Combined Heart Alliance 1st Grand Council (Invite only)
South Thasland
11-06-2007, 15:05
I would like to welcome all delegates and Heads of States to the 1st Grand Council of the newly formed Combined Heart Alliance. Already, several pressing issues have surfaced. Our issues, unless anyone has anything to add, are-
The Application of Mirosovia
An Alliance to the Hegemony
The backgrounds to both are here-
I might add that Lord Sumguy has also invited a CHA represenitive to the Hegemony Pre-Election Ball.
As the ball appears to already be underway, I suggest we decide who our represenitive is quickly.
แผนที่ ผู้ผลิต
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Nova Pictavia
11-06-2007, 16:03
The Oppressed Peoples of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
Firstly, The New Pictish Parliamentary representative would like to address the proposed union with the Hegemonic states. We firmly believe that the Hegemony's charter is far weaker in comparison to the CHA, and that the union may only serve to dilute the decisive and swift discussion already demonstrated by the CHA. Thus, let it be known that we are opposed to said union, and that we firmly believe that in time, if our work is just, the remainder of the Hegemonic states will join forces with us, both individually and voluntarily. We are also sceptical of the Hegemony's system of governance within their alliance, believing our grand council to be a far more liberal and efficient system.
The Pictish Parliament would ask the allies of Nova Pictavia to consider her stance, and perhaps delay, although not ignore the possibility of, said union for future discussion. As a show of good faith, however, we would be more than happy to place our trust in a representative of South Thasland or Payal (as they are the founding allies of this organization), to attend the Hegemonic pre-election ball.
Secondly, concerning the application of Mirosovia into this great alliance, we would like to question the nature of their "campaign". The fact that they have only requested admittance into the CHA in order to gain the military backing neccesary to put down the rebellion also hangs in the balance. The Pictish Parliament has taken the stance that:
1. Mirosovia's application into the alliance should be denied until relative stability can be attained. Of coarse this would also depend upon the methods of attaining said stability.
2.However, Due to the close proximity of Mirosovia to another member of the Grand council, and possibly tensions between these two nations, Mirosovia's plea for aid should not go totally unanswered.
3. Therefor it is the Parliaments decision that until the full truth of events can be uncovered regarding the rebellion and Mirosovia's questionable methods, This great alliance should take a neutral stance only, Perhaps sending peacekeepers into the region in order to minimize conflict while the Grand Council analyzes the situation.
Thankyou For your time.
The New Pictish Parliament, Inverness
11-06-2007, 16:46
With regards to the Daesagaert/Mirosovian conflict, we would like to try and get both sides to negoitiate with regards on how to end this conflict.
However, if no conclusion can be reached, then I suggest Peacekeepers to try and maintain the peace.
South Thasland
11-06-2007, 17:18
With regards to the Daesagaert/Mirosovian conflict, we would like to try and get both sides to negoitiate with regards on how to end this conflict.
As Mirosovia is not yet a part of this alliance, I don't think that we have the authority to start negotiations. If they ask for our help in negotiations, then we should consider it, but I don't think we should butt in.
However, if no conclusion can be reached, then I suggest Peacekeepers to try and maintain the peace.
I would like to point out that a un-asked for Peacekeeping force could be viewed as a hostile invasion. Unless the fighting spreads to the neighboring countries, I don't think we can interfere unless asked.
On the issue of Mirosovia's application, I think we should hear both sides of the issue and ask Hrstrovokia to give it's side of the story, then invite Mirosovia to defend itself. After hearing both sides and clarifying any issues, we can vote.
South Thasland, however, regrets that it can send no delegate to the ball.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Being a CHA Co-Founder i will represent us at this ball, if you all have no objections?
Alan L. Lee
Alan L. Lee
President Of Payal
11-06-2007, 18:22
Very well. We shall wait until the Mirosovians are part of the Alliance. THEN we shall act!
John Denver
[CENTER]1. Mirosovia's application into the alliance should be denied until relative stability can be attained. Of coarse this would also depend upon the methods of attaining said stability.
I do understand this, and agree with you 100%. They should be denied till their full intentions on how to take this crisis are revealed and then we can see if we wish to act or not
2.However, Due to the close proximity of Mirosovia to another member of the Grand council, and possibly tensions between these two nations, Mirosovia's plea for aid should not go totally unanswered.
Their Plea shall not be unanswered, i suggest all small peacekeeping force should be sent to aid them but not to act as assault forces but as cilivian protection force. THIS IS NOT OUR WAR in anyway!!
3. Therefor it is the Parliaments decision that until the full truth of events can be uncovered regarding the rebellion and Mirosovia's questionable methods, This great alliance should take a neutral stance only, Perhaps sending peacekeepers into the region in order to minimize conflict while the Grand Council analyzes the situation.
As i have already said, i do believe that we should send peacekeepers but only to protect the government and its citizens, not to go fighting their war it is not our place.
I can send 2,500 Vanguard Elite with 25 Vanguard Spearhead Battle Tanks as peacekeeping forces, but only if other nations believe that we should take this action otherwise we shall not send this much.
11-06-2007, 18:46
I agree Peacekeepers are needed
Nova Pictavia
11-06-2007, 19:22
Centre for the Combined Pictish Forces
I wholeheartedly agree with my fellow allies on this one. So, just to clarify, are we sending troops in to minimalize conflict and keep this war localized?
However, I think we should consider the possibility that our forces become involved in firefights with either side. What then? Pull out or send in more troops?
The Pictish Forces are currently pending modernization, the bulk of which are largely unorganized and unavailable. We would however, while our troops are re-equipped, be happy to send in our most elite air unit, just in case.
If this council decides that a Peacekeeper force is neccesary, I'm happy to send:
3 X A-12A Avenger II Fighter-Bombers
9 X AV-28 Wraith ESTOVL Attack Aircraft
P.s, Have a good one, Payal ;)
Slaam Rousse
Commander of the Pictish Forces
11-06-2007, 19:28
The Alversian People's Army will delay the deployment of peacekeepers until the coucil as a whole reaches a decision
The Peacekeeping forces of CHA will withdraw only if the comflict becomes too high risk of life, we shall also try and evacuate as many as we can for the same reason, presivation of life.
We shall also have the PRN Europa near by with Shadowcat's and Thunderflash's. She will be caring elite royal commando's.
Alan L. Lee
Alan L. Lee
President Of Payal
((Shall do, you too))
South Thasland
12-06-2007, 02:10
The Hrstrovokian Union will be firmly against sending armaments or forces to Mirosovia until both sides to agree to a cease-fire and enter talks into ending the conflict along equal lines. Furthermore, the Union would see it as a threat other nations sending large security forces to a nation so close to its own borders.
You must understand that Hrstrovokia is slowly beginning to rejoin the international community. We have no reason to trust you other than that we are new friends in a untested alliance.
This needs to be taken into account as well. While I am open to the idea of peacemakers, I think that a peacekeeping force's effect on a member should at least be raised. We could be, worst case scenario, caught up in war and short a member. Not to mention a possible bad reputation.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
This is true, we have to look at our reputation but the fact of a country has been plunged into chaos?
I am torn between what action should be taken.
