A Bloody Coup (Open MT)
07-06-2007, 02:18
The President Jack Slovick walked out on the balcony, and started to give a speech, "My fellow men, we must band together against fascism and communism, so we've created the Commie/Fascist Elimination squad, whomever is one of those horrid category's, get's deported to some tiny nation out in the middle of nowhere, that'll solve our problem's. You may ask why we haven't had election's yet....."
*switches to a view of a sniper leaning on a railing for support." Adolf Yourned was leaning against the rail with his Kar-98 sniper rifle, he intended to bring the president down, and start the 4th Reich, so he finally got a good headshot, and *Bam, Bam*. The President was hit in the head, twice, and he fell to the ground, but even though he was hit in the head, he survived the incident, and they put him in an ambulance headed to the hospital.
Adolf smirked thinking he had killed the President, but he was wary, the police could be at his location any moment, so he grabbed a MP-44, and opened the door to reveal 2 elite Falcon's, Adolf dropped his gun at the sight of them, but he grabbed one by the neck, and threw him down the stair's hard, and then he saw the other pull out a knife, and so did Adolf, but Adolf blocked the Falcon's blow, and ran up 5 flight's of stair's, and hid in a room with his Makarov cocked and ready.......
OOC: This will appear in newspaper's, so you may RP the newspaper's and governmental responses and other responses too.
New Brittonia
07-06-2007, 02:40
The government of New Brittonia deplores a coup d'etat in any nation. We would like to help this nation return to stability, as a result, we are inserting a 100,000 strong peacekeeping force into Calizorinistan to help this nation return to a democratic stability.
07-06-2007, 02:45
We thank the government of Brittiona for their help, we've found out that this orginazation is the "National Socialist Party of Calizorinstan", or put it the simple way "Nazi's", our leader is in the ER room currently, so he's assigned the head of the navy to rule in his absence.
Temp.President of Calizorinstan
Jack R. Arnold
We would like to send 15,000 special forces to help your country.
07-06-2007, 02:53
We thank Greal for their kind offer, and we shall accept it, we do fear that the Nazi Party of Calizorinstan is gaining support in other countries, so if anyone out there has a Nazi problem, their Nazi Party could well be in contact with ours.
We thank Greal for their kind offer, and we shall accept it, we do fear that the Nazi Party of Calizorinstan is gaining support in other countries, so if anyone out there has a Nazi problem, their Nazi Party could well be in contact with ours.
All Nazis in my country are arrested already.
15,000 special force troops will be airlifted on your commmand.
New Brittonia
07-06-2007, 03:18
Prime Minister David Flower boarded the Boeing 747, international One, in Epson, to have a meeting with the President of Calizorinstan. His aide went up to him and said,
"How do you think about the president."
David said,
"Well, Calizorinstan had no elections, that needs to change. But the President is a strong man, and I like strong men. I want rights, the workers need rights."
"Well, oh. . . "
"It is taking off now, I think."
"Yes it is, so is it in the President's chambers or here?"
"I want it in International One, he will see where Brittonia's power is."
"Good idea, sir"
Ant the plane flew towards Calizorinstan, to have a meeting about Fascism. Maybe this meeting will be successful.
07-06-2007, 03:23
The newly elected President Jack R.Arnold awaited the arrival of the President of New Brittonia at the airport, in his Ford Excursion hydrogen limo, awaiting him.
New Brittonia
07-06-2007, 03:29
International One arrived at the airport. Prime Minister Flower walked down the stairs, lined with 40 New Brittonian Marines.
"Hello, Mr. President!, Would you like to come inside?", David said.
Lord Sumguy
07-06-2007, 03:31
Lord Sumguy woke up, got dressed, and sat down to read the paper and drink some coffee. About halfway through he spotted the article saying that the Calizorinstanian President had been shot, he spilled his coffee, and the ensuing bellow of pain roused his secretary, who came bursting into the room:
"something the matter, mi'lord?"
"no, i just spilled my coffee is all."
the secretary breathed a sigh of releif, with all of the conflicts the Empire was getting into lately, he had thought that an assasination had been going on.
Lord Sumguy muttered to himself while reading: "Admiral Arnold, eh? The same man that was shot at the Hatarian ball? It looks like he'll have his hands full....."
"Will you be requiring anything else, mi'lord?"
"What? Oh, yes, please inform the New President that i am willing to send troops to assist in putting down this coup."
"Are you sure that is wise, sir? Nearly one tenth of the army is already stationed overseas..."
"Well, what would you have them do? Sit here, and waste taxpayers money?"
Lord Sumguy paused for a moment to jot down a sort message, and handed it to his Secretary.
"Send this to President Arnold."
"Yes sir."
Message to President Arnold from Lord Sumguy:
My good Admiral, or should i say Interim President, i am much greived to hear of the attempted assasination of the man you are filling in for, and am willing to supply up to 300,000 men to assist in putting down this coup. May the cause of freedom forever triumph.
PS: I hope your wound isnt troubling you much.
-Lord Sumguy
Official USSW Response
Although we cannot claim to be pleased with your particular response to the Communists in your nation, the experience you had during your civil war is understood by us and we would gladly take in those you seek to exile. Such is what allies do, being respectful of each others' sovereignty, and you have proven your worth as an ally many times over.
Hence, we wish to utterly condemn the vile Nazist assault on your President, on your society; nay, upon your very way of life! We had our own troubles with similar ilk, the "Wagdoggie Blood and Soil Party", some ten years ago during an insurrection in our capital. However, we don't believe they're in contact with your rebels; as all known members have been either long-executed as traitors for their role in the uprising, or else were kicked out and fled to whatever fascist nations would take them. However just to be prudent, we are monitoring suspected WBSP sympathizers just in case an underground structure for their Party may remain active; and have been in fact ever since those events ten years ago, although our criminal law requires that said sympathizers actually offend in some way before we can prosecute them. If they're in contact with your Nazists, rest assured we shall find the cells making such and shut them down with extreme prejudice.
Before we discuss potential military aid, what would you estimate are the strength and capabilities, both tactical as well as technological, available to the NSPC? I suspect this may take more than just some airstrikes to clear up, so I am considering a ground commitment; but it will have to be precisely-tailored, since Wagdog is still either dealing with or monitoring several situations which could require the bulk of our military power to handle. Simply put: what is the threat, and what response do you think is appropriate?
Sincerely in Solidarity,
Carolinus Horridus
Commander-in-Chief, USSW War Office
Party Secretary, Wagdoggie Revolutionary Party
General Secretary, USSW Revolutionary Command Council
07-06-2007, 03:41
President Jack R.Arnold said "I would love to come inside, I'm going to send a few message's to concerned world leader's on my new iPhone." He touch typed the first message to Lord Sumguy saying:
Dear Lord Sumguy,
The former president Jack Slovcik resigned from the leadership while he was in the hospital, he's at home fine. My wound's mostly healed, we must request you hold off on sending your force's, we will tell you if we need your help. We thank you for your kind offer though,
President Jack R. Arnold
He wrote his next message to the USSW and said
Dear Carolinus Horridus,
We are just now collecting intel on the Nazi's, we will give them to you when we can, you may let your special force's and recon unit's inside Calizorinstan to assist us in this task. We figured that we would rather send communist's to your country, then execute them, wise move we think on our part. We will update you as more news come avaiable.
President Jack R. Arnold
He finshed and then said to David "I'll follow you inside."
