03-06-2007, 20:26
Dreagoaneik ac Aðeaxeceaorlk Gaederuingk Líigabriynea
Lesser and Greater Draconic Union of Lígbryne
http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4170/theredeyemp1.png (http://imageshack.us)
"For many years, our peoples have been hunted by Men, not for food, nor for even money, but for glory, and fame. Also, our lesser cousins, the Lizard men of the plains, and the mountains, and the swamps, who will henceforth be known as lesser dragons, have been subject to slavery, and degradation by the people of the soft flesh. Both our lands have been pillaged, and our people persecuted by them, our wealth stolen, our sovernty violated. And as the soft fleshes bask in their cities, plotting against us, founding societies for our destruction. The seer Léoreadneask, a lesser dragon, saw a vision of our future. A grim future, with our elder slaughtered for fame, our young seduced, before they become little more than horses, and our fellow lesser dragons wrapped in irons, being marched to the old port on the west sea, to be sold for 130 day's wages. He also saw what he must do to avert this terrible future. Thus, began the mustering of the tribes. As he visited both the greater and the lesser dragons tribes, mustering the strongest mages, and preparing for the slaughter of the soft flesh at Mount Ascea. Eleven mages converged there, as both lesser and greater dragon fought to distract the soft flesh garrison. In a incantation many words long, the mages began to chant, greater and lesser dragon speaking together to create a new world. And as they said the incantation, the Mount began to rumble and with a large bang, the mountain exploded, and smoke with the heat of a thousand flames incinerated every soft fleshed being for miles, the last words of the mages carried by the cloud, the motto of the newly formed Lesser and Greater Draconic Union of Lígbryne; 'Today, we stand united. Today marks the end of the soft fleshed reign, and the beginning of the reign of fire and hard flesh. No longer will we be hunted for fame. Tomorrow, we will hunt them! So begins the Age of Dragons!'"
-Chapter One of the Infamous ‘ A Dragon Declaration’, a book by Grístra Bóc
Major Cities
“Let the Family of the Mages, who started our country on the road to our great goal, where humans panic whenever they are on open ground, lead us the rest of this dangerous path. Their Ancestor’s sacrifice started the great journey to the new age, so that they may lead us to the end of humanity, and the eleven's return.”
-A Dragon Declaration, chapter 3.
The LGDUL is governed by a council of 12 representatives of areas around the nation, composing of six 'Greater Dragons' (basically the generic dragons that can breath fire and fly) and six 'Lesser Dragons' (basically Lizardmen). These positions are all families, and the seat of the council is passed on from father to son, or from mother to daughter. The Góad Lanidhláefourda or Great Protector is the head of the country, the baron of Mount Ascea, and the head of the national religion. This position is a hereditary one, however people who are adopted may gain this position, and if the entire family is wiped out, the remaining Protectors vote in a new Great Protector. Currently, this position is held by a greater dragon, and is likely to be held by one for a long time.
Below the GL, there are the Lanidhláefourda or Protectors.These are the other 11 barons of the LGDUL, 5 of which are Greater Dragons, 6 of which are Lesser Dragons. This position is also hereditary. Each one is in charge of one area in the LGDUL, and also votes in the council of eleven.
“The Human race is a menace, Eadweard, and deserves to be wiped off the world, or at the very least enslaved. A human seen wandering our lands, not in irons or on a plate, is a weird sight indeed. We must find that alien, and return it to it’s rightful owner.”
-The Legend of the Three Lanterns
“…if you suspect a lodger of being a human, you must first make sure that it is a human. More often than can be desired, eleven races have been mistaken for human races. Some ways to tell are…(this section goes on for many pages) .If a genuine Human has entered Ligbrynian territory, you must check for any signs of ownership. If none can be found, you may immediately apprehend the alien, and take it to the nearest watch post for trial.”
-Iskeannfaeckteoriyk Guard Handbook
Ligbrynian society is extremely Xenophobic toward some, but very trusting toward others. Toward Human kingdoms and life forms, the Ligbrynian society are united in absolute hatred. To other soft-skinned peoples, they feel suspicious, bordering on paranoid. However, other to types of people, specifically hard skinned ones, and other persecuted-by-human and persecuting-human races, they are warm and kind. Only Lizardmen and Dragons can be proper citizens. Others, save for humans and some elves, are known as 'lodgers'. There are also many slaves, mainly human in the nation. Though a caste system exists, it is not always followed, and some lizard men have been known to rise though the ranks to become governors and even nobility, although this is not often true for the Dragon castes.
