02-06-2007, 05:37
National name: The Na'kaeral Semshimistha
(NA-kay-er-al Sem-shi-mist-HA)
That is the "Grouped Tribes of Semshimistha" (generic name for all demons) in the native tongue.
The system is far more loose than those of human cultures, still it has a rude complexity to it and it IS organised.
At the top is the rank of Lamorr, or 'Eternal', ANY Semshimistha regardless of rank or race may advance to this position, so long as they kill the previous bearer of the title. Ironically the title of "eternal" lasts only as long as its bearer is the most cunning or strongest around.
Despite the almost constant infighting the Lamorr is the recognised head-honcho, his power is absolute and his word is law, as far as Semshimistha are concerned and as far as they are obedient.
Also, although the rank is easy to gain in theory, in practice it is almost impossible as the bearer is almost always a Kiishra and thus extremely capable, aside from that the Lamorr must be a stronger warrior than other Semshimistha, which means they often the finest of the finest in terms of battle prowess.
Next is the title of Khang or 'Lord', a Khang is almost always a Kiishra, but as of now there are some that are not. Khang wield power over swathes of land, they rule by the force of their charisma, the ferocity of their strength and the power of their cunning. A single Khang usually reigns over tens of thousand of other Semshimistha and they serve as the nobility. One must be born to the Khang, take the blood of a Khang or they may be raised to it by the Lamorr.
After that comes the Graph or 'Higher', this is the highest a blood-bonded human may reach, but this is a rare occurrence, as most are Semshimistha of lower classes such as Saeli.
Graph serve as the bureaucracy, so to speak, it is their duty to summon Semshimistha to war, overseer construction and basically to get things done. Usually their are eight Graph to a Khang and each serve as a Khang's subordinate.
Next we have the Zaal, or 'Favoured' these the high class citizens, this is the highest a non-bonded human may reach. Zaal often live lives that are less harsh than their brothers and sisters of Semshimistha, however they still have a harsh lot, the only thing that separates Zaal from the lower ranks is the fact that Zaal can and do own land, in which case they are Za'Zaal, which may extend up to one-thousand people on average.
Zaal also may serve as the lowest level of bureaucracy, carrying messages, stamping coins, and other such acts, in which case they are Lah'Zaal.
After the Zaal comes the Kull or 'Normal', they tend to have a much similar role to Zaal, except they may not own land and keep only the wealth they can to themselves, most Semshimistha belong to this class and it is in this class that craftsmen and labourers also exist.
Cesp or 'Lowly' these are slaves, typically human although Semshimistha may sink to these depths.
Cesp exist only to serve and to labour, in times of war many human Cesp may be rounded up and sent to battle armed lightly with clubs and hammers to act as cannon fodder.
Cesp sometimes stage rebellions, but are usually slaughtered on mass gleefully by their dark and violent masters.
It should be noted that as this is a human view the actual system is a good deal more chaotic and fluid, for instance Kiishra always outrank any but Khang and humans never may outrank Zaal, unless blood-bonded.
Semshimistha society is a brutal and cruel thing in many respects, touched lightly by civilisation, but still a very savage system.
The basic is survival of the strong and cunning, death and enslavement to the weak and stupid.
or 'Great Ones'.
These are usually the strongest, though not necessarily the oldest or wisest, of the Semshimistha. Usually they appear to be large and muscular, as tall as ten to twelve feet (approx 3.5 metres tall) and usually weighing around two-hundred and fifty to three-hundred kilograms, individual cases vary and may be almost double this in some cases (such as Harakhan).
Kiishra often have great wings of as much as ten feet in length each, but these are not made for flying, but rather serve as great armoured shields and blunt force trauma weapons, capable of breaking bones with a single slap and easily capable of withstanding blows from all but the stoutest of blades, they are also highly used in the practice of ritual duelling known as Ja'thanoth Sye (Duel of angry souls).
Combine the ability to regenerate horrific wounds and strength that surpasses that of a wild bull coupled with a hide that can shrug off sword blows and arrow strikes and claws that can rend leather and flesh like rotted cloth and you have the typically Kiishra, rare and mighty they are the pinnacle of Semshimistha strength with each one being an unparalleled warrior, hardened from birth to become such.
However Kiishra are limited to perhaps two hundred alive today, any children of Kiishra are always true-blooded, but due to a slow maturation cycle and mass infanticide Kiishra population only grows with terrain conquered, to move up and serve as the lord or nobility over the conquered.
Appearance-wise Kiishra usually have dark blue, purple, black, red or green skin, their eyes can be anything from yellow to red and they often decorate themselves with tribal tattoos that depict spirals and flames.
Kiishra are quite humanoid, with double pointed ears, standard points and pointed lobes, and often they have dark hair, Kiishra often have chiselled and sharp features, with longer and sharper teeth than normal.
Some random mutations such as claws and tails of many descriptions may occur, as well as sharp bony protrusions on the elbows and knees, hands may also mutate to support much larger talons for rending flesh with greater ease, this involves having shorter and more muscular fingers and talons as long as fifteen centimetres, capable of punching through even iron armour.
On the subject, Kiishra have vastly abnormally strong flesh and bones, past that of all but a few exceptions, their bones can shrug off sledgehammer blows and turn the strikes from swords and daggers for periods of time.
This is because it takes fifty years for a Kiishra to mature and they stay strong for as long as a thousand years later, a Kiishra is considered at his prime at age five-hundred.
Male Kiishra often have larger and more heavily muscled bodies, especially with their wings, their canine teeth are much larger and their claws tend toward the thicker and sharper.
Female Kiishra are almost the opposite, to the extent of almost being a different species. Female Kiishra are around seven feet tall on average, with underdeveloped wings and lean muscular bodies.
One should not be fooled by the perceived fragility of the female Kiishra as they are lighting-fast, faster even than their male counterparts, and capable of feats of tremendous agility.
However, it is a sad truth that Female Kiishra are rare and mainly restricted to the lower levels of nobility.
The lord of all Semshimistha is a Kiishra by the name of Harakhan Cyl Luthormus, a towering midnight-fleshed being with pale silver tattoos lacing his body and eyes like bloody fire.
Harakhan himself is old, but not nearly as ancient as some, and king for a century after brutally slaying his older brother in a duel at age four-hundred.
or 'Strong.'
In many respects Saeli are much like lesser versions of Kiishra, they tend to have lighter skin, less developed wings and less dense flesh and bone, they also lack their 'cousin's' resistance to magic.
Unlike their older and stronger "cousins" Saeli can't turn aside axe strokes with the sheer strength of their wings, their flesh can be pierced and cut by swords and daggers, albeit without a great deal of ease.
Saeli tend to the more brighter skin colours, such as red, pale blue and bright yellow, they are usually ten feet tall on average.
However Saeli are still vastly above the capabilities of humans, they still live their lives by the fierce hierarchical system that governs the Semshimistha and they still live by the same rules of battle.
With rare blessing Saeli may give birth to the two beings higher than them, Kiishra and Ullbarr, but may also give birth to lower Semshimistha, however the vast majority of Semshimistha children are normal, albeit when they crossbreed their genetics aren't always dominant.
Saeli are one of the most common Semshimistha, most of them serve as warriors and overseers occupying the positions of Zaal.
Saeli do still live for long period of time if left on their own, with some being as old as two-thousand years.
Many Saeli are formed into Hurra or 'Clans', these are usually headed by a Kiishra noble and serve as the lower members of his or her rule.
Saeli follow the same rules as Kiishra, males more heavily muscled and more developed, females not so.
or 'Elementals'
Perhaps the most mutated the freakish of the Semshimistha, Ulbarr can assume many different shapes and forms, however, unlike other races these mutations are welcomed as they show signs of blessing.
Ulbarr can be anything such as the giant Jikeel, a huge beast with two-dozen tentacles, each as long and thick as a tree trunk and a rubbery body with multiple eyes and mouths.
To the five-foot tall, fragile and stooped S'xial, one of only a few mutations that may wield magic.
Because of their immense variety not all Ulbarr will be listed, but the msot common mutations will be.
