GNN Special Report: Civil War In Brachiosaurus
05-06-2007, 01:24
"Good Morning, this Amy Sue Hutton reporting from GNN headquarters in North America. We have just recieved word that open civil war has erupted in the Brachiosaur Republic and thousands of refugees are fleeing the conflict zone. We have more Ricky Baronga on the ground."
"That is correct Amy. International aid agencies are now calling the dispute in Brachiosaurs an all out civil war. This issue started a couple of years back when troodonts demanded a seperate nation. The Brachi majority responded by giving them greater civil rights and allowing their region greater autonomy. However the Troodonts have rejected this offer saying they will only settle for total independence.
Last night the two sides traded artillery outside the town of Harumphalumpha. Most of the residents of that town have fled the fighting and most of their homes have been destroyed.
The Troodont commandant has said the war will only end with the total extinction of the Brachs and in an interview the Brach President said the same of the Troodonts.
Experts believe the two sides are not serious about that however and that this is just a case of one side wanting their own country and the other side disagreeing.
However residents of the town Brach town of Makalaka are claiming they are being pushed out via a Troodont policy of ethnic cleansing. The Brach commander in the area has said the Troodonts will face "certain retaliation" if they don't stop their atrocities.
This is Ricky Baronga reporting live from Brachiosaurs."
Official Imperial Message
The Imperial Kingdom will deploy its 2nd Imperial Fleet to the area along with five infantry divisions and 3 Armored Divisions of the Imperial Army in order to support the Brachi forces, and stop Troodont genocide before it is blown out of proportion. The Imperial Forces will also establish a buffer zone between Troodont and Brachi peoples and maintain peace and order between the two groups until peaceful negotiations can be reached.
total number of men enroute: 150,000
ooc: Aren't you involved in a rebel war?
The Greal Government would like to send 70,000 elite troops to help your country. We will also send a small fleet to escort the Greal troop's landings
Dirty Pie
05-06-2007, 02:00
The Holy empire would like to deploy 75,000 ground troops to reinforce the buffer zone, if any other assistance is needed do not hesitate to ask sirs.
05-06-2007, 02:23
The United Soviet Socialist Republic of Theoropia asks that a diplomatic solution be obtained.
05-06-2007, 05:59
ooc: Aren't you involved in a rebel war?
Yes. This is the rebel war.
ooc: I was talking to Greal...he's in the middle of a war and being i dont see how he can spare 70,000 troops...also is their a map or anything of your nation so I know where to deploy my troops that are on their way.
05-06-2007, 06:13
Official Imperial Message
The Imperial Kingdom will deploy its 2nd Imperial Fleet to the area along with five infantry divisions and 3 Armored Divisions of the Imperial Army in order to support the Brachi forces, and stop Troodont genocide before it is blown out of proportion. The Imperial Forces will also establish a buffer zone between Troodont and Brachi peoples and maintain peace and order between the two groups until peaceful negotiations can be reached.
total number of men enroute: 150,000
"Our government accepts all offers of assistance against the evil Troodonts."
Graur Yik, Grand Cheiftain of all Brachs.
"In response to the verification of Troodont ethnic cleansing against Brachs in the town of Makalaka, the Brachs are now retaliating with ethnic cleansing against Troodonts in Berger City, intimidating Troodonts into leaving the city and killing those who refuse. Both sides are killing women and children by shooting at people indiscriminately.
However it should be noted that that neither side is deliberately targeting humans. This is a war between two dinosaurid races. A war where hatred for the other side is high and intense. And both sides are expecting any outside forces to help them wipe out the enemy whether it is the Brachs or the Troodonts. However, foreign governments who have offered or dispatched peacekeeping troops may be keen on stopping the spread of genocide than they are in taking sides." Ricky Baronga of GNN
okay, we will send only 15,000 Greal elite troops that had experince fighting Greal's rebels.
Gatawan 2nd Imperial Fleet Flagship Archangel
Admiral Vespar blew out another plume of smoke from his Cigar while he looked over the intelligence documents regarding the nation of Brachiosaurus..The dossier folder was much wasn't known about the country. All Vespar knew was that the Emperor had decided to intervene in order to put a halt to the genocidal attacks occurring on both sides of the conflict.
The Imperial fleet was now a mere 2 hours from the Brachiosaurus mainland..and Vespar ordered the launching of several fighter bomber squadrons as well as surveillance craft. The roar of the engines from the circling craft could be heard over head like a faint grumbling sound
Vespar flipped a switch on his comsat and radioed to the government of Brachiosaurus
Secure message to Brachiosaurus Government, Gatawan 2nd Imperial Fleet Admiral Vespar commanding
We are preparing to deploy our peacekeeping forces, and demand that all hostilities stop immediately. Any attack on Imperial forces will be considered and open act of war and will be handled accordingly. Imperial forces will be deploying to form a buffer zone between the two rival groups and will remain there until this matter has been resolved.
Vespar flipped the switch back down and awaited for a reply, if there would ever be one.
05-06-2007, 06:34
ooc: I was talking to Greal...he's in the middle of a war and being i dont see how he can spare 70,000 troops...also is their a map or anything of your nation so I know where to deploy my troops that are on their way.
OOC: Sorry. My last rp post was back in nov of 06 and it died after just a day cause I lost interest due to not knowing anything about future tech so I went back to modern tech.
As for map,it would be Colorado, Utah, Quebec, Tanzania and Portugal all stuck together into one land mass. Colorado, Utah, Quebec, Portugal and Tanzania in the south. These areas are mostly Brach areas though there are considerable Troodon populations in the cities there.
In the north of the country would Montana, Alberta, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming,Western China. Wyoming is about 50/50. The rest are mostly Troodonts.
The south of the country is mostly tropical and lush with palm trees. The north is cooler and has a lot of snow in the winter. Wyoming is temperate with a huge lake in the center.
OOC: Sorry. My last rp post was back in nov of 06 and it died after just a day cause I lost interest due to not knowing anything about future tech so I went back to modern tech.
As for map,it would be Colorado, Utah, Quebec, Tanzania and Portugal all stuck together into one land mass. Colorado, Utah, Quebec, Portugal and Tanzania in the south. These areas are mostly Brach areas though there are considerable Troodon populations in the cities there.
In the north of the country would Montana, Alberta, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming,Western China. Wyoming is about 50/50. The rest are mostly Troodonts.
The south of the country is mostly tropical and lush with palm trees. The north is cooler and has a lot of snow in the winter. Wyoming is temperate with a huge lake in the center.
nice land mass.
05-06-2007, 06:45
Gatawan 2nd Imperial Fleet Flagship Archangel
Admiral Vespar blew out another plume of smoke from his Cigar while he looked over the intelligence documents regarding the nation of Brachiosaurus..The dossier folder was much wasn't known about the country. All Vespar knew was that the Emperor had decided to intervene in order to put a halt to the genocidal attacks occurring on both sides of the conflict.
The Imperial fleet was now a mere 2 hours from the Brachiosaurus mainland..and Vespar ordered the launching of several fighter bomber squadrons as well as surveillance craft. The roar of the engines from the circling craft could be heard over head like a faint grumbling sound
Vespar flipped a switch on his comsat and radioed to the government of Brachiosaurus
Secure message to Brachiosaurus Government, Gatawan 2nd Imperial Fleet Admiral Vespar commanding
We are preparing to deploy our peacekeeping forces, and demand that all hostilities stop immediately. Any attack on Imperial forces will be considered and open act of war and will be handled accordingly. Imperial forces will be deploying to form a buffer zone between the two rival groups and will remain there until this matter has been resolved.
Vespar flipped the switch back down and awaited for a reply, if there would ever be one.
"This the Brach government, please have your forces standby. The beaches are a nodino zone due to an intense battle taking place there. We cannot guarantee your people's safe landing. The beach is of too much strategic value for us to let the Troodonts have it. If they get the beach, they won't let you land."
Huge plums of smoke could be seen coming from the beach as far as 20 miles offshore, with the crackling sound of thunderous artillery shells and rocket propelled grenades, interspersed with some type of uknown assault rifle that sounded similar to the M16 but would later turn out to be a combination of the M16 and AK 47 with nightscope and infrared sighting.
The goal of the Troodonts was to kill all Brachs on the beach before international peacekeepers arrived.
The Captain of the Troodont Liberation Army number 15 saw the ships approaching offshore and sent a warning, "Side with us and help wipe out the Brachs or stay away." He ordered his tiny crew 215 rebel soldiers to attack the humans if they got in the way of wiping out every Brach on the beach.
He had been raised and taught to hate Brachs in the regional public schools. He was indoctrinated in it during temple services. The Great Book said that the great Sky Spirit had created all Troodonts in his image and that the destiny of Brachs was either total extinction or slavery. Previous Troodont leaders foolishly ignored the Great Book now modern Troodonts were paying the price in terms of being subject to Brach rule. Today, however, the Brachs were finally paying the price of their treacherous crimes and heresies.
Vespar ordered all fighter bombers launch off the flight decks soon 250 planes were roaring towards the beach loaded with cluster munitions to take out enemy infantry and light vehicles.
Vespar then flicked another switch on his comsat, maintaining a calm collected composure about himself that radiated and calmed the men around him
"All ships adjust fire 35degrees NW fire at will."
No sooner had the words left Vespar's mouth then the several battleships and heavy cruisers within the fleet opened fire on the beach with their heavy guns.
Along with the shelling several hundred SLAM and Tomahawk missiles were inbound for the beach
The planes roared in getting closer to their targets pilots anxiously gripping their control sticks ready to release their deadly payloads onto the enemy below.
05-06-2007, 08:29
The remnants of the Brach forces began leaving the beach in the midst of the cluster bombings and missile attacks which had caused the fighting to cease.
The two bellerigents were so intermeshed that it would be impossible to hit one side while avoiding damage to the other. The Brach high command knew this and they knew the beach needed to be cleared for the peacekeeping forces. The way they saw it, the troops who died on the beach would have died elsewhere in the conflict anyway.
The Troodont Captain was not so forgiving. His forces were obliterated by the Gataway attack because he refused to let them withdraw and instead ordered them to defend the beach. A decision that lead to their deaths.
With a small group of 10 soldiers out the 230 he originally had, he fled and began working his way to the nearest Troodont village where he began telling the villagers that Gataway had sided with the Brach's in an attempt to wipe out the Troodont race. He lied to the villagers and told them that Brach and Gataway forces lined up Troodont soldiers who had surrendered and killed them by firing squad before proceeding to desecrate the bodies. The lie would spread throughout the Troodont populated regions and be broadcast on radio despite Brach insistance that no such execution ever took place.
"Brachs do not kill people who obey our orders in the aftermath of wars. There were no POW's on Salmosa Beach. Troodonts died because they refused to leave. This just shows just how genocidally insane Captain Hegre is. He got his people killed and he wants to blame us so he can create more support for his ethnic cleansing and other illegal activities that the insurgents are engaged in against our country." Brach Information Minister Yriki told foreign radio stations in response to the claims of genocide on the Salmosa Beach. He also denied any connections or alliances with Gataway.
Official Imperial Response
The Imperial kingdom fully denies any and all allegations of Genocidal acts committed by Imperial forces. Both sides we're warned in advance to cease fighting and make way for for our deployment. Furthermore there is no alliance between Imperial forces and Brachian forces. Again we demand the immediate end to all hostilities, and we would also like to issue the following warning to both Brach and Troodont commanders, Should either side attack Imperial forces the leaders of the aggressors will be sought for capture and/or become a priority target.
Nadov III of Gataway
Salmosa Beach
With the combatant forces mostly destroyed the Gatawan ground forces landed without a fight. General Amor was one of the first to reach the beach and witnessed the devastation. The sand seemed to have turned red while the now ghostly pale bodies littered the beach.
Amor is visibly shaken by what he saw, but quickly regained his composure, this happens in battles and he assumed he would have to see much more of the same carnage before he and his men would return home.
"Alright form a perimeter, while we bury the bodies, and don't separate them or mark them..Brach and Troodont's will mourn here together."
The beach stirred with life amongst all the death and destruction, the grumble from the Gatawan tanks and armored vehicles was a constant drumming, while some soldiers stood guard others dug long trenches before filling them with the bodies of the fallen. Above the whole seen of soldiers and equipment moving around like ants the constant drumming of helicopter blades and the roar of jet engines rang out for miles.
05-06-2007, 19:51
Official Brach reponse:
"The Brach government will respect this ceasefire but believes Gataway errs in judgment. Troodonts don't want peace. They are thugs and criminals. The only way to end their atrocities is the total elimination of their entire race."
Official Troodont response:
"The terrorists of Gataway have interefered in our efforts to save the world through our policy of eliminating the Brach race. We shall not bow to their demands. We now consider them, as we consider the Brachs, to be our enemies. I issue this warning to Gataway, if you get the way of the extinction of the Brach race, your people will pay with their lives. This started when the Brachs refused to let us have our independence. For that reason every single Brach man, woman, and child shall perish from this planet even if we have to hunt them to the ends of the arth (earth)"
Raven corps
05-06-2007, 20:00
tag for future post.
Amor sat in his HQ tent reading over the responses from the Brach's and Troodonts...sitting with him were his top aids and advisers..
"Well it appears as tho the Troodonts won't accept our proposal of maintaining peace until negotiations can be established." Amor spoke calmly his deep commanding voice maintained the attention of the entire room.
"Sir we can't take sides in the conflict, however perhaps we can force the Troodonts to the negotiation table." One of the aids spoke up after a brief pause
Amor took a drink from his coffee mug and whipped his lips before responding "And how would you propose we go about doing that Lieutenant?"
The young aid turned to map of the region hanging on the wall.."Well sir it appears as though our enemy has relatively no or little air support..If we launch a bombing campaign against the Troodonts while we keep the Brach's seperated from them with our ground forces then perhaps we can force them into talks?"
Amor paused stroking his chin for a bit then taking another drink from his coffee mug.."Well if there are no other suggestions..then we will proceed with this plan operation arm twist will commence immediately."
The room stood at attention quickly and saluted the general before leaving to dispatch their orders. Soon the faint roar of fighter bombers could be heard as they approached from the fleet out at see..the roar grew increasingly louder and then faded again as they flew over head bound for Troodont targets.
Amor radioed up to the bomber squadrons
"All targets have been predetermined...hit bridges, major roadways, power plants and any enemy ground forces encountered."
"Roger that Delta-1 target list confirmed..ETA to Troodont territory twenty minutes."
05-06-2007, 20:29
While Amor was meeting with his cabinet, Troodont Grand Cheiftain was meeting with his advisors.
"Sire, we have no way of telling whether our people at Salmosa beach were deliberately targeted by the humans. If they had an alliance with the Brach's then why were Brach's killed by the human's bombs?" Edmonton of Wyoming.
"Edmonton liessssss. There were no Brachs killed at Salmosa." Hacre of Alberta.
"You say no Brachs died but the news media showed otherwise. Perhaps these humans have not taken sides yet. I require time to investigate the matter of Salmosa Beach." Troodont Grand Cheiftain Rixchinup
"Perhaps it would be feasible to agree to this ceasefire the humans insist on. While a ceasefire would be useless and not serve our purposes we could use it to determine the humans real motivations and perhaps swing them to our side." Edmonton of Wyoming.
"Send a dispatch to the human's leader forthwith." Grandcheiftain Rixchinup (rick-shin-up)
Top Secret Dispatch to humans at Salmosa Beach:
"We shall agree to your ceasefire for the time being. However should you betray us, you will find our knives in your guts."
However, as the two leaders were holding their meetings simultaneously, it would very difficult to stop a human attack even though the message was speedily sent to the humans. Such attacks were seldom easy to call off at the last minute.
The Second Empire of Hataria offers to start Peace Talks between The Two Sides in this Civil War. It will also allow Troodonts wanting to escape The war to come to Hataria.
Signed: Emperor Barbarossa II of Hataria
Amor received the messaged from the Troodont cheiftan and immediately called to the bomber squadrons.."Cease operations Immediately..I repeat cease offensive operations immediately..authentication code 54!"
"Abort confirmed delta-1." While most of the fighter bombers aborted and turned back a select few had already dropped their payloads onto several key bridges and one powerplant..before flying back to the carriers
Amor sent a response to the Troodont cheiftan
I am deeply sorry for the attack on Troodont soil, you must understand I had not received your acceptance of a cease-fire until it was too late to call off the entire attack. I assure you that we are neutral and are not taking sides..Imperial Forces will aid in the reconstruction of your damaged structures. I strongly suggest that the ceasefire remain in effect and that you come to negotiations with the Brach government
General Lucas Amor Gatawan Imperial forces commander
05-06-2007, 21:13
Rixchinup sent his reply to the human commander.
"The Troodonts accept your apology but don't let it happen again. We won't be so forgiving next time.
We see no point in talking to the Brachs as long as they refuse our demands for total independence."
05-06-2007, 21:18
The Second Empire of Hataria offers to start Peace Talks between The Two Sides in this Civil War. It will also allow Troodonts wanting to escape The war to come to Hataria.
Signed: Emperor Barbarossa II of Hataria
Troodonts who sought to escape the war, accepted the Emperor's invitation even though many of them had never before seen humans let alone been to human lands before.
There were a lot of rumors and tall tales in Brachiosaurus about humans. One such urban legend was that humans' favorite delicacy was baby dinos. Those who believed this legend refused to go to the human lands.
Brach scientists were curious about the humans. They wanted a specimen to dissect so they could study human anatomy.
There was curiosity and apprehension on the minds of the Troodont refugees as they made their way to Hataria.
Imperial Message to Brach Government
We have received affirmation that the Troodonts will accept a ceasefire they continue to demand their total independence..The Imperial Kingdom believes this is a just claim and recommends acknowledging a new Troodont state and the establishment of a ten mile DMZ between the two countries. Also the Imperial Kingdom urges both sides to end their calls for Genocide.
05-06-2007, 22:09
"Total independence for the Troodonts is not in Brachiosaurus interests. The Troodonts must remain content with the huge degree of self autonomy they already have which includes a great deal of religious freedom, free speech etc. The only things they are not allowed is their own military, their own money, their own diplomacy, and they are not allowed to own guns.
