Lookin for a home!!!(FT INTRO/OPEN)
13-06-2007, 04:07
The ramshackle vessel lumbered through space, bits and pieces falling off at random intervals. Sparks could be seen everywhere, and pieces of the ship were aglow with radioactivity. And yet the ship seemed to be doing alright. Aboard it were the last survivors of an ancient race whose planet had fallen to a horrible fate. Inside were 3,000 souls, maintaining the ship and trying to enjoy thier dim life adrift among the stars. They had searched in vain for a new home, and as of yet had not found it.
Finally they decided to send out a message.
Help. We are in search of a space station capable of sustaining a population of 3,000. Looking for a space station frequented by many species. Willing to work for this new home.
The message kept repeating itself as the ship drifted aimlessly.
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 04:22
The FSWF Unnamed
It had been a busy day for the comms section, busier than normal. It seemed that the World Fleet was crossing through a veritable junction box for galactic communications. As such a quick message from a people that had never been heard of before almost slipped through to the junk file. Luckily, a comms tech noticed it and routed it to the correct diplomatic station. Read, analyzed and re-read, the message, for all its brevity was dissected. It was shown that the originator was not far, only a few scant lightyears away. Within the hour one of the 10km long Leo Class Moonships broke away from the fleet, accompanied by a few Occults and support vessels. Utilizing their years of warp navigation experience, they dropped back into normal space only a light hour away from the ship. Even from this distance they noticed that the ship likely did not pose a substantial threat, but were cautious because they had seen deadly traps hidden in smaller packages in the past. Shining a narrow beam comm laser on the ship, they delivered their message.
Lacking any formal introduction on your part, we know not what we should address you as. Irregardless, we have heard your plea for assistance, and would like to help as we may. We are a small detachment from a much larger fleet that is currently looking for a new home as well. We can offer repairs free of charge, as well as shelter until you decide otherwise. We await a response.
Franz Honom,
Soulian Diplomatic Delegate
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 04:24
The Shadow Empire of Imperial isa may have something you may like
13-06-2007, 04:37
A small fleet on a routine patrol of the outer boundaries consisting of a small corvette, a scout ship and a small carrier was a little mistaken by having voices come from what appeared to be space garbage.
" you mean to tell me, Your superior officer, that something is living in the mass of shit floating in this void we now call home? I think you need a vacation Ensign. " replied the commander of the small fleet
" Sir I am not lying... we got a message from it... The seem to be homeless people begging for a place to stay... you know like in the history books about earth vagabonds holding up signs saying they will work for food, but later steal your money and buy beer instead." replied in Ensign
The Commander looked at the floating trash heap and after 10 seconds of looking he ordered the trash heap to be destroyed. The small carrier launched a small wing of fighters to use as target practice.
13-06-2007, 04:37
The inhabitants clicked and whistled with excitement. Two responses! They replied quickly.
ATTN Franz Honom:
Our ship is fine and in perfect order, and we are in no need of repairs. However we would be very interested in traveling with you to a new location. Perhaps you would like to come aboard and discuss this in person?
ATTN Shadow Empire:
Your strange ring would not do. it is far too large. We are in need of a space station like enviroment.
13-06-2007, 04:50
The Fighters get closer...( BUMP )
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 04:51
A quick message was dispatched to the ship - A shuttle will be dispatching shortly. Also, our radar has picked up a group of fighters heading your way from an unidentified ship. We are dispatching our Occult Class Assault Ships and a Capricorn Carrier. If you have means to defend yourselves I suggest that you employ them, as the fighters will be on you approximately 10 minutes before our ships arrive.
With that, the 5 Occults and the Capricorn veered away and sped towards the fighters, weapons charging, and fighter pilots getting to their ships. At the same time a diplomatic shuttle dropped from the massive Moonship and warped to the Zambistanian ship.
13-06-2007, 04:54
" Sir it appears that trash heap has friends. We are picking up atleast 6 signatures. Looks to be like a small assault battle group. We also have an unconfirmed signature with the light barrier. " called the Scanner operator
" All fighters stand down. Do not engage. Maintain present course." ordered the commander as he sat down in his chair. The small fleet moved closer to develop a ship net around the floating trash.
