International Church Planting and Expansion (Wide Open)
Presbyterian Church NS
14-06-2007, 05:09
OOC: If any nation wishes to have PCNS Churches planted within their borders, please post here about how many and of what size you wish to have. If any nation believes they already have PCNS churches within their borders, please post here with the same information. If any nation has a conservative Christian Denomination that would be interested in working together/ joining with the PCNS, please post here.
IC: In this dark age of Modernism where Unbelief and Liberalism seek to tear out the very core of our Christian Church, there can be no more time for bickering and infighting amongst God-fearing Christians. It is for this reason, that the largest Reformed Denomination in the World, the PCNS, has decided to begin a 10 year campaign of evangelism and expansion worldwide.
It is the intention of the International Synod of the PCNS to bring the Gospel to millions of souls who were previously outside the reach of a Bible-believing Church, and to attempt to bring a sizeable Christian presence to bear on the socio-political landscape of every Country where it is feasible to do so.
Further it is the intention, especially of the Moderator, Dr. Kenneth Stevens, who many may know from the Television Program, "The Hour of Truth", to reach out to other Believing Christian Denominations to strengthen their work in their respective nations both through cooperation, and perhaps through joining the PCNS Communion.
Together, we can Reclaim the World for Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Ralph Edmonds
Vice Moderator, PCNS
OOC: is this account going to lead to a large crusade?
The Community has no laws barring the expansion of religious institutions. Conservative estimates say that about 5% of the population would be interested in joining your church.
~Department of Population and Statistics
Allanean News Report
"In other news, due to the recent war with Doomingsland, and terrorist acts committed by catholic terorrists, membership in the Catholic church is decreasing, as opposed to membership in the various protestant nominations. As of today, only 3.5% of the population self-identify Catholic, whereas about 22% self-identify with various renditions of protestantism..."
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 03:49
OOC: Not a military crusade, but a spiritual one. This is basically a really conservative outfit that is going to support freedom of religion and speech etc. etc. as it applies to defending the faith. We are also going to do our best to put a stop to anti-Christian politics and policies in nations in which we operate.
PCNS Pastors Weekly Briefing:
Siap: The Reformed faith has found new fertile ground in the nation of Siap. Missionaries to that country are reporting a great deal of success in winning hearts and minds for Christ. Already over 55 Churches have been built in the nation. Currently, a staggering 5% of the population has joined or is in the process of entering into a communion with a PCNS or a PCNS affiliated Church or Missionary Congregation.
Allanea: The PCNS, already one of the larger Protestant denominations in Allanea, and occupying the most Prominent Church in the nation's capitol, is making great strides for Christ. The growing disillusion with the Roman Church is opening the hardened hearts of men to the call of Truth. Furthermore, the "Hour of Truth" broadcast is reaching record viewership there.
Red Tide2
19-06-2007, 03:53
Official Statement From TSRT Government
"As long as you do not criticise the State and pay the taxes, you will be left alone."
End Statement
Allanean News Report
"The recent kidnapping of the late Reverend Graves by Manus Dei terrorists and his resulting death has caused a backlash against Catholicism. In some areas, acts of hate against Catholics have been the sad result. Five catholics have been so far assassinated, and fourteen injured. More importantly, Protestantism in Allanea has acquired a new push, and Catholicism is disappearing...."
19-06-2007, 06:33
Official Notice of the Catholic Church in Jaredcohenia
Cardinal Maxim Romoslav
19-06-2007, 06:36
Descartesland News Network:
"It seems a new group has sprung up to promote their own brand of religion. Presbyterian Church NS seems to wish to expand their churches into many nations. When a PCNS representative came to Descartesland to speak to the citizens, he was laughed at and surrounded by a mob that was bent on getting him to renounce his faith. He was promptly put on a plane out of the country for his own safety. You'd think after the Catholic Church failed to gain a foothold here, religions would stay away. Perhaps stronger atheistic legislation is in order!
In other news, the National Platypus, Mindy has finally hatched her egg. A male platypus was born and he has been named Mork."
The random Descartian watching the news switched off his set and grumbled about religious fanatics and the crap on the news these days...
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 06:37
Religious Ministry
Many of our churches teach liberalism, and conservative religion is most unpopular. Moderate churches are most common. However, you are authorized to set up one trial church inside the TPF capitol. Note that all religions are taxed.
Cherry Ridge
19-06-2007, 17:20
Outside of Carmel, the seat of the royal court, sat a small town, New Canaan. New Canaan looked like the typical Ridgian town, with a massive church in the center. However, if one were to walk past this church, and continue up the small street, they would encounter a smaller church, in the New England style of Architecture. Outside this church now, a man in a tan suit was walking with a man in an impeccable black suit, followed by two more men in a blacksuit. Another man sat in a car parked up the street a few feet. The man in the tan suit looked distressed, as the men in the black suit walked away. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
Reverend Doctor Ralph Edmonds,
It is with distress that I write to you. As you probably know, the Ridgian Presbyterian Synod is extremely small, with 20 churches scattered in the entire mainland of Cherry Ridge. We recently entered into communion with the Berchman Synod, to attempt to releieve our financial woes. However, this has nto worked, as the Berchman Churches are quite affluent, however, they also preach the false gospel of moral laxity. It is for this reason that, after conferring with my own board of elders, and the entire synod, I am requesting that the Ridgian Synod, and Berchman Synod, be received into the PCGP. You will have to re known as the PCGP within Cherry Ridge, as you were previously incorporated as that. Registering with a new name causes the synod to be "reset" with less rights, as you would be considered a new religious group.
May Christ be with you,
Rev. William Hamilton
Pastor, New Canaan Presbyterian Church
Moderator, United Presbyterian Synod of Cherry Ridge
The White-Robed Monks
19-06-2007, 18:18
Dr. Edmonds,
While any religion is welcome within our communal boundaries, I must say that if you were going to attempt to "convert" us to a conservative form of presbyterianism, you would have a very hard go of it. Our worship is based solely on Jesus. Not rules and regulations. Not traditions of men. Not a heirarchal structure of ruling elders who hand down decisions for "the flock."
Forgive me if I assume too much. But we Monks have been reaping the mature fruit of the Spirit for a long time. It just seems that your method of belief would be a step backward for us.
I and the Monks would enjoy a dialogue with you. I'm sure we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
All Blessings,
Abbot Mencius Merton
Religion is not a priority within The Kingdom of SaintB, however we will extend an invitation to you and your's if you wish to expand within our borders.
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 19:27
To: Abbot Mencius Merton
From: Dr. Ralph Edmonds
Abbot Merton,
It may seem odd for you to hear, but your letter is a bit of a blessing for our church. This is a perfect example of misunderstandings that can develop between two Christian bretheren, usually based on misinformation provided by those outside the Church. As this is especially relevant, I have forwarded this letter to the Moderator of the Denomination, Dr. Kenneth Stevens, to answer.
In Christ,
Dr. Edwards.
Abbot Merton,
Greetings in the name of the one true Saviour Jesus Christ.
I want to begin the answer to your letter by emphasizing a point that is often not heard in reformed Churches. Though Monasticism could unintentionally lead to a concept of works based salvation...Martin Luther thoroughly emphasized the value of Monasticism and the values of self sacrifice and submission to God that go with it. Modern Christians have a great deal to learn from Monastic devotion.
In regards to your assertions about the Presbyterian Church, I want to emphasize that the centre of our Worship, and the Centre of our Church is Jesus Christ and none other. Our doctrine and services are scripturally based, and we believe in the authority and infallibility of the Holy Bible. We are, in every sense of the word, a Reformation Church. Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solo Christo, Sola Scriptura, Soli Deo Gloria...all of these concepts are engraved into the very spirit of our Church.
Further, our goal is not to convert you to a conservative form of Presbyterianism. As one of my mentors used to say, "I wouldn't go from one street to the other to make you a Presbyterian." Our goal is to win hearts and minds for Jesus Christ, not the Presbyterian Church, or the Lutheran Church, or any other. The ultimate goal is the salvation of souls, not Church membership. As part of achieving this ultimate goal, it is necessary for us to expand our efforts and outreach ministries into other countries in order that they may hear the Gospel. It would certainly be nice if they joined the PCNS, but we do as much work with helping other local Churches outside of our denomination as we do with the expansion of our own.
The only rules and regulations adhered to and propigated by the PCNS are those that are Biblically based. If any in the Christian Church opposes these rules and regulations, it would be certainly to their detriment. Any "Traditions of Men" are actively opposed within the Church as we use the Holy Scripture as our Final Authority. Further, in our opposition to centralized Church governments, the synod and elders of the Church cannot send down infallible pronouncements of Doctrine as is done in the Catholic Church. We are all men, and fallen from Grace. The Elders and Synods of the Church are strictly in place for the guidance and management of the Church not to micromanage the individual beliefs of the Congregants.
However, as it is written, the letter kills but the spirit of the law gives life. We are indeed in a covenant of Grace and our transgressions, if we believe in Christ, are washed away in the blood of the lamb. As Christians, we are cautioned not to stray towards legalism, nor are we to stray towards license either. Christ has given us freedom in many things, and has given us freedom from the task master of the law. But, the law is not revoked in anywise. Indeed, out of the love of Christ, we strive to adhere to the guidelines Christ has set for our lives...this is the distinction between dead and Saving faith.
The only thing that matters is the winning of souls and the fulfillment of the Great Commission, to make disciples out of the whole world.
As a point of Curiousity, may I ask you a personal question?
If you were to die today, do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will go to Heaven?
And also, if you were to stand before the Throne of God today, and he was to ask you, "Abbot Merton, why should I let you into my Heaven?" what would you say?
The answers to these questions hold the very central tennets of the Christian faith.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Kenneth Stevens
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 19:41
To: Rev. William Hamilton
From: Dr. Kenneth Stevens
Rev. Hamilton,
We are certainly upset to learn of your struggles and trials. The PCNS is certainly willing to assist and indeed enter into Communion with your Church. This however, cannot be an immediate process. The Church will send observeres, ministers, missionaries, and management staff to assist you in your problems. After the issues within your denomination have been identified by our aides, they will report to the International Synod who will then vote upon your entrance.
One more issue that will need to be dealt with...your individual pastors will have to submitt a statement of Faith to the Synod and your Synod must recognize the Westminster Confession of Faith in its entirity. Further, your Synod must present a "State of the Church" report for the International Synod to examine in order for us to most effectively assist you.
The matter of a vote is merely procedural. If your Pastors have clean criminal records and are clean in their personal lives, and if your denomination adopts the standards we have set forth, it is a foregone conclusion that you will be accepted into the International Communion.
As for the naming issue. A name matters little. If we must, we will operate as the PCGPE within your nation.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Kenneth Stevens
Senior Minister, New Geneva Presbyterian Church
Moderator, PCNS
The Rafe System
19-06-2007, 19:52
Saluton, Mr. Ralph EDMONDS,
We here in the Rafe System are Pagan, yet we see you have facilities here.
Congradulations, your land and other assets has come under control of the State.
Prisoners who have been chain-ganged are going to dismantle these same said facilities.
Art will be sold out of the country, metals will be melted down for use in coin.
Your employees may leave, after being medically scanned. This is to prevent them from coming back; as their biometrics would be on file.
You will be billed for all expenses incurred.
Make no mistake, we do not want war; we want to be left alone. For far too long, Pagans have suffered, the LGBT have suffered, the left-hander has suffered. and WHY?!?!?!!?
The idiocy of customs and tradition. Never asking why things are done, yet doing them anyway.
