Opening Old Borders [MT]
03-07-2007, 01:23
There are times in a nations history when it will remain silent, incognito, hidden away from the world for reasons that no one person can really explain. But instead of a violent and forced reopening of borders and sea ports, of an economy jolted by contact with foreign developments and practices, or a government handling the disunity of its populaces opinion on the manner; Thrashia's was one of ease.
It was more than four decades since the last foreign delegate or ambassador had been on Thrashian soil, at the behest of the Polarius Emperors who had ruled the nation for the last hundred years. That isolationist outlook would now change that a new emperor was on the throne. A strong man who knew that he had to interact with other national leaders across the globe. That man was Emperor Maximus Fiorria, former general of the army and of ancient pure Thrashian blood line.
* * * * *
"You're sure we have to do this?" asked the man. His blue jerkin and pants marked him as a member of the senate, his boots thumping the ground with each hurried step.
His taller companion nodded mid-stride. "You know Senator Gill that the Emperor's will is absolute in this. He has wanted it ever since he took the throne." The older man of the senate, Senator Gill, sighed audibly.
"But we could-," began Gill.
"No we could not bring it before the council," finished the taller man.
"But Erik, we're not ready yet!" exclaimed Senator Gill.
The two stepped up the marbled steps of the Palace of Justice, the hall where the Imperial Senate and Imperial Judicator held their meetings and courts. The armed guards noticed the uniform that Erik wore and did not attempt to stop him or even check his identity. Gill passed through next to him into a wide entry hall with a tall roof. Alabaster columns lined the hall and large golden chandaliers hung from the ceiling. Everything was neat and ornate in beauty, with the exception of the occasional brown uniformed Justicar policemen who thumped by in their jack boots.
The pair came to a large carved door guarded by two Black Knight Imperial Guardsmen, their intimidating red-eyed masks glared at Senator Gill. The older gentlemen gulped for a moment then was reassured as Erik stepped up.
"We're here to see the broadcast. The senator is with me," said Erik.
"As you say commander," said one of the Guardsmen. He leaned over and opened the door. "Enter."
Erik nodded in thanks and stepped in, Senator Gill on his heels. They came into a large audience chamber usually reserved for oratories or as a place for public debate. Now it was lined with chairs and a stage was set up on one side. Black garbed Imperial Guard were everywhere, as were cameras and news crews. The seats were filled with members of Thrashia's senate, upper class citizens, members of the military, and even a few famous movie stars. Commander Erik grabbed hold of Gill and led the old man over to a pair of seats in the back. They were just in time.
Through a back door behind the stage came the Emperor Maximus Fiorria.
The crowd stood and clapped with enthusiasm, even a few shouts and cat calls could be heard. Fiorria, tall and broad with white-blonde hair, smiled and stepped up onto the stage behind a podium. He wore a blue uniform with red blood lines along the trouser leg and a purple royal sash across his chest, medals of some time hung from his breast. On cue the cameras rolled and a broad-band broadcast was sent out. Everyone using short of a coffee can with string would hear and see what was said next.
"To People of the world, my citizens of Thrashia, and to the leaders of the world nations. Greetings! It has been a long time since last a man in my position has spoken before so large an audience or carried so heavy a burden as the one I must carry.
I am Emperor Maximus Fiorria of the Empire of Thrashia. We have been in seclusion for the better part of a century, ignoring the world beyond our shores. That however ends today as of now.
With the full authority of my position and power I am hereby reopening the borders and sea ports of Thrashia to the outside world. I welcome representatives of the world nations to come and be guests in my nation, to discuss trade or any other topic that would be cause of a pleasant discourse between our nations.
In hopes of a brighter future!"
Emperor Fiorria stepped back from the podium and bowed. Thunderous applause broke out from the crowd and cameras flashed like a thunder storm unleashed by Zeus. Senator Gill stood with the rest and clapped even. He still didn't like the idea. He felt someone bump into him and he looked up to his left. Commander Erik had nudged him and gave him a "I know what you're thinking" kind of look.
"Relax," said Commander Erik. "What could possibly go wrong?"
