Genesis in Orbit (FT Intro, Open)
11-06-2007, 03:04
Trivaru System
The Karazaran star cruiser Genesis sat in slow orbit around a small planet, several systems separated from Kazara Prime. From the exterior, there was little to distinguish the shining silver cruiser from the Void, but the bridge of the vessel bustled with abundant activity. Genesis had only emerged from it's jump several minutes ago, but there was much to do. Quarters were tidied hastily, sick bays and mess halls were washed and polished, and Genesis' crew of Karazaran Fleetmen ran about haphazardly, testing the limits of the cruiser's ergonomic design as fleetmen ran into eachother at breakneck speed, getting the ship to battle readiness.
Seldom was such single minded activity necessary on deck of Karazaran Fleetships, the Dominion had not known war since the Rendition a thousand years ago. But today wasn't a particularly average day for the Dominion of Karazara.
Several hours ago, a large group of revolutionists upon the surface of Trivaru, an insignificant agricultural world on the fringe of Dominion control, had staged an attack on the world's center of government at Kara, killing several Karazaran civilians in the process, along with two dozen Trivaruan natives who served as the governing body in place of direct Dominion rule.
Fleetcommand had issued an orange alert, calling all nearby Fleetships to Trivaru in order to coordinate a strike to reclaim the now dissident planet. To the surprise and anger of Genesis' commanding officers, however, she appeared to be the only Fleetship that had arrived as yet. The captain of Genesis, Karandu Mekataru, had spent the entire jump formulating the necessary plans, but these were now useless as they all required the aid of several Fleetships shoulder to shoulder with Genesis. He was furious, and several lower ranking officers had been admitted to sick bay after notoriously brief meetings with the captain.
The use of viewhubs across the surface of Trivaru via Fleetnet revealed the true extent of the emergency to the crew of Genesis, and Captain Mekataru, fresh out of his quarters and still fuming, was hollering at several lower ranking officers at Fleetcommand on Karazara Prime, when a rare occurrence took place. Fleet Admiral Laro Kala appeared on the viewscreen of Genesis, absorbing Captain Mekataru's last few obscene remarks directed at a frightened looking Lieutenant who had fled the screen. Blinking in surprise, Mekataru came back to his senses and apologized under his breath to his superior, who looked slightly amused with the situation, although he barely showed it.
Admiral Kala took a breath, an entirely awkward experience, seeing as he was completely underwater. Karazara Prime was a world engulfed in epic seas, barely any land was visible. Karazarans had evolved over hundreds of thousands of millions of years, and had been the dominant species in Karazara's complex food chain for almost as long. This dominance facilitated the rapid growth of the species, and immense cities ripe with culture began deep beneath the waves at the ocean's surface. The anatomy of a Karazaran was unlike almost any other sentient species in Karazaran contact. Breathing took place out of a singular gill located at the back of the neck, which was also the main source of nutrition for a Karazaran, as sustenance was drawn from the billions of microscopic organisms present in the waters of Karazara and the air of other planets. This of course led to issues when large amounts of Karazarans were present in areas where the organisms would be eaten to extinction quickly (such as Fleetships) and so designers had integrated growing these organisms directly into the Fleetships' ventilation systems.
Admiral Kala's lidless eyes searched Captain Mekataru's from several hundred million miles distant, and the Captain breathed as well. He began to speak, a guttural rumble originating deep within loose neck skin.
"Admiral, we are heavily under gunned. Genesis alone cannot handle the situation on Trivaru, the viewhubs show enormous riots, sir. We are unable to control almost a million Trivaruans alone. I need atleast five more Fleetships, sir."
With a slight movement of his head, sending facial tentacles rippling, Admiral Kala replied to the captain, his turquoise face a blank slate of cautious intelligence. "Captain, we do not have the ships you require. Several Fleetships encountered ripple-riots on Antara VIII, and so are cleaning up there. You will have to make due with the forces you have available to you."
