05-06-2007, 16:47
IC Thread (
Well let me first start off with the premise of this. What I would like to do is essentially a character based RP set in an NPC nation of mine called Triari, it shares a Northern border with my Player Nation, Kilrany. As you’ve likely guessed already, I suck at creating snappy names, heh.
For reference, I will post images of the country, and immediate region here.
Map of Triari (¤t=Triari.jpg)
Current SFR regional map (
Triari is a fractured nation, ruled by various warlords and mini-dictators that fight amongst themselves for eventual control over the entire nation, a fight that’s been going on for centuries. The landscape varies very slightly; the vast majority of the country is covered in thick primeval forests, which have prevented easy control, by anyone.
With the exception of one section of the Western coast, which allows for a large sheltered harbour, it is entirely high cliff faces wholly unusable for ports. While the Eastern coast is quite useful for ports, but almost uninhabited due to Kilrany raids over the years.
Before we get to far here, I’m going to inform you of the rules and what’s expected now, so those who find anything I expect to be unreasonable can stop reading here and now and save yourself a lot of time.
First, I don’t expect anyone to write a novel per post, but please, no one-liners. There is no reason not to have more then a single line. And if you’re not prepared to read what is potentially a lot, please don’t bother. I also expect you to RP everything of importance, if you find out some piece of intelligence, you best RP it. I will not accept ‘magic’ instantaneous knowledge of an event without good reason for your characters to know it. That is your characters knowing it, my preferred style of writing tends to tell the reader a great deal of information, I find this more enjoyable, it will be up to you to properly convey what your characters would actually know as with proper RP’ing.
Second, while my primary intent here is a sort of character RP, I’m not limiting numbers to one character, there will be no armies, and no division sized units. If you’d like to bring in a platoons worth of characters and supporting character (for example), that’s fine, but the more people you have the more noticeable you become. Be prepared to have any character you create die if that should happen, just as the ones I create. On that note, Triari is my NPC nation; I will determine the results no differently as I would my own nation, unless otherwise stated.
In regards to your characters, you are open to be what you’d like, mercenaries out to make some money, Special Forces sent by a nation to support a faction you like, aid workers, gunrunner, whatever you’d like, that would work well in this situation. That being said you have to watch out for the Kilrany regardless of who you are, large-scale involvement could get you notices, and attacked.
Third, this is strictly modern tech; there will be no rail guns, particle beam weapons, or anything that can’t be proven for the here an now, theoretical will not be accepted and plot device is for future tech only. If this is unacceptable, slowly back away from the thread now … good, this is not the place to discuss the feasibilities and what you think is possible in NS MT. This should not be a problem anyway unless you are out to win and want to use technology as your edge, rather then writing.
Fourth, if you join in, and for whatever reason, whether real life events, or you just lose interest and you decide to leave the RP, I have no problem with this, things happen, I only ask that you post something to that effect, either in character or here out of character so myself, and those still interested know. To me this is just common courtesy.
Fifth, the primary setting for this RP is Triari, although Kilrany and Valnari will no doubt come into play here, however Germania, sharing the northern border with Triari is an NPC nation belonging to Spazjenia, and he is not taking part in this RP, thus Germania is out of bounds, not a big deal anyway since its border is closed to Triari.
Now that’s my basic ‘rules’ for this RP, best to lay the ground rules now and potentially look like an ass then try and cover them later after its started. All this being said, I am open to suggestions, questions, or what have you, if you have a question, please ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.
As a side note, I would like to inform you now that I’m not a fast writer, so please bare in mind that I will choose to take an extra day to write something I feel is of quality, so if I do not post immediately, it is not because I’m ignoring you. I do have a job that can keep me quite occupied. On a related note to this, my friend Russkya has indicated that he will help me with this thread, and will respond to you as well.
For those of you still with me, I will now go into the more detailed, but still abbreviated history of Triari for a better understanding of why it is the way it is now, and how it is now. The following information would be considered known to anyone who did any basic research, or common knowledge I suppose. Please feel free to also use this as a reference post for information on Triari and you own and other players’ primary characters.
Most of Triari’s written history was lost over the years, what is known is that like the other current nations of this peninsula, which include Kilrany, Khurzav, Divina, Valnari and Triari, they all share the same original Slavic ethnic and cultural origins. During these early years the people of these lands lived in relative peace in small communities.
