NationStates Jolt Archive

Lorkhan Factbook (MT)

03-07-2007, 02:28
(Modern Tech)

Official Conventional Name (long): The Nationalist Republic of Lorkhan
Official Conventional Name (short): Lorkhan
Government Type: Constitution-based nationalist republic
Capital City: Järten Prime
Administrative Districts: 7 provinces, 48 counties, and one district.
Dependent Provinces: The Constitutional Monarchy of East Sadus (est. 2001), The Colony of Port Wilde (est. 1952), the Kingdom of Bardfaust (est. 1994).
Noted Regional Relations: Strong ties and friendly rivalry with the Commonwealth of Falgoust, trade for military alliance with the Confederacy of Doviov, military alliance with the Teutonic Legions of Das Furer, trade agreements with the Federation of DaxCorp, hostile territorial relations with the Borderlands of Gravedom.
Major Cities: Järten Prime, Port Juno, Karjek, Flynnj, Usgard, New Oljiker
Date of Establishment : November 3rd, 1402 under the rule of King Cjok the Frostmare, April 11th 1881 under the rule of Prince Wurfan Mjark, May 23rd 1993 under the rule of Grand Nasier Tiber Valias.
Constitution: May 9th, 1993, effective May 23rd 1993
National Holidays: Day of Victory, May 23rd. Evening of the Norns, December 22nd.
National Anthem: Blood of Heroes composed by Lord Mustaine of Elsaire County
National Motto: "For peace, for unity, for the people, for Lorkhan!"
Current Core Population: 900+ million
Current Total Population: 1.1 billion

Basic Background & History

Lorkhan, officially The Nationalist Republic of Lorkhan, was founded after the Nationalist Revolutionary Civil War on May 23rd 1993, replacing the former republic and it’s totalitarian leadership. The nation itself has existed since the early 1400s when the first Nordic people came to the continent of Corellus to escape religious persecution from the growing Roman Catholic church. It’s founder was King Cjok the Frostmare, a man revered as a man-god by the people of Lorkhan to this day and the foundation of the nation‘s fierce independence and resolve.

The current ruling party is the NSSC, backed by the extremely charismatic Tiber Valias. Since their victory in the revolutionary war the NSSC has ruled as the dominant faction in Lorkhan’s politics. A week after the NSSC moved into power, they cut off ties with many foreign powers and went into isolation doing business only with regional states. Though many believed Lorkhan was committing economical and political suicide, the nation has re-built itself as a major industrial power in the last decade. Many within the nation claim that this is the strongest the nation has been as a community in over two centuries.

The nation itself is divided into three categories. It is a charter member of the Covenant of Corellus, making it sub-state of the broader region of Corellus. Both it's Core State (main land) and it's Imperial State (provinces abroad + main land) form is recognized as official.

The nation is based heavily off of Nordic culture and values. The majority of the countries population practice faiths closely related to ancient Norse mythology, and are very proud and protective of their pagan religions and clan structures.
03-07-2007, 04:05
The Palace of Norns, Acropolis - Järten Prime

The republic’s highest ranking official is the Grand Nasier. The Grand Nasier’s power over the nation is near absolute, and s/he is elected by the ruling senate to serve as many terms as the committee wishes to re-elect him for.

The Grand Nasier is backed by both an executive branch and legislative branch. The Council of Senators serves as the nation’s legislative branch, with 169 seat members currently in office. The entire executive branch is made up of NSSC members.

The NSSC is the ruling governing organization in Lorkhan, and embodies all municipalities from regional political offices, social and educational coalitions, workers unions, and local police agencies.

Formed ten years before the Naiser's election to power as a political party and resistance movement targeted against the fascist dictatorship of the psychotic self-appointed 'Emperor' Wulf, and the corrupt foreign powers raping the interests and resources of the people, the NSSC endured assassination and prosecution for several years before justice prevailed.

The NSSC currently hold 155 seats in the senate, and have dominated the nation’s policy for over a decade. The Imperial Reform party holds 5 seats, and the Nordic Brotherhood hold 9.

Executive Branch

Grand Nasier - ‘High Lord’ Tiber Valias
Vizier of State (majordomo) - Jorten Vjork
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Doro Pesch
Minister of Justice - Lady Selvia Aesir
Minister of Defence - Holden Kraft
Minister of Health - Doctor Wulgerd Kutch
Minister of Transport - Surld Mejjk
Minister of Communication - Norj Kynra
Minister of Education - Doctor Brenar Nolden.
Minister of Trade - Ljek Bragi
Minister of Industry - Cheif Arik Norblod
Minister of Energy - Countess Valari Ikol
Minister of Environmental Affairs - Chief Jargo Bjork
Minister of Theological Trust - Radack Norjfurst

The nation’s current political agenda, as it has been since it’s establishment at the end of the revolution, is the restoration of Lorkhan’s independence and the strengthening of state nationalism in the country.

