War against Tatom Communists - Page 2
Federational States
15-07-2007, 15:47
CFS and Soviet forces group together and ferosiouly attack the rebel positions. Many rebels surrender rather than being killed in the battle. The CFS and Soviet forces have gained 3 miles of territory. A loudspeaker broadcasts this message from Supremem Commander,
General Che Zekov "I wish to say to all rebels. We are willing to grant quarter to all rebels who surrender at Miltary Police picket points, no harm shall come to you if you peacefully down arms. Our offensive will continue with no pause so this is your last chance to surrender before we use maximum force to pacify you."
The Yellow Sea Islands
15-07-2007, 18:05
The Comander of the flagship YSS Seagull looked out onto the shores of Tatom. Wondering why countries had to do this sort of thing. "Sir message from rebel command!" Said one of his communication officers. The officer handed him the written message. The comander started giving orders to the fleet. All battleships comence firing on coordinents E3. Federation troops are giving the rebels a pounding. Anti-aircraft ships move to covering positions. Cruisers proceed to firing coordinates. Get the transport squadren at the rebel rear as a means to redeploy. I want the destroyers to escort. Move it! Lets blow these comunist bastards back to hell!
15-07-2007, 18:59
The Red Stars were dug in, they had made progress against the rebels, and they were the only communist units that had the rebel allies had not opened fire yet, they seized this advantage to flank the rebel lines, to cause more damage.
They were more dangerous, then under Macked, for they were fighting for "New Socialism", and their morale was strong, they were once again, using their ambush tactic, that had served well against the Cazelian troops. They were using FN FAL's, also picking up any rebel equipment they found, they placed themselves underneath the command of the CFS commander Che Zekov.
Soviet leaders
16-07-2007, 08:56
The soviet fleet moved to rip out the rebels fleet and the missile ships lunched there missiles at the Anti-aricraft ships and subs moved in to fire torpedos and the other ships fired on the fleet.
Federational States
16-07-2007, 18:21
CFS, Calizorinstan and Soviet forces launch a feroucious attack in the Zekk Cha suburb of the capital. All rebels who do not surrender are blown apart by grenades and automatic rifle fire. There massed infantry fire cuts down all who stand. In their worst day of battle so far in the capital the rebels lose 34,000 men to the allied losses of 12,000. The offensive will continue.
The end of the capital battle
On the 7th night, the rebels decided to pull out, so under the cover of some rebel divisions, the rebels moved to the south where Democracy support was strong. The communists were to exhausted to follow them after a week of fighting, the rebels and the communists were now resting their armies. Alexander Fredder made a capital for the rebels in the south. So most rebel units moved toward the south. The communists planned to invade the rebel capital in a few days. The communist capital was half destoryed by the battle. 7 million people were homeless.
OOC: The Tatom communist fleet is destoryed by the rebel's allies, that means the sea is no longer under control of the communists.
The glorious nation of Verx is more than willing to stomp out communists any day so therefore His majesty decided to send donate arms, food and supplies to the so-called rebes in hope they destroy the pig that is communism
The Yellow Sea Islands
17-07-2007, 03:36
The soviet fleet moved to rip out the rebels fleet and the missile ships lunched there missiles at the Anti-aricraft ships and subs moved in to fire torpedos and the other ships fired on the fleet.
"Sir enemy fleet comencing attack!" The comander did not waste time. "Battleships consentrate your fire on the missile craft! Order the cruiser fleet to the enemies rear!" This was done with the speed and precision of the navies finest. The enemy fleet was now encircled. "Fire! Fire! Hold nothing back!" The missile ships were taking heavy fire on all sides. The submarines weren't forgoten either. "Cruisers, do not give ground to the enemy submarines! Keep them penned in! If they attempt to dive drop deathcharges!"
The Yellow Sea Islands
17-07-2007, 03:38
(I will be gone for a week.)
Federational States
17-07-2007, 08:49
CFS commandos begin pursuing the rebels, with agressive skimishing tactics. There numbers being whittled down slowly but with accuracy. No large scale offensive is beinf launched however as CFS forces rest, regroup and rehome the civilians which are now a priority.
