The Red Star and the Grey Eagle (Very Open, MT-PMT)
09-07-2007, 06:17
1840 hours
Imperial Square, Wanderjar, Nova Europa
The light was falling over temperate Wanderjar, and still yet the streets were bustling with activity. People went from place to place, purchasing goods and driving from one activity to the next. The Polizei, the Wanderjarian Police Force, patrolled the streets of Warsaw as usual, and in great strength. Today however, was unusual. Workers from across the large nation had gathered by the thousands before Imperial Palace to demand that the Emperor be addressed by them. Many of them wore old Wanderjarian Red Army uniforms or various other Pro-Communist and Socialist clothing. One man, wearing a red beret and sporting a Wanderjarian Marine Corps unifrom, with an ammo vest and black jackboots stepped to the front. He produced a megaphone and the chanting crowd silenced.
"My Comrades, brothers and sisters of Wanderjar. I am former Unteroffizer Dieter Zitsev. For ten years, ten years I served our beloved Emperor in the Wanderjarian Marines. I fought in three campaigns for him. Three. And lost many of my Comrades and friends along the way," His eyes turned red as tears began to well out of them. The red scarff he was wearing around his neck became more visible as he unbuttoned the top of his uniform. "I fought in Chitzeland. I was there when the Pudite tanks rolled over the Wanderjarian Marines at the Battle of Accen. I was there in Four Corners, during the first War Against Blackhelm, when we destroyed the Griffencrest Corporation's Mercenary Army. I was there with the Marines when we invaded Francaden to relieve them of their oppressive Stalinist Dictator, who was a disgrace to the Leninist dream!" Roars of applause cheered on the war hero. "I along with many others suffered much for our Emperor. Why? Because of his vision. His dream of a Socialist Society where all men and women worked for their country, gave all and recieved what they put it. His dream was alive and for the first time in the history of Communism by god it worked! He did it right! Each of us worked and lived in harmony, and he provided for us! None of us was ever without food, clothing, or luxuries. We lived better than many of the Capitalist societies and why? Because we are better than they are. We had the better system. But now, we have fallen, and fallen far. The greedy Capitalist nations have corrupted the mind of our dear Emperor, the young and wise Baker. He abolished the old system and brought in a new Capitalist one. And while we still have among the best Welfare systems in the world, and the people are in some cases taken care of, we have done this at what cost? Robots are replacing workers and unemployment is taking off! The Unions are being disbanded because there power has been stripped by the CEOs of the Corporations. My friends, we are losing our souls for the quest for the almighty and all consuming currency. I will have none of it." Turning to the massive Palace which Emperor Baker resided within, he raised his gloved fist and screamed into the megaphone, "My Emperor, you have given me a home, a job, and a purpose! You have provided for me all I own! I owe you my life. And now to repay you, I swear that I shall save you from the Capitalistic swine which have consumed your infinite wisdom and blinded your divine judgement. Friends! Comrades! We will not leave until Wanderjar is Red again! Let the factories and farms close! Let them! The workers here shall remain until we are returned to our glory!"
The seeds of Revolution were sown that day, that horrible, beautiful, fateful day. None could know of the awsome struggle which was about to brew, and the catalyst to set it off would soon be revealed....
Derrick was grealty unsettled by the news he had just recieved. Shakal informants in Wanderjar had relayed the information of the speech as quickly as possible. He hand rubbed his eyes. This situation could easily escalate and that was not something he wanted. Luckily the military was ready in case this situation needed handling. Already he gave word to the Empress and Mannstein. As he sat Samantha was being informed. These 4 would be the first t come up with a plan.
North Calaveras
09-07-2007, 06:30
The news had reached the RCA, and then was passed to the NCCP, this news was huge, it would make the front page. The PNN was relaying the message of the young revolutionary, and speakers blared the speach. This was it, this is what the red world need, and NC would be at the revolutionarys side.