Giving the Troodonts independence means losing half our nation without just cause. We have done nothing to offend the Troodonts or harm their interests. This independence movement is the result of racist agitators who don't think Troodonts and Brachs should be allowed to live side by side as they have for the past 150 million years." Brach response.
Official Imperial Message to Brach and Troodont Governments
The Imperial Kingdom proposes allowing the Troodont's to have representation in the government or the formation of two rulers one elected from the Brach's the other from the Troodonts. We would like to remind both parties that our troops will not leave until the matter is resolved, and that more troops may be deployed if deemed necessary.
05-06-2007, 22:38
Official Brach response:
This is our position as it is how things have always been done in Brachiosaurus. With the exception of the corulership. We are open to that option.
Official Troodont Response:
We want total independence or the total elimination of the Brach race. We do not accept corulership. The mixing of Brachs and Troodonts is sick and morally disgusting. The thought causes me nauseation.
Official Imperial Message
The Imperial Kingdom urges the Troodont government to reconsider the co-rulership option and demands it cease its calls for the eradication of the Brach's. If an agreement can not be reached the Imperial Kingdom will establish its own DMZ and maintain bases there permanently to ensure peace between the two races.
Nadov III of Gataway
05-06-2007, 23:06
Brach message to Gataway:
While we welcome your assistance, we wish to make sure you understand you do not have permission to stay indefinitely.
Troodont Reply to Gataway:
The Brachs have a simple choice, give us total independence or face total eradication.
On a battlefield, somewhere in Brachiosaurus, silence fell upon the site with the start of the ceasefire. Two soldiers, one Troodont and one Brach patrolled the imaginary line between the two sides. They occasionally glared at each with extreme hostility. The mammoth sized field Megilda was a hot point of contention between the two sides because of its oil wealth ( worth about 40,000 billion barrels a day).
The patrols went on like this the whole day until a Troodont shouted a racist remark at his Brach counterpart who countered with his anti Troodont remark, raising tensions in this region.
The result was increased patrols. Instead of just one soldier, both sides now patrolled in groups of 20. The patrols were heavily armed and tensions were on a hair trigger.
Dirty Pie
06-06-2007, 00:34
20,000 sea sick dirty pie marines were greatful to set foot on land for the first time in weeks since being knocked off course on the way to battle. But the joy did not last long as they looked up at the beach littered with bodies clueless to what had taken place beforehand.
Ultimatum to Both Brach and Troodont Governments
Both groups will cease all patrols between the disputed borders. New Patrols will be conducted by Imperial Forces an additional 100,000 Imperial soldiers are en route to help maintain such a lengthy DMZ. The Imperial Government demands that both sides come to negotiations and stop with the insistent stubbornness and come to some form of agreement by the end of the week. Imperial Forces will remain until it is deemed they're presence is no longer necessary to maintain order and peace.
Message to Unidentified forces
This is General Amor of the Gatawan Imperial Army. If you are here to assist us in maintaining peace and stability we welcome you openly. if you have plans of conquest or hostile actions they shall not be tolerated.
Troodonts who sought to escape the war, accepted the Emperor's invitation even though many of them had never before seen humans let alone been to human lands before.
There were a lot of rumors and tall tales in Brachiosaurus about humans. One such urban legend was that humans' favorite delicacy was baby dinos. Those who believed this legend refused to go to the human lands.
Brach scientists were curious about the humans. They wanted a specimen to dissect so they could study human anatomy.
There was curiosity and apprehension on the minds of the Troodont refugees as they made their way to Hataria.
The only Problem Hataria would face was not what to do with The Troodonts, it was WHERE to put them. The Hatarians picked Western Hataria, long unpeopled save for a Few Bases and Ryou Tribe Villages on the Coastal regions.
there were Rumors also that Hatarians had used Genetics to raise The Dread Meat-eating Dinosaur Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and let it lose in Western Hataria. The only Living Dinosaur in Hataria (which was not Common Knowage outside Hataria) was Allosaurus.
Other things in that part of Hataria were Wolves, Mastodons, Mammoths, the Large Hatarophants, Saber-Tooth Cats, Deer, Horses, The 100 feet Hatarian Saltwater crocodile, Woolly Rhinos, Bison and other Animals.
Hataria was going to be odder to The Troodonts then it was to Hatarians.
Dirty Pie
06-06-2007, 01:28
Our intenition our undoubtedly peaceful which was made clear earlier, you insult me sir.
06-06-2007, 03:19
Our intentions are peaceful which was made clear earlier.
OOC: If this was an edit of your previous post you should have deleted the prior one.
You have a map where I can land my men?
06-06-2007, 03:24
Official Brach reply:
"Our forces will leave the border only when you're troops are there in person to replace them and only if you give assurance that no Troodonts will cross the line.
Grand Marquee Dougas will attend this conference of yours. He is on his way to your camp with force of 500 soldiers/bodyguards to prevent the Troodonts from assassinating him."
Official Troodont reply:
"We will leave the border only your forces arrive and only if you give assurances you won't let any Brachi slime cross the line of control.
I shall send Veedoo of Portugal to your camp for this conference of yours. He will be accompanied by 89 freedom fighters serving as his bodyguards in case the Brachs attempt to assassinate him."
Official Imperial Response
The Imperial Kingdom maintaining its neutrality will not allow one side to cross into the others territory. We are pleased you have agreed to meet to discuss terms however your bodyguards will not be permitted into the campsite and will remain in special areas at opposite ends of the camp. Both heads of state will be under Imperial protection and assure you no harm will come to either of you, the time for fighting is over.
General Amor Gatawan
Imperial Forces commander
06-06-2007, 03:27
You have a map where I can land my men?
I haven't made one yet but Selmosa beach is located in Colorado. Just imagine Colorada and Alberta having coasts instead being inland states.
I haven't made one yet but Selmosa beach is located in Colorado. Just imagine Colorada and Alberta having coasts instead being inland states.
OOC: 6000 marines quickly landed on the Selmosa beach, the marines were to stay there until the Brach army gives them insructions.
06-06-2007, 03:32
The only Problem Hataria would face was not what to do with The Troodonts, it was WHERE to put them. The Hatarians picked Western Hataria, long unpeopled save for a Few Bases and Ryou Tribe Villages on the Coastal regions.
there were Rumors also that Hatarians had used Genetics to raise The Dread Meat-eating Dinosaur Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and let it lose in Western Hataria. The only Living Dinosaur in Hataria (which was not Common Knowage outside Hataria) was Allosaurus.
Other things in that part of Hataria were Wolves, Mastodons, Mammoths, the Large Hatarophants, Saber-Tooth Cats, Deer, Horses, The 100 feet Hatarian Saltwater crocodile, Woolly Rhinos, Bison and other Animals.
Hataria was going to be odder to The Troodonts then it was to Hatarians.
By genetic history, the Troodonts were not only intelligent but lethal pack hunters. Their diets, unlike the Brachis, consisted of other animals. Over the millenia their species became more efficient at hunting while their brains continued to grow. This enabled to adapt to their loss of sharp claws by developing new hunting technologies.
But the mammals in Brachiosaurus were small rodent like creatures. The mammals in Hataria were nothing like that. Then again, the Island of Brachiosaurus was very much similar to that island you see in the movie "the land that time forgot." And indeed to an outside observer it would appear that time had litterally forgotten Brachiosaurus.
06-06-2007, 03:36
Brach high command to allied Grael forces:
We have entered a ceasefire against the Troodonts. Gataway is acting as mediator.
You have permission to set up camp on Selmosa Beach and secure it against seizure by Troodont insurgents.
Brach high command to allied Grael forces:
We have entered a ceasefire against the Troodonts. Gataway is acting as mediator.
You have permission to set up camp on Selmosa Beach and secure it against seizure by Troodont insurgents.
to: Brach high command
we will stay at the beach
from:Colonel Grant Yurt
IC:The ships brought tents to the beach for the night, partols were set up. Some Greal partols reported gunfire near the beach. Captain Locke and 20 men were sent to see what happened.
"Oh god." said Captain Locke
In front of him were dead Greal troops.
"Did you find something?"asked the man on the radio
"Patrol 14 was ambushed by the enemy"said Captain Locke
"Get your men out of there!"yelled the guy on the radio.
Suddnely gunfire hit the area. "Lets move!" yelled Captain Locke
a few minutes later 50 Greal Marines arrived to help.
06-06-2007, 03:50
To Gataway humans from Brach command:
We find it highly offensive that you are not living up to your part of the bargain. Troodonts thugs have crossed the line of control at Selmosa Beach and ambushed friendly forces. We demand that you take action against the Troodonts.
06-06-2007, 04:04
Troodont Freedom Fighter to Troodont Command:
We have successfully attacked the human allies of the Brachs. Mission accomplished. We await further orders and look forward to killing more monkey people.
Joa Haloheem Jabadaya (request permission to eat the corpses of the humans).
"What the hell is going on!?!"asked a Marine
"Looks like Troodonts ambused us!"yelled Captain Locke
"Its to dark to see anything!"yelled a marine
"Fire at those rocks, thats where the gunfire is coming from" said Captain Locke
The marine began firing at the rocks, but the unseen enemy fired back killing more men.
"call for backup, quick!"yelled Captain Locke.
The marines took cover quickly. The marines also put on their night-vision goggles. more gunfire hit the area.
"Looks like there are hundreds of them!" said Lt. Andrew Pen
A explosion hit the rocks where the Troodonts were. Captain Locke saw that a Greal helicopter arrived. 10 minutes later.
"I count 22 dead of our guys, 12 injured"said Lt. Pen
"How many did the Troodonts lose?"asked Captain Locke
" 3 dead Troodonts."said Lt. Pen
"Thats how many they lost? "said Captain Locke
"I guess sir, I think they escaped"said Lt. pen
The ambush last night surpised the Greal patrol. We have gotten permission from the Greal government to put more men on the beach.
from: Colonel Grant Yurt.
06-06-2007, 04:13
The Troodonts watched the new human group.
Grok aimed the mortar at their coordinates and fired the Gavian mortar round at the human's location.
This was followed by several dozen other mortar rounds.
Moments later, 200 Troodonts stormed through the jungle toward the humans, firing their weapons at the enemy.
Official Imperial Declaration to Troodont Government
Due to you're traitors lies and attacks on Greal soldiers the Imperial Kingdom has declared an all out war upon the Troodont government. While we will not allow genocide to engulf your people we will fight until the current Troodont leaders are turned over to Imperial Kingdom authorities for arrest
No sooner had the message been sent already hundreds of Gatawan aircraft were soaring over Troodont skies where they began pounding bridges, power plants, and roadways with their munitions.
The Imperial Navy and Army not to be outdone launched hundreds of missiles and artillery shells into Troodont territory. The roaring screech of incoming shells could be heard for miles followed by the roar of the incoming missiles.
The Troodonts watched the new human group.
Grok aimed the mortar at their coordinates and fired the Gavian mortar round at the human's location.
This was followed by several dozen other mortar rounds.
Moments later, 200 Troodonts stormed through the jungle toward the humans, firing their weapons at the enemy.
"They're coming back!" yelled :Lt. Pen
"Get behind those rocks, quick!"yelled Captain Locke.
A marine fired his Grendae launcher at the enemy, a few seconds later he heard a explosion. Captain Locke took out his M16 rifle and began firing. Explosions hit everywhere killing dozens.
A company of Marines arrived, but they had to stay behind the rocks, or else get blasted.
"Fire"yelled Captain Locke
The rocket launcher fired at the advancing enemy.
06-06-2007, 04:17
To Grael forces, be advised the Troodonts are treacherous. In addition to conventional weapons they are known to also use their teeth to snap thier enemies heads off. Do not let them bite you and beware of their foot claws. They use their feet to slice people's guts out.
To Grael forces, be advised the Troodonts are treacherous. In addition to conventional weapons they are known to also use their teeth to snap thier enemies heads off. Do not let them bite you and beware of their foot claws. They use their feet to slice people's guts out.
Wow, I don't think Greal has been in this kind of war before!
ooc:regretfully i must withdraw from this rp
The Greal Government has sent 40,000 more Marines and also sent 100 new GNC-21 Multi-role fighters.
06-06-2007, 04:24
Troodont Response to Gataway:
You have betrayed us for the last time. Prepare your people for extinction.
The Troodont forces left the cities for the deep recesses of the jungle and the Troodont delegation decided against going to the conference.
Brach High Command
"The Troodonts have attacked the humans and as expected, the humans are now at war with the Troodonts. Things move in our favor." Edmonton.
"Yes, they do. You are most wise. I propose to move our forces forward into Troodont territory to assist the humans. Order our troops to kill all Troodonts they encounter but do not tell the humans."
Official Message to Gataway and Gael from Brach:
The Troodonts have violated the ceasefire. They fired on your people. We will assist you in the defeat of the Troodonts.
06-06-2007, 04:27
ooc:regretfully i must withdraw from this rp
OOC: real life matters?
Troodont Response to Gataway:
You have betrayed us for the last time. Prepare your people for extinction.
The Troodont forces left the cities for the deep recesses of the jungle and the Troodont delegation decided against going to the conference.
Brach High Command
"The Troodonts have attacked the humans and as expected, the humans are now at war with the Troodonts. Things move in our favor." Edmonton.
"Yes, they do. You are most wise. I propose to move our forces forward into Troodont territory to assist the humans. Order our troops to kill all Troodonts they encounter but do not tell the humans."
Official Message to Gataway and Gael from Brach:
The Troodonts have violated the ceasefire. They fired on your people. We will assist you in the defeat of the Troodonts.
OOC:We wil destory the Troodonts!
Colonel Grant looked at the papers, he had permission to enter Troodont terrority.
"Lt. Beren!" yelled Colonel Grant
Lt. Beren came in. "Yes sir?"asked Lt. Beren
"Move our division toward the Troodont land" said Colonel Grant
"Yes sir"said Lt. Beren
ooc:yes..I may be away for awhile..sorry guys..greal could use the rp experiance though.
06-06-2007, 04:35
"Following the collapse of the mediation efforts by Gataway, Brachiosaurus has descended back into chaos. We just got word that both sides are now using Mustard gas against each other." Larry Mak, GNN News
As the dust settled over the Troodont town of Malika, a lone solitary Brach aircraft that resembled the Millenium Falcon out of Star Wars dropped several canisters over the town. Upon hitting the ground they exploded releasing clouds of mustard gas that cripple hundreds of Troodonts and cause horrific deaths.
Later the same day, Troodonts infiltrated Marder City and released Ebola against the Brachs.
06-06-2007, 04:37
OOC: ok
"Following the collapse of the mediation efforts by Gataway, Brachiosaurus has descended back into chaos. We just got word that both sides are now using Mustard gas against each other." Larry Mak, GNN News
As the dust settled over the Troodont town of Malika, a lone solitary Brach aircraft that resembled the Millenium Falcon out of Star Wars dropped several canisters over the town. Upon hitting the ground they exploded releasing clouds of mustard gas that cripple hundreds of Troodonts and cause horrific deaths.
Later the same day, Troodonts infiltrated Marder City and released Ebola against the Brachs.
OOC: 16000 Greal troops were moving into the Troodont land. They were escorted by tanks and fighters. The fighting the previous day cost the Greal army 100 deaths. The Greal troops had Gas masks with them just in case of a gas attack.
06-06-2007, 04:59
The Brach force of 15,000 joined up with the human force.
"I am Glalock, of the 14th Brach Infantry Division. This is my Battalion" he said, pointing the 15,000 troops behind him. "We are here to coordinate strategy against the Troodont rebels."
3 more infranty and marine divisions were landed on the beach.
Captain Locke was watching the troops bury the bodies after the burial ceremony.
Bad day He throught
"Captain!"yelled Lt. Pen
"Yes?"asked Captain Locke
"We found a patrol dead near the cliff."said Lt. Pen
This time, Captan Locke went there with 300 men. When he got there, he saw the bodies there, thorats riped out.
"Oh god"said Captain Locke
"I know sir, we counted 19 bodies"said Lt. Pen
"I really want to kill those bastards."said Captain Locke
He watched the ships dropping offf men at the beach. Lots of our boys will die in this war He throught
He went back to the camp and saw that a new General took over the force.
"General Heart!" said Captain Locke
"Locke, is that you? why it is you! How have you been doin? I heard that you fought a battle yesterday."said General Heart.
Suddnely there was a explsion nearby.
"We get those everyday"said Captain Locke.
06-06-2007, 06:53
Official Brach Message to the Grael:
"We wish to coordinate with your forces to crush the Troodonts. Please have your forces pull back from the front at coordinates 2345. Our Glags will be dropping bombs on suspected rebel positions."
The Glag is the Brachs basic bomber:
It moves at a snaily 800 miles per hour and carries up to 4 500 lb bombs.
20 Glags were involved in the bombing mission against rebel positions in the area.
I Hate The Army
06-06-2007, 08:31
The Empire of I Hate The Army is sending their 2nd & 3rd Fleets, the 1st Armoured Division, 1st Cavalry Divison, 3rd & 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Infantry Divisions to help the Troodonts in their glorious battle against the Brachs
06-06-2007, 20:15
ooc: Can I ask what times zones we're dealing with here, as far as rl goes? I'm in the Pacific.
IC: The company of Brachi infantry was a formidable site. Over the millenia the Brach species had evolved from Brachiosaurs. They got smaller. Their brains grew. Their front paws became hands and lost their claws and their necks had shortened halfway.
Today's Brachs stood upright like humans. The average Brach stands 21 ft tall. Their relatively long necks enabling them to take quick looks around corners. Thier powerful tails were still quite capable of knocking an average man unconscience with one lash if the Brach was upset about something.
There were several hundred Brachs in V Company. They were outnumbered by the Troodonts it was true. But it was also true that one Brach could easily take on 5 Troodonts.
Both races had powerful, muscular arms. Both could overturn a 1964 chevy impala with one hand.
However, the Troodonts were the faster race and slightly smarter.
But like all members of the animal kingdom, the Brachs and the Troodonts were mortal. Like humans, they could be killed with bullets. It took the same number of bullets to kill a Troodont that it did a human. With the Brach's it took twice as many. But both species died instantly when hit mortar rounds or bombs. Nothing can survive those.
The earth shook when ever these Intelloids (dino terms for all sentient species) clashed in hand to hand combat. Especially if it was Brach against Brach. Though such tremors would only measure as a 1 on the Richter Scale. Barely enough to make your morning cup of coffee tremble.