17-07-2007, 09:09
the Lach-land grand army sends 12 fresh divisions to protect the communist govertment of Tatom.
we have few naval ships since a recent war but have a very good zeppelin fleet meaning air assualts are launched and communications are keep in check reletively easily.
Soviet leaders
17-07-2007, 10:11
The fleet went to break a whole in the encircling us and the aircraft where dropping torpedo at the enemy ships and they sent a they where the best in the SLN.
Elite Verxian troopers storm the beacheads attacking the beachead in a blitzkrieg fashion annihalating and massacaring troops. BOOM!!!!!!! goes off into the night of a very hevily industrial town after 5 Verxian commandos sabotaged a tank factory and the barracks of that city. they disappear into the night leaving a trail of ashes and blood in their wake.
Federational States
17-07-2007, 22:15
CFS commandos set up piclet points along the main rebel route of retreat. As a result of this force multiplying the rebels suffer moderate casualties.
Scarborian States
17-07-2007, 22:44
:sniper: The confederacy of scarborian states will give any support necessary to stamp out commies we have few men but we can give you some 50 snipers of the SS 1st brigade
OOC: If i can join that is
Soviet leaders
17-07-2007, 23:51
Message From The Soviet Council of Soviet Leaders
We have voted to send in 2,400 troops and we have also agreed to send in 5 more battleships and we have also put a purposal forward to have the SLUAF) (Soviet Leaders United Arm Forces) to set up a temporary base in Tatom if you agree to let us put the base near your capital to defend it if you do agree we will have 27 Mig-29 10 Su-27 and also we will be sending in our Special Forces Unit Red Delta. There is also 900 mercs who will also join in the fighting.
18-07-2007, 06:45
A large zeppelin fleet is seen drifting over the border Comrade Nox stands in the head airship smoking a cone
"Comrades we have crossed the border to Tatom we are currently in a red zone we few pockets of resisitance" Comrade Nox passes to navagator
"sweet drop 809 airborne and change course to the capitol" the massive zeppelins shut of an engine and turn while paratroopers jump out of underhanging baskets the landed communist soldiers look up to see the vast Red Star zeppelins waving the painted hammer and sickle insignia like a flag...
Federational States
18-07-2007, 18:34
A CFS force of 30,000 lands on the north shore of Tatom. They meet little resistance up on landing and begin to take some small villages 85 miles from the capital. :mp5:
Federational States
18-07-2007, 18:35
Th erebel capital that is !!
Soviet leaders
19-07-2007, 07:26
CFS forces you have control of our ucavs you can requets a airstrike with our airforce. We are going to start bombing there capital the planes our flying in and will start a 24 hour bombing period
Central Prestonia
19-07-2007, 07:36
OOC: Is this war ever going to stop? Geez, it's been going on for like two weeks now.
19-07-2007, 16:10
Alexander Doona, Secretary for External Affairs, GDG
Donald Ducksfelt, Secretary for Defence, GDG
To: All parties involved in the Tatom conflict
Dear Sirs
The people of Googlewoop offer their commiserations for the suffering your peoples are currently undergoing. As is the case, the President and heads of the Departments of External Affairs and Defence urge the leaders of both the communist regime and rebel uprising to use this temporary lull in fighting to full advantage.
It is the opinion of our government, one that is experienced in both warfare and diplomacy that both parties are pressed against the opposite blades of a double edged sword.
To the Tatom Communist Regime: Due to recent rebel successes, our finest military minds see it highly unlikely that you will ever recover full control of the country. However, having dealt with extreme socialists before, we also understand that this is not easy for you to here and impossible for you to admit publicly for fear of loosing face. We fully expect a ridiculous show of defiance in reply to this statement. That being the case, the facts show that you have nearly lost your capital and that you are pressed against the weight of international popular opinion.