Die Zweiten Reich
09-07-2007, 06:34
Fuhrer Rommel received the phonecall from ZRI and got a most malicious smile. The Reich hadnt been in a war in a long time. If this situation actually reached that point he would stand alongside the Imperial forces. It was a great day every time a communist revolution was crushed beneath the iron treads of Reich armor.
09-07-2007, 06:46
The Emperor stood at his window and took a heavy sigh. A part of him felt they were right, but international and even internal pressure stayed his hand. He sluggishly drug himself back to his desk and sat in the leather chair which he had always had, since the beginning.
"Admiral Reinhardt, my old friend. What do you think?"
"Of these people, sir?"
"Yes. What of them? What am I to do? I understand what they are saying, but what should my response be?"
"Sir, I fear you'll have to make that decision."
"Why," Baker grinned, "Because only I am qualified?"
"No sir, because I don't know either." Both laughed heartily despite the tensity of the situation. They both knew that unless contained this could get very, very ugly. However, if they were stern on these obviously very loyal people, they could turn the entire nation against itself. The Government would lose control, and then chaos would prevail. Baker would not let that happen.
What he didn't know, was that the over zealous Polizei Kommandant had already ordered many FeldPolizei units, Policemen specifically trained to deal with urban rioting and combat situations, to moderate the process. A BMP-1 painted in the black colours of the Wanderjarian Polizei, and surrounded by heavily armed and armored Policemen wearing the Wanderjarian trademark Future Force Warrior Integrated Warfighter System Armor, proceeded to march into the crowd.
Dieter Zitsev called out to the policemen, "Comrades, we are assembling in peace. You're show of force is not necessary. We are all unarmed, and peace...." He never got his last word out. A rookie policemen, startled by what he thought was an attempt to disarm him, which was infact only a Wanderjarian veteran's attempt to pat him on the back, led to him firing a burst of shots into the old soldier. The crowd fell silent, and the BMP crew thinking it was underattack, began spraying Coaxial gun rounds into the crowd.
"What betrayal is this?" Zitsev screamed. "Run comrades! Get away!" They proceeded to scatter from the shooting and the tanks. But before the tank was shut off and the cessation of firing reached, it was too late. Dozens lay dead and many more wounded, sprawled across the immaculate grass and concrete square which was before the Imperial Palace. Blood was smeared across statues and concrete, and blood sank into the grass roots.
Almost immediately, men and women with weapons and sympathetic to the Communists cause poured from their homes and began targetting the Polizei. All across the nation, people watched in horror as Warsaw became a warzone. Small teams of Polizei traveled from street to street seeking cover, only to be ambushed by hunter-killer teams of armed civillians, who annihilated them without mercy.
A final last stand was set up at the police HQ. Where the remnants of the Polizei after thirty minutes of combat, set up barricades and waited for the final red tide by the Communist Revolutionary Organization of Wanderjar.....
North Calaveras
09-07-2007, 06:57
Immediatly after hearing of the converting of Warsaw, over 500 Red ops soldiers were loading into planes, they were to drop into the city and hook up with the revolutionarys. The Planes started to take off, back up by MiG-21 and "shark" Fighters, including the red ops, there were 3 planes filled with weopons(300 AK-47s, and 100 RPG-7).
Die Zweiten Reich
09-07-2007, 06:58
"Looks like things have just hit the fan." Fuhrer Rommel said listening to the latest news coming in from Wanderjar. "Decree a mobilization order. I want this country ready for a war, I have no doubt the situation will get that far this time." He added. Immediatly his men went to work spitting out infromation for the people as to why the country was reading for war. It was true that compared to the might of Wanderjar they could not stand alone, but they had allie sin unforseenplaces.
09-07-2007, 07:03
"Looks like things have just hit the fan." Fuhrer Rommel said listening to the latest news coming in from Wanderjar. "Decree a mobilization order. I want this country ready for a war, I have no doubt the situation will get that far this time." He added. Immediatly his men went to work spitting out infromation for the people as to why the country was reading for war. It was true that compared to the might of Wanderjar they could not stand alone, but they had allie sin unforseenplaces.
