23-06-2007, 20:23
Northford Herald
Northfordian Industrial Base Retools
Government places numerous overseas orders of Arms, Consumer Goods and Raw Materials
Heavy Equipment like this is to be shortly retooled to make ammunition propellent, causing production shortages in some sectors of the economy
In line with the Mobilisation of the Northfordian Military this week, the Cabnet have announced the large scale retooling of Northfordian Factories throughout the Country, both along the Northern and Southern conurbanations, as well as in the Industrial Heartlands deep within Northford.
A shocking move to some, who suspected that the mobilisation was merely a done as a talking move to please Questarian demands for aid, this latest stage of Northfordian mobilisations will have reprocussions throughout the whole country.
Already, analysts predicted that the activation of the National Guard, as well as the mobilisation of the Northfordian Militia on the Southern and Eastern Boarder, there would be minor job shortages, in the coming months, with a peak of -3% Unemployment expected to be hit before Christmas.
This latest move however, is set to upset the balance in a number of ways: Firstly, by retooling, it will actually free up a large number of workers in the immediate furture, in certain sectors, since the factories themselves will not be producing while they are being re-tooled to make war equipment. Balancing this out, the short term drain caused by mobilisation of the Militia and National Guard will, in all likelyhood lead to minimial disruption.
Following this however, things are less clear. One part of the economy which will be hit the least, it is suspected, is the soon-to-be-revitalised construction industry. Though shrinking by approximately 3% per annum in terms of share of GDP in recent decades, with the rebuilding of Northford complete, the scurry for Private, Government and Military bunkers and forts will surely cause it to boom. That said, oweing to the urgency these constructions, it is likely that the National Guard, and Militia, the very people causin the shortages, would be drafted in to fill them.
It has always been said in Northford that the one piece of state internvention in the Economy was a bad one. When the Questarian Commonwealth of Northford first made landfall in Haven, it was ordered, right from the start, for the bulk of Northfordian Industry, Factories and Warehouses be located as far into the interior as possible, away from the low lying residential areas.
There were, of course, a number of reasons for this, based on both improvements in the enviroment that were to be reaped (smog, light pollution etc), a closer location to many raw materials, as well as, (in recent weeks) importantly, the fact it is much easier to defend an inland target.
Until now, however, the electorate constantly critisized this decision. Essentially, by having the bulk of the industrial, it has made it unacessable to most of the population. In doing this, it has forced the factories to become labour efficent, and, as a consequence, lead the Northfordians to persue, labour wise, a knowedge based economy: 2% of the Population is employed abroad in 'knowedge' based jobs in Questers, alone.
However, in recent weeks, with trouble brewing within the whole Questarian Commonwealth, criticisms of such a policy may have proved short sighted.
Northfordian Industrial Base Retools
Government places numerous overseas orders of Arms, Consumer Goods and Raw Materials
Heavy Equipment like this is to be shortly retooled to make ammunition propellent, causing production shortages in some sectors of the economy
In line with the Mobilisation of the Northfordian Military this week, the Cabnet have announced the large scale retooling of Northfordian Factories throughout the Country, both along the Northern and Southern conurbanations, as well as in the Industrial Heartlands deep within Northford.
A shocking move to some, who suspected that the mobilisation was merely a done as a talking move to please Questarian demands for aid, this latest stage of Northfordian mobilisations will have reprocussions throughout the whole country.
Already, analysts predicted that the activation of the National Guard, as well as the mobilisation of the Northfordian Militia on the Southern and Eastern Boarder, there would be minor job shortages, in the coming months, with a peak of -3% Unemployment expected to be hit before Christmas.
This latest move however, is set to upset the balance in a number of ways: Firstly, by retooling, it will actually free up a large number of workers in the immediate furture, in certain sectors, since the factories themselves will not be producing while they are being re-tooled to make war equipment. Balancing this out, the short term drain caused by mobilisation of the Militia and National Guard will, in all likelyhood lead to minimial disruption.
Following this however, things are less clear. One part of the economy which will be hit the least, it is suspected, is the soon-to-be-revitalised construction industry. Though shrinking by approximately 3% per annum in terms of share of GDP in recent decades, with the rebuilding of Northford complete, the scurry for Private, Government and Military bunkers and forts will surely cause it to boom. That said, oweing to the urgency these constructions, it is likely that the National Guard, and Militia, the very people causin the shortages, would be drafted in to fill them.
It has always been said in Northford that the one piece of state internvention in the Economy was a bad one. When the Questarian Commonwealth of Northford first made landfall in Haven, it was ordered, right from the start, for the bulk of Northfordian Industry, Factories and Warehouses be located as far into the interior as possible, away from the low lying residential areas.
There were, of course, a number of reasons for this, based on both improvements in the enviroment that were to be reaped (smog, light pollution etc), a closer location to many raw materials, as well as, (in recent weeks) importantly, the fact it is much easier to defend an inland target.
Until now, however, the electorate constantly critisized this decision. Essentially, by having the bulk of the industrial, it has made it unacessable to most of the population. In doing this, it has forced the factories to become labour efficent, and, as a consequence, lead the Northfordians to persue, labour wise, a knowedge based economy: 2% of the Population is employed abroad in 'knowedge' based jobs in Questers, alone.
However, in recent weeks, with trouble brewing within the whole Questarian Commonwealth, criticisms of such a policy may have proved short sighted.