NationStates Jolt Archive

The Grey Conference (SEMI-OPEN)

24-06-2007, 19:24
(OOC: This thread is open to those who are involved directly or indirectly with the Questarian Commonwealth-New Alliance Treaty Organization War and wish to remain neutral third parties. No arrival post, delegates may speak whenever they wish.)

President Gerald M. Rossland leaned back in his comfortable leather chair at the head of the table, quietly rocking back and forth in his seat, contemplating the summit which was about to start, a summit which would determine the fate of Velkya's foreign policy, and indeed, Velkya herself, for decades to come. I should have dressed warmer, Fulda's always a bit chilly this time of year, he mused to himself. Such cold brought back fond memories of ski trips in the Border Guards with Leto, the late Emperor of Whyatica, and his bright young scion, Paulus. Paulus was quite an astounding young man, ascending the throne of the Grand Imperium at merely eighteen, marrying into the Questarian bloodline through the King's sister Elizabeth.

A very charming and pretty young lady, and, also, a great liability.

Gerald knew what a temptress' word could do a man, but he trusted Paul to think with other parts of his anatomy other than that particular one. He was remarkably mature for his age, and his public speaking skills and natural leadership abilities had lead his nation through a Golden Age which both Velkya and Whyatica could savor.

There isn't any one finer to hold the honor he holds, Gerald continued, plus, he thought with an internal chuckle, that boy can play the sax like something fierce.

Paulus was a gifted jazz musician, a fitting talent for someone who presided over the center of Havenic jazz and blues culture. That was nothing to say, of course, about Whyatica's larger western neighbor, the center of a more metallic brand of music on the continent.

And that, and everything else, all at stake. Funny how that ties in with a mental rant...

It was election year in two years. Being a military man (a Federal Navy captain aviator, specifically), he disliked politics, but wasn't blind either. He spearheaded the Liberty Party, a force which had dominated Velkyan politics for two decades due to its moderate (and truth be told, libertarian) policies. However, the recent wave of expansions in Velkyan history, including the annexation of Lesbos, and the interventions in Clandonia had shifted a public that was normally slightly isolationist to the west of the political scale, right into the open arms of the leftist Provincials, who held on to twenty five percent of the Grand Senate, the second highest after, of course the Liberals, trailing ahead of the smaller right wing Christian Union and Eagle, as well as the Socialist Democrats, who held a combined total of thirty percent of the Grand Senate's six hundred seats.

And it'll be seven hundred soon, counting the upcoming Lesbian and Ohauian integrations into the Union.

Thankfully, these two territories, soon to add their own star to the flag of the Union, canceled each other out, with Lesbos (not as 'lesbian' as one would think, given interestingly heterosexual results from the prolonged stay of male Federal Defense Force personnel stationed there) being a naturally more left wing population, while the Ohauian Federation (having been a Velkyan military and mercantile power base for almost seventy years) supporters of the opposite side of the slider.

This sort of expansion is healthy, the left needs to get its panties straightened out.

Gratefully for the state of international politics, that is where Rossland stopped himself. His transition from the crown of Whyatica to Velkyan electoral politics to women's undergarments could only spell doom for the insides of his own pair of boxers, who had already suffered a staggering defeat when a rather 'blessed' (and short skirted) aide of Hispanic descent had dropped a stack of papers while Rossland was strolling along the conference building's halls and bent over to retrieve them, exposing the latest improvements in the economically critical Velkyan lingerie industry to the Commander-In-Chief.

Oh Christ, Mary would kill me. Not to say, that, heh, she wouldn't look too shabby in them either. Navy training does have its benefits to the female physique, he thought with a smile.

He scanned the large adorned clock on the far side of the wall. Below it were the flags of the nations in attendance, and he recognized the Whyatican, Clandonian, and of course Velkyan banners immediately. Above them, the clock was about to strike twelve noon, the anointed time for the conference to begin. The other delegates (quite a considerable number, he thought to himself), were busy, making small talk and enjoying the graciously provided refreshments. Politicians were easier to satisfy than widely believed by the general populace, and if he had a few Velkyan lingerie models in here as well, he could likely get them to surrender their national colors to him within a quarter of an hour.

Alright, Mack-Daddy, off the lingerie. Time to get this thing in the air.

He politely cleared his throat and lightly smacked a handy gavel on the hard mahogany and leather of the conference table before filling the room with his friendly and rich voice.

"Ladies and Gentleman, good afternoon, and welcome to the Grey Conference..."
24-06-2007, 19:56
Emperor Paulus Whyatica I was a very aged man in a young body. World crises seemed to appear like acne on a geeky teenager's face, and his duties as Emperor meant that he dealt with each and every crisis that showed up on his plate. This, however, would be one of the defining moments in his reign - how does Paulus deal with one of the largest wars to ever strike Haven? Paulus himself truly didn't know, and the migraine began to form as soon as the first intelligence reports hit his desk that Questers was mobilizing for war against NATO, truly a bizarre move. His bottle of ibuprofin became his best friend in the last few turbulent months, for both the migraines of the coming war, and the migraines of his wife. Empress Elizabeth was a Questarian princess, and she was very vocal about her support for her kin back in the Questarian Commonwealth.