It was however during the Roman occupation of the peninsula, beginning around 114 BC that culture and ethnic similarities began to take change between the varying people as they reacted differently to the invaders. Unlike the Kilrany or Khurzav who reacted violently to the Romans and in a futile effort tried to drive them out, the Triari, similar to the Valnari for the most part accepted their rule and benefited from it.
Even after the Roman withdrawal from the region around 387 AD the various provinces and city-states of Valnari benefited greatly and became economically prosperous. Especially in the wake of the large scale Kilrany civil war that broke out in the wake of the power vacuum created from the Roman withdrawal. Eventually they began to band together over the centuries, forming councils and continually making profitable gains by selling supplies to the various Kilrany factions.
This time of prosperity lasted until 769 AD, when the Kilrany civil war ended and a unified nation emerged calling itself the Kilrany Empire, under the rule of a now royal family. Although Triari still benefited in trade with Kilrany, it was no longer the golden days of their civil war.
Over the following centuries the Triari grew wary of the Kilrany Empire as it gradually expanded its borders, invading and securing neighboring provinces and city-states as they sought to unify the region under their control. As the Kilrany Empire grew in strength, the Triari continued to band together if hopes their own unity would discourage Kilrany Imperialism.
For some time this worked and the Kilrany sought weaker targets, however in 1310 AD the Kilrany finally turned their eyes towards their Northern neighbors. Only a few decades after a successful war with their Southern neighbors, the Khurzav, the Kilrany launched a full-scale invasion of Triari.
The Triari, who hadn’t fought a war in several centuries found them-selves woefully unprepared to face the superior numbers and tactics of the Kilrany veterans and were regularly routed or out right obliterated in the field. Officially the somewhat democratic council that had come together over the years to lead Triari surrendered only two years later as the Kilrany swept through the country.
However the general population was far from willing to live under Kilrany rule, after so many years of self government, they began to violently oppose the Kilrany occupation in an almost identical situation the Kilrany faced against the Romans so many years prior. Thus twenty years of bloody and savage fighting continued as the Kilrany attempted to force the Triari to follow their rule.
During this twenty-year war of attrition, massive damage was done to the Triari infrastructure; villages, towns and entire city were destroyed as the Kilrany sought reprisal for every soldier killed. The Kilrany were only angered further by the strict patriarchal system of Triari, which was contradictory to the equality the Kilrany had achieved during the Roman occupation, with men and women serving in the military, killing each other as easily as any male dominated military.
Finally the Kilrany withdrew, no longer willing to take part in a long drawn out war with no more benefits for them, as they withdrew however, they enacted a terrible scorched earth policy, looting anything they could carry, and burning what they couldn’t. This resulted in the tremendous loss of Triari history, much of it taken away to Kilrany, and now in the hands of museums and private collectors.
In an almost ironic twist of fate, the Triari degenerated into a state of chaos rivaling that the Kilrany found them selves in at the end of the Roman occupation. The Kilrany only spurned this on as an edict was passed, with no peace treaty or truce signed, a state of economic war was declared on the Triari. All Kilrany warships and military personnel were free to engage any Triari ships, or people on sight.
Although the Kilrany did not often intentionally go after the Triari constantly, if a Kilrany warship spotted a ship belonging to the Triari, they would engage it, loot anything they could and sink it, or bring it home with them. As a further insult for the Triari, the Kilrany warships would occasional sail along their Eastern coast, and raid villages and towns with ports, eventually leading to a mass exodus of Triari from the coast, including the Kilrany-Triari border as Kilrany soldiers often raided across it as well.
As their nation fell into chaos the various resistance leaders turned on each other for what little recourses were left in order to survive. At first there were dozens of such factions all throughout the country, but slowly over time their numbers were thinned to only four who continue to fight with each other. (Will cover these four more in depth later in this write up)
Although enemies of the Kilrany Empire, such as the former Kingdom of Khurzav and a handful of other nations who saw opportunity in supplying weapons and supplies to the Triari, some wishing to create a thorn in the side of the Kilrany, some merely seeing a monetary gain. However none have done so in a serious enough manner out of concern for angering the Kilrany and risk all out war with the nation who still consider Triari to be little more then a rebellious province under their jurisdiction.