Mekataru glowered silently, and turned from the viewscreen, which had blackened as the Admiral severed communications with Genesis.
"Comms, send a wideband transmission to all ships within thirty light years, Fleetships or not. I want any available firepower friendly to the Dominion in orbit of this planet within two hours."
As the order fired to the communication officer, Mekataru sighed and switched back to the viewhubs. More and more went offline as rioters destroyed the technological wonders, costing the Dominion a pretty penny with each such destruction.
Communications officer Darak Mara transmitting under the authority of Karazaran Fleetcaptain Karandu Mekataru of the Karazaran Fleetship Genesis. Assistance requested from all Dominion-friendly ships in Sector P8. Request presence at Trivaru System (Coordinates Attached.) Aid in quelling rebellious forces. END WIDEBAND TRANSMISSION
11-06-2007, 03:55
(OOC: Bump for the night)
11-06-2007, 14:38
(OOC: Bump)
11-06-2007, 18:56
(OOC: Bump, let me reassure you, this is completely open. I need people to help me invade Trivaru. Those that do will receive the thanks of my nation, and increased relations for the future.)
11-06-2007, 21:29
The Optimist drifted through space.
“Dammit, get the drive fixed right away.”
“I can’t. Your maneuvering blew out the Capulis Fan.”
“My maneuvering? Why don’t you just say I drive like sh-“
“Karl, Stevie; knock it off you two. We have more problems than your bickering. You can play the Blame Game later but now you need to get down below and convert the KK Drive into an Ion Drive. If you don’t we are stuck drifting here forever.”
“Shit, I hate doing that. You have to crawl out there and make adjustments to the boom itself.”
“Then I guess you better get started.”
“Yes Captian.”
Karl watches Stevie leave the bridge with a look of satisfaction in his face. She was getting stuck doing something she hated and he got to sit there and watch on the monitor. Captain Marsh noticed and faced him wearing his own shit-eating grin.
“What you smiling about? While she is getting us mobile, you are going to work on getting the Space Minus Transmitter up so we can call for help. Without that, we are stuck using conventional COM systems.”
Marsh chuckled as Karl stood up and went to work on the Space Minus equipment. While he was sitting quietly in the captain’s chair, the Coms signaled an incoming message.
Originally Posted by Wideband Transmission from KF Genesis
Communications officer Darak Mara transmitting under the authority of Karazaran Fleetcaptain Karandu Mekataru of the Karazaran Fleetship Genesis. Assistance requested from all Dominion-friendly ships in Sector P8. Request presence at Trivaru System (Coordinates Attached.) Aid in quelling rebellious forces. END WIDEBAND TRANSMISSION
Hmm… Even though we are not a military ship, I bet we can find some parts there to fix The Optimist. The coordinates are just in the next system so under auxiliary drives it should only take a couple hours to get there.
Captain Marsh moved to the pilot station and adjusted some of the controls. In the bowels of the freighter, the secondary drives came to life and began to push the freighter toward the source of the message. Soon they would have visitors, just not the type they called for.
11-06-2007, 23:15
Trivaru System
KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Riots still raged on Trivaru's surface, creating gigantic pillars of dark smoke, visible even to the Karazaran Fleetship Genesis in orbit around the fringe farming planet. Each pillar of smoke denoted a severed fuel node on the planetary line between Dominion space ports, and the crew of Genesis grew antsy as the cost to the Dominion rose exponentially.
Karazaran Fleetmen were generally discouraged from the use of killsticks or from playing games which included gambling, because Fleetcommand felt that such activities promoted a lack of discipline in the Fleet, and discipline was a key aspect of Fleetcommand policy. But Fleetcaptain Karandu Mekataru was far past the point of caring. He had many problems, and the inhalation of the microscopic hallucinogenic bacteria that made killsticks so popular was not a high priority. Fleetmen aboard Genesis were in a near state of anarchy as their captain tried again and again to draw aid from a ship, any ship, to their position.
