NationStates Jolt Archive

The North Calaveras Campaign (attn. TPF, NC, et. al)

01-06-2007, 03:04
The decision has been made by Vetalian High Command that it would be a wise idea to put pressure on TPF forces in the nation of North Calaveras, and so an expeditionary force was dispatched to engage their military and regain control over the country:

2 SEACOM task forces (approx. 420 ships)
10 infantry divisions
8 mechanized infantry divisions
8 armored divisions

20 air superiority squadrons
10 bomber wings

The forces departed Vetalia and began to move towards North Calaveras, with the air units expected to arrive in the country in one day and the naval/army forces to arrive in approximately one week.
North Calaveras
01-06-2007, 03:15
TO: Vetalia
From: CPNC

we knew you would not abandon us in our darkest hour, we owe you an unimaginable debt.
01-06-2007, 03:52
The first air units approached the coastline of North Calaveras, looking for the abandoned bases that had been constructed by Vetalia earlier in its conflict with TPF. The bases were located and the planes began to land. Within a few hours, the planes had been landed. Shortly thereafter, transport planes bringing a few battalions of infantry as well as the maintenance and supply crews for the planes landed and began to restore the bases to operation. The rest of the week was spent ferrying in additional infantry units and restoring the bases' infrastructure to accommodate additional units.

At week's end, the fleet arrived and the bulk of military forces began to deploy, creating a defensive line that linked the bases and their supply lines to the coast. The naval forces stayed offshore, guarding the military port used to unload troops and supplies, and within a few days the infantry and air force units were entirely in place. Communication links with Vetalia were established, and crews of soldiers were working to build defenses while the commanders planned the first strikes against TPF forces.

Map of deployment:
North Calaveras
01-06-2007, 03:57
When soldiers heard the news hlements were thrown in the air. and men were dancing, It was not going to be the end after all.:)

10 Revolutionary guard were sent to make contact.
01-06-2007, 04:00
TO: Vetalia
From: CPNC

we knew you would not abandon us in our darkest hour, we owe you an unimaginable debt.

From: RRL

We apologize our pullout. We are under a more domestic situtation.
North Calaveras
01-06-2007, 04:00
The president seeing how much of a coward he was to hide in Vetalia now requested to return to his country and to the ruins of his capital building.

Kash: To long have i been in the darkness, to long have i strayed away from responsibility, i must return to my people, for better or for worse.
The PeoplesFreedom
01-06-2007, 04:05
High Command, Encrypted
Lord General Guderian, because of further enemy deployments *attached* we have authorized additional forces to reinforce you.

13th Fleet
-20 Infantry Divisions
-4 Panzer Divisions
-3 Mechanized Divisions
-2 Air Assault Divisions
-2 Paratrooper Divisions

Unfortunately, further troops must be reserved for the defense of our homeland. Bring us victory, Lord General.
01-06-2007, 04:27
Alpha Base, North Calaveras

The command was issued: the air force was to strike at TPF bases to cripple their air defenses and disrupt supply lines. The alarms were signaled and the pilots and their crews moved rapidly to get the planes in to the air to begin the strike against enemy targets. Seven air squadrons and three bomber wings took to the air and began to move towards the TPF bases:

100 Su-47 Berkuts
40 B-52 Bombers
20 FB-22 Strike Raptors
10 A-10 Thunderbolt II’s
10 B-1B Lancers
2 AC-130 Specters
2 KC-135 Stratotankers

The Su-47s moved ahead of the bombers and their escorts, which remained behind in order to avoid being attacked by enemy fighters. The Su-47s closed rapidly with the enemy bases, ready to engage any air or ground targets they encountered.
Terre Nationale
01-06-2007, 04:55
Deployment in Defense of North Cal

14 Glider Divisions
3 Independent Engineer Brigades (Carry thousands of pieces for artillery and the ordered LA3Y2 MBT, along with their trained crews)
The PeoplesFreedom
01-06-2007, 05:20
At the Base
" Incoming Hostiles, Incoming Hostiles!"
" Shit." Said Captain Bander, he was commander of one of the SAM positions.
" We have over one hundred hostile aircraft incoming sir, already our fighters are lifting to meet them." Said one of Bander's men.
" I see that. One group is also flying ahead of the rest. Well, we'll target them first then."
On his command, 27 missiles flew out of his own position, while around 75 came from others. The missiles fired out, using the booster to accelerate to the needed mach 3.5, while the main engine then took over, accelerating it to mach 6.5.