07-06-2007, 03:44
The Wilhelm-Hatarian Empire will not allow for a coup to take place in Calizorinstan, as we have our 5th Fleet Stationed there. We are hereby deploying said Fleet along the coast and sending a force of 50,000 Marines into Calizorinstan to defend the current government from the extremist factions. Lieutenant General Dermot McGinty will be leading the Marine forces, so address all messages to him.
New Brittonia
07-06-2007, 03:49
President David Flower walked into International One, he said
"This is the meeting room, take a seat."
The room had a round table and five chairs, David took one.
He then said to Jack,
"You say what you want to say first."
07-06-2007, 04:12
Jack sat down and said "Well, we've got the approx location of where the assassin ran off too, he's in a ruin of an ancient castle, so our spec op's force's ought to capture him and bring him back for a trial, if he's the head of this, we've caught a valuable piece of info then."
07-06-2007, 04:31
OOC: Is it to late for Mereshka to send in help? And, I was wondering if I could have an odd little faction in my nation that helped with the attemted assasination.
07-06-2007, 04:38
OOC: It isn't too late, and yeah, you can have a little faction in my nation.
07-06-2007, 04:45
OOC: Nice, thanks.
IC: From: Warlord Lekra, Leader of the Mereshkan clans.
To: The Leaders of Calizotinstan
Dear Leaders of your nation, Mereshka was shocked to hear of this disastrous event, and will be sending our most elite soilders, in order to help you with this troubled time. It will be a battalion of 300, we apoligise that we cannot send more, but we are rather occupied at the moment.
Sincerly, Warlord Lekra
07-06-2007, 15:32
To:Warlord Lekra
From: President Jack R. Arnold
You may send your 300 men, we don't mind you can't send more, we understand.
New Brittonia
07-06-2007, 21:57
Prime Minister Flower took a breath, he knew that telling him about this would not be easy, although the entire plan would be ruined if he did not tell Jack.
David opened a box and pulled out a cigar. He lit it with a wooden match an exhaled a long stream of smoke. The Prime Minister then said,
"Want one?"
07-06-2007, 23:38
Jack took the cigerette and said "Thanks, I'm glad for a good smoke, I've been nervous, ever since the assassin did..." He broke off nervous, and took a smoke.
08-06-2007, 00:24
The news of the assasination reached The First Chief Directorate of the CFSS and was at first not given that much importance, but then when further analysed it was sent the Head.
"National Socialists eh?" grumbled the Head as he massaged his thinning hair, trying to wake up after his nap.
"Not exactly a common occurence these days, are we?" sighed a Sectioneer. "What are we going to do about it?"
The Head glanced at the report, then let it fall to the immaculately ordered desk.
"Nothing at all," he grinned. "We've recieved no requests for help, and even if we did then we wouldn't. Their movement is not popular and they have failed, thus they deserve to be crushed by the strong."
Official Communique From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry To Calizorinstan
Our condolences go out to you in regards to this attack, we are truly amazed that your leader was able to survive two hits to the head.
Whilst your attackers claim to be National Socialists, Skgorria has nothing to do with your breed of National Socialists. If you wish, we can deploy some of our Special Action Unit to hunt them down.
08-06-2007, 00:47
"Graytinks Com...rad-ays?" a voice crackles over a poorly taped webcam video sent via email from a public domain .ru hotmail site, when a loud "thwack" is heard as the video clears. "Nyet Gregor, nyet!" Says a man in fatigues with an ak-47 strapped to his back, standing over what must presumably be "gregor" who is rubbing his head tenderly
"Please forgive gregor, he is not good with English, da? We hear of your trouble, we too have had such plights before. I am Sacha Puschenko, Elected diplomat of the Socialist States of Zhyolatska, and if would be willing to adopt a more open minded view to those left-aligned, we will be glad to send an army of guerrilla revolutionaries to help you free your country from this reign of terror."
*with that, the video recording ends*
08-06-2007, 00:56
Official Message to Skgorria:
We will agree to you sending your special op's to this country, we do think you're the harmless kind, thus we welcome your kind in our country.
President Jack R. Arnold
08-06-2007, 01:03
Official Communique From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry To Calizorinstan
Whilst we would disagree that we are "harmless", we are glad that you accept our offer of help and recognise that not all National Socialists are raving psychotics. A platoon of Special Action Unit 209 is en route.
08-06-2007, 01:07
OOC: What I meant by harmless Skgorria, is that you don't seem like a threat to my nation.
08-06-2007, 01:08
OOC: What I meant by harmless Skgorria, is that you don't seem like a threat to my nation.
OOC: Oh okay, that's good because I'm not a threat. ICly I can't justify helping the rebels because they are weak and have failed, plus I haven't had a play with my special forces for ages ;)
08-06-2007, 01:12
OOC: They are weak to everyone, but they can still cause problem's though. ;)
08-06-2007, 01:19
((OOC: any reply to the offer of the ZASF?
08-06-2007, 01:27
OOC: Yeah, I am doing up one in this post:
To:Socialist States of Zhyolatska
We've adopted a more open minded view of the left, we heartily accept your offer, and we've prepared a area for your force's to land.
Jack Slovick
08-06-2007, 01:48
*soon a group of freighters carrying crates of cargo departs crewed by what appear to be sailors on board though are guns, ammo, bomb kits, qassam rockets( a ZASF favorite) and small artillery to embed and men dressed in varying styles of clothing, ranging from old soviet coats, to fatigues, to civilian dress. overall it's a force of about 12,000 volunteer guerrillas with experience from the Zhyolatskan Civil War.
08-06-2007, 01:51
The temporary commander of the Falcon's Eric Malpton, stood at the dock's with his 40 men awaiting the ZSAF troop's to brief them on the situation.
Lord Sumguy
08-06-2007, 02:06
Lord Sumguy read the intelligence reports, and paused momentarily. They are using 12,000 un-uniformed guerrilas, but not my troops? Well they would be better at infiltration and urban warfare than the troops of the Holy Empire, but we have the Royal Guard for that... He contemplated this quietly. Moments later he got up and went to his PC to type a message:
From: Lord Sumguy
To: Pesident Jack Arnold
I see that you are now accepting aid in the form of special forces units, and offer the assistance of my Royal Guard. They are Leocardian trained, and specialize in stealth and urban combat. There are 15,000 guardsmen currently standing idle in my capitol. I place them at your disposal.
08-06-2007, 02:10
To:Lord Sumguy
From:President Jack R. Arnold
We accept your offer of the Royal Guard's, and we wish them to attack the Nazi's heavily fortifed stronghold's, one north of San Diego, in Palm Spring's on a mountain nicknamed "Eagle's Nest", the other a very heavily fortifed fort in Julian, 65 mile's east of our capital San Diego, nicknamed "Hell's Gates", our elite Falcon squad shall assist you in this operation, good luck men!
Lord Sumguy
08-06-2007, 02:21
A fleet of transports set out for in the Calizorinstan, carrying the guadsmen. With them were 3,000 APC's and 2 Aircraft carriers holding 80 modified F-22A Raptor Stealth Fighters. 10 B-2 Stealth Bombers were also in flight, headed for Calizorinstan airports.
Iranian Emirate
08-06-2007, 03:05
The former Iranian government had been overthrown just a month before, thanks to eight quick assassinations that brought the former government crawling, and the new commanders, the Ba'ath party rolling in. Though Hussein was a leader of the Ba'ath party in Iraq, the difference was large. Iran's Basij program had been halted. Instead military training was mandatory for men and boys in grade nine and twelve. The year in between were optional JROTC programs.