OOC: Keep in mind you're not facing the Wehrmacht, this is just a bunch of Communist Revolutionaries. Ex-Red Army Revolutionaries, so they're just as well trained as my other soldiers not to mention ninety percent are Combat vets, but thats besides the point ;)
OOC: I hope you don't mind if I RP one of my Intelligence agents reporting back to the Fatherland about a possible commie takeover?
XIN agent Serge Kormov watched the violence from several blocks away. He had been listening to Dieter's speech and knew immediately the Red Tide of Communism was rising into Wanderjar. The Xharnian Intelligence Network would need to be notified of this little current event to prevent any diplomatic problems for the extremely Fascist Fatherland of Xharn.
Serge quickly hides from the fighting and enters a small apartment complex to head towards his personal quarters to get to his satellite phone that would get him into contact with XIN headquarters in Xharnia herself...
Serge immediately calls his contacts and sends the word, “Hello, This is agent 460 located in Warsaw. I have news to report that communist forces have started to move in the Prussian Empire of Wanderjar. I think we should offer the assistance of the Fatherland.”
The voice on the other line responded coldly, “We appreciate the information agent 460 you have permission to obverse and to stay low and don’t break your cover. We would not want to expose any of our agents in this time of turmoil.”
Serge replies, “Yes Sir!”
The other end hangs up and Serge heads out to take notes and pictures of communist movements with his camera phone…
"So this has turned violent now..." The Empress said as her closest friends sat assembeled before her.
"It looks like it." Derrick said. "And we have gotten word of the Zweiten Reichs mobilization. It looks like they intend to move in and massacre the reds." Derrick said with only the slightest hint of pride. "We also suspect that communist nations will already be involving themselves in this."
"Well, I dont think that we want to massacre them, but we should be ready." The Empress said back. "Samantha, gather the fleet and make sur eits ready for a journey. Mannstein, Derrick, make sure the army and airforce are ready to go in case we need it. I will adress the people when the men leave out shores."
09-07-2007, 07:33
Unteroffizer, no, General Zitsev stood in a large dimly lit room within the Office building of the Wanderjarian Communist Party. It was a regular building within the city of Warsaw. However today it was guarded by innumerable soldiers picketting the outside and within the building as well. He was still getting used to being called, "General", something he never expected to see. Now wasn't the time for reminesences though. He had an insurgency to plan.
"Now then," He said, to the other Revolutionaries around the large table with a map of Warsaw on its center. All leaned in to see what their Commander was going to show them. "The Polizei units have all routed here, to their head quarters building. There are I assume, about a hundred of them. We however have the entire population of Warsaw behind us. Thousands of armed civillians are now in the streets behind cars and alley ways surrounding them. The military has yet to make a statement, which is odd I know, but regardless, we must press the attack. If we take this HQ, we hold the city. And the Capital city at that."
"So what do you suppose we do?" Asked another Revolutionary Officer opposite him.
"We have the junior Officers take charge of the crowds and move them to put supressive fire on the building and hopefully kill a few of them. Afterwards, we'll ask them to surrender. If they don't we storm it and take them out."
"Sounds good, simple, but effective." Another Officer said. All others agreed. This would be the plan of action.
Frantically, Polizei troopers scurried about, barricading windows with their rifles or even several PKM Machineguns. Polizei Kommandant Gerhard walked down an aisle towards the entrance to the HQ, where numerous Officers had over turned tables in the narrow hallway, and set up machineguns and took cover behind other hallway entrances to ensure that attempts to storm the building would be costly indeed. A young Polizei Officer who had managed to escape the killing fields of the outer city and return to base, had positioned himself in floor two of the three stories, at a window overlooking the street below. Thousands of revolutionaries had packed themselves behind cars and in alleyways, pouring suppressive fire into the windows. Bullets slammed through the building, catching several inattentive Polizei Officers and killing or seriously wounding them.
