NationStates Jolt Archive


Huntarian Alliance
27-06-2007, 02:37
Joining the GFFA was one of the proudest days in the Huntarian Alliance's short history of existence. It has been several millennia since the Huntarians have witnessed any form of democracy. Free voting, helping members rebuild their own worlds devastated by recent conflict, and donating troops for a general larger purpose. The GFFA is basically one large family. Of course, the biggest problem with a democracy is the numerous arguments on how to settle conflicts. But as the Alliance has discovered over the millennia, so don't all families.

The GFFA is a family. A family, which needs to grow. And the Huntarian Alliance is proud to announce that the GFFA is opening to new members and to anyone who wishes to open up an embassy

Current Office Heads:

Consul (seat 1): Carla Baileygates
Consul (seat 2): Supreme Councilor Jorrus
Praetor: Hannelore Yates
Quaestor: Nienna Fefalas
Commander of Joint Naval Forces: Charles Mbutu
Commander of Joint Ground Forces: General Meiffert
Head of Diplomacy and Intelligence: Commander Kiern've

Current Members:

Abh Empire
New Dornalia
Huntarian Alliance
Nova Bazalonia
Icecrown Glaciar
Dweladelfia Prime

Members in question (hasn't been active since joined or quit)
Beta Aurigae VII

New Members:

New Dornalia
27-06-2007, 06:48
Orthodox Gnosticism
27-06-2007, 19:54
OOC: Although at the moment I can not join, due to OOC reasons, I would like to leave open to possibility of joining at a later date. It all just depends on what happens to my nation in the next month or two.
New Dornalia
28-06-2007, 17:49
Hi. I'm Carla Tumlinson Baileygates, Consul of the GFFA. As many of you may or may not know, I am one of the two Consuls of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances along with my esteemed colleague from the Huntarian Alliance. Now, I know you may or may have not heard things about our group. Well, while I'm here, I would like to set the record straight on what the GFFA is all about.

The Galactic Federation is a coalition of nations, with a central governing structure that can best be described as democratic-republican, with a legislative branch consisting of a Senate that every member is a part of that votes on proposals, an executive branch, which I am part of, and a judicial branch represented by a Quaestor--our version of a Attorney General, or equivalent personnel--that arbitrates disputes. We also have personnel that, in times of war, plan military actions with the member nations involved in order to create the best pan-Alliance strategy.

You may have heard that we're a bit fracticious at times, but really when things come down to it, we do get things done. After all, the Alliance is still functioning, and despite our present circumstances, we're very much alive, are we not?

But now you may ask, why am I speaking to you now? Well, I would like to reiterate my colleague's message and announce that anyone who wishes to join the Galactic Federation is welcome to. We're seeking active, committed, trustworthy members who want an alliance that will protect them, give them a community of people to trade technology and goods with, and demand only in return participation and some contributions to help support our common defense.

That's it. We won't boss you around like some alliances will, and in this alliance, you can actually trust in coherent, purpose-driven leadership that listens and functions. You get a voice and we will listen. You make proposals, we will act on them. You think the policy of one of our officers is BS--say so! Unlike other alliances, we have not only strong executives, but dare I say it--accountability!

So, sign up here (, and be sure to tell us a little about yourself. (OOC: Not necessarily required as part of the process, but some examples of RP would help to let us know your nation better.)

We'l be waiting.

Carla Baileygates
Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
New Dornalia
29-06-2007, 02:14
The Humankind Abh
03-07-2007, 15:11
OOC: OG, it's not a problem. We'll be around when you're ready to join.

IC (sorta):

My fellow Galactic Federation members are correct in their description of the alliance and its functions. When I agreed to help found the alliance with the Coredians, it was for the benefit of bolstering economies and mutual defense. Not just defense for nations that really didn't need any help defending their own borders, but for the new emerging nations in the galaxy that would fall prey to aggressive imperials or mediocre governments looking to make a name for themselves.

For years we have stood by these principles and have been successful. The nations you see listed have strong thriving economies that any leader could be proud of. As far as military, no body here lives in fear of invasion because we help each other and we don't cast out members when it becomes an inconvenience to protect them. The Abh have fought in many wars and there have been times when we wondered why fight when it is not profitable for us. Despite it all, we've watched countless ships from aggressors burn before us.