We are changing that here in the Rafe System,
the first, First Lord
Rafe PAULSON 2007-06-19T11:50Z-7
OOC: If any nation wishes to have PCNS Churches planted within their borders, please post here about how many and of what size you wish to have. If any nation believes they already have PCNS churches within their borders, please post here with the same information. If any nation has a conservative Christian Denomination that would be interested in working together/ joining with the PCNS, please post here.
IC: In this dark age of Modernism where Unbelief and Liberalism seek to tear out the very core of our Christian Church, there can be no more time for bickering and infighting amongst God-fearing Christians. It is for this reason, that the largest Reformed Denomination in the World, the PCNS, has decided to begin a 10 year campaign of evangelism and expansion worldwide.
It is the intention of the International Synod of the PCNS to bring the Gospel to millions of souls who were previously outside the reach of a Bible-believing Church, and to attempt to bring a sizeable Christian presence to bear on the socio-political landscape of every Country where it is feasible to do so.
Further it is the intention, especially of the Moderator, Dr. Kenneth Stevens, who many may know from the Television Program, "The Hour of Truth", to reach out to other Believing Christian Denominations to strengthen their work in their respective nations both through cooperation, and perhaps through joining the PCNS Communion.
Together, we can Reclaim the World for Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Ralph Edmonds
Vice Moderator, PCNS
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 19:55
To: Religious Ministry, Peoples Freedom
From: Dr. Ralph Edmonds, Vice Moderator PCNS
To the Relevant Authorities within the Ministry of Religion,
We appreciate the invitation to operate within your nation. We wish to emphasize that Conservative, Liberal, and Moderate are simply names. The only relevant feature of a Church is that it is Christ Centered and Bible Believing. They can call themselves as they will. Most Churches that consider themselves Liberal tend to blatantly violate not only the Letter, but indeed the Spirit of the Law because of a variety of reasons, including fear to offend, belief that diversity is more Important than Christ, and even a great deal of unbelief. Many Churches that consider themselves Conservative can tend to be legalistic, and this leads to a non-Reformation non-Biblically based faith in the works of one's hands, not in the efficacy of the Sacrifice of Christ. Churches that bill themselves to be Moderate tend to try to take the middle road simply to appear reasonable.
We at the PCNS believe that the road to take is not Conservative, Liberal, or Moderate, but that the only way to the Father is through the Son, Jesus Christ. Whatever Christ commands, we do. Where he leads, we follow.
Grace and Peace.
Dr. Edmonds
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 19:59
To: The Rafe System
From: Dr. Kenneth Stevens.
Church records show no assets in the Rafe System. We can only assume that you are lieing.
I pray that Christ will open your heart that the light may break through the darkness.
Praying for you,
Dr. Stevens
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 20:20
Religious Ministry
Yes, we believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the only thing one must believe in. I would like to let you know that Matt Booch, a prominent politician, has agreed to attend your first service, despite the face he is a Lutheran. He hopes that silly demonations do not get in the way of the teaching of our Lord.
Presbyterian Church NS
19-06-2007, 20:50
The PeoplesFreedom
Rev. Albert Billingsly had only arrived in the Capitol of the Peoples Freedom a few months ago at the outset of the Missionary surge. He had arrived, only knowing a few people in the Capitol that had been meeting privately, and lacked sufficient numbers to merit a church building.
As soon as he arrived, he searched out for friendly churches that might assist him in his ministries. Using money provided by the Denomination, he had set up a large soupkitchen to assist the poor and the homeless. Here, he got a chance to speak to the people one on one about the truths of the Christian faith, and touch broken lives for Christ.
As time passed, they rented out a small storefront building to worship in. Several curious passerbyes dropped in. If they expressed any interest, the minister would go visit them. Evangelism was the main goal of the entire Church. Rev. Billingsly was trained in one of the most effective, Biblical methods of Evangelism, and was equipped to train others. Within months of his arrival, nearly 55 people had begun attending regular services, enough to qualify to be recognized by the Denomination as a permanent Church. They were officially recognized as such and the Church in People's freedom was dubbed The New Liberty Presbyterian Church.
With the tithes and offerings presented by the Congregation, a Church building was established. It wasn't extremely impressive like the New Geneva Cathedral, Just a brick building with a white steeple...very cute infact.
The first service in the new building had a surprise congregant, one of the leading politicians, Matt Booch.
After the congregation had sung the Opening Hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God", the minister prayed.
"Oh father, we thankyou that you have granted that hearts and minds have been won for Christ in this city. We thankyou further for the Christian heritage of this nation, and of the Germanic peoples. Let us never forget that Martin Luther, who proclaimed and rediscovered the Gospel after centuries of Darkness was of this nation. Let us remember that it was the Reformation that brought freedom and democracy to the World by tearing down the oppressive establishments of the Roman Church and instilling in the hearts of men, a Christian love of Freedom, and the famous Protestant work Ethic. Let us not forget our Christian and Reformation heritage and trade in our spiritual inheritance for worldly things. In Christ we pray, Amen."
The service proceeded with the reading of the scriptures, another hymn, and a Sermon on the topic of Salvation by faith alone, and assurance of Salvation...the two most Important parts of the Christian faith.
Afterwards, as Billingsly greeted the congregation as they left, he paused to shake the hand of Mr. Booch. "Good Morning, I hope you enjoyed the service."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 20:59
Booch smiled as he shook his hand. " It was very pleasant. Always feels good to be in the presence of our Lord. Come, Reverend, let us sit and discuss matters, unless you are busy, in which case, I fully understand."
The Latin Peoples
19-06-2007, 21:01
The nation of Nova Romania welcomes the Presbyterian Church to construct churches in Nova Romania.
19-06-2007, 21:34
The PeoplesFreedom:
"I'm glad to hear that, and Of Course I have time. We could always meet here in my office, but I would certainly be pleased if you would join me for lunch. My wife has just made a great deal of Fried Chicken with all the fixings. Granted, not very healthful, but very comforting."
Nova Romania:
Several missionaries had been sent out specifically to Nova Romania by order of the International Synod. These highly trained missionaries were having a great deal of success in Evangelizing the poor, the downtrodden, and even some of the elite. Within a years time, several Churches had popped up in the area, and were working hand in hand with other local churches to advance Christian Causes. Demand even began to rise on the local television networks to begin carrying "The Hour of Truth" the television outreach of the PCNS.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 21:48
" Ah chicken. How I love fried chicken, it would be an honor to join you. Please, Reverend, would you ride with me? I am afraid that I have a security detail, and they do insist on myself driving with them."
The Latin Peoples
19-06-2007, 22:01
Nova Romania:
Several missionaries had been sent out specifically to Nova Romania by order of the International Synod. These highly trained missionaries were having a great deal of success in Evangelizing the poor, the downtrodden, and even some of the elite. Within a years time, several Churches had popped up in the area, and were working hand in hand with other local churches to advance Christian Causes. Demand even began to rise on the local television networks to begin carrying "The Hour of Truth" the television outreach of the PCNS.
Nova Romania:
The missionaries were welcomed by those who were interested in this newly arriving denomination, joining the ranks of the Church of Nova Romania (which can be compared to the Church of England) and other denominations.
The effects of the missionaries' programs included the building of shelters and soup kitchens, as well as some converts who converted after talking to the missionaries.
Some of the other denominations began to work with the Presbyterians, including local groups who were similar to the Presbyterians, such as their adoption of Calvinism.
The newly opened churches were filled with interested people and newly formed converts, the first services used a famous hymn by Henry Purcell: "Thou Knowest Lord, the secrets of our hearts".
"Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts;
shut not thy merciful ears unto our pray'rs;
but spare us, Lord most holy,
O God most mighty,
O holy and most merciful Saviour,
Thou most worthy Judge eternal,
Suffer us not at our last hour,
for any pains of death to fall away from Thee."
The Nova Romania Network began to broadcast the "Hour of Truth" program, ratings rose over the next couple of days, it was being broadcasted on Sundays (as most Christian shows are) but only in select parts of the nation, as the NRN did not have stations all throughout Nova Romania.
19-06-2007, 22:04
The Reverend accompanied the politician out to his security detail. The caravan pulled up to a small brick house. The Reverend's wife opened the door and let the two men in. She quickly gave Mr. Booch's security guards glasses of Iced tea and pieces of pie to munch on until the food got on the table.
Soon, an overflowing basket of golden fried chicken with mashed potatoes, greenbeans, fried okra, and corn bread.
"Iced Tea?" the wife asked the Politician.
"So what is it that you wished to speak of?" Billingsly inquired between bites of chicken.
19-06-2007, 22:51
OOC: This is posted as the PCNS.
IC: It was obvious from the first weeks in Nova Romania that the religious climate, and even the cultural climate seemed a perfect fit for the PCNS.
Several Churches had to build new sanctuaries to fit the growing congregations. Permission had even been granted by the Denomination for the formation of the Nova Romanian Presbytery which would join several other Presbyteries in representation at the International synod.
Thanks to the cultural climate the Church Music was consistently exceptional. Several of the Great musicians from the Greater Prussian Presbytery had even opted to move out to Nova Romania to found Music Programmes, and supervise the construction and design of the organs that were being built in the various Churches.
The Denomination even sent money to build Christian Schools and to buy homes for shelters for abused women and unwed mothers.
The Moderator of the Nova Romanian Presbytery had even scheduled a meeting with the head of the Nova Romanian Church, the predominant denomination. Dr. Stevens had sent specific instructions out to the growing regions of the Church to Begin funding and constructing Crisis Pregnancy Centres and to engage in active opposition to abortion, legal and illegal and to do their best to help mothers and their children. It was exactly this important issue that Dr. Gregory Pataki was here to speak about.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-06-2007, 23:00
" This is simply delicious." Purred Booch. His security guards were also enjoying their meal.
" Well, I just wanted to discuss how your church plans on operating in TPF. It's a bit too conservative for my personal taste, but I see absolutely no reason to not allow additional churches in our nation. I wanted to tell you what competition you are up against. 70% of our nation is Protestant, while 20% are Catholics. The remainder mostly consists of Muslims and Jews. Atheisism and Pagans are outlawed." He paused to let the Reverend reply and he decided to sip on his drink.
New Brittonia
19-06-2007, 23:25
The United Socialist States of New Brittonia welcome this church to our nation, but would like to give them some hard facts.
. In 1986, New Brittonia welcomed religion as the Communist Party of New Brittonia removed atheism as one of its requirements. The nation still had freedom of religion before that time but religious beliefs were officially discouraged.
. Religious makeup of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia
Atheist- 47%
Muslim- 32%
Jewish- 5%
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 03:08
The Rev. Billingsly contemplated every word as Booch relayed to him the situation.
"I appreciate your appraisal Sir, and your agreement to allow the Church to Operate here. However, may I ask why it is that you consider us to be so Conservative? Unless every Church here is a huge advocate for Gay Marriage and Legalized abortion, I wouldn't see us as being too far out of the loop."
He sipped a bit of his tea. Thank God it was sweet, he couldnt stand it when his wife forgot the sugar.
"Also, the demographics of your nation are certainly a joy to our ears. I come from a place called the Greater Prussian Empire, which is considered by many to be the Heart of Protestantism. It is always a joy to come to a nation and find such a healthy congregation of Protestants. I am sure our Church will fit in well here, despite some initial misgivings that many have had. We are first and foremost a Church with one eye focused clearly on Reformation roots, and another clearly focused towards the future and how to advance the Kingdom of Christ."
