Lucifer Rising OOC Thread
This is the OOC thread for this topic:
All OOC comments shall be put here, and our good friend, the Shivan Worldfleet has control here. So obey him and we won't fry you.
He has something important to say. TSW?
The Shivan Worldfleet
02-06-2007, 02:34
Well, since my post is a bit delayed due to containing a word conviniently rhyming with blusterduck that quite aptly describes the coalition of nations opposing the Shivans, I figure I should mention OOCly what happened in it. Keep in mind, it still hasn't happened yet. No Metagaming.
The massive amount of firepower slung at the Cains? Well, when the post is up, there won't be any Cains?
Those Manticores? What Manticores?
Reinforcements are being sent, however. Something that'll last a bit longer. I'm thinking there might be another such wave if needed, before the finale, assuming nobody tries any superweapons that might alter things.
The finale? The Lucifer Fleet that bombed Eris into rubble and debris is going to show up. Smart commanders would run, given that they jump in around you guys. That, and it would provide good reasoning for the Shivan War.
Anyone have questions, comments, or accusations of various acts rhyming with bumperbanking?
The Shivan Worldfleet
02-06-2007, 02:36
And in other news...
OOC: All OOC stuff goes here now by request of TSW:
Should this have really made me laugh as hard as I did?
... I think all the work on the Shivan Worldfleet I've been doing is making me go a bit crazy... ... Crazier, anyway. At least I'm not shouting at people to shut up in Mekantan, eh?
(Directed at Telros and TFU in particular...)
Ruthless Slaughter
02-06-2007, 02:41
Heh, yeah the amount of firepower we slung at the forward force was a bit much huh? :)
If the huge fleet's on its way, I guess with our stand-your-ground policy poor Jameson may not survive long enough for one my fleets to come to his rescue. He's one of my main characters too...:( Oh well, we'll see if things turn out for the better. If not, then it's as they say about all good things.
Either way, really looking forward to the response.
Oh, and the Dominion has an official response to your use of colorful language in regards to our battle group as well as the other nations involved. It reads as follows:
JK of course! :D I was just looking for a reason to use that smily, it struck me as pretty funny that someone would make one like that.
The Shivan Worldfleet
02-06-2007, 02:59
If the huge fleet's on its way, I guess with our stand-your-ground policy poor Jameson may not survive long enough for one my fleets to come to his rescue. He's one of my main characters too...:( Oh well, we'll see if things turn out for the better. If not, then it's as they say about all good things.
Oh, there can always be a way to save an important character. Who knows, maybe having seventy Demons jump in at once will cause some sort of subspace shockwave to drag him into a subspace portal, and his ship will be found disabled (with him alive) in some asteroid field somewhere.
Deus Ex Machina isn't a bad word. ... It's three bad words that work so good.
lol, very nice.
Yeah, chances are The Will Will end up calling in a huge army, to have it all run away again when the shit hits it :/
shivan war #3, here we go.
The Fedral Union
02-06-2007, 03:47
Well any one smart enough that sees mass reinforcements come in and only has five ships "aka" my fleet would strongly consider a tactical retreat. Even though I have high quality ships being outnumbered in the hundreds is still bad :P for any one.
Can't we all just get along?
The Shivan Worldfleet
02-06-2007, 04:01
It seems unlikely.
The Shivan Worldfleet
02-06-2007, 05:24
In other news, I now have 11 posts, and the most recent Shivan post is up in the other thread.
Lets get this clusterfuck started.
02-06-2007, 07:01
Just a tag for the later activities.
I plan on participating but due to the speed at which it became a "blusterduck", I decided to wait for the next wave. Keep things a bit more sane during this one.
Bryn Shander
02-06-2007, 07:27
The resurgance of the Shivans intrigues me. Maybe I'll have a cloaked frigate quietly tail the Lucifer later.
02-06-2007, 22:32
I'm not likely to make another serious move until hostilities are over given the current situation. Harrison thinks that this can be more than handled by the powers present, while also providing an opportunity for a vast amount of intelligence gathering. So don't worry about having to wait for me to post anything directly pertaining to the current battle.
Man, reading about the Shivans makes me want to blusterduck them...if I had a reason, which I don't.
I'd actually rather get ducked in the bass by them if It came to a fight.
Ghost Tigers Rise
03-06-2007, 03:38
Man, reading about the Shivans makes me want to blusterduck them...if I had a reason, which I don't.
I'd actually rather get ducked in the bass by them if It came to a fight.
You realise no one actually minds if you say fuck or ass on the forums, right?
Probably not. I still prefer Auman's "speech impediment" though. Has it's own homey charm.
The Shivan Worldfleet
03-06-2007, 18:47
You realise no one actually minds if you say fuck or ass on the forums, right?
Bah. Auman is just mocking my initial post.
And no, nobody minds if a nation with over ten posts says fuck or ass. Below ten, and your ass gets moderated, and your post delayed.
Working on (finishing) my next post now that I'm outside the effects of food poisoning.
Ruthless Slaughter
03-06-2007, 19:15
That sounds nasty...Thankfully never had to deal with anything quite that bad. Though stomach viruses aren't fun either. At any rate, good to have you back.
03-06-2007, 19:28
I'm quite interested. You won't believe the last time my people had to deal with the Shivans. We managed to kill the Lucifer, but it was at a heavy cost.
Now it's back and meaner than ever...we're fucked.
Ruthless Slaughter
03-06-2007, 20:47
Yes, but the Saving Grace now has plasma weapons. And five very special torpedoes at its disposal.