Perhaps one thing that my colleagues forgot to mention is that your nation is still your nation. You are free to do what you want when you want. However, just be prepared to face some criticism from fellow senators should your actions be less than...pleasant. If you are an empire, you are free to expand it. Though if you do meet the unfortunate circumstance of being beaten back by your potential underling, don't be surprised if it takes time for the Federation to send help. Chances are, you're getting what you deserve considering that this is the only time that our mutual defense agreements do not apply. While we do not infringe on any nation's soveriegnty, we are not here as a trump card or fall back plan.

The choice is yours to join but I can guarantee you that you will not regret it. And who knows, you might even enjoy yourself.

OOC (yeah again): The other reason I agreed to this was to help the newer players build up their writing. I've heard complaints from some of the older members how things have declined in terms of writing quality. It doesn't matter if you have a thousand posts or ten thousand, it's quality not quantity. Looking at the nations listed in the alliance, I can vouch for them. Every person you see there is a good writer. Some us may still need work from time to time but our threads are thorough and are typically fun to be a part of.

Perhaps this is why we have never been a fan of some of the older nations, but that doesn't bother us any. We all have a good time here and can tell stories about RPs done in the pass that were great, horrible, or just all around odd. It something you get when you're close knit. Of course, we've had problems in the pass but we try to resolve them to the best of our ability for the good of all. Squabbles will happen and someone will probably get offended once and a while, but nothing has ever broken the alliance apart.

Ultimatly one day it would be great to see a whole day go by on FT-NS where an OOC bickering match did not take place. I am proud to say that my guys have rarely ever resorted to that.

So apply if you think this alliance is for you.
New Dornalia
05-07-2007, 21:55
New Dornalia
11-07-2007, 14:20
New Dornalia
12-07-2007, 14:59
12-07-2007, 15:38
((Can't join now, as I'm currently bashing heads with No_State_At_All over rights to my home system in the Milky Way, but once that's settled I'll most likely apply.))
The Humankind Abh
12-07-2007, 15:40
That sounds fine. As I told OG, we'll be here when you're ready.
New Dornalia
12-07-2007, 20:01
Seconded. We will be here.
New Dornalia
14-07-2007, 01:30
New Dornalia
16-07-2007, 00:19
again, bump.

We are with those who wish to maintain their national solidarity and with those who wish to preserve freedom. We offer the chance for both. Please, join us.
New Dornalia
16-07-2007, 01:39
OOC: Well, can't be beat by the other alliances. A reminder that we're still up and running and we would like new members. Also, feel free to ask away.
New Dornalia
16-07-2007, 19:17
16-07-2007, 19:44
Oh, dear; I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment. Hi there, everyone. I'm Hannelore Yates; I was born on Freeland, which is a part of the Xanthalian Federation, and I'm currently serving as Praetor of the GFFA. First off, I want to thank everyone considering membership: an alliance is only as strong as the nations and people in it, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're grateful you've shown interest in joining our ranks.

The great thing about the GFFA is that as a member, each state is free to determine its own destiny. Unlike many other alliances that meddle in or assume control of their members' internal affairs, we prefer a hands-off approach, relying instead on diversity to bring ideas and passion into the process. We also prefer to let members make their own choices about how they'll deal with other members and nations outside the alliance, regulating only when necessary to preserve the integrity of the GFFA.

I hope you'll decide to give the Galactic Federation a try. If yours is a moderate country just looking for friends and support in this often extreme and dangerous universe, I think you'll be very satisfied with what the GFFA has to offer. And remember, membership is purely voluntary. If it doesn't work out, you're always free to leave. So, thanks again, and I hope to see your application soon!

-Hannelore Yates
New Dornalia
17-07-2007, 02:52
New Dornalia
17-07-2007, 03:58
Having heard the testimonies, why not join now?
New Dornalia
17-07-2007, 17:54
New Dornalia
17-07-2007, 20:40
19-07-2007, 20:02
OOC: This is Telros on my puppet account. I was wondering if I could join with my Global Defense Initiative nation. Link to my factbook is there. *Note* I also play Nod with that account as well.

Also, do I need to post a rp for joining thing here or at the forums?
New Dornalia
19-07-2007, 20:28
OOC: This is Telros on my puppet account. I was wondering if I could join with my Global Defense Initiative nation. Link to my factbook is there. *Note* I also play Nod with that account as well.

Also, do I need to post a rp for joining thing here or at the forums?