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 03:13
" Well, then, I guess you are not too conservative. Gay marriage is banned, although gays are allowed to be with each other. However, there is many hate crimes against them, and the juries don't care about gays too much to help them. As for abortion, its completly illegal. However we do allow citizens to go out of country for it, and although not a common occurrence, It wouldn't be rare, either. On another note, I am afraid all religious organizations are taxed. Like corporations, you pay 15%. I hope this is is fine for you."
Then he got closer and whispered. " Part of operating a church in TPF is doing what the government wants you to. This means supporting our wars, our laws, and encouraging joining the military. I am afraid that if you cannot operate by these rules, you won't last long."
Open Letter from the Grand Imperial Council of the Advancement of the Protestant Faith And Heritage
Dr. Ralph Edmonds,
With a recent census taken of the churches in Derscon, it was found that approximately twelve percent of all Dersconi subscribe to the PCGPE, now PCNS.
Also, we invite either you or Dr. Stevens himself to come to Neuwittenberg for discussions about PCNS/GICAPFAH relations.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Blazhei Voikinov
Grand Master of the Legio Dei
Chairman of the Grand Imperial Council for the Advancement of the Protestant Faith And Heritage
West Corinthia
20-06-2007, 03:30
Official West Corinthian Statement
Your application to establish facilities in West Corinthia has been denied. We strongly believe in the preservation of our history. Please allow me to explain. West Corinthia was once a part of the Roman Empire. We served it with distinction for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, the Roman emperor Constantine chose to turn his back on ancient Roman customs and beliefs. At this point, Corinthia seceded from the Roman Empire.
We feel it would be a disservice to our ancestors to allow Christianity, in any form, to exist within the borders of West Corinthia or her colonies. Not only does it conflict with the teachings of our state religion, Corinthian Polytheism, but it goes against our very strong Roman heritage.
The Senate of West Corinthia
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 03:30
"Arch Bishop Calventius, I am Dr. Pataki of the Nova Romanian Presbytery of the PCNS. It is wonderul to finally meet you."
"I wanted to know if you could give me some insight into the abortion laws of your nation?" He took a bit of a pause to collect his thoughts, "I have been instructed by Dr. Stevens, the Moderator of the PCNS, to begin the construction of homes for unwed mothers, crisis pregnancy centres, and to launch a Public Relations Campaign against abortion, legal and otherwise. And I have been instructed to approach you for help."
The Latin Peoples
20-06-2007, 03:34
OOC: This is posted as the PCNS.
IC: It was obvious from the first weeks in Nova Romania that the religious climate, and even the cultural climate seemed a perfect fit for the PCNS.
Several Churches had to build new sanctuaries to fit the growing congregations. Permission had even been granted by the Denomination for the formation of the Nova Romanian Presbytery which would join several other Presbyteries in representation at the International synod.
Thanks to the cultural climate the Church Music was consistently exceptional. Several of the Great musicians from the Greater Prussian Presbytery had even opted to move out to Nova Romania to found Music Programmes, and supervise the construction and design of the organs that were being built in the various Churches.
The Denomination even sent money to build Christian Schools and to buy homes for shelters for abused women and unwed mothers.
The Moderator of the Nova Romanian Presbytery had even scheduled a meeting with the head of the Nova Romanian Church, the predominant denomination. Dr. Stevens had sent specific instructions out to the growing regions of the Church to Begin funding and constructing Crisis Pregnancy Centres and to engage in active opposition to abortion, legal and illegal and to do their best to help mothers and their children. It was exactly this important issue that Dr. Gregory Pataki was here to speak about.
Over the couple of weeks, there were more converts coming to the new Presbyterian parishes, and there were also people who were interested in learning more. The creation of the Nova Romania Presbytery would only help the newly growing group get on its feet. The missionaries, etc had to learn Latin, the official language of Nova Romania, as well as the other languages.
Church music was mixed, either the hymns were imported from Europe or written by Nova Romanians. With the Presbyterians bringing in their musical tradition, some parishes began to mix the two, creating a unique style for them to use.
Christian schools were maintained using PCNS funds and the PCNS also opened up shelters for the abused and single. In some time, people began to fill the beds.
Dr. Gregory Pataki would be meeting with a representative from the Church of Nova Romania, since the main people in the CNR, like the Archbishop of Nova Romania, were unable to meet with Pataki at the time.
OOC: If possible, perhaps Pataki could invite the CNR's leader of the "Ministry of Ecumenical Affairs", Gaius Valens to a Presbyterian service? Afterwards, they can discuss issues like abortion.
New Brittonia
20-06-2007, 03:34
ooc- you forgetting me?
You are perfectly welcome to set churches up in Kurona.
The Latin Peoples
20-06-2007, 03:42
"Arch Bishop Calventius, I am Dr. Pataki of the Nova Romanian Presbytery of the PCNS. It is wonderul to finally meet you."
"I wanted to know if you could give me some insight into the abortion laws of your nation?" He took a bit of a pause to collect his thoughts, "I have been instructed by Dr. Stevens, the Moderator of the PCNS, to begin the construction of homes for unwed mothers, crisis pregnancy centres, and to launch a Public Relations Campaign against abortion, legal and otherwise. And I have been instructed to approach you for help."
"It is good to meet you, Mr. Pataki." Archbishop Calventius said, taking a seat at the table. Calventius was in his 30's, just recently appointed as Archbishop by the people of the CNR. He was well known for his attempts to balance traditionalism and modernism. Trying to remember the abortion laws of his nation, Calventius explained them to his visitor.
"Abortion is legal here, but only in cases of rape or if the mother's life is in danger mostly. We take the "via media" or middle way in the issue, instead of being on the left or right sides."
"You would like my help in managing a public relations campaign against abortion? That can be arranged, but just so I can clarify, your view is that it should be illegal in all forms?" the Archbishop asked.
New Brittonia
20-06-2007, 03:49
OOC: Nope, not forgotten. Im getting to it now.
New Brittonia: The odds were firmly against the success of any missionaries sent to this country, but God was with them and guided them. Their evangelism training rendered the missionaries arriving in New Brittonia especially effective in converting Athiests by demonstrating the full logical implications of their position, and showing them the beauty of the Love of Christ which was far more of a comfort in its simple truth than the dark uncertainty of Athiesm.
Further, these missionaries had a great deal of experience dealing with Islam, and were hopeful that they could find converts there.
As soon as they arrived, they sought to make contact with the fledgling Christian Churches there to offer them any aide that they could. Coming from one of the most well-disposed denominations in the world, they had a great deal in the way of money and manpower that they could offer to assist in the growth of these Churches, that in addition to providing Christian Education to make every Christian an effective witness for their faith.
The Cardinal of Epsom would like to visit with the leader of the missionaries to discuss the future of Christianity
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 03:49
OOC: Nope, not forgotten. Im getting to it now.
New Brittonia: The odds were firmly against the success of any missionaries sent to this country, but God was with them and guided them. Their evangelism training rendered the missionaries arriving in New Brittonia especially effective in converting Athiests by demonstrating the full logical implications of their position, and showing them the beauty of the Love of Christ which was far more of a comfort in its simple truth than the dark uncertainty of Athiesm.
Further, these missionaries had a great deal of experience dealing with Islam, and were hopeful that they could find converts there.
As soon as they arrived, they sought to make contact with the fledgling Christian Churches there to offer them any aide that they could. Coming from one of the most well-disposed denominations in the world, they had a great deal in the way of money and manpower that they could offer to assist in the growth of these Churches, that in addition to providing Christian Education to make every Christian an effective witness for their faith.
Ghost Tigers Rise
20-06-2007, 03:58
IC: In this dark age of Modernism where Unbelief and Liberalism seek to tear out the very core of our Christian Church, there can be no more time for bickering and infighting amongst God-fearing Christians. It is for this reason, that the largest Reformed Denomination in the World, the PCNS, has decided to begin a 10 year campaign of evangelism and expansion worldwide.
It is the intention of the International Synod of the PCNS to bring the Gospel to millions of souls who were previously outside the reach of a Bible-believing Church, and to attempt to bring a sizeable Christian presence to bear on the socio-political landscape of every Country where it is feasible to do so.
Further it is the intention, especially of the Moderator, Dr. Kenneth Stevens, who many may know from the Television Program, "The Hour of Truth", to reach out to other Believing Christian Denominations to strengthen their work in their respective nations both through cooperation, and perhaps through joining the PCNS Communion.
Together, we can Reclaim the World for Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Ralph Edmonds
Vice Moderator, PCNS
The Roman Catholic Church of the Commonwealth* is offended by the tone of this statement.
It implies that the word of the Christ is weak in places where it isn't stamped out. It implies that your path is the True Way, blinding others to the truth: that there are many paths to God.
It states that progressive social reform is the enemy of the Christian Church, despite the beliefs and the Word of the Lord. It states that religion has a place in government, despite the Constitution of any reasonable government.
As such, your church will be allowed a free rein in our country. Your televangelists will waste their breath on a flock that is faithful to the Church. Your preachers will come under attack by the misguided Children of the Lord. Your synagogues will become the targets of vandals and miscreants. You will be rejected by the populous, and you will be forced to leave.
~Archdiocese of Sondaica & Yersinia~
*the primary religion of The Commonwealth. About 76% of the population adheres to this faith. About 50,000 people will convert to your faith. They'll be regarded as a cult and the movement will gain very little steam in our country.
Sondaica and Yersinia are the capital and the largest city in GTR, respectively.
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 04:04
To: Blazhei Voikinov
From: Dr. Ralph Edmonds.
Mr. Voikinov,
Derscon has traditionally been a great bastion of Protestant faith and heritage indeed, and is a key nation in the Greater Prussian Presbytery. I know that a huge rift was caused in Dersconi reformed Congregations when the International Synod adopted its new name and focus. There are a huge number of Churches and congregations that were once aligned to the PCGPE that perhaps can be shown that we here in New Geneva have no teeth or claws to speak of.
Dr. Stevens and I will be leaving in the morning to meet you for talks in PCNS/GICAPFAH relations.
In Christ,
Dr. Edmonds
The morning was relatively cold. As Dr. Stevens carried his luggage out to the waiting car he could see the delicate wisps formed by his warm breath in the cold air. It was still dark outside, and the stars were clearly visible. The brilliant light atop the New Geneva Cathedral cast an eery Blue glow across the city. From his house, several miles away, he could see the giant sky-scraperesque tower of the Cathedral which dominated the city skyline.
It was a short ride to the airport, one he had taken several times. He was granted use of an Imperial aircraft, a smaller Lear Jet that had been equipped to suit his temporary needs. When he walked on the plane, he noticed that Dr. Edmonds was already settled in to his seat and sipping away at an obviously spiked coffee.
'Typical.' he thought as he settled into his own chair and drifted back off to sleep.
By the time that he awoke, the plan had already landed in Derscon and the ramp was coming down to escort him off the plane.
Nova Romania:
"No, Arch Bishop, that is not my position. My position is that rape should only be permissible when it is necessary to save the life of the mother. In this case, it is necessary to save the life that can be saved. However, the child that results from a rape should not be made to suffer from his father's crime. He is just as much a baby, and it would be adding insult to injury to then murder the child that resulted. However, for practical purposes, if a rape clause is needed to effect an abortion ban, we are all for it. Anything that cuts down the number of deaths each year."
The PeoplesFreedom
20-06-2007, 04:11
OOC: Dont forget me
The Latin Peoples
20-06-2007, 04:12
[QUOTE=Nova Romania:
"No, Arch Bishop, that is not my position. My position is that rape should only be permissible when it is necessary to save the life of the mother. In this case, it is necessary to save the life that can be saved. However, the child that results from a rape should not be made to suffer from his father's crime. He is just as much a baby, and it would be adding insult to injury to then murder the child that resulted. However, for practical purposes, if a rape clause is needed to effect an abortion ban, we are all for it. Anything that cuts down the number of deaths each year."[/QUOTE]
OOC: Excuse me, but I think you said rape and not abortion should only be permissible.
