NationStates Jolt Archive

An Ecstasy of Fumbling

24-06-2007, 05:21
It was a machine of death fed by death. As the giant stirred the earth trembled. Those who were not killed were consumed, conscripted to help augment the machine.

Not a sould could say where the first of the Skayans were from, but they had descended upon the old tribal villages long ago. Where livestock and jubilation were the sounds that once filled they air, now the clashing of steel and the burning of heretics had taken their place. The Skayans spread like a plague. Those who had faced them and lost became one of them, bound not by loyalty, but by fear of the Khan. And over the decades the darkness spread until what was once vast tracks of mountainous lands spotted with small villages became the enormous war machine of Kantemirov.

The entire populace served the soul purpose of supplying their Skayan Warlords with the supplies to feed the army. Mountain villages became massive industrial cities, concealed by the black smoke as arms and materials were forged. Any not of Skayan blood worked through the year-long winter in preparation for the one day of the year when the Skayans would return to collect what was theirs as Otogai Khan prepared to lead his hordes to war.

No longer would the geography of Kantemirov expand and thus when the Khan returned he did so bearing the captives and spoils of war. The captives would labor with the masses, the spoils would vanish forever into the Skayan Warlord's Forbidden City for the victors to enjoy.

And as time passed like sand through an hourglass this was the way the people lived until finally the Khan found himself unable to wage his yearly campaign.

The Skayans were no cartogrophers and had only stolen maps from the past. Now they had raped and pillaged to the furthest extent of their geographical knowledge. The Khan had no choice but to open the Black Gates to the world, gates which only opened to belch the hellish fire of war in the past, but the Khan had no other choice.

From the desk of Otogai Khan:

For long the Skayan Warlords have found no use for politics and have used steel as their means of negotiation. However, it is an ignorant leader who fails to recognize the winds of change and dooms those he rules and that which he has fought for to a firey end. Nevertheless, old traditions die hard, and so it is with a heavy heart that I extend my hand of friendship to those who were once deemed unworthy of speaking directly to any Skayan, but now seem to be a spark of new hope.

I invite all desiring to attend, to an open banquet in my court withing the forbidden city of Kharakhorum.

May Shaman gaze upon you with favor and grace and show you the path to your glorious destiny.

Otogai Khan
Skayan Warlord and Keeper of the Gates

OOC: Heres some background info on me. I'm looking for like-minded allies. If you are more civil rights loving you may have an "uncomfortable" experience.
24-06-2007, 19:13
Rastorian Syndicate
24-06-2007, 19:30
OOC: Is this thread: PT, MT, PMT, or FT?
24-06-2007, 19:31
I am modern tech, but the thread is open to all technology levels. Also, I'll have to ask the OOC chatter to be kept to a minimum from here on out.
Rastorian Syndicate
24-06-2007, 19:46

The United States of Rastoria was a country that was running rampant with internal corruption and severe corporate strife. The County’s elected officials could not afford to make contact with this new nation due to fear of getting a bad reaction from the public.

This restriction however would not deter the criminal organization known as the Outfit from initiating contact with this new country and possibly gaining a new trading partner for the Outfit’s black market. The Syndicate, the ruling faction of Rastoria’s old Sicilian Mafia Dons decided to send a representative to meet this Otogai Khan.

The representative was decided to be Marc Anthony Feranelli a capo in the Garazoni Farmily. The idea was to send the Garazonis muscle to show the Khan that the Outfit had teeth and could defend itself from rivals……

Coded Transmission…..

To: Otogai Khan
From: The Outfit
Subject: The Court Meeting

The Outfit is always interested in making new trading partners. We would like to send a representative of the Syndicate to establish contact with your government. If you agree to meet one of our representatives he will be sent by private jet to your nation along with his crew to ensure that he makes it home in one piece….

End Transmission….
Spike Transmission…
24-06-2007, 20:15
[OOC: Nothing against you or your RPing RS, but thats not something a very proud warlord would look upon favorably, so I doubt you could get a mobster into the Khan's court. A national leader interested in erradicating crime may be a different story though...]

The elite of the Skayans, now surrounding the Khan's desk waited anxiously for the Warlord's response. It was their obligation and duty to deliver the message to their leader, however unpleasant his reaction may be. The fact was may saw the message to be insulting. Petty criminals seeking an audiance in the Khan's court? It was simply absurd. Otogai was more likely to put a price on their heads than exchange goods with them.

The room was deathly silent as the Khan looked over the message. Every man expected a violent outburst, which is why there were several involuntary gasps when a smirk crept across the Khan's lips as he chuckled to himself. The Khan certianly had no sense of humor making his response all the more unusual.

Folding up the message he handed it to one of his generals. "Keep this for a reminder as to how these people must be treated if we ever cross paths in out international dealings. I will allow you to see to it that these heathen criminals understand how true men gaze upon crime and make them understand that they are not welcome within the black gates unless their entrails are removed first." His smirk becoming a scowl.