A head on hand to hand collision between the two opposing companies was not one that any human would want to be caught in the middle of, but the Brachs were grateful for allies who would fight by their side.
With the human aid incoming, the Brach High Command assigned one Brach to protect and be the scout for each human company. With their height and they highly maneuraverable necks, the Brachs would be able to see things at distances the humans would need special equipment for, not to mention to peer around corners where humans couldn't go. So the Primary job of the BATH's (Brachs assigned to humans) was to scout.
Dirty Pie
06-06-2007, 20:34
ooc:Atlantic, thats why i cant get any posts in.
Official telegram to Brachiosaurus.
"This is lieutenant Desmond Sheppard of the Dirty Pie Marine Corps
all 75,000 marines and millitary personel have finally landed in Brachiosaurus and are awaiting orders from your military."
06-06-2007, 21:23
Official Response to Lt Sheppard of Dirty Pie Marines:
"We will assign you one Brach per company to serve as scouts for your people. We will also be providing your people with supplies including rations.
If you could start moving your men toward Shavampa Valley it would be helpful. Your Brach guides will show you the way. The Valley is strategically important and needs to be secured against the enemy."
06-06-2007, 21:25
The Empire of I Hate The Army is sending their 2nd & 3rd Fleets, the 1st Armoured Division, 1st Cavalry Divison, 3rd & 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Infantry Divisions to help the Troodonts in their glorious battle against the Brachs
OOC: How many troops, ships is that?
Official Brach Message to the Grael:
"We wish to coordinate with your forces to crush the Troodonts. Please have your forces pull back from the front at coordinates 2345. Our Glags will be dropping bombs on suspected rebel positions."
The Glag is the Brachs basic bomber:
It moves at a snaily 800 miles per hour and carries up to 4 500 lb bombs.
20 Glags were involved in the bombing mission against rebel positions in the area.
We will stay at the coordinates you gave us until the bombing is over.
07-06-2007, 02:18
The hills north of Selmosa Beach rocked with thunder as the Glags dropped their payloads. As fast as the Troodonts were, there was no way for them to outrun the bombs. There was just simply too many bombs and the Troodont company commander had foolishly had his troops in a close in formation. It wasn't until too late they started to scatter. Half the Troodonts were killed, one quarter suffered serious injuries that prevented them from leaving quickly either on their own or with help. Their destiny for the remainder of the war was POWs.
Twenty percent suffered minor to medium injuries but were able to escape and there were one or two who were lucky enough to not have suffered a single scratch.
Brach Command to Grael:
"The area is clear for your men. Be alert for any survivors."
GNN Special Report:
"Just an hour ago, a Troodonette blew herself up at the mayor's office in Houwton City. The explosion sent large black plumes of smoke into the sky and shattered nearby windows. Everyone in the office building was killed. 45 people in all.
Nearby, a message was found spraypainted on the post office box with the words:
The Grand Chieftain of all Brachs cautions that this has never happened in Brachiosaurus before and this does not necessarily mean that the human problem of terrorism has transferred to dinosaurids.
The hills north of Selmosa Beach rocked with thunder as the Glags dropped their payloads. As fast as the Troodonts were, there was no way for them to outrun the bombs. There was just simply too many bombs and the Troodont company commander had foolishly had his troops in a close in formation. It wasn't until too late they started to scatter. Half the Troodonts were killed, one quarter suffered serious injuries that prevented them from leaving quickly either on their own or with help. Their destiny for the remainder of the war was POWs.
Twenty percent suffered minor to medium injuries but were able to escape and there were one or two who were lucky enough to not have suffered a single scratch.
Brach Command to Grael:
"The area is clear for your men. Be alert for any survivors."
GNN Special Report:
"Just an hour ago, a Troodonette blew herself up at the mayor's office in Houwton City. The explosion sent large black plumes of smoke into the sky and shattered nearby windows. Everyone in the office building was killed. 45 people in all.
Nearby, a message was found spraypainted on the post office box with the words:
The Grand Chieftain of all Brachs cautions that this has never happened in Brachiosaurus before and this does not necessarily mean that the human problem of terrorism has transferred to dinosaurids.
"Thats us, lets move!"yelled general Heart
The Greal troops started moving into a Troodont village. 10 minutes passed when gunfire was heard nearby.
"Get down!" yelled Captain Locke
All the Greal troops ducked behind their tanks and cars. Then 10 Greal troops appeared holding a Troodont.
"Oh my god, you caught him?"asked General Heart
"Yeah, he was planing to bomb our troops" said a Marine
"Lock him up, quick before he wakes up"said Captain Locke
The Greal Marines threw him into a prison truck, designed for holding Troodonts.
"We will question him later."said General Heart.
07-06-2007, 02:48
In Alberton (location hint) province, the leader of a group of Troodont fighters had begun sneaking their way across the country. The cold air causing the Troodonts to exhale whitish smoke from their long snouts whenever their mouths were open and from their nostrils.
The typical Troodont snout was about 1 foot in length and helped the neck muscles in tearing prey apart.
The fastest Troodont ran 25mph. That was the record. Their body heat was internally regulated.
Troodont Village of Hilakala:
Troodont Hammerian could careless about the war. Though he was curious because Brachiosaurus had never had a war before. In fact the dinosaurids hadn't seen a war in millions of years so the concept was new to them. The weapons systems they had developed were intended for defense against outside invasion. But new ideas had invaded Brachiosaurus without a shot being fired. Some of those ideas such as democracy coincided with the Brach concept of "Ragmara" (the people hold the power).
But they had no coinciding term for Nazism or genocide. That is why the vast amounts of forcing dinos from their villages because of what species they were was highly bewildering to both species of dinos. On the Brach side, the ethnic or in this case species cleansing of the villages was not motivated out hate for other species but rather resulted from intense anger at Brach's being unfairly forced to move just because they were not Troodonts.
Later Troodont species cleansings would be based off the same premise and the cycle would go on for the duration of the war. Troodonts and Brachs were forcing the other species out of their villages just because of thier species but neither knew why their own people were doing it.
When one young Brach asked he was given the answer "Because that is how wars are supposed to be done." But in truth the answerer himself didn't know. He had looked at wars among humans and found ethnic cleansing to be a common factor to the majority of them.
Brach and Troodont children were banned by war time law from playing with each other.
Many Troodonts who were held prisoner by the Brach's were tortured because a government official had watched a Taliban documentary about how to get information from enemies and recommended that Brachiosaur government adopt the same techniques cause the humans used them to great effect.
Hammerian feared for his family and wished for the end of the war. His brother Ralph and their family were killed when the Brach's bombed their village.
Dirty Pie
07-06-2007, 02:51
As thousands of soldiers set up camp in Shavampa valley not a one of them could suppress his paranoia. Even though there were thousands more marines stationed on the outer part of the valley every man felt alone.
Hopefully they were alone they thought, better alone than surrounded by Troodonts, even thought they were dead tired from their march into the valley, this would be a sleepless night.
As thousands of soldiers set up camp in Shavampa valley not a one of them could suppress his paranoia. Even though there were thousands more marines stationed on the outer part of the valley every man felt alone.
Hopefully they were alone they thought, better alone than surrounded by Troodonts, even thought they were dead tired from their march into the valley, this would be a sleepless night.
do you want to cordinate our men together?
OOC:500 F-22s arrived at a new airfield, their mission weas to escort troops in and also help the Brach air force.
Dirty Pie
07-06-2007, 03:05
That Sounds like a good idea
That Sounds like a good idea
you could move your men to the beach we're on, that way we are completely protected from the Troodonts.
The Greal army dropped off 4 more divisions of Greal infranty and marines.
Dirty Pie
07-06-2007, 04:02
Im not Sure i was told to secure the valley
OOC: thats okay, we will send a eilte infranty division to your area to help sercur the area.
I Hate The Army
07-06-2007, 06:30
"This is Field Marshall King of the I Hate The Army Imperial Army. We are pleased to be aiding you in your fight against the Brach menace. Currently we have approximately 4 aircraft carriers, 20 destroyers, 20 cruisers, and about 250,000 troops deploying to your region. If you need anymore troops we will gladly committ another 50,000-100,000"
07-06-2007, 08:35
"This is Field Marshall King of the I Hate The Army Imperial Army. We are pleased to be aiding you in your fight against the Brach menace. Currently we have approximately 4 aircraft carriers, 20 destroyers, 20 cruisers, and about 250,000 troops deploying to your region. If you need anymore troops we will gladly committ another 50,000-100,000"
Troodont Response:
"We could use all the help we can get. We need you to attack the Greal forces at Selmosa Beach. We have units headed that way already but you are closer."
Troodont High Chieftain, consulting his war cabinet, was highly worried about the presence of enemy forces in Shevampa.
"Send 10 Divisions to secure Shevamapa Valley's oil fields and rid the area of all enemies. Soldiers have permission to eat the enemy."
The following day, 500,000 Troodonts began converging on Shevampa valley. Some enemy soldiers would not be going home, not even in body bags.
Brach High Command:
"Sir we have detected a mass movement of Troodonts to Shevampa. It is of high strategic importance. If the Troodonts sieze it, our oil supplies will be slashed by a third." Gil
"The Valley also leads to Porkath Plateau which overlooks the region around it. Whoever controls the plateau also controls the valley" hi who was looking at a map of the nation.
"Send 10 Divisions to secure the valley and 10 to take the Plateau. Have the humans at Selmosa assist in the taking of the Plateau."
Brach Message to Greal:
"We are mounting a mission to secure Shnot Plateau. This location is strategically important because it overlooks Shevampa Valley which is strategic in its own right because of the vast amount of oil there. Be advised that the Troodonts are on the March. They are headed toward Shevampa. We hope to head them off with our own troops who are on the way."
Troodont Response:
"We could use all the help we can get. We need you to attack the Greal forces at Selmosa Beach. We have units headed that way already but you are closer."
Troodont High Chieftain, consulting his war cabinet, was highly worried about the presence of enemy forces in Shevampa.
"Send 10 Divisions to secure Shevamapa Valley's oil fields and rid the area of all enemies. Soldiers have permission to eat the enemy."
The following day, 500,000 Troodonts began converging on Shevampa valley. Some enemy soldiers would not be going home, not even in body bags.
Brach High Command:
"Sir we have detected a mass movement of Troodonts to Shevampa. It is of high strategic importance. If the Troodonts sieze it, our oil supplies will be slashed by a third." Gil
"The Valley also leads to Porkath Plateau which overlooks the region around it. Whoever controls the plateau also controls the valley" hi who was looking at a map of the nation.
"Send 10 Divisions to secure the valley and 10 to take the Plateau. Have the humans at Selmosa assist in the taking of the Plateau."
Brach Message to Greal:
"We are mounting a mission to secure Shnot Plateau. This location is strategically important because it overlooks Shevampa Valley which is strategic in its own right because of the vast amount of oil there. Be advised that the Troodonts are on the March. They are headed toward Shevampa. We hope to head them off with our own troops who are on the way."
6 divisons will help your army sercue the oil field. The Greal air force will also help.
I Hate The Army
07-06-2007, 16:42
"This is Field Marshall King. We will engage the Greal forces as Selmosa Beach. We have intercepted a message from the Brach army to the Greal army. They are aware you are headed towards Shevampa and the brachs plan to capture the Shnot Plateau. We are dispatching our 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions comprising approximately 60,000 soldiers to Shevampa and our 11th Armoured Cavalry division approximately 30,000 soldiers, tanks, and armoured fighting vehicles to secure the Shnot Plateau before the Brachs can. We will also set up an air defense grid around Selmosa and Shevampa to deal with any enemy aircraft they may show although we have not verfied the rumors of aircraft involvment as of this time. King out"
Dirty Pie
07-06-2007, 21:41
"This is Connor Hewit Dirty Pies minister of defense, we have 5 aircraft carriers 30 miles off the coast of brachiosaurus. 100,000 soldiers are to parachute 1 mile inland of Selmosa beach and meet up with Greal forces . "
08-06-2007, 02:04
"This is Field Marshall King. We will engage the Greal forces as Selmosa Beach. We have intercepted a message from the Brach army to the Greal army. They are aware you are headed towards Shevampa and the brachs plan to capture the Shnot Plateau. We are dispatching our 1st and 2nd Infantry divisions comprising approximately 60,000 soldiers to Shevampa and our 11th Armoured Cavalry division approximately 30,000 soldiers, tanks, and armoured fighting vehicles to secure the Shnot Plateau before the Brachs can. We will also set up an air defense grid around Selmosa and Shevampa to deal with any enemy aircraft they may show although we have not verfied the rumors of aircraft involvment as of this time. King out"
Troodont Message to I Hate The Army
"The Troodont Freedom Fighters are grateful for your information. We need weapons and aircraft to counter the Brachs aircraft. Setting up air defense grids is a good idea. We should like to discuss with you the possibility of your forces training ours after this war is over so ours can be more effective at using human weapons systems."
08-06-2007, 02:12
Troodont Team Quagmire slipped up to the perimeter of the Greal encampment. They stood patiently, hiding in the bushes ready to pounce on their prey. They watched the Greal patrol as it approached, their eyes having natural night vision due to the size of their pupils. When the last man passed the first bush, the Troodonts jumped out at them slashing with the 5 foot razor sharp claws of their foot and snapping at the humans with their teeth.
The 10 Troodonts set upon the humans with a roaring sound (think of the sound the velociraptors made in Jurassic Park and multiply it by 10).
The Troodonts began their raid of the Greal encampment at Selmosa.
08-06-2007, 02:19
Brach message to Dirty Pie and Greal:
"Troodonts now being aided by humans from I hate the army. Your forces have permission to engage enemy aircraft in Brach airspace. We will be doing like wise. Brach government believes enemy air craft to be threat to our victory in this war.
Be advised, Brach recon shows IHTA setting up what appears to be air defenses at Troodont section of Selmosa Beach and at Shevampa.
We believe the enemy knows of our plans to seize Schnot Plateau."
We are sending more men to the beach.
The beach got ready for a battle, Greal tanks and infranty dug in and built their defenses, the 6 divisions heading to the oil fields were still going there, more infranty were airlifted onto the beach. Greal fighters patroled the beach for the enemy.
"Oh no! The Troodonts are attacking us!" yelled Lt. Brian, who was in charge of the patrol.
The Greal troops started firing.
Brach message to Dirty Pie and Greal:
"Troodonts now being aided by humans from I hate the army. Your forces have permission to engage enemy aircraft in Brach airspace. We will be doing like wise. Brach government believes enemy air craft to be threat to our victory in this war.
Be advised, Brach recon shows IHTA setting up what appears to be air defenses at Troodont section of Selmosa Beach and at Shevampa.
We believe the enemy knows of our plans to seize Schnot Plateau."
do not worry, more Greal fighters are arriving.
08-06-2007, 06:43
Official Brach Message to I Hate The Army:
"Your presence on our land is unwanted. You do not have our permission. We know you are helping the rebels. Please leave Brachiosaurus at once."
In the city of Tachyon, another Troodont Suicide Bomber blew himself up at a major intersection in the middle of the city bringing most city traffic to a halt.
The refugee stream from the Shevampa Valley increased to a pour as Troodonts and Brachs alike fled the coming battle with their families and as much of their belongings they could take.
The two lines of refugees went in opposite directions. The troodonts heading for Troodont held territory from which they intended to leave the nation for Hataria. The Brach's heading for Brach and allied territory from which they would seek refuge in Hataria.
An international aid agency called on more nations to accept dinosaurid refugees from the Brachiosaurus civil war. International Refugee Commissionar Elizabeth Mars poignantly brought home the plight of dinosaurid families who were suffering from the war. She noted cases of Troodont children being tortured by adult Troodonts just for playing with Brach children and Brach children being tortured by adult Brachs for the same reason. She also noted that the war crime of rape had appeared for the first time in the conflict.
Thousands of the refugees were going without food or water. She called on the combatants not to attack the refugee columns.
The situation in Brachiosaurus was starting to get worse.
OOC: To Greal. Would it be possible for you to put a bit more details in your posts? For example how many of your troops were killed and injured. What type of weapons were they using?
Dirty Pie
08-06-2007, 19:57
8 heavy armor and 6 light armor divisions will be airlifted onto the beach in the next few days.
OOC: To Greal. Would it be possible for you to put a bit more details in your posts? For example how many of your troops were killed and injured. What type of weapons were they using?
OOC:Sorry, I was busy in the last post
IC: "Get down!" yelled Lt. Brian as he ducked behind a large rock. the patrol had only 26 men, 9 dead and 5 injured. The Greal troops began firing their M16 rifles at the Troodonts.
To: Dirty Pie forces
Thank you very much for the divisions, we need every man at the beach.
from: General Heart
Dirty Pie
09-06-2007, 00:53
IC: "Get down!" yelled Lt. Brian as he ducked behind a large rock. the patrol had only 26 men, 9 dead and 5 injured. The Greal troops began firing their M16 rifles at the Troodonts.
ooc:is that taking place at the beach or in a Troodont village?
ooc:is that taking place at the beach or in a Troodont village?
I was responding to the Troodont attack on my patrols.
To: Brach forces
Can we test new bombs on Troodont cities?
from: General Heart
Dirty Pie
09-06-2007, 02:07
"Lt. Desmond Sheppard reporting from Selmosa beach, we have set up strong enough defense including ground to air missiles, do your patrols need reinforced?"
"Lt. Desmond Sheppard reporting from Selmosa beach, we have set up strong enough defense including ground to air missiles, do your patrols need reinforced?"
don't know, if we increase patrols, the enemy will hit with more troops.
The Greal troops were only 5 miles from the oil fields now, the Greal Army halted for the day. Greal fighters were flying over the Greal army, including the new Shark fighters. The beach however had a huge defnese system, the Greal army waited for I Hated The Army's troops to attack.
Dirty Pie
09-06-2007, 02:31
Tired of waiting for the attack Lt. Sheppard sent 4 Humvees each conataining 6 men to go aid greal at the oil fields, if I Hate The Army didn't show up soon he didn't know what he'd do.
I Hate The Army
09-06-2007, 03:10
Field Marshall King sat in his war room onboard the IHTA flag ship Koaka with his advisors discussing possible plans of attack on the Selmosa beach.