"I do not think I said it was your view at all, Mr. Pataki. Also, perhaps your campaign can pressure the government to repeal the rape clause and focus strictly on when the mother's life may be in danger, that being the only reason one can use to justify an abortion. The child that results from rape would still be cared for, I have been told that most children born from rapes are not aborted, but a slim minority are. It is certain that you, like others, are against abortion simply for convience, but convience can be interperted in different ways."
20-06-2007, 04:20
Ok-La-Ho-Ma has free religion. Most citizens follow there native traditions.
Most of OK society is built around the family and local communities.
They have World Benchmark political freedoms, because the government is made up of local councils who determine domestic policy. the central Gov't deals with military, tort law between the councils, and foreign relations.
Religion is done in the home. It doesnt seem to be an issue the way most linear thinking nations make it. e.g. The right hand fighting with the left hand.
The down to earth practicality of the hard working population, keeps the "High Minded" ideas of arguing and nit picking down with the saying. "What are you babbling about we got work to do".
So, we will welcome you into our country, people chose there own beliefs anyways.
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 04:22
The PeoplesFreedom:
As Billingsly finished up a slice of Pecan pie that his wife had lovingly set before him, he folded his napkin and set it by his plate that now contained little more than chicken bones.
"Frankly, the laws here are better than most in the world. We have no reason to attack this government like we have to attack others. As long as your government is just, and not corrupt, and doesnt abuse human will have no problems from us." the Reverend picked up his plate and Booch's and carried them into the kitchen, returning with two snifters of Cognac.
"A weakness." he chuckled.
"As to actively supporting the Government...we would only do that on a case by case basis, especially as it comes to wars. The Church, I am sure would tend to support your government on most everything if it is fair and Christ centered as it seems to be. I do however, recognize that it is a bit unfair to tax organizations that do non-profit work and assist the community, especially to the extent that our Churches tend to do. I would hope that we could find an exception or a loophole for our case, as the money that the government would take from us would be money that we could nolonger spend on Christian Education, feeding the poor, helping unwed mothers, and all other manner of work. It is simply unconscionable to do that kind of thing to charities...and at such a steep rate."
Presbyterian Church NS
20-06-2007, 04:26
OOC: I will reply to the rest in the morning. Off to bed for me.
Democratic Colonies
20-06-2007, 07:26
The Capitol Spire (, Viconia City
Federated Union of Democratic Colonies
The main lobby on the ground floor of the Capitol Spire was massive, a great hall in tribute to the nation that built it. Fine paintings and historic relics lined the walls behind thick glass while manned reception desks stood at the ready to meet the needs or complaints of any citizen. Guarded doorways and elevator banks held access to the more sensitive offices of the Capitol Spire, and it was in front of one of these elevator banks that Lady Alison Byrne, the nation's Secretary of Internal Affairs, was met - or perhaps more accurately, ambushed - by the news and press people of the Democratic Colonies.
"Your Ladyship," began one reporter, waving about a digital voice recorder. "Has the government come to a decision regarding the PCNS?"
"With all due respect, I don't recall scheduling a press conference for tonight," said Lady Byrne irately to the crowd of press personnel before her.
"Is it true that the PCNS has been banned from the country?" asked a particularly loud reporter, drowning out a pair of other questions.
"The Presbyterian Church NS, or PCNS, has been granted a Religious Operating License and is free to open any churches that they please so long as they can afford to pay their taxes and bills," said Lady Byrne, prompting the asking of a dozen more questions at once.
"Isn't the government concerned about the anti-abortion, anti-gay rights beliefs of the PCNS?" came one voice relatively clearly.
"The government is concerned, as are many citizens, but respects the right of a citizen to believe as they wish," replied Byrne. "Please, the Department of Internal Affairs is to release a Public Information Document tomorrow morning that will answer all of your questions, there really isn't a need for all this."
"How successful do you believe that the Presbyterian Church NS will be in the Democratic Colonies? Does the Census Bureau have an estimate for the growth expected?" asked a reporter, an already tall woman teetering on a ridiculously high pair of high heels.
"Neither I nor my department are in the business of gambling, but I will say that our projections anticipate little success here the Democratic Colonies for the PCNS," replied Byrne. "As for specific numbers, for census purposes, the Census Bureau anticipates 5 million to 10 million citizens becoming members of the PCNS within the short term, within two years, and long term growth stopping well short of the 75 million to 100 million benchmark. By long term, of course, the Census Bureau is referring to a scale a decade at the shortest."
"You said that the government was concerned about the anti-abortion, anti-gay rights beliefs that the PCNS will be teaching," came a voice from the back of the assembled press. "Will the government be taking any measures to monitor the PCNS and its teachings? Can you comment on the rumor published earlier this week of a secret government program named 'Shadow Watch' that is supposedly working to monitor all religious, spiritual, and paranormal groups within the Democratic Colonies?"
At the mention of the name Shadow Watch, Lady Byrne's expression became one of stone. Her face even more of a mask then it was for most politicians, her reply was well modulated but her eyes held anger as she replied.
"The Federal Government respects the privacy and rights of all citizens of the Federated Union, and cannot comment at this time on any programs, groups, or initiatives named 'Shadow Watch'."
"Is that an admission that Shadow Watch exists?" came an excited cry.
"The Federal Government does not confirm or deny the existence of any group with any such name," replied Byrne. "There will be no more questions, ladies and gentlemen of the press - I had intended to walk through the handsome public lobby as I made my way home tonight, but I see that you are already quite entrenched here, and so I resign myself to doing so on another day. With that, I bid you all goodnight.
Shouted questions and flashing cameras followed Lady Byrne as she turned around and walked back into the elevator bank, which was guarded by officers of the Capitol Police. Without another glance at the press, Byrne stepped into an elevator and disappeared from the public eye for the remainder of the night.
The White-Robed Monks
20-06-2007, 15:38
Yes, we in the Community are all saved. And I find it fitting that you ask the very question I ask when giving people the opportunity to accept Jesus.
There have been many answers given to this question: "Well, I taught Sunday School every week for twenty years"...."I've been married to the same woman for fifty years"...."I tithed, offered and gave of my time to the Lord's work".....
You and I both know that there is only one acceptable answer: "I gave You my heart, Lord, and asked You to come into my life and save me, make me whole. I promised to love You and serve You all the days of my life."
I think we have much to talk about. Perhaps one day we could meet for a few days and enjoy each other's company.
All Blessings
Abbot Merton
Cherry Ridge
20-06-2007, 15:42
One more issue that will need to be dealt with...your individual pastors will have to submitt a statement of Faith to the Synod and your Synod must recognize the Westminster Confession of Faith in its entirity. Further, your Synod must present a "State of the Church" report for the International Synod to examine in order for us to most effectively assist you.
Dr. Stevens,
All of the pastors, bar two have submitted a statement of faith, and those 2 have seceded from our communion, and are operating independently. I have been told their congregations have dwindled because of this, as most of our presbyterians are firm believers in the Presbyterian system of government. Our synod already does recognize the Westminster Confession of Faith, however, it is putting it into practice that can be the problem, in Berchman. I have enclosed a state of the church, it is attached to the end of this letter. OOC: I will tell you informally.)
I must ask you to send missionaries to Berchman. Our Presbyterian congregations in the north are, for the most part, elderly congregations who adhere to the moral guidelines as set forth by God through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures. On Berchman, however, the people are lax. The Papists, however, have many churches there, and statistics show that those who attend those churches are not lax. We will have to save souls from both the secularists and the Romanists, while working together to stop the decadence.
The synod has purchased a piece of land on Berchman, where the a new church will be built. I have selected a modern style building, however, one which will give glory to God.
God Bless,
Rev. William Hamilton,
Pastor, Berchman Presbyterian Church (Name Pending)
Moderator, UPSCR
Cherry Ridge
20-06-2007, 15:54
Father Cesari sat in his office, on his computer, looking up the PCNS website, as a quick refresher. After this he stood up, straightened his black pants, and slipped his blazer on. Walking out the door, he remembered a past correspondence he had had with Doctor Stevens, as he slipped his collar in.
As he walked down the street to the church where he said mass on the weekends, he was greeted with "Good morning Father" as he passed the people of Berchman. He entered the church, genuflected as he passed the blessed sacrament, and entered the sacristry. He tied his amice around his collar, slipped on his alb, tied his cincture, kissed his stole, and put it around his neck, and slipped his chasuble around his neck. An altar boy appeared, in cassock and surplice, and they both proceeded out.
The church was a quarter full, very good for a daily mass.
Then he began, "Let us join in singing our opening hymn, Immaculate Mary."
Pschycotic Pschycos
21-06-2007, 00:53
We will allow the PCNS to open as many churches as it thinks it can fill inside the terrestrial territories of the Imperial Shogunate. We believe all religions can act as a binding, and unifying force as long as pledging allegience to a foreign entity is not present.
However, there are several points that we would like to remind the PCNS of. First, religions are not taxed on their collections and donations. They are free to spend collected money as each church sees fit. Second, we must strongly urge that no church leader attempt to guide, shape, or otherwise change the political atmosphere of the Imperial Shogunate. This is an illegal action, which is punishable regardless of nationality or religion.
We wish the PCNS luck and blessing in gathering a following and congregations across our nation, and hope earnestly for their participation in the betterment of our country and society.
Shogun Nakamura Taiki
OOC: DEMOCRATIC COLONIES! Holy crap, I haven't seen you in AGES! :eek:
New Brittonia
21-06-2007, 04:06
The noise from Darryl Thompson International Airport was outstanding for one nun that has never been on a plane before. People were speaking in many languages, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Arabic, Russian, Yiddish, Swahili, German, Belgian, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Romanish all in this terminal alone. Of course, it was strange for the people of New Brittonia. With a vast majority of the population Atheist, Muslim, or Hindu, a Roman Catholic nun was a sight to see. Even a Hasidic Jew was more common in New Brittonia than a Catholic nun. Christians were common in Epsom City; however, since the Marquees converted to Christianity in 1906, and with that, many of his followers did as well. But he became a Lutheran, a different breed of Protestant; the missionaries Renée was greeting were Presbyterian. This was purely diplomatic, the cardinal said, all in the good faith of Christianity. However, there were some things to still work out. Sister Renée waited with a cardboard sign labeled "missionaries", hoping that they would recognize who it was referring to.
Democratic Colonies
21-06-2007, 05:18
OOC: DEMOCRATIC COLONIES! Holy crap, I haven't seen you in AGES! :eek:
OOC: Hello, Derscon. I know I haven't exactly been active in I.I. for quite some time, and I'm still not as active as most, but I've been trying lately to get into the occasional few RPs here and there.
Cherry Ridge
21-06-2007, 16:27
ooc: DC, I think you should remember me as well.
21-06-2007, 19:29
21-06-2007, 21:56
OOC: Hello, Derscon. I know I haven't exactly been active in I.I. for quite some time, and I'm still not as active as most, but I've been trying lately to get into the occasional few RPs here and there.
OOC: I see that. Hey, TG me your AIM or MSN or something. I haven't chatted with you since we ganged up against commies way back when.