Seeing the more habitual emotions of their lord showing through, the men quickly strode to the door to make sure that this "Outfit" was set straight.

Response from the collective body of the Skayan High Council

In any other situation, your demand for protection would be laughable at best. You do not see us as being civilized enough to speak peacefully. However, seeing as you are not even strong enough to serve your sovereign honestly, your fears are well-founded.

It is the Skayan way to deter criminals in a manner that would not acceptable to perform on a foreign diplomat. Therefore, as to not appear as barbaric as petty theives we will not permit your presence in our Lord's court. You and your kind are not welcome within the Black Gates unless you wish to experience first hand the Skayan method of justice: death by torture.

It would be best if this were the last we heard of you.
Rastorian Syndicate
24-06-2007, 20:52

Marc Anthony’s jet was recalled about half an hour into the flight. The Syndicate was quick to send their warning to the Capo and the jet quickly changed course to get away from the now openly hostile country and from entering their airspace……..

The Mafia Dons were greatly angered with the response from the Skayan High Council, The Capo di tutti capi Don Tony Garazoni decided to send a personal response to the Khan. It was clear the reputation of the Syndicate was in jeopardy and the Outfit had to respond in a manner befitting it’s highly dangerous reputation in the United States of Rastoria.

Coded Transmission…..

To: Otogai Khan and The Skayan High Council
From: The Outfit
Subject: Retaliation

The Outfit has heard your repulsive response and sends one of our own. You have made a big mistake in insulting our honor and courage. I served in my nation’s military for four years fighting the corporate forces of Lichencrest Industries, trying in vain to keep my president in power. I however realized that the President and his cabinet is nothing more than Mob puppets. If you think we don’t serve our sovereign you are quite wrong. We chose our sovereign and give him the votes he needs to gain his power!

If you think we lack courage and honor feel free and attempt to carry out your threats. I can personally assure you that there are several men in my organization that would love nothing more than to kill you all for your barbaric comments. I have thus decided to put a contract down on your Khan worth 20 million Rastorian dollars. If my executioners accept this contract, I suggest you go underground to hide under some god forsaken rock and pray to what ever heathen gods will listen, because my men will ensure you that your death will be painful and slow, my barbaric friend……..

End Transmission….
Spike Transmission…
24-06-2007, 22:02
OOC: RS, check your telegrams

This time the hollow threats of felons would not be allowed to reach the Khan's ears. The Skayan Elite knew better than that. They were more than happy to allow all connections between themselves and a nation pupetted by crime organizations to fall silent for good. Should they follow through with their threats they would find that the task they had set out for themselves would not be so simple. But the chances were slim, and there was little to no reaction to the threats, at least not any that the commoner would see.

Putting the heated words behind them the Skayans prepared a reception in anticipation of more replies. For security reasons the location of Kharakhorum could never be revealed and so the Khan's War Palace would be used to greet the arrivals.

Pearched on the Isle of Iona, the massive structure loomed well within view of the Black Gates standing as a harbinger to that which would be unleashed when the gates were opened. The stone had been made black and was constructed on the isle because there would always be a thundercould hovering above it, thundering the tune of war.

However, it certainly was not an ugly ro unsightly structure...mearly intimidating. In fact, were it to serve another purpose, one might describe it as "beautiful" or "a symbol of national pride" rather than the words that escaped a citizen's lips with a shudder when it was spoken of. However, arriving delegates would see only the beauty today. The entrance was flanked by massive Skayan flags, draped from two massive towers.

The ingress leading up to the entrance was surrounded by lush feilds spotted with trees which only ended when met be the water line. Iona sat squarely in the center of a large lake, and from the water's level only huge expanses of untamed forests could be seen. In fact, no one could say just where the isle was. Transports would disappear into a tunnel on one side of a mountain, take a winding subterranean route filled with false endings and emerge on the otherside in a world totally different from the one they had just departed. It was truely quite the experience.

Standing to greet the arrivals would be each member of the Skayan High Council in all their ceremonial glory. Extravagance and displays of military might were two things to be adored by Skayans and this was quite the opportunity. They would all be in their ceremonial armor, standing in front of a formation of their most elite soldiers while drummers were stationed to set a beat as the guests would be marched into the Palace for the meeting to begin.

The guests would be marched throught the Great Hall and see the mosaic on the floor and the tapestries on the wall depicting the glory of the Khans throughout history. Then they would enter the State Hall and see an enormous mahogany table with enough chairs surrounding it to accomodate all the guests. At the head would sit the Khan, across from him, his most respected general, this way all guests could converse with a Skayan if they so chose. The entire meal, all seven courses would be set out on the table and the guests would only ask a servant to fetch them something and it would be delivered in seconds.

This would be the time for acquaintances to be made and questions about the Skayan and Kantemirov culture to be asked. Following dinner entertainment would be provided so that the guests could enjoy themselves before they were given a room to stay in before the closing ceremonies the next day.

Minutes after the missive had arrived the Khan was in his transport and off to see that the Palace was in a suitable condition for the upcoming function.