Nova Pictavia
12-06-2007, 12:31
The current outline of the peacekeeping mission sounds good to me, but I think we definately need to hear The Hrstrovokian Union's opinion on this action. Personally, instead of viewing this force as a threat, it should be viewed as an opportunity to stabilize Mirosovia's and Hrstrovokia's region, not to mention relations, which would be benificial for all.
Perhaps, if it would make any difference to Hrstovokia, I am to consider sending in our tactical police forces (which comprise 6% of our armed forces) rather than a bulk force of Pictish soldiers. This would solely serve to police negotiations and provide a non-threataning presence in the cities, however still enough of a presence to maintain law and order.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the Pictish Forces.
Nova Pictavia
12-06-2007, 12:40
According to our intelligance (Please take no offence if this is wrong), both Mirosovia and Alversia have a Defence budget of $0.00 (0%) :confused:
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the Nova Pictavian Forces
12-06-2007, 14:54
According to our intelligance (Please take no offence if this is wrong), both Mirosovia and Alversia have a Defence budget of $0.00 (0%) :confused:
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the Nova Pictavian Forces
OOC: How'd you figure that out?
Nova Pictavia
12-06-2007, 16:08
OOC: I use for budgetory intelligence.
12-06-2007, 16:15
OOC: Just becuase I don't spend anything on Defence doesn't mean I can't have a military
13-06-2007, 19:20
After much consideration, I have decided that a limited deployment of CHA forces to the region can be tolerated, provided that the force is solely for peacekeeping forces and that such an operation will fall under the command of the Hrstrovokian military. The PKF [Peacekeeping Forces, the official name of the Hrstrovokian armies] has more than enough experience, capability and expertise to handle a violatile situation as that occuring in Mirosovia.
Our proximity to the locality gives us an excellent advantage should the CHA formations need resupply or reinforcement. For the duration of the operation, CHA forces will be authorised to make use of Hrstrovokian airspace and airports, our national territory and its transportation networks and sea lanes and ports. CHA forces will also be offered the chance to train with the PKF and the Crimson Guard LSA [Land, Sea & Air] Special Forces.
The CHA forces cannot be used in support of the Mirosovian Republic in military actions against the SOD or other forces. We will be there to keep the peace and to see through the disarmament of the combatant and demilitarization of Daesagaert.
Should Mirosovia accept our plans then for our part we will aid the fledgling republic with a revival package of 4 Billion Gil to develop its economy. We will also sign a seperate pact of friendship and mutual co-operation with Mirosovia guaranteeing peaceful relations between our two nations for the next 5 years and aiding the state should a hostile invasion occur.
We will also fully back Mirosovia's application for membership to the Combined Heart Alliance if they accept our terms. First though, all forces in Mirosovia and Daesagaert must call an immediate cease-fire and prepare for intensive talks to discuss a viable solution to the conflict. The talks could be held in a CHA nation. The agenda for these talks should include the release of prisoners on either sides and an autonomous government for Daesagaert.
President Aleksander Milovtan
The Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
13-06-2007, 20:08
After much consideration, I have decided that a limited deployment of CHA forces to the region can be tolerated, provided that the force is solely for peacekeeping forces and that such an operation will fall under the command of the Hrstrovokian military. The PKF [Peacekeeping Forces, the official name of the Hrstrovokian armies] has more than enough experience, capability and expertise to handle a violatile situation as that occuring in Mirosovia.
Our proximity to the locality gives us an excellent advantage should the CHA formations need resupply or reinforcement. For the duration of the operation, CHA forces will be authorised to make use of Hrstrovokian airspace and airports, our national territory and its transportation networks and sea lanes and ports. CHA forces will also be offered the chance to train with the PKF and the Crimson Guard LSA [Land, Sea & Air] Special Forces.
The CHA forces cannot be used in support of the Mirosovian Republic in military actions against the SOD or other forces. We will be there to keep the peace and to see through the disarmament of the combatant and demilitarization of Daesagaert.
Should Mirosovia accept our plans then for our part we will aid the fledgling republic with a revival package of 4 Billion Gil to develop its economy. We will also sign a seperate pact of friendship and mutual co-operation with Mirosovia guaranteeing peaceful relations between our two nations for the next 5 years and aiding the state should a hostile invasion occur.
We will also fully back Mirosovia's application for membership to the Combined Heart Alliance if they accept our terms. First though, all forces in Mirosovia and Daesagaert must call an immediate cease-fire and prepare for intensive talks to discuss a viable solution to the conflict. The talks could be held in a CHA nation. The agenda for these talks should include the release of prisoners on either sides and an autonomous government for Daesagaert.
President Aleksander Milovtan
The Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
Your plans and terms are an incredulous insult to this nation. At one point, yes, we would have been prepared to accept CHA forces in Mirosovia and even Hrstrovokian troops amongst them. But this is a farce and nothing short of it. We came to this organisation desperate and needing help and all we found was a talk shop presided over by a tyrannical dictatorship. You will soon see that Hrstrovokia will gain power and control of the CHA and then you will be nothing but puppets for their machinations.
We have suspected for some time that Hrstrovokia has supplied the SOD with weapons and now we have the proof. In a sweep of villages in south-west Daesagaert we have found a large cache of rifles and ammunition. These rifles are AK-47s and the ammunition 7.62mm calibre - the same rifles produced by the Hrstrovokian military. The serial numbers were careful filed away but there can be no doubt that these weapons are of Hrstrovokian origin. How else could the SOD obtain such large quantities of superior weaponry? BISS [that most devious and treacherous of organisations - Bureau for Intelligence and State Security] is secretly moving weapons across our common border so that the SOD can demean the republic's integrity and stability. We will now seal the entire length of our border, there will be no more underhand tactics from you Milovtan!
The SOD is a communist organisation. Hrstrovokia is a communist state. Hrstrovokia supports the SOD so that all of Mirosovia will eventually fall to communism and Hrstrovokian domination of the Bralisk region will be assured. When the civil war was being waged for the future of this nation, Hrstrovokia supported the communist factions. When it became clear that the republicans would triumph, they began supporting anyone, so long as the republic would not survive.
10 years ago Hrstrovokia invaded Boroglia, another state in the Bralisk region, and it was due to an international outcry that their forces had to halt and retreat with their tails between their legs. Boroglia was hence forever free and irrevocably lost to Hrstrovokia. We will now do the same. There are plenty of nations out there willing to support the republic and all it stands for. We are finished with you!
Premier Jan Elias
The Greater Mirosovian Republic
Nova Pictavia
14-06-2007, 12:48
The Oppressed Peoples of nova Pictavia
Official Communication
A peacekeeper force has been succesfully mobilized for action in Mirosovia. Detailes of this force shall not be disclosed at this moment. The soldiers of the NPAF are awaiting the green light, pending the Combine's decision in the light of this new testimony.
"We came to this organisation desperate and needing help and all we found was a talk shop presided over by a tyrannical dictatorship." - Mirosovia
To an extent, Premiere Elias has a point. Action needs to be taken. Talking about this situation isn't going to solve anything. At this point, however, I would like to remind Elias that originally, Hrstrovokia was fundamentally against a Peacekeeper force, yet the majority of Council members has approved it.