With most of the major nations of the SFR allies of the Kilrany Empire, or simply those who do not care, the Triari have gone mostly ignored as the Kilrany continue to attempt to influence the smaller nation.
Currently Triari is a third world nation with the majority of the population having never experienced electricity, indoor plumbing, or phone service, even the handful of cities that still remain barely have the most basic of power supply, with the exception of one city on the West coast which maintains a basic power and phone grid.
Outside cities and towns roads are next to non-existent, little more then dirt paths cutting through the heavy woods connect territories to each other. It is also outside cities where the faction leaders lose their direct control; bribery is commonplace, as drug runners, gunrunners and slavers bribe soldiers to let them pass.
Battles between rival warlords are routine, yet small in scale as communications are carried out only by runners, armoured vehicles are rarely if ever seen, as Kilrany aircraft routinely patrol the skies, often using targets as bombing training, or randomly strafing truck borne convoys should they be spotted.
Due to the prolific nature of Soviet hardware it is the staple of each of the factions, each relying heavily on the AKM and RPD, with RPGs being just as common. Little quarter is given to rival fighters, many of which are on drugs during combat to begin with.
Because there are no schools, not even hospitals outside of the major cities, the vast majority of Triari is uneducated and knows only their primary language, Russian.
Now then, I believe I’ve covered the basic back-story, now I’ll cover some important locations and people as shown by the map above in summary. To start with I will mention this now, there are soldiers under the command of the warlords, and then there are militiamen.
The difference here is pretty basic but I will say it anyway, the militiamen are nothing more then the locals given weapons and an identifying armband, they can vary from piss poor to pretty effective. While the soldiers tend to have basic uniforms and equipment.
Also to note, outside of cities, actual control by warlords also varies from next to nothing to extremely loyal. Thus bribery is extremely common and usually effective for getting passed militiamen who would rather take your money then fight, they tend to get a lot braver however if their in the presence of soldiers and or on drugs.
The one and only functional port capable of supporting heavy shipping and the largest and most advanced city in Triari with a handful of small scale power plants. Located on the West coast of the nation in a large sheltered harbour, it is the only suitable location on the Western coast for large ships.
Officially a neutral city, the only neutral grounds in the entire nation, setup out of desperation by the various factions to maintain a functioning port, lest it be destroyed in their fighting. Routinely a target for random Kilrany bombing, it suffers from occasional power outages and disruptions in its communications grid, as basic as they are.
Despite its official nature, a great deal of animosity remains between the faction representatives and militia forces that see to the daily running of the city. Occasional fights are known to break out between rival faction soldiers.
Genrich Kvasha
Arguably the most powerful of the Triari warlords, mostly due to being located farthest away from the Kilrany border. At age fifty-three he is the oldest of the Triari warlords, having managed to survive multiple assassination attempts by his rivals, and numerous bombings by Kilrany aircraft.
Controlling the cities of Anu and Trosk, he is notorious for doing whatever is required to remain in power, something he has passed on to his two sons, Pavel, age twenty-two and Victor, age twenty-three, both vie for power to be their fathers inevitable replacement. So notorious is Genrich, that he is known to have sold his own daughter when she was two, an act that only angered the Kilrany more, and increased their attempts to kill him. Militias under Genrich’s control wear black armbands.
His primary source of income is from drug production, slavery and the small scale drilling on a vast oil field he manages to do under the noses of the Kilrany who see him as one of the biggest obstacles.
He maintains one of the largest militias of all the warlords, including a number of armoured vehicles and has even been rumored to have in his possession a flight of eight IL-10s, and old model Russian ground attack aircraft dating back to the second world war, which he maintains as best as he can. High priority targets for the Kilrany, they have yet to be able to track them down given the ease in which they can land and be hidden.
In 2001 Genrich is reported to have bought two Soviet model Kashin class destroyers. Official he said they were to help protect Neutralnaya from Kilrany aggression, unofficially many believed they were to be used in a big to take control of the port city. Neither came to light, as one vessel was torpedoed and sunk just off the coast, and the second was mysteriously sabotaged in port. Genrich blames their destruction on Kilrany acts of terrorism, but no evidence exists to support such claims.
A three hundred thousand dollar bounty has been placed on Genrich’s head by General Marina Tsetaeva, including an addition one hundred thousand for the head of each of his sons.