When the nation was formed, the lizard men were renamed 'Lesser Dragons' and the standard dragons 'Greater Dragons'. The society believes the reign of the 'soft fleshed races' (humans) is over, and the dragon’s (both greater and lesser) reign is just beginning. They believe all reptilian and serpent life forms are dragons in one form or another.
The lesser dragons make up most of the permanent population, followed by slaves and by greater dragons. The Council families can only be entered by adoption and birth.
Lesser Dragon/Dreagoaneik Nearwkiiaen/Ces'Niijing
The Lesser Dragons are lizard men who, over many years, have started to look more and more like their bigger bretherin. Origdinally standard swamp dwellers and some mountain dwellers, their skin hardened, they grew claws, horns and talons, became more agressive, and most importantly they became more intelligent. Nowadays, the average Lesser Dragon is six feet tall, slightly heavier than an average human, and also thinner than the average human. The bones are the main strength of the Lesser Dragon, as their arms are slightly weaker than a human's, meaning they can carry more equipment, but this equipment needs to be light enough to carry in arms. Their legs are also quite strong, and their lizard heritage means that limbs redevolp, albeit over a long period, which has lead amputation to be popular.
Disease can and still does plague the lesser dragons. Tuberculosis, cancer and smallpox are the main killers, but their throats filter out most airborne disease. Their lifetimes are a bit longer than humans, some nobles living until the 90s, but most peasants live until their 60s. This may be due to their affliction with greater dragons.
They form the basis of the Ligbrynian population due to their higher reproduction rates than humans. However, the babies come out in eggs which can take ages to make, an even longer to hatch. This amount of time can take twice as long as it does for humans to finish the devolpment of babies (ie 9 months). Also, during the egg phrase, the egg needs to be kept warm, and is soft skinned. Therefore, entire buildings have been built for the purpose of keeping and hatching eggs, called 'hatcheries'.
Coming soon - Greater dragons and non-senitient species
Major Cities
“There are three types of city in Ligbryne: Greater Dragon, Lesser Dragon and Industry. The Greater Dragon’s cities are the centre of learning, culture and history, but also ones of war, and sadism, as humankind are abused and maltreated. They say one can faintly hear human screams in these centres of learning. The Lesser Dragon’s cities house the land’s population. The Greater Dragons strive to improve these cities with their knowledge and hoards, but despite this, they are still slums in these cities, where the main inhabitant is filth. Finally, there are the Industrial cities, where the famous Ligbrynian armour is forged, as well as other things. These cities consume thousands of loads of fuel; coke, coal, humans…”
- The Crimson Nation, by Anonymous
Meaning Iron Factory in the Ligbrynian language, Iskeannfaeckteoriyk is one of the industrial capitals of the world. Built round a lava lake, the city makes very high quality armour for all species, and takes it’s heat and ore from the lake itself. Hundreds of suits of armour are created in the furnaces, limited only by supplies of leather, coal (the mere heat of the place burns of impurities) and labour. The city is also the third highest populated in the nation, and also occupies the largest surface area.
Heauhbeaorkg Ascke
Meaning High Mountain Ash, this city is the capital of Ligbryne, the seat of the council of twelve, and the fourth highest populated city in Ligbryne, and has the largest dragon population in the nation.
Meaning Prize Port-upon-Swimming, this city operates the main trade route between Ligbryne and Valgard, the trans-Meaþmkhæfeane-Eira trade route. It also houses the second largest population in the nation.
Meaning Lizard House Town-upon-Serpent, this city houses the largest lesser dragon population in the LGDUL, as well as the largest population in the nation. It is also the main eastern port.
Meaning ‘Fort Tooth’, this fortress houses the Ligbrynian Inner Sea fleet, as well as housing the Inner Sea Greater Dragon Guard (basically dragon marines). The biggest for miles around, it was formed to protect the port of Meaþmkhæfeane.
Meaning ‘Fort Scale’, this fortress protects Ligbryne’s southern interests, forming the nexus of a network of forts and fortresses in the southern regions. It houses the largest garrison in Ligbryne.
Meaning ‘Fort Gaze’, this fortress houses the nation’s Great Sea Fleet, which is somewhat smaller than the Inner Sea’s, and it also protects Aðeaxkeærkntoan, and is the principle army recruitment and training installation for the nation.
“One good trade route, if you do not have the ability to perform slave raids, is between the Valgardian city of Eira and the Ligbrynian port of Meaþmkhæfeane. Valgardian slaves are good valve, especially fatter humans, which can be bought in Eira for low prices, and sold for high ones in Meaþmkhæfeane. Also, Armour fetches a nice price in Eira, and certain spices and rare foods can also be bought there…”
Organised sea trade happens quite frequently, as does organised caravans over land by foot, and rarely by elephant. Despite the nation's aggressive foreign policy, merchants often deal in slaves, metalware (especially armour), wine, rare meats (including human and eleven), game meats, and fuels. Imports include Leather, metal ores, cattle meat, cash crops, and diamonds.