I would also like to graciously accept President Milovtan proposal to allow our forces to formally train with PKF special forces.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the Pictavian Forces.
I for one do believe that we need to help this nation in their greatest time of need but i will not send an amry to fight for them, I will only send an army to help protect their major cities.
My force of peacekeepers will contain land, sea and air units so that these cowards that attack cannot hide. My peacekeeping force will remain on Mirosovian soil till they are able control it themselves but if the situation increases and our forces are unable to retreat i will have no other choice but to send a strike force to enable our forces to retreat to a safer location for extraction.
Alan L. Lee
Alan L. Lee
President Of Payal
As the Delkorian Representitive, I must point out that King Tirus is unwilling to deploy military forces without a vote of member nations. I suggest that one of the Founders start a vote on the issue to send a peacekeeping force. Tirus will send forces if the majority of the CHA vote to do so.
Hannodon, Imperial Representitive to the CHA
(ooc: Payal or S.T., I suggest posting a "poll" that we could use to vote on the issue. It would make choices much easier. Also, if you would like, I can look into our own forum for the CHA.)
14-06-2007, 17:54
Alversia would also prefer a vote before any choices were made, regarding
the deployment of Soldiers.
John Denver
John Denver
Nova Pictavia
14-06-2007, 18:19
The Oppressed Peoples of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
We firmly back the poll, if there is a deadline for a decision so as to not prolong the time our forces are kept on standby. We also wish fellow Combine allies to consider a coalition initiative to coordinate our forces.
(OOC: Mirosovia, if we decide to go in, and your OK with it, do you have a map or list of the cities that would be involved?)
I would also like to point out to Mirosovia that if it were to join the Combine forces, this member would certainly not tolorate speculation and the slandering of fellow members. Even if these allegations are true, Mirosovia has no hard evidence. The Ak-47 is the worlds foremost assault rifle and is also capable of home construction. However, Nova Pictavia does not in any way speak for her allies.
Might I also take this time to point out that although your claim that Hrstrovokia is a Tyrannical Dictatorship is true, she still grants her citizens more civil rights than the Republic of Mirosovia.
Finally, along with our Peacekeepers we are preparing an aid package to be deplyed in frontline Daesagaert cities. Further aid to Mirosovia is pending decision.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the Nova Pictavian Armed Forces
South Thasland
14-06-2007, 18:29
(((OOC: Our own forum? That'd be handy. If you can pull this off, i'll post the poll there.)))
These rifles are AK-47s and the ammunition 7.62mm calibre - the same rifles produced by the Hrstrovokian military. The serial numbers were careful filed away but there can be no doubt that these weapons are of Hrstrovokian origin.
AK-47s are readily available anywhere, are they not? While this evidence is suspicious, it is not definitive.
(((OCC: Ah. That was just posted. Well, I agree with Nova Pictavia)))
After much consideration, I have decided that a limited deployment of CHA forces to the region can be tolerated, provided that the force is solely for peacekeeping forces and that such an operation will fall under the command of the Hrstrovokian military.
When the civil war was being waged for the future of this nation, Hrstrovokia supported the communist factions. When it became clear that the republicans would triumph, they began supporting anyone, so long as the republic would not survive.
10 years ago Hrstrovokia invaded Boroglia, another state in the Bralisk region, and it was due to an international outcry that their forces had to halt and retreat with their tails between their legs. Boroglia was hence forever free and irrevocably lost to Hrstrovokia. We will now do the same. There are plenty of nations out there willing to support the republic and all it stands for. We are finished with you!
It is apparent that a Hrstrovokian commander would drag the past into the conflict, which is not a wise move. In fact, any Hrstrovokian involvement, however well-intentioned it would be, may cause much more trouble then it's worth. If I may, I would like to propose that no Hrstrovokians be involved in the actual peace-keeping force. I mean this in all respect to Hrstrovokia, and I hope that no offense is taken. I just would like to point out that well-intentioned actions can still cause problems.
I would also like to point out that an insurgency such as this is almost never stopped completly by military aid alone. I think it might be better to address the root of the problem, as well. Perhaps it can be solved by foriegn aid and negotiations?
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
14-06-2007, 19:57
It is apparent that a Hrstrovokian commander would drag the past into the conflict, which is not a wise move. In fact, any Hrstrovokian involvement, however well-intentioned it would be, may cause much more trouble then it's worth. If I may, I would like to propose that no Hrstrovokians be involved in the actual peace-keeping force. I mean this in all respect to Hrstrovokia, and I hope that no offense is taken. I just would like to point out that well-intentioned actions can still cause problems.
I would also like to point out that an insurgency such as this is almost never stopped completly by military aid alone. I think it might be better to address the root of the problem, as well. Perhaps it can be solved by foriegn aid and negotiations?
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Its certainly obvious that Mr. Elias has an aversion to any Hrstrovokian presence in Mirosovia and our continued involvement in the situation only creates an impasse. Therefore, Hrstrovokia will withdraw any interest from the Mirosovian crisis. Our proposals to station Combine forces in Hrstrovokia still stands, as does our offers for economic regeneration.
Hrstrovokia has not supplied the SOD with weapons during the course of this crisis. The PKF maintains a rigid control and surveillance operation over all movement across the shared border. BISS operatives do not have links with the SOD. The AK-47 is the most widely used weapon in the world and those rifles could have come from anywhere. Another comment like that will cost you severely Mr. Elias.
Our support for communist elements during the founding of Mirosovia was purely humanitarian and also included aid to civilians and refugees.
Hrstrovokia will only tolerate CHA forces in Mirosovia. Any other nation coming to the aid of Mirosovia will be considered hostile and a threat to our security and an escalation of violence in Mirosovia. We will have no choice but to intervene in the matter. You have your options, we are being more than fair considering developments, make the right decision.
President Aleksander Milovtan
The Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
South Thasland
15-06-2007, 16:25
As apparently the vote is looming, I would like to ask Mirosovia and Hrstrovokia a question.
By the charter, all CHA members are required to share knowledge, and give aid, both civilian and military, when required. If, heaven forbid, a military situation arises, then Mirosovian troops may very well fight alongside Hrstrovokian troops. If Hrstrovokia requires aid, then you may be called upon to give aid. In fact, due to your proximity, this is almost certain. Knowing this, do you, Mirosovia, still want to join?
And, just curious, what would your answer be to this question, Hrstrovokia?
I am only seeking to clarify some issues that have been troubling me recently.
The Mapmaker,
South Thasland
Nova Pictavia
16-06-2007, 01:25
In the light of new progress towards action in the subject of the Mirosovian crisis, I would also like to turn attention back to Lord Sumguy's propoal.
Enclosed in this transmission is the following reported, drafted from the Hegemony's activities in a single day. The following has been adapted from NPAF Intelligence and is intended as a resource for Combine allies to review.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
Forces Academy, Inverness
Areas within the Hegemonic Organization which may hinder or compromise the Goals of the CHA:
1. Rash military decisions undertaken through the whim of a single entity who is representing a multinational force, with no conferring with fellow allies.