These were put aside as Alba R. Jussein, again another instance where the Iran-Iraq Ba'ath parties were similar by name only, sent in a small Kurdish special forces unit, seven men of the elite Kurdish Military Individual Specialization Branch, or Kurd Spec Ops as the men called it.
The seven man team inserted itself threw the eastern borders of the Calizornistan border, bribing the nation's citizens to slip them near the eastern border, where they could enter easily and stealthy.
The troops of the unit had five AK-74's with suppressors, and a customized railing so night vision-capable sights could be placed on. Each AK-74 had seven magazines. One man in the unit had a RPG-29, with eight rounds, and the other had a Stinger, which would be used against any incoming Helicopters. His loader, a man armed with an AK-74, also had the discomfort of carrying twelve stinger rounds in two very large packages on his back.
The commander, Second Lieutenant Gueif, had a brief case that held five hundred thousand USD which would be given to any Fascist operatives that they managed to encounter. He also had an AK-74.
Hasley opened the folder labeled 'Calizoristan' and started to read it "so there's a Coup in Calizoristan?" he looked at Senior General Skicovski "yes sir, their president was shot at by a Nazi sympathizer" Skicovski sat down "we have reason to belive that the nazis in Calizoristan have thought up-" "a 4th riech" Hasley said, interrupting Skicovski "the Calizoristani coup is about creating a fourth reich" "get me the Calizoristani president! these Nazis have to be stopped!"
FOB Staurt, west Cazelia
"move it, they dont call you the 501st airborne of nothing!" yelled Sergeant Keller, directing Paratroopers to thier planes "we need to be ready in case the president orders us into Calizoristan!" he yelled, shoving a paratrooper into a C-130 transport "lock and load! do not forget your weapons! it's time for some Hazard pay!" he yelled as he entered the C-130
08-06-2007, 06:26
*the freighters arrive carrying the armed revolutionaries, where they are met the docks, they hurriedly begin to unload and await their orders. The men appear to be all specialists, most speaking russian, but a few speaking greek, and some odd few who speak spanish regardless, an authoritative looking man seems to speak english with some degree of skill. The men are not armed in any uniform manner, some have only pistols, but most have automatic weapons of some degree of quality and effectiveness. they wait for orders.
08-06-2007, 14:39
Skgorrian IL-76 transport, en route to Calizorinstan
"I don't understand it," wondered one of the Skgorrians as he turned to his squadmate sitting next to him. "How the hell can people just afford to delpoy thousands of soldiers on very short notice?"
"Beats me," shrugged the soldier as he sharpened his commando knife. "What I'd be more concerned about is that the government we're going to help has a 'Fascist Elimination Squad'. Hardly ideological brothers are we?" He snorted in disgust, miming sticking his knife into the throat of an enemy soldier.
"I'm sure they won't try anything," chimed in another soldier, "after all, we are there to help them."
"And if they do," grinned the first soldier, "we can use these." He pulled a small grenade out of his belt marked with a biohazard symbol. This action was greeted by a sharp intake of breath from all of the soldier close enough to see it.
"Helga's Tits!" Bellowed an angry NCO, "put that thing away now or I'll cut your balls off. Those grenades aren't toys you know."
"Sorry Storm-Corporal," apologised the soldier meekly as he replaced the grenade on his belt.
"Much better, now everyone shut the hell up so I can sleep." With that, the NCO closed his eyes and leant back. Silence fell over the transport as the soldiers ceased their talking and instead did kit-checks.
A radio message was sent to the Calizorinstanis, asking for landing co-ordinates.
08-06-2007, 14:55
OOC: Skiggoria, at the time of your troop's flying, the Fascist Elimination Squad was disbanded the day before after we adopted a more like minded view.
A radio message was sent with the landing coordinate's where they could link up with the Royal Guard's of Lord Sumguy, and the elite Calizorinstani "Falcon" force's, to assault Hell's Gate's, a heavily fortifed fortress north of San Diego.
08-06-2007, 15:05
OOC: Yes, but my troops will have been kept isolated and unaware of events around them. Top secret operation and all that
The IL-76 pulled into land rather sharply and the platoon of Skgorrians began to disembark, carrying their gear in large bags slung over their shoulders. The unloading process carried on as the Skgorrians waited for some sort of liason officer to come and get them.
08-06-2007, 15:20
Official Declaration from the Atopian Ministry of War and Atopian Foreign Ministry:
We will be sending by air and sea the logistical assets for the Skgorrian SAU 209 platoon. Please advise of harbours and airports capable of taking heavy transports and large seagoing vessels.
08-06-2007, 15:22
Eric Wood walked up to meet the Skigorrian's, he was the liason officer of the Calizorinstanian Falcon's and said to them "I've got my 150 men here, I will help you, and so will the Lord Sumguyian Royal Guard's. who number 3,500 in this area, to assault Hell's Gate's, if we take that, we will effectively destroy this orginization."
08-06-2007, 15:24
Official Response to the Atopian War Ministry:
San Diego, is a port capable of taking heavy ship's, so is Newport Beach, and Long Beach is too. North Island Air Field, can take heavy plane's, so can Miramar, and so can Lemoore Naval Airstation too. We thank you for your assistance,
Eric Podden
War Defense Minister
08-06-2007, 15:31
Upon seeing the Calizorinstani approaching, the senior NCO clacked his heels and gave the man a full National Socialist salute worthy of the Junkerschule.
"Heil Skgorria!" He cried, before offering Eric his hand and introducing himself. "Storm-Major Yuklig of Special Action Unit 209, lead on and we'll follow." The Skgorrian turned to his troops.
"Oi hurry up untermensch, we've got a job to do!" The soldiers grumbled and began to fall in.
"Mr Wood," began Yuklig, "am I to understand that you have almost 4,000 men with special forces training just to take a castle?"
08-06-2007, 15:35
San Diego
The gates of the Wilhelmsborough Naval Base opened up to let the first of 50,000 marines, equipped with Type III Kevlar Body Armor, and armed with Heckler & Koch G36 Assualt Rifles. The majority of these rifles had a 30-round magazine, but some Marines, including Lieutenant General Dermot McGinty had 100-round drums.
They rode out in APCs, and headed for the hotzones of fighting in Calizorinstan.
08-06-2007, 15:35
Official Response to Calizorinstani Government:
Many thanks. Please arrange barracks and billets for 1.5 million soldiers (plus heavy equipment), 4.5 million logistics personnel (plus their equipment) and the 50,000 men and women of the 17th Tactical Air Armada and the 3rd and 22nd Air Superiority Armadas. If such cannot be found, we will construct purely temporary bases for the duration of the emergency. Offloading of VI Army Group will take place as follows:
16th Army plus logistical support at San Diego (500,000 soldiers, 1.5 million logistical personnel)
17th Army plus logistical support at Newport Beach (500,000 soldiers, 1.5 million logistical personnel)
18th Army plus logistical support at Long Beach (500,000 soldiers, 1.5 million logistical personnel)
17th TAA at North Island Air Field, 3rd ASA at Miramar, and 22nd ASA at Lemoore Naval Airstation (logistical personnel organic to each Air Armada will construct a new, temporary airbase nearby their base of arrival).