The nation also exists on a possible trade route between the west and east seas.
“We will forge armour able to deflect all but the strongest blows, cheap enough for very dragon, lesser and greater, to own a suit. For the richer peoples, we will forge armour able to glance off these strongest blows, made from the strongest ebony from Mount Asce…”
-Quoted from a famous Ligbrynian Industrialist.
The LGDUL is fairly advanced, especially in metallurgy, industry and architecture. Ligbrynian Armour is some of the most advanced and protecting in the world, and some say that some of the buildings built by the Ligbryrnians are only kept up by magic, due to their advanced architecture. Agriculture is well organised, but they are fuelled by human slaves. Education is important, incredibly so among the Greater Dragon castes, and their ship building is average, using sails and oar. Although roads do exist in large numbers, mobility is the LGDUL's biggest problem, due to it's refusal to use horses. Many Ligbrynians have tried to find alternatives to the horse, but today, only the elephant and foot exists to freight goods by land.
Research is going into a project called 'Project Hefonfia'. Not much information is available on this project, but it is presumed to provide an opportunity for 'humans and elves to enter the dragon castes. One can only speculate on what this project will provide.
"As the eleven's bodies burnt away, their sprits ascended to godhood. God of what was determined by their mortal interests. For example, the chieftain Níðhete, infamous for the slavery and torture of humans, became the god of torture, slavery and punishment. Whereas, his sister, Nerian, who strived for the freedom of dragonkind, became the god of freedom, innocence and reward..."
The nation has a state religion (contradicting with it's southern neighbour's beliefs), which believe that the eleven mages that set off Mount Asce ascended to godhood of their interests in life. There were 5 greater dragon gods, and 6 lesser ones, forming 5 pairs with one god left over, but they were supposed to morph into a new type of dragon, named 'Grand Dragons'. While some of these gods may seem like evil demons, the Ligbrynians regard them all as gods, as they believe there can't be good without evil, leading the line between the two to be blurred somewhat.
Unlike other religions, who believe a greater being created the word, the Ligbrynians believe that the universe has always been around. They believe that once, the planet was a big ball of lava (a star, according to Ligbrynians) that hit another big ball of lava, and another, and another, until the ball became so big that it's surface began to slowly cool. As the surface cooled, the world's surface turned blue. Then, as hot lava tried to reach the surface, it cooled quickly, forming rock. Thus, the continents were born.
The Pair of Justice
These two have already been mentioned, and are some of the most popular gods in the nation. They are very prominent, as can be seen in Ligbrynian courts, where the verdict is either 'Aet Níðhete' (to Níðhete) or 'Aet Nerian (to Nerian).
In charge of punishment, Níðhete is often called the most evil of the gods by many people unfamiliar with the religion (and some who are, seeing as his banner is always flown when the Ligbrynians fight humans). As the Ligbrynians see humanity as one of the worst crimes, he is also in charge of slavery, execution and torture. In art, he is depicted as a large grand dragon, with no shirt on, and blood stained trousers, holding manacles in one hand, and a piece of 'equipment' in the other, either with a serious face, or even a sinister smile.
In charge of retribution and innocence, Nerian is often thought to be the most human-friendly god by some uneducated outsiders, though the reality is the opposite, as it is often forgotten by these outsiders that humanity is a crime, and therefore all humans are not innocent. She is depicted as a well dressed lady with a serious expression on her face.
The Pair of War
These two gods are both male (though some ridiculed evidence suggests otherwise), each caters for one aspect of war - offence and defence. The defence god's banner is always flown by infantry units, but the offence god's banner is only flown when the unit is invading another country. These two were historically enemies before they were united by Léoreadneask. Along with the usual troops, these gods each have their own units dedicated to their ideals.
The god of defence, armour, fortification, and organisation, Campwudu is usually depicted as a grand dragon wearing very heavy armour, holding a very long pike, with a composite bow tied on his back, standing upon a tower.
The god of offence, weapons, siege and a warrior's heart, Gúðsweord is usually depicted as a grand dragon wearing little or no armour, holding two ásprindladers, running.
The Life Gods
The goddess of birth, procreation, and life, Acennednes is often depicted as a woman guarding dragon eggs, while keeping them warm.
The god of death, the afterlife, necromancy, ghost, ghouls and whatnot, as well as knowledge. Lícwíglung is often depicted as a lich, with a half decomposed, half not body, wearing a dark cloak, hood down. He is said to be the oldest of the gods, yearwise.