OOC: Sorry for the crappy post, I am a little tired and there's not much else to say...
01-06-2007, 05:24
Official Shakal Message To Nations Concerned

In accordance with out siding with The Peoples Freedom the Shakal Empire is dispatching troops to assist in the holding of North Calaveras. We will respond with necessary force to whoever begins agressions against our men and spare no quarter. The Shakal Empire is currently deploying the following forces to assist.

3 Infantry Divisions + 3 Artillery Brigades (75 000)
2 Motorized Divisions + 1 Engineer Brigade (45 000)

1st Expiditionary Air Squardron
-22x Su-47
-8x X-02
-20x F/A 35 Lightning II
01-06-2007, 06:10
Above the TPF base

The fighters tried to avoid the incoming missiles, but their speed was too great for leading fighters and they were pummeled. 48 aircraft were destroyed and another 12 suffered serious damage, forced to make an emergency landing in hostile territory. The remaining 40 Berkuts regrouped and unloaded a salvo of 80 air-to-surface missiles against the SAM batteries and other targets in the area, and prepared to engage the fighters scrambling to protect the skies above their base.

The decision was made back at base to send three more air squadrons in to reinforce the fighters after the attack, and they took to the skies shortly thereafter, heading towards the rest of the force moving towards the TPF base. The additional 45 fighters moved towards the engaged forces as quickly as possible.

The bombers remained in their holding pattern, waiting for the order to begin unloading on the enemy base.
Hurtful Thoughts
01-06-2007, 06:41
Can't we at least try and keep this on one thread?

Oh well, I'll scrounge up my deployment in this theater later.
Red Tide2
01-06-2007, 13:46
OOC: Sorry for being late...

IC: The two Red Tidean Dreadnought Battlegroups were still laying off the coast of North Calaveras. Ocassionally they would fire their main guns or lob a barrage of cruise missiles at a random NC City. But now they were about to do something far more serious.

The Vetelian fleet had the unfortuanate trouble of passing within 500 kilometers of these two groups. That was well within range of the 600 kilometer CM-4 Anti-Ship Missile. With a roar, one thousand of these missiles rocketed into the sky from their VLS tubes.

The CM-4s deployment procedure went as follows: they would initially be boosted up to 100,000 feet(way above most fighters and SAMs) by a single stage rocket motor. After reaching aforementioned altitude, the rocket motor fell away and the SCRAMjet activated, sending the missile screaming towards its target at mach 6. The missile was guided via RADAR uplink on the launch ships, until the missiles were sufficiently close. Once they were close enough, the missiles own RADAR would turn on and the SCRAMjets would burn out. The missiles would go into a terminal dive of mach 8. This speed insured that there could be no interception during the terminal dive.

Upon impact, the missiles large 588 kilogram warhead would blow its target ship apart in combination with its kinetic energy. The resulting firepower was sufficient to sink a SuperDreadnought, even more so less well armored ships Vetelia was using.
01-06-2007, 14:02
The damage caused by the missile salvo was absolutely incredible. The entire SEACOM battlegroup in range of the ships was destroyed beyond recovery, a massive loss of nearly 210 ships and their nearly 1,700 planes along with at least 400,000-500,000 dead and untold numbers wounded. One half of the naval forces in the region were destroyed.

In retailation for the strike, the remaining Vetalian fleet launched its own salvo of missiles, but they were heavily limited by the loss of the battle group and could only manage 150 long-range anti-ship missiles in their counterattack. Instead, they frantically signaled for more SEACOM and light carrier reinforcements, and then sent out their planes to try and engage the fleet in a desparate counterattack. Behind them, the naval fleet closed with the enemy as quickly as possible.