The Sixth Fleet, led by the ASV Marinetti will remain offshore, outside your national waters, ready to provide long-range fire support if necessary.
The VI Army Group, plus the LIX Air Armada Group, are under the command of Storm-Major Yuklig of SAU-209 for the duration of the emergency.
08-06-2007, 15:59
To: Calizorinstani Government
From: Dragonicale
We would like to help your forces with 2,000 Special Airbone Troops.
Requesting permission to enter...
08-06-2007, 16:50
Official Response to the Atopinona War Ministry:
We've got barrack's and billiting set up for your troop's, now the Nazi's are being supported by radical Muslim's, and both of those joined force's and are called the Baath movement, the enemy force's now number 15,000 and growing.
Palace of the Revolution; Tailville DR, Wagdog
General Secretary Carolinus Horridus' thoughts on learning of Pact of Iron deployments to Calizorinstan could be summed up fairly succinctly. DAMN! If we don't move soon, UFAN might lose influence there entirely. Still, looking at the draft sheet that the Army Department had sent him, indicated at least that not too much time would be lost anymore. Still, we can show; and apologize for any lateness hopefully. To that end, he signed and sent some preliminary orders by secure e-mail for maximum speed. Meanwhile, he drafted the following for President Jack Rogers...
FROM: Carolinus Horridus; General Secretary, USSW
TO: Jack Arnold; President, USC
We apologize for our tardiness in replying, but several possible contingencies required that we consider our options carefully; and still do in fact. However, we can send substantial miltary aid to crush the now-Ba'athist forces, consisting of the following...
Sixth Army Group HQ
Sixth Army
~140,000 Personnel
3,500 MBT-30B Tanks, 1,500 T-17B Tankettes
1800 BKCh-1 APCs
600 BKCh-T CFVs
750 BKCh-SU SP & 375 2A18M towed Infantry Guns
720 2S7A SPH, 900 Smerch MLRS, 900 SS-23 SRBM, 900 SSC-4 GLCM
2250 SA-21 Growler SAMs, 750 TS-M1 SPAA
400 UT-7B CEVs
~4500 Trucks (Variously MAZ-543M or Ural-4320)
Sixth Air Force
129,000 Personnel
250 Fighters (250 MiG-39/1.44)
250 VTOL Attack Aircraft (250 Yak-41M)
250 Strike & Bomber Aircraft (200 FA-15D, 50 Tu-160M; bombers proper to remain in Wagdog for sake of security and diplomacy...)
250 Transports (100 An-72, 50 Il-76MF, 50 An-124, 50 An-225)
100 AWACS (100 A-50M)
100 Tankers (100 Il-78M)
100 EW Aircraft (100 Il-76PP)
350 Helicopters (200 Ka-29, 100 AH-1RO, 50 Mi-26
120 BKCh-1 APCs
~5,000 Trucks (Variously MAZ-543M or Ural-4320)
They are already gearing up for deployment, and need only your approval and a designated operational area to begin arriving immediately afterward. Note that if possible we request not to be deployed near Pact of Iron forces, so as to avoid the risk of any incidents given our exceedingly poor relations with the nations thereof; however, we shall above all be realistic and accommodating of your needs. Hence, simply state where we are needed. There we shall fight; and there, the threat of Saddamism in your country shall die!
Sincerely in Solidarity,
Carolinus Horridus
Commander-in-Chief, USSW War Office
Party Secretary, Wagdoggie Revolutionary Party
General Secretary, USSW Revolutionary Command Council
Wagdog's military airbases were again hubs of activity, although they had been ever since remobilization had been ordered for classified reasons midway through the Vetakan Rebellion. Hence, the preparations to deploy Sixth Army Group to Calizorinstan were well-advanced even now, the mammoth An-225 Cossacks from both Sixth and other Air Forces taking on tanks and artillery by bushel; while smaller transports readied to handle lesser vehicles or personnel depending on the flight. This was part of the reason Wagdog's air forces were "Red Army Air Forces" to begin with, actually; so that the army would have sufficient grand strategic air power to be effectively "self deploying" once airfields were under USSW control or that of allies, and also to enable easiest effective use of even strategic air power to good effect in a combined-arms campaign. A campaign which, by the look of things, was brewing in Calizorinstan for the second time in scarce months; counting the Black Eagles' uprising...
08-06-2007, 17:15
To: Carolinus Horridus; General Secretary, USSW
From:President Arnold, Calizorinstan
We forgive you, we know how stressing other thing's may be, and we apperciate your help. Appearently the Baa'thist movement is getting fund's from other country's, they've already started to attack civilian's, but our civilan's are armed, so there's firefight's going on everywhere.
To: Carolinus Horridus; General Secretary, USSW
From:President Arnold, Calizorinstan
We forgive you, we know how stressing other thing's may be, and we apperciate your help. Appearently the Baa'thist movement is getting fund's from other country's, they've already started to attack civilian's, but our civilan's are armed, so there's firefight's going on everywhere.
From: Carolinus Horridus; General Secretary, USSW
To: President Arnold, Calizorinstan
Superb. In that case, may we deploy to the largest threatened area not already handled by Pact of Iron forces; perhaps where you think the foreign aid to the Ba'athists is coming into your country? While we won't interfere with PoI operations in the interior, perhaps we can move to secure your borders against infiltration. Either way, my forces are wheels-up now and en-route by air convoy. Deployment will take some days, but should be fairly rapid as this is the only airlift operation we have going at present.
Airbases Across Wagdog
The air was constantly being split by the sound of massive jet engines roaring their mounts to takeoff. Not just transports, but also fighters and the tankers and control planes needed to support them were all leaping skyward. Although the final destination(s) would be received via coded message in flight, the general direction was known: Calizorinstan; and the blazing heat thereof under yet another sun of civil war...
08-06-2007, 17:36
To: Carolinus Horridus; General Secretary, USSW
From:President Arnold
If anything,the north-eastern border is where we suspect the foreign aid is coming in, also we've arrested some citzen's that let some of these "Baa'thists" in, they were bribed. So, the north-eastern border ought to be secured, and then I'll find other vulnerable places, and we can secure those.
08-06-2007, 18:30
The VI Army Group and attached air assets will provide security for the capital city and other strategic locations.
A Godhammer artillery battery will be brought up to assist SAU-209 with preliminary bombardment of rebel positions.
08-06-2007, 19:00
A courier arrives with a message to the Calizorinstan persidant, he hands it over and departs without a word
Official Declaration from Sauceatia
The nation of Sauceatia is concerned as regards to your civilians and the amount of "relief" forces entering your country from other nations. With so many foreign soldiers tramping about how can you be certain that they do not harm innocent civilians? As a socialist country we believe that your citizens should be your most important priority. My country will be sending in independent intelligence agents to asses the safety of your citizens. If they discover that your citizens are suffering we will simultaneously cease all dealings with your government, as well as air dropping food and medical supplies for your people.
~ The Minister of Sauceatia
08-06-2007, 19:13
David Flower put the cigar down and left it in the ash tray
"Mr Arnold", Prime Minister Flower said, "both of us are against the fascists. The difference wholly lies within the reason. When you look at the political spectrum, fascism, particularly Nazism, is the exact opposite of the political force that drives the Nation of New Brittonia, democratic socialism, more specifically, the democratic socialist philosophy of the Communist Party of New Brittonia."