The Hegemony will not stand for genocide. the 950,000-man international Hegemony army has begun paradropping into New Hataria.
Message to Field Marshal Max Wruck from General Stevens of the Hegemony international army:
My good sir, i am sure that this is through no order on your part, but Hegemony paradrop planes passing over the territory your forces are occupying spotted what appeared to be concentration camps. This has been confirmed by sattelite photos. I regret to inform you that if this practice is not stopped, Hegemony forces will be forced to take action, as prevention of genocide is one of the main goals of the Hegemony, and if the UN taught us one thing, it was never to stand by and allow atrocities.
-General Stevens
2. Previous or future conflicts unresolved by the Hegemony which we would subseqaintly suffer from:limitations of the Hegemony, as Griffencrest Corp. is about to defeat and possibly invade us
3. The profound International opposition to the Hegemony and atmosphere of distrust projected by other nations, as demonstrated here:
I SAY AGAIN, that acceptance of Lord Sumguy's proposal would only further hinder the aim of the CHA international alliance, undoubtedly engaging fellow allies of the NPAF in foreign theatres of war which they have had no say in entering. Also, as demonstrated by the Hegemony's current invasion threat, this strategy only renews the possibility that these conflicts will be brought onto our own soil. I would also like to raise concern in the establishment of the Hegemony as an excuse for a dictator-led multinational military force.
16-06-2007, 01:26
The people of this nation foster no feelings of animosity towards the people of Hrstrovokia. We have a shared history in our struggle against repression and domination during which our people were brothers and sisters and drew much courage, strength and compassion from each other. It is a long story and though it is worthy of telling, perhaps at another point in time.
It is the government of Hrstrovokia that we cannot agree, condone or even co-exist with despite our best intentions and hopes. You must understand that the communist regime in Marinth [capital of USR of Hrstrovokia] is seeking to undermine democracy in Mirosovia by supporting terrorists in the form of the SOD. Their aims are to install a pro-marxist regime in our nation because the idea of a democratic, free and just Mirosovia terrifies them, it terrifies them because they see it as an infection. An infection that will spread if not treated. Hrstrovokia civil rights and political freedoms are abysmal. We will prove to you that Hrstrovokia is financing and arming the terrorists. What then will be your response once you comprehend the truth?
We are more than prepared to co-operate with Hrstrovokia as soon as it halts its aid to the terrorists and allows events in Mirosovia to develop according to Mirosovia's own democratic hopes and genius, without foreign intervention.
I see the only remaining event for the CHA to clarify is to whether it will admit Mirosovia, knowing the conflict of interest between one member-state and another. Will you resolve this conflict peacefully with a readiness to enter meaningful discussions or resort to sending in your armies? This is, as far as we can see, the ultimate test so far of the true democratic spirit of the CHA.
The Republic of Mirosovia hereby declares its offensive against the SOD finished and a cease-fire to be underway as of now. We will immediately enter into discussions with regard to seeking autonomy for Daesagaert and the ending of all government programs of internment and imprisonment.
[OOC: Myself and Hrstrovokia have thought about opening another thread about a possible war in Mirosovia, just thought you should all know. I have the week off and have drawn up on map...very crappy map...of the Bralisk region. We are also going to write up a background and history of the region, just a short one, and a profile of the elements in this story...the SOD etc.
Everyone from the CHA is invited but anyone outside of that is iffy. What do you guys think?]
Lord Sumguy
16-06-2007, 01:34
OOC: may i defend myself?
As a member of the Hegemony I think we should small, but strict ties with them, but I don't fell we should make a union with them. Being as i have known Lord Sumguy for a while, he feels the need to be incontrol. And if we make a union, he will go threatening other nations with it, as he has done with a BC oil disbute, and something to do with British Londinium. Soon once the voting is done in the Hegemony I will try to set some thing up, for I'm probally going to become the Vice-Hegemon. I say let them be destroyed from Lord Sumguy's cockyness and then we comfort the nations that were destroyed. Which would end up with the Hegemony destroyed and all of the ex members in the Combined Hearts Alliance.
Nova Pictavia
16-06-2007, 01:40
OOC: may i defend myself?
The Oppressed Peoples Of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
Parliament wishes to convey the message that although we may appear to have predominantly adopted an anti-hegemonic stance, this is not true. We simply wish to preserve the CHA as she is, believing amalgimation into the Hegemony is not in the Combine's best interests. Nothing was meant to effect how other members view the Hegemony, only how they understand the consequences of the proposed union.
As is in tune with the spirit of democracy, we will fully support your right to defend yourself.
The New Parliament of Nova Pictavia, Inverness
Nova Pictavia
16-06-2007, 01:46
As a member of the Hegemony I think we should small, but strict ties with them, but I don't fell we should make a union with them. Being as i have known Lord Sumguy for a while, he feels the need to be incontrol. And if we make a union, he will go threatening other nations with it, as he has done with a BC oil disbute, and something to do with British Londinium. Soon once the voting is done in the Hegemony I will try to set some thing up, for I'm probally going to become the Vice-Hegemon. I say let them be destroyed from Lord Sumguy's cockyness and then we comfort the nations that were destroyed. Which would end up with the Hegemony destroyed and all of the ex members in the Combined Hearts Alliance.
I said this a while ago, and agree with you 100%, if perhaps in a more politically correct fashion. Let this be a time of testing for the new alliances, and let the broken Hegemony come to us. I however, express no wish that the Hegemony should be broken, rather that in the event it does so, I will personally push for acceptance of any ex-Hegemonic state which wishes to join the CHA, as long as they are not presented with a permanent seat on the Grand council initially.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
I was agreeing with you, and I don't want the Hegemony to fall apart I merely am saying we should not help it if it goes into war from Lord Sumguy's ignorance. We should just watch it closely
Lord Sumguy
16-06-2007, 01:54
The Oppressed Peoples Of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
Parliament wishes to convey the message that although we may appear to have predominantly adopted an anti-hegemonic stance, this is not true. We simply wish to preserve the CHA as she is, believing amalgimation into the Hegemony is not in the Combine's best interests. Nothing was meant to effect how other members view the Hegemony, only how they understand the consequences of the proposed union.
As is in tune with the spirit of democracy, we will fully support your right to defend yourself.
The New Parliament of Nova Pictavia, Inverness
OOC: i need permission from South Thasland, as this is his/her thread.
Nova Pictavia
16-06-2007, 02:02
OOC:Greston: I know I didn't mean to imply you wanted it to fall apart, although this kinda implies that. ;) lol "I say let them be destroyed"
I was simply trying to cover my own hind should someone accuse me of taking an irrational dislike to the Hegemony as my grounds for rejecting Lord Sumguy's proposal. (But I'm in total agreement with you anyway :))
OOC:Lord Sumguy: Jus sayin should it be considered that you are allowed I am with you on it.
I don't need to care anymore about it being destroyed from his ignorance, for I have resigned from being a member of it.
Lord Sumguy
16-06-2007, 02:28
OOC: ok then, here goes.
I will now respond to statements that council members have made.
dictator-led multinational military force If i was a dictator, there wouldnt be an election.
Being as i have known Lord Sumguy for a while, he feels the need to be incontrol
again, no elections if i felt a need to be in control.
