and will address the key and core problems of this situation. A Hearts and Minds Humanitarian Operation will see the Zanski people receiving direct and unlimited aim it will the Zanski people helping themselves. A Security Operation will see the entire nation secured and searched for what UFAN defines as "Not Required Weaponry" this security operation will see those whom attempt to destroy freedom within Zanski arrested and charged or shot and killed. Operation: Zanski Freedom will also see UFAN carrying out will be defined as a "Future Zanski Investment Program". The bottom line is this "Their will be no further Zanski Crisis once the Vetakan Dominion & UFAN has withdrew, that will withdrawal will never occur again"
Daniel Pearce
President of the Free Dominion of Vetaka
Supreme Commanding Admiral in Chief of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Moxim Road, Xanka
It was the day that Veran Atanah was planning to dissolve the parliament and become general of Zanski. He had told all the military leaders to prepare to be firmly under his hand, and had paid them millions to keep their mouth shut. However, one of them, Hagan, had (see post49 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13054998&postcount=49)) been paid to arrange a coup d'etat.
Veran Atanah had gathered 29,000 people on Moxim Road to announce this new status.
As Atanah came to the pedestal that he was to anounce his new title from, about ten soldiers stepped into his way and pushed him to the floor. The Crowd gasped as they rolled him over and put handcuffs on his hands. Hagan appeared from behind the pedestal and started to speak.
"Hello, people of Zanski. Today is a great day for you, for tyranny has been broken and now comes the day when the view of the people comes into action. I, Hagan, will bring about this action. For, now, you are looking at your new leader. This now is the declaration of the Impeial Socialist Republic of Zanski. The war with Mhoudia and New Nicksyllvania is over.
UFAN cannot try to fight us now. There is no Soveriegn nation on this island that supports them now."
The crowd stood in silence for a while, then one person started clapping and the rest soon followed. All over the city drums beat and Fireworks lit up the black night sky- And these were no state-sponsered celebrations. The people were genuinely happy.
Later that day, Veran Atanah was put on a plane and sent towards Wagdog.
Airspace Above Unsecured Lands within the Original UFAN Lands, Zanski Region:
Flanked by no less than 10 F/A 401 Birds of Prey Air superiority aircraft the 5 Heavy Lift C-5 Galaxies roared across the Sky above the beautiful landscape of Zanski approaching the designated Drop zone which was 10 Miles north of an unsecured town which was of high strategic value to the Overall Security Operation within the wider Operation: Zanski Freedom.
As the flight roared on towards the Drop zone the rear doors of the planes opened up the load masters roaring a countdown from 10....
"Stand By"
With that brave baby faced troopers of the VDF 97th Airborne Division charged forward and leapt from the plane shooting down they would deploy shoots and gently glide to the floor where once landed they would regroup and move to secure bridges and roads paving the way for Armour and Artillery Positions to move up and continue the security operations.
Mhoudia and Zanski are now giving you a great opportunity to withdraw and would like to hold peace talks in the last non-imperial socialist strip of land in the island of Gharrakland...
Dare we say it...
We will put a full ceasefire into action for one day and then we will sen in some tribal leaders that won't matter if they are taken hostage or are killed and will talk with you.
If you do not, it may turn the people of Zaynah against you- after all, the peace deal could well involve the freedom of the nation and will involve the safety of their people, after all we know how touchy you guys are about those... things...
-Abdullah Al-Majid, general over the Imperial Socialist Union of Mhoudia
Across the Zanski Region:
A Battle such as this where thoughts and ideologies fought openly such as this was not one by Tanks and Artillery but via Hearts and Minds. Every member of the Vetakan Defence Force was aware of this it was one of the first things taught within Basic Training of the VDF. No matter whom you are or where you live every person would much rather be free and able to believe what they wanted and do what they wanted. Rather than be dictated to by a person, group or ideology as a result besides deploying a substantial force the Vetakan Defence Force had already launched a Massive Humanitarian Hearts and Minds Operation. First of all some 100 Strategic Heavy Lift Transport Planes watched over by FA-15 Cardinals and FA-16 Priests dropped huge amounts of Food and Water to the people of Zanski written across them in every language imagine able was details of what the UFAN Forces wanted to accomplish these paragraphs read as follows:
"People of the Karazistan & Zaynah Region, Come together in Freedom, Rule yourselves do not allow Self-Proclaimed Dictators to rule for you. The United Federation is working for you we seek not to occupy or conquer you. We seek a United Nation of Peoples within the Region to rule its people in
freedom and Peace. Help Us achieve this aim. We make it clear as soon as elections are held and peace, security and safety is returned to the area all
UFAN Forces will withdraw."
UFAN Occupied Zone Waters, Unsecured Beaches, Zanski Region:
The Fleet out to sea slowly came to halt taking up defensive positions their job was now one of support to the Ground Forces whom where preparing for the operations. From the Helicopter Assault Carriers 30 CH-57 Chinook Helicopters, 60 AH-64 Apache Longbow Gunships and 10 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters rose forming into three groups watched over by the Fleets massive Air Wing Complement the Helicopters approached two beachheads and a small coastal village with a small harbour like facility.
