2012 Londinian Elections (Open)
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 01:32
Government announces 2012 elections
Current consul Alistair Davidson, expected to win the 2012 elections
Fulfilling a promise to host elections in 2012, Consul Sir Alistair Davidson called for elections in British Londinium.
Many believe that the elections are an attempt to placate Conservative MPs, who have long complained about the lack of elections under the previous consul, Phillip Sinclair.
Front runners include the current consul under the Londinian Democratic Socialists, Sarah Halifax for the Conservative Party, Disgleirio Castillo for the Eco-Syndicalist Party, and Jon Idbaq for the Alliance of Liberal Democrats.
Consul Davidson has promised to continue policies pursued under his administration, which include adoption of policies promoting workplace democracy, making government representatives more easily impeached and recalled by the people, the creation of worker's councils, the support of a centrally planned economy based around the simulation of the free market factor, abolition of laws against victimless crimes, fiscal responsibility, and opposition to conscription.
In opposition to the more liberal views of the current government, Conservative leader Sarah Halifax has called for privatization of a number of government-run industries, eliminating a centrally-planned economy, withdrawal from the GUSN, ceasing further devolution, and the promotion of "traditional values".
Meanwhile, Eco-Syndicalist MPs have sworn that their government would place heavy environmental restrictions on industry, in addition to diverting the country's eight trillion dollar defence budget to welfare and international aid.
Mr Idbaq has vowed to subsidize tertiary education, the only phase of learning yet to be covered by the national government, in addition to cracking down on illegal immigration. However, Mr Idbaq has also proposed a controversial anti-terror bill in parliament which allows for temporary detention of suspected terrorists without formally charging them, which could severely hurt his chances in the election.
Initial polls show LDS making a strong victory, though many state the election hinges on how the Consul acts towards Calizorinstan and Lord Sumguy, two nations which are the subject of great controversy in the PSR.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:03:53:02 LST
07-07-2007, 02:35
The Free Empire of New Vantania has donated five million USDs to the Londinian Democratic Socialist Party. A message was sent along with the donation. "We hope that after the elections when you win you will help improve relations to a status similar to the early days of Vantanas."
The Free Empire of New Vantania has donated five million USDs to the Conservative Party. A message was sent along with the donation. "We hope that after the elections when you win you will help improve relations to a status similar to the early days of Vantanas."
Meanwhile, certain corporations in New Vantania secretly attempted to hire Londinians to write pamphlets, make signs, rally support, and other helpful things for the Conservative Party.
07-07-2007, 02:56
The Commonalitarianism comes out in support of Consul Davidson. They state that although the Ecosyndicalists goals are noble, their methodology is not. They are in full support of direct worker ownership.
Syndicalism is only one type of ownership, there is also partnership, union syndicate, cooperative, cooperative corporation, single owner, family syndicate, and consortium. They will pledge to spend $100 million dollars for the formation of a national center and organization on worker owned industry backed by Consul Davidson's party.
To counter the Eco-Syndicalists, the Ecotechnic institute offers technical advice and samples to Consul Davidson for commercially viable systems of alternative energy, high power wind turbines in 1.5 mw range, hydrokinetic river turbines in 1 mw range, upgrades for existing hydroelectric power plants, waste to energy systems that used high energy electric pulsed plasma with almost no particulates, advanced sorting recycling systems, affordable green building materials, forestry managment, and the ideal of "Natural Capitalism", building industries based on ecological principals.
They state that if there is a choice between two systems which cost the same amount, where one system is clean and the other is not, the clean system should win.
They also challenge the notion of having a welfare state. The Commonalitarianism uses a Negative Income Tax guaranteeing a certain standard of living for all of its citizens and minimizing welfare. They claim in the long run, a Negative Income Tax system is cheaper, less discriminatory, and more effective than welfare. It also is more equitable, being equally applicable to all citizens.
OOC: Natural Capitalism is the work of Amory Lovins and Paul Hawkens, it shows a path for industry to grow using environmental principles. It is not anti-capitalist.
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 03:08
Q&A: 2012 Elections
What are we voting for?
The general election will decide which party (or coalition of parties) forms the next government. There will be 200 seats in the Londinian Parliament's Senate available.
When are we voting?
Sir Alistair has announced 1 September as polling day. An elected parliament lasts no longer than five years, therefore this last parliament could have continued until late June 2006. An election campaign takes about four weeks, so the election could have been held in May 2015. Votes are traditionally held on Tuesday, but do not have to be. Elections cannot be held on weekends or public holidays under Londinian law.
How does voting work?
The People's Sovereign Republic uses a "first past the post" system. This means that a candidate must only get more votes than any other candidate in a given constituency.
What if the Consul were to lose his position?