I say let them be destroyed from Lord Sumguy's cockyness and then we comfort the nations that were destroyed.
Several of the nations within the Combined Heart belong to the Hegemony. Would you abandon them? Also, I fail to see how following the Hegemony Charter and defending Greal is cocky.
I say let them be destroyed from Lord Sumguy's cockyness and then we comfort the nations that were destroyed. Which would end up with the Hegemony destroyed and all of the ex members in the Combined Hearts Alliance.
so you would stand by and allow our destruction for the mere purpose of making your alliance more powerful? And here i thought the CHA was created to work for all of humanity, not just member nations. Apperently i was wrong.
I never proposed a merger between our two organizations, merely an alliance. I urge the CHA to act for the common good, not in self-interest. The Hegemony is on the brink of destruction, please do not abandon us.
South Thasland
16-06-2007, 04:55
OOC: Sorry I wasn't on. This topic developed fast! :p
And to Mirosovia and Hrstrovokia, I think that the new thread idea is great. You may want to wait to post it, al least until we hear back from Delkor about possibly our own forum.
so you would stand by and allow our destruction for the mere purpose of making your alliance more powerful? And here i thought the CHA was created to work for all of humanity, not just member nations. Apperently i was wrong.
I would like to point out that this was already dealt with, and the result of a misunderstanding.
As we speak, however, I think we all realize that the Hegemony is locked in combat. However, I, for one, know almost nothing about the history and progress of this war. I wouldn't mind knowing a bit more about this war you wish us to join. I would also like to point out that the CHA may already be commiting troops to a situation in Mirosovia. Therefore, we must also consider the danger of spreading our forcesw too thinly, not to mention gaining a repuation as quick to war.
Lord Sumguy
16-06-2007, 05:37
OOC: Sorry I wasn't on. This topic developed fast! :p
And to Mirosovia and Hrstrovokia, I think that the new thread idea is great. You may want to wait to post it, al least until we hear back from Delkor about possibly our own forum.
I would like to point out that this was already dealt with, and the result of a misunderstanding.
As we speak, however, I think we all realize that the Hegemony is locked in combat. However, I, for one, know almost nothing about the history and progress of this war. I wouldn't mind knowing a bit more about this war you wish us to join. I would also like to point out that the CHA may already be commiting troops to a situation in Mirosovia. Therefore, we must also consider the danger of spreading our forcesw too thinly, not to mention gaining a repuation as quick to war.
An oil patch was found on the coast of Greal, Griffincrest Corp. wants it, and is invading Greal in order to take it. The Hegemony is defending Greal, as it is a Hegemony member.
South Thasland
16-06-2007, 05:43
OOC: Can you post a link to the thread?
16-06-2007, 14:52
Events in Greal are worrying and while we do have sympathy we can't help but feel that Hegemony is drawing us into a conflict not of our own making in order to bolster its own forces against Blackhelm, just as Mirosovia sought support for its war against the SOD. Greal should have never so publicly announced its oil finds, considering it is still a small state. That was naive on the part of the Greal government. But again, if it weren't for warmongers like Blackhelm, there wouldn't have been a problem in doing so.
Hrstrovokia is against admitting Lord Sumguy into the CHA. I see no point in sacrificing the security of our nation in order to secure a finite fossil fuel that will eventually run out anyway. The war is futile. We will however officially condemn Blackhelm for its aggressive actions. Had we any economic dealings, we would cut those immediately.
President Aleksander Milovtan
The Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
South Thasland
16-06-2007, 15:23
Having looked over the reports on this war, I must say that these events are, quite frankly, disturbing. I believe that all members of the CHA must take note of Griffencrest, Corp's actions. I do not believe there is one amoung us who does not find themselves angry at these rash actions.
On the other hand, we must take into account the fact that, unless I am mistaken, we have nowhere near enough troops or manpower to confront Griffencrest. This is not the time for us to become involved. We are already talking to commiting troops to events in Mirosovia. How could we fight two wars at once?
Lord Sumguy, I now see what danger you face. As the CHA cannot ignore this, I firmly believe that we should take this into consideration at a later date.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
I agree, being a founder of this alliance i do not believe that our sercurity, our way of life should be put into the firing line. Greal should not have publiclly announced its Oil fields but rather tried certain buyers or should not have said anything but kept it for themselves.
If we are dragged into this war we shall surely fall and end right at this very moment, but since we have disagreement about Lord Sumguy i wish to put this to a vote.
Should Lordsumguy be admitted to this council of nations? or should we not admitt when due to the aftermath if we did?
Greal will fall if my information about this CA is right, i being a member of the Hegemony puts me into a tight spot. Either i will stand and this Alliance will take no part in my actions WHAT SO EVER or i will stand down from the Hegemony and be remembered as the nation that cowarded into the darkness when it came for his fellow allies.
I stand between the dark and the light, the flame and the candlestick and i shall never faulter until my dying breathe.
Alan L. Lee
Alan L. Lee
President Of Payal
South Thasland
16-06-2007, 15:50
Greal should not have publiclly announced its Oil fields but rather tried certain buyers or should not have said anything but kept it for themselves.
I personally think that Greal's idea was good. It was just bad luck that ruined it.
Also, wasn't the issue an alliance with the Hegemony? I don't recall Lord Sumguy applying. In any case, I stand by Hrstrovokia. I, too, will condemn Griffencrest for their actions and believe that we should keep an eye on their actions in the hope of national security.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
South Thasland
17-06-2007, 02:15
Since Delkor isn't back yet, I propose we hold the votes now. Does this sound good to everyone, or are there any last statements someone would like to make?
And another pressing issue has arisen.
The Oppressed Peoples of Nova Pictavia
Official Communication
The New Pictish Parliament would like to raise the concern of the growing volume of Corrupt Dictatorships within this alliance. Does this not contrast with the Democratic nature of the CHA?
The New Pictish Parliament, Inverness
Both Payal and I have discussed this privalty, and we both think that there should be some moral decency in all members. This goes along with the no genocide clause in the charter. Basically, we think anyone should be able to join, as long as they don't offend anyone with their actions. Sound good?
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Lord Sumguy
17-06-2007, 03:13
I have a final statement:
I have looked at the situation from the CHA's point of veiw, and although i would still help the Hegemony if i were the CHA, I understand if this does not come to pass. The Hegemony will come to the aid of the CHA always, regardless of whether the CHA returns the favor. Consider it a one-way protection treaty. We will always help (If the Hegemoony survives the Blackhelm conflict), all you need to do is ask.
South Thasland
17-06-2007, 17:08
We accept your gracious offer. If circumstances had been different, I think that we all would have jumped to your aid. Good luck on the GriffenCrest situation. It would appear that is is beginning to defuse.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Now, are there any other last statements before we vote? Any objectons to voting now?
17-06-2007, 19:02
If we cannot openly support Greal and the Hegemony with a declaration of war then perhaps we can atleast establish some kind of material program to aid them in their defense?
Recently the Supreme Soviet has been swung over to a pro-Silver Sky stance and authorized the use of Hrstrovokian air, land and sea territories to the Republican forces of the ARC [Armed Capitalist Republic of Silver Sky] so that they may refuel or repair en route to Greal.
