08-07-2007, 19:03
Work in progress.
The Protectorate's defence is based on a militia system. There are two components, the Civil Defence Corps, and the militia. All told, the military commands approximately 200,000 armed effectives. Though this number is slightly misleading when the details of how the military is organized is taken into consideration.
The primary arm, the Civil Defence Corps has an approximate strength of 50,000. 2,000 of these personnel are full time members who handle mostly administrative duties. The other 48,000 serve full time for one month, so there in addition to the 2,000 full time members there are 4,000 troops on duty as a ready force. All 48,000 part time Civil Defence soldiers train regularly, at least one night a week and one weekend a month, though private firearms ownership and shooting is common and supported by the government, so most Civil Defence members often go shooting on their own time.
The 48,000 personnel are split into 12 brigades, these brigades however are not numbered, but named by month. Each brigade takes turns serving as the ready force, with their name corresponding to their month of service. The force is primarily light infantry, with limited mechanized and armour assets.
Brigade Organization:
Each brigade contains one infantry regiment, one mechanized battalion, and one armour company. An artillery battalion and a MASH unit is also included, the rest are support personnel.
Each subunit is named for its parent brigade, therefore the July Brigade's infantry regiment is designated the July Infantry Regiment. The infantry is organized into 8 troop sections, with three sections comprising a platoon. Three platoons plus a support platoon (heavy weapons, recce) consititute a company, and three companies consititute a battalion. Each battalion has its own comms unit and an aid station, and three battalions consitute a regiment. For vehicles one battallion of each regiment will posses gun trucks, the others will have access to logistics and utility vehicles for movement of personnel and kit.
The armour company posses 12 tanks, a pair of recovery vehicles, and a pair of engineering vehicles. The mechanized battalion has its infantry organized the same way as the light infantry, but each section has its own dedicated armoured vehicle.
The artillery battallion consists of four towed gun batteries, two self propelled batteries, 3 rocket batteries, and 3 anti-air batteries.
The individual soldier wears a standard woodland camo BDU, front line infantry have body armour, armour crews and rear area personnel have only flak vests. Web gear is standard issue, as is a combat helmet. For weapons, each soldier carries a VZ-58 rifle. Officers and heavy weapons operators carry sidearms.
The Protectorate's defence is based on a militia system. There are two components, the Civil Defence Corps, and the militia. All told, the military commands approximately 200,000 armed effectives. Though this number is slightly misleading when the details of how the military is organized is taken into consideration.
The primary arm, the Civil Defence Corps has an approximate strength of 50,000. 2,000 of these personnel are full time members who handle mostly administrative duties. The other 48,000 serve full time for one month, so there in addition to the 2,000 full time members there are 4,000 troops on duty as a ready force. All 48,000 part time Civil Defence soldiers train regularly, at least one night a week and one weekend a month, though private firearms ownership and shooting is common and supported by the government, so most Civil Defence members often go shooting on their own time.
The 48,000 personnel are split into 12 brigades, these brigades however are not numbered, but named by month. Each brigade takes turns serving as the ready force, with their name corresponding to their month of service. The force is primarily light infantry, with limited mechanized and armour assets.
Brigade Organization:
Each brigade contains one infantry regiment, one mechanized battalion, and one armour company. An artillery battalion and a MASH unit is also included, the rest are support personnel.
Each subunit is named for its parent brigade, therefore the July Brigade's infantry regiment is designated the July Infantry Regiment. The infantry is organized into 8 troop sections, with three sections comprising a platoon. Three platoons plus a support platoon (heavy weapons, recce) consititute a company, and three companies consititute a battalion. Each battalion has its own comms unit and an aid station, and three battalions consitute a regiment. For vehicles one battallion of each regiment will posses gun trucks, the others will have access to logistics and utility vehicles for movement of personnel and kit.
The armour company posses 12 tanks, a pair of recovery vehicles, and a pair of engineering vehicles. The mechanized battalion has its infantry organized the same way as the light infantry, but each section has its own dedicated armoured vehicle.
The artillery battallion consists of four towed gun batteries, two self propelled batteries, 3 rocket batteries, and 3 anti-air batteries.
The individual soldier wears a standard woodland camo BDU, front line infantry have body armour, armour crews and rear area personnel have only flak vests. Web gear is standard issue, as is a combat helmet. For weapons, each soldier carries a VZ-58 rifle. Officers and heavy weapons operators carry sidearms.