His party would offer up a candidate, probably the deputy consul, to hold the reins temporarily as a caretaker leader/consul. The President would then call the potential consul to Rosenberger Palace to ask him whether he would form a government. The governing party would then hold a leadership election.
Who is allowed to vote?
One must have registered to vote, be at least sixteen years of age, and be a Londinian citizen residing in British Londinium proper. The government is considering revising the long-standing election protocols to allow citizens residing in the colonies to vote.
How do I vote?
Those registered to vote should be sent a polling card about a week before the election, naming your polling station. You should take the card with you to vote, although it is not compulsory and other identification can be accepted.
What is on the ballot?
You will be given an officially marked ballot paper listing all the candidates in alphabetical order of surname, with the description of their party, if they have one. You place an X in the box beside your one chosen candidate.
Can I vote by post?
Yes. You can ask for a postal vote from the electoral services department at your local council - whom you should also contact if your polling card fails to arrive. If you apply for a postal vote and then decide you would like to vote in person after all, you must take the whole of your postal voting package to the polling station in order to vote.
What about voting by proxy?
Voting by proxy - getting somebody else to vote for you - is allowed if you can satisfy the local electoral registration officer you cannot vote, perhaps because of work, study, holiday, illness, or because you have moved house since registering to vote.
Am I forced to vote?
No, people cannot be forced to vote, nor is registration itself compulsory. But those failing to return a completed registration form or giving false information can be fined up to one thousand denarii.
Is there assistance for disabled persons?
To help blind and partially-sighted voters, there has to be a "tactile device" in each polling station and there are rules on the size of print on ballot papers. The vast majority of poling stations are now more accessible for wheelchair users. Proxy ballots are allowed for those unable to vote because of disability, but they will need a doctor's certificate.
Can the government track my votes?
The ballot papers contains a serial number: it is possible, but illegal, to trace all the votes to the people who cast them. The number is there to stop electoral fraud.
Who can be a candidate?
Candidates must be aged 21 or above and be Londinian citizens. Those banned for standing in general elections are: bankrupts; civil servants; police officers; current armed forces personnel; government-nominated directors of commercial companies; judges; those convicted of electoral malpractice; members of the National Assembly.
How can I look up what a party supports?
Each party should publish an election manifesto which is available from them or can be bought in the shops. Candidates will campaign locally and are entitled to one free mailing of an election leaflet to voters in their constituency.
Who organises the polling stations and such on election day?
The top civil servant of the local council is the returning officer for each constituency, with the day-to-day running of the poll left to the head of the council's electoral services department.
Are their rules regulating LBG coverage of the election?
Yes, every part of the LBG has to follow the guidelines set down by the corporation's governors. They include advice on the "appropriate" level of coverage to give the main parties and how to reflect the smaller ones such as the Islamic Party, the Federalist Party, Norsefire and KGIP.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:17:21:02 LST
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 03:11
Official Communiqué
I would like to thank Commonalitarianism for their support of my party. Let me assure you that your knowledge, assistance, and expertise will go to great use, and your ideas such as the negative income tax will definitely be considered for our party's manifesto.
Many thanks,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
ATTENTION: British Londinium, Conservative Party
We support you in the form of $50,000,000. We'd also like to know your position on British Londinium's military power and your opinion of Urcea.
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 03:21
To: Urcea
From: Sarah Halifax, MP, Party Leader
I thank you for your contribution. We plan on drastically increasing military spending to compensate for the PSR's withdrawal from the Global Union of Socialist Nations. Urcea has been a stalwart ally of our nation, and no change in party will dissuade this country from viewing you as such.
ATTENTION: British Londinium, Conservative Party
Since we have the money, we give you another drastic campaign boost in the form of $1,000,000,000.
We thank you for clarifying your position. We will also give you money for an increasing military budget if you so require.
OOC: QUICK! Buy votes! lol, j/k
07-07-2007, 03:46
The Buy & Sell Corporation wishes to donate one billion Universal Standard Dollars to the Conservative Party. Also, several thousand posters and pamphlets have been donated via foreigners shippers. Enjoy.
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 04:00
LDS releases 2012 manifesto
The Londinian Democratic Socialists released their 2012 party manifesto which prioritized personal liberties and economic equality.
It proposes a ₰10 minimum wage, as well as the creation of a minimum guaranteed income.
The manifesto began with a broad, sweeping overview of what the soul and essence of the LDS was: "The LDS is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few."
The manifesto also declared that a re-elected government would pursue a more internationalist approach to international relations, stating that "we [the LDS] is committed to the defence and security of the Londinian people and to cooperating with...international bodies to secure peace, freedom, democracy, economic security and environmental protection for all."
A scheme for altering impeachment procedures was detailed as well, in which only three-sevenths vote of the Senate would needed to begin impeachment procedures against government officials.
"This is a nation built around people," a LDS MP explained. "And people should get the final say, and when a politician is failing to serve the people, he ought to be held accountable."