Senator Gill didn't deem it a question that should be answered.
03-07-2007, 01:44
03-07-2007, 01:51
Official Diplomatic Response:
To:Emperor Maximus Fiorria
From: Foreign Minister John Macked
We are delighted to open relations with Thrashia, I will come to Thrashia myself, in my F-35B personal jet to meet with you, and I hope you will find Calizorinstan a valuable ally,
John Macked
John licked the envelope, and gave it to the secretary to mail out to Emperor Maximus Fiorria of Thrashia....
03-07-2007, 02:32
Official Diplomatic Response:
To:Emperor Maximus Fiorria
From: Foreign Minister John Macked
We are delighted to open relations with Thrashia, I will come to Thrashia myself, in my F-35B personal jet to meet with you, and I hope you will find Calizorinstan a valuable ally,
John Macked
Diplomatic Message
To: Foreign Minister John Macked of Calizorinstan
From: Foreign Minister Jacob Heydrich
On the behalf of Emperor Fiorria I greet you. It is a delight for me to greet as my ministry and position has only been recently made. I will see to it that your arrival is made warm and welcoming. Within this reply will be the needed coordinates of the international airport in Andarus, our capital.
Jacob Heydrich
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Thrashia
03-07-2007, 03:34
British Londinium
03-07-2007, 03:44
Official Communiqué
To Thrashian Emperor Maximus Fiorria:
British Londinium is immensely pleased that you have chosen to re-embrace internationalism, and wish to establish normalized and, hopefully, strong relations with your esteemed nation. We are significant exporters of petroleum, as well as exporters of some of the finest wines grown in the Pacific area. If you are willing, I would like to dispatch my Minister of Foreign Affairs to initiate our diplomatic relations, as well as to negotiate various trade agreements.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
03-07-2007, 03:53
Official Communiqué
To Thrashian Emperor Maximus Fiorria:
British Londinium is immensely pleased that you have chosen to re-embrace internationalism, and wish to establish normalized and, hopefully, strong relations with your esteemed nation. We are significant exporters of petroleum, as well as exporters of some of the finest wines grown in the Pacific area. If you are willing, I would like to dispatch my Minister of Foreign Affairs to initiate our diplomatic relations, as well as to negotiate various trade agreements.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP
Consul of British Londinium
Diplomatic Communiqué
To: The Rt. Hon. Sir Alistair Davidson, MP of British Londinium
From: Thrashian Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry
Dear esteemed sir,
On behalf of the Emperor Fiorria, ruler of the Empire of Thrashia, I greet you and toast your nations well being. We are very eager to establish trade with foreign nations such as yourselves. I believe our Ministry of the Interior would be interested in your petroleum exports. We would be honored to receive your foreign affairs minister.
Jacob Heydrich
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Thrashia
03-07-2007, 05:17
03-07-2007, 05:22
John Macked rode in his VB-70T transport towards Thrashia, hoping that he wouldn't mess up the diplomacy bit, and if he played his card's right, he could gain an ally for Calizorinstan, which it needed, he thought, but at least he had the NPE to back him in defensive action, they had the most heavy hitters, and he had the UFAN, and he also had Translyvania to back him if the other two alliances didn't go through, but if he got Thrashia on his side, he could have a backup ally..." He heard the pilot request permission to land at the Thrashian airport saying "I've got the Calizorinstanian delegate onboard, I request permission to land Velcioraptor one, over."
03-07-2007, 05:37
Fry-Dales Air Port
"We're tracking you just fine Calizornistan air craft," replied the air traffic controller sitting beside his radar monitor. "Wait one, over."
The controller pushed with his feet and he moved in his rolling chair over to another station. His partner had run off to grab a few meat buns, a Thrashian specialty snack, and some drinks so he was working the station alone. He tapped in his confirmation code and brought up his microphone headset.
"Cal-greet Party 1, this is Tower station, do you read?"
The radio fuzzed for a few seconds before the reply came. "Copy that Tower, what's the situation?"