The Craft Gods
There are four more gods that don't fall into pairs. These each cater for the four most important jobs in Ligbryne
The god of Blacksmiths. Often depicted hammering a weapon or armour on a anvil.
The god of Merchants. Often depicted holding up a trade contract, with a pen in the other hand.
The god of Builders. Often depicted doing anything to do with construction, from surveying to cutting wood.
The god of professors and teachers. Often depicted reading a book out loud.
(OOC: I’ll wait until Semestia get his population sorted, then I’ll work out population)
The LGDUL free castes are composed mostly of Lizardmen and Dragons, although the Lizardmen make up most of the population.
“Our lines will defend us from the human’s who seek to enslave us, supported by our noble Greater Dragons, able to jump four hundred feet onto the enemy. We need not the steeds of the enemy, as the lazy humans will do the job they force horses to do…”
- A Dragon’s Declaration, Chapter Two
The military composes of both dragons and lizards. While the lizards normally form the Infantry lines, the dragons operate as a sort of short range air force. The nation is known for it's dragons, bringing heavily armoured and hot death onto the nation's enemies. Their main weaknesses, however, are clouds of arrows and other projectiles magic or not, cockiness, as well as their own kind (which they are reluctant to attack), and their short range. Save for these flaws, they make for excellent raiders. It can be also noted that they have one of (if not the) largest dragon forces in the world.
On the ground, the LGDUL military composes of Lizardmen, wearing fairly heavy armour, and wielding weapons that are combinations of Billhooks and Halberds, well as oddly shaped swords used for ripping chunks out of the enemy, and of course their faithful claws and teeth. This combination makes for a daunting slowly advancing line of deadly weapons. However, although they fight well when things are going well, they are quite quick to break. Also, their maneuverability is not the best in the world. They are supported by archers who use composite bows, and short swords. The 'tanks' of the army compose of elephants, turned into walking towers, intended to charge though enemy lines, spraying them with arrow and other projectiles. The Army makes some use of magic, but save from the dragons, not much is used, as most Ligbrynians concentrate more on the school of Alteration.
Siegewise, the Ligbrynians make use of some interesting weapons, including makeshift naptha grenade catapults, giant flamethrowers, dragon bombers and trebuchet that launch fire bombs, as well as standard trebuchets. The trouble is, all these fancy weapons arn't too good at knocking down walls - only for killing the people inside.
However, the single biggest problem of the army is the lack of manoeuvrability. The LGDUL refuses to use horses, and therefore most equipment is carried mostly by foot, or rarely by elephant.
The most (in)famous and well used weapon in Ligbryne, the Lorg ranges from 6 (2m) feet for operations that require smaller arms, to the largest ones of 20 feet. Standard troops in the army use lorgs of 9-13 feet (around 3-4 metres long). Born during the classical wars with the humans around Mount Asce, the Lorg (ripper in the Ligbrynian lanugage) is a mixture of a pike, a halbeld and a billhook, invented to be useful against both cavalry and infantry. As time went on, and the Ligbrynian's neighbours turned from human kingdoms to Sheshimistha Union, the Lorg design became more and more sinister looking, while using less and less metal, and became better at taking down infantry.
Also often carried by the Ligbrynian soldiers, the Ontyknaensweord (or the Shreack as it is often known by soldiers) is a unconventional sword, that more resembles two scythes stuck together than a conventional sword. The sword is straight until a point, when the sword splits in two, and double-backs in each case, forming a spike on each end. Instead of stabbing, the sword is used by swinging it into the hip or chest, then pulling on it hard, ripping it out of the body, or using it as a axe.
The second most common Ligbrynian bow, the Scortboga is an ancient weapon, and is more famous for it's small size and rate of fire than it's power. Used by elite bodyguards.
Used by specialised Ligbrynian archers, the Ofsktliicaeboga is much larger than the miniscule Scortboga, and packs a punch, but is still not as penerative as a crossbow.
One of the most powerful bows in the world, the Eabonykboga is made from Ebony, but is heavy, hard to use and expensive.
An almost exact copy of the Seshimesthian Shien Crossbow, this was 'borrowed' when the power of a crossbow was needed over the rate of fire of a bow.
I shall work on this later as well.