It had been several hours before their was any effect.
The same message was being repeated for the eighteenth time, exactly as it had been transmitted the first time, when the Fleetsurveillance Lieutenant notified Captain Mekataru that a ship, moving very slowly, was approaching. Comms was immediately ordered to contact the vessel as surveillance zoomed in visually on the ship, which was a considerably easier feat than normal, taking the speed of the ship into account.
Captain Mekataru's heart sank as he realized what he was looking at. The screen was crystal clear, but the void of space nearly swallowed the ship, so he was not entirely certain of his conclusion, and he hoped to the Gods that his conclusion was wrong.
A freighter by the shape of things, and damaged at that. The ship limped along, metallic silver shining in the light of many surrounding stars. By the looks of things, the ship had blown it's main thrusters, and was running on auxiliary thrust. That would explain the delay in them arriving, if they had been far enough away.
Mekataru reiterated his order to establish contact with the ship anyway, they needed all the hands they could get.
Aid requested. Riots on surface, Dominion assets and civilians endangered. Proceed to coordinates and prepare to rendezvous with KF Genesis. Fleetcaptain Karandu Mekataru will await. END CLOSEBAND TRANSMISSION
13-06-2007, 20:41
Captain Marsh was piloting the ship while his two crew were bust fixing the Space Minus Transmitter. The KK drive was broken beyond repair because they needed parts that were not available. Stevie was pissed but settled down when she was able to show up Karl who was having worse luck fixing the SM Transmitter. The two were bust working when the message came over The Optimist’s Comms.
Originally Posted by Closeband Transmission from KF Genesis
Aid requested. Riots on surface, Dominion assets and civilians endangered. Proceed to coordinates and prepare to rendezvous with KF Genesis. Fleetcaptain Karandu Mekataru will await. END CLOSEBAND TRANSMISSION
Hmmm. It seems they noticed us. Good thing too. Now we have more samples the Translator might be able to open a comm with the additional data.
Marsh reached over and hit the radio button and sent a return message to their hosts.
Greetings, this is Captain Marsh of the freighter The Optimist. We are having trouble with our drives and out transmitter. If we can get it operational, we might be able to contact our home and ask for assistance for you. Is there any way you can help us?
We are changing course to meet with The KF Genesis.
Marsh adjusted the nav computer to steer a course for the rendezvous with the foreign ship.
13-06-2007, 21:08
After Dark biomech battle
"The hazed line of good and evil is often crossed without even knowing you have done it. This line has become broken and pieced as wars have raged and civilizations have crumbled. To this we must give credit to corruption and chaos. Both of which I serve. But the question I must answer is that do I serve them, or do I harness them and use them to my own wants and needs. " asked Reaver to himself as he drifted across the cosmos....
Whats left of the dark fleet after the battle with Reaver had fled hoping to escape the destruction they brought to so many of their fleets. Its now seen that allies where needed to ensure their survival. The transmission asking for help in conquering a rebellious group was exactly what they needed to hear.
Within the command ship the dark commander was devising a way to give a helping hand. Then a message was sent
" This is Commander Vrookin We are here to lend a hand in your attacks aginst the rebellious forces of Trivaru. Will you accept?"
13-06-2007, 21:23
Trivaru System, Arranged Rendezvous Point with The Optimist
KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Genesis meandered slowly through the thin fringes of Trivaru's atmosphere, observing yet more fuel lines go up in horrendous black smoke, darkening the sky below the helpless ship. If she was to intervene now, Genesis would almost definitely be overwhelmed and made ineffective. There was only so much a ship could do alone, and without adequate ground forces to support Genesis' orbital control, it was almost useless to try, only casualties would result.
The Optimist's transmission had been received via radio, a rare occurrence on board a Fleetship, which was in general much more advanced than such prehistoric means. Nevertheless, the technology was present, and the message was received, and so Genesis awaited the limping ship.