A common conversation between the Emperor and Empress would involve the Empress offhandedly mentioning the Questarian military and the war, the Emperor telling her to shut up, and then the Empress whining that he never listened to her. In truth, the Emperor was quite angry with his distant relation in the Questarian Empire for starting this war and putting him in an awfully difficult place - the Whyatican Empire had many allies in Haven and out, both in NATO and the Questarian Commonwealth, and choosing one side or another would alienate many nations that the Empire had healthy trade moving with.

Paulus desperately wanted to keep his people out of the coming battles. A Whyatican entry into the war would result in the deaths of millions of fighting men for no gain whatsoever. He saw nothing good coming from this - the Commonwealth was outnumbered, outfunded, outgunned, out-everything. The only advantage they had was home turf, and Paulus doubted that would help them too much when they were outnumbered three to one.

The Parliament was split on the question of neutrality or support for one side or another - Slightly less than half the Parliament was in favour of neutrality, and the rest of it was divided between support for the Questarian Commonwealth and support for NATO. Without half the Parliament on one side or another, no movement could take place. Paulus was relieved, however, that the Parliament did not overwhelmingly vote to enter the war, because he would be forced to veto it and lose much favour with the MPs and other politicians.

This conference was one of the few hopes that Paulus had to keep Whyatica out of the war - the loss of Questarian trade or the loss of NATO trade would be quite harmful to the Whyatican economy, and if both sides agreed to respect the neutrality of non-aligned nations, he could breathe slightly easier and only worry about everyone ignoring their agreements and violating the neutrality of the non-aligneds.

As the co-host of the conference, Paulus stood up, and said,

"Today, at this conference, we decide the future of our nations. Will we join the untold ranks of the belligerents, fighting for a cause which is and always will be unclear? Or do we stay neutral, preserve ourselves and our people? There is no clear-cut answer to the question. We all have friends on both sides of the fence, and we cannot know what will happen in the future. This conference will begin the Havenic Non-Aligned Movement; nations which do not want to be involved on either side of this ridiculous war."
Clandonia Prime
24-06-2007, 20:30
A Clandonian delegation led by Sir Alan Philips, Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs had been sent urgently. The troubling times that had erupted had seen the military might of Haven sharpen their knives and load their guns ready for the expected fight. NATO and the Questerian Commonwealth which was aiming for Gholgoth would likely to be doing most of the fighting in the region.

Whyatic and Velkya, one had been cold enemies of Clandonia Prime in her long and dark past, now the warmed relations had been improving with the nations of Haven and the Clandonian government was most displeased and the idiotic and pointless war that the Questerians had manifested. The economic damage in such a war would be huge, the Clandonian's had mobilised to war after the attack on trade in the Mediterranean from the forces of The Lone Alliance. The market was nervous, the prices of goods were already rising if war struck then the shipping movements would be restricted in the Haven and internationally.

Seeing the Whyatican Emperor make his point the Clandonian minister stood up as well.

"I completely agree with the Whyatican view, His Majesty's government finds this war deeply worrying and foolish. We aren't even sure why it has manifested itself, the stroking of nationalistic egos can be done on the sports field not on the seas of our precious region. The economical and political damage will affect us all, millions will be killed, pollution in the air, sea and land from the weapons of war which trillion have already and will be wasted on. Even though we are technically allied through the Royal Georgian League and the Sovereign League we are acting in a strong neutral stance and will favour neither side except on the grounds of humanities."

"Sadly, I think it has become too late for us to pursue a diplomatic or rational way to unravel to the grievances of both sides."
24-06-2007, 20:37
Valcus glowered within at the ridiculous pomp what with a somewhat questionable politician all but throwing himself at his female member of the guard, aside him in his outlandish, even by Novan standard, Garb was Itzvan Arbellian, a Likandrius of Xikar, who was accompanying him here, he had been quite keen to see the Ambassador in action after his tour giving lectures on the Art of Diplomacy to budding diplomats and public servants at several UNI campuses, before finishing up with a talk at the great Xikanzea in the Library city of Xikar, he had rather enjoyed his little tour but he was glad to be back in the saddle, though, casting a sideways glance at the Xikarian he wasn’t looking forward to explaining all the ways of outsiders to the young scholar, and explaining the somewhat fruitful behaviour of the Velkyan President, a gentle yet echoey voice slid through his thoughts, no need to explain, Valcus eye's abruptly widened for a second as he realised, and remembered, there was rumoured to be three schools of thought on Psychic capacity, Xikarian, Zimtaren and finally that of the Black Skull Enforcers, evidently Itzvan was one of these.

“Yes, we thank you for the welcome in this highly pleasant, almost Decadent environment, I thank you on behalf of Novacom, I hope we can accomplish something meaningful and long lasting here,” Valcus smoothly, and almost quietly called out to the assembled gathering, the Novan ( Colours hanging behind him, the entire air smacked of decadence, he much preferred Novan colourations in Décor, Jet black with simple colours, or a smooth slate grey and colour, it was far more simple, it was humble.