Reaching the Beachheads The Blackhawks 2 each for beaches deployed fast roping marines sped to the floor taking up immediate defensive positions they secured the immediate beach for mines and snipers signalling to the Chinook it came in low and again the marines fast roped to the floor and moved to take up positions with the already deployed Marines with the first landing successful the Marines would now hold these beachheads so that the real landings could get underway. At the small Village Apache Gunships hovered overhead keeping a sharp eye out for Snipers and anybody stupid enough to launch a RPG Grenade. The Blackhawks and the Chinooks now deployed together causing a Surge of Marines whom took up defensive positions throughout the small settlement with all marines now deployed the Transport Helicopters moved off and the Apaches ascended the Marines began to shout to the Village Occupants:
"This is the Marines of the VDF 78th Marine Regiment under the Command of the Joint UFAN Command Authority. We come in Peace and do not seek to harm you. Please we bring Food, Water and whatever Materials you desire."
A few minutes past before a women appeared from one of the houses keeping Rifles trained she brought with her a small child whom seemed to have sustained a Gunshot wound some hours before a lone maggot had appeared within the wound the Marine Captain ordered his medic to tend to the child whilst the Captain radioed for a Medievac. Sure enough within less than 3 minutes a White UH-60 Blackhawk appeared across its body was a Red Cross hoovering it deployed a stretcher and a winch the child was strapped to the stretcher and her mother the winch once in the Medical Chopper it roared away. The Child would be treated and her mother given the
materials and knowledge to care for her when they would be returned home within 6 hours of this event.
Back within the Village with the permission and supervision of the people the Marines began to search the settlement. They where searching for weapons mainly. Although weapons where legal in Zanski under the provisional UFAN Law it was illegal to store more than 5 Assault Rifle and 5 Pistols furthermore weapons such as Heavy Squad Machine Guns, C-4 and other high explosives, RPG Launchers and Snipers where illegal however civilians found with these more often than not had no means to dispose of them as a result the Marines would simply confiscate them. This was all part of the greater security operation by seizing specific amounts and specific weapons it would be easier to secure the region as a whole. In co-operation with the Hearts and Minds the VDF was now attacking the problem on multiple fronts and its root problems. As the operation went on the Vetakan Forces would carry out other security operations such as Road Blocks, Stop and Searches, General Patrols and Military Operations against the many factions and self proclaimed dictatorships whom abused the people. The UFAN Special Forces on the intelligence of the various Allied Agencies would begin to either arrest or neutralise identified Enemy Leaders. Now beaches and a small harbour had been secured the VDF would rapidly deploy Mechanized Infantry Divisions, Tank Divisions, Artillery Divisions, Engineering Divisions and General MPT Divisions.
On the International Scene the Vetakan Government was working across the board and behind closed doors to secure a total "No Sale Embargo" on weaponry from the worlds Military Industries. The Vetakan Government in co-operation with UFAN announced that any person, group, organization or nation whom was approached by anybody whom was seeking weapons for the region of Zanski should contact the Vetakan Government whom would buy up such weapons that where headed to Zanski but would also pay additional money as a reward. Furthermore UFAN now sought investment for Zanski so that the people would have jobs, the Zanski Economy as a whole would be kick started by Public Work Schemes as this would also see the Zanski People constructing their own infrastructure supported all the
time by VDF Engineer Regiments as well as all this UFAN would make strategic Infusions of Money Aid. Everything UFAN was now doing was aimed at securing Zanski and most importantly securing the Hearts and Minds of the people.
Official Free Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: <Office of the Vetakan President & VDF High Command>
Subject: Zanski Crisis
The Vetakan Dominion on behalf of the United Federation of Allied Nations will not accept anything less than full Freedom and Democracy for the people of Zanski. A Democracy where all Political ideologies and beliefs are tolerated in an open dialogue such as a Parliament or Senate. The United Federation has never and will never negotiate with those whom abuse the basic human rights of the Civilian. As such the United Federation refuses to enter into dialogue with the self proclaimed Dictator of Abdullah al-Majid. If
Abdullah al-Majid comes to the table and announces himself as a candidate for provisional elections of a Government the United Federation will provide support in anyway it can. The United Federation makes it clear that UFAN Operations within the Region are not aimed at occupying, conquering or abusing the people of the region UFAN operations are being carried out to secure the nation, kick start the economy, and facilitate the nation for a full democratic election.
Abdullah al-Majid preaches that UFAN is some sort of Communists Monster hell bent on killing and raping Zanski nothing could be further from the truth the United Federation is made up of nations from across the Political Spectrum all bound by their desire to help the civilian. UFAN has no intent to crush the thoughts and ideologies of the People we only wish to ensure those Thoughts and Ideologies are not being abused by men such as Abdullah al-Majid. The United Federation has begun a massive operation to be known as
Operation: Zanski Freedom. This operation has the overall aim of ensuring that the Zanski Crisis will not occur again once UFAN has withdrew. This operation will be fought on multiple fronts and will address the key and core problems of this situation. A Hearts and Minds Humanitarian Operation will see the Zanski people receiving direct and unlimited aim it will the Zanski people helping themselves. A Security Operation will see the entire nation secured and searched for what UFAN defines as "Not Required Weaponry" this security operation will see those whom attempt to destroy freedom within Zanski arrested and charged or shot and killed. Operation: Zanski Freedom will also see UFAN carrying out will be defined as a "Future Zanski Investment Program". The bottom line is this "Their will be no further Zanski Crisis once the Vetakan Dominion & UFAN has withdrew, that will withdrawal will never occur again"
Daniel Pearce
President of the Free Dominion of Vetaka
Supreme Commanding Admiral in Chief of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Well, to end the Zanski Crisis, you can withdraw completely from our lands. Give Zaynah to Mhoudia. We have economic plans for the future, so if you want to help, do it now. Or stay in Zaynah and give Karazistan back. Maybe once we have gotten over the commie atrocities we can enjoy a friendship. But only if you give Z&K back and recognise our rule.