"We know we will meet heavy resistance. We need some way to thin out the defending Greal and Dirty Pie forces," stated King, "I'm not taking any chances. We can't let the troodont or the brachs think we can't secure a measley beach. I want every possible idea thrown onto the table."
"Sir we don't preceive the resistance to be of high issue," said Lt. Dona, "our 60,000 man force we have staging should easily wipe them out."
"Regardles," yelled King, "I am going to do the one sure thing I know will clear that beach head before our landing......"
"Sir you can't be thinking...." Lt. Dona was quickly quieted by a stern look from King.
"Send a message to the Troodonts, give them 20 hours to clear the beach and the entire area of their forces within a 5 mile radius of the center of Selmosa beach. In 18 hours order all ships in the fleet to pull to a range of 10 miles from the beach. 3 hours after that order all cruisers and destroyers to open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on that beach. After the missle bombardment I want a tactical nuclear strike on that beach. This whole operation should be done in 24 hours gentlemen. We land on the beach in 30 hours.
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan, I am Lt.Cdr. Klund of the IHTA Imperial Navy. I have an urgent message from Field Marshall King. Transmitting over scrambled secured frequency: 'Chieftan I am hereby informing you that in 24 hours a tactical nuclear strike will be conducted on Selmosa Beach. You have 20 Hours to clear all your forces off the beach and the surrounding. You need to be more than 5 miles away from Selmosa. 18 hours into your time the Imperial Navy will move to a range of 10 Miles from Selmosa Beach. 1 hour after your 20 hours all cruisers and destroyers will open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on Selmosa. 3 hours after the bombardment begins the nuclear bombs will hit. TChieftan this whole operation will be concluded in 24 hours. I can not inform you at this time as to how many troops will be landing on the beach after the strike due to the issue of message security. Please chieftan heed this warning and move your men and any and all troodonts within 5 miles fo the beach away. We will not be held responsible for anyone who does not leave.' Chieftan that was Field Marshal Kings message. I suggest you not take it lightly. Klund out"
09-06-2007, 08:30
Field Marshall King sat in his war room onboard the IHTA flag ship Koaka with his advisors discussing possible plans of attack on the Selmosa beach.
"We know we will meet heavy resistance. We need some way to thin out the defending Greal and Dirty Pie forces," stated King, "I'm not taking any chances. We can't let the troodont or the brachs think we can't secure a measley beach. I want every possible idea thrown onto the table."
"Sir we don't preceive the resistance to be of high issue," said Lt. Dona, "our 60,000 man force we have staging should easily wipe them out."
"Regardles," yelled King, "I am going to do the one sure thing I know will clear that beach head before our landing......"
"Sir you can't be thinking...." Lt. Dona was quickly quieted by a stern look from King.
"Send a message to the Troodonts, give them 20 hours to clear the beach and the entire area of their forces within a 5 mile radius of the center of Selmosa beach. In 18 hours order all ships in the fleet to pull to a range of 10 miles from the beach. 3 hours after that order all cruisers and destroyers to open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on that beach. After the missle bombardment I want a tactical nuclear strike on that beach. This whole operation should be done in 24 hours gentlemen. We land on the beach in 30 hours.
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan, I am Lt.Cdr. Klund of the IHTA Imperial Navy. I have an urgent message from Field Marshall King. Transmitting over scrambled secured frequency: 'Chieftan I am hereby informing you that in 24 hours a tactical nuclear strike will be conducted on Selmosa Beach. You have 20 Hours to clear all your forces off the beach and the surrounding. You need to be more than 5 miles away from Selmosa. 18 hours into your time the Imperial Navy will move to a range of 10 Miles from Selmosa Beach. 1 hour after your 20 hours all cruisers and destroyers will open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on Selmosa. 3 hours after the bombardment begins the nuclear bombs will hit. TChieftan this whole operation will be concluded in 24 hours. I can not inform you at this time as to how many troops will be landing on the beach after the strike due to the issue of message security. Please chieftan heed this warning and move your men and any and all troodonts within 5 miles fo the beach away. We will not be held responsible for anyone who does not leave.' Chieftan that was Field Marshal Kings message. I suggest you not take it lightly. Klund out"
Troodont Message to Field Marshal King:
"Troodont forces will leave the area. You have consent to use Tomahawks. But we cannot condone the use of nuclear weapons against what is rightfully Troodont territory. Nuclear weapons have not been used since the great nuclear war among our people which occured some 23 million years ago. Nuclear weapons are anathema to all dinosaurid societies. Nuclear weapons are horrible weapons and we urge you to get rid of them before they destroy you."
09-06-2007, 08:32
ooc:is that taking place at the beach or in a Troodont village?
ooc: the attack on the patrols took place between the beach and the Troodont village
09-06-2007, 08:33
OOC:Sorry, I was busy in the last post
IC: "Get down!" yelled Lt. Brian as he ducked behind a large rock. the patrol had only 26 men, 9 dead and 5 injured. The Greal troops began firing their M16 rifles at the Troodonts.
To: Dirty Pie forces
Thank you very much for the divisions, we need every man at the beach.
from: General Heart
All the Troodonts in the Patrol were mowed down by the M16 fire. The M16's capable of carrying 30 round clips, more than enough to kill a Troodont or two if the person using it was properly trained.
Troodonts were fast, clocked at 25 miles an hour but the 5.56 mm round was much faster.
09-06-2007, 08:37
To: Brach forces
Can we test new bombs on Troodont cities?
from: General Heart
Brach message to General Hart:
"We would require more information on these "new bombs". We will not consent to use of nuclear weapons. Such weapons are anathema to dinosaurid society. They've been banned since the great dinosaurid nuclear war 23 million years ago. Since then, no one in Brachiosaurus has been allowed to build or possess nuclear weapons.
We see nukes as tools of barbarism. Those who use them become barbarians."
09-06-2007, 08:48
Around 23 million BC or BP if you prefer, the dinosaurid races had a major thermonuclear war. At the time there 5 intelligent dinosaurid races. Today there are only 2 as a result of the Great Nuke War. Though there are rumors that a third race survived in hiding but that is believed to be an urban legend. In the conflict over five billion dinosaurs were wiped out and the land was desolated. 5 billion wiped out in one day of war. While the radiation dissipated in a matter of months, the land took 2 million years to fully recover. In the meantime, its inhabitants had to suffer frequent droughts and starvation kept the population from fully.
During this time, all the wild animals and plants were completely destroyed. They had to wait until things were normal again to repopulate the wild parts of the island.
As a result, the Troodonts and the Brachs banned the production, sale, possession, and use of atomic weapons. In order to better enforce this important new law, the two united their nations into one government. In a power sharing agreement, the species that rules the nation would change every 5 million years.
The recent war is a result of a break down in that agreement due to outside influences that came in via the radio and television waves. Globalization was a major influence leading to the destabilization of Brachiosaurus and the rise of Troodont naziism and discontent with the Brach leadership.
Field Marshall King sat in his war room onboard the IHTA flag ship Koaka with his advisors discussing possible plans of attack on the Selmosa beach.
"We know we will meet heavy resistance. We need some way to thin out the defending Greal and Dirty Pie forces," stated King, "I'm not taking any chances. We can't let the troodont or the brachs think we can't secure a measley beach. I want every possible idea thrown onto the table."
"Sir we don't preceive the resistance to be of high issue," said Lt. Dona, "our 60,000 man force we have staging should easily wipe them out."
"Regardles," yelled King, "I am going to do the one sure thing I know will clear that beach head before our landing......"
"Sir you can't be thinking...." Lt. Dona was quickly quieted by a stern look from King.
"Send a message to the Troodonts, give them 20 hours to clear the beach and the entire area of their forces within a 5 mile radius of the center of Selmosa beach. In 18 hours order all ships in the fleet to pull to a range of 10 miles from the beach. 3 hours after that order all cruisers and destroyers to open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on that beach. After the missle bombardment I want a tactical nuclear strike on that beach. This whole operation should be done in 24 hours gentlemen. We land on the beach in 30 hours.
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan, I am Lt.Cdr. Klund of the IHTA Imperial Navy. I have an urgent message from Field Marshall King. Transmitting over scrambled secured frequency: 'Chieftan I am hereby informing you that in 24 hours a tactical nuclear strike will be conducted on Selmosa Beach. You have 20 Hours to clear all your forces off the beach and the surrounding. You need to be more than 5 miles away from Selmosa. 18 hours into your time the Imperial Navy will move to a range of 10 Miles from Selmosa Beach. 1 hour after your 20 hours all cruisers and destroyers will open fire with their ENTIRE payload of Tomahawk Missles on Selmosa. 3 hours after the bombardment begins the nuclear bombs will hit. TChieftan this whole operation will be concluded in 24 hours. I can not inform you at this time as to how many troops will be landing on the beach after the strike due to the issue of message security. Please chieftan heed this warning and move your men and any and all troodonts within 5 miles fo the beach away. We will not be held responsible for anyone who does not leave.' Chieftan that was Field Marshal Kings message. I suggest you not take it lightly. Klund out"
You are going to nuke us?
Brach message to General Hart:
"We would require more information on these "new bombs". We will not consent to use of nuclear weapons. Such weapons are anathema to dinosaurid society. They've been banned since the great dinosaurid nuclear war 23 million years ago. Since then, no one in Brachiosaurus has been allowed to build or possess nuclear weapons.
We see nukes as tools of barbarism. Those who use them become barbarians."
don't worry, they aren't nukes. However the new bombs are very powerful.
All the Troodonts in the Patrol were mowed down by the M16 fire. The M16's capable of carrying 30 round clips, more than enough to kill a Troodont or two if the person using it was properly trained.
Troodonts were fast, clocked at 25 miles an hour but the 5.56 mm round was much faster.
"That will teach them not to mess with our patrols" said Lt. Brian laughing. The Greal patrol returned to the beach, the patrol lost 11 men and 5 wounded in the fighting. The patrols were reinforced with more men.
"Is it true?"asked Major Locke (Who was promoted the other day.)
"Yes it is true that a nuclear strike might hit this beach"said General Heart
"That is crazy!"said major Locke
"I know, some of the Greal divisions have began leaving for the oil fields"said General Heart.
Major Locke sat down on the couch, he was very sad, he wanted to see his wife, Claudia, again before getting killed in combat.
"Our anti-missile missiles are ready for combat."said Major Locke
"The Greal navy is offshore, waiting for the enemy fleet to come." said General Heart
The Greal army began getting ready for combat after hearing of a Nuclear strike, some Greal divisions were put back on the ships. More fighters arrive to patrol the ocean. The massive Greal aircraft carriers waited offfshore along with lots of battleships.
Dirty Pie
09-06-2007, 15:17
After meeting with Major Locke, Lt. Sheppard didn't know how to tell his men that they were going to be nuked, it was either run towards the Troodonts or away from the nukes.
I Hate The Army
09-06-2007, 16:27
Field Marshall King was in his state room. Lt.Cdr. Klund brings him news of the Troodont response.
"Sir the Troodonts have responded to your message about the nuclear strike on Selmosa." Klund said.
"Well are they going to be smart and leave the area?" asked King
"Yes sir they are, but only for the tomahawk strike. They as well as the brachs are condeming our even thinking about the use of the nuclear waepons. I fear if we use the nukes we will not only anger our enemies we will also anger our allies and have more enemies. I beg you sir call off the strike, only use the tomahawks, that should be enough to clear the beach for our landing." pleaded Klund.
"You snivelling little worm! If it weren't for you being my nephew I would kill you where you stand for questioning my orders. The nuclear strike goes ahead as planned. we have 3 hours till the tomahawk strike occurs, and then 3 more till the nukes fall from the sky. I want the missle defense grid of that beach so overwhelmed that they dont know what to destroy. Anyone who disagrees with my orders will be you understand me!" yelled King.
"Yes sir I understand..." replied Klund as King was leaving the room, "but I also know none of the men agree with this order."
I Hate The Army
09-06-2007, 16:39
"Your Eminence, this is Lieutenant Commander Klund, Executive Officer of the Koaka. I am informing you that Field Marshall King is planning on using tactical nuclear weapons on the Selmosa Beach in the next 6 hours. Both the Troodonts and the Brachs view nukes as a barbaric weapon and I fear that the Brach, Troodonts, and the world will turn against our empire if we use them and we will be plunged into a great war the likes of which this world has never seen. Please your eminence advise what I should do.....please father help me. Lt.Cdr. Klund out"
Reply from the Imperial palace
"Lt.Cdr. Klund. I have given the Field Marshall supreme command over the forces in the war; however I did not give him the authority to use nuclear weapons. I hereby order you to send a message to the fleet, the Troodonts, and the Brachs that we will not be using nuclear weapons and inform the Troodonts and the Brachs of my deepest apology for this cause of fear even being muttered. Inform the fleet to use our biological weapons on the beach that way when this war is all said and done, and we leave this place we will not have ruined it for future Troodonts or Brachs."
09-06-2007, 22:02
Brach Secret Message to Dirty Pie and Greal forces:
"In order to stop a possible IHTA nuclear attack, we will be launching sorties to destroy their naval forces in the area. We request support in this operation. Your assistance is needed in locating the enemy fleet."
The Shevampa Valley was surrounded by an awesome amount of forces, with the humans in between them.
To the north were 20 million Troodonts. To the south, 10 million Brachs. The ground of the valley was about to shake while to west, the Troodonts were retreatingfrom Selmosa Beach in the face of a possible nuclear strike.
In high earth orbit, the Brach satellites advanced optical system zoomed in on the area around Selmosa Beach searching for the ITHA naval group. It spotted the Troodonts leaving the area and the humans hustling to prepare their defenses.
Brach optics had advanced so far over the tens of millions of years that the camera was able to zoom in on the writing on a peice of paper. It was just a letter from home that had been delivered to one of the Greal soldiers who had either inadvertently left it out or had left because of the need for immediate preparation of their missile defenses. The Brach's didn't know.
On the opposite side of the moon, the ground vibrated as an ancient prehistoric machine began to emerge from the ground, covered completely with moon dust and rocks. There was a sizable dent were a tiny meteor had hit it 4 million years ago, creating a weak spot. A missile hit in that spot would destroy the vessel despite its advanced shielding technology. In fact, it had rendered the shields inoperable.
The huge black monolithic device blocked out the stars as it rose from the lunar depths and began moving toward the earth side of the moon and into a point somewhere halfway between earth and the moon.
An astronaut looking at the device could tell it hadn't been used in millenia and would be surprised that it still worked at all.
It was a device of last defense.
09-06-2007, 22:04
OOC: normally 10 to 20 million forces would be too large for a battle rp but I figure that a about 23 million years might be enough to build up that many.
Dirty Pie
10-06-2007, 00:17
Pilot Johnny Greenway was leading his squad of 12 aircraft on a bombing run of IHTA ships. Cruising at 3,000 feet in his B-1 lancer, Greenway radioed and informed his squad that they were there, they swooped in and opened fire.
Brach Secret Message to Dirty Pie and Greal forces:
"In order to stop a possible IHTA nuclear attack, we will be launching sorties to destroy their naval forces in the area. We request support in this operation. Your assistance is needed in locating the enemy fleet."
The Shevampa Valley was surrounded by an awesome amount of forces, with the humans in between them.
To the north were 20 million Troodonts. To the south, 10 million Brachs. The ground of the valley was about to shake while to west, the Troodonts were retreatingfrom Selmosa Beach in the face of a possible nuclear strike.
In high earth orbit, the Brach satellites advanced optical system zoomed in on the area around Selmosa Beach searching for the ITHA naval group. It spotted the Troodonts leaving the area and the humans hustling to prepare their defenses.
Brach optics had advanced so far over the tens of millions of years that the camera was able to zoom in on the writing on a peice of paper. It was just a letter from home that had been delivered to one of the Greal soldiers who had either inadvertently left it out or had left because of the need for immediate preparation of their missile defenses. The Brach's didn't know.
On the opposite side of the moon, the ground vibrated as an ancient prehistoric machine began to emerge from the ground, covered completely with moon dust and rocks. There was a sizable dent were a tiny meteor had hit it 4 million years ago, creating a weak spot. A missile hit in that spot would destroy the vessel despite its advanced shielding technology. In fact, it had rendered the shields inoperable.
The huge black monolithic device blocked out the stars as it rose from the lunar depths and began moving toward the earth side of the moon and into a point somewhere halfway between earth and the moon.
An astronaut looking at the device could tell it hadn't been used in millenia and would be surprised that it still worked at all.
It was a device of last defense.
Okay, our Satelites show that they are 15 miles from our fleet.
"Lets move!" yelled the Airt Force general
hundreds of pilots scrambled to find their plane. Mechanics were also helping the pilots. 5 minutes later 500 Shark fighters were ready for combat.
"Your mission is to blast the enemy at sea, you fire your missiles and get out of there, is that clear?" yelled the Air Force General
"Yes Sir!"yelled all the pilots.
"700 F-65s will be escorting you."said the Air force general, then the Air force general went back into the headquarters.
"I wish you good luck"said the general as he walked back in the building
10 minutes later the massive air fleet of fighters were in the air.
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 02:04
"Commander we are picking up massive enemy aircraft in bound." said Ensign Holmes. "We need to get our fighters in the air then turn and run."
"Launch all fighters, put all ships on alert, arm the CIWS' of all vessels. Order all troops to begin the landing of Selmosa. Launch all missles. Hit that beach with everything we have conventional, biological, and chemical. Conduct the landing now and hopefully all the missles will hit before the ground forces land but make sure all troops are wearing their NBC gear. Arm and launch 5 aircraft with nuclear devices and have them scatter to various directions and milages; make sure they know that if we dont contact them in 1 hour they are to drop their bombs on Selmosa BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Once all fighters have been launched our carriers are to turn and make a run for it" Yelled Lt.Cdr. Klund
"Aye Aye Sir!"
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan we are picking up several enemy fighters inbound to our fleets location. We are launching our missle sorties immediately and our ground forces are heading to the beach. We also have a last resort sortie that will take acction if I personally do not radio them in a set time. Unfortunately I can not tell you the time limit due to radio intercepted message. We will be hitting that beach with everything we have. Be advised I have ordered our carriers to turn back after they launch their planes so they will have to land at Troodont bases, treat our men well. Klund Out"
As Klund sent the message the roar of missles being fired deafened the silence of the open sea. 600 aircraft took to the skies from the decks of their carriers, once cleared of their aircraft the carriers turned and made flank speed for international waters. The IHTA Amphibious landing was underway 60,000 troops were now heading towards Selmosa, being preceeded by incoming conventional, biological, and chemical missles.