I agree on the point that it is far too late to prevent hostilities, they are already halfway through those rediculous posturing rituals of theirs, soon they will be scratching the ground with their feet and charging head first at each other shouting fight fight fight, and all sorts of other rediculous rhetoric, we mus stand together, Especially with our Clandonian Allies, as certainly Novacom at this present moment is at present pre-occupied with the Vizion Conflict, and prospects of renwed hostilities with those Xharnian Fools," Valcus stated in reply, his voice cool and modulated, evidently the hiatus from politics, one long overdue admittedly, had done his temper some good, the man was legendary for being a firebrand, even around friends, meanwhile Itzvar resolved himself to fixing each of the other members with a casual glance his garb extending past the back of his head, in somewhat jaunty colours of Blue and Yellow, the colours of Xikar.
24-06-2007, 22:01
The sprawling metropolis of Fulda, capital of Velkya, got closer and closer. The Zeppelin increased speed, burning fuel was not a concern now, with the airport in sight, the captain could do as he please and really put the pedal down. Oh course, in a Zeppelin, that meant 125 km/h, any more and the engines would start to smoke. Shortly, FGZ "Jarnost" threw down its anchor at the Fulda Airport, descending quickly. With the hiss often related to hydraulically equipment, the bay doors of the Zeppelin opened, and setting a ramp down. A motorcade sped out of the airship, the Franberrian envoy, Carlos De Zarzar, was in one of those cars. The motorcade quickly reached the building hosting the Grey Conference.

De Zarzar promptly walked in, escorted not only by the local security, but by a small detachment of the Black Guard, usually assigned to this type of stuff. The architecture and decorations were nice, if a bit modest. Wooden walls, the flags of the participating nations, ugh, the Clandonian flag too, but the chairs seemed quite nice.

De Zarzar, upon hearing the speeches done by the other members of the conference, stood, and declared:

"The Federal Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry wishes no more than peace between all the belligerent nations. However, it is evident that the rulers of these states do not want this, and are set upon war. Franberry is formally allied to all of those within the Sovereign League, but, in this conflict we will do our best to remain neutral, and we shall take no part in any offensive action, only taking defensive measures if any entity decides to violate our sovereignty. We agree on the Clandonian assessment of the impact of the war, and with the Novan delegate on stopping the sides from continuing their actions. However, we want to make it very clear, whatever the result, Franberry will do its best, as I hope you will also do, to make sure that Haven remains Havenite.
25-06-2007, 02:21
The situation throughout Haven was growing increasingly grim for the United Realms. With intelligence indicating the imminent arrival of NATO forces in DontPissUsOff and the near certainty of a war in Aldea, Hamptonians were forced to confront theaters on two fronts. When news came to the Capital Cities of the Velkyan-Whyatican sponsored conference it was quickly decided to send a small delegation. Most within the Senior Cabinet were weary of the potential goals of such a gathering. Velkya, Whyatica and most other attending nations were located in the core of Haven. They were geographically shielded from most foreign invasions. Hamptonshire Proper, however, was exposed. If forced into war the homeland would almost certainly become an active battlefield.

Knowing how delicate negotiations could be at such a meeting, the Grand Archduchess asked her closest and most trusted advisor, Lord Philip Rosecrans, Duke of Eeasen, to head the mission. The white-haired President of the Privy Council surreptitiously made his way to Fulda to meet with the other representatives. He found the meeting venue to be slightly ostentatious for his tastes. When others began to speak, he was somewhat surprised by their reasonable positions. The measured and cautious language of the Clandonians were especially noteworthy given their checkered past.

Once De Zarzar finished speaking the Duke decided it was time to speak, though he remained seated.

"The United Realms continue to adhere to our policy of armed neutrality. We do not wish to involve ourselves in a pointless and unjustifiable war. Hamptonshire, along with every other nation here, has long-standing relationships with belligerents on both sides of the escalating crisis. The immediate threat is not from Havenic NATO nations or the Havenic members of the Questarian Commonwealth. The grave danger to our various nations' continued prosperity and, ultimately, continued sovereignty is from non-Haven nations. We risk being torn apart and isolated from our friends and neighbors by foreign militaries bent on domination. Haven cannot function properly if Havenic nations lose control of the land, sea, and air that is all of our peoples' birthrights.

"Her Majesty and the federal government, like all Hamptonians, have no desire for war or conflict. However, I fear, the outside forces marshaling on both sides in this war pose a potential fundamental danger to freedom; not the freedom of individuals, but the freedom of Haven itself. We have come together before to turn back those that threatened the safety of the land we all call home. Diplomacy and the market should be our chief tools to defend ourselves from unwanted and unprovoked aggression. At the same time, though, no one here can abdicate the sacred right of a nation and people to defend their integrity and their very existence should the need arise."
25-06-2007, 02:31
"I'm afraid the 'Haven for Havenites' mantra will not serve us well here -- Haven is about to become a massive brawling ground for extra-Havenite forces that will divide us if we do not stand together. Declaring that foreigners will not be permitted into Haven is effectively compromising our neutrality, as the forces of the Questarian Commonwealth hold a numerical advantage over those of NATO within Haven. We must do everything possible to defend the sovereignty of nations which do not wish to fight, do not wish to get involved in this senseless feud." Paulus stood up and said. He continued,

"However, the Lord Rosecrans brings a very strong point. Hamptonshire as an example is very much under threat from the extra-Haven forces, while those of us from Northeast Haven may speak comfortably. Let us not forget our friends; We cannot tolerate the loss of sovereignty over the land, sea, and air, who is to say that a Havenite may not fly where he wants, sail to his wish, and walk where he wants? Armed neutrality is, I believe, the best option, and a collective defence. We announce to the world that we will not tolerate an attack on any neutral nation, and we will all defend the sovereignty of a neutral nation attacked by a Questarian or NATO aggressor. We must make our neutrality clear, as we are not belligerents, and many of the warring nations would take any opportunity to assume we are on one side or the other. If this means we must cut off wartime trade with fighting nations, so be it. We must preserve our sovereignty."
25-06-2007, 10:34
Daniel Dyer and his bodyguard Bratcher had been sent to the conference. While no longer “Non-aligned” in it’s policies, the Greater Kingdom felt it only proper as the United Nation’s Regional Delegate to be at the conference. He was ageing, but very quick and sharp as a pin when at such conferences.