Ligbrynian foreign relations are based heavly on race
Lurckeanfreaond (Close Friend)
Freaond (Friend)
Treadaefreaond (Trade Partner)
Middangeardþeodscipe (World Nation (recognised))
Yrre (Cross)
Fiionnd (Enemy)
Byrkgaenfiionnd (Grave Enemy)
Se Hiiordd Mægþs okf Suiddaekmoan (The Na'kearal Semshimistha)
Se Ceaskaerkeal okf Vaelgard (The Empire of Valgard)
Lesser and Greater Draconic Union of Lígbryne
http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4170/theredeyemp1.png (http://imageshack.us)
"For many years, our peoples have been hunted by Men, not for food, nor for even money, but for glory, and fame. Also, our lesser cousins, the Lizard men of the plains, and the mountains, and the swamps, who will henceforth be known as lesser dragons, have been subject to slavery, and degradation by the people of the soft flesh. Both our lands have been pillaged, and our people persecuted by them, our wealth stolen, our sovernty violated. And as the soft fleshes bask in their cities, plotting against us, founding societies for our destruction. The seer Léoreadneask, a lesser dragon, saw a vision of our future. A grim future, with our elder slaughtered for fame, our young seduced, before they become little more than horses, and our fellow lesser dragons wrapped in irons, being marched to the old port on the west sea, to be sold for 130 day's wages. He also saw what he must do to avert this terrible future. Thus, began the mustering of the tribes. As he visited both the greater and the lesser dragons tribes, mustering the strongest mages, and preparing for the slaughter of the soft flesh at Mount Ascea. Eleven mages converged there, as both lesser and greater dragon fought to distract the soft flesh garrison. In a incantation many words long, the mages began to chant, greater and lesser dragon speaking together to create a new world. And as they said the incantation, the Mount began to rumble and with a large bang, the mountain exploded, and smoke with the heat of a thousand flames incinerated every soft fleshed being for miles, the last words of the mages carried by the cloud, the motto of the newly formed Lesser and Greater Draconic Union of Lígbryne; 'Today, we stand united. Today marks the end of the soft fleshed reign, and the beginning of the reign of fire and hard flesh. No longer will we be hunted for fame. Tomorrow, we will hunt them! So begins the Age of Dragons!'"
-Chapter One of the Infamous ‘ A Dragon Declaration’, a book by Grístra Bóc
Major Cities
“Let the Family of the Mages, who started our country on the road to our great goal, where humans panic whenever they are on open ground, lead us the rest of this dangerous path. Their Ancestor’s sacrifice started the great journey to the new age, so that they may lead us to the end of humanity, and the eleven's return.”
-A Dragon Declaration, chapter 3.
The LGDUL is governed by a council of 12 representatives of areas around the nation, composing of six 'Greater Dragons' (basically the generic dragons that can breath fire and fly) and six 'Lesser Dragons' (basically Lizardmen). These positions are all families, and the seat of the council is passed on from father to son, or from mother to daughter. The Góad Lanidhláefourda or Great Protector is the head of the country, the baron of Mount Ascea, and the head of the national religion. This position is a hereditary one, however people who are adopted may gain this position, and if the entire family is wiped out, the remaining Protectors vote in a new Great Protector. Currently, this position is held by a greater dragon, and is likely to be held by one for a long time.
Below the GL, there are the Lanidhláefourda or Protectors.These are the other 11 barons of the LGDUL, 5 of which are Greater Dragons, 6 of which are Lesser Dragons. This position is also hereditary. Each one is in charge of one area in the LGDUL, and also votes in the council of eleven.
“The Human race is a menace, Eadweard, and deserves to be wiped off the world, or at the very least enslaved. A human seen wandering our lands, not in irons or on a plate, is a weird sight indeed. We must find that alien, and return it to it’s rightful owner.”
-The Legend of the Three Lanterns
“…if you suspect a lodger of being a human, you must first make sure that it is a human. More often than can be desired, eleven races have been mistaken for human races. Some ways to tell are…(this section goes on for many pages) .If a genuine Human has entered Ligbrynian territory, you must check for any signs of ownership. If none can be found, you may immediately apprehend the alien, and take it to the nearest watch post for trial.”
-Iskeannfaeckteoriyk Guard Handbook
Ligbrynian society is extremely Xenophobic toward some, but very trusting toward others. Toward Human kingdoms and life forms, the Ligbrynian society are united in absolute hatred. To other soft-skinned peoples, they feel suspicious, bordering on paranoid. However, other to types of people, specifically hard skinned ones, and other persecuted-by-human and persecuting-human races, they are warm and kind. Only Lizardmen and Dragons can be proper citizens. Others, save for humans and some elves, are known as 'lodgers'. There are also many slaves, mainly human in the nation. Though a caste system exists, it is not always followed, and some lizard men have been known to rise though the ranks to become governors and even nobility, although this is not often true for the Dragon castes.
When the nation was formed, the lizard men were renamed 'Lesser Dragons' and the standard dragons 'Greater Dragons'. The society believes the reign of the 'soft fleshed races' (humans) is over, and the dragon’s (both greater and lesser) reign is just beginning. They believe all reptilian and serpent life forms are dragons in one form or another.
