1st Peacekeepers
15-06-2007, 03:15
The Firefly Trade Union, henceforth the FTU, has doweled in its solar system for too long. The FTU is now financially and technologically able to compete on the galactic level. The FTU has decided to open up a conference to establish tie with the nations of the galaxy. The conference will take place on the capital of the FTU, the planet Allgeary. All nations are welcome to attend.
15-06-2007, 03:28
We are interested in attending. We have a variety of goods and technology to sell. We would be interested in sending the trade minister, Mimi Ohyes to attend. We currently have agricultural seed plants from a dozen worlds in many varieties, botanicals-- ornamental flowers and trees from six different worlds, pack beetles, pack horses, and -- dugs-- an armored dog bug hybrids, a variety of biological materials, solar glassteel, bioceramics, grown shaped crystals, and bioplastics.
The Phoenix Militia
16-06-2007, 05:56
The Imperial Vanguard of The Phoenix Militia would be interested in sending a delegation or representative. We wish to know first however, where exactly in the galaxy Allegeary is.
The Phoenix Militia
18-06-2007, 06:25
We are attempting to back trace your signal and find your planet, but it would be quicker if you just told us. :)