General Marina Tsetaeva
At age thirty-one Tsetaeva is an extreme rarity in Triari, a woman who has achieved a position of power, this alone has been enough to Genrich to believe the Kilrany is supporting her. She achieved her position by bean even more ruthless then Triari men within a militia under the control of Maxim Yagoda, the warlord she would eventually replace. She got herself noticed and quickly began to climb in favour of the warlord, most rumours content she did more then just play a role as soldier for him.
Eventually achieving the rank of his ‘general’, commanding his military forces, despite being a woman she attained the respect of the men under her command. In 2002 Yagoda was killed when two, one thousand kilogram laser guided bombs dropped from a Kilrany aircraft obliterated the home he was sleeping in, also killing most of his family.
Tsetaeva moved quickly and with the loyalty of much of Yagoda’s military, eliminated the remaining family members and took over control of his former territory, holding on to the title of General.
Controlling the city of Tiana, her apparent policies follow closely to those of the Kilrany, only lending credence to the belief that they are supporting her, which was enough for Genrich to have her representatives and her forces removed from the city of Neutralnaya, although unofficially her troops can still be seen in the city, as it still remains neutral for them. Militias under her command are known to wear red armbands.
The source of her income is unclear to most with drugs and slavery outlawed in her sphere of influence, she does however seem to operate mining and drilling operations on a large scale, including reports indicating the presence of a power plant being build outside the city of Inara, combined with the lack of heavy bombing in her territory only continues to lead the other warlords to believe she’s been bought off.
Rumours abound that she receives weapons and supplies from the Kilrany, but no one can seem to find evidence in regards to how the Kilrany are supplying Tsetaeva with large numbers of it, a bounty of five hundred thousand dollars was posted by Genrich for anyone who can bring proof of Kilrany involvement, and location of supply drops. Tsetaeva also finds herself with a one million dollar bounty placed on her head by Genrich.
The Triari Council
The last vestiges of democracy in Triari, it is in truth a thinly veiled dictatorship run by a handful of wealthy families who hold mock elections and keep the people in line by leading them to believe that if they work hard, they to can become rich and powerful.
Controlling the cities of Vernisk and Marnisk, they are known for an almost extreme sense of capitalism, considering the people they are in power over as little more then slaves they happen to pay. The Triari Council is ultimately run by six families, the Shepikto, the Polekh, the Prokofiev, the Brunov, the Filatov and the Demin families, with their respective power in that order. Although each family operates it’s own small military force that protects them, the militias under the Council banner wear a green armband as their identification.
Although slavery is officially illegal in Council run territory most of the population under their control is treated only slightly better, low wages in sweathouse conditions and rampant drug use fuel the funding for the families, including several low key mining operations for coal, silver and platinum.
Despite their relative economic success, they are not the most militarily powerful, although heavy bribing of their neighbors helps keep them from coming under heavy direct attack.
In 2004 a rumour began that the Council had found a deposit of diamonds somewhere in their territory and began low scale mining, after some examples began to appear, General Marina Tsetaeva released an offer of two hundred thousand dollars for the location of the mine.
Elem Chuckhrai
After the mysterious assassination of his father, Julius Chuckhrai earlier in the year, Elem took over control of his territory, at age twenty-nine; his age is average for a Triari warlord.
The least powerful of the remaining Triari warlords, Elem finds himself in a desperate position as the closest to the Kilrany border, and under attack by forces under the control of General Tsetaeva.
Prior to the death of his father, the Chuckhrai controlled the cities of Destina and Inara, however since the recent death of his father and the opening of an offensive by General Tsetaeva’s forces, the city of Inara is now contested ground and he finds himself under heavy routine air attack by the Kilrany air force. Militias still loyal to Elem wear blue armbands.
Prior to his current problems, slavery, drugs and a small drilling operation was Elem’s chief income, however his supplies have since began to dry up under inexplicably effective raids by Tsetaeva’s forces and pinpoint air raids by the Kilrany air force.
In 2006 a rumour began to spread that Elem’s father had made a secret deal with the Russkyan’s to allow a small base within his territory, Genrich made an offer of one hundred thousand dollars to whoever could bring him evidence of its location. General Tsetaeva had a similar bounty up, however it was quickly rescinded less then a month after it was offered.
