NationStates Jolt Archive

Al-Quds Conference (1850'S ONLY)

New Brittonia
29-06-2007, 02:21
The challenge of colonialism is a daunting one. Now, many nations, including us, are claiming unclaimed lands. The problems of this is twofold. First, colonization of lands may result in wars or other conflicts between nations. Also, there has to be an agreement that those being colonized will be treated fairly. Thus, I would like to invite all nations to a conference in the capitol of New Brittonia, the city of Al-Quds, to discuss the future of colonialism.

Prime Minister Mahmud Abdullah
South Thasland
29-06-2007, 15:03
In Africa, we are seeing a real problem of colonization. Indeed, South Africa seems in particular be moch coveted. We are already sending troops into the Mozambique region to counter what we view as imperialist meddlers, and would like to, if we may, lay claim to Zambia and Zimbabwe as well. We need a larger prescence in southern Africa.

We also have troops moving into Uganda. However, I must confess, we are only seeking a gateway to the Kenya and Somalia regions. If we may claim those as well, we would be much appreciated.
29-06-2007, 16:13
In Africa, we are seeing a real problem of colonization. Indeed, South Africa seems in particular be moch coveted. We are already sending troops into the Mozambique region to counter what we view as imperialist meddlers, and would like to, if we may, lay claim to Zambia and Zimbabwe as well. We need a larger prescence in southern Africa.

We also have troops moving into Uganda. However, I must confess, we are only seeking a gateway to the Kenya and Somalia regions. If we may claim those as well, we would be much appreciated.

But are you not a imperialist meddler? The country of South Africa itself is under Arabian control, and has been for many years, so any who have there eye on it, we suggest they take their gaze somewhere else. I despise the way countries see that they should expand and mistreat people, like it is their right because they are larger than most. However, we feel as if it will be hard for our Empire to remain intact whilst others invade around us growing in power whilst we do not, so - if you leave the countries of say Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, we will overlook your other invasions around us.
29-06-2007, 18:52
Carloginias looks for Somalia, Ethiopia (Included Eritrea), Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda.
New Brittonia
29-06-2007, 20:10
OOC- I thought of this as a actual conference where delegates from other nations can discuss their colonization.

For the record, New Brittonia would like to have all of the Carribean, or at least a majority of it. And preferably Mexico also.
29-06-2007, 20:11
I thought so too, but I decided to be sparse and blunt. We can I don't mind.
29-06-2007, 21:09
Sendersdale has plans to annex interior America (Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee)

Sendersdale opposes the motion of New Brittonia's to control the majority of the Caribbean as Sendersdale has plans to colonize the islands of Peurto Rico, Hispaniola, Jamaica. We also have intrests in colonizing Belieze and Panama. Your plans may interfere with our plans. However we are willing to discuss this matter further to avoid conflicts.

Currently Sendersdale also has strong intrests in the colonization of North Western Africa, but would first like to first finish it's operations in the Americas.
29-06-2007, 21:32
Delegate James P. Herman simply spoke. "Carloginias opposes Sendersdale colonization of Jaimica and Belize. We feel that a Carloginian presence in Middle-America will help the region begin to grow economically and begin to support infrastucture on high levels. Regardless of the conference, Carloginian is annexing Bangaledesh, Nepal, New Zealand, and Tasmania for themselves (Out of the way for all of you).
New Brittonia
29-06-2007, 21:44
Prime Minister Abdullah said,

"Listen Sendersdale. You can keep Panama and North America. I want a majority of the Caribbean, which we are going to achieve as right now, New Brittonia has claimed much of the Lesser Antilles. We want a portion of Central America so we can get a quick route to the Pacific. Preferably, Costa Rica."
29-06-2007, 23:10
Prime Minister Abdullah said,

"Listen Sendersdale. You can keep Panama and North America. I want a majority of the Caribbean, which we are going to achieve as right now, New Brittonia has claimed much of the Lesser Antilles. We want a portion of Central America so we can get a quick route to the Pacific. Preferably, Costa Rica."

Senderlian delegate Arnold Jackson could only sit and listen to both the Carloginias delegate and New Brittonian leader. It would probably be best to give way to the Brittonians, after all, they already established themselves in the Caribbean. Befriending the Brittonians could prove vital later on in the region.

"You can have the majority of the Caribbean. We only fear that your conquest of the Caribbean may interfere with the plans of the Commonwealth. We have plans to colonize Hispaniola, Jamaica. Those are the only two islands that we ask of you not to interfere with. Every other island in the Caribbean is yours as far as we care. Same will go with Central America, we will not interfere with your efforts in Costa Rica, if you do not interfere with ours in Panama, Belieze and Nicaragua. Are we in agreement here Prime Minister Abdullah?"
29-06-2007, 23:19
"Unfortunetly we are not in agreement" James interjected.
"This dosen't change the fact that Carloginias wants to control the island of Jamaica. While peace is always the best option in these turbulent times Jaimca will become apart of the Carloginian Empire. As will Belize."
29-06-2007, 23:44
OOC: So thats what you meant. When you said "Carloginian presence in Middle-America", I was pretty confused. Just realized your recreating the British Empire with Belieze and Jamaica. All I can say is, Nifty.