Airspace Above Unsecured Lands within the Original UFAN Lands, Zanski Region:
Flanked by no less than 10 F/A 401 Birds of Prey Air superiority aircraft the 5 Heavy Lift C-5 Galaxies roared across the Sky above the beautiful landscape of Zanski approaching the designated Drop zone which was 10 Miles north of an unsecured town which was of high strategic value to the Overall Security Operation within the wider Operation: Zanski Freedom.
As the flight roared on towards the Drop zone the rear doors of the planes opened up the load masters roaring a countdown from 10....
"Stand By"
With that brave baby faced troopers of the VDF 97th Airborne Division charged forward and leapt from the plane shooting down they would deploy shoots and gently glide to the floor where once landed they would regroup and move to secure bridges and roads paving the way for Armour and Artillery Positions to move up and continue the security operations.
ooc:What town is this? I have a map you know.
Tumada City, Tumad State, Zanski
The Gharrakan Nationalist movement supporters were out in the street today; Guns rattling, cars going past with anti-Zansk slogans, posters being put up, flags being burnt...
This was normal. The Central government in Xanka had never admitted it, but Tumad State was de facto an atonomous region. The Central Military police, a force to be reckoned with, had pulled out due to seperationists in 1975. The streets were ruled by the Gharrakan Freedom Guard, a political-military movement that had widespread support all over the land. Although the GFG had supported an Imperial Socialist revolution in Zanski, it showed no signs of stopping its seperationist stance.
So General Hagan and his Transitional Board of Advisors had created the National Force for Stability and Peace (NFSP). It was a death squad, trained to roam the streets and shoot down anyone who carried a gun or had anti-government material on them. Already there had been a massacre at a flat in Paramus, Northern Peninsulas State where there was a poster of Modi Arma. 17 people, who were partying in the flat, were mutilated.
Vetakan Dominion in Constitutional Crisis
Page 1 of the New Theeb Discoverer
In a first time for the Vetakan Government the nation is now in a very real and some might say scary constitutional crisis. With the recent commitment of a massive VDF Expeditionary Force to the region of Zanski in response to growing civil unrest within the region. The constitutional crisis began its believed late last night when Chiefdom Quicksilver of the White Phoenix used his Military Veto to call the VDF Deployment into question.
The deployment will now be referred to the Chiefdom's War Council and the Senate's Defence Committee of which both groups will vote upon the issue and will come to a joint decision. The Chief has never vetoed any military operation the Vetakan Defence Force has ever been apart of. The Tribal Veto was put in place after the White Phoenix confirmed they would be committing their legendary Scout Warriors to the VDF Special Operations Command (VDFSOCOM) as a result of this the Constitution granted the Chiefdom the capacity to Veto and call into question any Military Deployment the Government makes around the world.
Early Public Opinion as recorded by the Vetaka Today's News Agency Website Survey has shown the public's support for a complete halt and withdrawal from all operations in relation to Zanski many commenting that they fear a "Vetakan Style Iraq & Vietnam Situation". In a very early response to the situation Official Leader of the Opposition Micheal Parker of the Nationalist Party spoke of demanding that "The Freedom Government immediately withdrawal all forces and abandon all operations within the Zanski Region". Senator Parker went on to demand that "All VDF Forces be brought home to defend the nation from Mer Des Ennuis aggression".
Early political analysis has predicted that both the Senate Committee and the Tribal War Council will vote in favour of Chiefdom Quicksilver results of such votes will be known within 12 hours. Further to that analysis its predicted public opinion will support the Chiefdom's position again due to the Chief and the Tribe being held as a "Royal Family" of Vetaka of which are deeply respected by the public.
Red Army Air Force Two, Skies over Wagdog
"So you want me to do it?" Secret consultations between the Wagdian government and several of its allies had been underway ever since the coup in Zanski. "Makes sense, given my alliance role, but this was your project way back when dear." Deputy General Secretary Christine Friedrich just had to get that jab in on the person calling her via the secure phone in her plane's executive suite.
General Secretary Charles Lind frowned at that, but all the same he knew it was the case. A project that I thought had been over and done with, more fool me. "They've handed us former President Atanah alive; State Department met him when he landed, and he's comfortable for now. They could've treated him like they did the former Mhoudian governor, so this is a signal I do believe. As UFAN head, dear, best it be sent by you." He didn't like having his own former ally's head handed to him, even figuratively. But still, considering how things looked ready to go to all nine Circles of Hell at once in Vetaka any minute now, best to take advantage of offers to reclaim some maneuvering room.
Christine sighed, knowing he was right but having trouble working up the admission for herself. After a moment's awkward pause, she said, "Agreed. We can have Marshal Millenhaus take the point with some State Department personnel sent over to assist. I'll issue the statement now." After the cursory goodbyes between man and wife, she set to work accordingly. This wasn't going to be good, however one spun it, except perhaps in the long term. Best to secure what objectives could be so and get out while the getting was good. In all honesty, there were more important battles to fight now; by far, and far closer to home both politically and personally for her now...
Official USSW and UFAN Acceptance of Ceasefire Offer, Agreement to Meet with Zansk and Mhoudian Representatives in Mrahed
Although we are not pleased at the sudden deposition of a Federation member government by forces levying war against same, much less their consipiring with foreign powers openly hostile to the Federation and its members, we are at least impressed that you returned former President Atanah to us alive. And, most of all, that you are willing to consider equitable solution to your nation's ethnic difficulties and consideration of minority safety and rights; without which statement, General Al-Majid, suffice it to say I would be writing many other and more personal things instead of this acceptance right now.
