Nations with nuclear arms survey
To all nations with nuclear arms: Mathism would like to conduct a survey to determine the amount of nations with nuclear arms. Please specify what how many nukes you have. Please send encrypt transmissions and don’t make the information up. Please also specify the delivery vehicles too.
Mathism Ministry of Defence
Visit my embassy page at:
Encrypted Message Follows:
TO: Mathism Ministry of Defense
FROM: The Council of Ten
RE: Nuclear Arms Survey
We apologize in advance for our inability to fully address all of your questions in your survey, as the majority of that information is classified.
The most important information for you to know is that The Community can be considered nuclear-equipped. We also posess a number of salted nuclear weapons.
In regards to our delivery systems, we feel that it is sufficient to say that if we need to place a weapons somewhere, it will be there.
Democratic Colonies
11-06-2007, 02:09
The Federated Union of Democratic Colonies possesses in its nuclear inventory:
- 200,000x 80 kiloton tactical single nuclear warhead bombs, suitable for armament of fighter-bomber aircraft
- 50,000x 20 megaton single nuclear warhead bombs, suitable for armament of strategic bomber aircraft
- 300,000x 300 kiloton single nuclear warheads mounted on cruise missiles
- 50,000x 300 kiloton MIRV nuclear warheads mounted on ICBMs
- 5,000x 20 megaton single nuclear warheads mounted on ICBMs
- 400,000x 475 kiloton MIRV nuclear warheads mounted on SLBMs
Not all of the munitions accounted for are at active condition, with an undisclosed number the aforementioned nuclear munitions in secure storage during normal peacetime conditions. Please note that the aforementioned information is in reference to individual warheads, and not actual delivery vehicles.
This information is publicly available and may be shared freely without consequence.
The Phoenix Milita
11-06-2007, 02:24
IC: The Phoenix Milita posses a classified number of nuclear weapons. We a have sufficient number of weapons and delivery systems for deterrent purposes.
OOC: Several years ago when our database was hacked, the following info was placed online:
TRBM (Theater Range Ballistic Missile)
Active force, 1,260 Reserve, 1,240
N-NICBM (Non-Nuclear ICBM)
Active force, 12,000 Reserve, 9,000
ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
Active force, 5,005 Reserve, 2,010
SICBM (Super Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
Active force, 2,000 Reserve, 1,200
The number has likely changed since then, and does not include tactical nuclear weapons, or missile submarines.
There is also likely been leaked information of the 2 gigaton bombs that were placed underneath unspecified major cities, for emergency self-destruct.
West Corinthia
11-06-2007, 02:25
*Encrypted Transmission*
The exact details of our arsenal are highly classified, however, we would be more than happy to give you some minor details. The West Corinthian government currently possesses no less than 50,000 nuclear warheads varying from 1 kiloton "suitcase" nukes to the much more deadly 50 megaton "region busters." Additional nuclear warheads/delivery systems are always in production.
As for delivery systems, we have many various methods: Underground ballistic missile silos hidden throughout the country, ballistic missile submarines, missile trucks, stealth bombers, and virtually any other method which man could conceive to deliver a nuclear weapon from point A to point B. Plans are also in place to launch space satellites into orbit capable of deploying either nuclear warheads or "rods from god" to the earth surface.
We trust this survey was made in good faith, so we don't need to warn you of the consequences for making this information public.
The PeoplesFreedom
11-06-2007, 02:39
OOC: This is classified Icly, but TPF mantains 75,000 or so nuclear warheads, the bulk of which are in storage. Around 30,000 are active, and range from 1 kiloton to 75 megatons.
we have begun making more nukes after a enemy dropped a nuke on our forces overseas. we currently have 6000.
11-06-2007, 03:01
"The Nuclear Capabilities of the Shazbotdom Empire are classified so we are unable to release any information to foreign powers at this point in time."