The lesser dragons make up most of the permanent population, followed by slaves and by greater dragons. The Council families can only be entered by adoption and birth.
Lesser Dragon/Dreagoaneik Nearwkiiaen/Ces'Niijing
The Lesser Dragons are lizard men who, over many years, have started to look more and more like their bigger bretherin. Origdinally standard swamp dwellers and some mountain dwellers, their skin hardened, they grew claws, horns and talons, became more agressive, and most importantly they became more intelligent. Nowadays, the average Lesser Dragon is six feet tall, slightly heavier than an average human, and also thinner than the average human. The bones are the main strength of the Lesser Dragon, as their arms are slightly weaker than a human's, meaning they can carry more equipment, but this equipment needs to be light enough to carry in arms. Their legs are also quite strong, and their lizard heritage means that limbs redevolp, albeit over a long period, which has lead amputation to be popular.
Disease can and still does plague the lesser dragons. Tuberculosis, cancer and smallpox are the main killers, but their throats filter out most airborne disease. Their lifetimes are a bit longer than humans, some nobles living until the 90s, but most peasants live until their 60s. This may be due to their affliction with greater dragons.
They form the basis of the Ligbrynian population due to their higher reproduction rates than humans. However, the babies come out in eggs which can take ages to make, an even longer to hatch. This amount of time can take twice as long as it does for humans to finish the devolpment of babies (ie 9 months). Also, during the egg phrase, the egg needs to be kept warm, and is soft skinned. Therefore, entire buildings have been built for the purpose of keeping and hatching eggs, called 'hatcheries'.
Coming soon - Greater dragons and non-senitient species
Major Cities
“There are three types of city in Ligbryne: Greater Dragon, Lesser Dragon and Industry. The Greater Dragon’s cities are the centre of learning, culture and history, but also ones of war, and sadism, as humankind are abused and maltreated. They say one can faintly hear human screams in these centres of learning. The Lesser Dragon’s cities house the land’s population. The Greater Dragons strive to improve these cities with their knowledge and hoards, but despite this, they are still slums in these cities, where the main inhabitant is filth. Finally, there are the Industrial cities, where the famous Ligbrynian armour is forged, as well as other things. These cities consume thousands of loads of fuel; coke, coal, humans…”
- The Crimson Nation, by Anonymous
Meaning Iron Factory in the Ligbrynian language, Iskeannfaeckteoriyk is one of the industrial capitals of the world. Built round a lava lake, the city makes very high quality armour for all species, and takes it’s heat and ore from the lake itself. Hundreds of suits of armour are created in the furnaces, limited only by supplies of leather, coal (the mere heat of the place burns of impurities) and labour. The city is also the third highest populated in the nation, and also occupies the largest surface area.
Heauhbeaorkg Ascke
Meaning High Mountain Ash, this city is the capital of Ligbryne, the seat of the council of twelve, and the fourth highest populated city in Ligbryne, and has the largest dragon population in the nation.
Meaning Prize Port-upon-Swimming, this city operates the main trade route between Ligbryne and Valgard, the trans-Meaþmkhæfeane-Eira trade route. It also houses the second largest population in the nation.
Meaning Lizard House Town-upon-Serpent, this city houses the largest lesser dragon population in the LGDUL, as well as the largest population in the nation. It is also the main eastern port.
Meaning ‘Fort Tooth’, this fortress houses the Ligbrynian Inner Sea fleet, as well as housing the Inner Sea Greater Dragon Guard (basically dragon marines). The biggest for miles around, it was formed to protect the port of Meaþmkhæfeane.
Meaning ‘Fort Scale’, this fortress protects Ligbryne’s southern interests, forming the nexus of a network of forts and fortresses in the southern regions. It houses the largest garrison in Ligbryne.
Meaning ‘Fort Gaze’, this fortress houses the nation’s Great Sea Fleet, which is somewhat smaller than the Inner Sea’s, and it also protects Aðeaxkeærkntoan, and is the principle army recruitment and training installation for the nation.
“One good trade route, if you do not have the ability to perform slave raids, is between the Valgardian city of Eira and the Ligbrynian port of Meaþmkhæfeane. Valgardian slaves are good valve, especially fatter humans, which can be bought in Eira for low prices, and sold for high ones in Meaþmkhæfeane. Also, Armour fetches a nice price in Eira, and certain spices and rare foods can also be bought there…”
Organised sea trade happens quite frequently, as does organised caravans over land by foot, and rarely by elephant. Despite the nation's aggressive foreign policy, merchants often deal in slaves, metalware (especially armour), wine, rare meats (including human and eleven), game meats, and fuels. Imports include Leather, metal ores, cattle meat, cash crops, and diamonds.