A message was sent out to the surrounding areas.
" I commander Markilius Claim this ... Vessel as salvage in the name of the Hobbeebian Explorationary Forces. I will claim any and all inhabitants as protected being within the Explorationary Act, as Refugees. This ship will be impounded by our forces within this location ( location:******)"
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 04:56
what do you think is on the inside of it
it has land, sea, lake, rivers and a Earth's atmosphere
13-06-2007, 05:00
Our ship has few defenses, but what few we have we shall ready.
As the shuttle came close a huge claw reached out, grabbed the shuttle, and pulled it inside the ship. The opening was sealed and the shuttle fell with a clunk onto the floor. The darkness inside the vessel was punctured by a few shambiling figures hidden in the shadows, as clicking and whooping could be heard. The figures waited for the aliens to emerge from the shuttle.
Outside strange "Parasite Cannons" activated all over the ship, loading up with their living weapons. Strange lights blinked everywhere and what appeared to be steam poured out from many vents and holes.
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 05:00
Sensors were monitored, messages were ferried, orders relayed. The assault group reached the Zambistanian ship and took up defensive postures. The Occult's blade like attachements flitted out to the horizontal postion and flung open wide. Enveloping the area around the ship in a strong force field that would be taxing to breach. The Carrier launched its fighter squadrons and they patrolled the area within the shield slowly.
On board the diplomatic shuttle, Franz prepared to disembark. Donning a breathing apparatus in case of caustic atmosphere.
13-06-2007, 05:03
what do you think is on the inside of it
it has land, sea, lake, rivers and a Earth's atmosphere
We still cannot accept this. We ae in need of a space platform for the moment.
I commander Markilius Claim this ... Vessel as salvage in the name of the Hobbeebian Explorationary Forces. I will claim any and all inhabitants as protected being within the Explorationary Act, as Refugees. This ship will be impounded by our forces within this location
We reject your help after such an agressive move.
OOC:Flaming Souls, your shuttle was brought inside the ship.
13-06-2007, 05:03
" Sir it appears as if the ... Vessel is powering something up. Steam is venting from its hull. I believe it is going to fire upon us. Actions?" called of the Helms officer as he moved holograms programs from one point to another.
" Bring all weapons on line, Raise shields, and aim all avalible sniper cannons at anything that looks like engines. This thing looks to much like Dark biomech ship. We need to make sure." ordered the Commander as he looked the vessel over.
The small fleets weapons systems went on line and took aim at the vessel... waiting for the first sign of hostilities.
13-06-2007, 05:07
The DRSF "Spacebase" has been floating in outer space for quite some time. It was not a powerful battleship compared to most but very reliable. The Royal Space Force 3rd Fleet, which consists of 15 fighters, 3 "Airships", and 5 mini cruisers, was accompanying it. Inside the commander noticed something on the radar.
"Put alert the crew, and alert the fleet too! Tell them there's a unidentified object nearby... No several.... and also tell them not to fire or get close to it," the commander said to one of the lower ranking officer.
OOC: Hopely I can join :)
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 05:07
it got you find on a space platform and station too
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 05:09
OOC: Yeah, saw that and edited.
ATTN: Commander Markilius
Please stand down and move away. Our entire civilization, military and all is but a few lightyears distant. The Zambistanians are a sentient race, and as such are protected under the Sentient Rights Act. It would be in your best interest to continue on with your day as if this event had not transpired.
On board the ship -
Franz stepped off the shuttles ramp and stood there, peering into the darkness for some sign of life.
13-06-2007, 05:15
The Commander Replied to the Flaming Souls message with great distress.
" I have reason to believe that these people are not to be trusted. I beg you to leave them be and let us conduct the test needed to ensure they are not what we fear. And do not begin to give threats. I can assure you we have no intentions of engaging your people. We posses technologies that we shame you. your entire civilization would disappear within the day. And not a soul would have died. I can call upon a thousand warships with enough fire power to take out your people in seconds... maybe even less. And if we are wrong about these people then we shall leave them be."