The following aircraft took off from the carriers and began moving towards the Red Tide armada, missiles ready to unload on any forces they could engage:

716 F/A 401 Birds of Prey
510 F-35 Lightning II’s
410 F-18E Super Hornets

They were broken up in to squadrons of 12-15 planes, the forces spread in to a wide pattern to prevent collisions and to reduce the effectiveness of SAM and other ship-based air defenses.

Meanwhile, back in Vetalia:

The call to arms was being responded to with due enthusiasm, as the country began to shift more and more production over to war materials. Already dozens of ships were under construction, with that number expected to rise in to the hundreds and even thousands in the coming months. Aircraft factories were starting to produce military aircraft, and armories turned out ever more piles of ammunition and arms for the growing army.

Although losses were severe, the Vetalian people were determined in their goal. It was only the beginning of a long struggle, and the losses of the Red Tide strike on their navy would not be forgotten.
Red Tide2
01-06-2007, 15:32
OOC: Vetelia, could you post info on those anti-ship missiles your firing at me? I cant post any a response to that until I have a basic overview of their capabilities. Also, that other fleet your sending after me, is it en-route or already there?

Sorry for the pure OOC post, if you can, link me to the OOC thread.
01-06-2007, 23:48
OOC: Sorry, I forgot. The missiles are modified RIM-67C SM-2ER class AShMs; they've got a range of 350km, a ceiling of 90,000 feet, a speed of mach 4, and use both passive radar and laser guidance to target. They've got the MK 115 blast-fragmentation warhead, which has a payload of 120kg.
Red Tide2
02-06-2007, 04:45
OOC: Your data conflicts with the ones I am getting from Dierctory of US Military Rockets and Missiles.

It says the SM-2ER has a range of 185 kilometers, a cruise speed of mach 3.5 and a ceiling in the anti-aircraft role of 80,000 feet. What is your source?

Oh, and that other fleet, is it a fleet en-route from your mainland or already there? Because if its already there, it would have been targetted.

Please post your response in the actual combat thread here:
03-06-2007, 00:09
OOC: This is a tweaked SM-2ER to reflect the influence of PMT technology on the weapons systems; I wanted to keep MT weapons systems as much as possible but reflect the influence of more advanced technology on these weapons.

And no, our fleets were broken up. The first one was ahead while the second one was escorting the supply ships and troop transports. So, realistically, you couldn't hit them both with the same salvo due to the distance between them.

Still, it was a devastating strike either way.
Blue Stronghold
03-06-2007, 01:58
Blue Stronghold's military industry has developed and evolved to a full scale, prolonged war capable industry. The Defense Department decide that it's time to help some worthy nations, using it's mighty military equipment production capacity.

The D.D. has decided: We will send towards North Calaveras 15 fully loaded C-5's containing:
2000 Interceptor Body Armors
1000 Vehicle Modular Armor Kits
200 MIM-104 Patriots
400 SMAW-D M141 w/ BDM rounds AT Launchers
Blue Stronghold
03-06-2007, 02:19
Another transport arrives. This time, a bigger fleet of 50 C-5's is carrying 200 M1A2-TUSK tanks.

Blue Stronghold will continue to send aid as long as needed.
03-06-2007, 02:22
Vetalian High Command

In the wake of the Red Tide assault on our forces, we have decided to increase our commitment to the region. Starting immediately, the following forces will be mobilized and moved in to the region over the next month:

3 SEACOM naval units
15 air superiority squadrons
7 bomber wings

10 infantry divisions
8 mechanized divisions
5 armored divisions

We will also begin to deploy additional ABM facilities to enhance our defenses in the region, bringing the total to 10 installations with a total of 1,500 ABMs activated.
The PeoplesFreedom
03-06-2007, 02:34
Above the TPF base

The fighters tried to avoid the incoming missiles, but their speed was too great for leading fighters and they were pummeled. 48 aircraft were destroyed and another 12 suffered serious damage, forced to make an emergency landing in hostile territory. The remaining 40 Berkuts regrouped and unloaded a salvo of 80 air-to-surface missiles against the SAM batteries and other targets in the area, and prepared to engage the fighters scrambling to protect the skies above their base.

The decision was made back at base to send three more air squadrons in to reinforce the fighters after the attack, and they took to the skies shortly thereafter, heading towards the rest of the force moving towards the TPF base. The additional 45 fighters moved towards the engaged forces as quickly as possible.