To the Tatom Rebel Faction: We congratulate you on your quest for freedom from tyranny and on the success of your campaign so far. However, we point out that in the process you have killed, maimed and left destitute million of the very people you hoped to free. Should your campaign continue you will no doubt be victorious but be left to govern only the anarchy of the wasteland you have left behind you. As fellow democratic idealists we put to you that you have succeeded in your goal. You have brought widespread international attention to the plight of your nation under communist rule and all but defeated the socialist government.
We propose to both parties that a permanent ceasefire be declared and that negotiations as to the nature of post war Tatom begin. Communists will never give up rule and rebels will never be oppressed. The only solution is for the division of the country; the drawing of an official border, one which may be crossed freely, supervised by the rest of the world. Communists will have to deal with the fact that the majority of citizens will choose to live in free Tatom and rebels will have to deal with the fact that real democratic nations choose diplomacy to reach their objectives over war.
Googlewoop is sick to death of this situation as is the majority of the international community. Should you both not heed the warnings in this communiqué, you may well find that we, our allies and the other superpowers of the world will enforce peace on you regardless; robbing both parties of the goal they strive for. Fix this, or you will be hearing from us again.
Impatient Regards
Alexander Doona
Donald Ducksfelt
19-07-2007, 16:26
The Red Stars have recieved 6,500 more men, all armed with MR-6300 Carbine assault rifles, to re-enforce the CFS/Red Star joint operations, and 5 M109 Howitzers have arrived also.
Vanek Drury Brieres
19-07-2007, 16:38
Dear Tatom (Communists and Rebels)
We here in VDB believe that Googlewoop's letter is strong and true. We ask to be third parties in a possible meeting in a third-party country-Brieresburg, VDB.
Daniel Briere
Chris Drury
Thomas Vanek
Ryan Getzlaf
Princes of the VDB
19-07-2007, 16:42
The Red Stars disagree with some point on Googlewoop's letter, and in order to have a cease fire, we must ask to put up a wall between the two "Tatoms", for security and other reasons, and that the communist Tatom keeps some military air bases...
19-07-2007, 16:47
The Death Watch forces highly oppose that radical letter. These rebels dare rise up against their leaders then let them face death. If anyone gets in our way of destroying these 'rebels' and their 'friends' then you, as well, will be eliminated.
-Overlord Viszla.
Supreme Ruler of Death Watch.
19-07-2007, 16:52
The Calizorinstanian Government offers Calizorinstan as a neutral meeting place for peace talks if there are talks planned, in San Diego...
The Red Stars, turning around on their previous letter, announce "We shall not surrender, the rebel's rebelled against the rightful rulers, thus they should die!"
Southern Odinia
19-07-2007, 21:39
To: Alexander Fredder (Leader of Democratic Rebel Forces)
From: Dr. Mockelfish Byrillabyrd (PFL of Southern Odinia)
In exactly 3 minutes a squadron of fighter jets and 3 radar jamming planes will fly over head of your main camp. They will bear the colors and AK on the flag of Southern Odinia; pay them no attention. They are escorting the 5 jumbo cargo planes painted with red cross insignia that are following 30 secs behind the jets. Officially these cargo planes are filled with medical whatnots to be used in humanitarian relief. In reality these jets contain some 3,000 RPG's (with around 3,000,000 rockets for these weapons) and about 3 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. When the planes fly over they will parachute all of these items into a field 1 mile from your outer perimeter, in this field there will be several hundred "Red Cross" trucks escorted by highly up armored Southern Odinian tanks and radar jamming trucks. After a 13 minute stop in this field all of the cargo dropped by the planes will be driven into your camp. Along with a crate containing $30 Million dollars in U.S. currency. The entire operation will take less than 17 minutes to complete, and the nearest enemy forces are around 45 minutes from the DZ. The tanks and other vehicles are yours upon arrival to your camp, if you agree to safely return all Southern Odinian personnel.
Much luck with your revolution,
Dr. Mockelfish
Southern Odinia
19-07-2007, 21:53
Good news everyone we have confirmed reports that the innocent people of Tatom have received the medicines and whatnots that were sent by the humanitarian organizations and good citizens of Southern Odinia.