Dostanuot Loj
22-06-2007, 01:07
Dictorial Republic of Sumer - Office of Immigration and Integration
Official stance of the Dictorial Republic in regards to the PCNS
Provided you do not break any of our laws, we do not care if you intend to operate within our nation. For the sake of fairness, we will provide you with the nessecary information regarding such activities.
The Dictorial Republic of Sumer is an ancient polytheistic state, long predating the Abrahamic ideals, and as such the Abrahamic ideals have not managed to make strong roots within the country. Christianity, for instance, occupies just under 2% of our population's religious belief, and is declining. Furthermore, religious proselytism is illegal within the nation, and strictly enforced. We believe this may be a serious problem with your church as, with no previous establishment within the nation the only ways for your church to gain members here would be through immigration or through existing Sumerian citizens to convert of their own free will, neither of which will likely bring you any number of practitioners within our borders.
While we will not restrict your production of establishments within our borders, provided Sumerian laws are followed strictly, we can not expect you to be capable of supporting such a community base within our borders at this time or within the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, we offer you a salutation of good luck to your other endeavors in the international community, as we believe in other nations you may be more capable of spreading your message.
- Commanding Officer of Immigration and Integration,
Shar Ishme Dagan
OOC: Bloody hell, post eaten. Here we go again.
In Kirchenstaat, Castle Neuwittenberg sat high atop a mountain, surrounded by trees, overlooking the entire (albeit small) state. The airport wasn't too far from the mountain, so it was a short drive.
The man who greeted them at the castle nodded solemnly. "Welcome to Neuwittenberg, Doctors. Right this way, please." Leading the two Doctors through the halls of the castle that I don't feel like typing again because Jolt ate my post and pissed me off, he finally came to a small lounge, where Blazhei Voikinov, dressed in white, red, and black robes, greeted them.
"Welcome to my current residence. Please, sit down. Drink?"
25-06-2007, 04:32
OOC: Appologies for the slow responses. Been in Finals. This is PCNS, for the Record.
"Certainly." Dr. Stevens sighed, weary from the long flight. "Just a bit of wine if you have any."
"Scotch." added Dr. Edmonds...and rather pointedly. It seemed he had only been awake for a few moments before he exited his limousine. "Wait, that's right. I've got to STOP drinking. Just a club soda then."
"It certainly is nice to be in Derscon again. How is GICAPFAH fareing?" Stevens inquired. The last time he had travelled to Derscon was as an assistant to Dr. Graves, the founder of both His Church and Denomination. He was now called upon as the Shepherd of the flock to utilize the connections that his predecessor had formed.
New Brittonia:
As Rev. Francis McDougal waded through the rather culturally and linguistically diverse crowd at the airport, he was taken aback at just how different a place this was than his native home in Greater Prussia. "Oh for the Pentecostal gifts to return to the Church." he thought to himself as heard the divers languages floating through the air. He made a committment to himself to begin his linguistics study that very same day. "To reach lives for Christ, they have to understand you..." he reasoned with himself.
As he finally wheeled his two bags, his only posessions in the world, through the concourse, he finally spotted the nun with a sign reading missionaries. He had been informed just before he left that someone from the Christian community would meet him. He certainly hadn't expected it to be a Catholic, but he was thankful that someone had been kind enough to send her.
"Excuse me, Sister." the missionary approached the nun. "I am a missionary from the International Synod of the PCNS...I don't suppose that sign is for me?"
Democratic Colonies:
Under the ever watchful eye of the Federal Big Brother, the Presbyterian mission to the Democratic Colonies steadily grew from just a few thousand souls to a few a million. Obviously, this was but a drop in the bucket in comparison to the scale of the nation, but for such a short time, this was a miracle indeed.
The head of the PCNS mission to DC was Dr. Marvin Robinson. He pastored the largest PCNS church in the Colonies, in Viconia City. It had started out as nothing but a little school house like building, but within a year, groud was broken on an enormous new facility to seat 1000 parishoners. The architecture of the Church as sleek and modern, but steeped in tradition.
Dr. Robinson carried with him a B.A. in Philosophy from Reichsburg University, a Masters in Divinity, and a Masters in Anthropology from Trondheim University, A Ph.d. In Religious Education from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.d. in Philosophy from New Geneva Imperial University.
He was far from an uneducated man, and carried a learned scholar's approach to this unique setting in DC. He knew that the society would chafe at the Churches stance on pivotal moral issues...but he knew that when it came to a test of morality, between God and man, the victor would always be God. His solution was not to make this IMMEDIATELY the front and centre issue that the PCNS confronted in this nation. In a largely humanistic and unsaved nation, the most important thing was to speak to people's hearts.
Hedonism, self-love, and debauchery of all types only deepen the holes that people feel in their heart. For all the technology that man had, he could still not save himself. Man has to die. And the question is...what happens then? For some people, nothing is an acceptable answer. But one thing that the good Dr. had learned through his 15 years of study was that there was only one system of belief on earth that could give a man comfort and assurance for the rest of his life, that could assure him, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if he would simply break down the walls of his heart and let Christ walk in, that he would never have to wonder again about what would happen when all of the money he earned and the houses he built ceased to be useful to him, when even his own body failed him and died.
"This!" Dr. Robinson said in a sermon from his church's pulpit, "is but a husk that I will one day cast away! Because I know that should my car crash, should my plane fall out of the sky, I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear should my taxes go up, or should Big Brother yank me out of the pulpit. This entire world is in the hands of he who made it, and he has promised to never let it go. To those of you who value yourselves as being learned being educated and viewing this Christianity business as being well beneath you and past the point of absurdity...let me ask you a question.
Are you sure? How can you be sure that you are not talking yourself out of the only way that you will ever be truely happy?
Now, I know you will offer up several objections...oh but the Bible is this or that...oh, but Evolution this or that. Well, over the next several weeks, I encourage any of you who value yourselves as intellectuals to attend. Because you cannot truely reject a position until you understand it, and if you would offer these objections, you don't know quite as much as you thought you did.
We can never control our world. Get over it! Get over your pride and do the only thing that you can...let Christ save you from your toil and grief."
New Brittonia
25-06-2007, 05:25
New Brittonia:
As Rev. Francis McDougal waded through the rather culturally and linguistically diverse crowd at the airport, he was taken aback at just how different a place this was than his native home in Greater Prussia. "Oh for the Pentecostal gifts to return to the Church." he thought to himself as heard the divers languages floating through the air. He made a committment to himself to begin his linguistics study that very same day. "To reach lives for Christ, they have to understand you..." he reasoned with himself.
As he finally wheeled his two bags, his only posessions in the world, through the concourse, he finally spotted the nun with a sign reading missionaries. He had been informed just before he left that someone from the Christian community would meet him. He certainly hadn't expected it to be a Catholic, but he was thankful that someone had been kind enough to send her.
"Excuse me, Sister." the missionary approached the nun. "I am a missionary from the International Synod of the PCNS...I don't suppose that sign is for me?"
ooc- are you a new user name for him or are you just rping for him?
“Hello, I’m Sister Renée”, she said, “I was sent to here to pick you up on the behalf of Cardinal Michael Stevens, the Cardinal of Epsom, our capital city. May I show you to the car?”
Renée walked through the automatic doors. Waiting in idle by the sidewalk was a blue Toyota Prius. Renai opened the passenger door for the man and then went in the driver’s side.
“By the way”, she asked, “I never got your name.”
Presbyterian Church NS
25-06-2007, 14:53
OOC: Reichskamphen IS me. It is my older nation.
"Rev. Francis McDougal, maam. I appologize."
The Cardinal of Epsom, he thought to himself. For such a small Christian population, the Roman Church installed a Cardinal? It was obvious that the Romanists saw a great opportunity for growth in this nation, and if he was wise, McDougal would find out where and how.
McDougal didn't hold a Ph.d like many of the Elders and Pastors in the PCNS, even though he was in the process of acquiring his Doctorate in Divinity before the Synod had called him to be a witness in New Brittonia. However, he had one thing that set him apart from many of the other Ph.d's and more educated ministers in his field. He had a heart for winning souls, and a personality to do it.
He was trained, and was a trainer himself in one of the most effective programmes in Evangelism the Church militant had ever seen.
The idea was simple. In times past, the Church had merely added members. Single ministers went out and converted souls one at a time. The trouble was, that the world was, and is, multiplying not adding and the general population was far outreaching the Church. The solution was to follow the pattern for Evangelism that the Bible itself laid out, and multiply the flock.
The evangelist would meet with people, some by invitation, some randomly, and engage in friendly conversation, open their minds and hearts to hear what came next. As the conversation drifted towards religious matters, he would ask a couple of brief diagnostic questions to determine the persons understanding and acceptance of the Gospel. If he found that they lacked a saving knowledge of Christ, he would present to them the Gospel in a way that would lighten their heart and show them that there indeed was a great deal of meaning to their existance. Many times, under the weight of logic and the moving of the Holy Ghost, the person would make a sincere profession of Faith in Christ. Then that person himself would grow in his faith and eventually become trained as an evangelist. Before too long, there would be an army of well trained and knowledgable Christians to spread the Word unto the four corners of the earth.
This method of evangelism was responsible in large part for the exploding Christian community in Manila, and even in Red China where the opposition the gospel was immense, and the people had no Christian background or history.
With the help of God, Rev. Francis wanted to bring this country to Christ, and his first step was to begin the process of becoming a naturalized Citizen.
25-06-2007, 23:42
OOC: Reichskamphen IS me. It is my older nation.
"Rev. Francis McDougal, maam. I appologize."
The Cardinal of Epsom, he thought to himself. For such a small Christian population, the Roman Church installed a Cardinal? It was obvious that the Romanists saw a great opportunity for growth in this nation, and if he was wise, McDougal would find out where and how.
McDougal didn't hold a Ph.d like many of the Elders and Pastors in the PCNS, even though he was in the process of acquiring his Doctorate in Divinity before the Synod had called him to be a witness in New Brittonia. However, he had one thing that set him apart from many of the other Ph.d's and more educated ministers in his field. He had a heart for winning souls, and a personality to do it.
He was trained, and was a trainer himself in one of the most effective programmes in Evangelism the Church militant had ever seen.
The idea was simple. In times past, the Church had merely added members. Single ministers went out and converted souls one at a time. The trouble was, that the world was, and is, multiplying not adding and the general population was far outreaching the Church. The solution was to follow the pattern for Evangelism that the Bible itself laid out, and multiply the flock.
The evangelist would meet with people, some by invitation, some randomly, and engage in friendly conversation, open their minds and hearts to hear what came next. As the conversation drifted towards religious matters, he would ask a couple of brief diagnostic questions to determine the persons understanding and acceptance of the Gospel. If he found that they lacked a saving knowledge of Christ, he would present to them the Gospel in a way that would lighten their heart and show them that there indeed was a great deal of meaning to their existance. Many times, under the weight of logic and the moving of the Holy Ghost, the person would make a sincere profession of Faith in Christ. Then that person himself would grow in his faith and eventually become trained as an evangelist. Before too long, there would be an army of well trained and knowledgable Christians to spread the Word unto the four corners of the earth.
This method of evangelism was responsible in large part for the exploding Christian community in Manila, and even in Red China where the opposition the gospel was immense, and the people had no Christian background or history.
With the help of God, Rev. Francis wanted to bring this country to Christ, and his first step was to begin the process of becoming a naturalized Citizen.
Renée began to drive out of the airport when she began to speak.
“Well, I better tell you some things. The airport is Darryl Thompson International Airport. Darryl was the founder of the Communist Party of New Brittonia. If the Communist Party had god then it would be him.”, Renée said with a laugh.