“The position of His Majesties Government is that the Questarian Commonwealth has decided to bring this matter down onto the heads of all of Haven. As such they should suffer the consequences of their actions. However it is important to see that the neutrality of such nations that declare it to not become embroiled in the coming storm. It is our proposal for the “Grey” states to sign a treaty with both the Questarian Commonwealth and the NATO alliance in regards to neutrality during and post-war, this treaty should be air tight, not open to interpretation and be in clear simple words in regards to sovereignty, and subsequent base-building should one side or the other gain the upper hand, violation of which would enact the HDI’s protocols in regards to foreign military presences within Haven.”

He cleared his throat.

“Of course, in our own interests we’re throwing out weight behind that of NATO. The Questarian Commonwealth has decided to severely upset the regional balance we agreed to, to the point where we can no longer simply stand around kicking our heels.”
Clandonia Prime
25-06-2007, 10:58
"With all due respect to the Midlonian delegation, His Majesty's government finds that such a treaty could be torn up by NATO forces after the war. A defeated Questers could result in the remainder of the free, democratic, capitalist nations being picked off one by one. NATO would have base after base effectively making the HDI useless."

"And do you not think the strategic balance will be swung even more if NATO are victorious? It will be a bloody New World Order and one that will affect us all in some way or the other. Until the Crown government has a full obligation of what will happen after the war then we are painfully pessimistic of their intentions."
25-06-2007, 11:11
"To be perfectly frank with the Clandonian delegate, the likelyhood of them being able to project sufficent power to be able to do that after such a conclusion would be slim. They'd need an awful lot of their projectional troops to hold any gained Questarian ground. It has been a long held opinion by the Greater Kingdom that the Questerian Commonwealth is held in too high a regard over it's importance within Haven in regards to material, and most certainly in politics. They are not the be-all and end-all of Haven, nor are they our guardians."

Dyer leant forward and frowned slightly.

"Of course such a treaty would be held by them because they simply wouldn't be able to hold out against the HDI's combined total. Correct? The last two runs of HDI operations proved that the Questarians were not as important to the whole concept as initially thought."
25-06-2007, 22:00
"I believe that our Clandonian friends place too much of an emphasis upon the importance of Questarian power in Haven. The danger to regional security and integrity is from a shifting in the total balance of power. We are not at a direct threat of NATO military domination, but we are under danger of being made servants in our own homes. A negotiated settlement with the QC and NATO would, of course, be preferable but nothing in recent history shows that NATO and its core leadership would respect a treaty if they do not consider it in their best interests." Lord Rosecrans paused a moment to collect his thoughts.

"We believe, like the Whyaticans, that at some point the nonaligned states within the region must come together to guarantee their own safety from the rampaging forces of either side. To be fully realistic, however, one may have to doubt the effectiveness of such an agreement. The HDI is moribund because of Havenic factionalism. What is to prevent a new agreement from following in its foot steps? The real danger, my friends, is not that non-Havenic NATO success 'could result in the remainder of the free, democratic, capitalist nations being picked off one by one', but that our factionalism will isolate us all. We can only be picked off 'one by one', as the Clandonians so put it, if we desert each other."
26-06-2007, 12:44
"I concur with my Hamptonshire counterpart." Dyer nodded.

"The thing is that any such treaty would indeed be within their interests to sign and maintain, any such violation of it would press their own forces too hard. These are only expeditionary forces likely to be involved within Haven anyhow. And It's not as if they're going to set up shop all across Haven with little regard for the actual nations there. It's not as if they're actually interested in the numerous other nations who are also declaring neutrality. Most of the States in the Strait itself are unlikely to be involved unless directly attacked, of which there'd be no reason or any need by the NATO alliance. Any talk to the contrary is wild sensationalist talk." he took a sip from his glass of water.
Clandonia Prime
26-06-2007, 13:25
"All very well but we need solid proof of NATO's commitment to honour neutrality. Once this has been done His Majesty's government will be happy to listen to any proposals."

Taking a sip of water like the Midlonian, Sir Alan continued.

"Wouldn't it even be better if we could perhaps try and start negotiations to bring the grievances of both sides to a table of rational thought and stop this war completely?
28-06-2007, 00:39
"The fact that the Questarians threw the gauntlet down at all suggests we're more than likely beyond that stage, I am also fairly sure that NATO, Ardan and Gholgoth would be honour bound to abide by any treaty states that do not wish to be involved in the coming storm, it'd be facing a rather precarious strategic situation if they did otherwise, so it's not exactly the major case of "picking off"the remaining 'free states'."

Dyer scratched the tip of his gnarled nose with a bony finger before continuing.

"As bizarre as it sounds, we've actually mobilized with the intent of stopping the war."

He took a sip of water before speaking clearly and quickly.