The glorious nation of Verx pulls out it's most volatile wepons Robot assasin and send them amok in enemy territroy while the Elite Verxian Expeditionary forces blitzkrieg the North-Western part of Tatom massacaring and pillaging every possible hostile location.
Soviet leaders
20-07-2007, 00:54
Soviet leaders is moving in 2 Sat into the general area of this conflict to over see this area they are Spy sats one for com link and the other for viewing ground and air and sea movement.
OCC: They aren't what we are stating they are SOLG and ARKBIRD.
SOLG ICBM LUNCHER WITH NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES. Arkbird has a laser weapon to destroy ICBMs
20-07-2007, 03:15
SIC: At this very moment we are dropping the supplies we had previously promised to the rebels. we hope that it will ease their current situation
20-07-2007, 03:19
The Death Watch forces, aiding the government, are still in the capital and are not losing one ground thanks to the idiocy and ill-logical plans of the Rebels and their allies. We have lost barely any men, most of them due to friendly fire. If this is the best that you can do, then hah hah.
-Overlord Viszla.
Supreme Ruler of Death Watch.
20-07-2007, 07:06
the airship fleet arrives upon the Communist capitol in glory having left along the route 3 divisions and 6 communication zeppelins
To: Communist Factions in Tatom
From: Lord Lachlan -leader of Lach-land
Reinforcements sent.
Request clearance from Tatom govertment for the mass bombing of rebel capitol.
Est. casualties;civilians/refugees 13000,rebels 8000, Lach-land air force 5500.
Request use of airbases and refuelling stations near rebel capitol.
Must be large.
Can provide relief to suppressed regiments under request.
Will establish communications with the growth of the red zone.
Artillery fire will be delivered and concentrated as requested.
With Regards
Lord Lachlan (L)
the three divisions begin nto enclose and flank a large rebel held border town
20-07-2007, 08:25
The Death Watch forces highly oppose that radical letter. These rebels dare rise up against their leaders then let them face death. If anyone gets in our way of destroying these 'rebels' and their 'friends' then you, as well, will be eliminated.
-Overlord Viszla.
Supreme Ruler of Death Watch.
The government of the Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop issues the following warning to the impetuous state of Maldorians.
Our message was not directed at the likes of you. You would be wise not to threaten one of the oldest, largest and strongest nations in the world so quickly. You WILL retract your comment or risk making enemies with Googlewoop. If you’re counting on your CA buddies backing you up you will be bitterly disappointed. The methods of intervention being planned by us and our allies can not be countered by corporate bullies.
The president thanks the noble nations of Vanek Drury Brieres and Calizorinstan for their support. He wishes to point out that at least some governments still have their head screwed on the right way.
OOC: Most of you desperately need to learn some RP etiquette as well!
Soviet leaders
20-07-2007, 09:54
Soviet leaders support what you are going for but that would mean both sides coming to an agreement and we don't see that happening anytime soon and we support the Tatom government
OOC: Yea isn't I attack you you say what you lost that is what I am use to. I thought it was report your own loses.
20-07-2007, 10:02
Soviet leaders support what you are going for but that would mean both sides coming to an agreement and we don't see that happening anytime soon and we support the Tatom government
OOC: Yea isn't I attack you you say what you lost that is what I am use to. I thought it was report your own loses.
OOC: For an explaination, take a look at the pops of some of these guys - remember those days lol.
Federational States
20-07-2007, 20:33
CFS forces fight a bitter battle in the North, outside the village of Turesh with one prong of their assault being beaten back although overall the battle is won. CFS loses 3,000 the rebels nearly 18,000. Partroopers and commandos continue hit and run raids in teh rebel territory.
Meanwhile CFS commander Che Zekov makes a statement: "All patries to this war I belive the time has come to sit around the negotiating table and discuss some sort of settlement. It is clear that the rebels acnnot win, but this shall remain a problem for generations and peace will never be reached unless we negotiate now. CFS forces will continue out assault failing talks but we want to save any more Tatom bloodshed. We await the respo0nse of all parties."
Maybe a new thread for peace taks should be stsrted?