The nation also exists on a possible trade route between the west and east seas.
“We will forge armour able to deflect all but the strongest blows, cheap enough for very dragon, lesser and greater, to own a suit. For the richer peoples, we will forge armour able to glance off these strongest blows, made from the strongest ebony from Mount Asce…”
-Quoted from a famous Ligbrynian Industrialist.
The LGDUL is fairly advanced, especially in metallurgy, industry and architecture. Ligbrynian Armour is some of the most advanced and protecting in the world, and some say that some of the buildings built by the Ligbryrnians are only kept up by magic, due to their advanced architecture. Agriculture is well organised, but they are fuelled by human slaves. Education is important, incredibly so among the Greater Dragon castes, and their ship building is average, using sails and oar. Although roads do exist in large numbers, mobility is the LGDUL's biggest problem, due to it's refusal to use horses. Many Ligbrynians have tried to find alternatives to the horse, but today, only the elephant and foot exists to freight goods by land.
Research is going into a project called 'Project Hefonfia'. Not much information is available on this project, but it is presumed to provide an opportunity for 'humans and elves to enter the dragon castes. One can only speculate on what this project will provide.
"As the eleven's bodies burnt away, their sprits ascended to godhood. God of what was determined by their mortal interests. For example, the chieftain Níðhete, infamous for the slavery and torture of humans, became the god of torture, slavery and punishment. Whereas, his sister, Nerian, who strived for the freedom of dragonkind, became the god of freedom, innocence and reward..."
The nation has a state religion (contradicting with it's southern neighbour's beliefs), which believe that the eleven mages that set off Mount Asce ascended to godhood of their interests in life. There were 5 greater dragon gods, and 6 lesser ones, forming 5 pairs with one god left over, but they were supposed to morph into a new type of dragon, named 'Grand Dragons'. While some of these gods may seem like evil demons, the Ligbrynians regard them all as gods, as they believe there can't be good without evil, leading the line between the two to be blurred somewhat.
Unlike other religions, who believe a greater being created the word, the Ligbrynians believe that the universe has always been around. They believe that once, the planet was a big ball of lava (a star, according to Ligbrynians) that hit another big ball of lava, and another, and another, until the ball became so big that it's surface began to slowly cool. As the surface cooled, the world's surface turned blue. Then, as hot lava tried to reach the surface, it cooled quickly, forming rock. Thus, the continents were born.
The Pair of Justice
These two have already been mentioned, and are some of the most popular gods in the nation. They are very prominent, as can be seen in Ligbrynian courts, where the verdict is either 'Aet Níðhete' (to Níðhete) or 'Aet Nerian (to Nerian).
In charge of punishment, Níðhete is often called the most evil of the gods by many people unfamiliar with the religion (and some who are, seeing as his banner is always flown when the Ligbrynians fight humans). As the Ligbrynians see humanity as one of the worst crimes, he is also in charge of slavery, execution and torture. In art, he is depicted as a large grand dragon, with no shirt on, and blood stained trousers, holding manacles in one hand, and a piece of 'equipment' in the other, either with a serious face, or even a sinister smile.
In charge of retribution and innocence, Nerian is often thought to be the most human-friendly god by some uneducated outsiders, though the reality is the opposite, as it is often forgotten by these outsiders that humanity is a crime, and therefore all humans are not innocent. She is depicted as a well dressed lady with a serious expression on her face.
The Pair of War
These two gods are both male (though some ridiculed evidence suggests otherwise), each caters for one aspect of war - offence and defence. The defence god's banner is always flown by infantry units, but the offence god's banner is only flown when the unit is invading another country. These two were historically enemies before they were united by Léoreadneask. Along with the usual troops, these gods each have their own units dedicated to their ideals.
The god of defence, armour, fortification, and organisation, Campwudu is usually depicted as a grand dragon wearing very heavy armour, holding a very long pike, with a composite bow tied on his back, standing upon a tower.
The god of offence, weapons, siege and a warrior's heart, Gúðsweord is usually depicted as a grand dragon wearing little or no armour, holding two ásprindladers, running.
The Life Gods
The goddess of birth, procreation, and life, Acennednes is often depicted as a woman guarding dragon eggs, while keeping them warm.
The god of death, the afterlife, necromancy, ghost, ghouls and whatnot, as well as knowledge. Lícwíglung is often depicted as a lich, with a half decomposed, half not body, wearing a dark cloak, hood down. He is said to be the oldest of the gods, yearwise.
