NationStates Jolt Archive

New Valhalla(FT Intro, Open)

Ny Valhalla
01-07-2007, 04:58
Shades of red and blue mingled with the darkness of space. Crackling displays of electricity flowing through the cloud of energy that spread out in all directions, creating a blanket for the small planet it had decided to surround, but had found it prudent not to touch the world, leaving a rather large buffer area between the atmosphere and the nebula itself.

The human colonists, cut off from their parent planet due to the spacial anomoly, fell into a state of despair, as they had no knowledge of their surroundings, and their food and ressources were dwindling. The beasts of the world fought for their home against the struggling newcomers, and many on each side fell. The humans did not know much about their new surroundings, or how they would carry on, but one thing they did know was that Earth had forgotten them, and they were alone.

Three-thousand years passed. The cloud of blue and red, still dominant within the system, began to dissipate and move on. Holes formed in it's shroud of the planet, the blanket unravelling.

The human colonists, now veterans of the planet, had advanced. The land had been claimed, and the beasts of the wild pushed into the forests and uncolonised areas. Cities had formed, and flourished. The soil, furtile dark earth, had been sown and now bore fruits, vegetables and grains for the people. The passive animals, who had been named kau, were surprisingly similar to cows, barring the fact that they had long trunks for noses, small, pointed ears, and were grey in color; the meat and the taste, however, were nearly the same. These had been made domestic, and used in exactly the same way as the missing cow of the planet. Many strange birds were also numerous and tasty, and were hunted widely.

Above the planet, the jewel of the human's civilisation. A great space station hung in orbit. A massive three-sided pyramid, built of a blue crystal that is found in abundance on the planet, and that had shown extreme resilience to...well...everything. And it was this space station that was charged with monitoring the nebula, looking for a way to pass it without becoming completely blind and in-operational. Fate, it seems, wanted to make it easier.

"Anfører Bjorn, the computer systems register several breaks in the cloud. Not much, but large enough for small starships to pass through. Seems the oracle systems were correct."

"They always are." The Anfører, or Captain in other tongues, walked over to the crystal consul, the glowing blue light that was the power source shining brilliantly through and reflecting on all the angles of the mineral, sending beautiful light and imagery around the equally blue crystallic room. The hundreds of other consuls, controls, and view screens sending their own lights and shapes into the mosaic of color and splendor. "You know the doctrine. Send orders for a ship to pass through one of the gaps before they decide to close for another few thousand years." The technician at the consul nodded, and began pressing the various symbols and colors that would be construed as a keyboard.

Not an hour later, a small, diamond shaped craft, made of the same crystal as all the other spacial craft and objects the humans had put up, began to slide through the inky blackness of space towards the hole in the nebula. Its ion thrusters glowed blue like the rest of the craft. It passed through to the other side of the nebula. Buttons were pushed, and infront of the vessel a purple portal opened. The ship passed through, the portal closed, and the vessel was on its way to a random point of the galaxy, to meet whoever resided there.
Hyperspatial Travel
01-07-2007, 05:33
"Through the Sovereign, I will find truth. Guide my actions and words by Your blessed light this day, lord of lords."

Khalir finished the prayer, turned from the small altar, and spoke. "Has the object come any closer?"

"Yes, Captain. We are readying our weapons, should it become hostile, however, it seems ultimately too small to do any damage to our ship, or the refueling base here."

"Nonetheless. If it comes too close, disable it. If it attacks, destroy it."

"Of course, Captain. I will do as you say."

Khal-Illir, a small refueling station on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Sovereign. And, by chance, a single frigate, the Illuminated By His Hand, was there, ensuring that all was well. However, it seemed an object had materialised - circumventing their typical early-warning systems, which was troublesome, for a start. The likelihood that a crystalline, spacefaring being would speak Common was incredibly unlikely, so they had spent some time encoding various messages - all manner of electromagnetic waves, and, now, were about to send them. Should the craft pick up on them, differentiate them from the background wave 'static' that filled a solar system, and decoded them, they would be able to communicate.

Until then.. the message was sent, again and again, over hundreds of channels, frequencies and wavelengths alike, amplified most significantly, so that it would stand out from the light and other clutter in the system.

We are the Servants of the Sovereign. We wish to know who you are, and for what purpose you have intruded upon one of our systems. We wish you no harm, and desire only peace with you.
Ny Valhalla
04-07-2007, 05:32
Einher scratched his chin, the long, strong fingures feeling their way through the great beard that had settled there. Brown in color, it matched the flowing hair that descended to the mans muscular shoulders.

"What sovereign, I wonder, do they speak of?" he asked his crew.

The science officer shrugged a reply, "I have no idea, Anfører, however they're broadcasting several transmissions, in many tongues and codes. Some are in galactic basic, should we respond in the same? Or should we try our native norweigian?"

Einher shook his head. "Try basic."

Servants of the Sovereign, we appologise for our intrusion. We are explorers, from the planet New Valhalla. A nebula had trapped us there for thousands of years, so forgive us for not knowing who this area belonged too.
Hyperspatial Travel
04-07-2007, 06:14
"A peculiar dialect of basic, Captain Khalir. It seems to have some archaic traces about it. This, however, means the theory about the spacecraft being a living crystalline being is incorrect."

Khalir sighed. "Ah, well. Humanity, as always, seems to be everywhere. It would have been nice to be remembered as the crew who discovered a crystalline race of some sort."

"It is our duty to accept whatever the Sovereign brings to us, Captain.", the engineer said sententiously.

"Yes, yes. I know, Rae. Nevertheless. Do you believe we should conduct them to a Central World?"

"Perhaps. I would be more in favour of calling for diplomatic staff, and backup."

Khalir laughed. "In this backwater outpost? It would be days before we got a single corvette, let alone proper backup and diplomats. And besides.. experience in dealing with a new nation. Diplomatic experience counts for quite a bit when you're looking for command of a new ship - or head of an engineering post aboard a capital ship, as well."

"Yes, that might just be right."

This is only a minor refueling post in the Kingdom; no harm has been done. This is the Illuminated By His Hand, a patrol frigate in the fleet of the Sovereign. Although we have no qualified diplomat aboard, nor anyone with the power to negotiate with your people, if you would care to come aboard, or perhaps invite one of us aboard your ship, we would be more than willing to discuss our peoples, and the story behind your appearance in this place.

- Captain Khalir -