26-06-2007, 05:13
"A big if, that is." Rev. McDougal chuckled. "Whitaker Chambers made a good point about Communism and Christianity. Capitalism isn't the force that will defend Capitalist is Christianity. It is our religion and faith in God that both give us strength and make our culture compatible with Capitalism and indeed it is our Religion that will bring down the Communists."
Gens Romae
26-06-2007, 05:56
The Holy Empire of Rome desires to make it known that, not only presbyterianism illegal in Her borders, but any and all Protestant Heretics found shall be subject to the Inquisition.
Cherry Ridge
26-06-2007, 17:22
ooc: Salvete, Gens Romae! I see you are a traditionalist Catholic. I talk with a few of them on MSN, who are going to enter the ICRSS.
Father Cesari, Vicar for Berchman Isle, and Chairman of the Ecumenical Commision of Cherry Ridge, was quoted as saying, in a homily broadcast on many large Catholic channels headquartered in Cherry Ridge, "Any Catholic Christian that willingly burns a member of another Christian faith community had better take a look at the gospel message of Jesus Christ, and take a good look at the story of the Last Supper, and at our own imperfect history. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve! It is only by joining hands that peace will come to this earth, not by Christians, and indeed, members of all faiths, fighting amongst themselves." He had processed into the celebration of the Eucharist while a folk group played, "Lord of the Dance."
Monsignor O'Malley, Superior General of an indult mass group based in Cherry Ridge, replied publically, "Perhaps Father Cesari had better look at the history of the English recusancy." Later, he processed into Mass while a men's schola provided Gregorian Chant.
Father Cesari replied publically to that, "Do unto others as you would have others to unto you. I think some guy important to the Catholic Church said something to that effect."
ooc note: There are only two schismatic latin mass churches in the entire nation of Cherry Ridge, as Joseph Cardinal Marco, the Archbishop of Carmel, allowed "Wide and Generous Use" of the Latin Mass, as asked to by Pope John Paul II, in his Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei. Even though I am not a traditionalist, the trads I talk to make sure I know the terminology.
New Brittonia
26-06-2007, 23:06
"A big if, that is." Rev. McDougal chuckled. "Whitaker Chambers made a good point about Communism and Christianity. Capitalism isn't the force that will defend Capitalist is Christianity. It is our religion and faith in God that both give us strength and make our culture compatible with Capitalism and indeed it is our Religion that will bring down the Communists."
"Well then", Sister Renée said, "I hope that that all turns out well for you."
While going off an off-ramp Renée asked,
"Do you want to go straight to the cathedral or do you want to take the long route and see the sights."
27-06-2007, 01:44
Berchman wasn't exactly the kind of place that Dr. Franklin Summers had expected to be sent by the Synod when he volunteered for the Mission to the World that had been started by Dr. Stevens.
The PCNS, since its recent inception had been lucky enough to attract some of the most educated and erudite ministers of any denomination, partly through the efforts of its first two Moderators, Dr. Graves and Stevens, and partly through rules put into place by the International Synod. In order for a Pastor to be in charge of a moderate to large sized Church Operation, or in order to pastor a Congregation of 1000 or more, he had to hold atleast a Ph.d.
Dr. Summers held three. He held a Ph.d. in Systematic Theology from the New Geneva Theological Seminary, a Ph.d in Philosophy from the Royal University at Reichsburg, and a Ph.d. from Loyola University in Roman Catholic Cannon Law.
Dr. Summers had been a Priest in the Roman Catholic Church for 10 years before coming to Christ and becoming a minister in the Presbyterian Church. From this unique perspective, he was the perfect man to reach Cherry Ridge with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It was his mission to be a liason to the Presbyterian Churches on Berchman, and to subdue the culture of the island to more Christian standards. As the Catholic Church's Authority was generally not the most potent force on the Island, it was now perhaps time to try things his way. With a large team of evangelists at his disposal, he was prepared to convert the island, one soul at a time, and win the peace for Christ, as well as the souls of the people. He even decided that it was time for him to meet with the Roman Catholic Representative of the Island to tell him of his plans. He certainly wasn't going to come out of the blue and create further resentment.
New Brittonia
27-06-2007, 02:20
ooc- you forgetting me?
Cherry Ridge
27-06-2007, 02:34
Father Cesari suddenly remembered his appointment, he had made it a few days ago. "Maria, can you finish setting the candles up, then come over to the rectory. I'll be in my office." She nodded, and Father Cesari quickly rushed over to the rectory, where Dr. Summers was waiting at the door. "Sorry, Doctor to keep you waiting." Suddenly, he looked up, and said, "Father Summers! What happened to you?" He let him in, and herded him to his office, his collar hanging out, and the two top buttons undone. "Can I offer you a drink?"
"Sure!" came a cry from the other side of the room. A brunette girl of about 18 rushed in, and asked for a Bailey's. He laughed slightly, "Hello Maria. This is Fath... ah Doctor Franklin Summers of the PCGP. Doctor, this is Maria O'Connor, a sacristan here." She greeted him, "Hello Doctor, how are you?"
[ I'm guessing this isn't Reformed Presbyterianism? ]
28-06-2007, 00:25
OOC: Of course it is. This is a conservative reformed denomination. Bible believing and holding to the great truths of the Reformation.
28-06-2007, 00:37
New Brittonia:
"I would like the scenic route...and I would love to know a bit more about your country!" McDougal insisted. "What is it that touches the heart of a New Brittonian...what are its baseball and applepies?"
Cherry Ridge:
Summers was absolutely shocked to find that the man with whom he was sent to meet had actually been one of his Pupils when he taught Cannon Law in a Ridgian seminary. Not just one of his pupils...but his best and brightest.
"Wonderful to see you!" Summer nearly shouted. "How have you been old boy?"
Summers politely accepted his beverage and took his seat, politely greeting the young girl. "It has certainly been a great while...and things have changed a bit."
Summers took a bit of a breath. "I'm betting your wondering how it is that I'm here for the International Synod and not the Pope. I won't bore you with the details, but sufficed to say, my first Doctorate was a JCD...As I began a deeper study of the Church fathers, Church history, the Law, and most Importantly the mind began to change a great deal on a number of issues. I went on though, as if nothing was differant. One day, though, I remember watching GPNN and saw a broadcast from the Imperial Cathedral where Dr. Graves was talking about assurance of Salvation, and Justification by Faith. I don't want a doctrinal debate...but I'm just telling you that my life has never been the same since, and I've devoted myself to changing this world for Christ, and to make this Island a different kind of place than its been in a long time."
Cherry Ridge
28-06-2007, 02:33
Father Cesari looked straight at him, but before he could say anything, Maria, the girl, intervened, "Doctor, Catholics can know we are saved! Why would a God of love not want us with him?" Father Cesari smiled and said to her, "Miss O'Connor, I believe I warned you about the proper place for you to speak." He was trying to act slightly annoyed, but in reality, was pleased she would speak up. They both laughed, and Father Cesari pulled out his own wallet, and handed her twenty bills. "I've sacrificed my coffee that I usually buy with my stipends for the last few days." He handed it to her, she tried to refuse, but eventually, she gave in. After they had exchanged a hug, she bounded out the door.
Father Cesari smiled, "Best sacristan, altar server, and aid around here we've got." He then turned to look Summers straight in the eye, "How do you want to change it?"
28-06-2007, 06:29
"I want to make this a Christian Island, to one day, shut down the casinos and the dens of iniquity."
OOC: Of course it is. This is a conservative reformed denomination. Bible believing and holding to the great truths of the Reformation.
[ Right, nevermind. I don't claim to know a lot about Covenanter history (I'll be picking that up this fall), so when I saw 'Presbyterianism' without the 'Reformed' prefix, I immediately thought of the PCUSA church in my town and the RPCNA church that I attend. For some reason, I thought they were different (apparently it's just the PCUSA congregation that's a little off the track, not the whole denomination).
EDIT: Anyway, moving on, I think I might be interested in having Jeuna be a foothold for Calvinistic churches. ]
Cherry Ridge
28-06-2007, 15:27
Father Cesari sighed, and leaned back, "I must admit something to you." He opened his drawer, and tossed a Seaboard Casino pen to him. "Shutting down the casinos, my friend, simply won't happen short of God himself striking them down. However, I hate with a passion the whore houses, and the actual crime that goes on. As for making Berchman a Christian island, if you mean putting the commandments up everywhere, then I oppose it. Our efforts would be better spent on helping the poor, and helping to break the cycle of poverty on the other side," he nodded to the northeast, "Of the city."
28-06-2007, 17:10
Dr. Summers remembered the controversy that many liberal nations had when Athiest forces tried to tear down the 10 commandments from courthouses and public areas. He assumed this was what the Father was talking about. Internally, he was shocked to his core that a representative of one of the most steadfast opponants of family values, the Roman Church, could be so swayed by the liberals. He kept this to himself however.
"Putting plaques up anywhere at this rate will do nothing." Summers emphasized. "Helping the poor will be good too...but my friend, you've been doing that for years and its no better. We can't just help the poor in body and wealth...must help the poor in spirit. Many times, the poorest in spirit are the richest in all other ways. We must launch a sweeping campaign to reinstill Christian values in the schools, in the media, in the government, in every sector that allows these behaviours to continue. My friend, don't underestimate the power of the Gospel...we can move mountains...but only if we pray for it to be so, and do it in the name of Christ. What we can't do, is be doubting in our Faith. Even if we think the Casinos can never be shut down...we should still work towards it. God brought down the walls of much more the walls of a puny business. Once we change the culture of this island, and make it a God honouring place, the people will give out of Christian love and the cycle of povery will end on its own. The Gospel teaches men to work, the Gospel teaches men to give...and it is its awesome power of transforming lives and nations, and indeed this planet that is going to sweep away the darkness."
New Brittonia
28-06-2007, 18:06
“Well, there is something important about Brittonia," ,Renée said, "the nation is essentially divided. There are three major regions here (ooc- I’ll make a map later); the Blue isle, the Red isle, and the Five Saints and the Angel. Now we are at Epsom, and although it lies on the Red Isle, it is on the tip of the island, making it close, culturally, to the Blue Isle. The difference is that the Blue Isle is where Grand Marquees Victor Cecil lives, most of the people living there have a loyalty towards him. I’ll tell you this piece by piece so you can absorb it all."
30-06-2007, 01:14
"I appreciate the pacing!" a relieved McDougal smiled. The only thing more powerful in a Communist Country than the government was the one God of the Universe...and the Communists knew it. That's why they did their best to force him out at every turn, to shut down his houses of worship and persecute his disciples. Many of his friends had suffered while ministering in Communist states. He was prepared to fight the battle.
His mind drifted back to a painting that was in Dr. Stevens' office in New Geneva. It was a picture of a Protestant being burned at the stake, his arms reaching up to the heavens. Below the figure it read, "Because I loved the Lord with All my Heart."
'I pray that is not my lot...' he thought to himself.
"Do your people enjoy music? What kinds are popular here? What kind of art?"
Gens Romae
30-06-2007, 06:33
ooc: Salvete, Gens Romae! I see you are a traditionalist Catholic. I talk with a few of them on MSN, who are going to enter the ICRSS
OOC: ICRSS? I'm not sure what that is.
And it's "Salve," not "Salvete." Salvete is the imperative plural. I am only one person, man. "Salve."
Democratic Colonies
30-06-2007, 09:02
As the months rolled by and a mild summer faded into a frosty winter, the PCNS continued to grow in size within the borders of the Democratic Colonies. Government census estimates were recalculated and recalculated once more as the messages of the PCNS found willing hearts and minds in every major city in the nation. The PCNS had followers far and wide as it continued to grow, but even as the faithful spread across the entirety of the Federated Union, the hub of the church's activity continued to be Dr. Robinson's church in the national capitol of Viconia City.