A rare condition that is born resembling a normal Saeli, but seems begins to mutate and grow extra arms, their bodies grow at an astronomical rate and their hands begin to turn into spiked and sucked tentacles, by age ten they are typically several tonnes with limbs as long as men are tall. There are perhaps a few dozen of these beings and they inhabit the dark waters of the Semshimistha seas, the largest being the one who gave them their name, the giant knows as Jikeel who lies in the bay also named after himself.
Jikeel himself is by now two thousand years old, he rarely stirs even at the direct command of the Lamorr, his strength simply too great to challenge, his home simply too impenetrable.
This stoops and lizard like beings are fragile and weak, almost nothing like their parent stock.
They tend to be exceptionally strong wielders of destructive and defensive magic, but their numbers are perhaps a hundred.
In the most bizarre of ways thge S'xial are much like the hulking Kiishra of their own, they are greatest in magical ability of all Semshimistha.
However they tend to be bend-over and thin, little bigger than a human child, they carry daggers that they may wield with lighting speed and canes made of solid wood to rest their easily-tired bodies on, they are typically hairless and pale grey-green with green reptilian eyes.
Sa'call: More in line with Saeli, they are human sized but like the S'xial they are wingless and pale. They make up for this with magic of intermediate strength, they tend toward the offensive-defensive mix and number in the hundreds, maybe as many as a thousand, they are the equal of a human mage,
Surprisingly Sa'call are actually quite common, but alone of the Semshimistha they are short-lived, living barely over a century.
or "Big Eyes"
These small Semshimistha are about two-feet tall with large eyes and wear thick dark robes, they have wings much larger than themselves which they often tuck around their bodies.
Their lot in life is poor, serving as watchmen and detectors mainly, their only strength is their sight and it is the only reason the harsh nature of the Semshimistha has not taken them.
Usually Rahoom are dark-skinned with thick stout bodies and bright yellow eyes, sometimes they even ride on the shoulder of large and strong Saeli or Kiishra and serve as and extra pair of eyes, their service is rewarded with food, space and money, but they are not allowed to own more than enough land to raise a family on, nor could they hold onto such if it was attempted.
Rahoom can see well in dark or light, they can see the threads of magic, they can predict much and see what many can not, they number in the thousands and are employed on watch throughout the land.
or "Shadows"
Espent are tall and willowy, but small and fragile for Semshimistha.
Espent have a lifestyle of their own, they are lean and muscular with sharp-edged wings.
Espent are a by-product of the savage system of selection favoured by Semshimistha, unlike their larger cousins they tend toward agility and speed to remain strong, they still occupy the same positions in social strata as Saeli though.
Espent are still capable fighters, they are around seven feet tall and sinewy, capable of wielding bladed spears and long swords with ease, they are also agile and may serve as assassins due to their stealth skills, HOWEVER, Espent are little stronger than humans and lack the resilience of the other Semshimistha, so they are not often seen in the field of battle.
Despite their similar positions Espent are vastly less common than Saeli, outnumbered five-to-one by their larger cousins.
Appearance-wise Espent are usually dressed in close-fitting plaes of overlapping armour, to make up for their weak skin, which is a dark blue colour, their eyes are often bright green and they usually have their hair in long braids.
Both male and female are very similar physically and mentally, with the only significance being sexual organs.
These are humans who have been deemed worthy of blood, they serve as leaders of groups of men sent in to battle, they often wear all black armour and clothes and have eyes the colour of fresh blood, their skin becomes chalky and their hair loses its colour, fading to a soulless dark grey.
Sahadar is both a gift and a curse, to be Sahadar means that one is forever bound to one's Samshimistha master, but it also brings the possibility of a better life.
'Servants' negative connotation.
The lowest of the low, they are the standard human stock, they live short and brutal lives lightened only by their short periods of time at the feeding troughs and mating grounds.
Flest are humans who slave to aid the Saeli in their labours, they live in cramped settlements and are always watched over.
The only way for Flest to progress is by being soldiers and appeasing their lords, their lives may be ended at any time for any reasons.
It should be noted that females are given the title Geh'Flest, and may be used as objects of sexual satisfaction as well, but are primarily used as mating stock for males.
It should be noted, however, that a very few female Flest have become something more by bearing the half-blood children of Saeli and also that despite the conditions they exist in, the human stock of Semshimistha is actually very strong, in much the same way that the Semshimistra weed out the week from their own races they do so for their human servants as well.
Still to come....
Halfbloods and other less-common races + other abnormalities.
Kiisoom are the Rahoom of the scent world, their sense of scent and smell is so advanced they can smell magic, they have a sense of smell vastly greater than even the strongest of hound's. However, Kiisoom are quite rare with populations of only a few thousand and they are also vulnerable, they are larger than Rahoom but still only about one metre (31/3 feet) high and perhaps thirty kilos. They tend to have large beak-like noses, little amounts of hair and dark leathery skin, like the Rahoom they weak long hooded cloaks to hide their fragile forms and are usually seen trailing larger Saeli or Kiishra.
Criell Espent
(Death Shadows)
These are the children of Espent and Saeli, although rare occurrences they are terrifying and dangerous, although in many ways they are as flawed as they are dangerous.
Criell Espent are slightly shorter and leaner than Saeli with bodies that are a lot leaner and harder, they have whipcord muscle and their wings tend to be harder and sharper to the point of being bladed on the edges.
A Criell Espent may cut through a full-grown man's torso with one powerful swing of this wings, in addition to this they tend to be dark-skinned (scarlet, midnight blue, black or dark violet) and they are as fast as Espent.
The real strength of the Criell Espent is their ability to meld into their surroundings, to move without virtually any sound and to perform acts of superhuman speed and agility.
However their are less than a hundred Criell Espent around and they tend to be overwhelmingly sterile, with only a few exceptions.
The Semshimistha are an ancient race, thousands of years old, but even in the oldest half-rotted scrolls of animal skin nothing is known of how and where the Semshimistha began.
The truth may never be known, legend and myths surrounds the beginnings of Semshimistha.
In truth they arose some one-hundred thousand years ago as a brutal and tribal race, their history has been long and vicious and it is only in the last few thousand years that they have organised themselves past the levels of clans and tribes, time will have to see whether the Semshimistha are to extend their reach or become just another half-remembered legend.
Major Cities
There are a few major cities that serve as hotspots of trade and organisation they are....
Gazam Doth: Oldest city, two thousand years old and mainly made of bedrock, it is a great and wondrous site to behold, but at the same time its vicious pillars and spires and cavernous domes are unearthly and disquieting to humans, the city itself is a dull grey despite the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Despite its age Gazam is only the third largest city, surpassed by Cellasar in the centre and the harbour city of Mishrael, it mainly serves as a stopover point for metals and cloth as it makes its way across the land.
Mishrael: a huge city of peach coloured rock Mishrael is the largest population of humans, at over a million. Mishrael actually is the most pleasant of Semshimistha cities in that it has been most effected by the more delicate human touch, it is not nearly so violent looking but rather has smoother towers and the domes tend to be more gentle and rolling than sudden and intimidatingly.
Mishrael was founded a thousand years ago by the fledgling Semshimistha as a place to explore the world.
The truth greatest of Semshimistha architecture, it is ringed by a wall fifty metres high and forty thick of the deepest bedrock. The entire city is fang-like towers and spires with domes like hulking giants and citadels like hidden ogres, the city is vast and great, menacing and overpowering.
The wind itself makes a shrill scream as it flies through the city and the sky above is filled with the bodies of lesser Semshimistha going about their work, it is the seat of the authority of the ruling Luthormus nobility, founded two hundred years ago, it has taken over three centuries to build.
These cities are generally the exceptions to the general gist of Semshimsitha culture, as cities are usually built as places to contain and house the massive human populations.
The Semshimistha are not strong trades, they often raid traders who travel on and near the Semshimistha lands, but they conduct little trade themselves.
What trade that is done is done under heavy watch at Mishrael, the exports are metals, hides, cloth and herbs.
The imports are poisons, magical items and rare works.
Technology in Semshimistha is an off thing, generally it has progressed in leaps and bounds when necessary to free up labour or make weapons more solid, but in other areas it has stagnated.
