Sith Clanian Emporer Announces 7th wife
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:20
Today the Emporer of the Sith Clan, Joseph Singleton, has married his seventh wife! The Lucky lady is Miss Rebecca Rose, formerly a waitress at the local Sithy's.
This marrige took place on the Emporer's 2 month anniversary in office. He felt we should share this marrige with the world, as 7 is his lucky number.
The emporer currently has 9 children, and has 4 more on the way.
He has recently proposed to lucky woman number 8, a waitress from Hooters.
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 02:25
To Emporer Joseph Singleton
so what i have twelve and too many kids
Emporer Wolf
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:26
In response to a recent message from Imperial Isa, Emporer Joseph replied:
"So what, this is about me, not you, so lay off!"
01-07-2007, 02:26
The Holy Emperor of Xiscapia sends the following message:
"Nice going! You're a player! ...You think you could hook me up?"
The Jade Star
01-07-2007, 02:26
King Skirk of Gundabad congratulates the Sith Emperor on a fine start and would be pleased to contact him once he's got past the hundred mark. If Emperor Singleton's tastes run that way, Skirk would be happy to send one of his own wives to contribute to the Sith Clan harem, provided you like short green women with big noses and a tendancy to explode things.
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 02:29
In response to a recent message from Imperial Isa, Emporer Joseph replied:
"So what, this is about me, not you, so lay off!"
Emporer Joseph have a six pack on me
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:29
Responding to Xiscapia:
"Sure I have a second cousin I know, you'd then be related to the Sith Royal Family... of course next in line for the throne is my eldest son, Harold."
Responding to Jade Star:
"No, I'm fine thanks."
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:30
Emporer Joseph have a six pack on me
"NOw thats more like it! I happily accept!"
The Jade Star
01-07-2007, 02:31
Your loss. They say Goblin women are great in bed.
01-07-2007, 02:31
" she pretty? It is a girl right? It is...humanoid...right?
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 02:32
Your loss. They say Goblin women are great in bed.
vamps and werewolfs are better
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:33
" she pretty? It is a girl right? It is...humanoid...right?
"She is definately Humanoid... as for pretty... well I don't know, I can't judge my... well... between you and me, She is hot! I tried to marry her, but she turned me down."
01-07-2007, 02:33
Vampires. Now THAT'S HOT! You tryed to marry your own second cousin? Uh, if you could send me a picture, I'll decide.
The Jade Star
01-07-2007, 02:36
vamps and werewolfs are better
Vampires and werewolves dont consider gunpowder an aphrodesiac. Plus they might eat you.
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 02:37
Vampires and werewolves dont consider gunpowder an aphrodesiac. Plus they might eat you.
no he eats them
The Sith Clan
01-07-2007, 02:39
Vampires. Now THAT'S HOT! You tryed to marry your own second cousin? Uh, if you could send me a picture, I'll decide.
Well... she's a bit ... strange. Thinks the camera will capture her sole. Trust me though she's hot! Hold on a sec... I may have a picture...
The emporer leaves to rummage through family albums.
ooc: this in no way represents actual life!:eek:
The Jade Star
01-07-2007, 02:40
no he eats them
Lazy women.
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 02:45
Lazy women.
on not that they all for that