08-06-2007, 19:18
Jack nodded and said "I have really nothing against your type of communist's, because you are not a threat to us at'all. In fact, I'd say your government is one of our best allies so far. I've just got grave new's of the Nazi's and the Muslim radical's joining force's to create the Baat'hist movement, they are getting stronger everyday."
08-06-2007, 19:46
Prime Minister Flower then said,
"We then need to know that you will do to support the cause, fascism is not a big problem in Brittonia, I want to know what you will do to advance the cause of global socialism."
08-06-2007, 19:51
Jack thought about it a minute or two and said "We'd certainly be willing to tell people the virtue's of global socialism, but we wouldn't want to force it on anybody."
New Brittonia
08-06-2007, 20:03
"No force.", the Prime Minister said as he blew the smoke into the air, curling around with the ceiling fans, "we are a new kind of Communism in the world. We are democratically elected and have a sincere interest in human reither rights in the world. We are the New Communism, and it is growing and you can either support it or go against it and you will be voted out by your people."
08-06-2007, 20:05
Jack thought about it and said "I heartily support it, my predecessor wouldn't but luckily for him, he was removed peacefully for the office, I full support this new Communism."
08-06-2007, 20:11
Jack thought "Because, it's a good party, it combine's the best of communism and democracy, and thus it's a winning combination."
New Brittonia
08-06-2007, 20:11
David said, "Good, why do you think the New Brittonian Communist party has consistently won 'landslide' victories for the last seventy years?"
New Brittonia
08-06-2007, 20:19
"Yes", the Prime Minister said, "which is why we need support. So what will you do to spread this, I need definite plans of socialism in Caloringstan."
08-06-2007, 20:43
President Arnold thought about it and said "Well, I suppose we can implement this new socialism in our government and promote it within the town's, not forcefully, but ad campaign's and stuff, that's what we promised, happy?"
New Brittonia
08-06-2007, 20:55
"No, I just want you to have more help for the working class, raise the minimum wage and make education open to all. Can you get laws out to do that?", Prime Minister Flower said.
08-06-2007, 20:59
Jack said "We can do that, we will raise the mininum wage, make law's more friendly to the working class, and our education open to all. We will most certainly pass those laws this week."
New Brittonia
08-06-2007, 21:13
"Those are just ideas. You have to be the one that can create a lasting New Communism in that C nation that I cannot pronounce.", Prime Minister Flower said.
08-06-2007, 21:15
Jack smiled "I think I'll be able to do it, this country is pronounced Cali-zorin-stan, just to let you know!"
Lord Sumguy
08-06-2007, 21:31
Upon seeing the Calizorinstani approaching, the senior NCO clacked his heels and gave the man a full National Socialist salute worthy of the Junkerschule.
"Heil Skgorria!" He cried, before offering Eric his hand and introducing himself. "Storm-Major Yuklig of Special Action Unit 209, lead on and we'll follow." The Skgorrian turned to his troops.
"Oi hurry up untermensch, we've got a job to do!" The soldiers grumbled and began to fall in.
"Mr Wood," began Yuklig, "am I to understand that you have almost 4,000 men with special forces training just to take a castle?"
seeing the Skgorrian forces arrive, General Stevens of the Lord Sumguy Royal Guard got into an APC and drove toward them. as he exited his vehicle and walked toward the Calizorinstan and Skgorrian commanders, he overheard Yuklig's comment.
"Personally, Im not one to consider it a bad thing to have overwhelming force at my disposal" he said as he approached the Skgorrian, laughing to himself. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Storm General, i am Garth Stevens, commander of the Royal Guard of Lord Sumguy." He said amiably, extending his hand to be shaken. "Do you have a plan of attack yet? i have 10 B-2 Stealth bombers and 80 F-22 stealth fighters that i have been itching to use."
08-06-2007, 21:34
Eric replied to Yuklig and Steven's and said "Hi Steven's, you're just in time for the plan of attack. Remember, the castle's not lightly defended, it has several MG-42 posisiton's, remember they're using WWII-era German equipment, and they've got lot's of it, I propose we scale the more difficult way, up that path, but it'll keep us out of sight of their gunner's, and it'll take us to the weak spot, where we can place this (patting a bundle of explosives), and get in their least defended area and take them by surprise."
08-06-2007, 21:38
Godhammer Battery 27, Godhammer Cannon #2:
The single shell blasted forth from the barrel of the Godhammer atomic cannon, whining in towards the castle on the hill. It was a tactical nuclear shell, with 15KT of explosive force contained within...
Explanation regarding the destruction of Atopiana and my continuation with this thread - this thread is Modern Tech, i.e. 1990s early 2000s.
Atopiana was obliterated in the 2300s. I have centuries to go before I'm n00ked. :)
08-06-2007, 21:46
Taking the offered hand, Yuklig shook it firmly. "With all due respect, I'm not a General yet. Still Storm-Major for now," he chuckled. He fell silent until he heard a large *thump* that he recognised...the sound of a Godhammer cannon firing.
"EVERYONE DOWN!" he yelled, dragging the two officer to the floor as he dived. He covered his eyes, awaiting the inevitable detonation.
08-06-2007, 21:52
Somewhat belatedly, the battery commander opened communications with the Skgorrians... "Fox One to SAU King, come in, over."
Lord Sumguy
08-06-2007, 22:46
General Stevens stood up, and saw that the castle in the distance was almost completely destroyed.
"Rather over the top, if you ask me," he said, and then the full impact of the situation hit him, and a feeling of dread swept through him.
"There were civilians in that castle..." he said, shocked. He hesitated only a second before he screamed into his radio: "Alright boys, get your radiation suits on, we have people to save, get to that castle ASAP, every second you delay means more innocents dead!"
He looked around at the others nearby him, swallowed dryly, entered his APC, and drove toward the castle.
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 02:44
"Ha ha", Prime Minister Flower said, "Thank you. So are you a Muslim nation?"
OOC: Sorry for the shorty post, but really there's not much more to do yet and IDK how much longer I'll be able to stay online anyway :headbang:; so...
Approaching Calizorinstan
Escorted by both MiG-39/1.44 Flatpacks and FA-15D Cardinals, the first wave of transports bearing Sixth Army troops and the supplies for the larger Sixth Army Group were about to hold outside Calizorinstani Airspace. The lead transport radioed in: "Calizorinstani Air Defense, this is USSW Sixth Transport Wing; requesting destinations in northwest of your nation to begin offloading Sixth Army Group and assets for counterinsurgency operations. Do you read, over?" The 100-odd Il-78M tankers would let the force stay airborne for some time, but not forever, so speed in reply was crucial so that the initial landings could begin and the ferrying operations start thereafter...
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 18:37
09-06-2007, 18:42
OOC: Sorry, slept a while this morning, saw POTC III last night, it was good.
Jack said "Nah, infact, we seem to have a radical Muslim uprising here too, and that's a big problema." John ate a piece of Reese's pieces.
At San Diego Tower/Miltary Side
Calizorinstani Air Defense said on the radio to the USSW 6th Air Transport Wing "We give you permission to land at Norton Air Base to offload your troop's over. That's your desistenation."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 18:56
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 18:58
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 18:58
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 18:59
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 19:00
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 19:00
"Oh," ,Prime Minister Flower said, “I just saw -stan so I took a swig and I guess that it didn't hit where I wanted it to go." David stood up, and walked up to a counter. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and, using tongs, he placed two ice cubes into two Old Fashioned Glasses. He poured the Scotch whiskey into the glasses and asked Jack,
"I hope you drink."