For instance technologically the Semshimistha have excellent construction and metal smelting skills, but the still rely on ores to row boats and manpower to lift out crates.
While Semshimistha weapons are solid and well-made, their clothes making and food preparation skills are standard.
While Semshimistha human conscripts may wield steel-armed heavy crossbows and wear leather armour with breastplates, Semshimsitha are still to widely use horse-drawn scythes or mass irrigation.
Basically Semshimistha technology advances on a basis of it is made if necessary, and not if it is not.
Semshimistha are violently anti-religious.
They have legends about heroes and warriors, but they deny the existence of any powers beyond comprehension, to them a God is a crutch for the weak and has no place in the savage reality of life.
Semshimistha population is vast, exact numbers are not known but there are something five million standard Semshimistha, one million lesser Semshimistha including half-breeds and abnormalities, and something like twenty-four million humans, there are tens of millions of Flest labouring day after day, being born and dying under the savage iron yolk of Semshimistha dominion.
Five million Semshimistha:
Around four-million Saeli, around a million Espent.
Approximately one million made of halfbreeds, like Criell Espent, abnormalities such as Ulbarr and other less common species such as Rahoom.
Roughly twenty-four million humans, some slaves, some Sahadar, 75% male.
Human population breakdown:
90% white skinned.
Of that...
-80% black haired
-12% brown haired
---4% "sandy"
-6% blond haired
---1% ginger
-2% red-brown haired.
5% black-skinned
4% "honey" skinned.
---1% blond
---2% black haired
---.25% dark brown haired
---.75% light brown haired
1% olive skinned (dark-haired)
Humans in Semshimistha are bred for desirable characteristics and culled to remove unwanted ones, so on average humans tend to be a lot more compact and densely muscled than their "wild" counterparts.
Semshimistha military is another thing of many levels.
It is organised like so...
Krell: "Pack" 7-13 Semshimistha
Plest-Krell: "Serving Pack" 15-20 humans.
Naphon: "Force" 16-22 Semshimistha
Plest-Napthon: 18-30 humans.
Elmar: "Guard" 102-116 Semshimistha
Plest-Napthon: 120-140 humans
Rakk: "Fist" 450-462 Semshimistha
Plest-Rakk 470-500 humans.
Xarr: "Blade" 1078-1106 Semshimistha
Plest- 1120-1160 humans.
Batarnos: "Killing Strike" 2205-2265 Semshimistha
Plest- 2250-2300 Semshimsitha
Naft: "Swarm" 10320-10430 Semshimistha
Plest-Naft 10420-10625 humans.
Gaur: "Horde" 21505-21610 Semshimistha
Plest-Gaur: 21600-21700 humans
All Semshimistha warriors bear the prefix -Nain, which means "fighter" or "warrior"
Sahadar are always given the ability to command a krell of Plest-Nain, identified by black clothing.
Saphar- denotes a superior officer, gives command of up to a Naphon, or roughly twenty men, usually they will have more ornatew weaponry than a normal Sahadar.
Japhul- denotes a more senior officer, the rank grants command of troops up to a Elmar or about a hundred men, usually granted gold or silver thread to weave into the breast of a tunic to show this rank, fangs are a common marker of this rank.
Japhul-z'cial- a higher command, give command of low-hundreds of men or several Elmar, the rank is often double that of a Japhul.
Ephar-title that denotes a command among humans, suitable to command mid hundreds to a thousand men, this rank is symbolised by further advancements of a rank, such as tear-drop medals or woven silver embroidery.
Military Size:
This is a hard subject to measure, as all Semshimsitha are capable of combat, however many also have primary tasks that stop them from being soldiers, so the number of actual Semshimistha warriros is comparatively low, around a hundred and fifty thousand, Espent make up around a another forty thousand with a further thirty thousand made up of other Semshimsitha halfbreeds and abnormals.
In addition to that there is roughly one million one-hundred thousand Plest-Nain or human warriors under arms, however a large portion of these forces are used to garrison territory and keep the newer slaves in order, slaughtering the small percentage that try to rebel, meaning that total deployable strength is around seven hundred thousand men, but it is extremely improbably that this entire force would ever be used or deployed against a single enemy as Kiishra by nature would not be willing to asociate with others to the degree necessary to pull off such a large-scale operation.
It should be mention that there is a firther three-hundred thousand Plest-Hegr that dress in grey and serve as the police force to keep slaves in line and oversee projects, however these men are not fully trained warriors and are mainly armed with cudgels and short swords. (equivalent to police force.)
Surprisingly it is the human contingents that have learn discipline the best, as they need to stay alive given some of the battles, human soldiers or Plest-Fletri often fight in tight, organised formation with crossbows and lances, as fighting up close would be suicide. It is an interesting system whereby the humans act to balance out the weak points of the Semshimistra and in turn are protected from their mutual enemies. Humans who are sent on campaign are always led by blood-bonds and are never first-generation slaves, showing one's strength is one of the only way to gain status for humans.
Also the Semshimistha army doesn't have cavalry, but rather some breeds of Semshimistha to compensate, such as Espent for use a messengers and particularly heavily developed Saeli armed with great swords as breakers.
The thing that many must remember is that the Semshimistha are brutal and violent, but they are NOT stupid, they have a rough and effective way of fighting and understand concepts such as encirclement and cutting supply lines. The benefits of defensive and offensive positions and the nature of siege warfare, all born from practical experience.
The major weak points of the Semshimistha are their lack of siege ability and their lack of a navy (only about forty warships in total, who are mainly used as raiders), the major strong points of the Semshimistha are peerless close range ability and resistance to damage, battle endurance and the ability to carry out attrition.
Semshimistha weapons:
Due to the wide difference in body structure weapons differ between the Semshimistha races.
Aramon blade: Kiishra only. This is a huge blade, either single or double sided and as long as eight feet counting the handle, the blade is usually something like ten centimetres wide and half as thick, so it is a tremendously heavy weapon. Few use this weapon, but those that have used it over the long years have adapted to it and can use it with a level of mastery that is frightening to behold as it can be used to hack through solid plate armour and a wall of lances alike.Soem sorts of Le'sha are made to mimic these blades in which case they are given the subname Le'sha Ara, which means they are longer than six feet counting the handle.
Le'sha: Heavy falchion/cleaver like sword, typically they tend to be large and heavy, but easily wielded by a well hardened Semshimistha warrior, this is one of two swords that is widely used. The Le'sha uses its massive weight and strong edge to hack apart armoured foes, usually disarming humans by the sheer kinetic force of its swing, they can be made of obsidian or metal, usually steel.
Vrashal: Longer and thinner than the Le'sha the Vrashal is a barbed or serrated blade, typically around five-foot long with as few as a dozen large hooked barbs or as many as two-hundred smaller serrated teeth. Unlike the hacking Le'sha the Vrashal is made for tearing through lighter armoured and killing and crippling enemies by causing massive bleeding and internal trauma.
Vaisa Axe: Vaisa axe is a large-bladed axe with a long, thick spike balancing the blade, it can be used to hack apart enemies or stab them to death with the long (as long as a foot and a half) spike.
Y'shiel Axe: Much like a tomahawk this is comparatively small and light with a single-sided sharp head and is often used in pairs, they may be thrown to effect by a skilled user.
Yaab Mace: Quite basic, a simple metal ball on a wooden or metal haft, the ball may be spiked or faceted or larger or smalelr or made of obsidian or stone or many types of steel. It is effective against armoured and standard troops alike.
Lungren Lance: A type of long bladed spear, the weapon itself is something like eight feet (240 centimetres) long with a blade that is three feet long (90 centimetres) The Lungren lance is not as common as the other weapons, but does have its users.
Bartna Lance: A javelin, usually wielded and thrown in the first stages of battle. A Bartna can be thrown as far as a hundred and fifty yards by a skilled Saeli, each weapon is seven feet long (210 centimetres) with a spike a foot long (30 centimetres) the weapon itself can punch through armour with ease and is considered one of the more dangerous aspects of Semshimistha warfare.
