NationStates Jolt Archive

The Liberation [PMT]

02-07-2007, 23:33
Water trickled under the feet of the XTR soldiers, in comparrison to their thick heavy bodily frames their weapons poked out like tiny sticks, there was a sudden snap and the soldiers jolted towards the noise, their machine synapses working on overload.
INDENTIt had been too long since anyone had used these sewers, and as such they had become breeding grounds for humans who no longer wished to live under the rule of the MNTR, Deep in the darkest recesses of the tunnel the soldiers were lying in waiting, each wearing helmets adorned with a chess piece.
INDENTOne of the soldiers looked out towards another hidden around the corner, he motioned to count from three down to one, as soon as his palm became a fist the soldier suddenly lept up and ran, her footsteps causing a massive roar of energy from the water, the Machines shouted before opening fire.
INDENTThe soldiers lept from their hiding places, the machines were foolish, unable to formulate new plans, they just aimed for the fleeing woman who was sliced apart by the bullets, "Retreat!!" Came the call from down the tunnel, it was a human voice and the soldiers had no reason not to comply, they fell back whilst the machines ran forwards onto the C4 Charges, the Morlock Resistence would be losing a tunnel, but gaining a victory.


The DOMA began scratching into the marble tablet, a message for its master, unusual as that was to have someone higher than highest form, but still it was possible, the message was scratched out and read by the man high above, "DOMA 1142, your message raises some important concerns, deploy a nuclear device into the sewers, we cannot have project Rook compromised!"


The Sewers were mostly on the outskirts of the city, back where the old human settlements used to be, machines had long since evolved past the needs for such crude waste management, it meant bad things for the men and woman of the resistance, had they have deployed a little closer to the city they would not now be under the scrutiny of an overlord Machine.
IndentThe Giant Machine bore down upon the microcity under the ground, children and families were fleeing from out the tunnels and towards the Machine city, they wern't being helped by the spines of the machine, it ripped through the chests and heads of children as young as 10 spurting blood over the ground of the battlefield, the machine was simply toying the humans before it dropped the atom bomb.
IndentPretty soon the machine had ran out of humans to torture and had let a few slip past to tell their harrowing tale to others in the city, the Overlord did a final sweep of the area before dropping the device, it skulked off back towards its home like a crap does, the device landed and rested allowing the Overlord to flee the area, it suddenly roared out a thousand screams, the explosion flew down wiping many of the sewers.