~~Unnammed Shazbotdom Representitive~~
Red Tide2
11-06-2007, 03:06
Official Statement from TSRT Government
"The TSRT's Strategic Rocket Forces is reported to have 300,000 total tactical and strategic nuclear warheads, both deployed in delivery systems and in storage. Although we cannot give the details, these range from .1 kiliton mortars to 100 megaton dirty bombs."
End Message
Dostanuot Loj
11-06-2007, 03:33
All we may inform you of is that we posess an adequate strategic and tactical stockpile of nuclear weapons. Their delivery systems range from artillery to ICBM and other things. We can not however, release to you the numbers.
- Commanding Officer of External Relations,
Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu
Pschycotic Pschycos
11-06-2007, 04:16
That is classified information.
But we'll give you the declassified version!:
A lot.
**The following is approved for public release.**
The Commonwealth of Tolvan maintains between 200 and 400 M37 Tactical Nuclear Devices in its inventory. The M37 is a variable yield device with multiple setting between 10 and 250 kilotons. At present the M37 may be delivered via multiple delivery systems including:
Mk 72 gravity bomb
M557 203mm howitzer shell
ATACMS missile
Tomahawk cruise missile
AGM-55 Reaper nuclear Anti-ship Missile
Tolvanic Ministry of Defence Press Office
Kelonian States
11-06-2007, 05:15
Encrypted Message (Strength: High)
The Kelonian military is suspicious of your interest in our nuclear arsenal - no good can come from revealing the specifics of your forces to potential enemies. Might we enquire as to the reason why you want to know so much?
Let it be known, however, that the Kelonian military maintains between 100,000 and 200,000 nuclear warheads of varying tonnage and capable of mounting on a variety of delivery systems, the majority of which are in easily-accessible storage. Special Forces and Valor Quin Bahil services may have more, but they are outside my juresdiction, and all other information is classified. Rest assured, however, that anywhere we take a dislike to can be green and glowing inside 24 hours.
Senior C.O. of Strategic Nuclear Command,
General Javor Aleksic
11-06-2007, 05:18
The Empire cannot speculate as to the true stock of our weapons of mass destruction due to its highly secretive nature. We can assure the world that we do not have a biological weapons program and that our chemical weapons program is strictly for research purposes only. Our nuclear weapons program includes over 20,000 individual warheads with a yield in excess of 1 gigaton.
The Minister of Defense
11-06-2007, 05:54
To: Mathism
From: Asgarnian National Defense Forces, Asgarnian Armed Forces Command
Subject: Nuclear Arsenal
While the exact number of Asgarnian nuclear warheads is strictly classified, we can say that the number of ready and active warheads is somewhere around 700,000 (conservative estimate) and the number of stand-by warheads or inactive warheads is around 225,000 (conservative estimate).
We trust that this information will not be spread to other nations.
General 4-S Gerald D. Black
Commander of the ANDF
11-06-2007, 06:31
Official Statement from the Free Havenic Republic of Kahanistan
Ministry of Defense
The Government of Kahanistan possesses a small nuclear deterrent arsenal. Not including the forty Vetalian L-21 Vindicator ICBMs and seventy K-30 Saratov-class IRBMs entrusted to us by COMECON (, we possess 3,500 one-kiloton nuclear weapons in various forms, such as artillery shells, bombs, and cruise missiles.
We also possess 100 150-megaton nuclear warheads in ICBM-mountable form, scattered amongst our ballistic missile submarine fleet.
Contrary to UN dictates, we also possess biological and chemical weapons, for release against enemy forces to prevent or punish the targeting of civilian population centers.
Iosif N. Malakov,
Minister of Defense
We also possess 100 150-megaton nuclear warheads in ICBM-mountable form, scattered amongst our ballistic missile submarine fleet.[/I]
OOC: How is that possible? Ivan was 50 megatons, and could barely be hauled by a Tu-95.
11-06-2007, 06:53
[OOC: Tsar Bomba was originally 100 MT, but scaled down so it would a) fit on the bomber, and b) not toss out as much fallout. With about 50 years since Tsar Bomba, it should be feasible to design a 150 MT nuke mountable on an ICBM.]