"God," he prayed. "Save me!" He raised his rifle over the ledge and squeezed off two rounds, managing to hit one insurgent, dropping him instantly. "Take that you bastard!" He shouted over the roar of the bullets. Machineguns chattered away at the enemy militiamen and their rifles and assaultrifles echoed back. Handguns barked sharp retorts and snipers on the rooftops picked off Policemen in the windows. It was slaughter. Finally, realizing that they were taking far too many casualties trying to hold the walls, the Kommandant ordered all men to withdraw, repositioning themselves in the front hallway. It was there, amidst the overturned tables turned into defensive barriers and other objects which were to hold the enemy at bay, they would make their stand.
The Junior Officer's had done as they were told by the General. The crowd had been easy to manipulate, and for the most part everyone did as they were supposed to. The bodies of the fallen Polizei were collected and given to the hospitals for proper disposal, but were looted of all valuable weapons and equipment which would be useful for not only the coming battle for the Polizei HQ, but also for the future war against the Wehrmacht of Wanderjar. One of the Officer's among them stepped forward with a megaphone of his own, saying, "Attention all Polizei. We do not wish to harm you any further. You are Wanderjarians and our brothers. If you lower your weapons and refrain from further conflict against us, we shall allow you to return to your homes. Please, do not make us shed your blood. There are many more of us than there are of you. You haven't a chance. Think about your course of action."
The Kommandant inside heard this. He was an older man, in his fifties, and had seen much in his time. But he had never seen anything remotely like this. Nothing he had done had prepared him for this situation. And so, he decided the best he could do was consult his men.
"Guys, I want you all to know it has been a pleasure to serve with you all. Each one of you. And now I ask you this, do we lay down our weapons and leave? Or do we stay and fight? I have not the answer, and thus I leave it to you. If you wish to leave, do so. If not, then let us stay and give these commie bastards hell!" All the men cheered. Not a one was to lower his weapon. After twenty minutes the Red Officer restated his earlier query, but with an added, "You now have five minutes before we storm the gates." And they kept to it.
They surged forward, screaming in bloody madness as they ripped down the doors and pressed inside. Initially the machineguns and rifles would hold them back, killing dozens and wounding many more. But soon the snipers behind the waves picked off the machinegunners, and riflemen fell to the surging red tide. They were beaten to death with their own weapons, and as the final survivors made a desperate flee to other rooms, they were cut down as well. Only the Kommandant remained. With a heavy sigh and a drag from his pipe, he had locked himself in his office which he escaped to. The door was nearly off its hinges when he lifted the silver service revolver out of its mahogony casing, loaded a single silver bullet into its chamber. He then slipped the muzzle into his mouth, and with a slight smile and a tear, he squeezed the trigger.
The Communists now had control over the Capital city of Warsaw, after only two hours since the incident began.
09-07-2007, 07:35
OOC: I hope you don't mind if I RP one of my Intelligence agents reporting back to the Fatherland about a possible commie takeover?
XIN agent Serge Kormov watched the violence from several blocks away. He had been listening to Dieter's speech and knew immediately the Red Tide of Communism was rising into Wanderjar. The Xharnian Intelligence Network would need to be notified of this little current event to prevent any diplomatic problems for the extremely Fascist Fatherland of Xharn.
Serge quickly hides from the fighting and enters a small apartment complex to head towards his personal quarters to get to his satellite phone that would get him into contact with XIN headquarters in Xharnia herself...
Serge immediately calls his contacts and sends the word, “Hello, This is agent 460 located in Warsaw. I have news to report that communist forces have started to move in the Prussian Empire of Wanderjar. I think we should offer the assistance of the Fatherland.”
The voice on the other line responded coldly, “We appreciate the information agent 460 you have permission to obverse and to stay low and don’t break your cover. We would not want to expose any of our agents in this time of turmoil.”
Serge replies, “Yes Sir!”