09-06-2007, 19:19
Jack nodded "I do, to some extent. One of our allie's just pulled out of here, they were going to help us, now they've cut off relation's, very grim time's David for us, this new "Baa'thist" movement is gaining support very quickly, but we're fighting against it, last I checked, they number 17,500 armed milita men."
OOC: Sorry, slept a while this morning, saw POTC III last night, it was good.
Jack said "Nah, infact, we seem to have a radical Muslim uprising here too, and that's a big problema." John ate a piece of Reese's pieces.
At San Diego Tower/Miltary Side
Calizorinstani Air Defense said on the radio to the USSW 6th Air Transport Wing "We give you permission to land at Norton Air Base to offload your troop's over. That's your desistenation."
OOC: Great for you.:cool: Will be checking it out tonight, so glad to hear it's better than the critics seem to think (not that I'm surprised there).
Norton AB, Calizorinstan...
The formalities having been taken care of easily, the first fighters and transports were already landed. The FA-15Ds and MiG-39s were already refuelling and rearming, soon to be loaded with precision ordnance from the ready stocks transported over for strikes on Ba'athist targets. The field HQ set up already, the Sixth Army Group staff were not happy at all. The Ba'athists had swelled to 17,000+ militiamen by now, after having taken in the Calizorinstani Nazists as part of their force. Puny compared to what Sixth Army could muster on the ground alone, granted; but then again, in a land with a seeming penchant for regular guerrilla uprisings this was a far more potent force than mere numbers would indicate. As soon as they could arrive by Il-76 personnel transport flights, the ten Ranger battalions under VI Airborne Corps would be quite heavily relied upon in this theater, it seemed, even though all arms would naturally play their part. Hence, arrival of the 250 An-72 Coaler tactical transports that would handle most airdrops was eagerly awaited...
For now though, the infantry and recon units of VI Infantry and VI Cavalry Corps rolled out in their BKCh series vehicles; moving to assist Calizorinstani base forces in maintaining Norton's security during the airlift. After all, it would hardly do for the massive military 'frog' that was the USSW Sixth Army Group to have its own base 'lily pad' cut out from under it while in mid-leap by a surprise Ba'athist offensive; now would it? To that end, all units that arrived and could move to defensive positions... did so immediately. As time passed, the defenses would grow deeper and stronger; until such time as the word to roll out and begin counteroffensive operations was given by HQ...
09-06-2007, 21:30
OOC: POTC III, was better then the second one, my friend's who saw it with thought the same. There's a POTC IV being filmed right now.
Norton AB.......
The Calizorinstanian Marine's moved in to help the Wagdogie force's secure the field from any surprise Baa'thist offensive's, they set up M2 posistion's around the field, with barb wire. RF-4C's from the Calizorinstan Marine Corps, landed, for they would be the eye's of the joint Calizorinstanina-Wagdogie forces.
Lord Sumguy
09-06-2007, 22:07
General Steven's forced aspproached the castle, looking in awe abd horror at the destruction the Atopianon's nuclear warhead had caused. They were to find and rescue any surviving civilians in the surrounding area.
New Brittonia
09-06-2007, 23:11
OOC: OMG, I have no clue how that happened
"Well", David said, "this is bad. . . this is bad. Well, New Britonia has domestic problems to take care of, an uprising in our northwestern proviences. Our military is focused on these islads rather than your wars. Sorry 'bout that, man. Well,"
The Prime Minister rose his glass up and said,
"To human rights and New Communism! And to the defeat of those fascists too!"
New Brittonia
10-06-2007, 02:16
10-06-2007, 08:10
OOC: sorry for the delay, went to tahoe for two days
*spreading out and scattering the Guerrillas take to the hinterlands of calizorinstan and begin to set up some bases of operation, while a division of 450 guerillas proceed to meet the Wagdogian Red Army.
In russian:"Zdravstvui Komrades! Menya zavut Oslav Mikhailovich, Kak pozhivaesh'?
We indeed are glad to see such faces as you, it brings sense of joy. Tell us Komrades, how can ZASF help in glorious struggle?"
((sorry for shortness of post, Growing tired
New Brittonia
10-06-2007, 15:03
OOC: sorry for the delay, went to tahoe for two days
*spreading out and scattering the Guerrillas take to the hinterlands of calizorinstan and begin to set up some bases of operation, while a division of 450 guerillas proceed to meet the Wagdogian Red Army.
In russian:"Zdravstvui Komrades! Menya zavut Oslav Mikhailovich, Kak pozhivaesh'?
We indeed are glad to see such faces as you, it brings sense of joy. Tell us Komrades, how can ZASF help in glorious struggle?"
((sorry for shortness of post, Growing tired
"We're happy to see you too!", Sixth Army Group CO Field Marshal Ernesto Galver shook Mikhailovich's hand warmly, and began. "We're all set to deploy; 140,000 men in Sixth Army alone, plus another 130-odd thousand air staff; some of the meanest equipment ever designed, and now you guys to complete the party. We're heading out to secure the border where we think the Ba'athists are getting their supplies from. Meanwhile, our ten Ranger battalions could sure use your guerrillas' help in tracking down the Ba'athist irregulars; dispersing them from villages and beating them at their own game, while my boys concentrate on sealing the border and the Calizorinstanis focus on securing their own towns behind us. That way, we can counter the subversion here before it gets out of hand; without making ourselves look worse than the Ba'athists either, hopefully. Sound good?"
Outside, the infantry were mounting up into their APCs while the Rangers were preparing to mount into the An-72 light transports for their small-unit jumps. Dropping by loads of one 120-man company per two transports, each company would disperse by 12-man squads to patrol the Calizorinstani hinterland; keeping in radio contact with each other and HQ, and above all simply observing, only engaging where Ba'athist units were weaker than themselves or else overwhelming air/artillery support easily available. That is, assuming the ZASF signed on; since there was no point to being inflexible after all...
10-06-2007, 23:26
15 men walked out of the wood's calmly to near where the Wadgoie Field Marshall Ernesto Galver, was talking to the ZASF commander, they all had M1A SOCOMs, with M1911A1 Commando's on their belt's, the leader, Lt.Col John Akins, walked up to Ernesto Galver, and said "Heil friend, we've been assigned by Calizorinstani High Command to help you, by waging a guerilla war against the Baa'thists, by disrupting their supply line's, and ambush them at their recruting depot's." He saluted the Field Marshall, and his 15 men lined up behind John Akins.
15 men walked out of the wood's calmly to near where the Wadgoie Field Marshall Ernesto Galver, was talking to the ZASF commander, they all had M1A SOCOMs, with M1911A1 Commando's on their belt's, the leader, Lt.Col John Akins, walked up to Ernesto Galver, and said "Heil friend, we've been assigned by Calizorinstani High Command to help you, by waging a guerilla war against the Baa'thists, by disrupting their supply line's, and ambush them at their recruting depot's." He saluted the Field Marshall, and his 15 men lined up behind John Akins.
"Excellent." FM Galver returned the salute, although the particular usage 'heil' had him on guard. Let's hope I can afford to ignore that... Despite the unsettling thought, he continued. "An excellent start, my Rangers will join your men as soon as Mikhailovich and our ZASF comrades," Galver moved to introduce Atkins to the Zhyolatskan, "...are ready to move out. We'll be 'dropping in' as it were, so it would be great if you could have your units mark their locations with smoke and radar beacons; whatever's available. Then we can link up after the drops, and kick some Ba'athist *ss!"