The Carloginian responce seemed to have surprised Arnold.

"The Commonwealth also finds that peace should be the first road taken. That is why the Commonwealth shall scrap it's plans of colonizing Belieze and Jamaica. But let me just say one thing, the islands of Hispaniola along with the regions of Nicaragua and Panama will become apart of the Commonwealth. These areas are not negotiable, as these are the vital area in which the Commonwealth seek to have".

Jackson had already gave up much of the Caribbean, but by doing so, he could have avoided a war which the Commonwealth was not eager to engage in. When he leaves this conference, he will either be hailed as the man he kept the peace, or the coward who gave away half of the Commonwealth's plan to claim the Caribbean. But all in all, everyone would agree that it was a smart move to not tangle with the lion that Carloginian was.
New Brittonia
30-06-2007, 01:28
OOC: So thats what you meant. When you said "Carloginian presence in Middle-America", I was pretty confused. Just realized your recreating the British Empire with Belieze and Jamaica. All I can say is, Nifty.

The Carloginian responce seemed to have surprised Arnold.

"The Commonwealth also finds that peace should be the first road taken. That is why the Commonwealth shall scrap it's plans of colonizing Belieze and Jamaica. But let me just say one thing, the islands of Hispaniola along with the regions of Nicaragua and Panama will become apart of the Commonwealth. These areas are not negotiable, as these are the vital area in which the Commonwealth seek to have".

Jackson had already gave up much of the Caribbean, but by doing so, he could have avoided a war which the Commonwealth was not eager to engage in. When he leaves this conference, he will either be hailed as the man he kept the peace, or the coward who gave away half of the Commonwealth's plan to claim the Caribbean. But all in all, everyone would agree that it was a smart move to not tangle with the lion that Carloginian was.

"Wow", Prime Minister Abdullah said, "You gave up a majority of your territory like that. I do feel sorry for your nation, so in the interest of friendship, I am willing to secede the territory of Costa Rica to you, at least that you can have one contiguous territory. However, the isthmus of Panama is the shortest land route to the Pacific. I would like the right to transport goods from the Atlantic to Pacific, via land, for no cost. Also. I want to claim Mexico, and all other unclaimed Central American territories."
30-06-2007, 01:50
OOC: I forgot to mention I was taking Cuba in turn for Jamaica. Lame. I'll just sqeeze that in here now...

Arnold could only sit there there listening to the Brittonian leader speak. The damned imperialist wants almost all of the Central American region now. If it was time to make a stand it was here and now.

"You can keep the Costa Rican territory Prime Minister. I think I speak for both the Senderlian Commonwealth and the Carloginians that we would not like it very much if you controlled the majority of the region. You have already been given the majority of the Caribbean, and a portion of Central America. I would consider that very lucky, considering just how vital this area is. The Senderslian Commonwealth also has further plans in Mexico and Guatamela, although we don't plan to colonize the area as of just yet. We do believe that peace is the best option, but there is a certain line between friendship and the abuse of the Commonwealth's kindness. I would advise you not to go that far, Prime Minister Abdullah".
New Brittonia
30-06-2007, 02:04
OOC: I forgot to mention I was taking Cuba in turn for Jamaica. Lame. I'll just sqeeze that in here now...

Arnold could only sit there there listening to the Brittonian leader speak. The damned imperialist wants almost all of the Central American region now. If it was time to make a stand it was here and now.

"You can keep the Costa Rican territory Prime Minister. I think I speak for both the Senderlian Commonwealth and the Carloginians that we would not like it very much if you controlled the majority of the region. You have already been given the majority of the Caribbean, and a portion of Central America. I would consider that very lucky, considering just how vital this area is. The Senderslian Commonwealth also has further plans in Mexico and Guatamela, although we don't plan to colonize the area as of just yet. We do believe that peace is the best option, but there is a certain line between friendship and the abuse of the Commonwealth's kindness. I would advise you not to go that far, Prime Minister Abdullah".

"The difference is that, unlike you, we do have plans for Mexico and Guatemala. We have settlers to build agriculture and missionaries to spread the Qu'ran. We do have plans to reap the riches of Mexico, which seperates us from you. You have no plans, but we will not let that land go to waste."
New Brittonia
30-06-2007, 02:06
ooc- when we get to the rest of the world, i am getting more areas
30-06-2007, 10:57
"I think you underestimate the power of some of these countries. Mexico I'm sure is not a nation that would just fall over to you New Brittonia, you are no all powerful British Empire."