It was unclear whether the Karazaran's would be able to repair the foreign ships with parts available to them, but it was thought that if not, parts may be available on Trivaru. That of course would involve some risks, but it would be discussed with the captain of The Optimist.
Lights flashed and many on bridge were alerted to The Optimist's presence simultaneously. Preparations were made to allow the craft to dock with Genesis, and Captain Mekataru authorized a final message.
Optimist, prepare hatches to receive K-Standard docking cables. Once docked, await for contact following security analysis and check in. Repairs may be possible.
(OOC: Hob, I see your post, but I must go to my sister's graduation. I will reply ASAP.
14-06-2007, 03:18
Trivaru System, Arranged Rendezvous Point with The Optimist
KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
As Fleetcaptain Mekataru prepared to greet the crew of The Optimist, the bridge was still alive with activity, repeating the same message and searching ceaselessly for any response. The bridge, modeled much akin to the architecture of Karazara Prime, was a blinking haze of semi-sentient machinery that seemed to have grown there, rather than been constructed deep beneath the surface of a world covered in raging oceans.
Like most Karazaran objects, the bridge consisted primarily of interfaces glowing in light blues and teals, and consisted of very few metals, except where necessary. Metal was far too rare on the planet to use except for the exteriors of Fleetships, and even then a majority was imported from colony worlds. Viewscreens were dominant, and many personal stations necessary to the efficiency of the ship were set into the floor about 3 feet, on both sides of a single raised walkway. Thick glass, capable of taking anywhere from extreme pressure underwater, to no pressure in space, completely surrounded the bridge.
It was on this bridge that a low level communications officer received the Hobbeebian message, and relayed it to a Lieutenant, who was acting as the commanding officer on bridge while Captain Mekataru was absent. The Lieutenant responded immediately, with this message.
Commander Vrooking, any help is accepted. Proceed to attached coordinates, meeting of allied forces in progress.
14-06-2007, 03:34
The Optimist docked readily enough. The freighter possessed a universal lock that would configure to most types of airlocks. The atmosphere in the airlock cycled to match that of the larger ship and Life Support matched it from the data of the airlock.
Captain Marsh was waiting with Stevie and Karl standing behind him for the airlock to open. He knew their hosts would take whatever precautions to avoid any biological issues that might arise. Connecting to the Comm next to the door panel, he called over to the ship.
This is Captain Marsh.
We have a green light on the lock and are ready to open the hatch. You may begin when you are ready on your side.
14-06-2007, 04:27
Trivaru System, Arranged Rendezvous Point with The Optimist
Docking Bay, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Scarcely noticing the foreign captain's voice over his ship's on board comm panel, the docking bay technician's fingers deftly manipulated the keypad of his station, examining the ship inside and out for anything potentially harmful.
"It's all clear, Captain. Several unidentified lifeforms are attached to the exterior, but nothing malignant, just average space critters."
With a nod to the technician, the conversation was over, and the pneumatics of the airlock hissed, opening Genesis to The Optimist. The captain stepped forward, facial tentacles waving with the motion.
"Captain Marsh, I will not tarry with formalities, every moment we waste is another Dominion supply cache or civilian harmed. Is this your entire crew? It will have to suffice for the moment... Word has been received from another group of ships that are en route to assist us, and I need every man or woman I can get. Your ship is damaged, if I recall. My technicians will do their best, although your ship is not our native design, so parts will be limited..." He took a rasping breath, and awaited the captain's response impatiently.
14-06-2007, 16:39
The Dark Commander smiled with a sinister grin, as he set a course for the people in need of assistance. This true purpose.. his prime directive was to seek out new life. And he had found it. Fresh new life.
" Helms men set a Dime-course for Trivaru. I want us their ASAP!" ordered the dark commander as he paced around the bridge.
The Helms officer nodded and input the coordinates into the Dimensional Rift generator. The fleet soon was enveloped in a black cloud that radiated like a black light. And with a violent shatter the universe broke around them, splintering like wood. The fleet soon disappeared into the hole, which soon after began to heal.