As if to emphasize that usage, the first squadron of ten Wagdoggie FA-15D Cardinal strike fighters took off on their air support patrols. Laden with KAB-500S-E GPS-guided bombs plus Hydra 70mm rocket pods for the anticipated sorts of resistance, as well as two each R-37 Arrow, R-77 Adder, and R-73 Archer missiles as precaution against the odd air support given the rebels' way. Munitions which, except for perhaps the missiles, were soon to be used in anger as part of the Cardinal's first combat service in USSW colors...
Lord Sumguy
10-06-2007, 23:42
General Stevens exited his APC, and began searching among the rubble around the castle, looking for survivors of the Atopianians nuclear shell.
10-06-2007, 23:48
John Atkin's nodded and said "That, Heil thing, I meant Hail, not Heil, that was a total butchering I did, I am not a national socialist lover, and I tolerate any other form. My men, will mark the training camp's posistion's, and recruiting station's, then they will run like a bat out of hell, and meet up with the ZASF."
New Brittonia
11-06-2007, 00:12
Hey, Don't forget about me!!!!!
John Atkin's nodded and said "That, Heil thing, I meant Hail, not Heil, that was a total butchering I did, I am not a national socialist lover, and I tolerate any other form. My men, will mark the training camp's posistion's, and recruiting station's, then they will run like a bat out of hell, and meet up with the ZASF."
OOC: Umm...:confused: That discomfort of his was his thoughts, FYI. I mark those in italics, leaving speech for normal text. Still, I'll let it go for the flow's sake. Will be off a bit after this and maybe one other post elsewhere...
"Glad to hear it." Galver sighed notably in relief. "Anyway, mark those enemy camps and recruiting stations. My rangers can drop in after preparatory airstrike, so we'll hit the Ba'athists hard right off while my mech guys race to the border zone. Good hunting, Colonel!" With that, FM Galver took Lt.Col Atkins' hand and gave it a hearty shake before saying, "Well, is that all? We do have a fight to run here..." Not to be rude, mind; just efficient, since already the instability in several of Wagdog's allies lately was raising some serious concerns back home in terms of weakening the nation's options for more major contingencies...
Iranian Emirate
11-06-2007, 01:02
The Kurdish squad was well-trained and their troops moved threw the country side quickly. They had one issue, food. They had spent some time in-country and their rations were dangerously low, and their hunt for food began.
It started by the small squad killing several animals, but this mostly consisted of wasting ammunition, such a thing the Kurdish unit was not trained to do. They soon came across a small, rural town, and searched it outskirts for a particular dwellings.
They had found it, a rather small ranch-style structure, several cows were grazing just outside of the home. The troops moved in, the Stinger team and the man with the LAW were set to guard the perimeter to make sure none interfered.
Meanwhile as the four other men entered the house they found that the place had been abandoned, possibly to a safer place due to the oncoming war. The squad ate a single cow, and began to sleep in the cellar of the house.
11-06-2007, 01:14
Lt.Col Aktin's said "Your not at all rude Galver, you're just effeciant. We've got rumor's of Kurdish troop's that inflitrated Calizorinstan last night, we're searching for them first, they're foreign fighter's, and as you know, the less foreign help the enemy get's the better. So long Galver, Happy Hunting to you too!" He left the Wagdogie Field Marshal and the ZASF men, after saying their farewells, they slunk back into the forest and would try to come into the town unnoticed.
Lord Sumguy
11-06-2007, 01:22
General Stevens exited his APC, and began searching among the rubble around the castle, looking for survivors of the Atopianians nuclear shell.
OOC: could i get a responce to my troops search of the castle that the Atopianians shelled?
New Brittonia
11-06-2007, 01:23
ooc: response to my toast on the plane!!!
Lord Sumguy
11-06-2007, 01:27
ooc: response to my toast on the plane!!!
patience, young padawan. :P
11-06-2007, 01:33
Jack raised his glass and toasted to David saying "Here's to our nation's and the New Communism!" He lowered it and smiled saying "Thank you for your kind hospiatlity."
New Brittonia
11-06-2007, 01:47
David said,
"Wait, I have some gifts for you."
He stood up and opened a door and said, there are two C-130's parked outside. Mind to see them? The gift is in them, though."
11-06-2007, 01:53
Jack smiled and said "I'd love you to show me my gift's you brought, thanks!" He followed David out to the two C-130J's parked.
New Brittonia
11-06-2007, 02:04
He walked out of International one, Prime Minister flower said to one of the guards,
"Open the cargo bays."
He began to walk towards the C-130, with President John Arnold trailing him. The cargo bay was open, he began to walk inside.
He then said, "This one is for the country. Inside each plane is two armored trucks, with €125,000,000 in each car. That is five hundred million Euro total.Consider this a gift from the New Brittonian ComIntern in order to ensure that New Communism keeps hold in your country."
11-06-2007, 02:12
Jack grinned and said "Thank you, I'll keep them safe, thank you for the nice gift, I'll drive one of these home tonight!" He shook David's hand and said "I've got one of my guard's to drive the 2nd one, I'll drive the 1st one."
New Brittonia
11-06-2007, 02:24
"Wait, this one is for you.", David said. He opened the back and unlocked a safe on the inside of the truck. He came out with a rifle in his arms.
"This is an M-1 carbine from World War Two, from another war for freedom against fascists. I thought that the gift fitted the occasion."
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 19:54
12-06-2007, 19:56
Jack grinned again and said "Thank you very much, this will add to my collection, is it fireable?" He checked to make sure it was unloaded and said "Good gun, thank's for the gift."
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 19:59
"Yes it is", David said, "Had it restored, thought it has some symbolic value to it."
12-06-2007, 20:03
Jack asked "Was it used in New Brittonia? Just curious, seeing as how, it could've served in one of your older war's, it's so old." He said this admiringly of the gun.
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 20:08
Jack asked "Was it used in New Brittonia? Just curious, seeing as how, it could've served in one of your older war's, it's so old." He said this admiringly of the gun.
"No, it was used by the Americans in World War II.", David said, "With our troubles, we currently are using the FAMAS rifle used by the French Military."
12-06-2007, 20:11
Jack said "Ah, thought that was the case, you having a fascist uprising too? We use the good old FN F2000, we've chambered it in .45 ACP, here's one." He handed David a FN F2000 and said "We've found it very effective against th e Baa'thist's."
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 20:18
Jack said "Ah, thought that was the case, you having a fascist uprising too? We use the good old FN F2000, we've chambered it in .45 ACP, here's one." He handed David a FN F2000 and said "We've found it very effective against th e Baa'thist's."
OOC- dude, we're in like every thread on this messageboard
David said, "No, it is not fascist. Our western isles, the Five Saints and the Angel, are having a bit of a nationalist movement. We are trying the best to keep it low and contained, but it does not seem to work well. Thanks for the gun, but we like FAMAS."
OOC- dude that gun looks so tight. it reminds me of one of those HALO guns
12-06-2007, 20:20
OOC: Yeah, I know, and our suit's are like the Master Cheif's too.
Jack nodded and said "I understand, we tried the FAMAS, but our men find that the FN F2000 in .45, is a better fascist killer, each to his own. Thank you for the M-1 Carbine."