Zeon Principality
13-06-2007, 05:17
(OOC: Heh, seems interesting enough, too bad I noticed the thread too late (as in, someone managed to post first). Cuz then it could've been possible to claim that it was this "alternate Sol" where I happily exist on my own, but as I have no FTL capability... No getting to random places where things are happening. Better luck next time I guess.)
13-06-2007, 05:19
OOC: Still very open Dragonicale.
From the shadows a humanoid form shuffled forward. It had claws for hands and feet, a red shell for skin, and a tentacled mouth(think Dr. Zoidberg). It wore a tattered uniform now covered with various runes and symbols. "Greetings savior from the stars! Welcome to Decopodia 10, the last colony ship!" The creature bowed and made strange noises from his mouth. "How strange your form is? And what a uniform? Truly a hero!" Behind him various clicking noises were made in the darkness.
"Come, you must meet the Kaptain. Are thier any others of your kind aboard your vessel?"
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 05:21
Smiling softly to himself, the Commandant of the ships responded.
To the dear commmander,
Please, do not consider us yet another backwards hick empire amongst the stars. We have recently evacuated billions of people and abandoned all of our planetary holdings due to an immense threat. We have dabbled in many dark and powerful arts, and learned the prices that are payed for attempting to utilize those technologies. We have seen much, and survived much more. We will allow your test, on one condition. That not a single being on this ship is harmed, in any way.
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 05:24
Franz smoothed his suit, and checked his compad. Air was breathable, not healthy but breathable. Deciding to place trust in his nanotech repair systems, he removed the mask. Struggling to comprehend the Zambistanian, he eked out the meaning and understood.
"No, no one but myself. And please, lead the way." He said, while thinking that as far as sentients were concerned, they were fairly sane looking.
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 05:30
OOC Zambistan a bit more infor aboutyour race would be nice
13-06-2007, 05:39
The reply was answered by a shrill barking of some sort by the speaker who grabbed the Soulian by the wrist and ran at full speed. The Soulian was lead among dirty and twisting corridors, littered with decaying food and dirt. The corridors were maze like, and the dim lighting hid many forms in the darkness. Finally the Soulian was lead to a large room filled with fizzing computers and semi-broken screens.
On the bridge various officials scurried left and right attending to the various beeping and whizzing things around them. Finally one with an eye-patch and various scars along his body stepped forward and bowed before the Soulian.
"Greetings voyager! May Tsathoggua bless all us! First may I say we are most grateful for your offer and will take you up on it. What are you fleeing from, and do you have a location already built for both our species to live in?"
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 05:41
OOC: They have a "phobia" of planet-like bodies. Perhaps if you offered to build them a space station they could live in you might get a more pleasant response...
OOC bit like the flood from halo?
time warps are back
13-06-2007, 05:42
OOC Zambistan a bit more infor about would your race be nice
OOC: They have a "phobia" of planet-like bodies. Perhaps if you offered to build them a space station they could live in you might get a more pleasant response...
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 05:44
Bowing stiffly, Franz looked the crustacean square in its eye. "Indeed, may ...Tsatta...hoggua...bless us. Sorry, odd word. We are fleeing from a xenoforming agent known as Tiberium. It has converted most of our major planets into uninhabitable balls of dirt. As of yet, we do not have a planned destination. However allies of ours are at this very moment assisting us in location a few solar systems for us to colonize. What we offer is protection on your voyage, and should you come to journey's end with us, we will provide you with one of our Gemini Class Habitat ships parked in orbit around a planet for yourselves."
13-06-2007, 05:55
The Kaptain clicked and whistled, his mouth tentacles rubbing over each other. "Yes, yes. Interesting. These 'Habitat Ships' as you call them, they could support us? I am unaware how one of these things work. Also, you are merely en route to these solar systems, yes? So you have an assured location to live at? I ask these because we have drifted the stars for quite awhile."
OOC: More a mix of crabs, tyranids, and orks.
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 06:01
OOC: Odd.
"We know the general sector of space, and within a month should have concrete system specifics. As for our habitat ships, the Gemini Class is 30km from stem to stern and can support 1,000,000 with ease. They are entirely self contained habitats that, with the proper knowledge, provide for nearly any species." Franz replied.