It's secondary agenda is to strengthen other nation's of Nordic heritage.

Social Policy

NSSC social policy demands a pure society built off the backs of Lorkhan‘s citizens, for the greater benefit of Lorkhan‘s citizens.

The citizen is raised to place the community before the individual, as through the betterment of the state the community itself will better the individual.

The state grants free health care to it’s citizens and encourages social welfare. Donations are made monthly to help better the poor, and the government supports the formation of local community groups so long as they benefit the state.

Homosexual unions are legal, and stigmatization towards children who were born outside of marriage has been completely eradicated. Immigrants and ethnic minorities however are not so freely accepted.

Civil Rights & Policies

Lorkhan grants the populace the right to free speech, however; public broadcasting is extremely limited and monitered to insure it fits into the idea of a nationalist state. Dissentors are not allowed to broadcast or print their ideals, but are given the right to gather in designated areas to share their beliefs.

Lorkhan also grants the citizen the right to a fair trial with a private attourney, or an attourney granted to the citizen by the state. The courts are elected into power by county representives, and the laws are drafted on a local level by community groups. The laws are filtered through the courts and edited where necissery to help benefit the state.

Militias that support the community and the state are allowed and encouraged. Many of the local militias are co-ordinated and trained by PDF forces.

Homosexuality and the right to free religious expression was legalized in 1996, and reforms have seen the consistant development of these rights. Non-pagen worship is highly frowned upon however; and does not recieve the same governmental support as ancient Nordic rites.

Most of Lorkhan's citizens are granted average rights, but many doctrines have come under scrutinization from outside sources. Military service is mandatory as are fitness programs and voting remains compulsary. Citizens within Lorkhan see this as the peserverence of traditional values however; and so far dissent in the country has been a rare occurance.

Public Health

The NSSC has indoctrinated one of the finest health policies in the world. Tobacco use, though legal, is highly frowned upon in the state. Alcoholic consumption is supported mostly for it’s cultural symbolism, but the state discourages public brewers and over-use. Citizens are required to schedule one hour of fitness at a local state sponsored health club on a weekly basis, and some community groups reward citizens who are environmentally and health cautious.

Women's Rights

The NSSC encourages women to enter positions of power and labor, but also encourage women to remain true to traditional roles. All non-working women who bear children are supported by the government’s social welfare system, but women who enroll into the work force are paid equal salary to men. Women are also allowed to enroll into the military.

Economic Policy

The Lorkhan economy is an example of mixed economy, featuring a combination of free market activity and large government ownership. The government controls key areas, such as the uranium sector, power production, petrol, and the largest Lorkhan bank and telecommunication provider. The government controls 31.6% of publicly listed companies.

Industry is closely regulated with quotas and requirements to use domestic resources. Selective nationalization is used against businesses that fail to agree to these arrangements.

Foreign Policy

Most of Lorkhan is currently isolated from the outside world. There are very strict immigration laws that make it extremely inconvenient for relocation into the country unless the immigrant is of Nordic background, and outside of trade roles Lorkhan only involves itself diplomaticly with nations of Nordic or North European origin.
28-07-2007, 22:55
Geography & Climate:

Lorkhan is a massive semi-landlocked country mostly of undeveloped land. It is boarded to the south by the Commonwealth of Falgoust, the Teutonic Legions of Das Furer, and the Great Lake.

Most of it’s population is packed in the country’s center, claiming over 60% of the nation’s people. The eastern portion of the nation is dominated by flatlands rich with farming communities that extend to the Forest of Greenhelm and the mountain chain of Woderjun. Many of these farming communities are at conflict with regional clans, while others hold long standing treaties with several of the chieftains in the eastern territories. Lorkhan’s PDF training academy is also based in the eastern region.

Many of the nation’s largest urban communities are centered in the country’s core and several are built along the Great Lake. The NSSC has it’s most powerful foothold in these regions, with very little to absolutely no support for alternative factions.

The climate in these regions shifts drastically due to the altitude and terrain changes. Along the coast of the Great Lake and central regions, Lorkhan’s citizens enjoy a temperate climate

As the nation reaches further into the plains the climate becomes warmer. Storms are frequent here and twisters are not uncommon. The warmest periods last from May to August, and weather takes a sharp decline for several months after this.

Most of the country suffers from cold weather however; and over 1/2 of land mass is made of mountainous ranges and valleys.

(Map to come soon.)
New Brittonia
28-07-2007, 23:03
The Unitted Socialist States of New Brittonia would like to begin the small step in foreign reltions between us by establishing embassies in Lorkhan.

Foreign Minister of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia
Sarah Lynch