NationStates Jolt Archive

When a Storm Brews

24-06-2007, 00:29
The west country side of Alborio, lovely pure, small hills and flate plains. Windmills and farms with small cities and towns scatterd through out. But it has it's harsh weather from time to time, which certianlly makes people wonder about if they have upset God. Being a nonbelive in Alborio wasn't of the majority. With an overwhelming traditional Christian domination, you would be better off some place else. But the quaint small city of Alkamar people just went about their business having freindly neighborly greetings. Antonia was one of it's youthful residents. She loved the Windmills that were scatterd around. She was usually told not to play in them and most of the time she complied with her parents. But Antonia wasn't just a local girl, she was the Govener's Daughter.

Governer Ernst Roepnaam. A Govener was held to the highest of standards. So much so even an Adulterious Affair can be far more sever than for simple civilan. And that was his dirty laundry. A 40 some year old man, wife and 4 kids having an affair in secret. "Well I'm off to the Office."

"Will you be working late again?" Asked his wife Karin.

"Likely so." He said nothing more and walked out. His late nights were his love affair nights. His mistress was well aware of his double life. "I don't understand," her name was Juliana. "If you really love me then why don't you just come with me? You don't have to be Governer forever. Leave Karin come back with me." Juliana was actually his first Girlfreind in highschool, they dated untill he chose to go with Karin. "Babe, you know I'd love too but untill Antonia is finished I think I should just simply keep on. Besides don't you find this more exciting?"

"Bloody anti-Divorce Laws."

"I know my dear but I'm not Prime Minister. It's not up to me. Besides once I leave Karin I will have to leave my political life as well."

"Well I'm running late." He pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. "See you later."


It was bright and sunny Antonia was reseless with her daily Bible study. She anxiously waited for the hourglass sand to run out. Her freinds Joeri and Melody we're waiting for her. The sand ran out at last. "Yes." She closed her book and ran downstairs. "Ma'ma, has Papa left already?"

"Yes dear he has, do you need something?"

"No I was just wondering. I'm done with my daily study can I please go out and play?"

"All right."

Antonia quickly ran out of the house and hopped on her bike. She rode out to the country side. "Hey."

"Finally. So what do we do now?"

"Melody found something.."

"It's in the big windmill up the road, let's go."

They followed with out question. "Tada!" Melody revealed a box full of kittens.

"Aah they're so cute!" Antonia said.

"Girls, only you would do this." He sighed and sat down. Outside the sunny skies were going dark as a large storm front moved in. In no time it was cloud burst. The kittens we're frightend and the old windmill was creaking loudly. Antonia and Melody were frightend themselves. Jorei was putting on a brave face and trying to keep the girls calm. It wasn't long before a tornado came out of the dark clouds. It barrled down with out mercy on the windmill throwing the children a ways away. All survived but spent some time in the hospital. The minister asked for the children to be forgiven of their sins.


"I'm sorry but I think I should stop seeing you." Ernst said to Juliana.


"Just the...The twister my daughter the city all looking to me to see if I encoured the wrath of God...."

"I don't belive in that nonsense."

"Well I was raised that way. I may have grown weary..."

"Do it with me and tell me you don't love me...." She made a move on him quickly, it was too tempting to resist for him.

His secratary could no longer keep this a secret. She reported and word was quickly spreading.
24-06-2007, 00:36
WCC Network was the only media station in the country. It was restricted to post the truth and nothing but the truth and good moral content. When they go word of this they quickly reported it. WCC's news seldom was picked up by international media.

"Governer Ernst Roepnaam, of Alkamar has been reported to be involved in a scandalous afair with another woman. It is expected that he will undergo an investigation by the House of Elections and Privadgles for Adultry. If found guilty he will be stripped of his position and serve time in jail. If the judge feels otherwise he could be executed."
24-06-2007, 01:10
"Now the matter of Governer Ernst Roepnaam."

"He's clearly looks like an adulterater but where is the evidence?"

