NationStates Jolt Archive

Land Ahoy! (PT Fantasy World rp ATTN: Zambistan)

13-06-2007, 22:13
The sea contained many secrets. Mysterious islands, montrosities from he depths, and hidden treasures. Many people try to seek these secrets. Some die in these experditions of interest. Others find these prizes, and reap the rewards, although some suffer from the disadvantages. Columbus, Amudsten and Scott come to mind in our world. But in others, ones like Driunckaenháde come to mind. The aforementioned was sailing upon a ship in the great bay. He was not a daring amazonian adventurer, nor a reckless artic hiker. He was but a cartographer. At least, at the moment.

As he corrected the proportions of an meaningless island, and finished the painting of a savage Seshimestha he had seen, he looked out to the island chain in front of him.

He had heard many things about these islands - facts, such as that there were two big islands and countless small ones, but also fiction. The islands were uninhabited, in theory. As they neared the islands, a quarter of an mile away from the nearest, he imagened what might live upon these islands.

His thoughts were disturbed when the boat jerked suddenly. Cursing that he may of run aground, he suddenly found his boat free. But the freedom was short lived. The same happened several times, until he really did run aground.

He decided to look for damage. He climbed down, saw glanced at the waters. There was a lot of drifting debris on it, and he had wondered what had happened. The waters were not clear enough to see though, so he decided to investigate. Whatever it was, he had accidentally destoried it.

(OOC: That's your cue, Zam. Feel free to do what you want to him, as long as you don't kill him. Feel free to do horrible things, or pamper him as you will)
13-06-2007, 22:44
A shell rose up from the water, followed by the clicking of claws and the bubbiling of mouths. Three large crabs rose from the waters, angrily snapping thier claws. They encircled the strange creature who had crushed thier friend, Phalogud, and spoke among themselves.

"What sea monster is this?"
"I do not know...perhaps a demon sent by the Crab Gorilla!"
"Yes! What is your name demon?"

Of course the strange beast could not understand, but the Crabfolk waited, expecting him to respond. One grew impatient and began to swing his claws in the air.

"Answer me demon, or I shall strike you down! I am of the Leeko village, and I take insult from no being!"
13-06-2007, 22:58
(OOC: Just a point, he's not human, just a cross between a dragon and a lizardman. Lesser dragon. No wings, but it does have horns and hard skin. He'd certainly look like a demon though.)

Driunckaenháde looked at the giant crab with a weird glance. It was screaming at him, but what he was screaming, he did not know. He didn't like it's tone, so he grabbed the rope he had lowered himself down on and started climbing. Fast. If they caused him any trouble, he would grab a naptha grenade and incinerate them. It was the standard option when faced with giant sea monsters - the liquid flame contained in the pot would seep though most natural armours. All he hoped for was that they didn't have reneforcements. Because if they did, they could push his ship right over.
14-06-2007, 02:39
((ooc I hope it'as alright for me to try this, as a trade nation in scandinavia's thread I figured it would be logical to have an encounter on the sea.

*each time the drum was hit, thunder sounded. Each time the drum was beat, someone felt the pain. Each time the drum was beat, the slaves rowed.

The ship was a double masted sailing ship, with rows of oars along the side. 120 oars in total, 60 on each side, 30 hitting the water at a time per side. Inside the galley are rows of galley slaves while above-deck are the Yanizvarajed and merchants carrying goods across water. The yanizvarajed laugh and cavort with the merchants they protect as the ship pushes across the wine-dark waters. *
" Kyov çun?" <how are you?/How goes it (('sup if you will =P))> one of them, with a green vest over a white shirt and a prussian moustache says to one of the merchants

"ouva ça, ya tarajed hava çajekuv ekebyi dolje stav ya marye! Kej ouva çaj!" < [I ] am good, the goods [are] safe and [we] are moving quickly across the sea! it is good!> the merchant replies, well at ease. *suddenly the ship collides with something and the drum stops beating...
14-06-2007, 16:54
OOC: I will edit to reflect the lizardmen

The demon climbed up, trying to escape. The Crabfolk were unsure of what exactly to do. The death of one of thier friends had to be avenged, lest the fury of the Crab Gorilla fall upon them!

"Rn'isaanyi, Igo-mego, we must capture him!"

One of the crabs scuttled behind a rock on the beach and grabbed a large net in his hands. The two others leaped up and grabbed the demon by the legs, careful not to snip them off. With a mighty tug they yanked him down onto the sand, in time for the third crabfolk to cast his net upon the demon.
Nol-kehula village was in turmoil. Built upon a coral reef, a large brown whale with many fins had collided into the school's tower. The cheif gave the order for the inhabitants to investigate. They swam up and grabbed the large whale by its fins, and ripped them off. They were shocked to discover the fins were made of wood, and that no blood sprayed out.

The crabfolk quietly waited to see what the whale would do next.
14-06-2007, 18:09
Driunckaenháde felt something grab his leg, and he looked down to see that one of the crab things had grabbed his leg, and was yanking him down. Despite all he kicked, he was pulled down onto the sand, and he saw a net fall on him. And as he heard a cracking sound, his heart sank as he realised he had broke his leg from the fall.

He futilely shouted at the crabs, trying to order them to let him go, but they didn't understand, and he turned to screaming. He pulled on the net so hard, it began to tear, but before he could make a hole big enough to wiggle though, he stregth faltered, and he resorted to biting the net, hoping that his teeth might make a hole big enough.
14-06-2007, 20:05
"what was that?!" was among one of many various cries to sound as several oars were torn off the boat. rushing to the side, the yanizvarajed and the merchant crew look over the side.