OOC: Hmm....try at the forums. As for joining as the GDI, it seems like a good idea, though like all other candidates you will have to go through the voting process.
19-07-2007, 22:32
OOC: Of course, I wouldn't expect any less. Off to the forums I go!

EDIT: Done, its all set up and ready to go.
Ini Dutu
30-07-2007, 16:22
*post forthcoming on your application forum*
30-07-2007, 22:58
((Isn't the GFFA currently in a state of purpetual war with the Galactic Empire?

Not that that's a minus, mind you...))
30-07-2007, 23:06
Not that I know of. The GFFA and GE have opposing ideologies, so there are plenty of disputes between their respective members, but there's currently no war between the alliances themselves. That may soon change, however, depending on the actions of key players in both camps. The GFFA does have an open state of war with the ESUS, but we have been at a stalemate for some time and there is speculation that a peace agreement could be reached in the near future.
The Humankind Abh
31-07-2007, 01:34
To echo Xanthal's earlier statement, no this alliance is definatly not at war with the Galactic Empire at this time. The only alliance war currently functioning is that between the GFFA and ESUS.
New Dornalia
26-08-2007, 23:58
27-12-2007, 05:56
Years of silence stretched between the Traileric empire and the Galactic Federation of free alliances. Years since that fateful meeting between they and the Abh. At last, the silence was broken.

A clip of audio was sent via fixed-gate telemetry to the GFFA H.Q.


We, the Trailarii, do formally extend our wishes to enlist in the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. It has been much time without contact between the E.S.U.S. and the G.F.F.A. We breach this silence of our own accord, and his Holy Majesty, First Emperor Hadriel of the house of Cliesthenias wishes to repay the hospitality shown to his brothers-in-arms during our hour of darkness by opening the borders of Trailica unto you. We offer trade from the far corners of our empire, and an alliance between our cultures would cause all who oppose us to tremble in fear. We shall bury past hostilities with a new and loyal bond. What say you?

From the mouth of his imperial Grace, unto you mighty Lords.
New Dornalia
27-12-2007, 06:49
In the interests of building better relations and moving away from past hostilities, we welcome the Trailarii and their interest in applying for GFFA membership.

Carla Baileygates
Galactic Federation of Free Alliances

OOC: Cool! Go onto the GFFA Forums, make an account, and make a post in the Applications area to get the ball rolling on the application process. We'll be waiting for ya.
27-12-2007, 06:52
OOC: Ok, and, uh, where are these forums?
27-12-2007, 13:14
OOC: Ok, and, uh, where are these forums?
Communistic Govts
28-12-2007, 01:14
The Relocated People of Ganoxa is interested in an embassy exchange between our two parties. As our last attempt at organizing a system of alliances and protection webs,the League of Free Worlds resulted in a failure at the advent of the Imperial Invasion of the Asfaltum/Ganoxian system we are currently looking into another alliance. Although Ganoxa is not on a technological par with some of your members we are advancing our ground combat technology by leaps and bounds with our Arm Slave technology. More information on the Arm Slave can be accessed once we establish our embassy and we will share our databanks.

Our current situation is to rebuild our civilization and continue the struggle against our enemies. Although we had received aid from some members of our previous alliance, primarily the Balroggans, we are still in need of certain foodstuffs to keep our populous healthy in their new environment. Any aid would be appreciated.

Wraith Kotor
Chairman, Ganoxian Council.
The Humankind Abh
28-12-2007, 01:44
Aid from the Galactic Federation is freely given to those who ask for it. We do not horde it to our own members or allies. What aid you require will be given whether or not you wish to join our alliance. Simply inform us of what you need and it shall be granted.

As for a request to exchange embassies, we do welcome embassies from foreign nations. Offices are built right alongside our headquarters for the ease of diplomats to converse with our members. There are some rules that apply with this but nothing oppressive. (Just apply on the boards and we'll get you squared away with an embassy)
Communistic Govts
28-12-2007, 23:32
Foreign embassies may be built in the capital city of New Kpor on New Ganoxa. You will have to construct your own embassy as we do not have a specialized building for diplomats at the time. As for our diplomat, we will temporarily assign our Foreign Minister, Juvy Testarova until we find a suitable replacement. She will arrive when she is done with her assignment on Jurai.

Wraith Kotor
Chairman, Ganoxian Council

OOC: Registered and ready to apply.