President Aleksander Milovtan
Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
I stand on the half way point gentlemen, one way we can not do nothing and i accept that and the other is the way i want to help greal survive and show these warmongers that you cant just use force for business.
What if we "didnt" supply greal with sea mines, and we "didnt give them aint-ship missles and we "didnt" supply them with vital information if we had any
Alan L. Lee
Alan L. Lee
President Of Payal
South Thasland
18-06-2007, 00:01
Just out of curiosity. We shot down the idea of war because we didn't have enough troops, etc. But it looks like this whole idea of Griffencrest is unpopular. Since many more nations are joining in, this troop disadvantage is beginning to look like a rather frail arguement. If there were more troops, who would like to back Greal?
OOC: If we could set up a sign-up thread...:mp5:
18-06-2007, 00:05
The Alversian People's Army would not be willing to deploy troops without a go ahead from the CHA.
South Thasland
18-06-2007, 00:13
How much would you be willing to deploy, assuming the CHA votes to go to war?
Total Forces of the CHA:
From South Thasland-
2nd Army- 24,000 (660 Tanks (3 men to a tank) and the rest are on foot)
Elite Paratroopers- 1,000
2nd Paratrooper Trihort- 3,000
2 Achilles-class Cruisers
1 Gladius-class Air Defense Frigate
Alversian Forces for Deployment
2nd Battalion=5,000 Troops
1st Paratroop Regiment=500
5th Armoured Brigade=200 Tanks
4 x APAAF Squadrons=80 Fighters
Total Number of Soldiers: 31,520
Total Number of Paratroopers: 4,500
Total Number of Ships: 3
Total Number of Fighters: 80
Total Number of Bombers: 0
OOC: This list is just in case we need to deploy quickly/is an informal vote. The situation is progressing rapidly, and I thought it would be nice to be prepared.
18-06-2007, 00:25
Alversian Forces for Deployment
2nd Battalion=5,000 Troops
1st Paratroop Regiment=500
5th Armoured Brigade=200 Tanks
4 x APAAF Squadrons=80 Fighters
Lord Sumguy
18-06-2007, 02:56
To: all CHA members
From: The Hegemon Lord Sumguy
Well, It looks like the Hegemony is doomed to destruction. Remember us.
Nova Pictavia
18-06-2007, 03:07
NPAF Centre for Defence
Official Communication
It appears that this alliance has suddenly began moving very fast. While the greater Nova Pictavian Parliament are openly pleased, the CFD and Parliament wish to relay some concerns and clarify our stance.:
1. We still firmly believe that this alliance should not under current circumstances accept a union or military pact with the Hegemony.
2. Although the situation in Greal is regrettable, we find no justification to preserve a dictatorship. As such, we stand neutral in the war. We do not believe Nova Pictavians should lay down their lives to protect one "contreversial" regime from another.
3. However, should the war move onto Combine soil, with significant consequences to said ally, we would, as the charter states, aid them in their defence.
In relation to South Thaslands proposition of review over the admittance of nations whose systems of governance may conflict with other members, we fully support your stance.
We also wish to urge fellow combine allies to push for the vote on both Lord Sumguy's proposal and the Mirosovian Crisis.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
South Thasland
18-06-2007, 14:05
I would like to point out that this war is developing into far more than a protection of Greal. It is an oppertunity to fight Griffencrest on a land that is not our own. If any one of us in ever short of cash, it would be far better to realize that we can sell, say, mining rights to gold deposts in our nation. It is a possibility that, if we are not ready to attack now if the situation explouds, we will face this Griffencrest later on.
Are there any objections to holding a vote on Mirosovia? I'll wait until I have 6 people wanting to vote.
So Far: 5 (South Thasland, Nova Pictavia, Angkora, Alversia, Payal)
ooc: Not sure if I'm supposed to be here, but I heard that new members of the CHA are welcome...
The Kingdom of Angkora supports a vote.
18-06-2007, 14:24
Alversia would like a vote to take place as soon as possible
18-06-2007, 16:54
I don't think we should committ military forces just yet. It seems Greal has thrown in the towel and decided to accept Blackhelm's deal, which is a rip-off. I think the Mirosovian crisis occupied too much of our time for us to properly react to the situation.
I think thorough consideration should be given to forming some sort of expedition or rapid reaction force consisting of CHA units which can be deployed swiftly to flashpoints. Events in Mirosovia appear to have settled into some sort of stability, the SOD and Mirosovian government have called a cease-fire and will soon enter into talks on the future of Daesagaert.
President Aleksander Milovtan
Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
South Thasland
18-06-2007, 17:02
This is good to hear. I also just recieved information that Greal has approached the Corperate Alliance and offered them a new oil well. This could be the beginning of the end.
We can hold the vote on a task force. About how many men do you think will be required? And could we possibly have a map of the region?
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Nova Pictavia
18-06-2007, 19:32
I don't think we should committ military forces just yet. It seems Greal has thrown in the towel and decided to accept Blackhelm's deal, which is a rip-off. I think the Mirosovian crisis occupied too much of our time for us to properly react to the situation.
I think thorough consideration should be given to forming some sort of expedition or rapid reaction force consisting of CHA units which can be deployed swiftly to flashpoints. Events in Mirosovia appear to have settled into some sort of stability, the SOD and Mirosovian government have called a cease-fire and will soon enter into talks on the future of Daesagaert.
President Aleksander Milovtan
Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
I fully agree that combine forces took far too long to respond to the Mirosovian Crisis. Perhaps we need to automatically initiate a vote when a situation arrives with the respected information, and have a tight deadline for the vote.
As for the Rapid Response Force, we believe that a Combine Task Force of this form would be perfect for rapid deployment and peacekeeping missions, and are willing to cooperate towards the formation of said army.
Lets just make sure this alliance doesn't just turn into a hall of talk. We need to respond faster and far more decisively in the future.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
Nova Pictavia
18-06-2007, 19:41
...CHA forces will also be offered the chance to train with the PKF and the Crimson Guard LSA [Land, Sea & Air] Special Forces...
President Aleksander Milovtan
The Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
I was just wondering, in the light of no vote for the Mirosovian Crisis, if your offer to allow our forces to train with yours still stands? In the event that it does, I would grasp the opportunity to send some of our troops to train alongside your forces.
Graciously awaiting your reply,
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
South Thasland
18-06-2007, 22:09
OOC: The vote is now up. It will last for two days. Majority rules when the votes are counted.
And you're right, this took way to long. This is al least partly my fault, as I told everyone to wait until we had a forum. However, I underestimated the amount of time this would take. So here is my proposal-
After a situation arrives with information from both sides, there will be two day's discussion. A third day may be added by either Payal or myself (sorry, but if we have to vote to have a third day and so forth, it'l take far to long.) Then there will be a voting session which will last 2 days. A third day can be added if 75% of all members have not voted.
And to make sure that CHA members are actually keeping an eye on the Council, if not posting, I propose that if a nation has not voted for 3 consecutive votes, they are automatically removed from the CHA.
