NationStates Jolt Archive

Military Units in The Ivory Jaguar

The Ivory Jaguar
03-07-2007, 00:40
OOC: Fair warning, this in all probability will not be updated regularly. As such, it can only be taken as accurate as of the last edited date.

IC: Military Units of The Peoples of The Ivory Jaguar:

The Centuria: The Centuria are the main focus of the Jaguarian military. They are highly trained units, however, they only exist in small numbers. At the time of the build up in anticipation of the Gholgoth-Questarian war, only ten Centuria existed. The main purpose of the Centuria is to form a number of highly mobile elite forces, ideally suited to strike at enemy weak points or supply lines. In his book on the subject, Talon described the Centuria as “The saber or the long knife of the Jaguarian military. If badly used, they will be but a pinprick in the enemy, but if properly used, they will be as a blade in the throat.”

One Century consists of one hundred enlisted men, further divided into four Tetrarchies, each in turn divided into five Fingers of five men each. Each Tetrarchy is led by a Tetrarch, the entry level officer rank of the Centuria. In addition, each Centuria is commanded by an Officer Centurion, (as opposed to a plain Centurion, which is the term for any individual soldier in a Century).

The Redemption Legions: The Redemption Legions are a temporary measure instated at the end of the War of Reunification, in order to deal with the large number of soldiers who had fought against Talon and his Gotrà, but had surrendered. Neither massacre nor release of the prisoners was considered an acceptable solution, and long term imprisonment was deemed too expensive and ultimately unrewarding. However, Astaroth, the head military officer under Phenex, suggested that they be put to use militarily.

The Redemption Legions are competent soldiers, though somewhat low in morale. As described by Astaroth “They are the battle-axe of the Jaguarian army, to hold down enemies or hack through enemy lines. They will do the majority of the heavy fighting, and resultantly, the majority of the dying in any conflict they are involved with. Those who survive the Redemption Legions will be released into society again free of any charge, and given some preference for placement into the Centuria.”

Reivers: The Reivers are not technically part of the Jaguarian military, but are rather small bands of fortune seekers, responsible for their own arming and training. Doctrine holds that once a beachhead on enemy territory has been established, the Reivers will be given transportation, and carte blanche for actions against the enemy. The intention is for the enemy military to be unable to commit their full forces to combat without leaving the civilian population open to raids and attacks by small mobile (possibly cavalry mounted) forces, who will be specifically attempting to avoid open conflict with the enemy military.