NationStates Jolt Archive

The Sierra Incident [Story]

20-06-2007, 07:12
ooc: Please don't post IC or OOC. This is story going to be written solely by myself. Feel free to tag and read along silently. If you want to comment, send a TG.

The Sierra Incident
The story of one of the most threatening events
In the known history of the Dominion...
As seen through the eyes of a ghost who lived it

"Fifteen short minutes ago we had received our first mission briefing in nearly a month. A manila folder slipped under the door of our bunker contained some of the most secretive and classified information in the Dominion. Now our Highwind transport helicopter cut through the air, low over the water to avoid radar detection. It carried only seven passengers, myself included, along with the pilot, allowing it to perform at optimal speeds. The other seven members, including the pilot, were all checking their equipment and reviewing the mission statement they had been given. That was all they had to go on. They were not privy to the information I was; the importance of the information - though obvious based on our involvement - remained unknown to all but me and me alone. That is why as my comrades loaded their guns with fifty-caliber, armor piercing, explosive charged, missiles of god, I stood alone grasping the handle next to the open helicopter door and feeling the mist of the ocean spray up onto my visor. Because of the status and background to this information, there was no plan to be had - even that had been left to my discretion when we landed and analyzed the situation from the ground.

The coordinates I then issued would put us somewhere in the snowy mountains of the Klondike. Apparently, it was home to one of those Dominion bases that didn't exist. An airbase no doubt based on its positioning. This one was codenamed Sierra - a name that would soon become synonymous with what could be the most infamous incident of the last century - not that anyone would ever hear of it. Not if we did our job right - and as a rule we always do our job right. The mission briefing spelled it all out. This classified information had been turned over to me, and me alone to deal with. To make the problem disappear...

One week ago, Central Command had lost all communications with Sierra Base. A satellite passing over the area had reported no unusual activity and it's imaging revealed no disturbances. Nothing was out of place, missing, or damaged. But upon closer analysis it was revealed that there were no people that could be seen on the images either, and that was certainly reason for concern. Normally - well by any means this was not a normal occurrence - but normally the Supreme Allied Commander would have merely sent a small detachment from one of the legions. However, there was another element that made this incident particularly dangerous, damaging, and threatening. Only five weeks prior to the incident, the first clone of Operation New Age had graduated their training and had been moved into regularly military force as they replaced their normal human counterparts. Obviously, the Supreme Allied Commander did not see it as a mere coincidence and recognized the damage it could do to Operation New Age if the clones had been responsible. Trillions of dollars wasted, the future military force destroyed, an operation aborted, and an end to the operation that would either result in the execution of twenty million future soldiers or the greatest displacement in Dominion history. Thus he came to us... to Rogue Force.

Fifteen minutes ago me and my men were tossing cards into a hat and weltering in the heat of our cook-box bunker. Fifteen minutes ago the future of the Dominion had been placed into our hands. Into the hands of ghosts..."

-Journal Entry I
Coded February 23, 2020
Timestamp: 19:20 CLT
20-06-2007, 07:14
The Hands of Ghosts
A mystery for the ages...
A moment suspended in time...
A man seeking the truth...

"Into the hands of ghosts... A man once asked me why ghosts were so feared in today's society. I responded that it wasn't the ghost that people were afraid of, but rather the consequences such a revelation would have on their reality. He chortled and told me that was utter nonsense, equating such a revelation to scientifically important but socially ignored findings about the therapeutic effects of lemon-grass soup on the common dormouse. A bullet pierced his skull as I posthumously informed him that lemongrass soup had no hands with which to hold a high caliber rifle... they place their security, fate, and trust.

I am not a nice man - I am not paid to be nice. I am not a bad man - I am not paid to be bad. I am paid to execute my orders without question, hesitation, or failure. And yet I am still a man, enslaved to mortality, subject to flaw, capable of error... and of sin. Sin... such a simple word and yet a word of most incredible weight, devastating power, and controversial discussion. The Muslims call it dhanb. The Hindus call it papa. Christians call it sin. But most dangerous of all, the atheists call it nothing. Thus arises a most peculiar question of why... why I serve a nation of doubters, nonbelievers and atheists when I also serve the one true God. People have said it is the natural preference one has to one's country or city or family or people or religion or whatever, regardless of other circumstances. Others say that loving one's nation simply because is not a good reason, drawn from an arbitrary line in the sand. But I tell them the line is not arbitrary; it is a line shaped by the ages and stained red with the countless millions who have died serving, defending, and protecting it. And I tell them that my line in the sand is surrounded on all sides by the endless waters of the frigid oceans...

Still others ask how I can pretend to wear the veil of the habit while wielding the handle of the flaming sword. I assure you I profess no delusion of being Azrael, but nor do I pretend anything. Through a very complicated series of logical and illogical conclusions I've come to accept the fact that they do and thus must be able to exist in the same reality. And Reality and God are the only things I do believe in...

However, ironically I question God and religion more than I question what I am told to do by my country... and my country is represented by a single man. Thus I must have an amazing amount of faith in this one man, perhaps even more than in God. But then would I be simply a pawn in this game of global chess; a tiny insignificant pawn into a sea of trillions. Yet into this hand of a ghost has been placed one of the greatest responsibilities and powers in recent history. A pawn with ultimate power. A king powerless but to command. A board with hidden pieces and no empty squares...

-Journal Entry II
Coded February 23, 2020
Time-stamp: 20:35 CLT