"Calizornistan air craft coming in on vector bravo-foxtrot-charlie, 30 kloms and closing. Radio contact made and confirmed passenger; the Calizornistan rep is on his way, over. They are requesting landing clearance."
"Landing clearance granted, over."
The controller nodded and pushed off back to his other station, flipped another switch and got a bead on the Calizornistan's radio wave length. "Calizornistan craft, this is Fry-Dale air traffic control, you are free to land, I repeat you are free to land. Landing pad 10, north-east corner."
At the north-east corner of the air field, waiting at landing pad 10, was Junior Foreign Minister Varus Ribbentrop. He wore black knee high boots, and a brown jerkin and trousers uniform. An armband with the Thrashian royal eagle emblazoned on it was wrapped around his left arm. A peaked, brown cap sat percosiously on his head, barely hiding his thinning blonde hair.
Behind Ribbentrop was an honor guard of the Waffen Shutzel Vipers ( in full dress uniform and holding ceremonial rifles at the ready. The group leader even had a sword out. They seemed to radiate calm and determination, not to mention inspirational fear, in their night black uniforms, all freshly pressed and neat.
A man in a similar uniform stepped up next to Ribbentrop. "So they are arriving I take it?"
"You would be correct Commander Manstein," Ribbentrop replied.
Erik Manstein nodded as he looked over his men. He'd just gotten out of the Hall of Justice after another briefing with the emperor over some banal matters of correctness regarding the visiting dignitaries. When Erik had first heard the idea of reopening Thrashia's borders he'd been delighted. He always enjoyed meeting new faces.
The pair watched as the Calizornistan air craft came into view, a speck in the distance, and then came roaring closer. As it came for a landing a nearby military band struck up an old marching tune "All Hail Victory."
03-07-2007, 06:42
03-07-2007, 07:38
"Entschuldigung, aber sie haben ihr Handgranate vegessen." aka BUMP
03-07-2007, 07:58
Greetings Ministry of Thrasia!
We of the New Prussian Empire are quite happy you have opened yourselves up from isolation to diplomatic ties, and wish to establish ourselves closer to your nation. If you wish, we shall send a delegate over to meet with you, or you may come to us, whichever you would prefer.
~Emperor Baker of the New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar
(OOC: Yeah, this is before FT obviously so we aren't allies yet ;)
Gotta pretend like we didn't know ya lol)
03-07-2007, 17:56
Greetings Ministry of Thrasia!
We of the New Prussian Empire are quite happy you have opened yourselves up from isolation to diplomatic ties, and wish to establish ourselves closer to your nation. If you wish, we shall send a delegate over to meet with you, or you may come to us, whichever you would prefer.
~Emperor Baker of the New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar
Diplomatic Communiqué
To: Emperor Baker of the New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar
From: Thrashian Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry
Dear esteemed sir,
On behalf of the Emperor Fiorria, ruler of the Empire of Thrashia, I greet you and toast your nations well being. We are very eager to establish trade with foreign nations such as yourselves. As we are looking for allies with nations who have similar beliefs as ares and government, we would be glad to accept a representative of your country to ours for a summit of sorts.
Jacob Heydrich
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Thrashia
03-07-2007, 18:02
John Macked set down the VB-70T down on the runway, and the gigantic Olympus engines roared as he put on the thrust reversers, and taxied to the ramp to meet the Thrashian representatives, he parked and hopped out of the VB-70T and said "I am John Macked, the Calizorinstan Delegate, how are you?, my flight was good.."
03-07-2007, 18:07
Official Kampferian Statement
We in Kampfers are happy to see that the nation of Thrashia has returned from isolation. Perhaps we can strengthen our diplomatic ties and economic ties over the coming years. We would be honored to meet the Thrashian heads-of-state, if they so chose. We are also honored to welcome Thrashia to the New Pussian Empire. Good luck in this turbulent world!
Fuhrer Richtoff
03-07-2007, 18:23
John Macked set down the VB-70T down on the runway, and the gigantic Olympus engines roared as he put on the thrust reversers, and taxied to the ramp to meet the Thrashian representatives, he parked and hopped out of the VB-70T and said "I am John Macked, the Calizorinstan Delegate, how are you?, my flight was good.."