Trivaru space- one hour later.
500 kilometers from the Trivaru planet seemed to shutter and crack as the dark fleet began to re-emerge into this universe. then with a mighty boom the space shattered again exposing the dark fleet. the hessage was sent..:
" This is commander Vrooking, we have arrived."
14-06-2007, 17:26
Trivaru System, Arranged Rendezvous Point with The Optimist
Bridge, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
The tear in space was detected before the message was even sent from the Dark Fleet that had now arrived near Trivaru. As ships appeared, the bridge was alive with frightened Karazarans, worrying that this decision may have been a poorly thought out mistake, but they had their orders. A reply was sent, and the Docking Bays were once more told to be on standby.
Captain Vrooking, prepare hatches to receive K-Standard docking cables. Once docked, await for contact following security analysis and check in. Captain Mekataru and allies await.
14-06-2007, 22:03
Captain Marsh greeted the captain.
"We are not combat trained but we do have a few tricks up our sleeves. I will send Stevie to see if she can get whatever parts she needs for the Transmitter to work. IF we can get that working properly, we can make a call for assistance for you.
Until then, I will put myself and Karl, my pilot and navigator at your disposal. It is the least we can do for your help."
15-06-2007, 00:05
The Dark commander sent a message back confirming the ship was ready for docking. The outside of the ship seemingly morphs to provide a hatch in which they could come aboard... As the cable came to attach to the ship-The ship seemingly attacking the cables and bringing them into itself. But they where attached.
The Dark Commander started to walk from bridge to the newly formed hatch to meet the security team that was being dispatched to meet them. The Dark Commander made sure everything was in order.
A new message was sent :
" We are ready for your security teams to come aboard. I do so hope we can get this done and over with soon as I do not like to terry when battle is near."
15-06-2007, 01:04
Trivaru System, Arranged Rendezvous Point with The Optimist
Docking Bay, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
"Captain Marsh, your crew member will be accompanied by Lead Technician Xaru, he will show her our replacement store and attempt to solve any problems that may arise. I assure you he is quite competent." A Karazaran stepped forward, his uniform covered in a mire of strange green liquid, which happened to be the Karazaran equivalent to grease. Stepping away with Stevie, the Captain turned toward the new ship that was docking, which he knew must contain Captain Vrookin, who the bridge crew had informed him had brought a fleet to attempt to aid Genesis.
As he turned, the security team was just now exiting the ship, confirming their duty was complete. Behind them followed a man that appeared as barely that. His body appeared to contain and comprise of more metal than flesh, and it unsettled the Mekataru. Nevertheless, this man represented firepower and men, and that was what Genesis needed most.
"Captain Vrookin, I apologize that you were contacted by my crew rather than myself, but I was awaiting Captain Marsh here's arrival. As I have told him, we have little time for formalities, every moment results in Dominion losses. The populous of Trivaru are a scarce-educated, under-equipped foe, but they outnumber us. I do not know your numbers, but every little bit helps. Captain Marsh has placed himself and his pilot at my disposal, and if your forces are enough, I would like to stage an land attack on the planet. I believe we may not be able to find the part you need on ship, Captain Marsh, but I believe it would be available at a supply depot on Trivaru. Would you both be willing to send a small party to the surface?"
15-06-2007, 01:51
"Send a party? I'll go along myself. My main drive is toasted until I can get it back home but if we can get the transmitter working, we can have military forces here. From what I heard, the military can be on location within fofteen minutes, anywhere."
Marsh turned to Stevie.
"I want you to try to get that damn transmitter working at least long enough to get our position out. That is your only duty. Ignore anything else. Karl and I are going down to the planet to help these nice folk out so the ship is under your command until I return."
Stevie knew how much the ship meant to Captain Marsh and her promotion, no matter how tempery, meant alot comming from him.
