Allanean Automobile Designers Go Completely Raving Insane [open]
Allanean Arms Dragon X
You know, every time we come up with something new, everybody says 'those guys at Allanean Arms have done it at last. They're crazy.' But this is because they haven't seen the Dragon X yet.
Be prepared! Be ready! For tonight, Allanean Arms unleashes it's craziest contraption yet.
What have the great men at Allanean Arms done today, you ask?
First, we took some blueprints for an ancient 1928 Duesenberger automobile (, and we replicated it almost identically (although it had to be a bit longer, for reasons we'll explain). We have rebuilt it almost precisely to spec, except we replaced everything we could with modern, lightweight materials. We also added a modern universal vehicle computer and safety systems to the vehicle – ABS and seatbelts, for instance.
But that wasn't the main change we made. The main change was to take an engine from a Nakil 1A2 main battle tank and produce our own copy, with the permission of Kriegzimmer Arms manufacturing. And we put that in the automobile. So now you have – get that – 1,702 horsepower. That's one thousand, seven hundred and two horsepower in a single car.
Yes, it is not exactly fuel-conservant. But on the up-side, it will eat any fuel at all – alcohol, biodiesel, SVO, whatever you dump in it – and will take you to speeds you have never dreamed of before.
Who is this monster for, you ask?
Well, not for the common folk. Even the most basic version still costs $500,000, and the luxury version is 1.5 million dollars.
Weight - 4,600kg
Length -260 inches
Transmission - 8-speed Allison automatic
Top Speed – 250mph+
1702 horsepower
Cost - USD$500,000 (basic model)/ $1,500,000 (luxury version)
Varek Drury Brieres: 300,000
Calizornistan: 250,000
Pan-Arab Barronia: 200,000
Allanea: 50,000
Western Ariddia: lots
OOC: Not a storefront. As usual, state sales of this car per year in your nation. Obviously, these'd be quite low compared to sane car. Also, anybody want to draw it?
Pan-Arab Barronia
27-06-2007, 13:06
OOC: Dear Lord...what have you created? And does it come with those fantastic white-wall tires and in a hardtop version?
The Misenae Telegraph
27th June 2007
AA Dragon X Released in Pan-Arab Barronia; Racing Fans Faint by the Dozen
Allanean Arms, long-known to be among some of the most unusual car developers known to Barronia, today released their most unusual vehicle yet: The Dragon X.
Loaded with more than 1700 horsepower, the chance for this vehicle has been seized upon by racing companies, who are now lobbying for the creation of an entire new league for these vehicles. At 1702 horsepower, the car has been granted legality on Barronia roads, however the chance to use it to it's full capacity are limited to roads well away from the town, travelling between the cities of Barronia. Law Enforcement funding in the Traffic department has been given an extra $500,000,000 purchase a series of these vehicles to patrol Barronia's motorways, which leaves for rather interesting viewing as a 1928 blue-white-and-yellow police vehicle shoots past our reporters on the road.
Further rumours suggest that the Chancelloress herself is looking into purchasing up to 5 of these vehicles for her own personal use.
Sales this quarter are expected to be upwards of 50,000.
OOC: I have created... a monster. Seriously though, it's been inspired by the Blastolene Special. Also, you do realize it doesn't exactly have place for more then two, three people tops?
Pan-Arab Barronia
27-06-2007, 13:22
OOC: I have created... a monster. Seriously though, it's been inspired by the Blastolene Special. Also, you do realize it doesn't exactly have place for more then two, three people tops?
OOC: Truely you have. As for the space, it'll be used for giving out speeding tickets, as we dislike speed cameras. Intensely. Ridiculously unreliable. And now, you've provided us with a car that can outpace all others...genius. If we need someone picked up, there's usually several normal cars patrolling the motorways. This animal you've created is used for catching them.