"It's the only reason we've mobilized. If we enter the war it could tip the Questarians into a pause, they know we're in many major strategic areas and hold greatest influence on the Haven Strait trading lanes, which are also used for Warship maneuvers through the strait, it's also why we've deployed to Allanea, Mya and the Eastern Craven Overseas Territory. It sends them the clear message of 'we are already everywhere back down' of course they may still attack in order to gain those points, but the fact is it'd take them too much time and energy to do so, along with forces that would probably be better spent against combined fleets such as Gholgothian and NATO members own inevitable naval complements and expeditionary groups to Haven, heck we received this most recently from Ardan."

Dyer slid the notes from his case and put them in the middle of the conference table.


Ardan forces are preparing to move out to the
Haven region as per an arrangement with the nation known as Allanea.
The Third Fleet, as well as elements of the Pax Army Corps sent to
Gholgoth earlier,
will consitute an expeditionary force with the purpose
of inspecting and maintaining allied defenses on the ground in Haven.

As before, all are advised to stay well
clear of the Ardan host as it makes its way to its destination.
Further bulletins as events warrant.

Khaled Sudani,
Prime Warlord of the Pax Imperica

"Either way, any such attack on the 'grey' states, or their assets would result in spreading the war to the detriment of either side, because they would then have to also consider targeting said 'neutral' nations assets as part of their wider strategies, which they won't always have the resources to do so."

Dyer merely sat back and held his hands.
Clandonia Prime
30-06-2007, 19:58
"As long as the Midlonians can confirm that any operations North of our border and in their colony adjacent to Clandonia will not be affected then we shall not interfere with our sovereign territory."

"I would like to ask the question in specific reference to the HDI on what we are expected to do when foreign fleets do enter Haven waters? I know it will take time and likely the first chapters of the war will be focussed regionally. Do we fire on site or what, this is confusing and I address this to the Midlonians as delegate. His Majesty's concern grows about this war and we still hope diplomacy will be used."
03-07-2007, 08:01
It was inevitable that the Izistani would show their hand at the Gray Conference, so it wasn’t any real surprise that the Imperator himself would show up. Not that this was unusual considering the folks that had shown up anyway. Though he hadn’t spoken until now, it was with a raised eyebrow and a informal tone that Zedlacher responded to the Clandonian query.

“Why my good Clandonian comrade, if the extra-Havenites show up then we will ask them politely to turn around. And we back this up with a big stick, if you will, in the form of HDI fleets and emplaced defenses. If they choose to continue we shall have no choice but to obliterate them. “

He suddenly began to cough, but with the aid of a convenient bottle of water he was able to continue with a small grin.

“You’ll have to excuse me; I am unused to the Velkyan climate. Anyway, unlike some of you I have no qualms about a NATO victory. Hell, I have no problem with a Commonwealth victory for what it matters. But I do have a problem with alliances, alliances of what basically amounts to honorless thieves, communists, or worse; infiltrating our fair part of the world. I’m sure all of you would agree with me that having the Corporate Alliance, for example, muscling around would not suit anyone’s interests. Therefore Haven needs to take active steps to prevent these damn foreigners from over running us. As for the expeditionary forces, let them fight their senseless war. It matters not to us who wins, but afterwards let it be known we will move swiftly to dispatch any force that seeks to infringe Izistani sovereignty. Once we release the details of the Euryale project and the related autonomous kill vehicle program everyone will be able to see that targeting Izistan would not be beneficial or wise.”

He took a moment to get his breath back and survey the faces of those at the table. Oddly today his camera-like artificial left eye had been replaced with a simple glass eye; somewhat more proper in formal company if not very functional; remnants of the cost of personally leading the assault force into the last Vault under Directorate control. Oddly his gauntlet like left hand (for the grenade shrapnel had caught him on that side) remained, as brutal and industrial looking as the day he had received it (rumor had it that it could crush a man’s skull like a egg with its enhanced grip strength).

“Anyway, I would like to state officially for the record, that Izistan is hence forth aligned with the Havenic Non-Aligned Movement. We also wish to state to those who are not present today that the Dodge Colony of the Northern Expanse is under our protection as ordained by treaty. Any hostile action there will result in serious repercussions.”

And with that, he gave the floor (so to speak) up for the next speaker.
Clandonia Prime
03-07-2007, 12:17
"Foreign fleets are well on their way, Oceanian, Ardan and Ghologth naval yards and ports are emptying. If we are going form HDI fleets then they must be assembled and start patrols now before the first groups appear if we do wish to keep them out. I'm glad Izistan, our nearby neighbour has joined in a neutral declaration."
03-07-2007, 15:56
OOC: Velkya, TG...

This post will be filled in if I'm allowed in the conference...
03-07-2007, 16:32
General Samarra Rakhmadi, acting Defense Minister with the disappearance and suspected murder of the previous Minister of Defense, stood up to speak. She was tall, about 5'9", relatively slim, with Arabic features and in her mid-50's. A large scar, like that left by a grazing bullet wound, was over the top of her head, where her hair didn't grow.

"The Government of Kahanistan would like to formally state its policy of armed neutrality with regard to this conflict," said the general, her voice somewhat gravelly and with some Arabian accent, possibly Syrian or Palestinian. "We have had friends and allies, and hated enemies, on both sides of this conflict. We lack the interest to join this war as a combatant power, and we frankly do not see what is to be gained from this entire war. Our armed neutrality policy states that if we are attacked by the Questarian Commonwealth or the Gholgoth-NATO bloc, then we will side with the opposing powers. Unless we are attacked or invaded, we will remain neutral militarily and conduct trade with both sides."
04-07-2007, 20:05
"MIRA, the Midlonian Intelligence and Research Agency has stipulated that Kahanistan would be the idea land bridge between the Questarian Commonwealth members to the North and South, it's possible from some of their latest deployments in Northford that said attacks could go either at the Craven overseas Territory, or down into Kahanistan."