15-06-2007, 02:30
The Dark Captain nodded as he mentions numbers. And the news of the Balroggian ship that needed parts for repair was an area of interest for the dark Commander. His presence seeming to not bother anyone important he spoke
" I can supply an endless unlimited troops, and I believe I can help with your problem of repairing your ship. I we the "ability" fashion parts that we may need I am sure we can help you Capitan Marsh." His voice was Human but was void of life and care. As he said it his eye slowly fixed into Capitan Marshes.
" We have come into contact with your style of vessel before And I am sure we can help you." he said as he looked out the window. The planets surface was looking rather broken as places of combat scared the crush giving an ominous feeling of pleasure to the Dark commander. He placed His hand on the windows railing and asked:
" What is your terms of engagement? How far are you willing to go to ensure victory?" The Dark Commander took his hand of the railing which had begun to turn a weird purplish- Black color.
15-06-2007, 03:04
Captain Marsh shrugged and addressed the alien captain.
“I don’t know if I am able to let you do that. Under the warranty, I can only allow technicians with a Level 5 clearance even crack open the housing. It takes a level 4 or better to actually work on them. That is why Stevie is so valuable; she has clearances to work on both. Karl only has clearance for the transmitter.”
“So, where have you encountered the other freighter? I am curious because she has a sister ship out there somewhere owned by an old friend of mine. He owes me money from a card game and if it was The Longhaul you saw, I might be able to collect on an old debt.”
15-06-2007, 03:11
" I wouldn't recall.... most ships I encounter explode. It is possible I saw it but I could say for sure. And I am sure that that exact ship has differences from others like it we have seen, but such differences can be over come." said the Dark Commander as he turned and looked back to the window gazing down into the planets scared surface.
" And if you don't mind me asking... Whats your nation of origin? You sound like a Balroggian to me?" he said without looking at him.
15-06-2007, 03:22
Trivaru System
Docking Bay, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Eying the change caused to his ship by Vrookin's touch, Mekataru began;
"If you wouldn't mind refraining from doing that please? I do not need ostensible allies damaging my ship, and I need not remind you that I am in charge on this ship. Karazaran lives will not be endangered by your... irregularities."
With a harsh glance at his guest, he continued. "And I hope that I need not add that once this situation is brought to an end, I will personally see to your exit from Trivaru. I do not wish to sound inhospitable, but in times of war I cannot be too careful. The rules of engagement will disallow all harm to Dominion assets or civilians, although revolting Trivaruans are of course to be dealt with as... efficiently as necessary."
He turned to Captain Marsh, who had also been conversing with Vrookin, and seemed just as unsettled by the man as he. "I appreciate your volunteering to accompany the landing party to Trivaru, if we decide it is for the best to make the landing, I too will go. What are your thoughts Captain Vrookin?"
15-06-2007, 03:33
Vrookin looked over at Mekataru as he asked him to look but not touch.
" Sorry about that. an unfortunate side effect of my...enhancements. And as to what my thoughts are about this situation.... Simple. Would you be willing to not accept prisoners. Because if I attack the rebel forces there will be no prisoners taken. I will slaughter them..all of them. I will wash this rebellion away with their own blood, they have wrought this against themselves and as such they must be willing to accept this fate. I will slay all who support them, I will cut them down like a farmer would reap his harvest. Like a blade cutting the fog of war." said Vrookin as he continued to look out the window... making sure his hand was firmly placed behind his back.
15-06-2007, 04:08
Trivaru System
Docking Bay, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Looking at his Hobbeeian counterpart's reaction to his request that nothing be harmed inside of Genesis, Mekataru began to feel that his crew's decision to receive the aid of this man and his crew had been a poorly made one, and he resolved to discuss it with them later. Fleetcommand would have to be informed of these strange abilities the man possessed, as well. Presently, he signaled to a technician, one of the many milling about in the docking bay, which was directly adjacent to the crew quarters.
