NationStates Jolt Archive

EFJ Vice Mod Vote (EFJ Only!)

Amazonian Beasts
10-06-2007, 01:15
A'ight, it's time to get this going.

Vice mod for EFJ: we have three candidates: Calizorinstan, who plays as what essentially is the most powerful nation on Earth; Futuris, who many of you have seen from SYAE, ESS, and CW on his fourth recent Earth; and Candistan, who holds that same resume of recent.

Question is: who do you want as your Vice-mod, EFJ?

Everyone gets one vote to decide who gets it. Let me remind the Vice-mod candidates: you'll have to be active, especially come the end of this month, 'cause I'll have to be gone (Summer training camp for ACC football, I doubt I'll even be on for a certain stretch entirely) and the winner will, along with Map-Mod Granate, essentially take the lead of EFJ for that time. As well, you'll need to be able to pick up the Rping of NPC nations during my absence as well.

However, Vice-mod comes with plenty of perks for you three candidates. You get the ability to lay down legislation when I'm gone, gain the respect of your fellow Earth peers, and pick up experience for future Earths.

Voting begins now, and ends in two-five days (depending on how long it takes everybody to vote).
11-06-2007, 01:16
Awww, I'm not a canidate. And I dont think Cali would make a good mod (no offense)...

So cast by ballot for Candistan, although I wish it could be me...
11-06-2007, 01:20
Kampf, it's okay, what make's you think I couldn't be a good mod?, if I don't win this, is there other dutie's AB, that I could do?
Amazonian Beasts
11-06-2007, 21:27
Cali: I'd have to think some up, but I could probaly get something.

Bump-ism so this gets near the top. We have a bunch of votes, ends tomorrow.
12-06-2007, 01:58
I've been gone this weekend, sorry...

But here is my "profile".

Although you may soon see that I don't have as many posts to my name as say, some of the other mods, I have nevertheless been here longer than both other candidates and have meekly watched others RP. That is why when I first started out, I was not a victim to the noobiness that most beginners experience, the "I can do what I want to" attitude that gets you nowhere. I have since those not-so-nooby days progressed far. I was, as AB said, in SYAE, ESS, and CW, and took prominent roles in all Earths, especially ESS. I have also always remained active in those Earths, and I am quick on uptaking NPC's when everyone needs too.

In EFJ, I have already contributed greatly - namely, I took care of the IC thread, made all the links and stuff to make it easy and helpful, and also did the History thread. I was one of the first to join, and as with all 4 Earths so far, have seen people come, sign up, and leave. That will not happen with me. I have also seen, in SYAE, entire Earths fall apart because people are not active. If EFJ will ever fall apart, it certainly won't be because of inactivity - at least on my part. The only reason ESS and CW fell were because of the AH mandate passed, but EFJ is okay under those boundaries, so I wish you good luck and a fun-filled RP! Vote for me :p

Oh, and AB, you might want to make the vote public. That way, we can be sure that the votes aren't coming from people outside of EFJ. Or, tell everyone to post who they are voting for, so we can see what votes are actual EFJ votes.

EDIT: By the way, are candidates allowed to vote? :p
12-06-2007, 23:52
I'll write something up about me when I have time, but I need to go (lifeguarding crap :()