But what would've been is irrelevant, we must do what we can with the Fate we have all made together; and must finish making moreover. I, in my capacity as Secretary General of the Federation, hereby authorize upholding our end of the ceasefire and for our local commander, Field Marshal Eileen Millenhaus newly reappointed to her old Seventh Army Group formation in Mrahed, to conduct the talks. We will be dispatching by civil Il-86 aircraft diplomatic attaches to her staff for the purpose of this meeting; and insofar as we would wish them unharmed, you have our solemn word your tribal delegates will be so as well.
Sincerely in Hope for Peace,
Christine Friedrich
Deputy Commander in Chief, USSW War Office
Deputy Party Secretary, Wagdian Revolutionary Party
Deputy General Secretary, USSW Revolutionary Command Council
Secretary General, United Federation of Allied Nations
Picture taken from Police Lines during Running Battles with Police Forces
Riots & Public Support the Chiefdom, Government forced into U-Turn
Page 1 of the New Theeb Discoverer (Special Evening Addition)
In a massive and symbolic act the general public today protested in mass numbers in support of the demanded pull-out of the Zanski Deployment made just 2 days ago. The protest occurred within the Roxanne Wright Community Campus within New Theeb University organised by the New Theeb University International Politics Alliance and initially consisted of some 750 students. However as the day moved on the number grew as more students, lecturers and members of the general public soon joined the protest.
By midday it was estimated some 5,000 people where now protesting within the Campus Complex by half past midday Vetakan Police Forces and Specialist Riot Units where deployed to provide security to the area. The Protest was peaceful with no arrests until 16:00 hours where its believed elements of the elusive Football Hooligan Group "Combat 18" infiltrated the protest and began to whip the crowd into a frenzy to which they attacked and killed 2 Police Officers and turned over and burnt a Police Cruiser.
In response to the incident the Vetakan Police responded with Tear Gas, Water Cannon and Pressure Bean Bag containing the crowd within the Complex shots where heard from within the crowd and it is believed 3 protesters where killed. In response to the growing crisis the government ordered the protest disperse to which some 4,500 people obeyed. However the remaining 500 refused and launched attacks against the Police fighting running battles through the streets its estimated 1.2 Million USD in damage has been sustained. Police Forces eventually surrounded the protesters at the Tarvin Underpass within the Beverly Knights area of the city. Fearing further violence into the night the Police launched an all out charge with further Tear Gas, Water Cannon, Pressure Bags, Acoustic Weaponry, Rubber Bullets, Mounted Horse Units and Full Riot Gear Officers the charge by Police Lines led to a total of some 400 arrests and the fleeing of some 100 protesters.
The Streets of the Capital have fallen quiet now however Riot Units and limited VDF 1st Army Units have deployed across the city to prevent further unrest. During the Peaceful Protests this newspaper spoke to John Taggart of the New Theeb University International Politics Alliance whom echoed Chiefdom Quicksilvers call for a withdrawal of Zanski. Mr Taggart went onto to call for Zanski Expulsion from UFAN saying that "the new regime was not fit to hold Federation Membership".
In response to the Tribal Veto the Chiefdom's War Council and the Senate's Defence Committee voted in total support of the Chiefdom's veto as a result and further to the protesters calls Vice President Perry Cox announced that the "VDF Expeditionary Forces to Zanski would be withdrawn with immediate affect that the Vetakan Dominion would no longer be working to aid Zanski and that Vetaka would be calling for Zanski Expulsion from the United Federation citing that the people of Zanski no longer wanted to be part of the Alliance as such where not fit for membership and as such where no longer worthy of UFAN benefits". When asked whether or not the Vetakan Government would continue contributing aid to the nation Cox said: "The Vetakan Dominion will indeed no be be contributing aid to a dictatorship furthermore the Vetakan Dominion would be calling for a halt of all aid to Zanski from individual UFAN states as well as the Alliance as a whole".
General Hagan looked at the telegram that his secretary had just brought him. It was from Vetaka and was a cutting of a newspaper. as he read it, his thin lips curled into a smile and he chuckled.
"So they want us out of the federation, eh. Well I never thought this would happen.Heh. Heh. Are they on the Shit list yet? Heh. Heh. Better be. Well, They will watch as our country prospers under me. We will get new allies. Heh. Blow the shit out of them in ten years time. As for Wagdog, it seems they recognise us de facto. Peace is in the air for now..."
At 1pm that day, the last artillery struck Mrahed and a Demilitarized zone was established 5km from the current border and snipers were sent to guard it while the 2-day pace conference began and some representitives were sent to Mrahed with five soldiers. The soldiers were under orders to talk into their recievers if trouble arose.
Mhoudia will do the same. Can Wagdog begin the negotiations?
OOC: Sure. Anyone sending a representative, just post like you're already here and have been listening; arrival posts are generally fail IMO and unnecessary here.
Mrahed, Zaynah
Watching the approach of the Zansk and Mhoudian representatives, Marshal Eileen Millenhaus sighed at what her absence in Generia had apparently occasioned despite her return. Well, no sense in bellyaching; do what you came here to do and get it over with. Drawing herself up, swagger-stick tucked under her right arm, she began graciously.
"Salaam Aleikum gentlemen, and welcome to my headquarters all. Your guards have no need for worry, for my men are trained enough to respect the ceasefire. In any event, I believe that we can work out a deal that achieves all our objectives in this affair." Pointing towards the main tables, complete with water and some light refreshments which cooks from the field kitchens would restock as the talks went on, she motioned the parties to be seated.