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 02:09
The IHTA destroyer Dreadstone had picked up the Dirty Pie bombers on its radar. It opened up fire with its CIWS. The bombers Started their run on the Dreadstone. The CIWS system was able to take out 4 of the 12 bombers, and severley disabled 5 before it was sent to the bottom of the sea, claiming the lives of all 1200 sailors onboard.
"Commander we are picking up massive enemy aircraft in bound." said Ensign Holmes. "We need to get our fighters in the air then turn and run."
"Launch all fighters, put all ships on alert, arm the CIWS' of all vessels. Order all troops to begin the landing of Selmosa. Launch all missles. Hit that beach with everything we have conventional, biological, and chemical. Conduct the landing now and hopefully all the missles will hit before the ground forces land but make sure all troops are wearing their NBC gear. Arm and launch 5 aircraft with nuclear devices and have them scatter to various directions and milages; make sure they know that if we dont contact them in 1 hour they are to drop their bombs on Selmosa BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Once all fighters have been launched our carriers are to turn and make a run for it" Yelled Lt.Cdr. Klund
"Aye Aye Sir!"
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan we are picking up several enemy fighters inbound to our fleets location. We are launching our missle sorties immediately and our ground forces are heading to the beach. We also have a last resort sortie that will take acction if I personally do not radio them in a set time. Unfortunately I can not tell you the time limit due to radio intercepted message. We will be hitting that beach with everything we have. Be advised I have ordered our carriers to turn back after they launch their planes so they will have to land at Troodont bases, treat our men well. Klund Out"
As Klund sent the message the roar of missles being fired deafened the silence of the open sea. 600 aircraft took to the skies from the decks of their carriers, once cleared of their aircraft the carriers turned and made flank speed for international waters. The IHTA Amphibious landing was underway 60,000 troops were now heading towards Selmosa, being preceeded by incoming conventional, biological, and chemical missles.
"Hey guys we got company"said Karl who was in charge of the air fleet
All the Greal fighters scattered and fired their anti-ship missiles at the enemy fleet, but not before dozens of Greal fighters went down by the missile strike. Then the Greal fighters fired their deadly Viking missiles at the eney planes.
The Greal forces at the beach were being airlifted to a Brach city, Greal transport ships were carring lots of divisions. The only thing the stood in the way of the I Hate The Army fleet was the Greal naval fleet. The Greal naval fleet moved away from the beach.
General Heart was moved to a different headquarters.
"They want to fire nukes and Chemical bombs?"asked General Heart
"Yes, the GIA confirmed it. We should fight back with nukes"said Major Locke
"We will, I just gotten permission to nuke them, because they are going to nuke us."said General Heart
"Sir I gotten a report that 5 patrols were ambushed by the Troodonts yesterday, but we killed them all in the ambushes." said Major Locke
General Heart sat down on is desk and stared sadly.
"More then Half of the Greal troops on the beach have been moved, but there are still 2 divisions that have to get out"said General Heart
"they might not make it"said Major Locke
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 02:35
With half of the IHTA fleet now on their way to the bottom of the ocean the remaining ships turned and headed to internation water, but not before all ships had fired their missles to the beach. Half the missles had been shot out of the sky by the Greal defense sheild, some were conventional warheads, but some were filled with Seron nerve gas that fell to the beach afflicting everything with a nervous system. The remaining missles hit their target destroying almost three-quarters of the remaining greal division and contaminating the area with the seron nerve gas, and anthrax. The IHTA amphibious force had landed and stormed the beach in their NBC gear. Under orders to take no prisoners all remaining greal troops were killed, but not before they managed to kill 7100 soldiers in the landing.
With half of the IHTA fleet now on their way to the bottom of the ocean the remaining ships turned and headed to internation water, but not before all ships had fired their missles to the beach. Half the missles had been shot out of the sky by the Greal defense sheild, some were conventional warheads, but some were filled with Seron nerve gas that fell to the beach afflicting everything with a nervous system. The remaining missles hit their target destroying almost three-quarters of the remaining greal division and contaminating the area with the seron nerve gas, and anthrax. The IHTA amphibious force had landed and stormed the beach in their NBC gear. Under orders to take no prisoners all remaining greal troops were killed, but not before they managed to kill 7100 soldiers in the landing.
Major Tent was watching the beach with some men.
"Damn Bastards!" said Major Tent
"I know, lets go"said Lt. Brian
"I count 20,000 dead bodies"said Lt. Paul who was holding a camera
"Lets move" said Major Tent
"I heard General Heart is considering nuking the beach"said Lt. Brian
"I hope he does" said Major Tent
The small force went back to the Greal troop camps at a Brach city
OOC: How many men did you lose in the landing?
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 03:03
OOC: 7100 and half my fleet like i said and half my fleet
Dirty Pie
10-06-2007, 03:03
Lt. Desmond Sheppard sat in his tent, glad he made the decision to pull back when he did, when he saw the ships fire their missiles he knew they had no hope. He ordered his troops to pull back to the safety of the nearest city, all the while watching the brave greal troops die, they had only lost about 1000 men so far 8 from their planes being shot and 900 some from gases and diseases during their retreat from selmosa. Feeling cowardice for his actions today he called in his assistant.
"Radio Major Locke and ask him when he can rally his troops for an attack, I want to hit these bastards hard and fast! "
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 03:04
OOC: 7100 and half my fleet like i said and half my fleet
OOC: 7100 and half my fleet like i said and half my fleet
oh, I didn't see.
Lt. Desmond Sheppard sat in his tent, glad he made the decision to pull back when he did, when he saw the ships fire their missiles he knew they had no hope. He ordered his troops to pull back to the safety of the nearest city, all the while watching the brave greal troops die, they had only lost about 1000 men so far 8 from their planes being shot and 900 some from gases and diseases during their retreat from selmosa. Feeling cowardice for his actions today he called in his assistant.
"Radio Major Locke and ask him when he can rally his troops for an attack, I want to hit these bastards hard and fast! "
message to Diry Pie said "Okay, we will atttack them"
quickly 3 elitle divisions were ready, along with 1000 tanks, they charged into the beach with air support.
Dirty Pie
10-06-2007, 03:26
As quickly as they could 50,000 soldiers loaded up their M14s and headed for the beach, Lt. Sheppard did not want to retreat this time.
OOC: I Hate The Army, how did you get past my fleet?
IC: General Heart was at the Brach capital, meeting with the ambassdor to Brachiosaurus.
"So John, how is the war doing?"asked the ambassador
"Fine, though we have been wiped out in a battle on the beach"said General Heart
"I have orders from the president to promote these men."said the ambassador
General Heart looked at the list of people to be promoted, Major Locke was one of them. Man, I can't believe this throught General Heart.
"How big is the Greal army here?"asked the ambassador
"760,000 men, and the number is growing every day."said General Heart
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 03:35
The IHTA amphibious landing was a success. Inorder to make the beach a safer place for their troops they started making a mine field around their camp. 25,000 troops of the landing party were sent to the oil fields to help the troodonts secure it. The remaining 27,900 troops stayed behind to secure the beach, build the mine field, and establish an air defense grid.
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 03:36
OOC: I Hate The Army, how did you get past my fleet?
OOC: I thought your fleet was attacking my fleet and not the amphibious assault. If I was mistaken I'm sorry but you didn't indicate who they were attacking
Dirty Pie
10-06-2007, 04:05
As the soldiers reached te beach Lt. Sheppard waited for his scouts to report back. "Sir we outnumber them 2-1 almost, but they are setting up a minefield. Radio Greal and make sure their tanks dont get into trouble and get me some mine sweepers up here, the troops saw the IHTA forces building minefields and making camps, they realized they had the element of surprise as they began to unload their weapons into the unsespecting soldiers. "
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 04:16
With the surprise attack of the Dirty Pie soldiers the soldiers of the IHTA Army responded back with a volley of their own. Grenades and rifle fire from their MX8 battle rifles rang throughout the area. the attack lasted for about 2 hours. when it ended 1200 IHTA soldiers had died and an unknown number of Dirty Pie forces were also killed but IHTA soldiers knew they were still pretty well manned.
IC: "How the hell did we not detect those enemy soldiers?" Questioned Major Dunn.
"Well sir, you ordered us to set-up the camp and a mine field as fast as possible. While we were busy they hit us." Said captain Martin
"Get this place finished. I want it doen within the hour and I want CONSTANT patrols. Company sized elements will be used. Thats 200 men, if they cant find enemy soldeirs then I will order the final procedure. These patrols will patrol out a mile in every direction and radio back in every 15 minutes. One missed transmission and we go on FULL alert. Do you get me Captain!!!"
"Sir, Yes Sir!"
OOC: Going to bed for the night. Hopefully my army is still intact when I get back tomorrow
Dirty Pie
10-06-2007, 05:04
As the smoke cleared Dirty Pie had only lost 300 men, they wanted to travel farther into the camp but could not pass the mine field.
ooc:The number of DP troops in Brachiosaurus has been increased to 550,000
10-06-2007, 06:39
"Commander we are picking up massive enemy aircraft in bound." said Ensign Holmes. "We need to get our fighters in the air then turn and run."
"Launch all fighters, put all ships on alert, arm the CIWS' of all vessels. Order all troops to begin the landing of Selmosa. Launch all missles. Hit that beach with everything we have conventional, biological, and chemical. Conduct the landing now and hopefully all the missles will hit before the ground forces land but make sure all troops are wearing their NBC gear. Arm and launch 5 aircraft with nuclear devices and have them scatter to various directions and milages; make sure they know that if we dont contact them in 1 hour they are to drop their bombs on Selmosa BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Once all fighters have been launched our carriers are to turn and make a run for it" Yelled Lt.Cdr. Klund
"Aye Aye Sir!"
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan we are picking up several enemy fighters inbound to our fleets location. We are launching our missle sorties immediately and our ground forces are heading to the beach. We also have a last resort sortie that will take acction if I personally do not radio them in a set time. Unfortunately I can not tell you the time limit due to radio intercepted message. We will be hitting that beach with everything we have. Be advised I have ordered our carriers to turn back after they launch their planes so they will have to land at Troodont bases, treat our men well. Klund Out"
As Klund sent the message the roar of missles being fired deafened the silence of the open sea. 600 aircraft took to the skies from the decks of their carriers, once cleared of their aircraft the carriers turned and made flank speed for international waters. The IHTA Amphibious landing was underway 60,000 troops were now heading towards Selmosa, being preceeded by incoming conventional, biological, and chemical missles.
Troodont Response:
"Your pilots are welcome to land at Troodont controlled air fields. May we ask why your carriers are leaving?"
10-06-2007, 06:52
The Brach military watched with intense interest the attack on Selmosa Beach. Regretfully the allies had lost control of the beach to forces freindly to the Troodonts.
They noted the construction of what appeared to be minefields which would prevent an allied offensive to retake the beach.
The retaking of Selmosa would require resources that were needed at Shevampa.
Secret Brach Communique to allied forces at or near Selmosa Beach:
"The Brach government regrets the loss of Selmosa to the Troodonts and their ally. We believe that attempting to retake Selmosa at this point would require resources that are needed at Shevampa. Should you decided to try and retake Selmosa we shall attempt to help with what we can afford to give you.
A Brach airstrike against the IHTA forces on Selmosa is being prepared."
I Hate The Army
10-06-2007, 19:04
Troodont Response:
"Your pilots are welcome to land at Troodont controlled air fields. May we ask why your carriers are leaving?"
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Our carriers left because we could not afford to lose them to the enemy air attack on our fleet. We already lost half of our fleet to the attack. The beach has become heavily fortified. You can send your troops back to help us if you so choose, but it is not necessary." We also recieved a radio comunicae from our troops we have ont he way to Shevampa they should be there within the hour to assist you with taking the area there. You will be fighting alongside 20,000 heavily armed soldiers and 5,000 heavy assault tanks."
10-06-2007, 19:19
"Prepare to release cargo" Brach head warpilot Bick said into his mike.
The formation of some 200 Xill Stealth Bombers closed in on Selmosa Beach unescorted. As they approached they made their launch preparations.
At the count of 10 they released their payloads, each plane carrying 5 1,000 lb bombs, on to the beach below where the IHTA forces were congregated.
10-06-2007, 23:47
Official Government Message:
"Due to events in Hataria, the government advises its citizens against traveling to that country for the time being. We believe the current war between Hataria and certain other nations makes Hataria an unsafe place for dinosaurids."
11-06-2007, 00:07
As the human groups entered further into Brachiosaurus territory they had no idea of the exotic beasts they were encounter. The prior Dirty Pie and Greal forces had been lucky enough not to come face to face with the more wild aspects of Brachiosaurus.
However the IHTA sentry was being stalked though he had an eerie feeling. The kind of feeling you get when you think a stalker is watching you.
The 2.5 long tiny, chicken sized, predator was a relative of Compsognathus. But unlike this comps this guy hunted for a living and he and his herd were stalking their next meal from the confines of the thick bushes and overbrush. They were curious about the new creature they had never seen before but they were also hungry.
Juravenators having the intelligence of a house cat and a walk similar to a chicken's , one of them ran out of the bushes right in front of the man to test his reaction.
The humans in Brachiosaurus were about to have their first encounter with the nation's wild animal life.
The tiny Juravenator jumped on the guy and sliced its tiny needle sharp teeth into the man's gut. Then the remaining 49 Juravenators jumped out the dense brush and leaped on the startled human, slicing flesh where they could get a hold of. One biting off a piece of ear and another trying to sink its teeth into an eye.
The Juravenators were nasty little creature. Fortunately they were only as deadly as they're tiny bites because Juravenator saliva, contrary to urban legends, is not poisonous.
I Hate The Army
11-06-2007, 00:14
Official Message From the IHTA Imperial Palace to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan this is Emperor Holn. I am pleased to inform you we will be sending you an additional 750,000 troops, and 50,000 of our aircraft. We have them land in Troodont controlled territory. I hope this will even out the sides of the battle. I am also appointing a new Field Marshall to replace King for his disregard of authority governing the use of nuclear weapons. The new Field Marshall will be Field Marshall Dusm."
Televised News Report from the IHTA News Agency.
"The IHTA Imperial government wants to officially condem the Brach army for its willfull and savage execution of several Troodont refugees fleeing the fighting. The Brach army was seen by members of the 2/124th infantry of the IHTA Army, executing numerous Troodont civilians. Many of the victims were children, women, and elderly Troodonts. The IHTA Army was on Patrol near the Selmosa Beach area but were under orders not to engage Brach forces unless under direct enemy fire.
In other news concerning the war; Field Marshall King has been relieved of command of all IHTA force. Field Marshall Dusm replaces him becoming the youngest Field Marshall in IHTA history."
I Hate The Army
11-06-2007, 00:22
"Field Marshall Dusm this is Major Junt of the 1/117th MEF."
"This is Dusm, go ahead."
"Sir, we are encountering vicious little creatures. They have already killed one of our men. I respectfully request permission to start a mission to remove these pests from our operating area."
"Permission granted major. Use any means necessary short of nuclear devices."
"Yes Sir! Junt out"
"Men I have permission from Field Marshall Dusm. Effective immediately we will begin Operation Clear Out. Operation Clear Out is essentially the destruction of the vermins habitat that killed our man. We will use flamethrowers and burn this jungle to the ground. Additionally this will create alot of smoke so breathing masks will be required. It will also create a perfect screen against enemy fighters and bombers preventing them from being able to attack us at this location."
With that said Operation Clear Out was underway. in a matter of hours thousands of acres of Brach jungle were in flames creating massive amounts of smoke and destroying everything in the jungle
Dirty Pie
11-06-2007, 00:25
Does anyone known how many enemy forces are in Shevampa Valley?
11-06-2007, 00:29
Brach message to allies:
"Our naturlists have told us that as this is your first time in our country you need to be on the look for predators. The Jurvanater season is fast approaching and they may be coming out into the open to hunt in packs.
The animals are 2.5 feet in high and run very very fast (a single individual at 35 miles an hour and a herd has a max of 25 miles an hour). We are delivering T Rex urine to your HQ to be handed out to your people. The TRU keeps the Juvies, as we call them, away. "
Grand Cheiftain of the Brachs
Troodont Message to IHTA:
"Hopefully none of your people has had to meet up with any of our nation's more aggressive wildlife as of yet. However Juravenator season is fast approaching so we are advising you to take an alternate route and sending you 20 vials of T Rex urine in case any of your people have to cross through Juravenator hunting grounds. These creatures are the size of your chickens and hunt in packs of 50. They tend to hide in the underbrush while stalking their prey. "
Both governments sent the following image of a Juravenator to their allies:
11-06-2007, 00:33
Does anyone known how many enemy forces are in Shevampa Valley?
ooc: there are about ten million troodonts and ten million Brachs around the Shevampa valley or moving toward it.
11-06-2007, 00:47
Official Brach response to IHTA charges:
"IHTA should mind its own business. We would not have to kill Troodonts if they were not killing our own people first. We are not the one using suicide bombers to kill civilians."
On the plateau overlooking Shevampa, a lone Brach stood studying the valleying. He looks up into the sky as a small pteradactylus flies in front of his vision, grabbing a large, 1 ft long dragon fly in its mouth.
The Pteradactyluses were out this afternoon adding to the beauty of the scene with their red and purple skin glimmering against the blue of the sky. The flying reptiles were insectivores and hence no threat to either the Brach, Troodonts, or the humans. Though some curious Pteradactyluses did fly closer to the humans in the valley out of curiousity because they wanted a closer look at the strange creatures.
11-06-2007, 00:55
Official Brach Message to world's news agencies:
"The Brach government condemns the IHTA's wanton destruction of the natural environment. IHTA actions have destroyed the habitat of several endangered animals. We call for the IHTA government to be held accountable for its destruction of the natural environment."
OOC: I Hate the Army, is your men still on the beach?
Message to Brach forces
I would like to meet the general in charge of the Brach army later today.
from: General Heart
11-06-2007, 01:20
OOC: I Hate the Army, is your men still on the beach?