27-06-2007, 14:58
Calizorinstan Automotive News:
The AA Dragon X was released into Calizorinstan yesterday, it was a hit on the first day, selling 5,000 in one day, and the Foreign Minister John Macked of Calizorinstan picked one up, saying "It's a great car, to heck with mile's per gallon, it'll get you anywhere fast, well, as long as you still have gas, biodiesel or SVD near you...." So far, analyst's say that they expect it to sell 65,000 unit's a quarter, which means that the AA Dragon X is a huge hit in Calizorinstan so far...
Calizorinstan Automotive News
Page 4, see 5B for more details..
27-06-2007, 15:16
OOC: Oy Allanea, congrats on breaking 10,000 posts
West Ariddians begin importation of "monster cars"
The first four Dragon X Allanean-made cars have reportedly been purchased by four rich West Ariddians. Many more are expected. A spokesman for the West Ariddian government has been quoted as saying: "Allanea remains an important economic partner for this country, as it does for much of the developed world."
West Ariddia, which has one of the most powerful economies anywhere, already has a number of iconic Allanean CBBC ( restaurants on its territory.
By contrast, no Dragon X will be seen in the PDSR Ariddia. Julien Loisillon, Secretary for Housing and the Environment, published a brief note describing the invention as "an abberation - ridiculously fast and horrendously polluting". Environmentalists have criticised the Dragon X for its huge and inefficient levels of power consumption.
"It's yet another example of irresponsible capitalism," a member of the Secretariat for the Environment said. "And dangerous, too. At those speeds, by the time you see a child in your path and the child sees you, the kid's dead."
Ariddian-Allanean relations today
Allanean society, values, lifestyles and practices remain deeply unpopular in Ariddia, epitomising, for many, the very worst of a free market economy and the ideological extolling of individualism.
Outspoken Ariddian human rights activist Jamilah Shahrour ( is believed to be in Allanea at present, investigating the social effects of Allanea's economic policies, as well as allegations of outright human rights violations by the Allanean authorities and police. Several years ago, the Ariddian news broadcaster PINA ( had released an in-depth video report on the way animals are raised and slaughtered for use by the Allanean CBBC fast-food chain. Allanea, meanwhile, routinely depicts all socialist governments as naturally repressive.
None of this has particularly endeared Ariddians and Allaneans to one another, but now, for the first time, things may change.
The Ariddian Secretariat for Education has announced that it has contacted the Allanean authorities (directly, as there is no Allanean diplomatic representative in Ariddia), with a proposal for educational exchange programmes.
"It's very simple," Secretary Juliet Mdluli told the media. "At present, young people in our two countries have virtually no contact. They are forced to rely on second hand accounts of each other's nation, or to access the other country's media of course. What we're suggesting is to facilitate student exchanges between Allanean and Ariddian universities.
We've also proposed an organised system of exchanges for 14 to 17 year-olds. A number of schools in our two countries would be 'twinned'. There would be pen pal exchanges set up, culminating with entire classes of Ariddians travelling to Allanea for a week or two, attending school in Allanea, and living with Allanean families. And vice-versa: Allanean teenagers would be welcomed into Ariddian schools and homes, for, say, a two-week period.
I believe this would give young men and women in our two countries first hand experience of lifestyles and values in a completely different, foreign society. They would be able to make up their own minds, discuss their differences... learn from one another."
Secretary Mdluli added that she was waiting for a reply from Allanea before proceeding further in organising such exchanges.
One thing remains certain, however: It is unlikely Allanean Dragon Xs will ever be seen in the PDSRA.
OOC: What authorities were contacted? My Federal department of Education doesn't really manage any real education, apart from paramilitary courses for teenagers.
New Manth
29-06-2007, 00:06
"Fuck, what a monster. Wish I could afford it."
-random consumer on the street.
"What the hell just went by me? Umm, honey, where did the baby go?"
-random pedestrian perilously close to the street
"Shit, I just ran over a kid? So that's what that bump was... oh geez, look what it did to the fender... uh, better get out of here."
-random driver of the Dragon X
(OOC: 50,000 in the first year, 15,000 per year for the next while)
OOC: What authorities were contacted? My Federal department of Education doesn't really manage any real education, apart from paramilitary courses for teenagers.