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 06:05
OOC: More a mix of crabs, tyranids, and orks.
OOC 40k i wise i knew at the start
ok we have a old Adrastos Fortress mk2 (Blackstone Fortress)
or a old Space Station
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 06:12
OOC: It will make way more sense later
IC: "Intriguing. This offer is quite acceptable! I advise we leave for this system at once, as this area seems to attract the more agressive types. I ask our ship be withen the safety of your fleet, perhpas hidden safely in the center. I assure you our people are hardworking and will help with any endeavour you need. Nsam Foulsteel will return you to your shuttle, unless you have anything else to discuss."
OOC that to me or some other RPer
13-06-2007, 06:12
OOC: It will make way more sense later
IC: "Intriguing. This offer is quite acceptable! I advise we leave for this system at once, as this area seems to attract the more agressive types. I ask our ship be withen the safety of your fleet, perhpas hidden safely in the center. I assure you our people are hardworking and will help with any endeavour you need. Nsam Foulsteel will return you to your shuttle, unless you have anything else to discuss."
The Fedral Union
13-06-2007, 06:13
Commander Kayborn sat back in his chair with a sigh, his blue eyes peering out in to the darkness of space as his small task force floated in the lifeless void. His smooth hands rested upon the black leathery armrest of his chair. he grumbled to him self dully slapping one of them on the rest. he swiveled over and looked to his tactical officer who was idly working on a holographic console, planting his hands over the shimmering flickering screen. Kayborn said with a strong deep voice "What do we have on sensors?"
The officer responded with a another boring sigh, looking down to the commander, his own blue uniform's pins glimmering gently in the chrome mundane light of the bridge, he responded after a quick glance back to his console and some beeps from it. he said in a lighter but equally hard voice. "Yes commander I'm detecting activity Several Light years away. Apparently aggressive.." The commander looked back with a surprise He didn't expect to find some thing like this out here, it was supposed to be another routine patrol in the back waters of space. He responded with a sly grin taping his hands on the armrests. He started to talk again... “All right, lets go in, tell the other ships to raise shields.” he waved his hand fluidly in the air to the tactical officer as a sign to make the order so.
Several moments passed and each of the five ships ripped open gaping vortexes of lighting and blue swirling masses of energy in front of them. They rushed in being converted to bright white and blue orbs swirling in to the vortexes like light in to a black hole. The seemingly endless tunnel filled with blue and white arcing bolts of energy , as the blackness of space was closed and left behind. Suddenly several moments passed and the orbs of energy in each flowing crackling tunnel ripped open another hole at there destination, space erupted in a crackling blue vortex of energy, orbs rushed out in streams re forming and molding and glowing white to form large ominous Grey rough hulled ships with smaller counter parts behind. The tactical officer said with surprise in his voice. “Uhh sir we have Flaming soul ships in the area, and Hobbeebian ships as well.
The commander looked over the situation, watching the scans on the screens and peering in to the lifelessness of space that was interrupted by other ships , he said in a hard deep voice again to his tactical officer. “All right send them a message , also keep an eye on the Hobbeebian ships, weapons on stand by and locked on to them.”
The message from the ship read. This Is United Colonial ship Lexington representing the United Colonial alliance of the federal Union, we have detected activity in this area and request to know what is happening the fleet contained multiple Heavily armed Demeter class cruisers, Vesta class frigates and Union class destroyers.
Zeon Principality
13-06-2007, 06:13
(OOC: Iä! Iä! Mi-Go? Or Formless Spawn?)
13-06-2007, 06:14
OOC 40k i wise i knew at the start
ok we have a old Adrastos Fortress mk2 (Blackstone Fortress)
or a old Space Station
We would greatly be interested in procuring the space station. How would we get it?
Flaming Souls
13-06-2007, 06:15
"I only ask that you dock with the Moonship so that we may ferry you to the rest of the fleet, if it pleases you I will stay on board with you so that I may learn more of your culture."
OOC: I need to go to bed, I will be back in action tomorrow morning.
