03-06-2007, 07:56
Night is the prime of the militaries cover. Darkness drappes the soldiers like a comforting blanket of protection and mystery. Or at least thats what the old proverbs said back in the military Academy uyse to teach him as he rushed back and forth from class to class. But class was long gone as he now led a battalion from the holy city Camathen to the naval habor of Port Dothan where they where to be set to ship out for the nation of Aetris. But for young military officer by the name Mahummond Al Jackile it was more then just a military operation. it was a Jihad. One to reclaim lands that belonged to Arab-Canada. This was a matter of Pride...
The trip to port Dothan was short and the ships where already prepped and ready for the operation. Jackile was nervous... who wouldn't be. War was a nasty event, though sometimes unavoidable. He had studied the soldiers of Raven corps and The Kraven Corporation. Their soldiers where great and powerful... and best of all- Unfearing.
" We ship out in 2 hours!" yeleed a portmen
Jackiles heart began to race as he knew there was no turning back.....
Military Outpost 4A7Q – Northern Peninsula
0630 Hours (6:30 AM)
The night watchmen’s shift was nearing an end, and soon, a loud speaker will spring to life as a monotone voice announced the official rising of the sun in the west. In sort, the night watchmen went home and the day watchmen took over. In Sub Level J5, Sgt. Taven Rhen was enjoying his last few moments of wonderful unconsciousness when the aforementioned monotone voice interrupted his otherwise pleasant dream.
“The time is currently 0630 hours. Night watchmen, proceed to your quarters. Day watchmen, report to your designated rally point to receive today’s orders.”
Rhen’s eyes opened slowly. “I hate that voice,” he muttered to himself in an irritated tone. Vacations were few and far between for him, and nothing was more enjoyable than sleeping to him. Something about profound unconsciousness and the involuntary relay of the day’s happenings appealed to him greatly, and as such, being awoken by such an annoying tone wasn’t exactly his idea of fun.
Slowly, he climbed out of bed and walked over to his mirror and looked deep into the reflection he saw. His eyes were a deep hazel in color. His dark brown hair was short like all military personnel and was without a doubt the most unremarkable feature he possessed. On his right cheek were 2 scars that resembled dog whiskers that he received during training. Some said he resembled a wolf slightly thanks to those scars and his somewhat wolf like eyes, thus earning him the nickname of “Shadow Wolf,” the “shadow” part hinting to his naturally occurring nag for being stealthy. He rubbed his eyes and trudged into the bathroom for a quick 2-minute shower.
After getting out and drying himself off, he picked up the morning ration and sniffed it. He made a somewhat disgusted face before shoving it down his throat. “Soy. Honestly, what’s with everything being made from soy these days?” He gargled a chemical in his mouth that freshened his breath and finally got around to putting on his uniform, which was standard issue. It consisted of a Nano-fiber Kevlar vest that bore the Aetris symbol of freedom that covered the torso and formed two pauldrons of sorts. It was a dark gray in color. The second layer was made from a tough fiber that had become unofficially known as “woven scales.” The final layer consisted of a full body suit that monitored his vital signs and sent the data to the central control room. He slipped into it and walked out the door, where he joined his fellow watchmen as they prepared to make their rounds.
03-06-2007, 17:46
The naval force that was to bring the doom of Aetris moved ever so close as they barreled away at full speed. It would soon be time for the invasion...
OOC: will post more later.