The Craft Gods
There are four more gods that don't fall into pairs. These each cater for the four most important jobs in Ligbryne
The god of Blacksmiths. Often depicted hammering a weapon or armour on a anvil.
The god of Merchants. Often depicted holding up a trade contract, with a pen in the other hand.
The god of Builders. Often depicted doing anything to do with construction, from surveying to cutting wood.
The god of professors and teachers. Often depicted reading a book out loud.
(OOC: I’ll wait until Semestia get his population sorted, then I’ll work out population)
The LGDUL free castes are composed mostly of Lizardmen and Dragons, although the Lizardmen make up most of the population.
“Our lines will defend us from the human’s who seek to enslave us, supported by our noble Greater Dragons, able to jump four hundred feet onto the enemy. We need not the steeds of the enemy, as the lazy humans will do the job they force horses to do…”
- A Dragon’s Declaration, Chapter Two
The military composes of both dragons and lizards. While the lizards normally form the Infantry lines, the dragons operate as a sort of short range air force. The nation is known for it's dragons, bringing heavily armoured and hot death onto the nation's enemies. Their main weaknesses, however, are clouds of arrows and other projectiles magic or not, cockiness, as well as their own kind (which they are reluctant to attack), and their short range. Save for these flaws, they make for excellent raiders. It can be also noted that they have one of (if not the) largest dragon forces in the world.
On the ground, the LGDUL military composes of Lizardmen, wearing fairly heavy armour, and wielding weapons that are combinations of Billhooks and Halberds, well as oddly shaped swords used for ripping chunks out of the enemy, and of course their faithful claws and teeth. This combination makes for a daunting slowly advancing line of deadly weapons. However, although they fight well when things are going well, they are quite quick to break. Also, their maneuverability is not the best in the world. They are supported by archers who use composite bows, and short swords. The 'tanks' of the army compose of elephants, turned into walking towers, intended to charge though enemy lines, spraying them with arrow and other projectiles. The Army makes some use of magic, but save from the dragons, not much is used, as most Ligbrynians concentrate more on the school of Alteration.
Siegewise, the Ligbrynians make use of some interesting weapons, including makeshift naptha grenade catapults, giant flamethrowers, dragon bombers and trebuchet that launch fire bombs, as well as standard trebuchets. The trouble is, all these fancy weapons arn't too good at knocking down walls - only for killing the people inside.
However, the single biggest problem of the army is the lack of manoeuvrability. The LGDUL refuses to use horses, and therefore most equipment is carried mostly by foot, or rarely by elephant.
The most (in)famous and well used weapon in Ligbryne, the Lorg ranges from 6 (2m) feet for operations that require smaller arms, to the largest ones of 20 feet. Standard troops in the army use lorgs of 9-13 feet (around 3-4 metres long). Born during the classical wars with the humans around Mount Asce, the Lorg (ripper in the Ligbrynian lanugage) is a mixture of a pike, a halbeld and a billhook, invented to be useful against both cavalry and infantry. As time went on, and the Ligbrynian's neighbours turned from human kingdoms to Sheshimistha Union, the Lorg design became more and more sinister looking, while using less and less metal, and became better at taking down infantry.
Also often carried by the Ligbrynian soldiers, the Ontyknaensweord (or the Shreack as it is often known by soldiers) is a unconventional sword, that more resembles two scythes stuck together than a conventional sword. The sword is straight until a point, when the sword splits in two, and double-backs in each case, forming a spike on each end. Instead of stabbing, the sword is used by swinging it into the hip or chest, then pulling on it hard, ripping it out of the body, or using it as a axe.
The second most common Ligbrynian bow, the Scortboga is an ancient weapon, and is more famous for it's small size and rate of fire than it's power. Used by elite bodyguards.
Used by specialised Ligbrynian archers, the Ofsktliicaeboga is much larger than the miniscule Scortboga, and packs a punch, but is still not as penerative as a crossbow.
One of the most powerful bows in the world, the Eabonykboga is made from Ebony, but is heavy, hard to use and expensive.
An almost exact copy of the Seshimesthian Shien Crossbow, this was 'borrowed' when the power of a crossbow was needed over the rate of fire of a bow.
I shall work on this later as well.
Ligbrynian foreign relations are based heavly on race
Lurckeanfreaond (Close Friend)
Freaond (Friend)
Treadaefreaond (Trade Partner)
Middangeardþeodscipe (World Nation (recognised))
Yrre (Cross)
Fiionnd (Enemy)
Byrkgaenfiionnd (Grave Enemy)
Se Hiiordd Mægþs okf Suiddaekmoan (The Na'kearal Semshimistha)
Se Ceaskaerkeal okf Vaelgard (The Empire of Valgard)