Nova Pictavia
19-06-2007, 12:47
What if we were to send a Task force to Mirosovia to asscertain to truth of events and ensure stability before we make a move to admit them into the alliance?
For the sake of the vote, I have still chosen one of the given options.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
South Thasland
19-06-2007, 13:57
What if we were to send a Task force to Mirosovia to asscertain to truth of events and ensure stability before we make a move to admit them into the alliance?
Sorry. I thought that if we had a reason to remove them from the alliance, we would.
Nova Pictavia
19-06-2007, 17:48
Sounds good. And the voting regulations look pretty sound too. Any word from the Hegemony? We tried to dig up a clue to what happened but it all looks fairly murky.
South Thasland
19-06-2007, 21:28
The oil crisis has possibly been solved as Greal has sold the oil to The Silver Sky's We Buy It inc, which has set up armed forces on the island. As of now we are awaiting Griffencrest's response. Greal could end up fighting for it's life, or just watching a battle develop off it's shores.
I'm also not sure if anyone else has heard of Operation Livid Ninja, which is a coalation of nations aiming to take out the Hegemony. They are holding talks to diffuse the situation, but all nations are asking for huge tributes. Lord Sumguy has no choice but to accept.
If the Hegemony survives these disasters, then it will be in a very weak state.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Operation Livid Ninja-
The San Diego Talks-
(OOC: I apologize for not responding sooner. I left home on friday to go to the Michigan Speedway for the NASCAR Cup race. got home on monday, and had to work tuesday. As for our own forum, due to the events listed above, I have yet to create one. Again, I apologize. I didn't want to hold things up. Because I missed the whole 'oil crisis' situation, I won't comment on it IC at this time.)
I will cast Delkor's vote on the issue of Mirosovia. Whatever the voting decides, Delkor will follow. Should the CHA vote to send forces, elements of the Imperial Delkorian Navy will be deployed.
Hannodon, Imperial Representitive to the CHA
The Armed Republic Of Payal votes to admit Mirosovia and is willing to send the 2nd Payian Army and air units as its task force
2nd Payian Army "Red-line"
130,000 Men
500 Tanks
12 Hellhawk Littlebirds
3 Merlon Helicopters
15 Shadowcats
25 Thunderflashs
The 2nd Payian Armies HQ will be aboard the PRN Guliver((Epsilon Carrier))
2nd Payian Army HQ ((Fleet))
1 Epsilon Carrier
PRN Guliver
2 Salvation Battlecrusiers
PRN Phanlax
PRN Furious
1 Behemoth Battleship
PRN Empire
Couple smaller ships, including supply and hospital vessels
Henry Freasi
Henry Freasi
Presidents Aid
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 00:30
(OOC: I apologize for not responding sooner. I left home on friday to go to the Michigan Speedway for the NASCAR Cup race. got home on monday, and had to work tuesday. As for our own forum, due to the events listed above, I have yet to create one. Again, I apologize. I didn't want to hold things up. Because I missed the whole 'oil crisis' situation, I won't comment on it IC at this time.)
OOC: No problem, I was the one who told everyone to wait. My fault.
The Armed Republic Of Payal votes to admit Mirosovia and is willing to send the 2nd Payian Army and air units as its task force
This force is to be more along the lines of a Rapid-Response force. I don't think you need an army.
I think that once we finish the Mirosovia vote we should vote on the voting rules as an amendment. If there are no objections, I'll set it up right after this poll closes.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 00:30
I think that once we finish the Mirosovia vote we should vote on the voting rules as an amendment. If there are no objections, I'll set it up right after this poll closes.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
OOC: What rules?
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 03:00
OOC: What rules?
And you're right, this took way to long. This is al least partly my fault, as I told everyone to wait until we had a forum. However, I underestimated the amount of time this would take. So here is my proposal-
After a situation arrives with information from both sides, there will be two day's discussion. A third day may be added by either Payal or myself (sorry, but if we have to vote to have a third day and so forth, it'l take far to long.) Then there will be a voting session which will last 2 days. A third day can be added if 75% of all members have not voted.
And to make sure that CHA members are actually keeping an eye on the Council, if not posting, I propose that if a nation has not voted for 3 consecutive votes, they are automatically removed from the CHA.
20-06-2007, 03:08
Sound good
Nova Pictavia
20-06-2007, 14:44
The Oppressed Peoples of nova Pictavia
Official Communique
Gentlement, many of you may well be aware by now that Londinian and Barronian troops have landed in the Empire of Cazelia in a theatre of war. It seems, by all accounts, that the San Diago peace talks have reached no adequate conclusion and that British Londinium has continued its conquest against the Hegemony.
I am pained to say this, but this Londinian conquest could well hit our shores. Cazelia is a member of this combine, and should she request it, would be entitled to our full military aid according to this charter.
While I would jump at the chance to sack a fascist, arrogant nation such as British Londinium, such a war could just as well destroy us.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander, NPAF
NPAF Centre for Defence Coordination : Intel. & Recon.
We advise a no-go on this crisis. British Londinium's basic military capability stands as so:
1.5 Billion population, running a maximum military manpower of =
75 Million troops and personnel.
A Defense budget of $6,599,104,243,183.34, Running 47% of their total national Budget.
Along with this, details of their equipment are listed here:
Psych evaluations of Alistair Davidson also indicate a wormongering conquerer, insitant on destroying all those who may compromise Londinian glory. It is for this reason that we believe he will not stop even under unfavourable odds to wage war upon members of the Hegemony and those who support them.
In short: Such a war would be catastrophic.
Dr. Galan McKay
Head of Intel. & Recon.
Nova Pictavia
20-06-2007, 15:34
ooc: awww shoot. This really stinks of a long, harsh war.
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 15:35
The Hegemony hs been officially disbanded, and there are BL troops occupying the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy. I fear it is only a matter of time before BL decides that it wants all of my land, and decides to take it. In such an event, the only hope to stop BL's warmongering ways would be to divide their forces in a multi-front war.
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 15:54
In the event of such a war, we should seek out allies. In fact, we should seek them out now, so we are prepared.
Also, we also need to take into account the fact that British Londinium is almost certainly part of an alliance. In the event of war, we would be facing more than just BL troops.
The Mapmaker
South Thasland
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 15:57
indeed. I beleive that Vetalia may be willing to assist us/you, as well as some of the nations that condemned the BL attack of the Hegemony.
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 16:09
On the matter of Cazelia, however, we must take into account that the Cazelian leader did assult BL's leader.
Arda (Melkor Unchained) could be an ally, but I doubt he would go to war without good cause.
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 16:18
Yeah, Cazelia kinda asked for it...
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 16:25
OOC: I'll be out of town on a buisness trip tomarrow and probably won't be able to post until early next week. I'll try to get some stats on my armed forces so, if we go to war, i'll have someting to go with. Right now, all I've got are numbers. If the vote below takes place when I'm gone, just know that I vote not to go to war.
If the situation gets serious, we should hold a vote to aid Cazelia.