"Testimoney from the secratary, the wife has noticed a great diffrence, all the classic signs."

"But we are going off the testimoney of one person. We are talking this man's life and postion here."

"Well his town certianly has had some bad luck. In the last two years they have had two floods, 18 fires, some of which were arson, seven tornadoes, and an uncalled for Gay Rights Demonstration. "

"Demonstration? How did that happen?"

"It was an illegal gathering even though they were denied the right to march, they did it anyway and a riot erupted. No one was killed by the Grace of God..."

"Grace of God? You mean fags actually survived?"

"Apparently. So has most of the town admist these disasters. Only five deaths have resulted in total."

"Well still, Grace of God or not, the law is the law. If he has comitted adultry he must stand accountable for it."

"All thoes in favor for impeachment for adultry, say aye."

"Aye" They all rigned out.

"All thoes opposed say Nay."

No oppostion.

"Thoes Abstanined please state."

No abstantions.

"Well with 28 for, none against and no abstantions, this motion passes."


"An affair, what happend to us?" Karin asked.

"Honey this is an attempt by my rivals in the Secular Party to dicredit me."

"I want you to know regardless I can forgive. I'm Christian Woman but, Ernst, I need you to tell me if you had an affair."

"No Karin I didn't. I know Antonia getting hurt was terrible but it's just nature it's just the natural things. Tornadoes are going to happen no matter what."

It was suddenly dark and stormy again. This made Ernst nervouse. His wife embraced him. He couldn't bring him self to tell her. He still respected her he supposed. "Oh Ernst, I'm just frightend by this."

Thunder crashed with lighting. Ernst made a mistake. How could he have been so stupid? Why didn't he ask God to put the spice back in his relation rather than Sin? This weather was really the wrath of God. He still could do nothing but lie to his wife. The less she knew the better she was, he felt.
Now he would have to Convince the House, and the town. His reputation and life was on the line.
24-06-2007, 01:20
OOC: by the way you are welcome to be apart of this. Everything short of delcaring war is acceptable.
24-06-2007, 02:09
"Order, order. The House Investiatigative Comission on Elections and Privladges will soon begin."

Ernst took his seat. He was nervous but if there is one thing you learn in polotics it's how to sway public opinion. He also knew the world, it was becoming more secular which would in turn give him extra support. Especially if he had to leave.

"Mr. Roepnaam, as Govener you understand the charges against you do you not?"

"I do."

"And you understand your crediblity on the basis of these alligations is on the line?"

"I do."

"Mr. Roepnaam, how often do you study the Bible?"

"Well I try to read the Good book as often as I can. I've always had my children do an hour-long study. It's been hard since I became Governer."
24-06-2007, 19:23
"Mr. Roepnaam, in your time as Governer your city has sufferd an incredible ammount of turmoil from nature and civil disorder. This has led many to think you have conjored the wrath of God."

"Well...It has been a trying time and I have asked the Lord for forgivness if I have sinned. Nature is nature and God has a natural flow of things. If that means twisters, floods then so be it. But I think it's a test. After all the Lord wants us to be humble and close to him right?"

The audience agreed even the comission nodded in agreement. He was working well.


"Please state your name."

"Alexandra De Jong."

"You have been Mr. Roepnaam's secratary since he was elected?"

"That's right."

"And you are the one making these allegations?"


"Could you state what you saw."

"Mr. Roepnaam and another woman, in his office, adulterating."

"And you know Mr. Roepnaam's family well?"

"Yes I do. I even babysat for Antonia when she was still a small child."

"Do you have any had evidence regarding this?"

"No I do not. But I do have a financial record of unusual purchases he's made. Including a portable telephone, even an paid for a crew to rig electricity to another house."

"And who's house?"

"I think it's the hussies' that he's been seeing. In the mean time half the town is still going with out modern-electricity."
24-06-2007, 19:51
ooc: Comments, criticisim, praise?