"We can cover the basics right off. Above all, my government wants no repeat of the atrocities of former King Kang Arma's regime. Political freedom may or may not be compatible with the Imperial Socialist agenda, and that is yours to decide. But what the United Federation of Allied Nations has fought for, and intends to negotiate for now, are the civil and personal rights of all Zansk minorities. Yes, this includes the Mhoudian and Karazi Arabs, the Jayirie, the Gharrakans, and of course the Zansk and others. The honorable General Al-Majid..." God how she had to adjust to that usage, though she somehow managed a straight face all the same when talking about the man who just yesterday she'd wanted nothing more than the head of. "...seems to share this desire, and so I believe you may propose terms there first since you know more."
"Regarding withdrawal, annexations, or other matters, we prefer that Jayiria and Zaynah remain distinct geographical and political units even if within larger unions such as the Imperial Socialist Republic of Zanski or so. Doing otherwise, in our humble opinion, may in time prejudice the civil solutions arrived at since people tend to impose geographical fictions onto cultural realities; nigh-always to disastrous results. Since we're here to avoid that, I believe we can agree on an arrangement where all may participate in the ISRZ as they will. Sound fair, gentlemen?" Now once again, as it had been from the start apparently, the ball was out of Marshal Eileen Millenhaus' hands. How swiftly it would be passed back to her, as fair play or foul, was now up to those sitting opposite her.
The Zansk representative shook his head.
"The Gharrakans will be treated the same as everyone else when they stop fighting to not be the same. Autonomy-No way. This is why we are sending in our death squads. They will not co-operate. Zanski has not had control over the Southern and Central part of Tumad State since the insurgency began. We may, however, if it suits this agreement, consider Negotiations with The Gharrakan Freedom Guard. We have another topic, though. Veran Atanah- Do what you want with him. Let him set up a Government-in-Exile. Just so long as you recognise our regime as more than an insurgency."
By the way, I might be stating the obvious but Veran Atanah is not under our control any more, He is under your control now.
Aurum Domus
02-10-2007, 00:14
OOC: You guys care if I come in? I was in it earlier but I haven't posted in awhile.
OOC: Come on in, Aurum and all others in this thread; though I said as much on IRC. In any case, should bump this along. No need for arrival posts really, just have your reps say what they want and we'll assume they've been here the whole time for mutual convenience.
"Negotiations with and above all between the Gharrakan Freedom Guard, the Jayirie Blue Cross, the Zaynite Liberation Front and North Mhoudian Tribal Alliance, and suchlike groups are essential. In fact, bring them all here for efficiency's sake." Marshal Millenhaus was polite but firm here, knowing that these people would have to be held to their offers if those weren't to be weaselled out of somehow. And without those offers, withdrawal would indeed be in dishonor. "We were not suggesting political autonomy; honestly, even just the recognition of these districts as such and separate from the current areas they're submerged into would be helpful, since much of our shared problem is that cultural borders in this land are at complete odds with political ones since culture has itself become politicized in recent circumstances. Hence, as concrete examples, what would be so politically damaging about subordinating Zaynah as a named state under the laws and government of an independent Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia? Or, barring Mhoudian independence, as a federal state within Zanski no more independent than Jayiria or Tumada, but equally its own subdivision all the same rather than a mere district within Mhoudia, which current arrangement seems to be the geopolitical root of the problem in that area?
"But far be it for me and mine to draw your maps for you; honestly so long as negotiations comprehensively involving the local fronts in the national reconciliation process under the respective Imperial Socialist Republics occur, and progress is made on cultural rights as a result of such, then that is really all we care about now. As for former-President Atanah, my government has not instructed me regarding his wishes due to no such being communicated to us at this time. For now, he's simply in the care of our State Department and we agree that for the sake of practice your governments are more than just insurgencies now. Formal recognition may or may not come during this process, for that requires consultation regarding the effect of such on UFAN ethical guidelines relating to obligations toward member governments like the one Mr. Atanah headed until recently; but for now we agree that the Imperial Socialist Republics of Mhoudia and Zanski are both sovereign entities de facto and thus on an equal level with the other governments at this conference for all intents and purposes relevant." The Zansk representative hopefully mollified, Marshal Millenhaus turned to the Mhoudian delegation.
"So, let us go over your offer so it is understood correctly. You say that the settlement can involve the safety and freedom of Zaynah in some form, presumably in relation to the Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia? We are flexible about the precise form of this, so long as it is sufficiently robust that external presence is not required to maintain its viability. We agree that continued presence of our forces here would only aggravate potential tensions down the road, and it is indeed best when the peoples learn to live peaceably for themselves. If I have mischaracterized your position, a thousand pardons, and my ears are open to the truth of the matter." She also had her government's agenda in mind, naturally, but that wasn't so different from the Mhoudian by now if indeed it was as potentially generous as Al-Majid's statement was sincere. Indeed, if that was indeed what was on the table, best to accept it and salvage at least some of the whole reason this sordid affair had begun ten years earlier; not an opportunity to be squandered lightly by any means.
Aurum Domus
04-10-2007, 18:16
Ambassador General Jason Goldsea stood up and spoke.
"The Armed Republic would like to offer the Zaynah a chance to become a protectorate. The Zaynah Tribal Lands would become a part of Aurum Domus and all Zaynah would have dual citizenship. The Zaynah people would also have the benefit of full protection by the Aurum Doman military."