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 20:24
OOC- you future tech?
Should I do a thread boout the violence.
"Well, that is alll that I have for you. Goodbye, Mr President."
12-06-2007, 20:26
OOC: Yeah it's a mix of MT/FT, a thread about the violence would be great.
Jack waved farewell as he drove off in his new truck, playing Highway to Hell by AC/DC!
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 20:40
OOC- how am i doing at rp-ing?
12-06-2007, 20:42
OOC:Very good for a beginner.
New Brittonia
12-06-2007, 20:45
OOC:Very good for a beginner.
OOC- I don't want to write a lot, which ccn be a problem
12-06-2007, 20:46
OOC: Yeah, not too much, but not to little is what I say for RP's.
14-06-2007, 02:40
((yaarg again I apologize for the delay, my internet went kaput, got fed up and got a new ISP
IC: *The man speaking, Oslav Mikhailovich, turns to Field Marshall Ernesto Galver and replies*
We have no formal ranks here, only voluntary leadership, but I will step up to speak. We are happy to offer assisting to our brothers in red. We lead your rangers back to our base in the hills. Bring one that speak Russian or Spanish, My English, is not good da? our linguists back in cyprus or Zhyolatska((OOC: I speak english, however this is just a lot of guerrillas, so Mikhailovich is the only one of the division who speaks any english, so if you have someone who "speaks" the other language I.E english with something like <in russian/spanish>))
we will make haste to take your rangers and if you are in any further need, we will be in contact
Lord Sumguy
14-06-2007, 03:25
With the castle having been hit with nuclear ordinance by Atopiana, and the Skorrians withdrawl, the forces of Lord Sumguy moved to join the guerrila fighters.
14-06-2007, 03:31
John Atkin's and his 14 other rangers moved cautiously on the outskirt's of the nearest town "Hangleton", to make sure that the Kurd's wouldn't see them, until it was too late. They used their camofluage to blend in with the forest's, and nobody saw them on the edge of the town, walking in the wood's, but they were there all the same, with their M1A SOCOM rifle's, close at hand...
((yaarg again I apologize for the delay, my internet went kaput, got fed up and got a new ISP
IC: *The man speaking, Oslav Mikhailovich, turns to Field Marshall Ernesto Galver and replies*
We have no formal ranks here, only voluntary leadership, but I will step up to speak. We are happy to offer assisting to our brothers in red. We lead your rangers back to our base in the hills. Bring one that speak Russian or Spanish, My English, is not good da? our linguists back in cyprus or Zhyolatska((OOC: I speak english, however this is just a lot of guerrillas, so Mikhailovich is the only one of the division who speaks any english, so if you have someone who "speaks" the other language I.E english with something like <in russian/spanish>))
we will make haste to take your rangers and if you are in any further need, we will be in contact
OOC: Sweet. Yeah, we need to try and bash these guys considering what's going on more broadly.
"Very well. Spanish is one of our official languages, so it's no problem. Por favor, luchadores," Galver lapsed into his native tongue, asking of the fighters, "Direct my men to the enemy, so we can slay them while the Calizorinstanis win back the trust of their own. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, camaradas!" He shook Oslav's hand again and pointed the Zhyolatskans to the waiting sticks of Rangers. "If you want to lead my men out on foot, they'd be happy to; even if it means getting out of their jump gear. Is that preferred?" Airborne or route-marched, it wouldn't make too much difference except in terms of time. One way or another, the border zone would be secured (the mechanized units were already so rolling out); and then the Rangers could move behind to crush the Ba'athists upon that same iron fence like so, while the Calizorinstanis concentrated as necessary on reasserting the civil power in their land as only they could...
Lord Sumguy
14-06-2007, 05:37
The 15,000-man special ops force of Lord Sumguy arrived and merged with the combined Wagdogian, Zhyolatskaian, and Calizorinstan forces. General Stevens approached the other commanders. "Sorry i'm late, we had a castle to storm, but the Atopianians destroyed it before we got there. Is there anything my forces can do?"
14-06-2007, 07:04
Speaking in Spanish Oslav turns to the Field Marshal. "until the eternal victory indeed, we shall lead your rangers on foot, as we have no airborne transport and our headquarters may not be visible from the air. I hope they are prepared for a long hike. ¡Tierra y liberdad!"
Oslav begins a long hike into the deep hinterlands of Calizorinstan, the division begins to sing La Makhnovachina, in honor of the "hero" they follow. They arrive at the camp eventually deep in the forests, maps showing where over the hinterlands the other camps are scattered,plans, etc
The rangers are shown where the food stores are, weapon caches, maps of the countryside, and the like. When morning comes again the ZASF invite the rangers to begin plans with them.
Speaking in Spanish Oslav turns to the Field Marshal. "until the eternal victory indeed, we shall lead your rangers on foot, as we have no airborne transport and our headquarters may not be visible from the air. I hope they are prepared for a long hike. ¡Tierra y liberdad!"
Oslav begins a long hike into the deep hinterlands of Calizorinstan, the division begins to sing La Makhnovachina, in honor of the "hero" they follow. They arrive at the camp eventually deep in the forests, maps showing where over the hinterlands the other camps are scattered,plans, etc
The rangers are shown where the food stores are, weapon caches, maps of the countryside, and the like. When morning comes again the ZASF invite the rangers to begin plans with them.
OOC: Sry for any delays, tons happened yesterday and got ahead of me, but now it looks clearer for a bit.
Colonel Biggs Odels, commander of VI Airborne Corps and also attached to the HQ Company of 1st Battalion thereof, had followed the ZASF fighters' detachment assigned to him to their hideout. Cozy, if basic. These guys sure knew their stuff, but then again that was to be expected.
"Well hombres, it's time we set to it. What's your assessment of Ba'athist control and subversion in this area? Those villages they garrison with Main Force units and militia, those recently-seized and thus with Main Force only, those which they only patrol and have to take supplies or conscripts from by force? Once we have those, let's hit the trail and start freeing those villages in reverse-order; weakest-held to strongest. Emphasis is to be on scattering, pursuit held off to allow the enemy to spread word of our effectiveness and also allow the Calizorinstanis time to get a garrison of some sort in to prevent recapture. ¿Bueno, señores, de acuerda?"
Although not as good with Spanish as others in his classes had been way back, Colonel Odels was passable-enough for it to be the primary language he'd use in working with the ZASF, as per Oslav's request. After all, it was ohly polite; and needed doing anyway if the USSW Army and ZASF forces in Calizorinstan weren't to be stepping on each others' toes constantly either. Which, among GUSN comrades, simply wouldn't do.
16-06-2007, 23:29
OOC: This still open?
17-06-2007, 02:56
OOC:Yeah, it's still open, I was going to post in it this morning, but I had to go to my best friend's daughter's weddding, so I put it above doing this...
17-06-2007, 10:17
OOC: wedding thing is understandable, life matters more than NS.
what's Really ironic though, is that as it turns out, your nation played a role in the Zhyolatskan revolution... by giving military aid to the fascist party ruling.... Now that you have a fascist party ruling, turns out I help you fight against them. Strange twist of fate eh?
EDIT: also, would it be possible to get a run-down on the situation thus-far? It would be really nice to know where everyone stands
IE what is the ba'athist threat, are we still facing a fascist triumvirate of Skgorria, apotania (sp?) and the ba'athists? where do the rebels stand, to what degree can the ZASF embed themselves etc.