The bombers remained in their holding pattern, waiting for the order to begin unloading on the enemy base.

At The Base
Missiles slammed into SAM sites and launchers, destroying them. Over twenty four were destroyed or put out of action, roughly one-third of the total amount. It would have been worse, if not for the Thor laser sites which intercepted numerous missiles. Now, luckily, the first fighters lifted into the air to attack the enemy, launching off of runways. They were lucky that the enemy hadn't done runway catering first, that would have been the first priority of TPF commanders. But, luckily, it wasn't a priority for the enemy. Also, the remaining SAM positions launched an additional one hundred missiles. There were also AA vehicles coming up from the infantry divisions that were stationed at the base, and AA teams with Skyguard portable missiles were also coming. Hopefully the combined power would hold off the enemy while the fighters were still getting airborne.
03-06-2007, 03:18
Above the TPF Base

The second wave of missiles inflicted heavy damage on the planes above the base, destroying another 21 and grounding another 4. The remaining planes launched another salvo of 30 missiles at the Thor laser batteries and readied their air-to-air weapons to engage the fighters taking off in to the skies.

The three additional squadrons, a total of 45 planes, fired a salvo of 80 ATS missiles; 40 were targeted at the remaining SAM installations, 30 at the Thor batteries and the last 10 at the arriving AA vehicles.

In addition, 5 of the planes were equipped with 2 KAB-1500 laser-guided bombs each and unloaded them on the runways and hangars below to disrupt the TPF forces from putting additional planes in to the sky. The bombs were equipped with 1,350 kilogram blast-effect warheads and accelerated rapidly as they fell toward the bases. The planes then withdrew and prepared to engage the enemy fighters.

Field Command, Vetalian Bases
Seeing the huge losses inflicted from the skies, the Vetalian High Command made the decision to move in ground forces to help the embattled fighters. Two infantry divisions, a mechanized infantry division, and an armored division prepared to move out towards the base, and would arrive in around 18 hours.
Red Tide2
03-06-2007, 03:35
OOC: Vetelia, Ill be posting my real response in the other thread in a moment. Please also note that I have staged an amphibious landing on a undefended beach in unoccupied North Calaveras.
03-06-2007, 03:41
With information from satellites the two firehelper battle groups decided to launch their aircraft. (yes all you who claim to be MT use PMT tech....) 30 were launched from the airbase. They all flew low to the ground as they approached the enemy base. Hopefully they would have the element of surprise.
[several Km from the base]
The fighters all launched their missiles (heat seeking; below the radar cover thing) before heading back to the airbase built at the landing site.

((so sleeply.....))
The PeoplesFreedom
03-06-2007, 04:24
At The Base
Thor lasers fired beams, intercepting missiles left and right, even so, they barreled down upon some of the Thor lasers, destroying them. More SAM positions were destroyed, leaving a mere third left of the original force. They fired their last missiles in one last barrage, before evacuating. As more missiles came down upon Helios AA vehicles, they responded. Their twin 30mm cannons brought down some of the missiles, but even so, twenty of the forty arriving vehicles exploded. They also then responded, firing two missiles each at the enemy planes, before readying their 30mm cannons to intercept any low-flying one's. Also, Skyguard infantry teams readied their missiles, also getting ready to target any low flying planes. Finally, twenty four planes were now airborne, and they fired four missiles each at the enemy. The bombs did heavy damage to the runways, leaving half out of commission. Bombs also ruined many buildings, but luckily caused few causalities, since all men were now on the perimeter and out of the barracks and other areas.

TPFS Invincible
" Admiral, our base is requesting naval aviation and SAM support."
" Alright, we will give it to them."
The orders were quickly relayed across the fleet, and soon, over one thousand aircraft were going off the electromagnetic launchers and into the sky, ready to pounce upon the enemy. In addition, AA destroyers and cruisers fired a salvo of three hundred SAM missiles at the enemy, hoping to once and for all crush them. The Admiral, upon hearing that the Army SAM positions were destroyed, knew now that they would be relying on the Armada to provide support.
Red Tide2
03-06-2007, 04:30
OOC: Vetelia, here is my reply.