OOC: Come on in, Aurum and all others in this thread; though I said as much on IRC. In any case, should bump this along. No need for arrival posts really, just have your reps say what they want and we'll assume they've been here the whole time for mutual convenience.
"Negotiations with and above all between the Gharrakan Freedom Guard, the Jayirie Blue Cross, the Zaynite Liberation Front and North Mhoudian Tribal Alliance, and suchlike groups are essential. In fact, bring them all here for efficiency's sake." Marshal Millenhaus was polite but firm here, knowing that these people would have to be held to their offers if those weren't to be weaselled out of somehow. And without those offers, withdrawal would indeed be in dishonor. "We were not suggesting political autonomy; honestly, even just the recognition of these districts as such and separate from the current areas they're submerged into would be helpful, since much of our shared problem is that cultural borders in this land are at complete odds with political ones since culture has itself become politicized in recent circumstances. Hence, as concrete examples, what would be so politically damaging about subordinating Zaynah as a named state under the laws and government of an independent Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia? Or, barring Mhoudian independence, as a federal state within Zanski no more independent than Jayiria or Tumada, but equally its own subdivision all the same rather than a mere district within Mhoudia, which current arrangement seems to be the geopolitical root of the problem in that area?
"But far be it for me and mine to draw your maps for you; honestly so long as negotiations comprehensively involving the local fronts in the national reconciliation process under the respective Imperial Socialist Republics occur, and progress is made on cultural rights as a result of such, then that is really all we care about now. As for former-President Atanah, my government has not instructed me regarding his wishes due to no such being communicated to us at this time. For now, he's simply in the care of our State Department and we agree that for the sake of practice your governments are more than just insurgencies now. Formal recognition may or may not come during this process, for that requires consultation regarding the effect of such on UFAN ethical guidelines relating to obligations toward member governments like the one Mr. Atanah headed until recently; but for now we agree that the Imperial Socialist Republics of Mhoudia and Zanski are both sovereign entities de facto and thus on an equal level with the other governments at this conference for all intents and purposes relevant." The Zansk representative hopefully mollified, Marshal Millenhaus turned to the Mhoudian delegation.
"So, let us go over your offer so it is understood correctly. You say that the settlement can involve the safety and freedom of Zaynah in some form, presumably in relation to the Imperial Socialist Republic of Mhoudia? We are flexible about the precise form of this, so long as it is sufficiently robust that external presence is not required to maintain its viability. We agree that continued presence of our forces here would only aggravate potential tensions down the road, and it is indeed best when the peoples learn to live peaceably for themselves. If I have mischaracterized your position, a thousand pardons, and my ears are open to the truth of the matter." She also had her government's agenda in mind, naturally, but that wasn't so different from the Mhoudian by now if indeed it was as potentially generous as Al-Majid's statement was sincere. Indeed, if that was indeed what was on the table, best to accept it and salvage at least some of the whole reason this sordid affair had begun ten years earlier; not an opportunity to be squandered lightly by any means.
The Zansk and Mhoudian reps discussed this and came up with these answers:
The Zansk representative took a sip of water then spoke:"We suggest that Mhoudia annex Karazistan, and Zaynah becomes a DMZ apart from Mrahed. This way Jayiria and Mhoudia regions of the Imperial Socialist Union of Mhoudia are connected, but we have peace."
The Mhoudian nodded, then added: "We will not tolerate Zaynite self-rule either. Then they will launch a war of vengeance against us. You must rule over them with an iron fist-if that means communism, then so be it. If there is an insurgency, then we will stop it and also send you home. You will not let an insurgency happen. If you do not accept this, then consider the talks over and war resumed."
Internally disgusted by the Mhoudian's insistence that Zaynite aspirations be denied, Marshal Millenhnaus kept her cool nonetheless and faced said delegate first. "Well then, we all do seem to be converging on a solution. I would point to General Goldsea's offer as well." She looked his way warmly, keeping up Allied unity now that it was starting to matter. "The Aurum Domans could firmly keep any moves towards vengeance against your people suppressed, being one of the more militaristic nations in UFAN; indeed an actual military dictatorship more to the point." She left out the issue of the delegate's assumption all UFAN nations were communist, which Aurum Domus plainly was not, in a subtle hint to Goldsea to let the insult drop before he replied and caused more trouble than the provocation would be worth.
To both delegates, she then directed her summation. "Revenge is in none of our interests, so reluctantly we will agree to drop any calls for autonomy for Zaynah. The Aurum Domans can do everything you ask, and if you agree to their protectorate we will see it done. If not, we can call upon others interested either within or without our alliance, but all the same it would be done. We are close to agreement here, gentlemen; all that is needed are the precise details. Our current proposal: A demilitarized Zaynah, minus annexations and purely under Aurum Doman rule, so that UFAN internal politics are not an issue when it comes to suppression of any Zaynite rebel activity and so our interests in Zaynah are still watched over all the same."
Taking a deep breath, she added, "As for the status of Mrahed, you will need to clarify what you mean. Are you asking for the rump of Zaynah to be under us, while the heart remains under a Mhoudian rule that they would likely rebel against on the instant; or instead that Mrahed be the center of any occupation by us while the remainder is demilitarized by all sides and free for Mhoudian traffic? I highly doubt that the first possibility would work for any of our long-term interests here, gentlemen; in fact I believe such an arrangement would only ensure further tragedy. The second would be the ideal arrangement however, in consideration of your non-negotiables as indicated to us so far by you both; and indeed would be our suggestion if our positions were reversed." The last was meant lightly, so as not to come off as too defiant or confrontational.