Imperial isa
13-06-2007, 06:17
We would greatly be interested in procuring the space station. How would we get it?
we open a wormhole around your ship and take you there if that ok with you
13-06-2007, 13:13
Sir!, the Flaming souls battle group is going to allow the tests to be conducted. Should I stand down the weapons?" asked the Helmsmen
" Negative, Keep all weapons on at full alert. If they are what I think then we fire as soon as the results are confirmed." ordered the Commander as he got off his chair, nodding so it would dissipate. The Commander was fairly new to this in the void. His training, although very good, had a lack of diplomacy concerning the dark Bio threat.
" The Commander Replied
" Very well. We will conduct our test as scheduled. Please do not interfere and this is go by very quickly."
With that the Commander nodded to the Helmsmen to begin external scans. A flurry of Small lights contacted the hull. First reports came streaming into The Commanders nero-net uplink.
" This ship has to many similarities not to be one... but there are a lot of inconsistencies. ( he thought to him self ) - Continue the scan until we have a 100% confirmation of Dark Biomech presence." the Commander ordered as he left the his office.
13-06-2007, 21:40
"I only ask that you dock with the Moonship so that we may ferry you to the rest of the fleet, if it pleases you I will stay on board with you so that I may learn more of your culture."
OOC: I need to go to bed, I will be back in action tomorrow morning.
"Fair enough. Whatever questions you have about our people will be answered." The Kaptain reached over and pulled a large hand crank, and the engines fired up. Slowly the ship began to dock with the moonship, and the Kaptain turned once again to the space faring Soulian.
"So, what do you wish to know?"
14-06-2007, 16:51
The commander sat in his office reviewing the data that was streaming in from the vessel. The vessel was so close to what he is looking for but key differences made it impossible to tell. " We need a sample of the vessels hull for further analysis. " he thought to himself.
So the Commander sent a message:
" Our test are not yeilding the results we need. We will be taking a smaple of your hull for furtherer testing. "
14-06-2007, 17:01
The communicator chuckled to himself and sent off a message.
"Pieces of our hull are falling off all the time. The space around the ship right now is full of floating debris. You can have anything that is no longer on the ship."
14-06-2007, 17:17
The Commander was getting tired of these things and their sarcastic antics. But no the less the voice on the other end was right. Pieces where everywhere.
" So be it. But don't be to happy yet you are not yet off the hook." replied the Commander as he ordered a small shuttle to go out and collect a piece of the hull now floating out in space.
The Fedral Union
14-06-2007, 19:59
Kayborn gave a sly grin and sat back in his chair, his eyes peering out in to the darkness of space, he said with some movements of his hands. "All right they want to ignore us, tactical target a Disruptor cannon and fire across they're bows" the tactical officer blinked a bit but nodded, starting to tap the holographic console, suddenly the ship reverberated with crackling energy noises of heavy energy weapons starting up. The commander gave another smile and moved his hand forward quickly to signify the order to fire. Suddenly the Demeter class York-town fired twin pulses of crackling green disruptor fire. Across the lead Hobbeebian ship bow. The pulses raced forth lighting up the ominous darkness of space with its trail of energy. The Federal task force floated over ominously, the large ships casting a shadow on most in the area. They're large ominous bodies shimmered gently in what ever light was out there. The commander smiled again saying to his comn officer.
“send them a message.. again”
we have been monitoring your communications, and will not tolerate aggressive behavior in this sector of space, this is your final warning Hobbeebiain ships... withdraw or be fired upon
the commander just sat there putting his hands over his lap and peering outside.
Flaming Souls
15-06-2007, 06:45
"Well I guess we should start with your history, for if I am to understand your culture now, I must understand how it came to be." he said, pausing for a moment, he listened to his comm implant. "I would suggest that we get docked as soon as reasonably possible. Things might not be so friendly around here soon. The new arrival, Federal Union ship, is not at all friendly towards the Hobbeebians."
15-06-2007, 14:10
Hold for post ... I should be back on about 8 or 9 tonight.. if not earlier.
Ruthless Slaughter
15-06-2007, 15:54
Something curious was going on. There appeared to be major subspace activity all focused around...space junk? The Ensign looked quizically at his console.