He sighs for a moment.

"Perhaps a reconsideration of your position, indeed any position of a strategically placed state to one side or the other would be more beneficial to them. I will note that a number of the nations here at this table are of little strategic value to either side, so it's highly unlikely that they'd have their neutrality violated as a result."
05-07-2007, 00:56
"So, what would you have us do?" asked General Rakhmadi. "I understand our strategic importance, but we will not interfere with their shipping as long as it keeps a distance from our soil, and remains in international waters. For example, if a Northfordian fleet wants to deploy to Kriegorgrad, and circles around our territorial waters, we won't interfere. If they move troops through our land, or ships into our waters, we will of course see that as a threat to our neutrality."

"I would propose a non-aggression pact, but those troops on the Northfordian border... I don't think they're interested in negotiation."
13-07-2007, 23:12
Dyer shruged. "There's little we can suggest bar offering to station troops from allies there. It'd allow the Northfordians some thinking time if nothing else most certainly. The other offer would be those from The Commonwealth, which'd be Midlonians, Freethinkers, Scandavians... probably Allaneans also. The final alternative would be to go with the Q.C and simply allow them to do whatever they want to do."

He took a sip of water before flicking his pages. "But as I said, they seem to be amassing more to the South-East of the Northford-Craven border as opposed to across the board, it gives them the option to go either way and keep any such forces pinned within the Craven Overseas Territory that may be able to at least alleviate some of that problem... The options are yours."
Clandonia Prime
13-07-2007, 23:40
"I for one am concerned about the Midlonian position and why there are even at this conference for neutral nations. Siding with NATO would be viewed as a hostile move and make the Midlonian presence at this conference void. Clandonian shipping has now and from this point on been given the protection of the Royal Navy, I can not interfere with the private shipping industry that operates trade routes to the Questerian Commonwealth or NATO block nations but I will guarantee the protection of my countries people and property."

Looking at his watch, noting the local and Clandonian Western Time time...
Clandonia Prime
14-07-2007, 23:31
One of Sir Philips personal aides had marched into the hall, a print out similar to the ones that been rolling out of fax machines and printers across the military and government of the Imperial Kingdom. Putting her hand on his shoulder as she placed the paper print out onto the table, onto of the closed laptop.

**Flash Communication**

Attention Clandonian Tri-Forces, report of attack on Paramount Island, movement of NATO forces in Strobovian Straits and orbital attack on Questers.
War is green, alert level is DEFCON 2.

**Message Ends**

Feeling the need to stand up, the news likely in the hands of the other nations but being the closest to the Questerians, Sir Philips thought he had the duty.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring the sad news that the war has already begun. Reports of attacks on Questers, Allanea, Northford and the Skyian colony of the Paramount Islands are flooding in. Already we are looking at possibly thousands of death already in this war which will touch every nation in Haven."

"The time of peace and possibly diplomatic exchange is over, we need to act now to ensure and make steadfast agreements on neutrality to protect those here at this conference."
14-07-2007, 23:49
Soda Popinski, Jaredcohenian Foreign Minister, was at the meeting the entire time. Albeit he was sleeping, but he was still there. All who knew Soda Popinski knew that after he drank he slept for a while, and the night before was no exception to the rule. According to his secretary, Doc Louis, "that moron had enough to drink to kill a bull elephant in musk."

Popinski stirred for a minute and lifted his head, the effects of alcohol hit him in the form of a hangover. He saw the Clandonian speaking and wondered 'ow does he have nice clothes?'

"If I may note," he stood up but fell back down to his chair. "Part of my nation's shipping routes goes right by the island of Ceylon, which had been attacked apparently if I'm not hallucinating. I hope I'm not hallucinating at least. I fear that my nation's ships will be damaged with this space demolition, it seems like something a teenager would think of after a bad trip." He smacked his head with his hand, "anyone got an Advil?"
16-07-2007, 04:00
Lord Rosecrans looked slightly annoyed at the Jaredcohenian delegate. Such a displace of vice and excess was something rarely seen in the staid and solemn atmosphere that he was accustomed to. He pushed aside any lingering thoughts to focus on the new issue at hand.

"It is not a surprise that the war has started; it was only a matter of time. What concerns us is the speed at which combatants on both sides are assembling themselves. RAFIS estimates show that the main waterways of our region will become party to major battles. That, gentlemen and ladies, is the danger that we are being forced to confront. We should come together to affirm our common neutrality but there is something more paramount. We all have to work to ensure that Haven's waterways are safe for neutral commerce and transport."

He paused to look each delegate in the eyes, "Those that control the Three Straits* control the region. Each of our nations depend upon free and unimpeded travel through those bodies of water. What we must do then is to make certain that our rights and property are safe from all those that may threaten them. Havenic peoples and property must flow as freely as the very waters themselves."

[OOC: Three Straits = Hallad Strait; Storbovia Strait; Haven Strait]
16-07-2007, 04:17
"I agree," said General Rakhmadi. "We have an eastern coastline in the Strobovia Strait. Most of our navy is on the other side of the country, to protect against an invasion on that front. We do not have the naval strength to force a blockade should one be emplaced."