Message to Brach forces
I would like to meet the general in charge of the Brach army later today.
from: General Heart
"General Glogger will meet with this evening."
I Hate The Army
11-06-2007, 01:26
OOC: 25,000 went to Shevampa, and around 27,000 are still on the beach
OOC: 10 million Troodonts at the valley? man, I noly have 10 divisions in that area!
Lt. Brian and his patrol were patroling a forest when they were ambushed
"What are those? those aren't Troodonts"yelled a elite Greal marine
True enough, a small animal was attacking the humans without guns.
"Blast them quick!"yelled Lt. Brian
The Greal troops fired their M16s at the little creatures, most of the creatures were blasted.
"Man, they are about the size of a chicken"said Lt. Brian
"Well, lets get out of here."said a marine
The Patrol quickly moved out of the area, but the patrol brought a small creature for the Brach force to exainm.
OOC: 25,000 went to Shevampa, and around 27,000 are still on the beach
4 divisons suddenly attacked the beach along with 100 tanks and some air support.
"Charge!"yelled Colonel Locke
The Greal divisions charged at the enemy quickly, but the enemy picked off some of them. Tanks rumbled by firing at the enemy postions.
"Fire your guns, quickly!" yelled Colonel Locke who was behind a rock along with dozens of Greal troops.
The whole line of the Greal troops began firing their rilfes at the enemy postions.
11-06-2007, 02:46
The Warmacht landed and the Brach General dismounted in the Greal encampment on his way to meet their General.
The ground trembled slightly as a Tyrannosaur roamed nearby stalking it's prey, a young triceratops. The huge predator lept on the smaller animal before the latter had a chance to run away. Blood flew high and all over the human encampment as the T Rex ripped a huge chunk of flesh and blood and bone out the now dead herbivore before bending down and ripping out more chunks and throwing them into the air and tossing its head back to swallow the peices whole as the humans watched.
It caught them in the corner of its eye and a warning roar went out as it crouched toward the humans, a warning to stay away from the T Rex's dinner. This T Rex was not in a mood to share.
"General, I would advise you to keep your people away from the T Rex. They'll attack anything that looks like its going to steal their dinner." Tocomseh, Brach guide to Greal forces.
The Warmacht landed and the Brach General dismounted in the Greal encampment on his way to meet their General.
The ground trembled slightly as a Tyrannosaur roamed nearby stalking it's prey, a young triceratops. The huge predator lept on the smaller animal before the latter had a chance to run away. Blood flew high and all over the human encampment as the T Rex ripped a huge chunk of flesh and blood and bone out the now dead herbivore before bending down and ripping out more chunks and throwing them into the air and tossing its head back to swallow the peices whole as the humans watched.
It caught them in the corner of its eye and a warning roar went out as it crouched toward the humans, a warning to stay away from the T Rex's dinner. This T Rex was not in a mood to share.
"General, I would advise you to keep your people away from the T Rex. They'll attack anything that looks like its going to steal their dinner." Tocomseh, Brach guide to Greal forces.
"Move men!" yelled Colonel Locke, the Greal troops near the T-Rex moved away fast beofre the T-Rex could see them.
"Hello General Glogger" said Colonel Locke "the General will be with you in a few minutes"
11-06-2007, 02:50
OOC: 10 million Troodonts at the valley? man, I noly have 10 divisions in that area!
Lt. Brian and his patrol were patroling a forest when they were ambushed
"What are those? those aren't Troodonts"yelled a elite Greal marine
True enough, a small animal was attacking the humans without guns.
"Blast them quick!"yelled Lt. Brian
The Greal troops fired their M16s at the little creatures, most of the creatures were blasted.
"Man, they are about the size of a chicken"said Lt. Brian
"Well, lets get out of here."said a marine
The Patrol quickly moved out of the area, but the patrol brought a small creature for the Brach force to exainm.
OOC: how many is ten divisions? You need more people.
IC: The Brach looked at the small creature.
"It is a Juravenator Starki. Their not poisonous but they are vicious hunters when they are in packs. The pack sizes usually number about 50 of these things. Here, take this T Rex piss with you next time. It keeps them away cause they fear Rexy. Most of the wild animals in our nation fear the T Rex."
OOC: how many is ten divisions? You need more people.
IC: The Brach looked at the small creature.
"It is a Juravenator Starki. Their not poisonous but they are vicious hunters when they are in packs. The pack sizes usually number about 50 of these things. Here, take this T Rex piss with you next time. It keeps them away cause they fear Rexy. Most of the wild animals in our nation fear the T Rex."
OOC: each Greal division has 30,000 men, so I am oputnumbered by alot.
Lt. Brian stared at the T-Rex urine that the Brach guide gave him.
"Where did you get this?"asked Lt. Brian
11-06-2007, 03:03
OOC: each Greal division has 30,000 men, so I am oputnumbered by alot.
Lt. Brian stared at the T-Rex urine that the Brach guide gave him.
"Where did you get this?"asked Lt. Brian
Tecomseh: "We keep a couple of T Rex's in capitivity at our zoos and a couple in our research institutions. They collect the urine when after the T Rex does its business. But most of the work is done when the T Rex is either away or asleep. When they urinate, it collects into puddle on the ground and all you need is a sample collector like a bowl or something." he said matter of factly.
OOC: you have about ten million Brach's on your side.
Tecomseh: "We keep a couple of T Rex's in capitivity at our zoos and a couple in our research institutions. They collect the urine when after the T Rex does its business. But most of the work is done when the T Rex is either away or asleep. When they urinate, it collects into puddle on the ground and all you need is a sample collector like a bowl or something." he said matter of factly.
OOC: you have about ten million Brach's on your side.
OOC:How big are Troodonts and Brachs?
11-06-2007, 03:13
OOC: The Troodont's are about human size. The Brachs are about 15 feet in high if you include the long necks. I posted some descriptions of them earlier in the thread.
After reading through that, it looks pretty good for the brachs.
OOC: The Troodont's are about human size. The Brachs are about 15 feet in high if you include the long necks. I posted some descriptions of them earlier in the thread.
I see,
IC: "General Glogger, you may come in now"said Colonel Locke
11-06-2007, 03:28
General Glogger entered the small facility but had to lower his neck to get in because he could not stand up all the way. With his snake like neck he looked around the Greal General's tent then at the General.
"I am General Glogger of the Brach armies."
General Glogger entered the small facility but had to lower his neck to get in because he could not stand up all the way. With his snake like neck he looked around the Greal General's tent then at the General.
"I am General Glogger of the Brach armies."
"hello General Glogger, I am General John Heart and this is Colonel Locke"said General Heart
General Heart went to a file drawer and took out some pictures.
"General Glogger, lets discuss the stargey to end this war."said General Heart
11-06-2007, 03:38
"Yes. This war must come to an end. Our next step is seize control of the Schnot Plateau from which we will descend upon Shevampa.
In return for your countries assistance my government wishes to offer you technological assistance. Tomorrow your men will recieve a gift of gratitude from my government. Two Brachs will accompany it to train your men to use it."
"Yes. This war must come to an end. Our next step is seize control of the Schnot Plateau from which we will descend upon Shevampa.
In return for your countries assistance my government wishes to offer you technological assistance. Tomorrow your men will recieve a gift of gratitude from my government. Two Brachs will accompany it to train your men to use it."
"thank you. How many Troodonts are on the Plateau? More Greal troops are arriving, including the best division of Greal, the elite 1st infranty division. Should we bomb the Troodont cities?"
11-06-2007, 03:53
"thank you. How many Troodonts are on the Plateau? More Greal troops are arriving, including the best division of Greal, the elite 1st infranty division. Should we bomb the Troodont cities?"
Glogger thought. Then he said: "No cause then we would have to rebuild them. It would be better to concentrate our forces on the Troodont armies themselves. There are 10 million Troodonts in the valley and another 10 million have entered the Plateau overlooking it. 20 million Troodonts altogether not counting those at Selmosa. The entire Brach army numbers only 10 million. We are outnumbered 2 to one but a Brach can easily dispatch 5 Troodonts. We also have the air force on our side. The Troodonts have no aircraft. They rely on the IHTA forces for air cover. So do not fear the numbers General."
Glogger thought. Then he said: "No cause then we would have to rebuild them. It would be better to concentrate our forces on the Troodont armies themselves. There are 10 million Troodonts in the valley and another 10 million have entered the Plateau overlooking it. 20 million Troodonts altogether not counting those at Selmosa. The entire Brach army numbers only 10 million. We are outnumbered 2 to one but a Brach can easily dispatch 5 Troodonts. We also have the air force on our side. The Troodonts have no aircraft. They rely on the IHTA forces for air cover. So do not fear the numbers General."
"And Dirty Pie Air force and Greal Air force will be helping you. Surely the Troodont troop camps will be visble from the air right?"
11-06-2007, 04:03
"Yes, that is correct. The Troodonts have not had time to bunker themselves in. I'm counting on their leaders not having had the forsight to build such structures in advance. But the IHTA who helping them, I do not know about. It is possible the humans are building bunkers. But not all the Troodonts can fit into the bunkers, perhaps a fraction."
"Yes, that is correct. The Troodonts have not had time to bunker themselves in. I'm counting on their leaders not having had the forsight to build such structures in advance. But the IHTA who helping them, I do not know about. It is possible the humans are building bunkers. But not all the Troodonts can fit into the bunkers, perhaps a fraction."
"We should bomb them, Greal has 2000 aircraft standing by."
11-06-2007, 04:15
"Yes, that would be a good idea. They will be reinforced by 5,000 Grills and 100 Fumas."
"Yes, that would be a good idea. They will be reinforced by 5,000 Grills and 100 Fumas."
"Why don't we go down to the air field to watch the planes, but first, order your planes to bomb the enemy."said General heart
At the air field, the air force general ordered pilots into action, thousands of men poured into the airfield to get ready for battle.
"Your misssion is to bomb the enemy at the Sector 5 and Sector 7!" yelled The General
"Yes Sir!" yelled all the pilots as they saluted
"get ready for battle!" yelled The Air force general
hundreds of pilots got into their planes and took off the biggest air field in the area.
Jeff Reme was in charge of a small force of planes, there mission was to bom,b a valley.
11-06-2007, 04:36
OOC: We should give IHTA a chance to post before we starting the bombing.
The Armed Republic of Fudk is officially welcoming any and all refugees who are fleeing this civil war
We will provide all refugees with adequate shelter, supplies, and other neccesities until they find means of supporting themselves.
However, due to the racist nature of this conflict, we regrettably must divide up the refugee camps. Since our nation consists of many islands, we find it wise to put each race on a seperate island. While relief has already been given to the Trodonts, we would also like to offer some hope to the sizeble number of Brachs that have been tradiclly forced to reloccate due to the war.
Each island already contains a small settlement of humans - since it was only recently annexxed into our Armed Republic, the human influence there is small and will grow, according to our scientists, evenly with the expected reffugee influence. We also would like to extend citizenship to all refugees, if they would like to make Fudk their permanent residence. We would be honored to have you
However, if any refugees are interested at starting a reffuge camp co-shared with the other race, we have plans for this refugee camp. Unfourtunatley, no such requests have been recived as of this time.
We wish for a speedy resolution to this war, along with an end to all genocide and other "human" notions that have been plauging the dinasour race. We would also wish that humans only act as peacekeepers in this war, and to "forgive and forget" previous offences. We do this intending to spare both races the horrible escalation that has so nearly occured here.
Trout Lasaki,
President of the Armed Republic of Fudk
OOC: We should give IHTA a chance to post before we starting the bombing.
I Hate The Army
11-06-2007, 05:29
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
Transmitting over secured Frequency: "Chieftan this is Field Marshall Dusm. We have recieved intel from our spies along the main Greal encampment. We have confirmed that the Greal general and the Brach General are meeting there. We are ordering our bombers to drop chemical weapons on the entire encampment. Also please be aware that 750,000 more IHTA soldiers and tanks have arrived. we are sending 500,000 to Shevampa where they will begin taking Schnot Plateau. Our 101st Airborne Infantry and our 1st Air Cavalry Division (combined 100,000 men and helicopters) will be at Schnot plateau in the hour. Also please be advised we have finished constructing the camoflauge coverings to hide your bases and ours from air attacks. It wont make them completely unnoticeable but it will make enemy aircraft have to fly low enough to be seen and heard miles before they get to yours and our bases."
"This is Rough Neck 21 calling Night Flyer 41"
"Night Flyer 41 go ahead Rough Neck 21"
"Night Flyer 41 we have HVT's located at grid coordinant 2317-6238. You are cleared to drop payload over entire area."
"Night Flyer 41 copies the orders please state authorization code..."
"Night Flyer 41 copies authorization code. Starting bombing run."
Night Flyer 41 began his bombing run droping his entire payload of Seron nerve gas onto the Greal encampment. On his way out he was severly damaged. he was able to hold his bomber together until he was well within Troodont controled territory. He armed the self destruct and ejected.
This time Greal was prepared for a chemical gas, gas masks were already on, and the building was contained from the gas.
OOC: I Hate The Army, we aren't going to use chemcial bombs on the Troodont, however, if you contuine doing this we will release our deadly Ox-5 chemcial bombs.
You still haven't responded to the attack on the beach.
"Sir, the enemy knows that we are going to bomb them."said Colonel Locke
"How did you find out?"asked general Heart
"We caught a spy"said Colonel Locke
"contiune bombing"said General Heart
I Hate The Army
11-06-2007, 05:40
Reacting to the Greal assault on Selmosa the IHTA Army gave them a big surpise. They had captured and hundreds of the little Juvies during Operation Clear Out. They released them upon the attacking Greal troops and then opened fire. While the majority of the Juvies attacked the Greal soldiers, quite a few attacked IHTA soldiers. Over the span of the 4 hour long battle 2,000 of the 27,000 IHTA Army that was on Selmosa died.
OOC:Alright guys Im going to go to bed, I have to work in the morning.
Reacting to the Greal assault on Selmosa the IHTA Army gave them a big surpise. They had captured and hundreds of the little Juvies during Operation Clear Out. They released them upon the attacking Greal troops and then opened fire. While the majority of the Juvies attacked the Greal soldiers, quite a few attacked IHTA soldiers. Over the span of the 4 hour long battle 2,000 of the 27,000 IHTA Army that was on Selmosa died.
OOC:Alright guys Im going to go to bed, I have to work in the morning.
"Blast those things!" yelled Major Tent
The whole line fired at the creatures coming toward them, some were blasted, others managed to kill some Greal troops, the Greal fighters above fired missiles at the enemy Postions and the creatures.
Major Tent was attacked by 1 creature but he managed to get his pistol and he blasted the creature.
Dirty Pie
11-06-2007, 05:52
Veteran Pilot Johnny Greenway piloted his B-2 lancer high above schnot plateau, over his radio came the voice of Major Sheppard, they were to commence their carpet bombing of the plateau at 12:50 only 30 min. before greal would drop their bombs.
2000 jet fighters and bombers flew over the valley dropping thousands of bombs on the valley, 12 Greal jet fighters got engine problems and went down and crashed inot the sea. The Greal fighters turned to plateau to bomb the Troodont camps.
11-06-2007, 07:56
Troodont Freedom City:
Colonel Yar of 45th Troodont Dispatchment saw the blips on the radar but didn't know what they were until it was too late. The Troodonts had just gotten ahold of radar but hadn't been properly trained. The IHTA forces had finished camoflaging the encampment which should provide some protection.
It was not until it was too late that they realized the blips were enemy aircraft.
As the bombs dropped, the Troodonts attempted to flee.
Selmosa Beach:
As soon as the IHTA released to Juvies they began running around and attacking the nearest humans because they were starved. But the gun fire and explosions scared them so most ran away, attacking all humans in their path of escape.
Brach Flight Formation 9:
"Prepare bombs for launch" ordered flight leader Helios from Fuma. The 5,000 Grill's had dropped their payloads earlier, causing destruction in the enemy camps but also causing total ecological destruction in the area. Unfortunately, the small bombs carried by the Grills weren't enough to eliminate the Troodont threat to Schnot Plateau.
This is where the Fuma's came in, each capable of supersonic and orbital flight. It was very similar to the humans' TIE Fighter.
The aircrafts body was nearly blast proof. It could withstand laser shots. But antiaircraft rounds were another matter as were kinetic bullets. (Kinetic bullets were developed by the Brach military 2 million years ago. They are meant for use in space against weapons that would be impervious to almost anything else. It was discovered that kinetic bullets could also be used on earth). The Fuma carried tactical laser cannons, kinetic machine guns, and was capable carrying 2 1 kiloton bombs.
They got their power from an element called lithium ion.
As flight 9 approached its target, the Troodonts on the ground who had run outside during the bombings looked up in horror and began to panic and run as the aircraft opened first with lasers and then the machine guns. The rounds penetrating into the earth at least 5 feet. Enough to go through the thin roofs and subsequent floors.
Tens of thousands of the Troodonts died or were vaporized when the bombs were released. The explosions during nighttime into day. The artificial daylight created the bombs lasted half the night, scaring away all wild creatures including a Spinosaurus Aegypticus that happened to be in the area.
It came upon some Dirty Pie troops and looked at them with curiosity, then blew its nose on them and ran off. Some rounds inadvertently hitting it in the leg thus slowing it down and turning its run into a fast limp as it growled in pain.
Greal encampment:
The Brach General was startled by the commotion outside as the humans donned their masks. He was not expecting the humans to use chemical weapons on the other side's leadership. He and his accompaniment were not prepared for this. As the seran drifted into the camp many of the Brach soldiers fell over into suffering fits, foaming at the mouths, their eyes burning. A loud horrrendous howling could be heard as the Brach's caught outside screamed in agony. Screams so agonizing and unfamiliar it made the humans' blood curdle with fear. It was the scream of impending death. The ground shook and some vehicles flew off the ground 2ft as the long necked sentients hit the ground. But that barely noticeable compared the jarring from the bombs that were falling.
The Brach's in the building were safe inside the airtight construct of the humans. Outside, 35 Brachs had died.
Following Morning
Troodont HQ
Troodont Commander Gilgorth: "We've lost a men last night. 220,000 Troodonts were sent to their maker."