Now what's going on here...
Then the message arrived.
"Well, that would do it, I suppose."
He got up and proceeded to the concole where his commanding officer was at work and showed him the padd.
"Interesting," the Leutenant responded, "I guess that would save us the time of scrapping it...Why not? I'll alert Ops."
An encrypted communiqe was sent to the vessel:
Attention unknown vessel. This is the Dominion of Ruthless Slaughter. We may have what you seek. The first image is of one of our older model starbases. That you may have free of charge, just specify where you would like it. Its systems and defenses are outdated by our standards, but we feel they would suit your needs. The second is of our newest model starbase. That contains the top of the line technology of our civilization. That, will cost you no small amount, but you would have cloaking technology, near impregnable shields, and plasma weapons. A vessel is en route and will rendezvous in a few hours.
Older Starbase (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/DominionofRS/starbase.jpg)
New Starbase (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/DominionofRS/baneth.jpg)
15-06-2007, 18:32
The older Star Base would be perfect. You are free to dock with us. Please hurry, as we are docking with another ship.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Kaptain steered the ship towards the shuttle. "Our culture you say? History? Well long ago a space faring race landed on a watery planet, Decapodia. There they changed the dominant lifeform to become sentient. Though they dided out, our race carried on in peace and achieved great works. But...." The Kaptain made odd noises, as if he was contemplating revealing something. "Lets just say things got a little crazy. Pretty soon, Decapodia was no more, and 5 vessels carried the remaining beings of our race away into the stars. It has been a long time since we have touched the surface of a planet"
The Kaptain turned around with a more happy looking face. "But perhaps you would understand us better if you understood our biology and religion!" He flipped a switch and a dusty screen lit up. It appeared to flash 1950's-esque graphics and spoke in a human like monotonous voice.
"Although little is known of Decapodian biology, it is known that the Decapodians have four hearts. Decapodians have many redundant internal organs and are able to survive both on dry land and deep underwater. They have a love for seafood and retain many features from their aquatic origins, including an ink sac, a gas bladder, and the ability to cough up colorful blue pearls following excessive consumption of dirt. Though fully grown Decapodians generally walk on two legs like a human, they are sometimes seen walking sideways (scuttling) like a crab. Decapodians do not employ any digestive mechanisms between their mouths and their first stomachs. This implies a relatively long digestive chain."
"Reproduction is seasonal. When males produce an excess of "male jelly" they become aggressive and violent. A hitherto hidden fin on their heads unfolds (similar to swordfish). The male engages in courtship displays on the beach to attract females. Love is unknown; the female chooses a male mate based on the strength of his displays. The actual reproductive act is a large, public group affair that is known as the "mating frenzy." After pairing, couples enter the water where the male releases his jelly into the cloacal vents of the female."
"After fertilization, Decapodians have a complex life cycle, going through more than a half dozen distinct forms (possibly ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny) before maturing into a bipedal humanoid form
1. A coral-like mass from which multiple Decapodians bud off
2. A Hydra-like form
3. A starfish-like form
4. A spiny sea urchin-like form
5. A deep sea anglerfish-like form
6. A lamprey-like form
7. A large clam-like form
8. A trilobite-like form
9. A cuttlefish-like form
10. A hard-shelled bipedal humanoid form
Decapodians do not urinate or defecate. This is because they possess an incredibly effective digestive system. What cannot be digested is regurgitated, and some chemicals are released as a thick sweat. This sweat has slight heat retardant and antibiotic properties, and can be altered by the Decapodian to exude a variety of pheromones. These pheromones can be controlled and altered, and are also used to control other animals, mark territory or trails, and (according to one researcher), are a component of Decapodian humour towards outsiders."
"One of the most peculiar biological traits of the Decapodian is their ability to rapidly evolve, with the capability for significant changes over four or five generations. The digestive system of the Decapodian is able to extract DNA from their food, which is then incorporated into that particular Decapodian's DNA structure. Breeding ensures that these consumed traits become present in later generations."
The Kaptain flipped another switch, and the screen began to discuss religion.