Well let me first start off with the premise of this. What I would like to do is essentially a character based RP set in an NPC nation of mine called Triari, it shares a Northern border with my Player Nation, Kilrany. As you’ve likely guessed already, I suck at creating snappy names, heh.
For reference, I will post images of the country, and immediate region here.
Map of Triari (¤t=Triari.jpg)
Current SFR regional map (
Triari is a fractured nation, ruled by various warlords and mini-dictators that fight amongst themselves for eventual control over the entire nation, a fight that’s been going on for centuries. The landscape varies very slightly; the vast majority of the country is covered in thick primeval forests, which have prevented easy control, by anyone.
With the exception of one section of the Western coast, which allows for a large sheltered harbour, it is entirely high cliff faces wholly unusable for ports. While the Eastern coast is quite useful for ports, but almost uninhabited due to Kilrany raids over the years.
Before we get to far here, I’m going to inform you of the rules and what’s expected now, so those who find anything I expect to be unreasonable can stop reading here and now and save yourself a lot of time.
First, I don’t expect anyone to write a novel per post, but please, no one-liners. There is no reason not to have more then a single line. And if you’re not prepared to read what is potentially a lot, please don’t bother. I also expect you to RP everything of importance, if you find out some piece of intelligence, you best RP it. I will not accept ‘magic’ instantaneous knowledge of an event without good reason for your characters to know it. That is your characters knowing it, my preferred style of writing tends to tell the reader a great deal of information, I find this more enjoyable, it will be up to you to properly convey what your characters would actually know as with proper RP’ing.
Second, while my primary intent here is a sort of character RP, I’m not limiting numbers to one character, there will be no armies, and no division sized units. If you’d like to bring in a platoons worth of characters and supporting character (for example), that’s fine, but the more people you have the more noticeable you become. Be prepared to have any character you create die if that should happen, just as the ones I create. On that note, Triari is my NPC nation; I will determine the results no differently as I would my own nation, unless otherwise stated.
In regards to your characters, you are open to be what you’d like, mercenaries out to make some money, Special Forces sent by a nation to support a faction you like, aid workers, gunrunner, whatever you’d like, that would work well in this situation. That being said you have to watch out for the Kilrany regardless of who you are, large-scale involvement could get you notices, and attacked.
Third, this is strictly modern tech; there will be no rail guns, particle beam weapons, or anything that can’t be proven for the here an now, theoretical will not be accepted and plot device is for future tech only. If this is unacceptable, slowly back away from the thread now … good, this is not the place to discuss the feasibilities and what you think is possible in NS MT. This should not be a problem anyway unless you are out to win and want to use technology as your edge, rather then writing.
Fourth, if you join in, and for whatever reason, whether real life events, or you just lose interest and you decide to leave the RP, I have no problem with this, things happen, I only ask that you post something to that effect, either in character or here out of character so myself, and those still interested know. To me this is just common courtesy.
Fifth, the primary setting for this RP is Triari, although Kilrany and Valnari will no doubt come into play here, however Germania, sharing the northern border with Triari is an NPC nation belonging to Spazjenia, and he is not taking part in this RP, thus Germania is out of bounds, not a big deal anyway since its border is closed to Triari.
Now that’s my basic ‘rules’ for this RP, best to lay the ground rules now and potentially look like an ass then try and cover them later after its started. All this being said, I am open to suggestions, questions, or what have you, if you have a question, please ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.
As a side note, I would like to inform you now that I’m not a fast writer, so please bare in mind that I will choose to take an extra day to write something I feel is of quality, so if I do not post immediately, it is not because I’m ignoring you. I do have a job that can keep me quite occupied. On a related note to this, my friend Russkya has indicated that he will help me with this thread, and will respond to you as well.
For those of you still with me, I will now go into the more detailed, but still abbreviated history of Triari for a better understanding of why it is the way it is now, and how it is now. The following information would be considered known to anyone who did any basic research, or common knowledge I suppose. Please feel free to also use this as a reference post for information on Triari and you own and other players’ primary characters.
Most of Triari’s written history was lost over the years, what is known is that like the other current nations of this peninsula, which include Kilrany, Khurzav, Divina, Valnari and Triari, they all share the same original Slavic ethnic and cultural origins. During these early years the people of these lands lived in relative peace in small communities.