OOC: Whatever 'authorities' happened to be available for contact. If necessary, schools and universities will have been contacted directly.
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 15:12
Crazy Alleanean Automakers Do It Again!!!
With A New Car: Dragon X
BRIERESBURG, VDB- Oh man, the Alleaneans have done it again, this time with a car modeled after the 1928 Duesenberger automobile, except with an engine with 1,702 hp from a tank! WOOO!!! Our Heads of State, the Princes, are thought to have bought 4, one for each of them. But this car doesn't come cheap. It's just 500,000 for the least expensive one, and 1,500,000 for the "luxury" one!
Sales are expected to be in excess of 10,000 on the release date, tomorrow, and at least 300,000 sold this year!!! Definitely, folks, this is the car of the year.
By Jeff Halpern
29-06-2007, 15:47
One member of Ando-Trephin Motors wishes to ask:
What transmission is used? After all, 1700+ horsepower is alot, but the torque makes that look like nothing, and not many automotive transmissions can handle it.
Also, that engine cannot be very rev-happy. Tank engines ARE, after all, torque monsters. Because of that, the redline would come in extremely low, making it very hard to drive in something outside of a tank. What modifications have been made?
Allanean "monster cars" featured in popular West Ariddian TV series
With tens of thousands of Dragon Xs now having been imported and purchased by wealthy West Ariddians, there are concerns that the streets of major cities and country roads alike are turning into death traps. This has been reflected in "Bullet on Wheels", the latest episode of internationally popular West Ariddian television crime series "T for Two (".
In the episode, a messy double road kill is initially attributed to the driver of a Dragon X, although the latter is later proven to be innocent. Lead character Tricia Eshau (played by Indigenous actress Aline Wiel) comments that the Dragon X is encouraging people to become "intoxicated with speed", but concedes that most owners are undoubtedly "responsible drivers".
Arridia, I am doing my finals. There is a reason why I am not posting.
03-07-2007, 18:12
Allanean Arms Release Dragon X, Automotive Companies Declare Trade Embargo
Liberty City, Allanea – In a move billed as a gentleman’s agreement, the newly-released Dragon X supercar has been blacklisted by the National Automotive Association from being sold in McPsychoville.
With a horsepower in excess of 1700, a top speed of 250 miles per hour, and a cost of half a million American dollars – for the basic version; the luxury version clocks in at an extra million – the Dragon X already contravenes a number of taxation laws, and so this announcement is merely another roadblock that simply means any potential consumers have to go through Allanean Arms and import the car. Alain Trephin, spokesman for the NAA, said yesterday “The Dragon X is basically the ultimate esoteric product, something that only the richest of the rich can actually buy, and the decision was reached to side-step the potential bidding war altogether. The five chairmen of Rhiness, Zenith, Raycast, Zupanic and Avlon-Zweihand all came to the agreement that to simply ban the Dragon X from sale was the best course of action as it avoids any undue financial concern for the company that comes away from the bidding war with the contract.”
The decision was met with criticism from others within the automotive field, mostly because of the draconian taxes meted out to imports from certain nations – Allanean-McPsychovillian relations have never been good, mainly because of the very lax Allanean attitude to recreational drugs – but the professional racing standpoint was very positive of the move. As former RRR champion and current commentator Jeremy Beck said, “To allow the Dragon X into the RRR circuit would be akin to letting Paul Bunyan play basketball with ordinary humans; it has an engine taken from a tank, for goodness’ sake, how can anybody compete against it?”
300 sold thus far. Emperor Adrian has added one to his collection of 72 luxury vehicles.
*Cheesy market watch musıc plays*
"and ın todays news another Allanean auto product comes ınto the market. Sales of thıs behemoth are reported to be only among esteemed car collectors and so far only 40 have been regıstered to be ımported ınto the country. The government ıs sayıng ıt wıll requıre a new lıcense to anyone who wants to drıve thıs vehıcle.
You heard ıt here! on Markey watch!"
*/Cheesy Musıc.*