In what has been termed as an attempt to undermine the Eco-Syndicalists, the policy statement also expounded upon a new plan to promote biomimicry and other environmentally-friendly business practices by issuing tax cuts to businesses.
The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have announced that their manifestos will be ready by the end of the week, but the Eco-Syndicalists have yet to announce the publication of their manifesto.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:03:53:02 LST
OOC: I upped my donation ;)
07-07-2007, 05:08
The Commonalitarianism makes another suggestion on the concept of privatization of industry. They suggest the option of partial privatization of some government industries -- a 60% government, 30% private ownership structure-- 10% ESOP- Employee Stock Ownership. This brings large government monopolies under business and public scrutiny, requires financial reporting, and improves performance of employees without completely sacrificing control of industries. The ESOP vests over a period of years. This structure has been used for some of the larger companies in the Commonalitarianism. This would be a counter to the conservative agenda of complete privatization. There is a middle way. The International Ownership Bank of Commonalitarianism offers to help provide guidance on this issue if it is desired.
OOC: This has been done in India and Malaysia to improve their industrial performance with some industries.
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 05:11
OOC: Very good, Commonalitarianism. Many thanks. I'll have somebody bring that up in the debates.
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 05:22
Conservatives publish manifesto
After the LDS published their manifesto yesterday, the Conservatives riposted with their own manifesto, which promoted greater privatization, deregulation and 'traditional values'.
"With the education and health systems suffocating in the clutches of the government," the manifesto read, "British Londinium will continue to stagnate in the global community...we cannot possibly expect to remain competitive when our schools are impuissant and when our healthcare systems putrefy due to parliamentary disinterest."
Creating much controversy is the manifesto's call for "traditional values to be restored".
"Moral and ethical purity is what British Londinium needs in order to become powerful," a part of the manifesto. "It was the lack of such that led to the Sovereign League War, and it was our lack of moral and ethical purity that led to the Democide."
Some analysts, though, speculate that the Conservatives' traditional values refer to the lack of a monarchy.
"The Conservatives were always the monarchy's greatest allies," remarked Jon Stark, director of the Cicero Institute, a Londinian think-tank. "And it was the Conservatives that were most irate when the monarchy was dissolved."
Sarah Halifax, the party's expected nominee for the consulship, refused to confirm or deny such speculations.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:03:53:02 LST
British Londinium
07-07-2007, 16:03
LBG News in Brief
Electoral debates scheduled for this week
KENSINGTON - Debates between the four front-running candidates have been scheduled for Sunday of this week. The debate will be held in the Imperial Adeodatus Concert Hall (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/RoyalAlbertHall.jpg), the traditional site for this event. LBG Parliament reporter Sophie Windsor will be mediating the debates, and will ask each candidate three preselected questions. Then, people throughout the world will be able to submit their questions, which will also be answered by the candidates.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:03:53:02 LST
OOC: Just write a question, basically, and I have them answer it in the debates.
British Londinium
08-07-2007, 01:41
Eco-Syndicalists reveal 'radical' manifesto
The Eco-Syndicalists say they can offer a radical alternative for voters who are fed up with the three main political parties.
They put climate change at the heart of their manifesto, saying it was a bigger threat than terrorism.
The Eco-Syndicalists are fielding candidates in 200 seats - 25% more than the last general election - and say they have five key targets.
Dem Socialists, the Conservatives and the Alliance of Liberal Democrats all say they are determined to tackle climate change.
But the Green's main representative, Disgleirio Castillo, said their "privatise and pollute" agendas had led to soaring CO2 emission levels.
"Climate change is happening and it's happening now. The only people denying it are those who make their money from burning fossil fuels," Mr Castillo said at the manifesto launch on Tuesday.
The party also pledged to fund public services and green policies with money saved by scrapping Socialist road building plans, BL's nuclear arsenal and international aid.
The Eco-Syndicalists want to implement a new eco-tax and increase NHS investment to 90bn denarii a year by 2013.
They would spend the 30bn denarii saved from the roads scheme on public transport and use money from eco-taxes to invest in renewable energy and to create more skilled manufacturing jobs.
And they would use 3bn denarii from scrapping several Army divisions to invest in community policing.
Mr Castillo said they would not take power on 1 Septemeber, but denied voting Eco-Syndicalist was a wasted vote because, he said, the main parties would not address environmental issues.
"A real wasted vote is a vote for something you don't believe in," he said.
Story from LBG NEWS:
Published:03:53:02 LST
OOC: Out of curiosity, do you think this war will have any affect on the people's votes?
British Londinium
08-07-2007, 01:55
OOC: Perhaps. The Conservatives are your most staunch supporters, and a failed war (though I doubt that it would be a loss) would tarnish their image.