It was however during the Roman occupation of the peninsula, beginning around 114 BC that culture and ethnic similarities began to take change between the varying people as they reacted differently to the invaders. Unlike the Kilrany or Khurzav who reacted violently to the Romans and in a futile effort tried to drive them out, the Triari, similar to the Valnari for the most part accepted their rule and benefited from it.
Even after the Roman withdrawal from the region around 387 AD the various provinces and city-states of Valnari benefited greatly and became economically prosperous. Especially in the wake of the large scale Kilrany civil war that broke out in the wake of the power vacuum created from the Roman withdrawal. Eventually they began to band together over the centuries, forming councils and continually making profitable gains by selling supplies to the various Kilrany factions.
This time of prosperity lasted until 769 AD, when the Kilrany civil war ended and a unified nation emerged calling itself the Kilrany Empire, under the rule of a now royal family. Although Triari still benefited in trade with Kilrany, it was no longer the golden days of their civil war.
Over the following centuries the Triari grew wary of the Kilrany Empire as it gradually expanded its borders, invading and securing neighboring provinces and city-states as they sought to unify the region under their control. As the Kilrany Empire grew in strength, the Triari continued to band together if hopes their own unity would discourage Kilrany Imperialism.
For some time this worked and the Kilrany sought weaker targets, however in 1310 AD the Kilrany finally turned their eyes towards their Northern neighbors. Only a few decades after a successful war with their Southern neighbors, the Khurzav, the Kilrany launched a full-scale invasion of Triari.
The Triari, who hadn’t fought a war in several centuries found them-selves woefully unprepared to face the superior numbers and tactics of the Kilrany veterans and were regularly routed or out right obliterated in the field. Officially the somewhat democratic council that had come together over the years to lead Triari surrendered only two years later as the Kilrany swept through the country.
However the general population was far from willing to live under Kilrany rule, after so many years of self government, they began to violently oppose the Kilrany occupation in an almost identical situation the Kilrany faced against the Romans so many years prior. Thus twenty years of bloody and savage fighting continued as the Kilrany attempted to force the Triari to follow their rule.
During this twenty-year war of attrition, massive damage was done to the Triari infrastructure; villages, towns and entire city were destroyed as the Kilrany sought reprisal for every soldier killed. The Kilrany were only angered further by the strict patriarchal system of Triari, which was contradictory to the equality the Kilrany had achieved during the Roman occupation, with men and women serving in the military, killing each other as easily as any male dominated military.
Finally the Kilrany withdrew, no longer willing to take part in a long drawn out war with no more benefits for them, as they withdrew however, they enacted a terrible scorched earth policy, looting anything they could carry, and burning what they couldn’t. This resulted in the tremendous loss of Triari history, much of it taken away to Kilrany, and now in the hands of museums and private collectors.
In an almost ironic twist of fate, the Triari degenerated into a state of chaos rivaling that the Kilrany found them selves in at the end of the Roman occupation. The Kilrany only spurned this on as an edict was passed, with no peace treaty or truce signed, a state of economic war was declared on the Triari. All Kilrany warships and military personnel were free to engage any Triari ships, or people on sight.
Although the Kilrany did not often intentionally go after the Triari constantly, if a Kilrany warship spotted a ship belonging to the Triari, they would engage it, loot anything they could and sink it, or bring it home with them. As a further insult for the Triari, the Kilrany warships would occasional sail along their Eastern coast, and raid villages and towns with ports, eventually leading to a mass exodus of Triari from the coast, including the Kilrany-Triari border as Kilrany soldiers often raided across it as well.
As their nation fell into chaos the various resistance leaders turned on each other for what little recourses were left in order to survive. At first there were dozens of such factions all throughout the country, but slowly over time their numbers were thinned to only four who continue to fight with each other. (Will cover these four more in depth later in this write up)
Although enemies of the Kilrany Empire, such as the former Kingdom of Khurzav and a handful of other nations who saw opportunity in supplying weapons and supplies to the Triari, some wishing to create a thorn in the side of the Kilrany, some merely seeing a monetary gain. However none have done so in a serious enough manner out of concern for angering the Kilrany and risk all out war with the nation who still consider Triari to be little more then a rebellious province under their jurisdiction.