The other end hangs up and Serge heads out to take notes and pictures of communist movements with his camera phone…
OOC: Not at all mate :)
Intelligence Report to President Alexei Lorenov
Comrade President,
Our intelligence agents operating in Wanderjar have reported a general uprising and rioting in the streets of Warsaw. Police units opened fire on peaceful demonstrators, sparking the riots. The police have been all but destroyed, with the remenants holed up around their headquarters. The nation of Die Zweiten Reich (see attatched file) has issued a mobilization order and will most certainly interfere should the situation escalate. It is the recommendtion of the CSB that we issue our own mobilization in preperation to defend the revolutionaries from fascist aggression.
09-07-2007, 07:46
Emperor Baker was almost in tears.
He hated, absolutely detested the thought of his people killing each other. Wanderjarians were German people. Germans were supposed to be brothers and act accordingly to each other. This was not the way he wanted things. There was truly little he could do. He could have the military swarm in and annihilate them, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do it. It was very amusing in a twisted sense, many people felt him too eager to have the Wehrmacht kill for him, and now he wouldn't order them to take any action. Amazing how situations of different types can make for odd circumstances.
Instead, he sat in his office, merely asking the military to sit tight and wait. Wait to see what became of this situation. He could hope that it would get better, but he knew it wouldn't. He was merely going to let it play itself out. And so, as the Twenty-nine year old Emperor continued to sit in his office, the sounds of gunshots had ceased, and now there was a peace setting in over Wanderjar. However this was merely a facade of the violence which was still to come.
09-07-2007, 09:39
the Kaiser slammed the Intelligence Report on the Desk, he raised his ancient hands to his mouth
"we must not have communists running rampant on German lands let alone in our Empire"
"what action should we take my Kaiser" said one Field Marshall
"give the mobilization order"
Verenberg was going to war
09-07-2007, 11:07
Office of First Citizen, Drasgard, Olmedreca
General Ernst Tormilind, Head of Military Intelligence, entered the room:
"Good morning Vesse, I have to you some interesting news from Wanderjar."
Vesse Põhjakotkas, First Citizen, answered:
"Good, what the hell is going on there?"
"Well, looks like Wanderjarian commies and police had some clashes, but by now communists have taken full control over capital city, they even stormed police HQ."
"Really? And what their army is doing?"
"Nothing, looks like emperor does not dare to use force to restore order."
"Are you joking? Emperor simply lets some commies to massacre his police and take control over his capital?"
"Unfortunately its true, military intelligence believes that civil war is very realistic possibility. Although conflict may spread even further. Die Zweiten Reich has started mobilization and most likely several other states will soon follow their suit."
"Very interesting, keep me updated. Also inform the Supreme War Council about recent Wanderjarian developments."
09-07-2007, 13:51
The celebration of the Revolutionaries was short lived. While excited to have won such an early victory, they knew that now they had to keep it. The leaders of the revolution began organizing the people into Divisions, by sorting them out. Junior Officer's counted out people following them and formed rough battalions of two hundred to three hundred people. Twenty such battalions were formed, and organized further into Five Divisions:
1st Red Army Division
2nd Guards Army Division
3rd Red Army Division
4th Guards Army Division
and the fifth and smallest unit, which was only Brigade in strength, was called the People's Independent Brigade. This would be further filled by international volunteers to the cause.
And now, they decided to fortify their positions, while the leaders waited for news from the international community....
Dolen, a junior spy stationed in Warsaw, was frantically busy gathering his report together to make to his "handler". When he began, the conversation went something like this:
Dolen: Sir, there is currently a communist revolution going on in Warsaw
Handler: HOLY SHIT! alright this is big. Im going to link you up with the joint cheifs of war and President Jon Trout. Just make your report to them.
Dolen: <gulps nervously>
Jon Trout: So let me get this straight. Theres a communist uprising in Warsaw?
Dolen: Yes sir, it appears the police fired on a peaceful demonstration and now are all decimated. There HQ fell a few moments ago.
Frank Tomphson (member of joint chiefs of War): Sir, we should begin the mobilization immidiantly.