Espent weapons:
Shile: A long single-edged and curved blade. Unlike the heavy and barbed weapons of their stronger cousins the Espent prefer light swift strokes with a sharp edge, they can be used to stab through chaimmail or to slash through leather armour.
Yaour: These are as long as Shile, but used in groups of two, unlike the Shile the Yaour is straight with a V-shaped guard designed to catch the enemies blade. Yaour are more accustomed to taking on multiple foes and some Espent have been possessed of truly legendary skills with these weapons.
Nendino Bow: Longbow, the Espent love to fight at a range at which they can kill, but not be struck back, so some of them are expert bowmen who use this weapon to deadly effect. They have a range of three-hundred metres with an accurate range of about seventy metres and take two hundred pounds (about 90 kilograms) to draw. This is the larger of the two bows used by Espent and is primarily used in open ground, it is typically seven foot tall (210 centimetres.) Typically made of white Dapa'nal wood.
Vrath Bow: the smaller cousin of the Nendino, it has a drawing force of one-sixty pounds (about seventy kilos) and are usually five foot long and recurved for better use in scrub and forest. The Wrath sacrifices range for accuracy, having a range of one hundred and twenty metres, but is accurate up to one-hundred metres. Typically made of black Cylla wood.
Plest and Sahadar weapons:
Fareph Blade: A single-sided sword that is of the "hand-and-a-half" variety where it can be wielded by or two hands, it is a favourite of commanders for its adaptability and speed, as well as its fine craftsmanship.
Wreng Blade: double-sided and straight long sword, typically heavier than the Fareph but still useful. The Wreng is standard issue among Plest-Nain but is also common among Sahadar.
Vara Blade: Mush like the Vrashal the Vara is serrated or barbed, like most human-made weapons it is easily wielded by either one or both hands. It is considerably smaller than the Saeli equivalent for obvious reasons.
Galatan Spike: This is something of a war pickaxe, it has one long spike (35cm) with "teeth" or many small blades and serrations, used to stab deep and tear into flesh, and the other spike is shorter, (15-20cm) thicker and more solid so it can punch through even the strongest of plate. Plest versions are typically steel whereas Sahadar usually have adamantine tipped spikes.
Kusav Axe: Rather simple and solid the Kusav is a large half-mood blade attached to a haft, typically they're quite heavy and can be used to hack apart wooden shields or doors as well as fleshy targets. Sometimes used in variants by Sahadar.
Shien Crossbow: The workhorse of the Semshimsitha's ranged strength the Shien, it is a metal-armed crossbow with a range of about two-hundred paces and accurate up to ninety. The Shien may be mastered in a year of practice and a wielder may become adept in its use in only a week as it is simple to use. However the Shien is made for penetrative power and force and does its job well, being able to penetrate solid plate armour at any range.
All-in-all the Shien is a reliable, simple and solid weapon, the downside being that it may only fire once ever forty-five to fifty seconds.
Kii-Shien Crossbow: Almost identical to the Shien, the Kii-Shien takes significantly longer to produce, this is because it is a higher quality weapon that has an extra range of about forty paces and higher accuracy up to one-twenty paces, also it fires a bolt with 40 N of more force, not that this extra force is required. Typically the Kii-Shyien takes about forty second to reload, making it still very slow. However the Kii-Shien is favoured by some Sahadar and can have a spike equipped for stabbing melee use.
Laa-Shien Crossbow: Currently an experimental design that is funded by the Lamorr, it is a repeating crossbow that is capable of firing six rounds in six seconds and takes about twenty-five seconds to reload. It has reduced range (18 paces at max), accuracy (accurate to sixty) and fire-power (two-third of the Shien), but still suffices for most use and still has the force to penetrate plate mail armour (albeit with only flesh damage to targets.)
The Shienj is also rather larger and more bulky, making it harder to use and its use is also more complex meaning it takes logner to become adept at.
However, it is still a weapon with many obvious advantages and is expected to see deployment along with the next action involving the Lamorr's personal troops.
Batara Spear: Seven foot long and either bladed or spiked the Batara is standard-issue for many Plest-Nain, it can be made from common materials such as oak and steel or in the case of Sahadar it may be mithril or adamantine edged steel and Cylla wood, however this is uncommon as it is often viewed as a common weapon. The Batara is actually very well built with a socketed design that allows great strength.
A lot of the everyday trade is made by barter, money is usually only used in either very large or very small trades. Due to the raider nature of the Semshimistha many coins from many nations are present, but some coins are made domestically.
However, since coins are often made from confiscated plunder they have rather abnormal and unique make-ups. Some of the nobility own very few coins, but instead trade in small precious gems, pearls or other such things.
Sath: Brassy disk, small and light, used for menial things such as buying bread or meat.
Namon: Silver coin, larger and heavy.
Sula: Can be used as a substitute for Gerri, about half the size, same make up.
Gerri: Thick and heavy gold coin.
The Semshimistha lands have some unique resources as well as other more well known ones.
Unique resources.
Slyphaa: Slyphaa, Slyphaa steel, etc. is a pale milky metal that can have a blue hue to it, it is the ultra-refined version of Saelifa metal that has been fused with the blood of a Semshimsitha to create a bond with them. Slyphaa is very strong, and about as light as steel, its pure resistance rivals adamantine and mithril but it tends to feel icy cold and most species are struck by fear when they touch this fell metal. It literally means "wraith-like."
Saelifa: The unrefined version of Slyphaa, it doesn't have the anti-magic properties and tends to be lighter than Slyphaa, also it appears pure white but can be died by using certain minerals. It can still be considered a rival of adamantine and mithril, but it is slightly weaker than Slyphaa metal. Saelifa literally means "strong metal"
Yeffel hide: The Yefeel is an extremely tough-hided beast, usually weighed four to six tonnes typically, (maybe go up to twelve for an alpha-male) and is something like a cross between bison and rhinoceros. It has short thick fur and two huge horns and feeds mainly on grass and low-lying scrub, they have heavy extremely dense flesh and their hide is strong enough that it must uses razor-sharp Saelifa to cut it smoothly. Yeffel hide is surprisingly comfortable and may be died, although it is typically a dark-brown.
Dapa'nal wood: a white pale wood, it is strong, considerably more so that things such as yew or oak, and long-lasting with a natural hardness and resilience that increases as it ages. Ideally Dapa'nal wood should be left to age for ten years before use to achieve maximum results.
Cylla wood: A black wood of high strength and density, it can be flexible if treated with certain resins and is comparable in many ways to Dapa'nal. However, unlike Dapa'nal it is ready to use almost straight from the tree. Typically Cylla is very stiff and resistant to bending or bowing, so it is often used for hafts for many weapons.
Resources that are not in high concentration include Diamond, Adamantine, Mithril, Gemstones and Silver, some particularly highly concentrated resources are stone such as Granite and Basalt, obsidian, iron, goal and leather.
Will update for weapons used and other subspecies soon, also once population figures are negotiated.
How's this sounding? I'm trying to go for a more traditional evil feel, combined with a bit of survival-of-the-fittest.
Slaves are used for a great many things, from the unbelievably mundane (such as making charcoal) to the back-breaking and dangerous, such as mining gold, and other ores.
Some of the worst jobs for Cesp are things like working the rowing, which involves twelve hours of backbreaking rowing in the massive galleys of Semshimsitha where slowing without orders means a taste of the lash.
Slaves are also heavily used in construction of roads and rivers, monuments and digging out of caverns and tunnels.
However, one of the worst jobs is mining Saelifa ore, which resides in a hard glassy rock that when struck shatters showering everyone nearby with razor-edged splinters than can and do blind people, one a vein of the ore is found a fire is set to heat the rock, which is then left for a day and large amounts of water are throw onto the rock face, this causes violent contraction of the rock and causes large portions of the rock to shatter, once again providing a hazard by sending splinters of rock flying around and to a soft-skinned human such wounds can main or kill.
This is without mentioning the cramped conditions, the unbearable heat and the dim light.
A slave's lot usually involves long hours of thankless work and death if they fail to measure up, if they do a good enough job for long enough they may be raised to Sahadar, which is a lot better than the life of stony dens and feeding troughs that a slave has to look forward too.
