Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 20:50
"Man, Benin is so annoying!" said Chris Drury.
"Tell me about it," said Thomas Vanek.
The Four Illustrous Princes were starting to talk about what to do with Benin, the country right inbetween their nation.
"Let's invade!" said Daniel Briere.
"You always want to invade," said Ryan Getzlaf. "But, that is a good idea."
"Let's invade!" said Thomas.
"Yah! said Chris Drury.
Letter to the Government of Benin
Dear Benin,
You are in the middle of our nation, severly disrupting our trade and general everyday things. Therefore, we have decided after many hours of contemplation, to ask whether or not to be accepted as a state in the Allied States of Vanek Drury Briere. You will be left alone, however you will have to obey all federal laws. Your state government will stay intact, and you will benefit from more trade and protection from VDB's military. However, if you reject this ultimatum, we will wage war, for you have been a nuisance too long.
Thomas Vanek
Daniel Briere
Chris Drury
Ryan Getzlaf
General Ryan Miller
Lieutenant General Corey Perry
Lieutenant General Drew Stafford
Lieutenant General Karl Azner
Captain Alexander Steen
The Princes, The Head of the Navy, Commandos, Air Force, Army, and Everything Militaric.
29-06-2007, 20:57
Thomas Vanek
Daniel Briere
Chris Drury
Ryan Getzlaf
General Ryan Miller
Lieutenant General Corey Perry
Lieutenant General Drew Stafford
Lieutenant General Karl Azner
Captain Alexander Steen
From- Government of Benin
As a peaceful neighbor enjoying a steady economic growth rate we see no reason that you should go to war to try and assimiliate us into your nation; however I would like to inquire about the basic rights and privelages of my people being taken into your nation. Without freedom, prosperity, and protection you can forget any sort agreement being reached between us. Furthermore, we want multi-million dollar endorsements so that we can build our infrastructure and then we would consider joining your nation without any sort of bloodshed.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 20:58
OOC: I can get 7.52 million troops, most likely 1 million of them can be activated immediately and can get into Benin in 1 hour, the rest probably in one week can be activated.
29-06-2007, 20:59
OOC- Uh? I offerd a peaceful way for Benin to enter your government.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 21:01
oh, okay.
29-06-2007, 21:02
OOC- You do n't have to take it, but since your going away may as well make this easy for you.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 21:03
29-06-2007, 21:05
Thomas Vanek
Daniel Briere
Chris Drury
Ryan Getzlaf
General Ryan Miller
Lieutenant General Corey Perry
Lieutenant General Drew Stafford
Lieutenant General Karl Azner
Captain Alexander Steen
From- Government of Benin
As a peaceful neighbor enjoying a steady economic growth rate we see no reason that you should go to war to try and assimiliate us into your nation; however I would like to inquire about the basic rights and privelages of my people being taken into your nation. Without freedom, prosperity, and protection you can forget any sort agreement being reached between us. Furthermore, we want multi-million dollar endorsements so that we can build our infrastructure and then we would consider joining your nation without any sort of bloodshed.
Respond to that.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 21:10
As a peaceful neighbor enjoying a steady economic growth rate we see no reason that you should go to war to try and assimiliate us into your nation; however I would like to inquire about the basic rights and privelages of my people being taken into your nation. Without freedom, prosperity, and protection you can forget any sort agreement being reached between us. Furthermore, we want multi-million dollar endorsements so that we can build our infrastructure and then we would consider joining your nation without any sort of bloodshed.
Dear Government of Benin,
Your citizens will be treated like any other citizen in the Allied States of Vanek Drury Briere. My citizens have a lot of freedom, and our security force is huge (7.52million) to protect you. Prosperity no nation can promise, only help to attain, which we would through multi-million dollar endorsements. We would promise you all of the above.
Thomas Vanek, Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, and Ryan Getzlaf
29-06-2007, 21:29
These agreements sound excellent but what would happen to me and my cabinet should this agreement be accepted? As in would there be anyway that I assume some sort of Princely stature within your Kingdom? Furthermore we want equal representation on your governing body on deciding issues such as war, foreign relations, etc. Joining your country must be seen as an act of democracy for the people of Benin and nothing else. Our people deserve the right to be apart of the governing sector of your government.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 21:36
Dear Government of Benin, concerning
These agreements sound excellent but what would happen to me and my cabinet should this agreement be accepted? As in would there be anyway that I assume some sort of Princely stature within your Kingdom? Furthermore we want equal representation on your governing body on deciding issues such as war, foreign relations, etc. Joining your country must be seen as an act of democracy for the people of Benin and nothing else. Our people deserve the right to be apart of the governing sector of your government.
The current country of Benin will become the sixth state of the Allied States of Vanek Drury Briere, gaining equal representation of the other 5 (OOC: RL Togo, Ivory Coast, Niger, forgot the rest). We will even create a governing body just so you can join this Allied States. This governing body will be equal to the Congress of the old United States of America. You will be given 8 members in the governing body, which will have 196 members, for each member will represent 1,000,000 people. You and your cabinet will become the government of the State of Benin which is inside the Allied States of Vanek Drury Briere (equal to state government level in RL US). I hope this appeases you.
29-06-2007, 21:42
Yes but what happens to my position and wealth? What am I, the President of Benin in this new government?
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 21:45
Yes, you will become the President of Benin in this new agreement and will form your own government as a member in the Allied States of Vanek Drury Briere. Your wealth is yours to spend and ours to not take away.
29-06-2007, 21:51
Then it is with a heavy heart that I sign the document signing my country into the Allied States. Should the agreements set forth here not be met Benin reserves the right to succede from the States. Moving on to monetary matters when shall Benin begin receiving monetary endorsements from the rest of the allied states?
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 22:05
Thank You Benin. The money will be sent starting tomorrow in 1 million dollars a day for the rest of the month (say this is July 1). Will that be enough?
And hopefully you will not have reason to seceed, but you do as you do.
OOC: VDB Check the OCC Thread and just because the government surrenders doesn't mean the people will. Quite a few small nations like Andorra and Monaco don't want to join France because it would interfere with them. They like their independence.
29-06-2007, 22:22
OOC- True enough. Benin's president is interested only in covering his own ass.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 22:49
OOC: oh great, so I guess i'll just send more aid and hope.
29-06-2007, 23:03
OOC- Just do a couple of posts of Benin resistance in the General IC thread and you'll be good.