Atleast, this was what government analysis and intelligence suggested.
"I don't understand how they'll be able afford the taxes on this thing," said Richard Stillman, his eyes entranced by the beautifully built church. "We're right outside the downtown core! The Business District and Entertainment District are both just a few blocks away, the City Art Gallery is within spitting distance, they have a subway station practically on their doorstep - this thing should be an office building or an 50 story condo or something, not a church!"
"It used to be both, in addition to a commercial complex near street level," came the reply from the woman next to Stillman, Natalie Nauhaus.
The two were seated next to each other in a polished black Morningstar Intrepid III (, a sedan widely known as being the primary service car of the federal government. Nauhaus, her arms resting on the steering wheel in front of her, had parked the government vehicle across the street from the church.
"What happened to that then?" asked Stillman, his eyes now on the giant crowds of people who walked on the streets in front of the church. "What happened to that building?"
"It was torn down," came the impatient reply. "It and 8 other sites in the city were donated to the PCNS in the will of a Mr. Richard Goodman, prominent city businessman, skilled realty developer, devout Christian, and regular viewer of "The Hour of Truth."
There was a pause as Nauhaus glared at Stillman.
"Really, rookie, I know you're new to the unit, but try to stay on top of things."
"Sorry," said Stillman sheepishly. "I'm trying."
"Try harder," said Nauhaus, not a hint of humor or forgiveness in her voice.
There was another pause before Nauhaus continued to explain.
"Mr. Goodman owned 8 sites in the City of Viconia, and all were donated to the PCNS upon his death, in addition to a good portion of his vast personal fortune," said Nauhaus, her voice plain as she watched a young couple enter the church. "Mr. Goodman's support of the PCNS in his will has made the PCNS presence in the Democratic Colonies a decently wealthy organization - they're not swimming in pools of money and they're not buying the Trump Tower anytime soon, but they've got liquid assets in the range of hundreds of millions, if not over a billion, from Mr. Goodman's will alone."
"So they won't have any trouble paying their taxes," nodded Stillman.
"No, they won't," repeated Nauhaus. "Look, we have a schedule to keep. Do you have your Internal Security credentials ready? Do you have your gun ready?"
"Yes, yes, I didn't join the Directorate yesterday," answered Stillman.
"No, just this unit," came the harsh reply from Nauhaus before she opened her car door and stepped out into the frigid winter air. She brushed a single strand of long brown hair out of her face - it had somehow come loose from the tight bun that kept the rest of her hair under control. She was dressed in the dark, conservative pantsuit that was practically the field uniform for women in the Internal Security Directorate, while Stillman was dressed in a navy blue double breasted suit.
"Keep your head screwed on straight," Nauhaus said to Stillman as the pair walked to a nearby crossing light. "We are from Internal Security, yes, but not from that division of it. We want to talk with Dr. Robinson, and just have a nice friendly chat."
Some nervousness was visible on Stillman's face as the pair crossed the crowded street.
"So the tactical team is waiting in the trucks in case we need them?" Stillman asked quietly.
"Yes, because if we brought them in with us, then people would get the wrong idea, now wouldn't they?" came the snippy reply from Nauhaus. "Just keep your head screwed on straight, introduce yourself as Agent Stillman instead of 'Richard', and put your fucking G-man face on."
"I'll do my best," said Stillman, his face hardening, as the pair made their way to the church entrance.
"Our best isn't always good enough, but it's all anyone can ask for," said Nauhaus. "Come on, let's see if Dr. Robinson will see us. Intelligence indicates that he has some free time."
Cherry Ridge
30-06-2007, 17:11
OOC: ICRSS? I'm not sure what that is.
And it's "Salve," not "Salvete." Salvete is the imperative plural. I am only one person, man. "Salve."
ooc: The ICRSS is the abbreviation of the latin for Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
They are approved and in full communion with Rome. Your right, not sure why I added that. I only took one year of Latin, though now I remember, we did go over that. Oops.
30-06-2007, 19:10
Since the massive donation that the PCNS mission to the Democratic Colonies had recieved, it had done its best to expand its outreach 10-fold. As Dr. Robinson had emphasized to the Church Session at Viconia Presbyterian Church during their 4th meeting, "This money, and these buildings are truely a gift from God, gifts that are to be used to further his kingdom and nothing else. Not a single penny of this donation will be seen by any of us, especially myself. As many of you know, I don't take a Salary from the Church. The International Synod sends me $2000 a month to live on, and that's all I need. I do not believe in charging the Church for my time, when I have already freely given my life to God, and he has already freely given me all things. I urge all ministers and employees here that are able to stomache this, to do the same."
Some of the buildings that had been donated had yet to be fully utilized, but the ministry was expanding to fill them. One tall Condo building was converted to house both a shelter for battered women, a home for unwed mothers, and humble, rent-free living quarters for ministers who chose to follow Dr. Robinson's example and refuse salary. In the two shelters, the one for battered women, and the one for unwed mothers, broken people and broken lives were healed through the power of the Gospel. People without direction, and afraid of the world were given new strength for living, and moreover, Single Mothers and Mothers to be ALWAYS had a way to support their children and themselves and would never be pressured to choose to kill their unborn children for any reasons of poverty. As these women came to profess changing faith in Christ, they were either given jobs with reasonable salaries by one of the many ministries of the PCNS, or were put in touch with the growing community of Christian businessmen who did the best they could to employ and sustain these broken people.
When demand began to outstrip the space available in one building, other shelters would be opened in other sites throughout the city. The Church had even opened its own Methedone Clinic with professional, Christian, nurses and doctors to help cleanse and rehabilitate the body, as well as the soul.
Most importantly, and most worrying to the government, the Church had begun to purchase more and more airtime to air programmes of a religious/inspiration nature, and even provided funding to start a large scale production of a legitimate News Paper called "The Morning Star". In it were printed legitimate items of news taken off the wires, as well as News focusing on family values and the culture war, and the role of faith and values in politics and society. For those concerned about personal health, there were always very important updates and bulletin's and publishings of scientific studies that would help to keep one in the best of shape.
As the two agents walked up the steps and into the narthex, they glanced up and saw a multi story stained glass window, depicting Christ nailed to the cross with the last words from the cross "It is finished!" written in Arumeic. Below that, written in English, "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the Sin of the World. John 1:29"
Almost as soon as they had read those words, they were startled as an avalanche of sound from the enormous organ, Chorus, and Orchestra began to play. "Behold the Lamb of God..." from G.F. Handel's Messiah. Perhaps to eerie to be a coincidence.
Easter was on the way, the traditional time for the performance of this work in Great Brittain, and the music department was preparing for their second annual performance of the work. The first, was performed to an overflow crowd of both Christian and non-Christian classical music enthusiasts alike.
As they surveyed the formidable Church, and made their way to where the knew the Pastor's study would be, the Chorus continued, now in the dark tones of a minor key.
"Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows! He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him."
The haunting melodies and the words of scripture seemed to follow the two whereever they turned.
Finally as the entered the Pastor's office, the music seemed to quiet down a bit.
"Good evening Gentlemen." Dr. Robinson stood to greet them as they walked in. "If you are who I think you are, we've been expecting you for some time. What kept you?" he chuckled and cracked a smile.
New Brittonia
30-06-2007, 19:26
"I appreciate the pacing!" a relieved McDougal smiled. The only thing more powerful in a Communist Country than the government was the one God of the Universe...and the Communists knew it. That's why they did their best to force him out at every turn, to shut down his houses of worship and persecute his disciples. Many of his friends had suffered while ministering in Communist states. He was prepared to fight the battle.
His mind drifted back to a painting that was in Dr. Stevens' office in New Geneva. It was a picture of a Protestant being burned at the stake, his arms reaching up to the heavens. Below the figure it read, "Because I loved the Lord with All my Heart."
'I pray that is not my lot...' he thought to himself.
"Do your people enjoy music? What kinds are popular here? What kind of art?"
"Of course we do. Doesn't everyone? The popular music is MC Marquess, a new rapper from the Blue Isle, hit the top of the charts. With our immigrants, Arabic and Hindi music is popular. Art. . . the government sponsored artists who 'display Brittonian heritage'. Of course, we do have more money going to the native people on the islands, Prime Minister Flower's decision that they were the most threatened."
The servant walked out of the lounge and returned five minutes later with a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschilde, two cases having been bought from the GPWASS vaults (the other three being purchased by the Dersconi crown), and poured two glasses -- one for Dr. Stevens, the other for Blazhei. Dr. Edmonds was brought, as requested, a club soda, although a scotch was on hand, just in case.
Blazhei frowned at Dr. Stevens. "GICAPFAH is bigger and stronger than ever, but we are not doing well." He took a sip of wine and shrugged. "But, that's not why we're here. We're here because of the PCNS. Now, you have the statistics about the PCNS I sent your offices, yes? I'm assuming you've also looked at the ones about Berchman Isle in Cherry Ridge. Well, here in Derscon, we have about the same problem.
"In the South Prussian Sea, there is a massive resort/military island called the Island of Hope. It may as well be called the Island of Indulgence. It has the highest non-Christian population in the entire Empire -- even including the space colonies -- and there are various things legal there that aren't on the mainland. This was deliberate, the Island of Hope is supposed to be more relaxed than the rest of the Empire, but the degree of the corruption there is disgusting." Blazhei took another sip of the wine before continuing.
"GICAPFAH has only five churches -- yes, single churches on an island larger than some states of the Empire -- on the Island of Hope. Most of the churches there are...well, shall we say a bit more liberal than most of the rest of the Dersconi Empire.
"GICAPFAH has not yet been able to breech the IoH, simply because we're too grounded. We're at an impasse -- it's simply accepted that the GICAPFAH does not set foot on the IoH. This is where we would like your help.
"The entire Christian community is basically controlled at three points in the Dersconi Empire. The first one is in RAMC, where the Patriarch of the Dersconi Orthodox Church has his seat in the Sophian Cathedral, the third largest church in Derscon, topped only by the church in Andropovsgrad, and then the Kremlin Cathedral. The second point is in Velikysgrad, a major Roman Catholic centre in Derscon, and where most of the Roman Catholics reside. The third point is here, in Neuwittenberg. No religious organization can do much of anything in Derscon without approval from one of these three points, or approval from the Kremlin itself. Most of the power is situated here in GICAPFAH, simply because most Dersconi are Protestant.
"Therefore, the GICAPFAH is going to give you operating licence -- since none of the other points will -- on The Island of Hope. If you can manage to get a foothold on the Island, then we, together, could manage to clean up the island once and for all. Because if we don't, Xavier will, and he's not known for using Christian-like tactics, if you catch my drift." He took another sip of the wine and shrugged.
"Also, if the PCNS gains a strong foothold on the Island of Hope, this would also qualify it for membership within the GICAPFAH itself, which would be the start of possibly a council of protestants throughout the entire continent, and, perhaps, the world."
Democratic Colonies
01-07-2007, 03:44
"Good evening Gentlemen." Dr. Robinson stood to greet them as they walked in. "If you are who I think you are, we've been expecting you for some time. What kept you?" he chuckled and cracked a smile.
"Hello, Dr. Robinson," greeted Nauhaus, her voice calm and professional. "I'm Special Agent Nauhaus, this is my associate, Agent Stillman. We're from the Internal Security Directorate, and we thank you for seeing us."