Steeling for the worst, Millenhaus went on, "If indeed the first possibility was what you meant, amputation of Mrahed, then we seem at something of an impasse of our own common making again. Would another corridor to Jayiria be more acceptable, one that doesn't raise quite as many cultural and local-administrative issues for whoever would administer this DMZ? We are agreed that Mhoudia must have a corridor, and preferably one under its own direct rule. But Mrahed strikes us in UFAN as a poor choice due to the problems ceding it to Mhoudia would likely cause us all years down the road, and not least for Mhoudia itself; problems we are close to avoiding with a little care taken." She left the inquiry at that, so ideally the Mhoudian would feel she had his interests specifically in mind even while raising questions about his offer's 'fine print' as it were. She could tell they were trying to wield it against her, and was taking precautions against it accordingly.
The Mhoudian shook his head. "We want to annex Karazistan, while Zaynah could stay under rule of you, while you cannot set up bases in it, save for Mrahed, which remains the same as it was before this war began. But, Aurum Domus... I have just checked, and seeing as it is capitalist, then... I may have to speak directly to the great General, if you do not mind."
He took his mobile phone and walked out into the corridor, and came back five minutes later.
"Well, Al-Majid has stated that any direct cedings will only last a matter of time. This may be negotiable.
"Well, the closing is near I see." Marshal Millenhaus clucked in genuine satisfaction, her straight red hair framing her aristocratic face complete with monocle. "Many thanks for the explanation. Annexation of Karazistan to Mhoudia, and demilitarization of an intact Zaynah but for the Mrahed area bases, as you've kindly offered, would be ideal given our disparate preferences. Cultures would remain whole, as would polities; agreed to unconditionally." She offered her hand to the Mhoudian, at last feeling she had some traction here. "As for the time period for any direct annexation of Zaynah to an outside power, UFAN or no, that indeed would be negotiable." She then put finger to lips in a moment's silent thought, wondering at General Goldsea's silence on the matter. Surely he must have something to say if his country is about to get a new protectorate, even if only a short-term one perhaps?
She thought she had a solution. "Alright, so as not to be arbitrary in determining cession periods, let's first ask how long it's estimated the damage from current hostilities will take to repair Zaynah in general, and Mrahed especially. We ourselves give an estimate of some twenty-five years; perhaps thirty, just to be safe. In this way, a generation has relatively sure peace in which to rebuild, questions of who would assume the responsibility of rule can be negotiated without risking them occurring in a period of incomplete rebuilding." This of course required the second matter, addressed after but a brief pause for breath and a sip from the water glass of her own.
Now onto the most important point. "If less is needed, it might be workable with a shorter term; but we must be careful not to divide one generation between two potentially-disparate protectorate regimes, or else Zaynite radicalization may set in and sabotage all we've worked for yet again. UFAN is diverse, though for ease of convenience we will likely propose candidates politically and above all economically similar to Aurum Domus for the rotation of responsibility once the cession term is up; I know of Animarnia, a Federation associate member, as the best candidate for the second protectorate to assume power after the Aurum Doman term were to end." Animarnia had dealt with ethno-religious rebels of their own before, severely and effectively; and besides were experts in rebuilding both economies and societies from what Millenhaus had read of their UFAN profile. Few better choices presented themselves, and best to have a sure second candidate so that any transitions could be smooth; a repeat of the past few months' events in twenty or thirty years' time simply would not do.
Time to serve for the final set. "Would the term of a generation be acceptable for any cessions of Zaynah and rotations thereof to later powers, divided short or long as Zaynite demographics may require, so that the young are not marooned in multiple protectorates before they are mature nor in one suited to their elders but alien to them?" The question of time was now all that needed answering, for the what was at long last agreed; and none too soon either in Millenhaus' opinion, for she suspected her troops would be sorely needed in Vetaka soon or else yet another possible front she couldn't guess.
The Mhoudian came back after another talk with his 'Great General'.
He started: "Al-Majid will extend his offer to fifty years (one year rl time) and then negotiations will continue. The DMZ will only apply now 19 miles out from Mrahed, which includes 9 miles squared of potential growth area for Mrahed- us and Zanski will also not send a single troop within five miles of the border..." He looked at the Zansk representitive, who thought, then nodded, then the Mhoudian spoke again. "Although, although even if it is only Aurum Domus ruling the Zaynites, UFAN must keep a force of at least 10,000 in Mrahed. UFAN must restrict growth outside Mrahed- no new buildings allowed- but repairations allowed with supervision. If this is agreed, then let us talk on the civil status of the Zaynite people and their democratic freedom within this Aurum Doman protectorate"
Smiling at the Mhoudian's relative flexibility, Marshal Millenhaus decided to carry on. "This is acceptable. We are curious about the ban on new civilian construction in the Demilitarized Zone, but seeing your fears of insurgency we agree that repairs under supervision may indeed be the maximum that is safe."
Steeling herself for yet another round of haggling, even if it led to things agreeable, she continued. "That done, yes let us cover the issue of cultural and civil rights of Zaynites under the protectorate scheme." Here was another opportunity to keep the initiative she held, Marshal Millenhaus thought. Careful girl... That thought, however, would ideally keep her under control in grasping said initiative. "For our part, complete cultural rights and protection against religious violence; for Zaynites or whatever minorities may agree to live in the Protectorate, without fear or favor." The part for her, and now for them, "And equally without fear or favor, zero tolerance for incitement to revanchist or irredentist violance on the part of Zaynites or any other Protectorate-denizen minorities; and equally no hesitation in quelling any such violence resulting from said incitement. In that, honored guests, the candidate nations UFAN would suggest for the protectorate would be most effective I can assure."