"And as long as you all keep out of the three countries I mentioned - Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and maybe some other areas of Southern Africa - I care little for all your foolish imperialistic affairs."
South Thasland
30-06-2007, 14:39
Delegate Mailwe leaned over the conference table to the delegate from Honako.

"Ambassador, I have acounter proposal. If I am not mistaken, the unclaimed territories in S. Africa are Malawi, Zambia, Angloa, Nambia, and Botswana. If we took Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, we would we most willing to allow you to the rest. We are only interested in securing the Mozambique region, and want to protect it with the terriotries above. The rest is yours."

Carloginias looks for Somalia, Ethiopia (Included Eritrea), Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda.

"This conflicts with your claims. However, here is my proposal. I have been ordered to make sure that South thasland walks away with land on the Red Sea. Djibouti, perhaps? You would be free to the rest of the Horn of Africa, my friend. However, we would also sek to walk away with Kenya and Rwanda. Is this not to much to ask?"

"And, to all delegates, is anyone interested in the lands on the coast streatching to the Cote D'Ivoire? For we are thinking of laying claim there."
New Brittonia
30-06-2007, 19:40
"Okay!" the Prime Minister said, "Who in here wants Mexico? Give me a show of hands, because I have a solution for the Mexican problem. Also, I am taking the Island of Cuba one way or another. Sendersdale, you said that you did not care as long as I did not mess with Hispanola, Nicaragua, and Panama. I was being nice to you by giving one of my colonies over to you and now you are opposing me getting Mexico, what is going on?
Honako, believe me, I do not want to cause strife with one of my Muslim brothers, war is not anything I would want with you."

ooc- i'm not the one that's trying to be the british here
New Brittonia
02-07-2007, 04:59
bump for all y'all that care
02-07-2007, 05:40
The delegate from Droskianishk spoke up " Your neighbors in the east, plan on annexing Turkmenistan to our north east in order to build a more solid union of asian nations. The Shah requests the support of all civilized persons across the globe."
New Brittonia
02-07-2007, 05:41
The delegate from Droskianishk spoke up " Your neighbors in the east, plan on annexing Turkmenistan to our north east in order to build a more solid union of asian nations. The Shah requests the support of all civilized persons across the globe."

i don't plan on annexing Turkmenistan
02-07-2007, 17:31
"Carloginias will give up Rwanda but having a port on the Red sea is not feasible. It is important to the country that we have the African side of the sea to insure protection to our large territorial holdings. Kenya is important to the empire as we have a vast population to feed and Kenya's agriculture, most notably coffee is an excellent commodity. Furthermore the ranching sector of Kenya is also useful. "
South Thasland
04-07-2007, 00:12
"Kenya, I suppose, can be yours, provided we obtain Djibouti. Is this not fair?"
04-07-2007, 00:18
"As previously stated we will not be challenged for the Red Sea."
04-07-2007, 13:52
ooc: just a little note, but i saw someone mention north America... watch out for the fact that large portions of that have already been claimed [actually, most (though not all) of it north of Mexico, come to think of it]. if it doesn't affect this thread, well, carry on. heh.
13-07-2007, 10:50
OOC: Would it be possible for me to send Soldiers and Coloninisers into the Congo and Morocco?
New Brittonia
14-07-2007, 01:50
OOC: Would it be possible for me to send Soldiers and Coloninisers into the Congo and Morocco?

make a claim and wait a bit to see if anyone contests that claim.
14-07-2007, 02:09
OOC: Right


Royal Palace, Milan, Alversia

The Prince stood over the maps and continued to think for a while. Eventually he looked up at both his Commander-in-Chief and the Minister of the Marine, each of whom awaited an answer nervously. "You are sure that Lapoli is secure?" he asked curtly. Silence. "Yes, m'lord" the C-in-C answered quickly, "The countryside is secured and the garrison well entrenched. It will not take long before the area is entirely under your control" The Prince smiled at that, "What about here..." he pointed to Morocco "...who has claimed it?"
"To our knowledge, no one your majesty" the little Minister stated confidently "The Prince turned and strode towards the door without a reply. The two men waited until he reached the door, where he turned around and spoke quickly and firmly "This coastline will be stormed and secured as soon as possible. What can you provide to protect the peasants?"
"The 44th and 47th Bosnian Regiments, your majesty"
"The 4th Frigate Squadron, your majesty"
"Excellent! Dispatch them immediately" The Prince left, closely followed by the two men as they rushed to make the arrangements.

By the end of the week, 3 transports carrying 2,000 Soldiers and 500 Colonisers, escorted by 8 Frigates were sailing from Venice bound for the coast of Morocco...