Commander Erik noted with good humor the efforts of the marching band to try and become louder as the foreign craft's engines roared and then sat quiet. It was for some reason hilarious to Erik that there be such a competition of sound. He got out of his thoughts however when the Calizornistan rep stepped out of his plane and forward towards them.
Ribbentrop returned Mr. Macked's greeting. "Good sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Junior Minister of Foreign affairs Varus Ribbentrop. I hope the flight was good, since I know you must have flown a great distance."
Behind Erik and Ribbentrop, between the band and the ceremonial guard of the Waffen SV, sat a black smooth looking car.
"If you'll follow me we can get you settled at the Imperial Palace. His majesty is eager to meet with you, but understands if you'd like to freshen up first. Dinner I believe is soon and that is where you'll most likely meet him," said Ribbentrop. He glanced to his side.
"Oh, and this is Commander Manstein of the Waffen Shutzel Vipers; a part of the Thrashian Armed Forces."
Ribbentrop turned to lead John across the red carpet to the waiting car. The band had just finished and its members all seemed very red in the face which only seemed to heighten Erik's humor as he walked past to join the pair in the car.
03-07-2007, 18:25
Official Kampferian Statement
We in Kampfers are happy to see that the nation of Thrashia has returned from isolation. Perhaps we can strengthen our diplomatic ties and economic ties over the coming years. We would be honored to meet the Thrashian heads-of-state, if they so chose. We are also honored to welcome Thrashia to the New Pussian Empire. Good luck in this turbulent world!
Fuhrer Richtoff
Diplomatic Communiqué
To: Fuhrer Richtoff of Kampfers
From: Thrashian Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry
Dear esteemed sir,
On behalf of the Emperor Fiorria, ruler of the Empire of Thrashia, I greet you and toast your nations well being. We are very eager to establish trade with foreign nations such as yourselves. As we are looking for allies with nations who have similar beliefs as ares and government, we are honored to meet you. At this time his majesty the Emperor is busy with affairs of state, however in the near future he would be more than happy to make a state visit to your country.
Jacob Heydrich
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Thrashia
03-07-2007, 18:26
John thanked Varus, and walked on the red carpet to the waiting car, and sat down and said "I had a good flight, My cruising speed over here was about 3,500-5,000 m.p.h, so I traveled a fair amount in a short amount of time..." He sat down, and opened a page of the Half Blood Prince to review and read while he rode in the car...
09-07-2007, 04:04
John thanked Varus, and walked on the red carpet to the waiting car, and sat down and said "I had a good flight, My cruising speed over here was about 3,500-5,000 m.p.h, so I traveled a fair amount in a short amount of time..." He sat down, and opened a page of the Half Blood Prince to review and read while he rode in the car...
"That's quite impressive travel time Herr Varus," said Commander Erik. "Very impressive."
"We'll have to get some of their civilian transport when we discuss trade," smiled Ribbentrop.
The rest of the ride was uneventful for the most part. They traveled with a motorcade of armed policemen on motorcycle and a second car behind them with four Interior Security Bureau agents inside it. They passed along the Grand Market Plaza, a 10 kilometer sized square where the citizens of Thrashia traded in nearly every portable commodity.
After a ten minute drive through the city they came upon the Imperial Palace. Small for its size, the building was three stories high and more than six hundred meters in length by three hundred in width; more than 100 rooms and as many as twenty conference sized rooms. The palace grounds covered some six square miles of clear, manicured grass and the occasional crop of cherry blossom trees.
The car pulled to a stop outside marble front steps. At every 4th step on either side stood a Black Knight Imperial Guardsman. Their K3 Liberator rifles were held by the stock and at attention, the butt-plates sitting on the ground next to their polished black boots. They snapped to attention as Commander Erik and Junior Minister Ribbentrop stepped out with their guest.
"I think we made it in time for lunch," smiled Ribbentrop. He motioned for the pair to follow him.
09-07-2007, 05:23
10-07-2007, 06:31
16-07-2007, 02:45