(NA-kay-er-al Sem-shi-mist-HA)
That is the "Grouped Tribes of Semshimistha" (generic name for all demons) in the native tongue.
The system is far more loose than those of human cultures, still it has a rude complexity to it and it IS organised.
At the top is the rank of Lamorr, or 'Eternal', ANY Semshimistha regardless of rank or race may advance to this position, so long as they kill the previous bearer of the title. Ironically the title of "eternal" lasts only as long as its bearer is the most cunning or strongest around.
Despite the almost constant infighting the Lamorr is the recognised head-honcho, his power is absolute and his word is law, as far as Semshimistha are concerned and as far as they are obedient.
Also, although the rank is easy to gain in theory, in practice it is almost impossible as the bearer is almost always a Kiishra and thus extremely capable, aside from that the Lamorr must be a stronger warrior than other Semshimistha, which means they often the finest of the finest in terms of battle prowess.
Next is the title of Khang or 'Lord', a Khang is almost always a Kiishra, but as of now there are some that are not. Khang wield power over swathes of land, they rule by the force of their charisma, the ferocity of their strength and the power of their cunning. A single Khang usually reigns over tens of thousand of other Semshimistha and they serve as the nobility. One must be born to the Khang, take the blood of a Khang or they may be raised to it by the Lamorr.
After that comes the Graph or 'Higher', this is the highest a blood-bonded human may reach, but this is a rare occurrence, as most are Semshimistha of lower classes such as Saeli.
Graph serve as the bureaucracy, so to speak, it is their duty to summon Semshimistha to war, overseer construction and basically to get things done. Usually their are eight Graph to a Khang and each serve as a Khang's subordinate.
Next we have the Zaal, or 'Favoured' these the high class citizens, this is the highest a non-bonded human may reach. Zaal often live lives that are less harsh than their brothers and sisters of Semshimistha, however they still have a harsh lot, the only thing that separates Zaal from the lower ranks is the fact that Zaal can and do own land, in which case they are Za'Zaal, which may extend up to one-thousand people on average.
Zaal also may serve as the lowest level of bureaucracy, carrying messages, stamping coins, and other such acts, in which case they are Lah'Zaal.
After the Zaal comes the Kull or 'Normal', they tend to have a much similar role to Zaal, except they may not own land and keep only the wealth they can to themselves, most Semshimistha belong to this class and it is in this class that craftsmen and labourers also exist.
Cesp or 'Lowly' these are slaves, typically human although Semshimistha may sink to these depths.
Cesp exist only to serve and to labour, in times of war many human Cesp may be rounded up and sent to battle armed lightly with clubs and hammers to act as cannon fodder.
Cesp sometimes stage rebellions, but are usually slaughtered on mass gleefully by their dark and violent masters.
It should be noted that as this is a human view the actual system is a good deal more chaotic and fluid, for instance Kiishra always outrank any but Khang and humans never may outrank Zaal, unless blood-bonded.
Semshimistha society is a brutal and cruel thing in many respects, touched lightly by civilisation, but still a very savage system.
The basic is survival of the strong and cunning, death and enslavement to the weak and stupid.
or 'Great Ones'.
These are usually the strongest, though not necessarily the oldest or wisest, of the Semshimistha. Usually they appear to be large and muscular, as tall as ten to twelve feet (approx 3.5 metres tall) and usually weighing around two-hundred and fifty to three-hundred kilograms, individual cases vary and may be almost double this in some cases (such as Harakhan).
Kiishra often have great wings of as much as ten feet in length each, but these are not made for flying, but rather serve as great armoured shields and blunt force trauma weapons, capable of breaking bones with a single slap and easily capable of withstanding blows from all but the stoutest of blades, they are also highly used in the practice of ritual duelling known as Ja'thanoth Sye (Duel of angry souls).
Combine the ability to regenerate horrific wounds and strength that surpasses that of a wild bull coupled with a hide that can shrug off sword blows and arrow strikes and claws that can rend leather and flesh like rotted cloth and you have the typically Kiishra, rare and mighty they are the pinnacle of Semshimistha strength with each one being an unparalleled warrior, hardened from birth to become such.
However Kiishra are limited to perhaps two hundred alive today, any children of Kiishra are always true-blooded, but due to a slow maturation cycle and mass infanticide Kiishra population only grows with terrain conquered, to move up and serve as the lord or nobility over the conquered.
Appearance-wise Kiishra usually have dark blue, purple, black, red or green skin, their eyes can be anything from yellow to red and they often decorate themselves with tribal tattoos that depict spirals and flames.
Kiishra are quite humanoid, with double pointed ears, standard points and pointed lobes, and often they have dark hair, Kiishra often have chiselled and sharp features, with longer and sharper teeth than normal.
Some random mutations such as claws and tails of many descriptions may occur, as well as sharp bony protrusions on the elbows and knees, hands may also mutate to support much larger talons for rending flesh with greater ease, this involves having shorter and more muscular fingers and talons as long as fifteen centimetres, capable of punching through even iron armour.
On the subject, Kiishra have vastly abnormally strong flesh and bones, past that of all but a few exceptions, their bones can shrug off sledgehammer blows and turn the strikes from swords and daggers for periods of time.
This is because it takes fifty years for a Kiishra to mature and they stay strong for as long as a thousand years later, a Kiishra is considered at his prime at age five-hundred.
Male Kiishra often have larger and more heavily muscled bodies, especially with their wings, their canine teeth are much larger and their claws tend toward the thicker and sharper.
Female Kiishra are almost the opposite, to the extent of almost being a different species. Female Kiishra are around seven feet tall on average, with underdeveloped wings and lean muscular bodies.
One should not be fooled by the perceived fragility of the female Kiishra as they are lighting-fast, faster even than their male counterparts, and capable of feats of tremendous agility.
However, it is a sad truth that Female Kiishra are rare and mainly restricted to the lower levels of nobility.
The lord of all Semshimistha is a Kiishra by the name of Harakhan Cyl Luthormus, a towering midnight-fleshed being with pale silver tattoos lacing his body and eyes like bloody fire.
Harakhan himself is old, but not nearly as ancient as some, and king for a century after brutally slaying his older brother in a duel at age four-hundred.
or 'Strong.'
In many respects Saeli are much like lesser versions of Kiishra, they tend to have lighter skin, less developed wings and less dense flesh and bone, they also lack their 'cousin's' resistance to magic.
Unlike their older and stronger "cousins" Saeli can't turn aside axe strokes with the sheer strength of their wings, their flesh can be pierced and cut by swords and daggers, albeit without a great deal of ease.
Saeli tend to the more brighter skin colours, such as red, pale blue and bright yellow, they are usually ten feet tall on average.
However Saeli are still vastly above the capabilities of humans, they still live their lives by the fierce hierarchical system that governs the Semshimistha and they still live by the same rules of battle.
With rare blessing Saeli may give birth to the two beings higher than them, Kiishra and Ullbarr, but may also give birth to lower Semshimistha, however the vast majority of Semshimistha children are normal, albeit when they crossbreed their genetics aren't always dominant.
Saeli are one of the most common Semshimistha, most of them serve as warriors and overseers occupying the positions of Zaal.
Saeli do still live for long period of time if left on their own, with some being as old as two-thousand years.
Many Saeli are formed into Hurra or 'Clans', these are usually headed by a Kiishra noble and serve as the lower members of his or her rule.
Saeli follow the same rules as Kiishra, males more heavily muscled and more developed, females not so.
or 'Elementals'
Perhaps the most mutated the freakish of the Semshimistha, Ulbarr can assume many different shapes and forms, however, unlike other races these mutations are welcomed as they show signs of blessing.
Ulbarr can be anything such as the giant Jikeel, a huge beast with two-dozen tentacles, each as long and thick as a tree trunk and a rubbery body with multiple eyes and mouths.
To the five-foot tall, fragile and stooped S'xial, one of only a few mutations that may wield magic.
Because of their immense variety not all Ulbarr will be listed, but the msot common mutations will be.
