North Calaveras wakes up!
North Calaveras
08-07-2007, 08:05
I have returned, i have been gone for a couple of days now im back everyone but i dont know where all of my threads i was in have gone!
08-07-2007, 08:10
I have returned, i have been gone for a couple of days now im back everyone but i dont know where all of my threads i was in have gone!
Welcome back.
North Calaveras
08-07-2007, 08:14
thanks its time that communism started spreading we sit back and let others attack us, we need to expand, AGGRESSIVE COMMUNISM!
British Londinium
08-07-2007, 14:54
And this is why people consistently hate communists, because people like North Calaveras give them the image of an illiterate, stupid gung-ho fuck with AK-47s blazing, gunning down queues of people waiting for bread. What would be the point of expansion? All it would get us is retaliatory action.
North Calaveras
08-07-2007, 20:52
wtf!!!? you think that im a idiot with an ak-47? your sadly mistaken, I have offered this, no one has to join me, im not dictating. We have been invaded, by enemys and have not struck back, why dont we take the same route and captalists and invaded as they do, a dose of there own medicine.
08-07-2007, 21:01
wtf!!!? you think that im a idiot with an ak-47? your sadly mistaken, I have offered this, no one has to join me, im not dictating. We have been invaded, by enemys and have not struck back, why dont we take the same route and captalists and invaded as they do, a dose of there own medicine.
Lol. NC, you would be much more respected if you wrote in proper english, (ex: correct capitalization, punctuation, grammer...)
North Calaveras
08-07-2007, 21:04
ya i guess your right kampers, i need to work on that.
OOC: Lorkhan supports the destruction of TPF's imperialist Christian army. We do not however support the spread of communist states who wish to destroy the international market. WHO DO YOU TRUST?!
08-07-2007, 21:35
lol, off the subject of communism, like 5 of my threads have stopped because you've been gone! Come Back!!!
North Calaveras
08-07-2007, 21:35
bump them xscipia and i will post immediatly sorry man lol.
08-07-2007, 21:38
bumping time!!! :D