The general took a drink of water and thought for a few seconds. "I might suggest the formation of a mutual defense pact; we would refrain from taking sides in the greater war, but defend each other should our commerce be raided or our shores blockaded by the belligerents. Of course, that would mean that we would not interfere in trade by the belligerents, for example, Kahanistan's current policy of allowing Northfordian goods to travel via civilian transport through our territory would not change, so as not to provoke interference in our trade."
Clandonia Prime
16-07-2007, 16:03
Sir Philips was wondering what how the odd drunken Jaredcohenian had been allowed into the conference. Taking note of the Hamptonian and Kahanistani delegate and what they had to say.

“There are Clandonian warships in less than a weeks sale from those important areas, convoys have been given Fast Battleship and Submarine Squadron protection. Sadly I think due to the nature of the Midlonians who have chosen themselves to join a side that Havenites will not control those three straits and if the Questerian forces loose then NATO forces will be able to exercise the right to control and disrupt shipping that goes through this sector. My country trades with Northford on a huge scale, hundreds of tonnes of goods are exchanged each day. At the current moment in time the trade routes have not been affected but as the fight nears Allanean territory in Midkips how long will it be before an innocent freighter is caught in the crossfire of deliberately sunk?”

“The time for talking is now over, we need affirmative action and need to decide if we should send an assortment of ships to the various straits and waterways in the hope of controlling them as a neutral entity. The more important question is what happens after the war?”
16-07-2007, 16:26
"The Questarian forces will almost certainly lose," said Rakhmadi. "They are outnumbered roughly four to one, if my memory serves me. Whether they lose before or after devastating Kahanistan is what worries me. We will, of course, attempt to deter attacks by accepting refugees of all nations. However..."

"As to what happens to the straits, we have about two hundred warships, mainly frigates and destroyers, in the Strobovian Strait. I'm not much of a naval tactician, but those would be on the front line in any effort to obtain control of the strait, and our coastal defense artillery would do most of the heaviest fighting."

"I move that we declare the straits under control of this neutral bloc, but allow civilian traffic of all nations to use it. Declare it strictly off-limits to belligerent shipping. After the war, we return to a status quo ante bellum regarding the status of the straits."
Clandonia Prime
16-07-2007, 21:05
Another message was brought in by one of Sir Philips personal civil servants, rushing into the hall again. It was more bad news, multiple attacks on Barkozy, the Alacean colony of Cbaso and more worryingly the Questerian Commonwealth member state of Okielahoma. Sir Philips swore in anger under his breath, Fucking Midlonians.

I’ve just received some rather worrying news that according to this Midlonian forces have been seen to be attacking Cbaso in the Eastern Haven. A colony of Alacea, a Sovereign League member who has remained as of until today a neutral state. I can not express my outrage at the Midlonians for this illegal act.”

Glaring at the Midlonian delegate, in an angry nearly shouting now.

“You have attacked a neutral state, a peace loving nation of Barkozy and a country in the backyard of the Imperial Kingdom. You have no right to remain at this table at this conference, leave now you treacherous scumbag. You have sided with NATO forfeiting the right to remain here, this is nothing more than Midlonian imperialism!”
16-07-2007, 21:46
"Quite simply the Greater Kingdom of Midlonia has no interest in interrupting trade not flying under the Questarian, or Questarian Commonwealth flags. It should be noted that the control of the Haven Strait is already in the control of that of the Greater Kingdom, and any such attempt to... wrest control from our influence will be met with dire consequences."

Dyer clears his throat.

"I will also note that any such move to 'secure' the straits would be taken as an act of war against that of any nation. It's certainly not how Neutral States should act, and is technically an act of war by inhibiting the progress of any such warfleet underway against Questarian Targets. Put simply you'd be violating your neutrality and simply be considered a third faction in this war, rather than a series of neutral states that wished to avoid it. It's certainly an unsual move to make, seizing bodies of international water when you're supposedly not interested in the conflict itself."

Dyer takes a sip of water and scratches his nose.

"It would seem to me that the Clandonians are leading many of you on a merry tune that will lead you into a grueling conflict and expand an already large and terrible fight that will cost many lives, this conference was supposed to be about neutrality and the states that wished to remain neutral, listening to the Clandonians will result in you all being involved in a conflict you desperately want to avoid."

Dyer then turns to the Clandonian.

"Don't be such an alarmist idiot." Dyer snaps to the Clandonian who had become stupidly aggrivated. "The rhetoric is cute I might add, Midlonia was never here to be a neutral party, but to offer Midlonian input into the matter of the grey states's necessity and attitude to any such actions by the Greater Kingdom, and to act as a body for NATO-freindly or aligned forces to ensure any garuntees for the grey states to ensure their neutrality. I will also note that there have barely been any extra-haven forces deployed from NATO due to the distances involved, it's all being handled by Havenites. This is effectively the First Haven War."

He sighs, then speaks in a calm, quiet voice.

"It seems to me the Clandonians really do not keep in touch with the nature of things. Or any kind of decent intelligence gathering equipment within Haven."

He picked up a file from his case on the floor, opened it and pushed several photograph copies out into the middle of the conference table.

"This here is a very large encampment in Barkozy, we esitmate around 300,000 men all told formed into a militia group."

He taps a second photograph.