A rare condition that is born resembling a normal Saeli, but seems begins to mutate and grow extra arms, their bodies grow at an astronomical rate and their hands begin to turn into spiked and sucked tentacles, by age ten they are typically several tonnes with limbs as long as men are tall. There are perhaps a few dozen of these beings and they inhabit the dark waters of the Semshimistha seas, the largest being the one who gave them their name, the giant knows as Jikeel who lies in the bay also named after himself.
Jikeel himself is by now two thousand years old, he rarely stirs even at the direct command of the Lamorr, his strength simply too great to challenge, his home simply too impenetrable.
This stoops and lizard like beings are fragile and weak, almost nothing like their parent stock.
They tend to be exceptionally strong wielders of destructive and defensive magic, but their numbers are perhaps a hundred.
In the most bizarre of ways thge S'xial are much like the hulking Kiishra of their own, they are greatest in magical ability of all Semshimistha.
However they tend to be bend-over and thin, little bigger than a human child, they carry daggers that they may wield with lighting speed and canes made of solid wood to rest their easily-tired bodies on, they are typically hairless and pale grey-green with green reptilian eyes.
Sa'call: More in line with Saeli, they are human sized but like the S'xial they are wingless and pale. They make up for this with magic of intermediate strength, they tend toward the offensive-defensive mix and number in the hundreds, maybe as many as a thousand, they are the equal of a human mage,
Surprisingly Sa'call are actually quite common, but alone of the Semshimistha they are short-lived, living barely over a century.
or "Big Eyes"
These small Semshimistha are about two-feet tall with large eyes and wear thick dark robes, they have wings much larger than themselves which they often tuck around their bodies.
Their lot in life is poor, serving as watchmen and detectors mainly, their only strength is their sight and it is the only reason the harsh nature of the Semshimistha has not taken them.
Usually Rahoom are dark-skinned with thick stout bodies and bright yellow eyes, sometimes they even ride on the shoulder of large and strong Saeli or Kiishra and serve as and extra pair of eyes, their service is rewarded with food, space and money, but they are not allowed to own more than enough land to raise a family on, nor could they hold onto such if it was attempted.
Rahoom can see well in dark or light, they can see the threads of magic, they can predict much and see what many can not, they number in the thousands and are employed on watch throughout the land.
or "Shadows"
Espent are tall and willowy, but small and fragile for Semshimistha.
Espent have a lifestyle of their own, they are lean and muscular with sharp-edged wings.
Espent are a by-product of the savage system of selection favoured by Semshimistha, unlike their larger cousins they tend toward agility and speed to remain strong, they still occupy the same positions in social strata as Saeli though.
Espent are still capable fighters, they are around seven feet tall and sinewy, capable of wielding bladed spears and long swords with ease, they are also agile and may serve as assassins due to their stealth skills, HOWEVER, Espent are little stronger than humans and lack the resilience of the other Semshimistha, so they are not often seen in the field of battle.
Despite their similar positions Espent are vastly less common than Saeli, outnumbered five-to-one by their larger cousins.
Appearance-wise Espent are usually dressed in close-fitting plaes of overlapping armour, to make up for their weak skin, which is a dark blue colour, their eyes are often bright green and they usually have their hair in long braids.
Both male and female are very similar physically and mentally, with the only significance being sexual organs.
These are humans who have been deemed worthy of blood, they serve as leaders of groups of men sent in to battle, they often wear all black armour and clothes and have eyes the colour of fresh blood, their skin becomes chalky and their hair loses its colour, fading to a soulless dark grey.
Sahadar is both a gift and a curse, to be Sahadar means that one is forever bound to one's Samshimistha master, but it also brings the possibility of a better life.
'Servants' negative connotation.
The lowest of the low, they are the standard human stock, they live short and brutal lives lightened only by their short periods of time at the feeding troughs and mating grounds.
Flest are humans who slave to aid the Saeli in their labours, they live in cramped settlements and are always watched over.
The only way for Flest to progress is by being soldiers and appeasing their lords, their lives may be ended at any time for any reasons.
It should be noted that females are given the title Geh'Flest, and may be used as objects of sexual satisfaction as well, but are primarily used as mating stock for males.
It should be noted, however, that a very few female Flest have become something more by bearing the half-blood children of Saeli and also that despite the conditions they exist in, the human stock of Semshimistha is actually very strong, in much the same way that the Semshimistra weed out the week from their own races they do so for their human servants as well.
Still to come....
Halfbloods and other less-common races + other abnormalities.
Kiisoom are the Rahoom of the scent world, their sense of scent and smell is so advanced they can smell magic, they have a sense of smell vastly greater than even the strongest of hound's. However, Kiisoom are quite rare with populations of only a few thousand and they are also vulnerable, they are larger than Rahoom but still only about one metre (31/3 feet) high and perhaps thirty kilos. They tend to have large beak-like noses, little amounts of hair and dark leathery skin, like the Rahoom they weak long hooded cloaks to hide their fragile forms and are usually seen trailing larger Saeli or Kiishra.
Criell Espent
(Death Shadows)
These are the children of Espent and Saeli, although rare occurrences they are terrifying and dangerous, although in many ways they are as flawed as they are dangerous.
Criell Espent are slightly shorter and leaner than Saeli with bodies that are a lot leaner and harder, they have whipcord muscle and their wings tend to be harder and sharper to the point of being bladed on the edges.
A Criell Espent may cut through a full-grown man's torso with one powerful swing of this wings, in addition to this they tend to be dark-skinned (scarlet, midnight blue, black or dark violet) and they are as fast as Espent.
The real strength of the Criell Espent is their ability to meld into their surroundings, to move without virtually any sound and to perform acts of superhuman speed and agility.
However their are less than a hundred Criell Espent around and they tend to be overwhelmingly sterile, with only a few exceptions.
The Semshimistha are an ancient race, thousands of years old, but even in the oldest half-rotted scrolls of animal skin nothing is known of how and where the Semshimistha began.
The truth may never be known, legend and myths surrounds the beginnings of Semshimistha.
In truth they arose some one-hundred thousand years ago as a brutal and tribal race, their history has been long and vicious and it is only in the last few thousand years that they have organised themselves past the levels of clans and tribes, time will have to see whether the Semshimistha are to extend their reach or become just another half-remembered legend.
Major Cities
There are a few major cities that serve as hotspots of trade and organisation they are....
Gazam Doth: Oldest city, two thousand years old and mainly made of bedrock, it is a great and wondrous site to behold, but at the same time its vicious pillars and spires and cavernous domes are unearthly and disquieting to humans, the city itself is a dull grey despite the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.
Despite its age Gazam is only the third largest city, surpassed by Cellasar in the centre and the harbour city of Mishrael, it mainly serves as a stopover point for metals and cloth as it makes its way across the land.
Mishrael: a huge city of peach coloured rock Mishrael is the largest population of humans, at over a million. Mishrael actually is the most pleasant of Semshimistha cities in that it has been most effected by the more delicate human touch, it is not nearly so violent looking but rather has smoother towers and the domes tend to be more gentle and rolling than sudden and intimidatingly.
Mishrael was founded a thousand years ago by the fledgling Semshimistha as a place to explore the world.
The truth greatest of Semshimistha architecture, it is ringed by a wall fifty metres high and forty thick of the deepest bedrock. The entire city is fang-like towers and spires with domes like hulking giants and citadels like hidden ogres, the city is vast and great, menacing and overpowering.
The wind itself makes a shrill scream as it flies through the city and the sky above is filled with the bodies of lesser Semshimistha going about their work, it is the seat of the authority of the ruling Luthormus nobility, founded two hundred years ago, it has taken over three centuries to build.
These cities are generally the exceptions to the general gist of Semshimsitha culture, as cities are usually built as places to contain and house the massive human populations.
The Semshimistha are not strong trades, they often raid traders who travel on and near the Semshimistha lands, but they conduct little trade themselves.
What trade that is done is done under heavy watch at Mishrael, the exports are metals, hides, cloth and herbs.
The imports are poisons, magical items and rare works.
Technology in Semshimistha is an off thing, generally it has progressed in leaps and bounds when necessary to free up labour or make weapons more solid, but in other areas it has stagnated.