And thus, that said and Millenhaus reaching for the water, the ball was back in the two Imperial Socialist nations' shared court. Given the interests involved though, she expected to be able to maintain her advantage thus far; an agreement was all but worked towards after all.
The Mhoudian rep spoke again.
"Total rights and whatever will be a good thing during the protectorate era, though on second thoughts we will allow only 40,000 new buildings to be built every year. We need Domus's word, though before we cede anything."
Aurum Domus
23-10-2007, 23:18
"The Zaynah people will have full civil rights. The norm for an Aurum Doman colony or protecterate is to establish a government controlled by the people. This government will be ruled over by a Zaynah elected official who will be advised by an Aurum Doman Imperial governor."
The Karazi smiled and looked at the Zansk rep, who gave the thumbs up "Then consider the war over." He said. The following day, the six million troops stationed at the Zaynite-Mhoudian borders and ten million at the Zansk-Zaynite borders were called off.
Ten minutes later, the Zansk Rep came back to the room, where people were shaking hands.
"My general wants a UFAN resolution within a week concerning the 10,000 troops in Mrahed. If not, he says consider this ceasefire temporary."
He nodded and walked back into his jeep, and drove off.
SIC: just to go over things:
*Zaynite Domus Protectorate
*DMZ 19M2 from Mrahed
*succession of Karazistan to Mhoudia
* 10,000 troops in Mrahed
*Limited Growth outside Mrahed
*Recognition of Jayir as part of Mhoudia
* Zansk-Mhoudian pullout from Zaynah
* UFAN non-interferance in Mhoudi-Zansk affairs
OOC: Domus, will Zaynah be actually a NS nation, or will you not actually create a seperate entity OOC?
Shaking the representatives' hands, Field Marshal Millenhaus agreed. "We can contribute a small amount to the force to be left pending said resolution already. An independent and standing task force organized around two battalions of infantry and one battalion's worth from each other service specialty in my own Seventh Army, mainly as across-the-board support for any Aurum Doman or Animarnian commitments, should come to nine-thousand even from our part; plus their equipment of course." Marshal Millenhaus smirked, confident now that despite the drain on her forces' for pending operations in Vetaka she was largely back in the game outside this theater for the first time in years. "Others may and indeed will commit more, but though 10,000 troops total from various UFAN nations is the minimum stabilization force I doubt too much more than that would be either convenient or required honestly. Given the noninterference matters, such forces as will be stationed should more than suffice for simple defense of the Mrahed area proper behind the DMZ."
Getting up, knowing that matters were done here aside from perhaps any Animarnian or Aurum Doman comments, Marshal Millenhaus concluded with, "If you excuse me, I must be off as soon as confirmation of the demilitarizations is done. My current forces here are already beginning to draw down to the levels required by the agreement, and I myself ship out to Vetaka with the units leaving at the earliest opportunity; to take command of pending operations there most likely. In short, I'm to be a very busy woman for the next few days..."
With that, she strode off and set to the required logistical paperwork arranging all the withdrawals underway. Likewise, the fleet elements in place began immediately heading for international waters, aiming to remain mobile but within easy range to intervene should the situation in Lazarus or other contingencies require it. Full drawdown to the levels required would of course take time, especially considering the current deployment's sheer size to take into account, but eventually it would be done all the same. And with that, hopefully the mundane business of peacemaking and -keeping could begin again in this troubled land; only this time with a smaller and more-defensible footprint at least.
PNF Zhaan. Avenger Class Attack Submarine.
Location: Outside Zaynah territorial waters.
Current status: Unknown.
Assumed operational capacity: 100%
Incoming orders…
3rd Aleosite Fleet. High Command
Level 3 clearance required. Classification: Urgent.
Continue reconnaissance and data collections operations. High flux of vessels expected to pass through the area. As of the established date assume assigned positioning and commence operations as directed at the moment.
End Encryption.
Short and to the point, like all Peacekeeper orders were. As the message was collected by the submarine from the ether, it slowly returned to its slumber in the abyss. A monster of steel and power, just waiting silently, as a prowler waits for its prey. With the confirmation that all was moving according to plan, all it had to do now was to wait.
Inside the carcass of the beast there was no sound, not even a whisper as the crew performed its tasks with a mechanical precision adding to the already tense atmosphere. They weren’t novices at the task and as such, they had a full understanding of the importance of each and everyone’s task. If even a wheel in the machine malfunctioned then all that machine was useless.
The captain of this vessel was a simple man, like many others around him. Knowledgeable and bearing years of experience, he was one of the most appreciated captains in the fleet. He had no great ambitions or hidden goals, just the fulfilment of his purpose in life as he considered it, to serve and survive and so far he was still alive.
Like all others in the submarine, he was unaware of the hidden reasons behind his mission if such reasons existed, but nonetheless he strived to fulfil the mission without a flaw, there was no room for error in his mind and in those of his superiors. So far it was a simple surveillance mission, but you never knew what the next order was going to entail for the old wolf and his vessel.
It might surprise some, but the enclosed space of the underwater behemoth felt like home for its crew. Raised from their birth underground, far from the harsh environment that was their homeland, adapting to another closed environment such as this posed no problem for the Aleosites. The welcomed it and, to be assigned as such, cherished it. As a weapon, it was the dream of every soldier earmarked for the navy.
And it was such a weapon that would forge the destiny of a nation…
OOC:sorry, Aleos. this war is over.