20-07-2007, 20:35
CFS forces fight a bitter battle in the North, outside the village of Turesh with one prong of their assault being beaten back although overall the battle is won. CFS loses 3,000 the rebels nearly 18,000. Partroopers and commandos continue hit and run raids in teh rebel territory.
Meanwhile CFS commander Che Zekov makes a statement: "All patries to this war I belive the time has come to sit around the negotiating table and discuss some sort of settlement. It is clear that the rebels acnnot win, but this shall remain a problem for generations and peace will never be reached unless we negotiate now. CFS forces will continue out assault failing talks but we want to save any more Tatom bloodshed. We await the respo0nse of all parties."
Maybe a new thread for peace taks should be stsrted?
The Calizorinstanian Government announces to all parties involved that peace talks will be held in San Diego, at a conference center to resolve the Tatom situation..
The Calizorinstanian Government announces to all parties involved that peace talks will be held in San Diego, at a conference center to resolve the Tatom situation..
From: Prince Emilan Davout,
To: All parties involved in the conflict.
Subject: Peace talks.
Given the involvement of a Calizorinstanian faction in the war, we feel that it would be ill advised to hold a peace conference in Calizorinstanian territory. We therefore suggest that the peace conference take place in a neutral country, one that did not have ties with either faction.
Best regards,
Emilian Davout.
Southern Odinia
20-07-2007, 23:03
To All
The Armed Republic of Southern Odinia is hereby granting full asylum to any and all anti communist rebels/ civilians in Tatom. They will be staying on the lands set aside for refugees/travelers/Roma peoples.
And to the rebels
We are offering training, weapons, food, medical aid and shelter from which to launch attacks against any and all communist forces in Tatom.
Federational States
21-07-2007, 10:46
The commonwealth of federational states as created a new topic in international incidents for peace talks to take place on this issue. We imlore all partie sto this conflict to take part.
THese talks are taking place in the neutral area of Taom, on one of the northern islands.
Federational States
21-07-2007, 10:51
The peace taks thread is entitled Tatom Communist War Peace Talks.
From: Prince Emilan Davout,
To: All parties involved in the conflict.
Subject: Peace talks.
Given the obvious involvement of the Commonwealth of Federational States in the war on the side of the communists, we feel that it is ill advised for them to be the ones organizing the peace conference. However, should the representative of the Commonwealth of Federational States agrees to withdraw any military force from the location and allow a neutral party to move in to assure the well going of the peace treaty we will have no issues with this conference.
Our top responsible regarding foreign affairs, Prince Emilian Davout will also be present in the area shortly, we offer his services as a mediator for the incoming talks should the communist and democratic parties agree to them.
Best regards,
Prince Emilian Davout.
Federational States
21-07-2007, 12:18
The commonwealth of Federational States agrees. Only a garrison force shall remain to assist the civil power it wuld be better if you were party to the existing talks however.
From: Prince Emilan Davout,
To: All parties involved in the conflict.
Subject: Peace talks.
We see no issues with participating to the peace talks conference the Commonwealth of Federational States is trying to hold, however we must underline again that all military forces favourable to one party or the other should not be present on the island. We offer to secure the island with a small force should the communist and democrat factions and supporters agree.
We also urge the supporters of both factions to convince their respective Tatom allies to come to the negotiation table since without their participation we cannot reach any definite conclusion.
Best regards,
Emilian Davout.
Federational States
21-07-2007, 12:53
I give my reassurence that no CFS forces shall be present on th island during the talks, onlu our political delegation.
Southern Odinia
21-07-2007, 16:12
The Armed Republic of Southern Odinia will be more than happy to take part in the peace talks with the delegations representing the people and the rebels. I'm sure an agreement can be reached that satisfies both sides without shoving aside the clear fact that the majority of the nation is supporting the popular revolutionary movements and that change is probably in the best interest of the people.
23-07-2007, 18:58
Muradivia is sending 50,000 troops to free the Tatoms and ensure their safety from within their walls.
The rebels and the Tatom communists have agreed to have a ceasefire for the next 9 days. small clashes were foguth between the rebels and the communists at the city of Gime.