Official Imperial Communiqué
The Sovereign Empire of Alacea
To: British Londinium
From: Department of Foreign Affairs
We would like it well known our support of the Conservative Party, and its plan to renew the PSR's previously capitalist system. If another party wins the majority, however, we would still like to maintain reasonablly pleasant relations. We will dedicate 20 million Dracos (40 Million USD) to the campaign of the Conservative Party.
Thank You,
Joseph Tellico
Department of Foreign Affairs
The Liberal Democratic Republic donates 5 billion to the Allance of Liberal Democrats.
OOC: Perhaps. The Conservatives are your most staunch supporters, and a failed war (though I doubt that it would be a loss) would tarnish their image.
OOC- once i get my allies in this war it will be failed bub
British Londinium
08-07-2007, 14:41
OOC- once i get my allies in this war it will be failed bub
OOC: You, with the troops overrunning your defences - silence.
18-07-2007, 04:51
The Crystal Mountains
18-07-2007, 06:43
TO: Consul Sir Alistair Davidson
FROM:Commonwealth of the Crystal Mountains, Ministry of State
RE: Elections
We support and applaud the British-Londonium decision to have elections.
We look forward to working with whatever government the people elect.
It is our policy to stay out of the internal politics of other nations and will not support or endorse any candidate or party. However, speaking as a friend, in the chaos and requisite reconstruction following the war with ViZion, we urge British Londoniums to be wary of the political extremes or opportunistic politicians who might take advantage of the situation.
Nova Pictavia
18-07-2007, 15:33
The Commonwealth of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
We wish to offer the Eco-Syndacalist party 20 Million USD in campaign funds. Should this not be used, we officially approve the use of the funds in community and environmental projects.
We wish you all the best,
~Galan McKay
First Minister, New Pictish Parliament
Vanek Drury Brieres
18-07-2007, 15:33
1 billion to the Dems Socs!
Vanek Drury Brieres
18-07-2007, 15:36
Acutally, please to the Eco-Syndalists! And, in your minds, take away a vote from the Democratic Socialists and put it on the Ecos.
Nova Pictavia
18-07-2007, 17:47
The Commonwealth of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
We would like to hearby invite the leader or any representatives of the Eco-Syndicalist Party to our "Liberation Day" celebrations in Nova Pictavia. As they are already underway, the delegate is invited to attend the post-peace talks where alliances and trade agreements may be discussed, and the Liberation Ceileidh that same evening. Of coarse, this is open to any nation who so wishes to attend too, including any parties of British Londinium.
~Galan Mckay
First Minister, New Pictish Parliament, in association with:
Liberation Day Coordination Centre
British Londinium
18-07-2007, 17:50
News Bulletin
Brought to you by the Integrated Media
KENSINGTON - The Londinian Democratic Socialists proved victorious in the 2012 elections, losing only one seat to the Conservatives. No change was recorded in the Parliamentary seats of the two other parties.
18-07-2007, 17:59
How come the Socialists win, I thought the Conservatives got more votes in the poll than the Socialists?
How come the Socialists win, I thought the Conservatives got more votes in the poll than the Socialists?
OOC: Yeah BL, seriously. Conservatives clearly won.
British Londinium
18-07-2007, 20:58
OOC: Yeah BL, seriously. Conservatives clearly won.
You mean the polls decide these things? Really? I never knew that. Hm.
The World Soviet Party
18-07-2007, 21:08
You mean the polls decide these things? Really? I never knew that. Hm.
Not necessarily, I know who I, the player, wants to win and I already know, as a player, who is going to win.
I just make the thread for fun and lulz, and to see what other nations think of my current, and myabe future, leadership.
You can check that by just looking at the elections I held a while ago.
You mean the polls decide these things? Really? I never knew that. Hm.
OOC: Then what the hell was the point of holding a poll?
Conservatives won, buddy.
The World Soviet Party
18-07-2007, 21:17
As I said before, not necessarily, just as an example:
Just check the poll results.
British Londinium
18-07-2007, 21:19
Thank you, TWSP. I just thought the polls were to show international support, myself.
As I said before, not necessarily, just as an example:
Just check the poll results.
OOC: That's a bad example. The Capitalists beat all over parties overwhelmingly.
18-07-2007, 23:16
Because he has an electoral college. This means he has 55 representatives. 20 of them voted for liberals, 22 voted for conservatives, and the other 13 of them decided to change their allegiance at the last minute to 8 for liberals, 5 for conservatives. The best of all worlds, a semi-representative government, this time we got Gore instead of Bush.
No, but seriously the conservatives won, we support free and fair elections and are against any electoral college or vote fixing stuff British Londinium might pull.
The World Soviet Party
18-07-2007, 23:37
OOC: That's a bad example. The Capitalists beat all over parties overwhelmingly.
That's exactly the example.
I was trying to show that the poll does not matter if he does not want it to, like I did.