20-06-2007, 18:45
Salutations comrades, President Milovtan has nominated me as the representitive to the CHA. My name is Bander Novatskiliias, formerly our nations delegate to the now defunct Socialist Alliance Community. Having previous experience in this role has given me the chance for hindsight. The SAC fell stillborn before any good could come of it because far too much time was taken discussing events. What the Combine needs is an Executive Security Committee formed from a rotating panel of CHA member-states who can effectively direct this organisation's responses to world events.
Voting is such a slow, cumbersome process. And what happens if a stalemate is reached? The Executive could decide quickly what actions should be undertaken. With a RRF [Rapid Reaction Force] as its armored fist, opposition could be swiftly decimated.
All that needs to be done is to formulate the basics of a charter that would define the practices of the Executive and establish subsidary bodies such as a development and aid panel. The charter would also define what would be required of a new member-state before they may join the CHA.
The Union of Socialist Republic's is in favour of admitting the Republic of Mirosovia as a member-state and our vote reflects this. Since the cease-fire, considerable progress has been made by both parties for the creation of a stable and lasting peace.
The offer still stands for other member-states to train alongside PKF combat units. As the largest, richest and most militaristic of the CHA, Hrstrovokia shall lend itself in whatever way it can to the arming and training of its fellow members to safeguard the peace and sovereignty we all firmly believe in.
We cannot agree with aiding any member-state of the CHA which has instigated violence against another nation. However, in the case of Cazelia, pre-emptive attack was probably the only option open to her. We should therefore prepare combat formations to assist the defence of Cazelia.
Bander Novatskiliias
Union of Socialist Republic's of Hrstrovokia
20-06-2007, 18:50
What you're proposing is that a select group of nations should be given command of an RRF which most nations will contribute to. I can't speak for other nations but I'd want a say in where my forces are deployed.
20-06-2007, 19:06
The RRF would consist of a few formations from each member, not your entire military capability.
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 19:28
OOC: The Cazelian incident-
The entire thread-
It wasn't exactly a pre-emptive attack. It seems to have been more of a spurt of anger.
A RRF is a good idea, and we should look into it. Instead of having all nations give troops, we should have the three (or so) nations who post the most to control a RRF made up of their troops. When an issue comes up, there will be immediate deployment of the troops under the command of the nation that spotted the issue to the closest safe zone. There will be a 1 day voting session to enter the conflict with the full RRF. Meanwhile, the matter will go to the full council. The RRF will depoly (or not) while the council debates.
Nova Pictavia
20-06-2007, 22:32
Nova Pictavian Armed Forces
official communique
A RRF is a good idea, and we should look into it. Instead of having all nations give troops, we should have the three (or so) nations who post the most to control a RRF made up of their troops. When an issue comes up, there will be immediate deployment of the troops under the command of the nation that spotted the issue to the closest safe zone. There will be a 1 day voting session to enter the conflict with the full RRF. Meanwhile, the matter will go to the full council. The RRF will depoly (or not) while the council debates.
Agreed. Such a system surely will be the most efficient and require the least supervision. May I also ask that said power with the ability to deploy the RRF is reservered solely to senior members, however the founders care to define this, so as to minimize the control of our forces from new members.
The offer still stands for other member-states to train alongside PKF combat units. As the largest, richest and most militaristic of the CHA, Hrstrovokia shall lend itself in whatever way it can to the arming and training of its fellow members to safeguard the peace and sovereignty we all firmly believe in.
We would like to send the Northern Pathfinder battlegroup of the Black Watch, consisting of around 2000 men to train with Hrstrovokian soldiers and to move alongside Hrstrovokian soldiers should they be deployed in Cazelia.
Details of the soldiers and personnel will be supplied should Mr. Novatskiliias approve this.
Slaam Rousse
High Commander of the NPAF
{Additional Message}://EncryptionKeyRequired/^FROM:SLAAM.ROUSSE/PERSONAL.TERMINAL
>>Personally, i think Its time the threat of [BL] is removed from our sights. Do not underestimate our stregnth, our military force may be small, but our courage is unmatched. This message is broadcasted without the permission of the First Minister. We WILL follow you into combat against [BL]. I may speak for the people, however, I am just a soldier. Commander Rousse//>>>>>>>>>>>>[END]
South Thasland
20-06-2007, 22:43
The vote is closed. Mirosovia is admitted to the CHA and a RRF is created to respond to attacks.
South Thasland Forces for the Mirosovia RRF:
3rd Paratrooper Trihort (3000 paratroopers w/ planes)
The offer still stands for other member-states to train alongside PKF combat units. As the largest, richest and most militaristic of the CHA, Hrstrovokia shall lend itself in whatever way it can to the arming and training of its fellow members to safeguard the peace and sovereignty we all firmly believe in.
Since we are deploying our 3rd Paratrooper Trihort to the Mirosovia RRF, they could use anyhelp you could care to lend. Any help would be much appreciated.
The vote for the voting amendment is now open. According to the charter, we need a 2/3 vote for it to pass.
Lord Sumguy
20-06-2007, 23:18
Message to South Thasland Defense Ministry:
The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy offers what assistance it can with the Mirosovia crisis. 60,000 soldiers, 1,000 aircraft, and 1,000 tanks are at the disposal of the CHA.
-Lord Sumguy
South Thasland
21-06-2007, 02:50
We will take your offer into consideration. We will probably only need a fraction of that force, as the situation is appearing to cool down.
If you would take some personal advice, I would recommend using those troops to defend your borders. You may need them.
Lord Sumguy
21-06-2007, 04:40
We will take your offer into consideration. We will probably only need a fraction of that force, as the situation is appearing to cool down.
If you would take some personal advice, I would recommend using those troops to defend your borders. You may need them.
OOC: a mere fifth of the active duty soldiers i have now. I'm already under occupation, not much i can do. whatever number you need, i am willing to supply.
As Delkor will comply with the CHA vote, naval forces will be made available for the RRF: Naval Patrol Force NPF-2, under the command of newly promoted Admiral Argan. Aditional forces can be made available as needed. Also, King Tirus has asked me to present a proposal to the CHA: the construction of a special Naval Force that would be dedicated to opperations ONLY for the CHA. This force would not be a part of any member nation's navy, but would belong to the CHA as a whole. Tirus is prepared to provide four Type-B ( battleships, for shore bombardment and support of landing forces. Also, six of a new class of tender/repair ship will be provided. They are crewed by Dwarfs, whom are excellent craftsmen, and can rebuild any ship while shill at sea. Other member nations can also donate ships and manpower. Tirus is also propared to provide docking services for this Combined Fleet in our port city of Forlindon.
Hannodon, Imperial Representitive to the CHA
(OOC: Click HERE ( for the Delkorian Navy Fleet Listing.)
OOC: I'm working on a Forum for the CHA right now. It's up, and I'm creating different sections. South Thasland, Payal, I'm going to TeleGram you the web link. I need you guys to sign up in the forum so I can make you Admins. After things are up and running, I'll post a link here for other members to join.
ooc: ok, the new forum is up. Payal, South Thasland, and I are still adding sections, but current members of the CHA can go ahead and register on the new forum. Click Here. ( Please refrain from any IC posting until the proper sections are up. Feel free to post OOC sugestions in the General Discussion area.
South Thasland
26-06-2007, 02:12
The continue-on of the Grand Council is up, so feel free to post there.