For instance technologically the Semshimistha have excellent construction and metal smelting skills, but the still rely on ores to row boats and manpower to lift out crates.
While Semshimistha weapons are solid and well-made, their clothes making and food preparation skills are standard.
While Semshimistha human conscripts may wield steel-armed heavy crossbows and wear leather armour with breastplates, Semshimsitha are still to widely use horse-drawn scythes or mass irrigation.
Basically Semshimistha technology advances on a basis of it is made if necessary, and not if it is not.
Semshimistha are violently anti-religious.
They have legends about heroes and warriors, but they deny the existence of any powers beyond comprehension, to them a God is a crutch for the weak and has no place in the savage reality of life.
Semshimistha population is vast, exact numbers are not known but there are something five million standard Semshimistha, one million lesser Semshimistha including half-breeds and abnormalities, and something like twenty-four million humans, there are tens of millions of Flest labouring day after day, being born and dying under the savage iron yolk of Semshimistha dominion.
Five million Semshimistha:
Around four-million Saeli, around a million Espent.
Approximately one million made of halfbreeds, like Criell Espent, abnormalities such as Ulbarr and other less common species such as Rahoom.
Roughly twenty-four million humans, some slaves, some Sahadar, 75% male.
Human population breakdown:
90% white skinned.
Of that...
-80% black haired
-12% brown haired
---4% "sandy"
-6% blond haired
---1% ginger
-2% red-brown haired.
5% black-skinned
4% "honey" skinned.
---1% blond
---2% black haired
---.25% dark brown haired
---.75% light brown haired
1% olive skinned (dark-haired)
Humans in Semshimistha are bred for desirable characteristics and culled to remove unwanted ones, so on average humans tend to be a lot more compact and densely muscled than their "wild" counterparts.
Semshimistha military is another thing of many levels.
It is organised like so...
Krell: "Pack" 7-13 Semshimistha
Plest-Krell: "Serving Pack" 15-20 humans.
Naphon: "Force" 16-22 Semshimistha
Plest-Napthon: 18-30 humans.
Elmar: "Guard" 102-116 Semshimistha
Plest-Napthon: 120-140 humans
Rakk: "Fist" 450-462 Semshimistha
Plest-Rakk 470-500 humans.
Xarr: "Blade" 1078-1106 Semshimistha
Plest- 1120-1160 humans.
Batarnos: "Killing Strike" 2205-2265 Semshimistha
Plest- 2250-2300 Semshimsitha
Naft: "Swarm" 10320-10430 Semshimistha
Plest-Naft 10420-10625 humans.
Gaur: "Horde" 21505-21610 Semshimistha
Plest-Gaur: 21600-21700 humans
All Semshimistha warriors bear the prefix -Nain, which means "fighter" or "warrior"
Sahadar are always given the ability to command a krell of Plest-Nain, identified by black clothing.
Saphar- denotes a superior officer, gives command of up to a Naphon, or roughly twenty men, usually they will have more ornatew weaponry than a normal Sahadar.
Japhul- denotes a more senior officer, the rank grants command of troops up to a Elmar or about a hundred men, usually granted gold or silver thread to weave into the breast of a tunic to show this rank, fangs are a common marker of this rank.
Japhul-z'cial- a higher command, give command of low-hundreds of men or several Elmar, the rank is often double that of a Japhul.
Ephar-title that denotes a command among humans, suitable to command mid hundreds to a thousand men, this rank is symbolised by further advancements of a rank, such as tear-drop medals or woven silver embroidery.
Military Size:
This is a hard subject to measure, as all Semshimsitha are capable of combat, however many also have primary tasks that stop them from being soldiers, so the number of actual Semshimistha warriros is comparatively low, around a hundred and fifty thousand, Espent make up around a another forty thousand with a further thirty thousand made up of other Semshimsitha halfbreeds and abnormals.
In addition to that there is roughly one million one-hundred thousand Plest-Nain or human warriors under arms, however a large portion of these forces are used to garrison territory and keep the newer slaves in order, slaughtering the small percentage that try to rebel, meaning that total deployable strength is around seven hundred thousand men, but it is extremely improbably that this entire force would ever be used or deployed against a single enemy as Kiishra by nature would not be willing to asociate with others to the degree necessary to pull off such a large-scale operation.
It should be mention that there is a firther three-hundred thousand Plest-Hegr that dress in grey and serve as the police force to keep slaves in line and oversee projects, however these men are not fully trained warriors and are mainly armed with cudgels and short swords. (equivalent to police force.)
Surprisingly it is the human contingents that have learn discipline the best, as they need to stay alive given some of the battles, human soldiers or Plest-Fletri often fight in tight, organised formation with crossbows and lances, as fighting up close would be suicide. It is an interesting system whereby the humans act to balance out the weak points of the Semshimistra and in turn are protected from their mutual enemies. Humans who are sent on campaign are always led by blood-bonds and are never first-generation slaves, showing one's strength is one of the only way to gain status for humans.
Also the Semshimistha army doesn't have cavalry, but rather some breeds of Semshimistha to compensate, such as Espent for use a messengers and particularly heavily developed Saeli armed with great swords as breakers.
The thing that many must remember is that the Semshimistha are brutal and violent, but they are NOT stupid, they have a rough and effective way of fighting and understand concepts such as encirclement and cutting supply lines. The benefits of defensive and offensive positions and the nature of siege warfare, all born from practical experience.
The major weak points of the Semshimistha are their lack of siege ability and their lack of a navy (only about forty warships in total, who are mainly used as raiders), the major strong points of the Semshimistha are peerless close range ability and resistance to damage, battle endurance and the ability to carry out attrition.
Semshimistha weapons:
Due to the wide difference in body structure weapons differ between the Semshimistha races.
Aramon blade: Kiishra only. This is a huge blade, either single or double sided and as long as eight feet counting the handle, the blade is usually something like ten centimetres wide and half as thick, so it is a tremendously heavy weapon. Few use this weapon, but those that have used it over the long years have adapted to it and can use it with a level of mastery that is frightening to behold as it can be used to hack through solid plate armour and a wall of lances alike.Soem sorts of Le'sha are made to mimic these blades in which case they are given the subname Le'sha Ara, which means they are longer than six feet counting the handle.
Le'sha: Heavy falchion/cleaver like sword, typically they tend to be large and heavy, but easily wielded by a well hardened Semshimistha warrior, this is one of two swords that is widely used. The Le'sha uses its massive weight and strong edge to hack apart armoured foes, usually disarming humans by the sheer kinetic force of its swing, they can be made of obsidian or metal, usually steel.
Vrashal: Longer and thinner than the Le'sha the Vrashal is a barbed or serrated blade, typically around five-foot long with as few as a dozen large hooked barbs or as many as two-hundred smaller serrated teeth. Unlike the hacking Le'sha the Vrashal is made for tearing through lighter armoured and killing and crippling enemies by causing massive bleeding and internal trauma.
Vaisa Axe: Vaisa axe is a large-bladed axe with a long, thick spike balancing the blade, it can be used to hack apart enemies or stab them to death with the long (as long as a foot and a half) spike.
Y'shiel Axe: Much like a tomahawk this is comparatively small and light with a single-sided sharp head and is often used in pairs, they may be thrown to effect by a skilled user.
Yaab Mace: Quite basic, a simple metal ball on a wooden or metal haft, the ball may be spiked or faceted or larger or smalelr or made of obsidian or stone or many types of steel. It is effective against armoured and standard troops alike.
Lungren Lance: A type of long bladed spear, the weapon itself is something like eight feet (240 centimetres) long with a blade that is three feet long (90 centimetres) The Lungren lance is not as common as the other weapons, but does have its users.
Bartna Lance: A javelin, usually wielded and thrown in the first stages of battle. A Bartna can be thrown as far as a hundred and fifty yards by a skilled Saeli, each weapon is seven feet long (210 centimetres) with a spike a foot long (30 centimetres) the weapon itself can punch through armour with ease and is considered one of the more dangerous aspects of Semshimistha warfare.