With most of the major nations of the SFR allies of the Kilrany Empire, or simply those who do not care, the Triari have gone mostly ignored as the Kilrany continue to attempt to influence the smaller nation.
Currently Triari is a third world nation with the majority of the population having never experienced electricity, indoor plumbing, or phone service, even the handful of cities that still remain barely have the most basic of power supply, with the exception of one city on the West coast which maintains a basic power and phone grid.
Outside cities and towns roads are next to non-existent, little more then dirt paths cutting through the heavy woods connect territories to each other. It is also outside cities where the faction leaders lose their direct control; bribery is commonplace, as drug runners, gunrunners and slavers bribe soldiers to let them pass.
Battles between rival warlords are routine, yet small in scale as communications are carried out only by runners, armoured vehicles are rarely if ever seen, as Kilrany aircraft routinely patrol the skies, often using targets as bombing training, or randomly strafing truck borne convoys should they be spotted.
Due to the prolific nature of Soviet hardware it is the staple of each of the factions, each relying heavily on the AKM and RPD, with RPGs being just as common. Little quarter is given to rival fighters, many of which are on drugs during combat to begin with.
Because there are no schools, not even hospitals outside of the major cities, the vast majority of Triari is uneducated and knows only their primary language, Russian.
Now then, I believe I’ve covered the basic back-story, now I’ll cover some important locations and people as shown by the map above in summary. To start with I will mention this now, there are soldiers under the command of the warlords, and then there are militiamen.
The difference here is pretty basic but I will say it anyway, the militiamen are nothing more then the locals given weapons and an identifying armband, they can vary from piss poor to pretty effective. While the soldiers tend to have basic uniforms and equipment.
Also to note, outside of cities, actual control by warlords also varies from next to nothing to extremely loyal. Thus bribery is extremely common and usually effective for getting passed militiamen who would rather take your money then fight, they tend to get a lot braver however if their in the presence of soldiers and or on drugs.
The one and only functional port capable of supporting heavy shipping and the largest and most advanced city in Triari with a handful of small scale power plants. Located on the West coast of the nation in a large sheltered harbour, it is the only suitable location on the Western coast for large ships.
Officially a neutral city, the only neutral grounds in the entire nation, setup out of desperation by the various factions to maintain a functioning port, lest it be destroyed in their fighting. Routinely a target for random Kilrany bombing, it suffers from occasional power outages and disruptions in its communications grid, as basic as they are.
Despite its official nature, a great deal of animosity remains between the faction representatives and militia forces that see to the daily running of the city. Occasional fights are known to break out between rival faction soldiers.
Genrich Kvasha
Arguably the most powerful of the Triari warlords, mostly due to being located farthest away from the Kilrany border. At age fifty-three he is the oldest of the Triari warlords, having managed to survive multiple assassination attempts by his rivals, and numerous bombings by Kilrany aircraft.
Controlling the cities of Anu and Trosk, he is notorious for doing whatever is required to remain in power, something he has passed on to his two sons, Pavel, age twenty-two and Victor, age twenty-three, both vie for power to be their fathers inevitable replacement. So notorious is Genrich, that he is known to have sold his own daughter when she was two, an act that only angered the Kilrany more, and increased their attempts to kill him. Militias under Genrich’s control wear black armbands.
His primary source of income is from drug production, slavery and the small scale drilling on a vast oil field he manages to do under the noses of the Kilrany who see him as one of the biggest obstacles.
He maintains one of the largest militias of all the warlords, including a number of armoured vehicles and has even been rumored to have in his possession a flight of eight IL-10s, and old model Russian ground attack aircraft dating back to the second world war, which he maintains as best as he can. High priority targets for the Kilrany, they have yet to be able to track them down given the ease in which they can land and be hidden.
In 2001 Genrich is reported to have bought two Soviet model Kashin class destroyers. Official he said they were to help protect Neutralnaya from Kilrany aggression, unofficially many believed they were to be used in a big to take control of the port city. Neither came to light, as one vessel was torpedoed and sunk just off the coast, and the second was mysteriously sabotaged in port. Genrich blames their destruction on Kilrany acts of terrorism, but no evidence exists to support such claims.
A three hundred thousand dollar bounty has been placed on Genrich’s head by General Marina Tsetaeva, including an addition one hundred thousand for the head of each of his sons.