"This is the Questarian cruiser we beleive to be the Kazuhosuke, which we beleive an officer of which visited this camp, word on the ground also suggested that this body was to become the first Barokozian Expeditionary Force under Questarian Command, MIRA's conclusion? The Barkozian-anarchy is working with the Questarians and thus a legitimate target."

He then gets a second file and places it onto the table, it's a pair of diplomatic communiques.

"This you will find is the Alaecan's declaring their support for the Questarian Commonwealth. MIRA concluded that the isles of Cbasco would be used as a staging point in an attempt to invade the Midlonian Heartland. Thus it was the heavy choice of striking first or be struck, again, with these declarations of support, they are legitimate targets."

"Quite simply, my good Sir, the Clandonian intelligence gathering ability is pathetic if something as basic as the writing on the wall could not be seen. Of course, the Clandonians that wallow in their own self-importance I wasn't expecting anything less than a stupid overraction like you have chosen to do. This is a diplomatic conference, not some football match in which you boo and shout."

Dyer shrugs.

"To the Greater Kingdom the Clandonian presence is detrimental to any attempt at Neutrality by the other states."

He then pours himself another glass of water and drinks.
Clandonia Prime
16-07-2007, 22:33
Looking at the Midlonian photographs and the communications, it had appeared the Midlonians were correct. Sir Philips had known of the support from in one of the morning intelligence briefings by the CPISF.

"How do I know these photos and transcripts are real? They could be fakes for all we know, I take insult to your accusations that I would lead the grey states into this war. That is a preposterous lie, I value the neutrality of my nation and people in this pointless and my presence here was to try and bring an end to the war. The waterways of Haven are no longer safe then, there will be widespread economic damage to both Clandonia and other nations as a result of this."

Taking a sip now from his hip flask instead of the water on the table he started to speak again.

"Until I get communication from NATO that they will not go after free trade in Haven and what the future will be for the nations in Haven."
16-07-2007, 23:06
"How do I know these photos and transcripts are real? They could be fakes for all we know, I take insult to your accusations that I would lead the grey states into this war. That is a preposterous lie, I value the neutrality of my nation and people in this pointless and my presence here was to try and bring an end to the war. The waterways of Haven are no longer safe then, there will be widespread economic damage to both Clandonia and other nations as a result of this."

"The problem is your only solution is not a diplomatic one, NATO is all Havenites. It is a Haven war, it is not, as the Clandonians fail to realize, a series of extra-haven powers due to the lack of ability of NATO to actually project decent power within Haven to make a difference bar those already here with land. I will also note that many of the nations involved also trade with yourselves, so why they'd actually stop such trade truly defies any kind of common understanding in terms of economics, especially with them likely to need more and more luxury goods in import due to the war economy gearing, quite simply it is our genuine belief that you are trying to violate the neutrality of the Grey States by 'securing' the straits against NATO, but not against the QC I will note, which suggests that you are not actually neutral either."
Clandonia Prime
17-07-2007, 00:35
"I never openly suggested the movement of ships to control the straits, for one the Royal Navy does not have enough and it would still mean over two weeks sailing even if they left now. I am more concerned with the fact of a post war Haven and trade with my countries former partners, I understand that with what most of the Questerian States being on war economy that commercial goods have not been sent, the last military goods were sent over a week before the start of hostilities. I do understand your concerns as an ally to Questers through the Sovereign League I naturally do show a closer linkage to them, sadly due the embarkation of their idiotic war those relations are rather low. NATO seem far more rational and deliberative than Questers was in its propagation of the war."
17-07-2007, 00:54
"I never openly suggested the movement of ships to control the straits, for one the Royal Navy does not have enough and it would still mean over two weeks sailing even if they left now. I am more concerned with the fact of a post war Haven and trade with my countries former partners, I understand that with what most of the Questerian States being on war economy that commercial goods have not been sent, the last military goods were sent over a week before the start of hostilities. I do understand your concerns as an ally to Questers through the Sovereign League I naturally do show a closer linkage to them, sadly due the embarkation of their idiotic war those relations are rather low. NATO seem far more rational and deliberative than Questers was in its propagation of the war."

"This is true. The fact is the QC is the blatant agressor nation in this action and states imperialism as an actual idealogical goal, something the Greater Kingdom has never done. Fact is NATO should not have the HDI activated against it because they may be "extra-haven" forces. The HDI would be seen as defending the Questarian Commonwealth's agressive moves against nations that are arguably more liberal than themselves. If anything the Questarian Commonwealth will have to face the consequences of it's actions. For this the Grey States should not even consider such a suicidle idea as trying to "control" the straits, or trying to enact the HDI against NATO should anything come to pass due to the need to occupy ex-QC areas in the Post War Haven, it's in my opinion and I have been reliably told that NATO has no interest in Haven proper or the Havenites that are not aligned to the QC."

He shrugged.

"The QC started the war, so NATO simply has to finish it, if you don't attack or block any NATO or NATO-aligned passage, nobody will bother the Grey States I am sure."
Clandonia Prime
17-07-2007, 15:14
"His Majesty's government finds that fair enough, seeing as you maintain good relations with NATO then I trust your word that they will continue free trade. Sadly its true, NATO do seem more liberal on the face of things of how they never launched this warmongering campaign. You can give my assurances that Clandonia will not interfere with NATO operations in the three straits."

Taking another swig from hip flask.

"The mention of the HDI is sadly true, perhaps the need for a stronger regional organisational body is in order after this conflict."