Trout: Your'e right; but i only want to send in our special ops.
Tomson: Yes Sir!
The Fudk Special forces began to mobilize. While it was still undecided whose side they would fight with, Jon Trout had heard many good stories about the Emporer and decided the police must have been acting on their own. Fudk was wary of the company they would take on the emporers side, but it deigned to remain there nonetheless. Fudk was going to war
The World Soviet Party
10-07-2007, 00:03
The World Soviet Party opts to remain neutral in this fraticide war, being long allies of Wanderjar, we will support neither side.
We will, however, should Emperor Baker agree to it, send a few M.A.S.H. units as well as open field hospitals in and outside the city of Warsaw.
10-07-2007, 00:23
The World Soviet Party opts to remain neutral in this fraticide war, being long allies of Wanderjar, we will support neither side.
We will, however, should Emperor Baker agree to it, send a few M.A.S.H. units as well as open field hospitals in and outside the city of Warsaw.
Thank you old friends, but it shall not be necessary.
Emperor Baker stepped out from Imperial Palace, and before a crew of reporters with Cameras. He smiled at them, and grabbed a microphone at the podium which he always spoke at.
"My people, son's and daughters of Prussia. Long have we been a peaceful union, amongst Wanderjarians, and other Prussian States. I know the situation which these Revolutionaries are trying to make me see and hear, and for that I am grateful. I truly wish it did not have to be made in this manner, but it has, and I understand. The Corporate Alliance is rising again, something which Wanderjarian men and women will not allow. Something that we cannot allow. Thus, in order to combat the spread of their corrupt system, I am reinstituting the Socialist system within the nation of Wanderjar. From here out, all large enterprises shall be nationalised, save for the smaller businesses as has happened in the past. We shall return to the way we always were until recently, times of better happiness and prosperity. The Red Empire is back." With that, he returned to his office. The Revolutionaries, having won, celebrated vigourously, and returned to their homes.
The Old Wanderjar was back, the Wanderjar which stood for justice and not profit, and doing what was morally right as oppose to what was economically expediant. Yes, Baker thought, this was the right path.
(OOC: Yes, this RP has been concluded now. I have made up my mind to reinstitute the old Wanderjarian Socialist system, which ineffect never left, as I have one of the best Welfare systems in the world. However I won't be assisting the CA in taking more oil for it nor will I support such actions again. I'm going to be a good guy again instead of the antagonist.)
Imperial isa
10-07-2007, 01:06
OOC dam so hoping to fire Tomahawks at them :p
New Brittonia
10-07-2007, 01:14
Prime Minister's Mansion- Epsom
An aide ran to Prime Minister Flower.
"Sir", he said, "there is a Communist revolution in errr. . ."
he looked at the sheet,
"Well well", the Prime Minister said, get me in contact with their leader and tell him this, 'This is directly from the Prime Minister of New Brittonia and Chief Communard of the Communist Party of New Brittonia, David Flower. We support your cause. Brittonia has been part of the Socialist Movement for over 60 years. We support your cause and will aid you in any way possible. END. '"
"Is that it?"
"Yes, now send this ASAP."
Imperial isa
10-07-2007, 01:17
OOC bit late New Brittonia it's over
10-07-2007, 09:22
the kaiser sat in his throne in, thought...what had just happened
what did this mean for the other Prussian States, this would only fuel the fires of Revolution for the "Verenberg Communists" (ooc: its actually a country but is unrecognized by the Empire)
10-07-2007, 09:57
Ernst Tormilind looked Emperor Baker's statement from television. Then it ended he phoned to Põhjakotkas,
"Hello Vesse, looks like Wanderjarian mess ended."
"Really? How?"
"Emperor gave in to the demands of communists. All large enterprises will be nationalised. He ended his statement with "The Red Empire is back.""
"Really??? So those guys who massacred police will walk away because Emperor shitted his pants?"
"Seems so."
"Well, I guess we should had expected that from those pathetic socialists. I guess this incident is effectively over with that."