As the technician arrived, Mekataru whispered several instructions to the Karazaran. Gestures toward the railing were swift but visible, and the technician nodded, walking off. Mekataru turned back to Vrookin.
"Your views are... violent, to say the least. Although I disagree with the means, the end remains the same. If killing on such a level is necessary, then so be it. Noticing the... incident... before, though, I must inquire as to the safety of your presence on Trivaru, and so if you don't mind I would request that yourself and the rest of your crew remain in your ships, and provide aerial support. Is this agreeable?"
As if timed to these last words, the technician returned with a plasma torch, and in plain view cut the infected railing from the ship, bringing it to the exit of the room.
"He's going to the jettison room," Mekataru supplied. "Nothing personal, but I can't risk my ship. It will be jettisoned into the sun."
15-06-2007, 04:57
He turned to Captain Marsh, who had also been conversing with Vrookin, and seemed just as unsettled by the man as he. "I appreciate your volunteering to accompany the landing party to Trivaru, if we decide it is for the best to make the landing, I too will go. What are your thoughts Captain Vrookin?"
"You could use a dispersed sleeping agent to knock everyone out in an area. Then you can enter and take away the insurgents leaving the loyal citizens safe. Hit area by area until you have the entire city under control."
" I wouldn't recall.... most ships I encounter explode. It is possible I saw it but I could say for sure. And I am sure that that exact ship has differences from others like it we have seen, but such differences can be over come." said the Dark Commander as he turned and looked back to the window gazing down into the planets scared surface.
" And if you don't mind me asking... Whats your nation of origin? You sound like a Balroggian to me?" he said without looking at him.
“You guessed right, or ran my ship’s registration. It doesn’t matter either way. I was from Kala-Keihm before I was taken to the stars. Now I am from wherever The Optimist takes me but officially, I am from where my ship was last registered.”
15-06-2007, 18:08
Trivaru System
Docking Bay, KF Genesis, Maintaining Low Orbit
Mekataru silently played with his tentacles as he contemplated Marsh's suggestion. Sleeping gas was an interesting idea, and would cause significantly less damage than actual battle, but where would they put all the prisoners? He decided to bring this to Marsh's attention.
"Captain, I like this idea, but it does have downfalls... We merely do not have the space to store and transport all the sleeping rebels to a Dominion prison world, and we have no available prison ships or even cruise liners to convert into such a duty. Do you have any suggestions? If so, I know of just the agent to use..."
He laughed, a bit menacingly, if he did say so himself, and thought many thoughts.
15-06-2007, 21:22
"If that blasted transmitter worked the military could bring in large enough ships. Otherwise you might have to use freighters. It would not be very compfortable but it would work."
16-06-2007, 01:20
The Dark Commander watched as the technician cut the part out with the torch. He watched as the tech then held the piece in his hand. It was about that time that he heard the request to remain in his ship.
" You plan is flawed.... these people will only continue to rebel against you if you show such weakness. They will only regroup and continue to attack your positions and destroy your buildings. Have you not the nerves to show your power to these half breeds, and to bring this rebellion to an quick end? My faith in you is severely misplaced. But I will provide as much support I can from above. I hope that you will not show such mercy against enemies of your state. For if you do they will wash over you like a might wind. " Said the Dark Commander as he turned and looked Mekatarus eyes.
" I would never show such weakness to an enemy. No matter how insignificant, or how small. For if you show weakness now you only leave room for more weakness. And your enemies will learn of these weaknesses and will surely exploit them." he said again before turning away and started moving to the door to return to his fleet.
" Make all batteries ready for immediate orbital bombardment on key locations." the dark commander ordered with his nero-link as he left the ship an into the airlock.
24-06-2007, 04:18
24-06-2007, 05:20
I was thinking about this Thread today too.
01-07-2007, 15:52
OOC:well Balrogga, what now?
02-07-2007, 22:28
We wait for him to post. There is nothing else any of us can do other than sending a TG to remind him.