General Marina Tsetaeva
At age thirty-one Tsetaeva is an extreme rarity in Triari, a woman who has achieved a position of power, this alone has been enough to Genrich to believe the Kilrany is supporting her. She achieved her position by bean even more ruthless then Triari men within a militia under the control of Maxim Yagoda, the warlord she would eventually replace. She got herself noticed and quickly began to climb in favour of the warlord, most rumours content she did more then just play a role as soldier for him.
Eventually achieving the rank of his ‘general’, commanding his military forces, despite being a woman she attained the respect of the men under her command. In 2002 Yagoda was killed when two, one thousand kilogram laser guided bombs dropped from a Kilrany aircraft obliterated the home he was sleeping in, also killing most of his family.
Tsetaeva moved quickly and with the loyalty of much of Yagoda’s military, eliminated the remaining family members and took over control of his former territory, holding on to the title of General.
Controlling the city of Tiana, her apparent policies follow closely to those of the Kilrany, only lending credence to the belief that they are supporting her, which was enough for Genrich to have her representatives and her forces removed from the city of Neutralnaya, although unofficially her troops can still be seen in the city, as it still remains neutral for them. Militias under her command are known to wear red armbands.
The source of her income is unclear to most with drugs and slavery outlawed in her sphere of influence, she does however seem to operate mining and drilling operations on a large scale, including reports indicating the presence of a power plant being build outside the city of Inara, combined with the lack of heavy bombing in her territory only continues to lead the other warlords to believe she’s been bought off.
Rumours abound that she receives weapons and supplies from the Kilrany, but no one can seem to find evidence in regards to how the Kilrany are supplying Tsetaeva with large numbers of it, a bounty of five hundred thousand dollars was posted by Genrich for anyone who can bring proof of Kilrany involvement, and location of supply drops. Tsetaeva also finds herself with a one million dollar bounty placed on her head by Genrich.
The Triari Council
The last vestiges of democracy in Triari, it is in truth a thinly veiled dictatorship run by a handful of wealthy families who hold mock elections and keep the people in line by leading them to believe that if they work hard, they to can become rich and powerful.
Controlling the cities of Vernisk and Marnisk, they are known for an almost extreme sense of capitalism, considering the people they are in power over as little more then slaves they happen to pay. The Triari Council is ultimately run by six families, the Shepikto, the Polekh, the Prokofiev, the Brunov, the Filatov and the Demin families, with their respective power in that order. Although each family operates it’s own small military force that protects them, the militias under the Council banner wear a green armband as their identification.
Although slavery is officially illegal in Council run territory most of the population under their control is treated only slightly better, low wages in sweathouse conditions and rampant drug use fuel the funding for the families, including several low key mining operations for coal, silver and platinum.
Despite their relative economic success, they are not the most militarily powerful, although heavy bribing of their neighbors helps keep them from coming under heavy direct attack.
In 2004 a rumour began that the Council had found a deposit of diamonds somewhere in their territory and began low scale mining, after some examples began to appear, General Marina Tsetaeva released an offer of two hundred thousand dollars for the location of the mine.
Elem Chuckhrai
After the mysterious assassination of his father, Julius Chuckhrai earlier in the year, Elem took over control of his territory, at age twenty-nine; his age is average for a Triari warlord.
The least powerful of the remaining Triari warlords, Elem finds himself in a desperate position as the closest to the Kilrany border, and under attack by forces under the control of General Tsetaeva.
Prior to the death of his father, the Chuckhrai controlled the cities of Destina and Inara, however since the recent death of his father and the opening of an offensive by General Tsetaeva’s forces, the city of Inara is now contested ground and he finds himself under heavy routine air attack by the Kilrany air force. Militias still loyal to Elem wear blue armbands.
Prior to his current problems, slavery, drugs and a small drilling operation was Elem’s chief income, however his supplies have since began to dry up under inexplicably effective raids by Tsetaeva’s forces and pinpoint air raids by the Kilrany air force.
In 2006 a rumour began to spread that Elem’s father had made a secret deal with the Russkyan’s to allow a small base within his territory, Genrich made an offer of one hundred thousand dollars to whoever could bring him evidence of its location. General Tsetaeva had a similar bounty up, however it was quickly rescinded less then a month after it was offered.