I also request that all future posts be posted there. I am not dividing my attention between two threads for what is essentially not just the same war, but the same theater of war.
03-06-2007, 05:02
Over the TPF base

The forty missiles inflicted moderate damage on the planes, destroying another 18 and downing two more, who were forced to make an emergency evacuation and were promptly captured. Since they were not making any low-altitude runs, the 30mm cannons could not fire on them during the ATS launch and the infantry could do little at this point.

However, the planes taking to the air were able to fire on the fighters, and downed another 15 planes. The remaining 10 planes countered with a salvo of 20 ATA missiles against the enemy fighters and tried to engage them long enough for the bombers to get away safely before pulling out on their own.

The bomber wings began pulling back, but all of the Vetalia nforces were unaware of the SAMs bearing down on them from the armada.

Vetalian Fleet

"Admiral, we've got confirmed TPF planes moving in towards the base. Looks like at least 800, possibly a thousand or more."

"Fuck! Alright, tell whatever's left out there to pull the hell back, and rrder the carriers to begin launching their planes and tell the fighters to withdraw till we bring in more air support. Can we hit the fleet with anything?"
"No, they're outside of our range. We could launch some SAMs to intercept the planes but otherwise we can't do a thing."
"Alright, I want the destroyers to fire some missiles to cover our much do we have?"
"We could fire up to 600, but with the targeting sats down only about 250-300 of those are going to be targeted with the rest being more or less luck."
"Fire them now!"

600 missiles were fired, with 300 of them manually targeted in the direction of the TPF planes. However, 50 of them missed entirely and came nowhere near the enemy planes.

Over the TPF base, part II

The bombers had already begun their withdrawal by this point, but the incoming salvo of missiles from the destroyers caused severe damage to the fighters attempting to disengage. All of them were destroyed, and the retreating bombers saw with sickening clarity the overwhelming forces bearing down on their retreat. To make matters worse, two bomber wings were also caught in the fire and destroyed, a loss of 50 planes destroyed and 12 downed.

However, the 1200 carrier-based planes were moving in quickly, prepared to engage any TPF forces that tried to pursue the retreating forces. They had explicit orders not to seek out the enemy, but only to provide cover to the retreat. The remaining forces limped back to the base while the carrier based planes provided cover to them during their retreat.

The ground forces continued to move out towards the TPF base, but were ordered to slow their advance until the enemy planes pulled back.
Blue Stronghold
03-06-2007, 14:32
This Time, Blue Stronghold is sending:

2000 AH-64DB Blue Apaches
1000 JAS-39C Griffins
1000 RQ-4 Global Hawks

Crew: 2
Powerplant: 2× Rolls-Royce RTM322-B turboshafts, 2,400 hp each
Maximum speed: 380 km/h
Range: 500 km
Service ceiling: 6,400 m
Armament: 1x M230 cannon, 8x AIM-9X, 8x AGM-114M

Crew: 1
Powerplant: 1× Volvo Aero RM12 afterburning turbofan, 54 kN dry, 80 kN with afterburner
Maximum speed: 2M
Range: 800 km
Service ceiling: 15,000 m
Armament: 1x BK-27 cannon, 6x AIM-9X, 4x AIM-120C, 8x AGM-65K

Crew: None
Powerplant: 1× Rolls-Royce AE23007H-H2H turbofan, 60 kN
Maximum speed: 700 km/h
Range: 3000 km
Service ceiling: 20,000 m
Armament: 12x AGM-114L
Blue Stronghold
03-06-2007, 14:58
1st package, 2nd package, 3rd package were sent in order to create a Forward Operation Base, named Azure. The base would serve as a support base for the troops of NC. The Base is defended by 4000 two-metre tall super-soldiers in The Royal Infantry, that arrived shortly after the 3rd Package, in 10 C-5Ms, namely, the 4th Package

The Royal Infantry
AK-108 assault rifle
USP45 pistol
Ka-Bar 10-inch combat knives
Interceptor Body Armor
Advanced Tactical Digital Resistant Communications Equipment (ATADIRCE)
Advanced Night Operations Equipment
Survival Equipment