"It's..... a giant crab...."says one crewman

The captain responds "Give it some fruit, see what happens, we cannot stand to have it tear off may more oars."
14-06-2007, 23:01
"The demon is trying to attack! He is summoning lightning against us!" The crack and the biting of the demon scared the crabfolk. One of them scuttled close and hit the demon on the head, only hard enough to knock it out. As the demon slumped to the floor, the crabfolk spoke among themselves.

"We must bring him to the cheif, or even a preist! They will surely be more of his kind."

"Perhaps we should take him to the T'pholzae tribe and they can dump him in the Coward Bone Swamp?"

"Perhaps we should eat him and gain his strength!"

The three were in a heated debate when a large crabfolk cland in pieces of bone scuttled from the nearby jungle. He clacked his claws together, and the three crabfolk fell silent at once.

"What is all the commotion? I-" His mouth fell open at the sight of the demon in the net. "Did....did you catch that in these waters?"

"Sort of. He came in a large wooden whale!"

"I must bring him to the cheif at once! Go about your fishing!" The larger crabfolk scooped up the sleeping demon onto his back, and headed into the jungle.
Strange fruit fell into the village from above, and many were confused.
"What whale brings food?"
"Perhaps it is a new god?"
It was decided that a preist of Crab Jebus would go and communicate to the new god. Olamigon was the high preist of the village, and he swam upwards until he had reached the surface. His eyes met the stranger new gods, whose eyes looked like strange ovals on rectangular bodies.
"New god, what is your bussiness here?"
15-06-2007, 20:46
(OOC: Okay, there's only so much rping you can do as an unconcious being. Assume my man has arrived, and do your questioning)
15-06-2007, 20:56
OOC: Sorry ;)


The Village encircled the demon as it awoke. The demon was tied to to the ground by its arms and legs, with a rope binding it's neck. Their were many clicks and bubbling noises coming from the villagers who had never dreamed of seeing such a creature! The Cheif was easy to spot, he was covered in feathers and has a pet dog by his side. The dog was large, the size of a great dane but the looks of a Rhodesian Ridgeback. To his right was a preist of Crab Jebus, his flowing black robe hiding his features. To the left was a preist of the Crab Gorilla, clad in war paint and bones.

For a long time the village simply stared. The Crab Gorilla preist began to speak to the cheif.
"Cheif Botlarl, I have consulted the Crab Gorilla, and this is no demon of his."
"What say you Preist Migogo-mmeg?" The preist of Crab Jebus spoke in a whispered tone, sounding as dead as the spirits he spoke to.
"I have consulted many texts and preformed the Outer Rite of the Angel of Decrees. This being, this demon is not of this island. From where it comes, I do not know."

The cheif scuttled towards the demon.

"I am Cheif Botlarl of the Lot-sch village. I demand you to answer my questions. Who are you and where do you come from?"
15-06-2007, 21:47
(OOC: I presume we're forgeting language barriers here. And no need to be)

Driunckaenháde awoke to find himself in a village, lying down, surrounded by crab things. He tried to get away as they talked in their gibberish, but as he tried, he found himself bound with rope to his position.

It was a basic dragonkind fear, being bound. Driunckaenháde panicked a little, but kept it hidden, though not too well. Then, what looked like an important crab-thing came closer to him and said:

"I am Cheif Botlarl of the Lot-sch village. I demand you to answer my questions. Who are you and where do you come from?"

Angered at the way he was being treated, and at these people's insolence, he lashed out with the words:

"How dare you take me, Aelfead Driunckaenháde, on direct comission from the Ligbrynian coucil! I don't care if your the damned Emperor of Valgard! You have no right to take me prisoner! I demand you let me go, now, or else!"

He looked at them, the fury evident in his eyes, but his limbs shaking, indicating he was panicking. He hoped that his bluff was good enough to fool the islanders.
15-06-2007, 21:51
The only one who understood the demons speech was the preist of Crab Jebus. He translated for the cheif. The words Valgard, comission, and Ligbrynian coucil made no sense to the Cheif. As such he took it as an insult.

"Tell this demon this: That if he does not calm himself and quiet his furied tongue I will snatch it out, have his skin peeled off, and force him to watch me where it!"

The preist obeyed, the threat sounding even more grave in his soft and dead like voice.
15-06-2007, 22:13
Alf heard the priest's words, seeming coming from the chief. His still angry reply was:

"I won't be calm until you cut these ropes! I warn you, you kill me, thousands of soldiers will take my place! And they do that tenfold to every woman, child and man in your village! Don't you know what Ligbryne is?!"

He wasn't lying - he couldn't think straight. He was still shaking. He was fantasising pulling these things apart like lobsters, rather than choosing his words carefully.
16-06-2007, 02:21
".....Yoj? Neruje kekoz ramiz? <what? [did] we hear it speak?>"

the men stare at one another with befuddled and bewildered faces, not knowing what the thing had said but hearing it speak a definite language of sorts. The captain, confused about the matter, decides to make contact, and orders the men to retrieve some of the cargo.

The men return with the goods, hauling them in a crate. The captain tentatively raises an Ozol ((a 20 kg weight of silver)) from the crate and shows it to the crab-thing, speaking in Byzoji to the crab-thing he offers it as a sign of good will. The captain seems willing to sacrifice the wealth for an opportunity to make contact with the "savage" crab-things