Espent weapons:
Shile: A long single-edged and curved blade. Unlike the heavy and barbed weapons of their stronger cousins the Espent prefer light swift strokes with a sharp edge, they can be used to stab through chaimmail or to slash through leather armour.
Yaour: These are as long as Shile, but used in groups of two, unlike the Shile the Yaour is straight with a V-shaped guard designed to catch the enemies blade. Yaour are more accustomed to taking on multiple foes and some Espent have been possessed of truly legendary skills with these weapons.
Nendino Bow: Longbow, the Espent love to fight at a range at which they can kill, but not be struck back, so some of them are expert bowmen who use this weapon to deadly effect. They have a range of three-hundred metres with an accurate range of about seventy metres and take two hundred pounds (about 90 kilograms) to draw. This is the larger of the two bows used by Espent and is primarily used in open ground, it is typically seven foot tall (210 centimetres.) Typically made of white Dapa'nal wood.
Vrath Bow: the smaller cousin of the Nendino, it has a drawing force of one-sixty pounds (about seventy kilos) and are usually five foot long and recurved for better use in scrub and forest. The Wrath sacrifices range for accuracy, having a range of one hundred and twenty metres, but is accurate up to one-hundred metres. Typically made of black Cylla wood.
Plest and Sahadar weapons:
Fareph Blade: A single-sided sword that is of the "hand-and-a-half" variety where it can be wielded by or two hands, it is a favourite of commanders for its adaptability and speed, as well as its fine craftsmanship.
Wreng Blade: double-sided and straight long sword, typically heavier than the Fareph but still useful. The Wreng is standard issue among Plest-Nain but is also common among Sahadar.
Vara Blade: Mush like the Vrashal the Vara is serrated or barbed, like most human-made weapons it is easily wielded by either one or both hands. It is considerably smaller than the Saeli equivalent for obvious reasons.
Galatan Spike: This is something of a war pickaxe, it has one long spike (35cm) with "teeth" or many small blades and serrations, used to stab deep and tear into flesh, and the other spike is shorter, (15-20cm) thicker and more solid so it can punch through even the strongest of plate. Plest versions are typically steel whereas Sahadar usually have adamantine tipped spikes.
Kusav Axe: Rather simple and solid the Kusav is a large half-mood blade attached to a haft, typically they're quite heavy and can be used to hack apart wooden shields or doors as well as fleshy targets. Sometimes used in variants by Sahadar.
Shien Crossbow: The workhorse of the Semshimsitha's ranged strength the Shien, it is a metal-armed crossbow with a range of about two-hundred paces and accurate up to ninety. The Shien may be mastered in a year of practice and a wielder may become adept in its use in only a week as it is simple to use. However the Shien is made for penetrative power and force and does its job well, being able to penetrate solid plate armour at any range.
All-in-all the Shien is a reliable, simple and solid weapon, the downside being that it may only fire once ever forty-five to fifty seconds.
Kii-Shien Crossbow: Almost identical to the Shien, the Kii-Shien takes significantly longer to produce, this is because it is a higher quality weapon that has an extra range of about forty paces and higher accuracy up to one-twenty paces, also it fires a bolt with 40 N of more force, not that this extra force is required. Typically the Kii-Shyien takes about forty second to reload, making it still very slow. However the Kii-Shien is favoured by some Sahadar and can have a spike equipped for stabbing melee use.
Laa-Shien Crossbow: Currently an experimental design that is funded by the Lamorr, it is a repeating crossbow that is capable of firing six rounds in six seconds and takes about twenty-five seconds to reload. It has reduced range (18 paces at max), accuracy (accurate to sixty) and fire-power (two-third of the Shien), but still suffices for most use and still has the force to penetrate plate mail armour (albeit with only flesh damage to targets.)
The Shienj is also rather larger and more bulky, making it harder to use and its use is also more complex meaning it takes logner to become adept at.
However, it is still a weapon with many obvious advantages and is expected to see deployment along with the next action involving the Lamorr's personal troops.
Batara Spear: Seven foot long and either bladed or spiked the Batara is standard-issue for many Plest-Nain, it can be made from common materials such as oak and steel or in the case of Sahadar it may be mithril or adamantine edged steel and Cylla wood, however this is uncommon as it is often viewed as a common weapon. The Batara is actually very well built with a socketed design that allows great strength.
A lot of the everyday trade is made by barter, money is usually only used in either very large or very small trades. Due to the raider nature of the Semshimistha many coins from many nations are present, but some coins are made domestically.
However, since coins are often made from confiscated plunder they have rather abnormal and unique make-ups. Some of the nobility own very few coins, but instead trade in small precious gems, pearls or other such things.
Sath: Brassy disk, small and light, used for menial things such as buying bread or meat.
Namon: Silver coin, larger and heavy.
Sula: Can be used as a substitute for Gerri, about half the size, same make up.
Gerri: Thick and heavy gold coin.
The Semshimistha lands have some unique resources as well as other more well known ones.
Unique resources.
Slyphaa: Slyphaa, Slyphaa steel, etc. is a pale milky metal that can have a blue hue to it, it is the ultra-refined version of Saelifa metal that has been fused with the blood of a Semshimsitha to create a bond with them. Slyphaa is very strong, and about as light as steel, its pure resistance rivals adamantine and mithril but it tends to feel icy cold and most species are struck by fear when they touch this fell metal. It literally means "wraith-like."
Saelifa: The unrefined version of Slyphaa, it doesn't have the anti-magic properties and tends to be lighter than Slyphaa, also it appears pure white but can be died by using certain minerals. It can still be considered a rival of adamantine and mithril, but it is slightly weaker than Slyphaa metal. Saelifa literally means "strong metal"
Yeffel hide: The Yefeel is an extremely tough-hided beast, usually weighed four to six tonnes typically, (maybe go up to twelve for an alpha-male) and is something like a cross between bison and rhinoceros. It has short thick fur and two huge horns and feeds mainly on grass and low-lying scrub, they have heavy extremely dense flesh and their hide is strong enough that it must uses razor-sharp Saelifa to cut it smoothly. Yeffel hide is surprisingly comfortable and may be died, although it is typically a dark-brown.
Dapa'nal wood: a white pale wood, it is strong, considerably more so that things such as yew or oak, and long-lasting with a natural hardness and resilience that increases as it ages. Ideally Dapa'nal wood should be left to age for ten years before use to achieve maximum results.
Cylla wood: A black wood of high strength and density, it can be flexible if treated with certain resins and is comparable in many ways to Dapa'nal. However, unlike Dapa'nal it is ready to use almost straight from the tree. Typically Cylla is very stiff and resistant to bending or bowing, so it is often used for hafts for many weapons.
Resources that are not in high concentration include Diamond, Adamantine, Mithril, Gemstones and Silver, some particularly highly concentrated resources are stone such as Granite and Basalt, obsidian, iron, goal and leather.
Will update for weapons used and other subspecies soon, also once population figures are negotiated.
How's this sounding? I'm trying to go for a more traditional evil feel, combined with a bit of survival-of-the-fittest.
Slaves are used for a great many things, from the unbelievably mundane (such as making charcoal) to the back-breaking and dangerous, such as mining gold, and other ores.
Some of the worst jobs for Cesp are things like working the rowing, which involves twelve hours of backbreaking rowing in the massive galleys of Semshimsitha where slowing without orders means a taste of the lash.
Slaves are also heavily used in construction of roads and rivers, monuments and digging out of caverns and tunnels.
However, one of the worst jobs is mining Saelifa ore, which resides in a hard glassy rock that when struck shatters showering everyone nearby with razor-edged splinters than can and do blind people, one a vein of the ore is found a fire is set to heat the rock, which is then left for a day and large amounts of water are throw onto the rock face, this causes violent contraction of the rock and causes large portions of the rock to shatter, once again providing a hazard by sending splinters of rock flying around and to a soft-skinned human such wounds can main or kill.
This is without mentioning the cramped conditions, the unbearable heat and the dim light.
A slave's lot usually involves long hours of thankless work and death if they fail to measure up, if they do a good enough job for long enough they may be raised to Sahadar, which is a lot better than the life of stony dens and feeding troughs that a slave has to look forward too.