[OOC: Tsar Bomba was originally 100 MT, but scaled down so it would a) fit on the bomber, and b) not toss out as much fallout. With about 50 years since Tsar Bomba, it should be feasible to design a 150 MT nuke mountable on an ICBM.]
OOC: Ivan weighed 27 tons. The LGM-30 Minuteman, the only ICBM in service in the US, does not carry warheads heavier than 800 lbs. Even the Peacekeeper w/ 5 independant reentry vehicles only carries up to 2 tons.
11-06-2007, 07:08
Dear sir/madam,
Whilst we support the aims of your survey, I am afraid that national security and federal legislation impedes my ability to answer all your stated questions.
At present, Rotovian Naval Command stocks a defensive stockpile of short and long range tactical nuclear devices, The Armed Forces of Rotovia is not obliged to detail their stockpile but has declared possessing neutron bomb technology and at least 20,000 devices capable of distributing their force, The Praetorian Guard and The Imperial Fleet of Rotovia are not required to disclose their stockpile and have not made any formal declaration, except to confirm the existence of a nuclear arsenal.
Senator Ivana Cuvalo
Minister for National Defence
Minister for Internal Security
We maintain 30,000 weapons, of which 13,500 are MIRV-equipped ICBMs of various classes. In addition, significant stockpiles of non-nuclear missiles for space combat are also fielded.
Since these missiles are Vetalian proprietary designs, we cannot provide specifications.
The Crystal Mountains
28-07-2007, 09:39
It is official CCM policy to neither confirm or deny that the Commonwealth has nuclear weapons capability.
It is a matter of public record that the CCM constitution strictly bans the stockpiling and/or use of chemical or biological agents. Furthermore it bans the "first-use" of any weapon of mass destruction.
28-07-2007, 09:58
Sent to: Government of Mathism
For immediate release:
The government of Dalnijrus, as it has in the past, declares a limited stockpile of tactical nuclear warheads. Dalnijrus does not possess larger, strategic weapons—nor does it have the appropriate facilities or the intent to make any. For national defence purposes, however, Dalnijrus has been working with the government of the Russian Federation to establish an agreement on further production of tactical devices.
Datium contains the following weaponry:
200x 400 kiloton "Hells Wraith", suitable for arming sattelites
1500x 70 kiloton Tactical warhead bombs
250,000x 350 kiloton single nuclear warheads mounted on cruise missiles
- 50,000x 400 kiloton MIRV nuclear warheads mounted on ICBM's
- 500,000x 500 kiloton MIRV nuclear warheads mounted on SLBMs
many of this ammunition is stored in the DT-"Laing" Space Station
Axis Nova
28-07-2007, 10:19
Official Communique, Axis Nova Office of Foreign Affairs
The Imperial Realm of Axis Nova refuses to precisely confirm the number of warheads available. However, we will state that the only nuclear weapons we possess are tactical in yield.
Official Free Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To:<Encrypted Open Communication>
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs & VDF High Command
Subject: Vetakan Weapon of Mass Destruction Deterrent Details
The Vetakan Government believes Nuclear Arms and Weapons of Mass Destruction have no place on the modern battlefield. Due to the fact they are not specific to a nation, military, race or people. The Vetakan Government through its Foreign Policy has always encouraged nations and the International Community to dismantled its Nuclear Arsenal.
However the Vetakan Government are not fools as a result Vetaka does maintain a Nuclear Deterrent in order to "level" the playing field in any battlefield situation. The Vetakan Deterrent is similar to that of Great Britian, Vetaka Operates a total of 12 Vangaurd Submarines. All of which are armed with the Trident IIII Missile which is a variant of the inital Trident details of this variant are Classified by the Vetakan Senate Joint Intelligence and Security Committee (VSJISC) due to reasons of Vetakan National Security.
Dr Perry Cox
Secretary of State of Vetakan Foreign Affairs
Jonathon Stone
Supreme Operational Commander of the Vetakan Defence Forces