Aegis his intell Leutinant: "Commander the IHTA used Seran gas on the enemy's main HQ last night. But the humans were prepared. Many of the Brach's weren't however and suffered horrible deaths. I have intell that the Brach's highest General was in the camp."
Gilgorth: "Yes. We should strike their leadership. But now that we are losing too many troops we must launch our attack on Schnot plateau immediately. Prepare our forces for the assault on Schnot."
Official Troodont Message to IHTA:
"We will begin our main assault on Schnot today. We would like your assistance."
General Heart was mad about the gas attack.
"If they want a chemcial war, we will give them one!" yelled general Heart
General Heart turned to General Glogger.
"Do you have spies in the Troodont camps? if you do, how many Troodonts died during the bombing?"asked General heart
11-06-2007, 08:06
1138 hours Brachiosaurus time:
The Brach General grieved while the dead Brach's were buried. He didn't let the Troodonts get away with using bioweapons and he wasn't going to let the humans get away with attacking his troops with chemical weapons. He radioed the Central Air Station Ortegal Province to prepare 10 Fuma's for a bombing mission over Selmosa.
The target: IHTA forces
The payload: Mustard Gas
At 1138 hours the last of the 10 aircraft was in the air with its cargo. The aircraft penetrated the defense grid and dropped their cargo. 2 aircraft going down because of systems malfunctions.
GNN Special Report:
"This is Dana Carla reporting. There is news out of Brachiosaurus that the Brachs have just used chemical weapons against on of the human nations involved in the war. Anonymous witnesses report the substance used was a type of mustard gas.
This may be retaliation for the IHTA's use of Serin against a Greal camp last night. We will provide more news as it becomes available."
encripted message to Brach forces
The Greal army is going to use chemical gas now. we are going to drop lots of gas on the Troodonts and IHTA's forces.
from Minister of Defense Jason Park.
11-06-2007, 08:25
Encrypted Message from Brachs:
"You have our blessing. We have just finished dropping Mustard gas on the IHTA forces at Selmosa Beach. Intell indicates Troodonts gearing up for major assault on Schnot Plateau this afternoon. Choose your targets carefully as Brachs may be intermingled with the Troodonts due to the coming battle."
11-06-2007, 08:31
The Brach's have the Plateau. The Troodonts are trying to seize it.
Encrypted Message from Brachs:
"You have our blessing. We have just finished dropping Mustard gas on the IHTA forces at Selmosa Beach. Intell indicates Troodonts gearing up for major assault on Schnot Plateau this afternoon. Choose your targets carefully as Brachs may be intermingled with the Troodonts due to the coming battle."
who is holding the Plateau? I throught the enmy was holding the Plateau.
The Brach's have the Plateau. The Troodonts are trying to seize it.
oh, the Greal troops finally arrived at the Plateau after a day of march. 1000 fighters flew around the Plateau watching for the enemy.
Encrypted Message to Brach forces
How many men are there on the Plateau
from: Colonel Locke In charge of the forces at the Plateau
11-06-2007, 08:48
"We gave 5 million on the plateau."
Dirty Pie
11-06-2007, 17:37
We are sending 400,000 men to Schnot plateau along with 2,000 tanks and the support of our air force.
Encrypted Message to Brach forces
we have 600,000 men at the plateau.
from: General Heart
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 03:21
After having used chemical weapons first the IHTA army was expecting an attack sooner or later involving chemical weapons against them. The IHTA force were under orders to be in their NBC gear 24/7. While some men ignored this order and died in their sleep the majority of their forces had survived. Total dead from Greal and Brach chemical attacks 300.After the burial of the dead the IHTA forces at Selmosa move to Schnot Plateau for the final battle (Remaining troops on Selmosa 0).
Addressing his men before the battle at Schnot Pleateau Field Marshall Dusm gave out his orders.
IC: "Men, we will be going into the biggest and possibly last battle of this war. We can not let the Troodonts down. We have been reinforced by our empire. Our standing army going into this battle is 1,500,000 combined soldiers, tanks, and helicopters. This is it men, your honor and our nations honor are at stake. GO GET THEM!!!!!"
"SIR YES SIR!!!!!"
Aside to his second in command Dusm give one final order
"I have recieved a message from the emperor. If it looks like us and the Troodonts are about to lose we will nuke the whole area. If us or the Troodonts can't have this place no one will leave here alive."
After having used chemical weapons first the IHTA army was expecting an attack sooner or later involving chemical weapons against them. The IHTA force were under orders to be in their NBC gear 24/7. While some men ignored this order and died in their sleep the majority of their forces had survived. Total dead from Greal and Brach chemical attacks 300.After the burial of the dead the IHTA forces at Selmosa move to Schnot Plateau for the final battle (Remaining troops on Selmosa 0).
Addressing his men before the battle at Schnot Pleateau Field Marshall Dusm gave out his orders.
IC: "Men, we will be going into the biggest and possibly last battle of this war. We can not let the Troodonts down. We have been reinforced by our empire. Our standing army going into this battle is 1,500,000 combined soldiers, tanks, and helicopters. This is it men, your honor and our nations honor are at stake. GO GET THEM!!!!!"
"SIR YES SIR!!!!!"
Aside to his second in command Dusm give one final order
"I have recieved a message from the emperor. If it looks like us and the Troodonts are about to lose we will nuke the whole area. If us or the Troodonts can't have this place no one will leave here alive."
message to I Hate The Army
If you contiune nuke attacks we will bomb your fleet and army with nukes.
from GIA
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 03:35
ooc: Ok i have to ask this question. How does your army know what my field marshall said to his second in command. it wasnt done over and type of message system it was person to person.
ooc: Ok i have to ask this question. How does your army know what my field marshall said to his second in command. it wasnt done over and type of message system it was person to person.
OOC: The Greal army is suspecting a nuke attack.
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 03:44
OOC: Ok but you said continue nuke attacks. my army has not used nukes, we have thought about it and even planned it but we halted the attack. Now we did use Chemical and Biological but we got smacked back for it. Either way we will have to see how the battle pans out. I think this one should determine the winner and end this war.
OOC: Ok but you said continue nuke attacks. my army has not used nukes, we have thought about it and even planned it but we halted the attack. Now we did use Chemical and Biological but we got smacked back for it. Either way we will have to see how the battle pans out. I think this one should determine the winner and end this war.
OOC:I think this battle should end the war. Anyway the Greal army suspects you are going to use either gas or nukes or both.
12-06-2007, 03:54
OOC: I'll be breaking later on to do some rl work related stuff.
General Heart sat in his office without Colonel Locke, Locke was overseas.
"Tell general Dorn that we must hold this area here and here" said General Heart pointing at the map.
"yes sir"said Major Tent
general Heart went to the window and watched hundreds of troops marching by.
12-06-2007, 04:19
The Troodont Commander surveyed his forces. They numbered about 20 million. All he had was Troodonts willing to die for their cause. The IHTA had brought some tanks and aircraft. Hopefully those would be useful.
He gave one last rousing speech:"Troodonts, the enemy wants us to fail. We outnumber them 3 to 1. But they have technology on their side. But they know we have allies who have the same stuff they do. They fight to retain control over another species. We fight for our independence. We will win this battle by sheer numbers. All we need to do is take this plateau and secure the valley below and this war is over.
Our enemies are big and few and slow and clumsy. We will annihilate them in this battle.
Troodonts..." he raised his voice, "Charge!"
The vast hordes of Troodonts gave a loud roar that sounded like the sound of millions of Velociraptors from Jurrassic Park, as the huge mass began to move forward charging the Brach defense systems, firing their weapons.
Brach Commander Sulli saw watched the Troodonts in front his men. His task force was small. He had only 5 million Brach's at his side. Another 5 million were getting ready to attack the Valley below.
Even with the humans he was still greatly outnumbered. As the Troodont Commander gave to his forces, he attempted one last time to rally his forces.
"Standing before us, is one of the greatest armies this world has seen. Even with reinforcements from our human friends, the Troodonts outnumber us 3 to one. But we have technology on our side. We have size on our side.
The IHTA has repeatedly used bioweapons on us and on our allies in hopes of causing us to cave in and surrender. But we shall not surrender.
The enemy fights a cause that supports genocide, they fight for speciesism. They say they just want their own country. They want their own country so they can be free to persecute and slaughter all other sentient beings on this planets. They have used ethnic cleansing to scare us off the land that is rightfully ours. They have used horrible weapons of mass destruction to weaken us and suicide bombers to terrorize us into submission."
Raising his voice for effect, "But we shall not submit to tyrants. We are not cowards. We are Brachs. And we fight for freedom. We fight for equality. We fight to preserve our nation and our way life.......
Brachs...To BATTLE."
As the Troodonts began charging toward his army, he began running toward the enemy, the millions of Brachs giving a massive war cry that would scare the crap out of most enemies who didn't know what it was. The earth shaking under their feet registering a 4.5 on the richter scale, causing coffee cups to fall to the ground as the huge forces collided first with weapons firing then in close up hand to hand combat the tremors increased to 5.5 on the Richter scale.
All the wild creatures in the fled at the sound of the charging armies and the Pterosaurs flew off with the exception of the scavengers which were expecting to dine on dead bodies tonight.
Some humans on both sides were inadvertently injured when a dead Brach fell on them. The smell of blood filled the air as the two sentients shot at each other and ripped each limb from limb.
Brach commander Bilotha began his attack on Shevampa at the same time the battle for Schnot Plateau began.
The 5 million Brach's charged the Troodont perimeter firing thier assualt weapons on full automatic.
The Troodonts in the camp attempted a vociferous defense of the Valley.
In the air, Brach aircraft began patrolling the skies for enemy forces and providing air support for the troops in the Valley and the Plateau.
General Dorn watched the massive attack.
"Fire!" yelled general Dorn
millions of bullets began firing at the Troodont charge. thousands of tanks fired their machine guns and their big guns, thousands of Artelly guns punded the nemy charge, hundreds of Greal fighters were firing missiles at the enemy.
"the battle for Brachiosaurus begans today"said Dorn
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 04:31
Following the Troodont forces lead the IHTA soldiers charged the Brach and Greal soldiers. The IHTA tanks unleashed their furious cannons followed by the artillery on the Plateau. The IHTA hellicopters and fighters unleashed massive attakcs with missles, bombs, and chain guns. the Soldiers charging fired their rifles at will. They all knew what happened today would change the course of Brachiosaurus forever
people just fell from explosions on both sides, hundreds of thousands died on both sides from more gun fire.
C:remember Dirty Pie forces are also there.
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 04:41
The sound of the battle was deafening. Thousands were dieing. the IHTA helicopters targeted the Greal tanks with their hellfire missles and began firing. The IHTA airforce began bombing runs on the DP forces. The soldiers and tanks of IHTA continued their violent charge towards the greal and DP forces.
Greal fighters began engaging the enemy's fighters. hundreds of anti-tank missiles were fired, thousands died. The Greal trent missiles were fired at the enemy.
Dirty Pie
12-06-2007, 04:47
We are going to flank the enemy from the left side, we will need some time to get there but we are sending in 500 F-16 fighters to engage IHTA aircraft now.
Dirty Pie
12-06-2007, 04:49
ooc:only half of the DP forces are there at the moment
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 12:23
The IHTA air defense missle system picked up the DP aircraft on radar and began firing while the IHTA air force engaged the DP fighters as well. Planes were hit on both sides as to the lock-on-after-launch system of the missles picked up any fighter in the air. of the 400 IHTA aircraft in the sky 48 were hit by the missles and 100 were destroyed by DP forces. The DP air craft against highly trained IHTA pilots didnt fair so well 31 were destroyed by the missles and 321 were taken out by the UHTA pilots.
Noticing the DP ground forces building up to the left in a flanking position the IHTA ground forces shifted to the left side to keep the DP forces from getting the advantage.
Dirty Pie
12-06-2007, 16:47
"Damnit!!" yelled Lt. Sheppard
"They've picked up on our flanking".
he knew that all they could do now was fight
"Give them everything you've got" he cried as he unloaded his semi automatic M-14 rifle into a charging Troodont.
I Hate The Army
12-06-2007, 18:50
IHTA force fireing the MX8 rifle began decimating the DP force. It will only be a matter of time before the technological superiority of the MX8 overcomes the outdated M14 and the DP forces become overrun.
12-06-2007, 21:08
The Troodonts fired into the Greal, DP, and Brach forces with what ammo they had available. When they ran out, they ran toward their enemies for hand to hand combat.
Thus far, 780,000 Troodonts died.
(OOC: You're not supposed to say how many people the other Rpers lost. Only they can say what they lost.)
On the Brach, Field Marshall Crom surveyed the battlefield, 459,000 Brachs dead in just 5 hours. 5 hours. The battle had lasted 5 hours and was still ongoing. There had been no break. There probably will be no break until everything was desolate.
"Now! Move them forward, hit the IHTA with everything you've got." he ordered his tank division as the 5,000 Magher Battle Tanks (something similar to M1A2 but faster at a top speed of 45 miles per hour, a new alloy metal skin that impenetrable to tank busting rounds. The Magher was equipped with GPS and ground surveillance radar that could see as far as the horizon depending on the settings.
The tank divisions began to move as one unit, firing in unison at the IHTA tanks and into the massive hordes of Troodonts.
In the air, the Grills had shifted from attacking ground forces to attacking enemy fighters. By luck, 34 Grills were shot down.
Dirty Pie
12-06-2007, 21:28
The DP forces began a full retreat down the plateau, making sure the IHTA forces followed. The IHTA forces were looking for easy kills, but all they found were tanks nearly 2,000 of them.
3 airborne divsions were dropped behind the Greal lines, they had to move to reinforce. The Greal Shark fighters unleased their Skull missiles at the enemy. The Greal army suffered thousands of deaths already.
13-06-2007, 04:30
In the Valley, the battle was going badly for the Brach's as the Troodonts beat them back succesfully.
The heroics of both sides rivaled that on the plateau. Unfortunately, most resources were committed to the Plateau so that only infantry were involved in the attempt on the valley. The Brachs, now outnumbered 5 to 1 because of heavy casualties had no choice but to retreat out of the valley, giving the 2nd Major Victory in the War to the Troodonts. Things were going badly for the Brachs. The score was 2 to nothing.
In order to preserve their way of life, the Brachs had to win at Schnot. It was their last chance. It was Brachiosaurus' last chance of surviving intact.
Battle Losses for the Shevampa Valley:
Troodonts: 1.2 million out of 10 million
Brachs: 4.854 million out of 5 million
Winner: Troodonts
The victorious General in charge of the Troodonts was keenly aware of the situation on the plateau where his fellow Troodonts were being mowed down by tanks and aircraft. Things that didn't factor in his battle. Those troodonts needed to be reinforced but a frontal assault was suicidal in the face of lethal weaponry.
He took the initiative and ordered a large contingent of his forces to flank around the Brach high command and sieze it.
3 million Troodonts began to march in a half circle around the Brach alliance, laying land mines and booby traps in their wake.
This evening the war would end and there would peace by dawn's early light.
He sent a message to the IHTA commander commending him on the performance of his forces in the valley.
13-06-2007, 04:32
The DP forces began a full retreat down the plateau, making sure the IHTA forces followed. The IHTA forces were looking for easy kills, but all they found were tanks nearly 2,000 of them.
As the Troodonts marched, 2 million broke flank and were sent up the Plateau in a pincer movement against the enemy which seemed to be heading toward the Troodonts.
The remaing 1 million continued their flanking movement.
I Hate The Army
13-06-2007, 05:30
Knowing that Schnot Plateau was a battle that needed to be one by the Troodonts, the IHTA force allowed the DP forces to retreat. IHTA army tunred and moved towards Schnot to reinforce the Troodonts. Over the span of the battle at Shevampa the IHTA army had lost 600,000 in men, tanks, and aircraft. the remaining 900,000 now focused on Schnot. The IHTA 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions had been dropped onto Schnot Plateau to immediately reinforce the Troodonts.
Dirty Pie
13-06-2007, 16:11
All hope was lost, DP had lost 400,000 men the 600,000 left ran to their planes and headed home.
Message from the prime minister. Any Brach that no longer wishes to reside in Brachiosaurus will be offered Citizenship in our great nation.
13-06-2007, 23:32
Brach High Command:
"The battle bodes ill" Elias, advisor to the Grand Cheiftain.
"Aye, we've lost two major battles and the Troodonts have routed the DP forces." Gia, advisor to the Grand Chieftain.
Grand Chieftain, "We must not lose Schnot. Tell our allies they are free to go and that we hold them under no obligations."
Elias, "It is night and the Troodonts are able to see things that we can see because of the lack of lighting. The humans are having to use their nightvision equipment and it seems to be getting in their way."
Grand Cheiftain, "Prepare our last resort."
Official Message to Dirty Pie and Greal:
The Brach government thanks you for your service to our nation. Your men have fought bravely. Your nations will forever have our gratitude.
Due to the unfortunate turn of events, we hold you under no obligations to continue assisting us in our fight. We advise you to withdraw your forces to safe areas whether outside the plateaue or to return them home."
Grand Cheiftain of all the Brachs,
Schnot Plateau
Seeing the DP forces on the run, the Troodonts charged after them, running as fast as possible with the equipment they were carrying (unloaded 25mph, with the equipment figure about 17 mp. The fastest an unloaded human can run is 15 mph if he in top physical condition, this drops to about 8 or 10 mph when carrying equipment) hoping to capture as many as possible before they could reach their aircraft.
Dirty Pie
14-06-2007, 00:09
In a frantic panic the DP forces dropped grenades behind them for the enemy to run in to, but still a few men were captured right off the bat.
14-06-2007, 01:55
The large prehistoric monolith, now floating in low earth orbit and visible to telescopes on the ground, came to light. To a naked eye on the earth it would seem as if a new star just suddenly appeared in the night sky. Just barely discernible however for the purpose was not to decorate the sky, but more ominous.
The target project whirred to life, moving around and pointing at the Schnot Plateau, hundreds of miles below it.
The firing mechanism began warming up when the technician hit the button, unaware of some frayed wiring on the craft that was releasing sparks.
"Final Conflict, ready for action." said technician Albatross at ground control.
"Tell our forces to start withdrawing. In ten minutes, open fire."
The Brach field command muttered a string of obscenities when he hung up the phone.