OOC/IC Secret: Can you say antimatter warheads?
03-06-2007, 21:16
My hero!
And I have something just as neat, but you'll have to wait until I get geared up.
Ruthless Slaughter
03-06-2007, 21:18
Yeah, and with any luck, the Thor won't get rammed down Piett's throat this time...
04-06-2007, 06:35
Just a point...
If the Shivans are beat back here then there would not be a beach head established for for the upcomming shivan war itself.
Ruthless Slaughter
04-06-2007, 13:07
Just a point...
If the Shivans are beat back here then there would not be a beach head established for for the upcomming shivan war itself.
Oh, I think they'll establish a beachhead. The prospect of another Shivan War's too good to pass up! :)
04-06-2007, 13:12
Plus it's Space: there is no need for a distinct physical locality if you're trying to invade a galaxy.
Huntarian Alliance
04-06-2007, 21:48
I just missed out in the last war. It was when I first signed on as Huntaer. So now, the Alliance and possibly the Empire will have an interest. I'm going to try and get a post up in response, just not too sure on how to proceed. Oh, and CW? MSN when possible (I know you have difficulty dude) whenever you're available. Check TG's
The Shivan Worldfleet
04-06-2007, 21:50
Yes, but this is a threat from outside the galaxy. They need somewhere ( to put their stuff. Supply depots and such. Shivans do have logistics, otherwise there wouldn't be need for Shivan transports or freighters.
That, and Shivans have to put thier comm nodes and installations (Yes, yes, I know, "!?") somewhere.
The Shivan Worldfleet
04-06-2007, 21:51
I just missed out in the last war. It was when I first signed on as Huntaer. So now, the Alliance and possibly the Empire will have an interest. I'm going to try and get a post up in response, just not too sure on how to proceed. Oh, and CW? MSN when possible (I know you have difficulty dude) whenever you're available. Check TG's
Damn you for posting just as I did. ^_^ as my main NS one...
Or... as my new main one.
Same ones for Neo-Mekanta. ^_^
04-06-2007, 22:08
Yes, but this is a threat from outside the galaxy. They need somewhere ( to put their stuff. Supply depots and such. Shivans do have logistics, otherwise there wouldn't be need for Shivan transports or freighters.
That, and Shivans have to put thier comm nodes and installations (Yes, yes, I know, "!?") somewhere.
Indeed they do, but killing them off in one system won't keep them from coming in from another.
About to throw my own post up, actually. I assume that the weapons on your shivan ships are supposed to be devastatingly powerful, aye?
The Shivan Worldfleet
04-06-2007, 22:14
Not too devestatingly. The large beams on the Demons are the only super-large scale ones in this battle.
Next post I make, the Lucifer Fleet will show up, to hold the system until the first part of the war ends.
04-06-2007, 22:26
Ah, alright. I asked because no one seems to be taking all that much damage, so I had no idea if you already set out that only the big-badass ships were deadly to NS stock.
Thanks for the info.
The Shivan Worldfleet
05-06-2007, 17:19
Post is up. The Lucifer Fleet is now present.
Run away now if you want, or make one futile last stand. Or wait for me to throw you all out when something non-canon (or at least, not made by the Shivans in canon) jumps into the system, disrupting space and sending everyone too stubborn to leave yet who must survive flying to some distant system.
As long as there are survivors to tell the universe about the new Shivan threat.
05-06-2007, 17:36
I'm curious. Any Hard Light people here? Anyone still play FreeSpace or are you just RPing about it?
The Shivan Worldfleet
05-06-2007, 17:43
I'm curious. Any Hard Light people here? Anyone still play FreeSpace or are you just RPing about it?
I've actually been trying to get FS2 Open working again on my laptop. Plotting for the Shivan War has really made me miss weaving between cruisers. Alas, no such luck, it keeps crashing.
Last time I played was this time last year, if I remember right.
05-06-2007, 17:56
Lots of really helpful people there. Give them a bug report, they'll give you a hand. Anyway, FS is a great game, don't let a stupid bug prevent you from playing.
07-06-2007, 03:31
Did the Shivans bother firing at me at all? Unless I was less clear than I initially believed, I left room open for the Shivans to attack before I retreated and during my suicide-esque run.
Also, what data about the Shivans would we have gleaned from them at this point? My ships were constantly running passive scans, and active scans to match up with ordnance being fired at the time. Just wondering if I may have found anything of interest so I don't end up accidentally godmodding up what I think I found.
You realise no one actually minds if you say fuck or ass on the forums, right?
REALLY?!?! And you'd think that the four years I've spent on this site I would've known that by now...
Orthodox Gnosticism
07-06-2007, 14:19
This thread looks to be very interesting. Although I must admit that I do not know much about Shivans IRL, I am very interested in joining. Would it be possible to join at this stage, or should I wait for the next thread about this war to occur?
The Shivan Worldfleet
07-06-2007, 16:13
This thread looks to be very interesting. Although I must admit that I do not know much about Shivans IRL, I am very interested in joining. Would it be possible to join at this stage, or should I wait for the next thread about this war to occur?
Next thread. I'm presently trying to scare people out of the system so the Shivans can set up thier beachhead.
07-06-2007, 17:56
That's why I am waiting for the next wave to get involved somehow ICly.
Orthodox Gnosticism
07-06-2007, 17:58
Next thread. I'm presently trying to scare people out of the system so the Shivans can set up thier beachhead.
Ok, I look forward to the next thread then :)