"Decapodians worship Tsathoggua, a giant Decapodian. Tsathoggua is eternally sleeping, those who dare awaken him are instantly devoured unless they bring a sacrifice, which the god instantly devours before eating the intruder. Why the Decapodians worship him is not known, he is too lazy to imbue mortal practicioners of magic with superpowers, too slothful to teach spells, too uncaring to worry if people actually worship him or not, too oblivious to see if his flock actually follows the commandments that he was too sleepy to give his chosen prophet whom he devoured by mistake. As a matter of fact, the reason Tsathoggua is considered a god is not even known.
The releigion tries to emulate, as accurately as possible, Tsathoggua’s exploits.
The Commandments of Tsathoggua
1. Sleep
2. Eat
3. Repeat as necessary
Tsathoggua's mortal sins
1. If you cannot sleep on it or eat it, it is not worth your time.
2. If you are reading this or writing this you are obviously not a true formless spawn of Tsathoggua and you deserve to be devoured.
3. If you are thinking in complete sentences you are doing something very wrong.
4. If you use silverware or chopsticks to eat you are eating the wrong way.
5. If you want recognition of your religion you are wasting precious sleeping and eating time.
6. Cooking is an abomination upon the eyes of Tsathoggua, enslave or marry someone else to do it for you.
7. Don't ever think about visiting Tsathoggua, he doesn't care.
The Cult of Tsathoggua is unique amongst the many religions of the world because you don't need to donate time, money or any kind of resources. As Tsathoggua is a very busy god he won't even care if you praise his holy name or not. You don't even need to be aware of his existance to be a cultist."
"Interesting, yes?" The screen flicked a blood red and scenes of gore, war and murder flashed.
"Almost every species in the universe has a presence in the warp; their sentience affecting the ways in which the currents of the Immaterium flow. Members of the Decapoidian race also subconsciously create a psychic field that influences every facet of their lives-"
The Kaptain quickly shut it off, hesitating to turn around.
"L-lets get to that shuttle of yours."
16-06-2007, 01:33
Kayborn gave a sly grin and sat back in his chair, his eyes peering out in to the darkness of space, he said with some movements of his hands. "All right they want to ignore us, tactical target a Disruptor cannon and fire across they're bows" the tactical officer blinked a bit but nodded, starting to tap the holographic console, suddenly the ship reverberated with crackling energy noises of heavy energy weapons starting up. The commander gave another smile and moved his hand forward quickly to signify the order to fire. Suddenly the Demeter class York-town fired twin pulses of crackling green disruptor fire. Across the lead Hobbeebian ship bow. The pulses raced forth lighting up the ominous darkness of space with its trail of energy. The Federal task force floated over ominously, the large ships casting a shadow on most in the area. They're large ominous bodies shimmered gently in what ever light was out there. The commander smiled again saying to his comn officer.
“send them a message.. again”
we have been monitoring your communications, and will not tolerate aggressive behavior in this sector of space, this is your final warning Hobbeebiain ships... withdraw or be fired upon
the commander just sat there putting his hands over his lap and peering outside.
The bolt of energy crossed the sight path of the ships bridge and quickly caught the attention of the Commander on board. Not long after he received the message
" Aggressive-maybe. But we have protocol to follow and this protocol is in place to ensure you don't die. We are in search of a deadly mechanical virus that resembles this ships hull to the degree of about 98%. this is a good enough reason to be just a little aggressive. And please don't fire again. Less you wish to break a peace between out people. " he replied after which he quietly had the ships defenses aimed at the Federal Union craft. The shields where already raised.
Ruthless Slaughter
21-06-2007, 14:51
A black void opened in space as the transwarp conduit came into view. Out of it came a Dominion War Cruiser (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/DominionofRS/jemhadar_heavycruiser.gif). On its bridge stoos Captain Alexander Ramius of the Dominion Starfleet.
A channel was opened to the vessel.
"Attention unknown vessel, I am Captain Aexander Ramius of the Dominion warship Justice. I am here to finalize agreements for where exactly you wish your new home to be delivered and to familiarize you all with the computer systems onboard."