"Fall back! Fall back!" he yelled at his forces. As the command was repeated up and down the field of battle the Brachs began to retreat, but very slowly and it took more than 10 minutes just to get everyone moving.
The firing mechanism warmed up, the ground technician pressed an bright pink button. The spacecraft began making a loud whirring noise that could only be heard inside since sound can't travel in a vacuum.
The crafts, visibility magnitude brightened a little.
A wide hot beam of light shot from the Alterator to the Veriform then to the firing director of the device, but as it hit the device there a severe malfunction due to the frayed wiring, and the beam shut down automatically.
But the damage had been done. The heat and pressure was locked in the small firing mechanism and building up.
Five seconds later the craft exploded, lighting up the midnight sky so that night was turned into day.
The object had sit on the moon for so long that interstellar radiation had frayed the cables and made it dangerous to fire the thing.
The attempt was a failure.
Schnot Plateau:
The Troodonts, whose eyes had become accustomed to night vision were suddenly blinded by the new day like conditions which would last for 45 minutes. They halted in their tracks because they had to let their eyes adjust.
The Brachs visibility was greatly improved, at least while the new light lasted.
The Field Commander could tell the firing mission had failed and they had lost the sat.
But quick to realize his situation and the bad situation of the Troodonts, he ordered his men to back step march and had them charge in to the temporarily blinded Troodonts.
7 million Troodonts and 3 million Brachs were killed or injured in the ensuing battle. 500,000 of the remaining Brachs were sent to charge against the IHTA forces.
14-06-2007, 02:09
As they fought, the light began to dim and the tied again began to turn against the Brachs. But just when things could not get worse for all involved, a large metallic/earthen object impacted into the ground in the middle of the battle field causing a small explosion, vaporizing nearby Brachs, Troodonts and humans.
Soon dozens of the objects began falling to the earth, impacting mosty in Brachiosaurus but some stray peices hit foriegn territories as well. Some hit the water just of Selmosa, creating a large wave the wiped the beach clean of all bodies, mines, and other equipment and lifeforms.
The peices of the now nonexistent object were falling to the earth with deadly consequences and they had no partiality for Troodont, Brach, DP, Greal, or IHTA forces. They hit were momentum and speed sent them.
The Brach commander fearing for the remnant of his forces ordered a full retreat for any Brachs that could make it out alive.
The Troodonts' Commander likewise, ordered his forces into full retreat. There was no point to having an independent country when there were would be no Troodonts left to populate it.
The humans being too slow at running, they were picked up the dinoids who carried as many humans, (max being two per dinoid), as possible to safety.
The rest of the humans, who were not killed, were rescued by third sentient species that rushed from the treetops and underbrush to drag what humans they could to safety.
The Troodonts and the Brachs were both shocked at the appearance of this third party. The features, resembling those of the Velociraptor but the snout being shorter and the cranium bigger. They had lost their claws on both hands and feet. The face of the creatures was partly human but part dino.
The missing race of the Veloids had reappeared after millions of years of avoiding outside contact.
Using a small black box device, they used radiometric radiation to detonate landmines before unwitting sentients found themselves in a precarious position.
They forced the humans they were carrying to leave all weapons and equipment behind. The Veloids were a peacful race and believed that allowing evacuees to carry weapons or war related equipment was the same as endorsing war.
The Veloids were able to evac slightly more humans than the other two dinoids, being capable of running up to 39 miles per hour and being taller than the other two.
The fighters covered the Greal troops retreat, firing hundreds of missiles to keep the enemy away.
encrpited message to Brah forces
Is there a beach where my men can land, we are going to land and move quickly.
from General Heart
15-06-2007, 00:17
Encrypted Message To Greal:
"Land your forces where it is safe. Selmosa has been devastated by tidal wave. Nothing survives. Attempted use of our weapon of last resort has backfired with bad consequences for all sides. Battle for Schnot Plateau is over for now. No winners. Both sides have suffered heavy casualties from impacting debris from self destructed space weapon.
Brach High Command Center hit by peice of satellite. Damage is medium and can be repaired in a couple of months.
State of Emergency has been declared.
The Troodonts have agreed to a ceasefire. And we could use assistance evacing people to safe zones.
There is a major wild fire raging in the jungle of southeast Brachiosaurus, recommend you avoid that area. Our people are working to put it out. "
encripted message to Brach forces
we will land at your ports
from: GHM
I Hate The Army
15-06-2007, 13:35
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan this is Dusm. Now is the time. We must attack Brach forces while they are rebuilding. If we don't we could lose Schnot and you could lose your freedom. Where do you think this falling debris came from. The Brachs tried to use a weapon to destroy your entire race. They did not care if it would kill women, children, old or young; THEY WANTED EVERY TROODONT DEAD!!!! Allow our army to use our ultimate weapon if you do not want to attack, but if you do want to attack we will aid you in any way, shape, or form. DUSM out."
15-06-2007, 14:03
To the government of Brach
Let the AP of Cebumopolis offer 1200 of it's most experienced fighting men and women in support of your noble cause
These rebels will not be tolerated!
I Hate The Army
15-06-2007, 16:59
After Field Marshall Dusm recieved word that another nation had offered support to the Brachs by sending 1200 men he issued orders to his second-in-command.
"I want these men quickly dispatched. After what we have been through these 1200 men shouldnt pose a problem. I want the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Infatntry Division (approximately 6,000 men) to deal with them. We will not let this "army" stand in our way of victory.
16-06-2007, 00:21
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"Chieftan this is Dusm. Now is the time. We must attack Brach forces while they are rebuilding. If we don't we could lose Schnot and you could lose your freedom. Where do you think this falling debris came from. The Brachs tried to use a weapon to destroy your entire race. They did not care if it would kill women, children, old or young; THEY WANTED EVERY TROODONT DEAD!!!! Allow our army to use our ultimate weapon if you do not want to attack, but if you do want to attack we will aid you in any way, shape, or form. DUSM out."
In light of the new intell, the Troodonts called off the cease fire and began their offensive again. This time, they were the first to Schnot Plateau and took control with only a handful of Brach's filing verbal complaints but being unable to do anything, as the Brachs were only Bureaucrats.
The Brach High Command viewed the matter as treachery on the part of the Troodonts and the war began again in earnest.
Meantime, the Veloids, who had an aversion for wars, again disappeared into the wilds. Both sides tried to capture a Veloid but everytime a hunting party was sent, it dissapeared and its members would either never be found, or be found dead with the words "LEAVE US ALONE" carved into their bellies with a claw. It was a warning to the Troodonts, the Brachs and the humans to leave that the Veloids wanted to be left alone.
Message to IHTA:
"We have restarted our offensive in light of the information you have provided. We were able to take Schnot Plateau and we still control the Valley. The Brach resistance should crumble soon."
16-06-2007, 00:25
To the government of Brach
Let the AP of Cebumopolis offer 1200 of it's most experienced fighting men and women in support of your noble cause
These rebels will not be tolerated!
We accept your help. However, because of current circumstances, we are limiting ourselves to defending currently held territory.
The Brachs condemned as illegal the siezure of Schnot Plateau. They then called for a new ceasefire.
I Hate The Army
16-06-2007, 01:55
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
"This is Field Marshall Dusm, first let me congratulate you on your capture of Schnot Plateau. My forces still control Selmosa and both our forces still control Shevampa Valley. I am sending an official order to surrender to the Brach High Command where I will outline the final terms of the cease fire and end of this war. I will send you a copy when I send them one. As always our forces will be here to help you until this bloody conflict is over. Your people have paid a high price for freedom and for that the IHTA empire will always be your ally. Let me close with the words of a once great leader in the IHTA army 'The men fight with honor and courage, for that they are commended. These men fought for freedom for that they will honored. These men gave there lives, so others may prosper and for that they shall never be forgotten' Field Marshall Fox 32nd Commandant IHTA Army."
I Hate The Army
16-06-2007, 02:10
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan, Brach High Command, and Greal Army headquarters
Terms of Surrender and Cease Fire
This is the official terms of cease fire and surrender to end the war between the Troodonts and the Brachiosaurus. The Troodonts being the victor lay down these terms and stipulations:
1. An independent land for the Troodonts free from Brach control
2. The Brach Army must immediately and fully reduce its army size by 50% and may not control a force greater than 50% of its forces now.
3. The Brach Government will pay restitution to the Troodont Government for the killing of non-combatants and destruction of non-militaristic targets such as cities, schools, hospitals, and homes of the Troodont people in the ammount of $200,000,000,000.
4. The Brach government will submit to inspections by Troodont inspectors and representatives from the I Hate The Army government. These inspections will consist of regularly scheduled inspections and random inspections of ALL military installations and government buildings dealing with the military.
5. The immediate and full disclosure of Brach military weapon caches and troop holding areas
Failure to follow any of these stipulations or refusing to the inspection will constitute and act of war against the Troodonts and their allies and will result in swift destruction of military targets only. Further violations will result in a full scale invasion of Brach controlled territory by Troodont forces and their allies.
Once signed by ALL parties this CEASE FIRE AND SURRENDER will take effect IMMEDIATELY.
Brach High Commander
Troodont High Cieftan
X Richard Dusm, Emperor of I Hate The Army
Greal Army Commander
16-06-2007, 13:06
We came here for nothing!
Field Marshall of 13 Marine corps Dugoang Ravena
Dirty Pie
16-06-2007, 17:47
"Being a nation of 2.65 Billion and of a military of nearly 200 million it is time for the great nation of Dirty Pie to show it's true power, we are currently deploying 4 million marines along with 100,000 heavy armor veichles and tanks to Brachiosaurus and the support of our large Air Force. We suggest that all forces opposing the peaceful Brach race leave at once, if you wish to stand and fight so be it. So Mr. Dusm with all do respect you can take that document of surrender and shove it up your ass!"
I Hate The Army
16-06-2007, 19:12
Dirty Pie you leave me no other choice. If the Troodonts can't have their freedom then no one will have life in Brachiosaurus.
Speaking to his second in command Field Marshall Dusm give his final orders.
"The Brachs and their allies refuse to sign the treaty. Therefore they leave me with no other option. Launch all our tactical nuclear weapons on the Brach cities. Every Brach city must be destroyed, make them have nothing worth fighting for."
"Yes sir, right away."
Marshall Wing, Dusm's second-in-command phones the missle command of IHTA.
"This is Marshall Wing. Field Marshall Dusm, Supreme Commander of all IHTA forces in the war in Brachiosaurus, hereby gives the order to begin tactical nuclear missle strikes against all Brach controlled territory. Order confirmation number is 16-4897-25-831.2. All missles must be fired.
"Copy that Marshall Wing confirmation code is valid missle strike is underway."
With that said, every missle in the IHTA arsenal was now on its way to Brachiosaurus where they would eliminate all opposition of the empire.
16-06-2007, 21:53
The Brach High Command had just rejected the ultimatum and sent a counter offer to recognize Troodont independence. Nothing more, nothing less.
They were expecting to have time to rebuild their forces and recieve reinforcments from allied nations when the High Cheiftain of all the Brachs and his council was rushed by the Secret Guardians to secure bunkers. Apparently the national defense grid was malfunction but because the tense situation these days the Guardians had to err on the side of caution.
10 minutes later the first nuclear warhead hit the capital, followed by two others.
Cities all over Brachiosaurs were hit within minutes of their evacuation sirens going off. Just about everyone in the cities were killed. Entire military installations were obliterated as was the natural fauna of the nation that taken thousands of years to recreate after the previous nuclear war.
The Brach High Command called off the cease fire and sent emissaries to the Veloids.
The Veloids, who wanted no part of the war, were faced with no choice. They were angered at the wanton destruction of the natural habitat and the blatant use of nuclear weapons in violation of Brachiosaurus norms that all dinoids had respected for millenia.
The Veloid High Cheiftain issued a declaration of war against the IHTA and gave permission for his people to eat any IHTA humans they captured.
The Troodonts could not help but see the strikes. They were frightened at the potential fallout from the other races and the blatant disregard for their disdain of nuclear weaponry.
Official Troodont Message to IHTA:
"We cannot condone the use or possession of nuclear weaponry. We did not need your nukes. You blatantly disregarded our wishes and caused needless death and destruction. My people are very upset. Therefore, I must cancel our alliance with you until you abolish all nuclear weaponry in your territory."
Troodont High Command
GNN Special Report:
"This is Laura Diaz with a late breaking development. The war in Brachiosaurus came to a head today as the IHTA launched a surprise nuclear assault on the Brachs that has devastated the countryside. Millions of Brachs were killed and we are hearing that there were Troodonts in some of the cities that were hit.
Several endangered species have also been wiped out. The Brach leadership has expressed shock and the Troodonts have canceled their alliance with the IHTA.
In another developement, the Veloids, who were sitting out the war, have now joined with the Brachs and have declared war on the IHTA.
Said the Veloid Cheiftain, "It's IHTA hunting season." I'm told that's Veloidian for "it's now ok to hunt and eat the flesh of IHTA humans" or something to that effect.
However, with no means of resistance and help from allies still not having arrived yet, the Brachs have no means of resistance against the aggressors.
However, it is known that the strikes have led to direct talks between the Troodonts and the Brachs and that there is some agreement on a form of independence for the Troodonts. But those talks are still on going."
Dirty Pie
17-06-2007, 02:09
We have lost nearly 1 million soldiers in this airstrike. This behavior will not be tolerated, i am proposing an alliance to Brach, Troodont and Greal forces that we all join together and invade IHTA, untill a decision is made our men will be taken out of brachiosaururs and moved to safety, but we are declaring a state of war of the nation of IHTA.
I Hate The Army
17-06-2007, 03:28
Official Message to Troodont High Chieftan
You dare tell us how to run our country and our defense systems. After we secured your victory in the war. After we decimated countless Greal, Dirty Pie, and Brach forces. You would have been blind to the Brach attempt to destroy your entire race with that space weapon if it was not for us; however you now turn your back on us. That will not be tolerated and you will now suffer the same fate as the Brachs.
"This is Field Marshall Dusm, I am ordering a second wave of tactical strikes. Target every city under Brach, Greal, Dirty Pie, and Troodont control, also target any forest that hasn't been destroyed already. This order is confirmed by confirmation number is 16-4897-25-831.2. Begin the strikes immediately. Also put all cities in IHTA on full alert for retaliatory strikes."
Missles rain from the sky again as IHTA forces now target every city not under IHTA control. The remaining 900,000 troops began loading their transports at Selmosa Beach to head back to the empire capital city, for them the war was over......for now.
OOC: We moved our men away before the nuke strike, for now, the Greal army sits on thousands of transports at a unknown location.
ICBMs got ready for a strike.
17-06-2007, 14:01
Nukes what cowradice!
To all governments that are at war with IHTA
Pls don't worry about there nukes anymore
Cebumopolis missile silos launching missiles
Missiles rained all over IHTA lands but did not explode
but instead it deployed into a driller
it drilled 100 to 1000 feet below ground starting to emmit some sort of signals
Behold these Neutron jammimg signal your experiencing
- distrups comm signals of all sides (it only cause some really anoying static)
- cancels nuclear fission
18-06-2007, 21:04
The static cackeled out of the radio.
"Attention. This is Brach High Command. We have suffered a devastating nuclear strike from a country called I Hate The Army that has destroyed our country. The attack came with out warning or just cause and has destroyed our entire eco system. Our people have been rendered sterile and are now going extinct. We request emergency assistance ASAP. Our people are in need of medical assistance and new homes until our land is restored. We need help in eliminating radioactivity.
To our allies, we are unable to conduct any offensive operations but you should do what you think should be done."
In the wake of the nuclear attack that consequences were severe. The Brach race was now going extinct, having been completely sterilized. The children of pregnant females coming either deformed or still born.
The end of the Brach race was near. Half of the Troodonts faced the same fate but they were luckier as some Troodonts were in wilderness areas not hit by the strikes as were a large number of Veloids.
The era of the Brach republic was at an end and the attempt to save the Brach race from genocide had failed.
Dirty Pie
18-06-2007, 22:50
IHTA is a threat to democracy and must be stopped, we are sending 2,500 B-12 bombers to strike the imperial city.
19-06-2007, 07:57
OOC:Should I nuke IHTA?
OOC: yes. The Brachs would oppose it but they're not going to say anything.
OOC:I have plenty of nukes, I am just afaird that they will strike back.
19-06-2007, 08:07
The Lieutenant in charge of the delivery mechanism (aka Airplane) looked down on the devastated country below.
"Those 'saurs sure have it hard" he said to the stunningly beautiful Commander sitting in the jump-seat next to him, "it's a good thing we're going to give them a hand!"
The Commander - Jeannie, for those who knew her - smiled at him, and stood up to go talk to her troops, the best in the business.
"My loving friends, we go into battle yet again, on the side of good, against oppression and for the betterment of Man - and WoMan - everywhere. Strap them on, lube those tools, and prepare to go down swinging!"
The elite cadre of the Slovankian army - Lesbian Entertainer Division - jumped from the plane on their silk parachutes, to wreck havoc on the enemy's morale and the will to fight.
19-06-2007, 08:43
OOC:I have plenty of nukes, I am just afaird that they will strike back.
You should worry about an army instead of an Nuke atak
I have launch a counter measure to make sure no nukes
these countermeasures renders nuke based weapon useless
To the government of Brach
Medical assitance should arrive to you by now
Dirty Pie
19-06-2007, 14:23
2,500 B-12 lancers cruised over the imperial city, dropping one bomb after another, creating a path of destruction wherever they flew. But before they could hit any government buildings they were informed of a possible nuclear strike and didn't want to risk certan death.
19-06-2007, 22:24
You should worry about an army instead of an Nuke atak
I have launch a counter measure to make sure no nukes
these countermeasures renders nuke based weapon useless
To the government of Brach
Medical assitance should arrive to you by now
The Brach republic offers to give you certain technologies in recognition of your anti nuclear stance.
20-06-2007, 01:45
The Brach republic offers to give you certain technologies in recognition of your anti nuclear stance.
I don't think this is a time for trading but if you insist I accept
whatever that is in your mind
WE can also give the brach forces a anti-nuke device.
20-06-2007, 05:00
The Grand Cheiftain of all Brachiosaurus invites you to an emergency meeting in his secretly hidden bunker.
End Text