Nauhaus continued to speak as the two sat down in seats in front of the pastor's desk. While Nauhaus' steady gaze remained on Dr. Robinson, Stillman's eyes seemed to wander as he took in his surroundings.
"All of us in the federal government, including all of us in Internal Security, value the religious freedoms enjoyed by our citizens but there are a number of things simply not permitted by law in the Democratic Colonies. The PCNS currently operates in this country under a standard grade Religious Operating License, which outlines the rights and limitations of the PCNS inside our borders," Nauhaus explained.
Nauhaus paused as she reached down to her briefcase and pulled out a single brown folder, placing it on top of her crossed legs as she opened it and began withdrawing densely filled sheets of paper.
"Now, the terms and conditions of Religious Operating License were designed to be as clear as possible, but as with many government documents, they can be a bit obtuse at times and might not make it all the way down to each and every iman, nun, rabbi, or what have you. While they might seem needlessly complex or restrictive, it is critically important that every single person acting in any official capacity for the PCNS understands and abides by the terms in the Religious Operating License," said Nauhaus. She handed a single page of paper to Dr. Robinson, resting them on his desk.
"What you have in front of you is a simplified, fundamental version of the restrictions mentioned in the Religious Operating License," explained Nauhaus. "The full license text would be quite a handful for everyone in your organization to memorize, but this here should be much easier to distribute and ensure adherence to."
Stillman, silent so far, began to read the document out loud once Nauhaus handed him a copy as well.
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not engage in, advocate, approve of, or encourage violence, harassment, discrimination or hate against other groups or institutions, be they religious, secular, or atheist in nature," Stillman began. He was already fairly familiar with the document, continued out loud for Dr. Robinson's benefit.
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not engage in, advocate, approve of, or encourage in any way violence, harassment, discrimination or hate, particularly against the following persons: those of homosexual or bi-sexual orientation, those of transgendered status, those who have had or intend to have abortions, those who are involved with the conduct of abortions, those who are involved with medical research utilizing stem cells, those who are involved with cloning, genetic, or sexual research or education, those who have had or intend to have divorces, those who have had or intend to have extramarital sexual congress, those who have had or intend to have extramarital congress with someone other then their spouse while in a marriage, those who have engaged in or intend to engage in sexual self-stimulation, those who support causes politically or socially contrary to the interests of the religious establishment, government officials and representatives, law enforcement and security personnel, military personnel."
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not engage in, advocate, approve of, or encourage persons, particularly medical and pharmaceutical professionals, to refrain from performing the entirety of their duties due to religious reasons."
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not knowingly distribute factually incorrect information for the purposes of manipulation or gain, or advocate, approve of, or encourage the distribution of factually incorrect information for the purposes of manipulation or gain."
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not engage in, advocate, approve of, or encourage the violation of any laws. Persons acting in a official capacity may advocate and approve of legal protests and demonstrations, but shall not in any way advocate, approve of, or encourage any illegal or violent activity at legal, peaceful protests or demonstrations."
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not attempt to interfere with the free democratic process. Persons acting in a official capacity are not permitted to religiously endorse any political candidates, parties, organizations, or movements."
"Persons acting in an official capacity shall not engage in, advocate, approve of, or encourage any attempt to overthrow the Federal Government of the Federated Union of Democratic Colonies, or any other government body, or affect any change in government or social policy or construct through illegal means."
Stillman's mouth was dry by the time he finished reading the 400 word summary.
"It's important that each and every person who does or who might act in an official capacity on behalf of the PCNS in the Democratic Colonies fully understands and abides by these conditions," Nauhaus said.
01-07-2007, 21:23
From the article about religions in Rejistania on vikivedija:
The mejority of the Rejistani population belongs to some form of inikresaism where the most important lines are Taredi Hierdi, Hanta and Huvenja.[...]
Other religions are only minorities, Even though there are christians, mostly Da~eists(1) and those Unitarians who accept Jesus as their way-shower, their numbers are not actually big. There are twice as many shintoists and thrice as many atheists/agnostics or apatheists than christians according representative studies (1.2% christians, 2.5% shintoists, 3.9% 'no higher deity or undecided'). Most sttempts so far to convert the tani to christianity failed because Rejistanis value their traditions more than the teachings of foreigners, Also the fact that most rejistani christians accept Mykel Da~e as divinely inspired and other denominations do not accept him in such a position made it difficult for other denominations to gain acceptance. While proselytizing is not illegal, it is very uncommon because many religions gave up.
(1)OOC: Da~eism is a Christian denomination which is very much influenced by rejistani tradition. One could joke that Da~eists took the roman and pagan traditions in Christianity out and out inikresaist traditions in. Da~eists celebrate christmas in the spring like the first christains did and easter with the orthodox. Like in inikresaist tradition, the only one who can save you is yourself by ethical actions.
02-07-2007, 05:20
Democratic Colonies:
Dr. Robinson sat as the agents listed off to him his restrictions. Most of them weren't restrictions really, as the PCNS never had, nor would advocate discrimination, hate, or violence against anyone for any reason, no matter how grievous their sin.
It was always taught to hate the sin, not the sinner. Robinson was taught early in his ministry that cross words and hateful attacks only served to push people further away from Christ. It was necessary to convince people of their sin, to tell them the truth of their errors, but that wasn't the end of the story. The most important part is the building up of that person into a morally solid, disciple of Christ. To spiritually save and uplift is the highest calling.
After the agents had finished with their exhaustive list, Robinson spoke up. "Is that all then?"
"For the timebeing." came the stern reply of the lead agent.
OOC: hope I havent taken too much liberty in having your characters say a line or two.
IC: "I just want to assure you that no one in my Church will ever advocate hatred or discrimination against anyone for any reason...not just in this country, but in any. We will also not, however, water down the message of the Bible. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is wrong, for instance. We will continue to preach this, but we will never advocate actions of hatred or discrimination against them. Our aim is not to hurt them, but to save and help them...and how can we help them by abusing them."
"Let me ask you a question..." Robinson addressed the youngest and obviously distracted agent. "does a woman have freedom of choice in this country?"
"Yes, the state guarantees freedom of choice. Do you have a point, Doctor?" the more experienced agent answered for him, now obviously irritated.
"If a woman has freedom of choice, I would assume that women doctors also have that same freedom of choice, whether it be the freedom under your law to choose an abortion, or to choose not to perform one. I am certain that your government doesn't force doctors at gunpoint to do something that they morally oppose. I will never advocate Doctors not fulfilling their duty as physicians, but I will always advocate and advise any doctor that asks me that they also have a right to choose, and if a doctor chooses to stop performing abortions, whether it is for religious, political, or personal is his choice, and I am merely the man that will tell him to follow state law...and that state law tells him that he has a choice."
"You know, if there is no God...then everything is permissable. I believe Tolstoy said that. Have sex with whomever you want, have a good time. Pregnant? Abort it. Heck, kill the woman if you must, because the only thing opposing murder is societal standards, and those are simply made to be broken.
But what if there IS a God. Then that means that some things are right and some things are wrong...and it WILL matter in the end. We could all die at this very any moment. If there is no God, and all things are permissible, then this means nothing really. But do you know for sure that there isn't? Do you know beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt that if some rogue nation were to drop a bomb on our heads as we speak that there is nothing that awaits you? Are you willing to risk it?"
New Brittonia
02-07-2007, 05:24
ooc- woot, u r on
don't forget about me
Democratic Colonies
06-07-2007, 04:03
Democratic Colonies:
But what if there IS a God. Then that means that some things are right and some things are wrong...and it WILL matter in the end. We could all die at this very any moment. If there is no God, and all things are permissible, then this means nothing really. But do you know for sure that there isn't? Do you know beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt that if some rogue nation were to drop a bomb on our heads as we speak that there is nothing that awaits you? Are you willing to risk it?"
Hesitation gripped Stillman as conflicting feelings surged inside of him. He bit his tongue as he considered his next words, but didn't have a chance to say them, as Nauhaus spoke first.
"Dr. Robinson," she said neutrally, "we didn't come here today for a philosophical debate. We simply wished to make more clear the terms of the Religious Operating License and ensure that it is understood that every single PCNS official must abide by them - a courtesy undertaken by Internal Security for all of the religious groups in the Democratic Colonies."
Nauhaus shot a disapproving look at Stillman before reaching into her briefcase once more and removed a few sets of business cards held together with paper clips.
"Contained on these sets of cards is the contact information for myself, and other persons that you might wish to speak with," explained Nauhaus as she placed the sets of cards on Dr. Robinson's desk. "Should you have any questions concerning your Religious Operating License, or wish to obtain a permit for a disruptive protest, please contact me. You do not require a permit for a non-disruptive protest, for instance picketing outside of an abortion clinic, so long as it is peaceful, non-disruptive, and allows traffic on the streets and into the clinic to proceed without undue difficulty. If you intend to organize a disruptive protest, for instance blocking a street, using the grounds of an entire park, or marching large scale on Union Square, you will need to apply for a permit, which may or may not be granted to you."
"Now, if that's all we came here to say, Dr. Robinson," continued Nauhaus as she clicked her briefcase shut. "Do you have any questions, concerns, or grievances you wish to have addressed before I and my associate leave?"
08-07-2007, 12:09
Dr. Ralph Edmonds
Greetings to the International Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Nation States, I am writing to you on behalf of the General Assembly of the Reformed Church of Karolynia. The RCK has long been the dominant faith group in Karolynia, enjoying the status of being the nations established Church. At the last census, 54% of the population of over 650million souls described themselves as members of the RCK (another 27% belong to other Protestant denominations, and 14% are Roman Catholics), and we have a very healthy weekly attendance in our Churches, equivalent to one quarter of the entire population attending at least one RCK service a week. Therefore we consider the RCK to be a very strong, stable and important Church, not just within our nation, but within the wider NS community.
We have had correspondence with the PCNS before, and as both our Churches have their origins in the theological doctrines of Prussian Protestantism and the Westminster Confession of Faith, we wish to reaffirm our commitment to entering a communion with the PCNS. We have much common ground, and belonging in the same region of NS, it is highly logical that we look to work together in spreading our faith. Naturally I look forward to hearing from Dr Edmonds and the International Synod with regards to agreeing to a firm communion between our Calvinist Churches.
Yours Sincerely
Dr Kyle Westbury
Moderator of the Reformed Church of Karolynia.
New Brittonia
10-07-2007, 03:29
bump because I actually liked this thread and I thought that it was good and i was gonna get very suspenseful so I don't want this thing to die on my watch
20-07-2007, 04:44
The Holy Empire of Rome desires to make it known that, not only presbyterianism illegal in Her borders, but any and all Protestant Heretics found shall be subject to the Inquisition.
ViZion is prepared to accept all those whom Gens Romae wishes to subject to an Inquisition.
President Kilo
OOC: Sry for late reply... just found out about this
New Brittonia
20-07-2007, 04:51
ViZion is prepared to accept all those whom Gens Romae wishes to subject to an Inquisition.
President Kilo
OOC: Sry for late reply... just found out about this
ooc- Didn't notice that one.
Noticing the blatant disregard of international human rights, New Brittonia frowns upon the Gens Romanese actions and applauds ViZion's. Second, New Brittonia is willing to accept all people under the Romanese inquisition as religious refugees.
Sarah Lynch
Foreign Minister of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia
Cherry Ridge
20-07-2007, 04:54
Father Sean Fitzgerald, a priest who a well known radio show in Greater Prussia, applauds these two nations for standing up for the rights of the oppressed. He has recently condemned Gens Romae in a radio address.*